Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 02, 1891, Image 4

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Of the New Court House is
Laid With Imposing
An Interestiriy- History Given of the
Affair TajeMier Wuhii Elrief Stnie
mcnl of tlie Early History of
Cass County un-i it
To-day witnessed tin planting in
appropriate granite of the corner
Stone of the new court house which other things we find the following)
Seventh session of commissioners,
vol. 1, p. 1.".
We find the fTowing: "It is
hereby onlered that Jacob Valley
be and is hereby authorized to pro
cure a room suitable for the differ
ent county officers, for which the
county has to provide. He is also
authorized to procure for each of
said officers one table and desk (or
bookcase) not to cost move than
twenty dollorH each, also to procure
one dozen chairs for the use of said
Sixteenth session of commission
ers, Vol. 1, page
ArRH, '-), 1H.1.S - County commis
sioners met pursuant to call of
county clerk on Tuesday April
LOO; present Jacob Vallery, William
R. R. Davis. (Anion;
lodges lifted the rooms for sevend county.
The year 18l will complete IIr.
Todd's nititli year'as commiHsioner,
eacn oi wincli lias been full of tnte
Young and
we trust will when completed be
come the just pride of every citizen
of Cass Co. tint to begin at the be
ginning, TllK 1 1 EKALI) has been
favored with a neatly prepared his-
"The commissioners then took
into consideration the propriety o
erecting a court house at the ex
pense of thirty-four lots of the
county being those already entered
tory of Cass county from 1817 to lS'Jl and an additional amount of two
with a history of the officers from
the bands of Count' Clerk Critch
Held which will be placed in the
strong box over which the corner
stone will rest.
OF CASS COUNTY, 1 N.")7 TO 1S.7.).
Copy of the lirst proceedings of
count commissioners, vol. 1, p. 1:
BLATTSMOl'TM, Jan. "), ls.17.
On this fifth da' vf January, 17,
thousand dollars subscription to be
made up by the citizens of IMatts
After considering the matter at
some length, it was ordered that the
county clerk be authorize'! to gel
one hundred notices printed and to
circualte the same for the reception
of proposals and dralts and speci
fications for said building.
A court house was then began by
(it being the first Monday in Janu- one F. R. Bernardin, upon the court
ary) the count' commissioners -
Robert J. Palmer, Jacob Vallery
and W.I). Gage met at the oftice
of the probate judge of Cass
county, N. T.
1. The county property being
considered, a transfer of Lot No. !S,
in Block No. :(), in IMattsmouth,
Neb., belonging to Cass county, N.
T., was rejected by them for want of
authority in grantor. (It will be
remembered that this is the lot up
on which the new court house is
being erected AVritkr.)
2. The following claims against
ithc county were allowed as follows.
1. A B
: Vl. es ;:,- ;
flection . .s I ."i
2. TIios P.-tttrrso:-. vr V ,- j :t-
. juror o ii!
2. Titos Putin sun, -t i vice-; s e 1 1 k f
elect ion 1 .ki
3. Al Tov. i: r, S'T-oer- ;is r.'ilist
juror ! !()
3. Abraham er. servireH as i ! i i
of e!ccio?i l r.ii
4. Xf 11 Shuter. "vs .-is t:i--n-l j'liv.r.. .s :jii
. Tilt lie's ' ''li-, iv t'S a- .u ; . i ri i
juror wit mw .1 :
". IVIct 1 1 1 t;i- T;. s n. -rvii-' s :i- ( it
ju.-or :; -n
,'. LoeatiirA "u.i i a e.i :..-i.r.i-: ,i C.; to
Platte riv.-r n,
". tvui el-nka City i
J Pl.ati! riv. r . . .
On moiioa
.djourned t;
. ebruary next.
D. i
cot tun is si oners
t , , -1 ,
as. l-i. IN rti:r.
