pwftenti0iiiilj v IB 0l 18 !S M VOL. XX VI I. NO. 10 PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JULY 161891 $1.50 A YK Alt i f) 1 x' 4 ' 41 IIS x lllf Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of in leavening strenth. Latest U. S. Government Food Re port. WINDHAM & DAVIES. K. B. WINDHAM, J'UiN A. DAVIES. Notary Tul'ltc Nota.y i'uhHo Office over Bank of Oin.ty Platismontb .... HrHha TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will giv prompt attention to all litmiiiees entniHtt'il to him. Otliee in Unioti block, East Side. I'lattfiiiouth, Neb. C. McGKE, M. D, IS LOCATED If lova.W at KIctit Mile "Orovft. Uft has ob tained the olllce formrrly occupied by MK. MILLER Of that OUee im can be found t all hour e cfipt when profeee1nnliy ont. rpuCKER SISTERS. CARRY' A FULL LINK OF llLLENERY AND f'RENCH FLOWERS. We also have a dress making department. Sat isfaction (tuiiranteed. Sherwood Stork. Plattsmouth A, SALSBURY : I) -K-N-T-I-S -T : (iOLlt AND I'GRCKLAIN CROWNS. Dr. Steinways ane sthetic fcrthe painless ex tract ioi of teeth. Fine Gold Work :i Specialty. Kockwood Block Plaitsinomh, Neb. J)RVIOLA M. FRENCH Physician & Scrgkon Hrfice wit th TJr. Lhipm HOIKS 10 :00 to VI : 00 a. m. 3:Kto5:00 p.m. 9 : 00 to 11 : 00 a, m. '' ; 00 to 4 : 00 p. m. Telephone No 12. I'l a rTssiot :th Sf.k MEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. 1 1 ALL & SQN Keep all kinds of builders hardware on hand and will supply i-ontra'-t r on most fav orable terii s i TIN ROOFING: Spouting and all k tints ol tin work promptly one. Order? from the country Solicited 616 Peas! St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. IS THE L-K-A-D-I -N-G H-O-r-S-F; IN THE CITY FOR MOTIONS KUTiMHll-NG (KHll)S LACK-i E.MbHOIDKKlKS KITCHEN NOVELTIES TIN WAHK. OLA S3 WAKE ETC. ETC- TLe goods w offer on our 5, 10 and 23 cent counters cannot be duplicated elsewhere jWe hare but oir price, and that the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" 415 INT -A. 1 1ST STEET V GOLD AND POKCELAINJCKO WNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other an estlieticsinven for the painless extraction of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bl PERSONAL Charley Richey is in Omaha to day. George Kdgerton and wife are in i ( mnha to-day. F. K. White was an Omaha pasen gcr this morning. Charley Morrison and wife went away this morning on No. 7. Philip Andres of Omaha is visit ing friends in this city to-day. W, L, Brown is at the metropolis today on legal business, Jas. Pettee made a business trip to Omaha this morning. Sile I'atterson and wife came in from South Bend this morning to spend the day. Mr. K. M. Clark's mother, from Kearney, is visiting him. She will remain until October. Seth Rockwell, the Louisville at torney, and L. C. Kickholf are in town to-day on business. W. R. Linch, a prosperous plaster er of Montgomery. Alabama, is in the city to-day on leyal business. Samuel Richardson came in to day from the farm to lay in his supplies for the wheat and oats liar vest. Nick Cunningham departed this morning' for Portlands ) re yon where he will remain for a couple of months. J. II. Waterman was in the city last night and departed this morn iny for Omaha in company with D. S. Guild, the chief of the supply department. The trees around the base ball park to-day will bear a full crop of small boys.? Andy Fry was down town to-day looking somewhat worse for his re cents evere spell of sickness. Fremont claims to have the crack amateur nine of the state. They will play here the last of the month. Nebraska City was invaded by burylars Monday night, though no heavy losses have been chron icled. Bert McKlwain started this morn iny for Chicayo and Northern In diana points. He will join Fr'd. and Glen Carruth in Chicayo and expects to have a way up time. How to yet there, has been solved by a Massachusetts man who has invented a bicycle that can be driven at the rate of two miles a minute, so he claims. A man must soon be able to ride the varmint" or else he won't be in it. The Nebraska City nine defeated the Kden Musee club of Omaha by a score of 10 to 0. The Nebraska Cityites are playing yreat ball but we believe the B. iv M's. can take the conceit out of them now with our new men. An electric motor line has been built at Lincoln down to the peni tentiary, which has become quite a place to visit. A Plattsmouth man was up there the other day and says the' now have 40O prisoners incarcerated there, only seven of whom are women. And of the women he says four are black and three are white. A new winy 240 feet long is beiny added onto the main building just now. An Enterprising Firm. One of the best grocery iirms in this city for yood yoods and square dealiny and that spares no pains to accomodate its customers is that of Zuckweiler & Lutz on Pearl street at head of Chicayo avenue. These youny men succeeded to the busi ness of Soenichsen & Schirk and by fair treatment and low prices they have built up an enviable trade 1 he herald is always yiaa to see the 3-ouiiy men yet to the front. A. Rapid Runaway. Jim Saye had quite an experience yesterday eveniny with his hand some pair of yray horses. It seems Jake Swindler was driviny them ana in some manner tne3r yot away from him and the way they came down Sixth street hitched to a com