Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 16, 1891, Image 5

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    4 I
! J
I ' 1
1 0
f ! I
Our entire stock of shoes
must !)t sold out rejranlless
c of cost. Vre arc yo'mtr out '
thcslioi; husincNS. KviTjiair
of scocs and ani;' slippers arc
to bi sold hv the first ' , u-
The Game Witnessed by
Large Crowd.
The Visitors Clearly Outclassed
Some Fine Ball playinK
Uy the Locals.
From AftHuUiy Diiihi
Burlinston 1 O, Sham rocks 3 .
A larie audience wandered out
to the Baseball park yesterday after
noon to witness an alleged col
lection of ball players from Omaha
play ball. The visitors played ball
that was rairired and brilliant at
turn - and never at any time threat
ened the locales with defeat. They
found I'errines curves very hard to
hit and satisfied themselves with
four safe h its, Stephenson was the
only one of them who had any mus
cle in his arms and he rapped out a
three base hit into the far left field
in the seventh inning. Aside from
liis terrific hit and a tine catch and
throw in of Yapp's the jrame way
not cut of the usual order and at no
time was the populace in danger of
fainting- from excitement.
Frank McCue, who played short
for the visitors put up one of the
best games seen here this season,
and showed that he has the making
of a ball player in him.
Creighton made his reappearance
with the home club and put up an
excellent game back of the bat
Perrine pitched an elegant game and
at one time hit the ball so hard that
the people thought he had
made a two base hit but he fooled
them. He quit running at first and
couldn't be coaxed to stretch his
hit into a double.
Motz made his first appearance
with the locals covering first base
in fine manner and using his face
to great and lasting advantage.
Adams played second with his
usual fire and vigor and got his eye
on the ball like he used to before
the "flood." Miller played third out
of sight and also hit the ball. Sam
Patterson done the thing over again
at short. Yapp made a fine catch
and a beautiful throw to the plate
catching the base runner at least
four feet from the plate. Greusel as
well as Yapp put up elegant ball in
in the field.
A fine crowd was present and if
the attendants keeps up the associa
tion will be able to keep its present
team intact.
The Burlingtons go to Glenwood
to-morrow and Wednesday they
play the Indian club on the Chicago
Avenue grounds.
Following is the score:
Ali K lill CO A E
Miller, 3bcf 3 2 10 11
Yapp, cf&3b 5 13 110
S Patterson, ss 5 1 2 2 4 0
Motz, lb .1 0 2 14 0 1
Perrine, p 4 0 1 0 9 1
Adams, 2b 3 2 1 3 2 1
Creightem. c 3 2 0 0 1 0
Greusel, rf 4 1 0 0 0 0
Green, If 3 1 0 1 0 0
Total 35 10 10 27 IS 3
. 4
11 0 3 0
0 0 2 4 2
0 0 110
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 10 0 2
0 1 10 2
0 1 4 3 0
0 0 0 2 0
1 0 0 0 0
3 3 24 13 (3
Stephenson, p&3b
Dolau. c
Frick, If
Moore, 2b
Kennedy, lb
Henn, rf3b 4
McCue, ss 4
Peterson. rfp 2
Kent, cf 3
Plattsmouth....O 0 13 14 10
Shamrocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0-
A pebble goat shoe sold ;it a dollar
for 7. cents.
A ooil calf shot sold for 1.2a co.-t
price, 1 .00.
AFine pebble goat shoe, s'lld l.aO,
-t ist grice 1 .!.".
A 'tioil pel 'I Ie (t:i t shoe, sold 2.00
cost price, 1 .."). '
A good kid shoe sold for 2.00 cost
price 1. ."V).
A good kitl shoe sold 2.7a cost
price 2,00.
flench kitl shoe selling j r ice 3..rM I
And many other others at cost.
I'acehits I iurlingtons 10, Sham
rocks 4. Kn ot s i hirl i ngtons 'A,
Shamrocks (. Struck out My I'er
rine 1, by Stephenson (), by Peterson
2. Batteries Perrine and Creigh
ton; Stephenson, Peterson and Dolau
I'mpire Yapcr. of Omaha.
The home tea m has been greatly
strengthened by the accession of
Motz, Creightom and Greusel, and
is now prohablj- the best flub in
the state barring the Lincoln
At Blair yesterday the Blair's de
feated the Indian club by a score of
21 to '1. The aborigines were un
able to bat Brott. but would ITave a much better showing had
their catcher not been injured. As
he will probably be all right by the
time they reach here a rattling
game may be looked for.
1 he Omaha Western Association
club gave up the ghost jesterday
and it is probable that lancoln.