: ". k of Coil'lll'l':
house sitare, and built during the
year LSaS, and at the July session
1S.iS, we finl the following en try i n
Vol- 1. I 'a -re 13. "The foundation
wall being completed, according to
contract of the new. court house the
contractor, H. R. Bernardin, asks for
deeds for certain lots in accordance
with the commissioners." (It here
sets up the lots.B
It will be remembered that the
said court house was completed to
the first story and then was swept
away liy a wind storm ami it was
not rebuilt. Tho records .-Low (Vol
1, Page 21) bids were rec i vei i
for thv' cleaning up of the t .e.. d
the com t house that wa built. A .t
gust 1st. ld.
The county officers durin g t' e
several years previous to 1 sr; 4 1 1 . i
t net r n u: ces j n lit ti etyi l rooi;
the cit- of Phrtfsniotith, and
er move towards getting a
house was made in Bo', a.-: !o
.Mafcii lei is
vol. 1, p, 4't). -The board deemie
tile cotmty records and otl'.er vain
a'.Ie japers and nooks, belonging
to t!;e county, in imminent dae .. ;
of being destroyed liy file, in ion
sequence of t he exposed condi t ion of
tho building now occupied by i'ec
several count' officers; and basing
on hand a eon ideral !e :!!: e : of
count- and territorial bur! -, I '. .;
years for lodge meetings.
On March 5, 1 MSG, the citizens of
Plattsmouth, made a proposition
to the county commissioners to
erect a court house free of cost to
the county. The following is a copy
of the proposition:
To the Board of County Commis
sioners, of Cass County:
"The undersigned, a committee
having in charge the proposition
to erect a public building and do
nate the same free of charge to
the county of Cass for court house
purposes having raifed a large
amount of money by subscription
for the purpose of building and
completing said structure are in
structed to submit to your honora
ble ijoanl the proposition
w in tlie county commissioners
of the count- of Cass, accept said
building free of cost to the county
lor court house and county office
purposes when the same is com
b. l. RICHEY,
II. N. Dove y.
Jos. Weckhach,
rest, the business of which has
called for ability and carefulness,
which he has shown himself to
possess during his several years of
ond Ward.
Allen Coleman, councilman
Third Ward.
SiL NATTHKWs.councilm ad Third
I. K. Douglas, City Attorney.
C. II. King, Police Judge.
A. P. WooriAKii, Police.
The village of f.ouisville has
about aOO inhabitants, and is Hour-
lsning o reason of its extensive
brick works. I las t wo railroads, the
B. A M. and M. P. railroads, which
cross at that point, and have added
to fheir benefit a wa-rou l,n!....
across me I'laite river,
1 r e.-i oi ri itri (i rami "ii ni.if oi uree wimk . is ;i
has followed the oeen n:i ion of villaiie of about lOO inhabitants :inl
' - t ....... - i . -
larming since that time. has one railroad, the B. V M. R. R.
Mr. 1 ritsclr succeeded Mr. Louis 1 H- village of Kim wood. Ka..h
Koltz, who had served the eountv Wabash, Nehawka, I'nion. Manlev
two terms, both of which were full aml Avoca are , flourishing lmle
of interest, and which easf the l,..t Y.111.aeH.Hll,,aU"(1 " the line of the
JACOB TKITSCIf. the commis
sion from the Second District, was
born in (Jermany, on the 17th day
of June A. D. 1M11), and when S years
old, or in the ears 1M."8 he together
with his parents emigrated to
American and settled on a farm in
Illinois. In lStii, he moved to Cass
county. Neb., and settled on a farm
4 llllLes west of PlaHsmoiitli :onl
Dr. Belts & Belts.
1 4o Douglas St. Omaha Neb.
..t 11 . . . .
oi icmiuDii on me manner 111
which Mr. Joltz performed the
Unties ot his office as a representa
tive irom me Second District.
''T. intscli has taken up the
rork already begun by his prede
xM. 1 . railroad are surrounded by
enterprising citizens. Are each in
a prosperous condition, and looking
forward to better prospects.