mon lumber wayon was a caution. They turned east on Vine street and everybody thouyht thej- would rush over the hiyh bank into the river, but they didn't. They turned and came back to Fourth street and started down the sidewalk in front of the U. V. Mathews residence, but runniny afoul of a tree that they could not break the excited animals were suddentl' halted. While it seemed the wayon and harness would be smashed, an in ventory only showed a broken doubetree and a strap or two broken. No one was hurt on the race thouyh there was several pretty close calls. An Interesting Relic 153 Years Old. The city editor of Tut-: Herald had the pleasure to-day of lookiny over a copy of the New Knyland Weekly Journal, a paper printed in Oueen street, Boston, Monday, April 8, 171'S. It consisted of a sinyle sheet of two columns, printed on both sides, and was in f;iir condition. There was a yreat dearth of local news, the space of the paper beiny yiven up laryely to news from London, of which the two followiny items are a fair sample: Remember the paper before us was n weekly newspaper, printed in April, yet its news from London is dated October, 1727, and says: "On Wednesday last a patent passed the seal, -con si t i t n t i ny the riyht honorable the Lord St.Gcorye, Yu e Admiral of the province of Couuauyht in the Kinydom of lie land." " The beyinniny of this week Dr. John Friends.- and Dr. Alexander Stewart were introduced to their Majesties, anil had the honor to kiss their hands on beiny appointed physicians in ordinary to the tjueen." "At the review last Saturday a yeneral officer aliyhtiny from his horse hail the misfortune to have his pocket picked of bank notes valued at 2 pounds." An advertisement reads as follows: "A very likely Neyro Woman who can do household work, and is tit either for town or country service, about 22 years of aye, to be sold. Inquire of printer hereof." It contains many other peculiar features, of which we will speak at another time. The Peoples Party. At thecentral committee meetiny last Saturday in Weepiny Water the primaries were called for Auyust 1st, anil the county convention to nominate a county ticket will be held at Weepiny Water on the th, day of Auyust. The apportionment is one deleyate at larye from each ward and recinct and one dele yate for each ten votes cast for Power at the election. This will yive Plattsmouth one and two deleyates for each ward. A Swindler Caught. J. K. Oailil, a real estate man from Lincoln and Cheyenne, while in this cttv about a week ajro drew three drafts which lie yot Mr. Hac ney, of the Riley, to endorse amoummir to ar i i.Jo. 1 ie men van ished from view and th drafts came back protested Mr. Hackney then yot after Mr. Gadd and 13" some clever detec live work, wiiere, as usual, mere was a woman in the case he was loca ted andarrested today inCh icayo.and this afternoon 22r was received hy the Citizens bank in full of claim anil costs or arrest, fie will pro bably be turned free, as no one here seems to care about prosecutmy him further. A Lincoln Wedding. On Monday eveniny, July IS, Mr Wm. K. Moore and Miss Aynes L Cooley were married at the resi deuce of Mr. C. F. Bowman, 948 North .Thirteenth street. Rev. Chas K. Bradt ofliciatiny. The yroom i enjrineer at the Lincoln paper fac toi'3 and the bride-has been stayiny with the family of Mr. Bowman After the ceremony and refresh ments. the company was enter tamed wnth music on the yuitar orpin, cornet and two violin Those present were the bride's father, G. F. Cooley. her brothers Harry and Fkl G. Cooley, and the latter s lamil-. her cousins, Harle3' anil J-a3" J Instill, lr. anil .Mrs. How man, Clark Hobson, Laura Chaffin Mrs. Terry, Louise, Olive, Charlie and R03' Terry, Kdith, Oscar anil Charlie Bowman. Lincoln Call. The bride is a sister of ludye Cooley of Omaha and was born and raised in this count- near Louis ville, where she has many friends. The Indian base ball club , came in this morniny from Council Bluffs -where thej' plaj-ed 3'esterda3' and are stationed at the Perkins House, The' look like the' ouyht to be able to put up a good game. The' f to Red Oak tomorrow. A biy crowd was at the depot this morniny to see them in which the small bo- predominatedJb3r a larye majorit The clown or the ele phant at the circus aint half so biy an attraction aii3-more to the small boj' as a real live Indian. Gust Hy-ers had a close call this morniny. His horse fell 011 him up in the north part of town and would certainlj- have killed or crippled him for life, had he not fortunately fell into a ditch that was not wide enough for the horse's bod-. The horse was with difficult' pulled off of hi in aud he seems to have been but sliyhtly hurt. Miss Flora Hobbs came in yester day from Wyoming and will visit her sister, Mrs. J. L. Minor, for a couple of months. A Fireman Speaku his Mind. Kditor of HERALD:--Believiny that the yeneral public was not aware of the deplorable condition which our fire apparatus is actually in, and the danger that menaces the city from that direction, I thouyht I would write you a line or two for the information of property owners interested. The $l,f00 worth of hose and carts could not well be in worse condition than they now are. They have not been oileil up in months and all of them are not entirely in the dry. The