Denver and Duluth will follow it
soon. 1 lie present outlook is tor
the total break-up of the Western
Association very shortly.
There never was a time when base
ball clubs were so numerous as at
present, and never did they have
such rocky sledding. The North
western league has broken up once
this season, re-organized, and now
threatens to break up again. The
Western is on its last legs, and the
Wisconsin state league is tottering
toward bankruptcy.
At Nebraska City yesterdaj' the
home club beat the F)den Musees of
Omaha by a score of 10 to 0. Miller,
the colored "phenotn." witched for
Nebraska City anil was very
Motz, our ex-first baseman, savs
Nebraska City has the best team in
state. It is more than probable
that he will return to this city.
Nebraska Cit3' Press.
We guess not; since Mr. Motz has
become acquainted with the reorg-
inized club here he lias changed
his mind about the location of the
best team.
The Presbyterian Concert.
We but voice the opinion of
present when we pronounce
Saturday night concert given at the
Prescj'terian church as a rare
musical treat. It was a shame that
a larger audience was not present
to greet the rendition of one of the
best musical programs of the sea
on. The Spooner Comedy Co.
doubtless attracted many who
otherwise would have been present.
The latter part of the program was
specially pleasing to the audience
which he lttily encored every num.
ber. The IlEKALD believes the con
cert ought to be repeated on a more
auspicious evening, as there are
people who would ceraititly attend
after learning how satisfactory the
program was Saturda3 night.
The boy who carries the mail
from Plattsmouth to Rock Bluffs,
Murray and Kight Mile Grove lost
his bearings last Tuesday and
anchored at this place about 4
o'clock in the evening instead of
going to Murray. As the roads
were verj- muddy we venture to say
that he did not relish his drive
back to Murray.- Union Ledger.
The Wahoo Wasp has changed
hands, Messrs Smith & Scliram go
ing out and C. K. Wright of Bloom
field, la, and F. M. I-le taking
charge. The Wasp is a good
weeklir paper and will continue to
advocate straight republican doct-
10 i rines. We wish the new lirm suc
3 cess.
Fine slippers selling price I.IO
cost price 1.1.1.
Teal line slipper selling price
1.7.1, cost price 1.40.
dkkss ggods
Our entire stock of dree goods
white dress goods, india linen, out
ing flannels, French gighams,
l-'rench sateens, chalies, shawls,;
capes, ladies silk sun umbrellas j
embroidery, dress patterns, hosiery. ;
Attorney A. L. Timblin of Weep
ing Water is in the city to-day on
legal business.
Kight eases were filed last week
in the district court. Pretty good
for hot weather.
The Kagle base ballclub suffered
its first defeat this year at the
hands of the Greenwood nine.
A. k Talbot. Ksq , of Lincoln, is
lookihg- after legal business for the
M. P. before Judge Ramsey to-day.
Miss Kauble went to Omaha this
morning- to take lessons on the vio
lin from one of Omaha's best teach
ers. The gun club, regardless of the
hot weal her, are out trying- to break
the record breaking glass balls this
a I ternot m.
Kd ward Burk of St Louis is 12S
years of age, hale and hearty, lit
is said to be the oldest man in the
world with a well authenticated re
cortlof his birth.
The M. P. folks have completed
four long side tracks which they
are now ballasting- with gravel
The yard makes quite a busy ap
pearance just now.
A large force of men has been
pushing things on the M. P. wash
out north of the Platte River bridge
so that if the rain does not interfere
the track will be made passable by
to-n ight.
Grandpa Shipman, better known
as Dr. Shipman, has just been ap
prised of the arrival of his first
grandchild, daughter of Mr. and
irs. aimo Miipninn, of LJsie,
The Council Bluffs-Omaha Chan
tauqua will remain in full blast un
til J uly 2.)th- Their program is re
plete with announcements of feasts
of reason that some of our people
would enjoy.
The IlEKALn regrets to note the
tact that G. i. :-. Jiurton Has ac
cepted the position of auditor with
the Florida Phosphate Co., of which
C. M. Wead is manager, and will
soon remove to Florida.
Chet Smith has a record at the
depot for sprinting that would be
hard to beat. The boys saj- he fol
lowed twenty-nine nearly to Orea
polis this morning under full
steam in order to complete his rec
ord as car checker.
The blind baggage carried the
toughest looking- specimen of the
genus boot black we ever saw into
the city this morning from the
west. Conductor Berry gave him a
polite stopover in this city where
he will probabl- await a night
The bridge contractors for Cass
county are engaged in delivering
the timbers for a bridge over Camp
creek just west of the schoolhouse
three miles north of town, and for
one on the county line one and one
half miles south of the O street
road. Faglet.