The literature of the count v,. con-
I - - f ' I I r ... -
Same w:is rfn.l- Mr Tn,l,l vol. cessor, and his ability to oerform 'sis 01 tlie publication of twelvi
...... . - r.- . . ' . 1.
md Messrs. Koltz and
against" accepting the
ing "for"
the building.
This was the last attempt to build
a court house in Cass county until
a petition was presented to the
commissioners at their regular
meeting 111 May, IMS'), asking that onjhe second day of January, A. D.
they call a special election to vote J?'7, :m,l emigrated to Cass county.
the duties of his to the best inter- m-wspapers, .a copy of each of
est of the county is making itself w'Ch are deposited with this brief
manifest early in the term for history. I hey sire as follows
which he was elected. Weeping Water Republican, the
olhcial paper of the county, J. K.
AAIJW iimm-i, .. ii..M,iiniMin,
v,. i,ww.viv, me commis- Plattsmouth Hi.-w.mi, ,l-.;i. 1
1l HOT trnt I n, 'I I -.1 -i: .4- .4 . . . " " w ""M
. . . - v - " im I lllltl tlMI 11. W .M L-l-ir A I f l-T .44. t
born in f',lw.G. w o,.: " " -" ""'M.llDllSlier.
" "i-nov iwii . Ollll I , VJIIO.
' t
a i ! i :
! , I ' . '. !.
bonds to the amount of .fSO.fKK).
On May 9. ISV.t a special election
was ordered called to be held June
l.SM. The result of the election
was as follows:
For bonds ,07S votes,
.Against bonds. . .J,N7.
Being a majority in favor of bond.-
f liDS votes.
The elect ion was contested by tin.
itiiens of the western part of the I public officer
ountyand atria! was had during I judgment
the mouth of November lSSt), in the
iistrict court of Cass county before
udge Broads of I Jeatrici', Nebraska
l'lie conii'-tants were represented
K. II. Wool i'-, of Weeping Waler
::d tlie conti-siees were represent-
Nebraska. in the ear 1S. and set
tied near Oreenwood on a farm
wtiere lie has resnlcd ever since.
At the general election held in
November, l.W.i lie was elected to
the office of commissioner, and has
proven to be a careful inspector of liMer
tne county s interests in the per
formance of his duties.
iMr. Lodcr has made the duties of
the ollice of commissioner his study
since his election, and is guided
only by the law in his actions as a
and an excbllent
Plattsmouth Journal' dailv and
weekly, C. W Sherman, publisher.
Independent Kagle. H. (I. Race.
Klmwood Kcho, A. I Mavlield.
Wabash News. O. P. Stewart. 011b-
1 isher.
I'tiioii Kedger, C. K. Craves, jml,-
f.ouisville Courier-lournal. C W
i'laynelit. puhlishcr.
Saturday Mirror. C. B. Mann onl.
I ! . 1 . - 'I
1 1 sner.
Kaglet. S. S. Knglish. publisher.
M ..... o . 1 , . . ,
......... n.iiiiiei, . c. n soil, mi j
1 . 1 .
1 1 .-1 1 e 1
Creenwood (Jazette. W. S. Kllioitt
t)Ul)l islier,
Till' W.Mii.rt.. I..I1- Ii 1
nik'nn.'nrm;ti.Mn(i ... 1 ,'"v i"'o-
... M t , mum, lilt V. U I M I TS
cieru ami clerk ol board of commis-
toneis, was born in I lo hues count v.
viino. on ret). t, ,. i). is,,t, and camt
to Cass county. Nebraska, in h.
Specialists in Clilonie Nervloiis and I'.loixl
iliw.jise?i .
CoiiKiiltation at ottlce or liy mail fif!. Meill
elnes sent, liy mall or exore-s securely iacke.l
iree from nlicprvMt ion liuaialitee.s to curn
I ii it-k ly and pennaiieiitly .