principal cart stands in behind other things, wrong end to, so that it would have to be backed out and turned around before it could be manned. The hose has been laying without being tested, and I venture the assertion that we haven't got two lenghths of hose that will stand the pressure in case of a tire. Nothing could be more disatrous than the bursting of a hose at a dangerous fire and that is what we are liable to have at any time Kvery foot of hose should be tested and mended. The carts should be oileil up and placed where they could be got at without any unnec essary delay. There are man- other suggestions of a slightly personal character that might be made but this will suffice for the present. Yours for protection. An old Fireman. The Livingston Loan V Building Association will meet Thursday, July ltith, at the Secretary's office over Murphy's store at 8:.'5(). 2t One week from to-niyht, the 22nd of this month, a new G. A. R. Post will be installed at Murray. Several high officials in the organization from Lincoln will be present, to gether with several members of McConihie Post of this cit Notice. On and after July 20th, the Steam laundry will do a strictly cash busi ness, all work guaranteed and de livered to an- part of the ciLv free. d;t R. Donnelly. Take 3-otir prescriptions to Brown fe Barrett's, they dispense pure med icines, tf "Frost jjTeatest A: Co's. d Cream." the latest drink of the aire, at (it aud riny lot Not i ce to Water Consumers. Water rents are alread past dne and must be paid before -Auyust 1st. Plattsmouth Water Co Brown A: Barrett have the line of wall paper in the Their prices .are away down. lines city, tf "Frosted greatest dr it Co.'s. Cream." nk of the the aire latest and at Geriny lot ' Needles, oils and parts for all kinds of machines can be found at the Singer oflice, corner of Main and Sixth streets, with H. Beck. tf Wanted! Wanted! A yood yirl for yeneral house work in small family, yood wages paid. Apply at this office. d2t "Frosted Cream." the greatest drink of the aye, . Co.'s. latest and at Geriny lOt It is reported that Brown A: Barrett are selliny wall paper cheaper than any other house in the city. ' tt The W. R. C. will have a lawn so ciable Thursday eveniny July 10th. at T. H, Leach's residence Pearl and Ninth sts. Ice cream and cake will be served all are invited. 4t ''Frosted Cream," the latest and greatest drink of the age, at Gering A: Co.'s. lOt The St. John's Altar Society will give a social, Friday evening, July 17th. on the church lawn, corner Fifth and Oak street. Kverybody invited. d4t Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by Charley Hemple. Leave orders at Henry Weckback & Co's. dtf Potted strawberry plants of choice varieties will be on sale at Lew Moore's bj Jul' 15th. Plants put out now will insure a big crop next year, d&wtf Wanted, General Agent to re present Fidelity Mutual Life Asso ciation of Philadelphia, Pa., in Plattsmouth and vicinity. Address L- W. Woodmansee, 537 Paxton Block, Omaha. dCt For Sale. Going at a bargain one car load of household goods, the 'purchaser will find easy terms, the goods are elegant and the correct thing for any one wishing baryains in this line also a yood farm 100 Acres pro vided with plenty of water Just the place for a man with stock. Will sell cheap for cash orexchanye for City property, Horses for Sale or trade. Chuck full of business and will talk business with any one that means business. Call at the Fifth street Jewelr' Store. tf Geo. Vass A dditional local on last page READ AND LOOK SPECIAL! AT THIS IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF EMBROIDERED - FL0OTCI1TGS, WK HAVL One lot of worth double. Flouricings at 3Jc One lot of white Flouncing S2.00; pattern worth $3 o(). at One lot of white cream aiid Flouncings reduced to 3.20. A pattern of this lot comprises goods Deep Gut in P Sip1 F. ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. HERRMANN HAlWME FOR Having purchased the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendee Sc Co, J now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH -ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Kverything in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. oOOoo 450o lbs cut nails, 3c per lb to close 75ct yrass scythe fornacts Step ladders from i0 cts up Tinware at reduced prices Brooms, la to 25cts Chopping bowls, 10 to 34cts Bushel corn baskets, 19cts Leather back Leather back all bristle horse brushes. Cook stoves at cost to close. . ooOoo Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly lowJprieeH Come and see us. Remember we sell to everybody alike KOI - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HENDEE FECIAL IN 0TJK COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Boys, Childrens and Infants Summer Goods. THEV &EE Alt mST G1ASS AND OF THE VERY LATEST STYLE. a3i-4UUJV2) CALL AND BE SaLE MADF. A ncss worth up to $6.00 a pattern. One lot of white and hlck Flouncings reduced to So. (50. A pattern s:oine goods in thii lot for merly sold at 10.00 a pattern. All our patterns contain 4A J'ds of material. 200 doz carpet tacks, 1c per paper Best clothes wringer made, $2.10 W cent spades for fifi cts. W) ct handsaws forOacts Churns, NOcts to .1'00 Wash boards, 1'Jcts ill bristle horse brushes, .')C. 40c. IT CONVINCE I? ALL