We took a trip Sunday through
Otoe, Cass and Lancaster counties,
and we must say that the corn and
grain prospects were good, especi
ally in Cass and Otoe. We have
not seen as good a stand of wheatj
in fifteen years as we did while out
on the jaunt. Corn seems to be
from ten to fifteen days behind in
Lancaster and very weedy in some
The free train over the Union Cut
off from Nebraska City to Platts
mouth left here about nine a. in. on
the Fourth and took a large num
ber of our citizens to the capital
city, lliose who went were: IL E.
Fleming, Chas. McNanee, Reuben
Stine, It. M. Brissey and wife, G. N.
LaRue and wife, Martin Garrison,
Kmery Hathaway, Nort Hathaway,
Chas. Kdmisten, C. R. Frans, Chas.
Garrison. Kd Grimes, Chas. Hath
a way. U n i o n Led go r.
laces, ladies and gents underwear,
hosiery, gloves ribbons, lace cur -
... ....
I u ri ni;' t he mouths of ul and;
Hugut will hee sold olf 'M per cent
j discount . j
Ten cent chalie tor 3 ceiirs per
Fine India lined selling price lOc
j edut t io;i price ,1c.
I ndla 1 inen selling price 12'. r
Fmjn 7'tti . iy l.i,hi
County Court
Miller iV Richardson vs. J
Hoover- suit on proi u i .-oi
for .f l'JO.3."). Answer Aug. 3.
David W ise vs. e'lown iV Anthony
Suit in attachment for ?! M.a.i.
Hearing J uly 23, 10 a. m.
II. T. Clark Drug Co. v.;. Flo.vcr
iV Anthony. Suit in attachment
for 1.")S.7. Answer Aug..;.
Benjamin KIson vs. L. V. llirsh
erini. Suit on account. Hearing
July is, lo,";,. m.
1 larvy I). Travis vs.
supersedeas bond for
Action on
wer Aug. 3-
lu the matter of the last witl and
testament of John (i. Roberts, de
ceased. Hearing on probate of
will. Contest settled as per stipu
lation on tile, on part of Christiana
K'oberts, widow of deceased, ami
Sadie I). Taylor. legatee under the
will, and IC. S. Greusel appointed
administrator with the will an
nexed. In the matter of the last will and
testament of Jetlerson Decker, de
ceased. Citation issued against
Rosan Decker, executrix, for an ac
counting' and final settlement of her
accounts. Hearing-, July 22, 1(
a. m.
In the matter of the estate of Jos.
V. Weckbach, deceased. Catherine
Weckbach, widow of deceased, cited
to show cause why her allowance
should not be reduced. Hearing,
July 2.1, 10 a. m.
In the matter of the estate of
Yealtl13- Stopher. deceased. Kdgar
A. Stopher appointed administrator
with bond fixed at $1,0(10.
In the matter of the estate of
Rachel Rivetts deceased. Hearing
on final settlement J11I3' 27, 10 a. m.
In the matter of the estate of W.
II. Sefton deceased. Hearing on
application of Klla Sefton for an
order of court directing adminis
trator to turn over to her the re
sidue of estate 13- reason of same
belonging to her as the
former ward of deceased.
In the matter of the estate of
Julius Shroeder deceassd. Hear
on final settlement Aug-. 3, 10 a. m.
The State Nebrafka vs Ben Frans.
Complaint for assault and batte-.
The State of Nebraska vs. Charles
Vandeventer. Complaint for assault
and batter3'.
MARY Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank N. Ratten, aged 8
weeks and 3 da3s.
The little babe was one of a pair
of twins. The sister remaining is
also quite sick. The funeral will
take place to-morrow at 10 o'clock
from the residence at 1109 Pearl
Cary Manker and wife of Louis
ville are visiting friends and rela
tives in this cit3" to-da3".
T?B. Wilson of Ashland and J. B.
Strode of Lincoln had business be
fore Judge Kanisey to-da3'.
The drug store of W, A. Flower at
Weeping Water was closed 3-es-terda3r
on a chattel mortgage given
his brother.
Samuel Rector, one of Weeping
Waters best citizens and a repub
lican of the good old stalwart kind.
is in the cit3r to-da3'.
There will be an ice cream and
basket supper a t the Kight Mile
Grove M. K. church, Wednesday
evening, Julv 22. Everybody is
cordiall3 invited.