-ep",''!q fi'-ptr itt Siennatonliea. Seminal
naioUoO LLutljiil losses ni'iit emissions pliy
mim! decay arrisin from iml si-ieiion, exees
ur indiilifeiu'e, iuoiI neimr sleeplessness despoil
deuej . piniles on tlie lace, aversion to foelet V,
easly to discourage, lack ot confidence, dull,
unlit foi Htudy or luiHinee, and llnds lite a bur
den, safely, pcrmautly and privately cured.
results coiiipl teiy eradicated uiiliout tlie aid
of mercury. Scrofula, erysipelas fever Mores,
blotches nn-cr-, pains in the head iml liones,
svphilettc i-oie throat, month and I unfile, ca
tanli. .eti". peinuMiently ciued whue others
liav f li-il
i,'f"Jf" fty'r1' and laddei CDinplaliits pain
fUinXLI, tliinnol .luiicult too lielient.
IniiiiiiiK or bloody m ine I rine hii:h colored
or with milky m-iImiiciiIk or slandini.' leak
hack, pinion hea. h-et, cysf n cs, promptly and
safely curd chaises leaonahlt:
','!;;' '"pt' (luaiaLiteed ins,liiit eiirH, re
bin.iiLii moval cmpicte without eultiiiK.
caustic oi dilatation, lines allec ed at homo
h" patients without a moments pa'n or annoy-
year J.svp was a farmer and seli.wil
b A. N. Sullivan. 15 ion Clark, teacher. Was elected to the office
f 1V7, and re-elected for
e and Cone,
ring, l! wa;
kind e v i- r k i
y Attorney
the largest
iiv.'ii in tin
m the In J I
sei-ond term
election oi lS'.l.
tit the XovLinli
N e i t as ka a t ! o 1 as t eil over
i er v.'ilnessss were
oe.I .ifler ta!-.i.-:g thi' i.i-e
: 1 1 i i ! and
r e d v icemen t I !
i.o:;dy m t tit
veral da s
ction aside
iilv of the
1 1
W. II. Ci SHixt;, County
C. C. Pa k-mki.i-;. Registe
1 k;iik. Sheriff.
Ii. S. k:-iSi;y, CuiiiHv bid-
J 're as ;i rer.
of Dei d.-.
; a b
, to
1). 1
Coj) of third .-e.-sioii of eommis-
oners vol. 1 , . . Office of county
:erk of Cass count-, N. T.
Jacob Vallery and Robert Palmer.
mm issioners of the count-, met
i Monday, the ninth day of March.
. D. 1857, pursuant to the call of
county clerk, to consider tlie
jpriety of constructing county
ildings, and received a proposal
m K. (r. JelYi'iis to build and
tiish a court house for the con
eration of thirt' lots in Platts-
:tth, belonging to Cass count',
'' jurt then adjourned to meet at
. . fter again considering the pro
"tioit of B. C. Jeffries, agreed to
pt the same and signed articles
a court house to be built,
ished and completed by the
day of December. A. I). leT.
py of sixth session of commis-
rs vol. 1. p. 13.
C-LEKK'S Okfick. Aug. 17, ls.17.
mty commissioners met in
"al session. Present. Jacob
ry and W. D. Oage.
V" er the general routine of btisi
as appears on record the fol
glevy was made, being the
'evy made in Cass county
:., ISfl. County Clf.kk.)
s ordered that a tax tie levien
rious purposes as follows:
ritorial, 3 mills on the do.;..r.
:nty, G mills on the dollar,
ooi, 1 mill on the dollar,
d. 1 mill on the dollar.
'ived. That we, the counfy
ssiouer.- of Cass county, do
,- order and appropriate so
of the lots in the city of
louth (belonging to the
of Cass) as may be necessary
d a temporary court house
city of Plattsmouth. Cass
N. T., of the following di
ns, to-wit: fourty-four feet
- twenty-four feet wide, two
high, the lower story to be
into four rooms, with a hall
-liter, the upper story to be
me for a court room and
purposes - all to be com
:iis summer.
e do hereby appoint and
e Jacob Vallery to procure
:nd assistance of a compet
,o:,ti to make a draft and
said house and to advertise J
to be let on next attirua)
i time the commissioners
eedto meet again,
urtthen adjourned till next
- 'Wnd in st, at 10 o'clock
J.N. Wise,
clerk commissioners.
i n g t o the court i : o u .-. ! . i ; . d , ; . -structed
the count- clerk .o ,ei-
er! i se for proposal for the erection
of a building for county offices and
court room, on lot in bi'k No.
Plattsmouth, Cit-; as per plans and
specifications of the s;ti!tio;i file in
the count- clerk's office; the kind
of pa' to be one-third cash, one
third territorrial, and one-third
county warrants court thin ad
journed till to-m'rrow
K. G. Tool),
Ch'm Co. Com.
B. Sl'L'K'LOC K,
Count' Cash ier
Vol. 1, p. 13a--May term A. D. 1S!1:
Commissioners met in regular .ses
sion, present Iv. C. Todd, Jacob
Vallery and Win, I.. Thompson,
commissioners, when the following
was done to-wit:
The first business of the session
was the consideration of the con
tract for building tlie court house.
The article of agreement drawn
by J. N. Wise was presented and af
ter careful examination by the
board and the contractor ( K. R. Ber
nardin) was signed by both parties
to the contract anil filed in the
clerk's office. The contractor then
presented h is bond which was ap
proved by the board and filed with
the county clerk, which concluded
the contract.
Thus was began the second court
bouse that was built in Cass county
a id the bitter was erected upon the
present court house ground and
wasa structure 2-1 . 'It. with a story
above which was t 'd a a court
room, and two room- beneath which
were used interchangeably part of
the many years, from lStt to the
present time for treasurer's and
county judges office, and some
years for sheriff, register of deeds
and clerks office.
Atthe October term of commis
sioners 18G3, Daniel II. Wheeler
came before the board in behalf of
the A. K. & A. M. and I. O. O. K.
lodges of Plattsmouth City and
made a proposition to the board
that the said lodges, in considera
ation of the use of the upper floor,
or court room of the new court
house for lodge purposes, they
would finish, complete and fix -up in
good shape for court purposes,
the entire upper floor of said court
hotise. This proposition was ac-
peal was
C"! : ; a i i s.- i i me:-.-- i:
gi veil i i y j udge I r
;i:e court of Nci.ra.-ka
a as reversed I.;- li e s;:-
eii of Xo.eialx r 2,"th A.
inch made tlie bom Is good
ii. d.
o : i j m i s .- i o r l .
I put !;,.:
rs i tie re lore is
'hc marivet Nt
ac'i due in '0
oi J;
. ere s();( i
and -
i ir
t par value
-ocecded to
the building
inai v i-.d
-eheriiv ti r bids f
o a court house.
The contract for the a re i tect ural
work was iei xo Win. Crn v of Li a col i
Nebra.-ka i.'ho coi:i pleied his wor
.. C. Sl!OW.U!
Distrie! Court.
I. W. .: ) ' i ' '' ", ,i ; i. f s;, ,,
en t of i 'u Id ic I ustruciion.'
tl. D. i k' Wis. C
Id. I N !.' lit, t
A. C. i : s. ;
j-'ioi. ! ; j i
o u i ; t v .
-1!'-Vr ..-.
Cleric of the
e r i 1 1 1 i-n d -loruev.
1 ti'Kso.. 1. lat: v
MANX. Penale
cokwicR stum:.