Mrs. Geo. Brinklow after a pleas
ant visit with her parents Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Winn, departed this
morning for her home at Alvaredo,
Texas where her husband is em
plo3'ed rs an engineer on the M. K.
.V T. Ry.
Dwyer, Walling t Livingston
purchased H3T011 Clark's safe,
Clark purchased Ma3-er & Morgan's,
and the latter firm purchased the
large safe of Phil Young. (Jttite a
safe exchange for a hot da3r.
C. II. Jacquette, the valiant son of
toil that piloted the alliance part 3'
through the storm last fall in this
county, was sorel3" disappointed
Saturday 1)3- getting left in Omaha,
so that he could not attend their
central committee meeting. Had it
not been for B. F. Allen and Jim
Clark the old ship would have been
without a man at the wheel.
ilnction price lo j
White plaid dress goods, selling!
oriee I'M., i . .. 1 1 1 1 , t I , . , . in 1
! F:'"l-V '''''''' "'" dress go, ls.
! sePiuir price 20e cost urice 10.
! Kmbroidcred dress patterns, at hal
1 Miff.
ju ice.
md embroidery at half
Many other tancy dress dattt-in.s
! ih;it s);nf will will not permit us
to t pit t e.
' (.'.ill ami see lor yourself.
'1 -
Ore ai-Lfl after-
July 18 Ol Llc
rjiowz as S.
do Jj-clsLtl ess
To The Public
Of A'LcLljei rf' jfOTrCLtL,
The HERALD is in receipt of one
of the nicest bound and best ar
ranged, most complete dictionaries
that is published in the Kngliah
language. We refer to Websters's
International dlctionar3", and to see
it is to admire it. It is indeed a
wonderful book and should
in ever3' gentleman's librar3'.
Cade Rogers supports one of the
nicest walking sticks in the cit3 It
is made of orange wood beautifully
polished, and carved in the cane is
a small alligator making a sneak
on a pair af healthy- looking frogs.
1 he carving is as good as
any we
ever saw. 1 tie cane was
from a friend in Florida.
a present
Tack Grace turned farmer some
time ago and his friends sa3 that 1
in some manner he got his foot
badly cut recently on a plow point
that will la3" him up for some time.
No one but a novice could get in
jured on a plow point in the line of
dut3 ver3' well. We half suspect
Jack was tr3"ing to ride the plow
handles and fell into the furrow, or
else the plow struck- a stone and
kicked him.
Karl Yon Lietzenberger was a
foreign arrival this morning with
an orchestrion, the nicest musical
instrument we have heard for some
time. Karl is not an Irishman, as
his name would seem to indicate,
but hails from the SU11113- Rhine
land, where music floats in the air.
and whispers sweetest melodies on
the boughs, and through the
waving leaflets of the trees, as the3r
courtes3" to the gentle zephyrs that
roll over the vineclatl hills.
(Joint to tile litlstuli st )!'(
"""" " - - - -
... I , i .
. : ' 1 ' Ju- fllU
shot'S l)t ' (uiV t lie V a IV a 1 1 Mild
; Vc itIV Sl'llitjo" OUt U eiltilO
stock d' slides and they will
sell fast. Conic early and
i;vts what suits vou
Ulc 1st cIclij of
fwriL tcreLofara
S1 '1 J . 'it
o. jvlcli er WLLL
uj'Lciei' Lite ixinta
1 r-.ivrj
?17r HE ERA'S
j IIlH irf paraUon, witl-
Qjlj " out injury, romove .
Pimple, Iibtck-Head. Hun burn
ana lun. A few applications will ren
der the moet etubbomlv red pkin soft,
smooth and -white. Viola Cream ia
not a paint or powier ti cover defect
but a reme-dy to cure. It is superior tt
all other preparations, and in fniaranteed
to gi ve Ratiftiact'on. A t Lrujrnijtd or mail
ed for SO cents. Prepared by
Toledo. Ohio. i. C BITT.VEK. 4c f t.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
ffko Baby was sick, we pave iwr Castoria.
VThffii sfaa was A Child, she cri-d for "'. ?.-i-:a
When site became 5! is?., r-i . r ;
When she h.11! f'i iiilr-n
Rheumatism Curil in a Day.
"M3'stic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radical- cured in 1 to 3
da3-s. Its action upon the system it
remarkable and n-sterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately dissappears.
The first dose great- benefits. 7."c
Sold IJ3- F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt
Itch on human ans horses and all
animals cured in 31 minutes ljr
Wool ford s Sanitary Lotion. This
never fail. Sold y F, G. Fricke &.
Co., druggist, Plattsmouth. wtf
. .j--