Th.. I ., 1, i . . i
.... ' ni- eui lo.-eu was tlie
key used i lock the county clerk's
o:!ice and oflice of count commis.
doners lor over twentv-iiye ears
i he office was ;i room" fifteen feet
wid.- and forty-four feet long, being
(iivi'leii into two rooms, nn,.
wnich was used for eiiiiuh clerk.
who was e.-of f icio re; ', s t , - , ,f , 1, I .
and the other used for couini i.-.-ion -
f rs ollice.
I be pen ;md len-holder with
cross on side was tin- one used b
the ch-iiriiiau (A. lb Todd) of if',
commissioners to si-'-n I he sv);kki
onds v.iii( h Were used in nnvmeiil
1 I I i a b u i 1 d i n g o f 1 ! i e court ! i 1 1 -.
I I'e" pen and I len-i lold.
pen and pen-hold, -r
on h;.ue be wa- the one
gti 1! the contracls jnao'
ii'diug- ot the lire.-. ;
t i.a
li.-eii t
lor ii
L com
T k; n
k :;!
I. M.
d iee.l,
S.v .-I M
'our. ty Cler
;.vt t-:r
Dejitlly Mieriff.
IS, i)epu', Jv'ei;
Cit. VI 'MAX. District Judge,
ed by Bird Critchfehl.
o j une
To Young ml Middle aged mn
f. L..L .WIL'tl I
(ti--1 r- '.u j; tint Ii mi ml
i iiilt'i. I.i-. iei retiici
Jj::S. B .ITS
flu' awful 'tl.-cts (i, i-iirlv vieo
lL- wl.icll lilinj,- ilc;mii' o- ikliKss,
i.ntli lulu. I ;,n., nitli nil iti
. 1 n I rmoi'iil Ij imii'u.
A it tl: r s 1 1 1 os(- u lio li;iv
i in i . i i . oil t iiiMiisct vts
iiic.'oi.i-i' iiiMi'.'.-iii'ii-' an.t nilieu v lialilts
wl.h li III i ; . i.otii hi.n.i itiiti I. !y Ul.l.ttii. tliciu
I lite. I'M-sihi-'r ( r in i i in. o
Mai : I .'it iceii or ' !e;so i n i i i nn t iiat liapiiy
!:!-, ii an- j i ii i- i-ii I ia-1iIi I v. o uii-ki v .tlrtl -
t '.I .! I i
I 'al. it ill i!
tin.' ail n
. I . i- al
i.e. Ai'.i
f. -'
I l-' :i la- I'll -1 - I'j art ii a 1 (n-ii
si- it- cs .cm a 1 ly s ! in 1 ! 1
liii.! -Me li'-i' .'iff I'l'O
! 1 V t' '.ill Cull I'll sij
i : i ."Hi v
. ..' sa . iiu 1 1 It HI
I. I t.ollii'll J'l'ill n to
I 1.
v l:
! e c
-a i
.. .. y. ,
ii s i
. -. rot'
f June
al this t wen ! v e ent h i
A. i.
! h ici) Ck-rivi it ; : r.i .
Couutv t t
i : : v
The i it v of I 'iaitsmottth
cor lorated at tie.
n'iore th" county wa.
md then but a 'snnill
is m-time
for the
t to n of the 1 )oa rd.
tlie b ; ; i ! d i i ; g was
lid building to the satisf
I i le con; met tin
e t t o C . J . l l n g
ii' tag oi
nine competitors tor tlie work
STi 'HO.
ot ( )iiiai'.a
; 1 1
Nebrasiia. he b
J he first earth was broken for
said building about the iirst day of
April, 1 -i'l and at the present time
(June, 'Ja. iy.)l) the first story i;
nearl- conideted.
Thus eudeth the brief history of
howl, ass county, winch was organ-
ueu m Jan. ia( anil now with a
population of over -". o-'K) inhabitants
reaches the point of having a
court house, ma; will he a source
of pride to the count- for years
to come.
l'llt;i- I II. -To ICY Of" THE t'Of XTV OF
i-ICKk'S OF CASS COUNTY, N Iv -l'.K.:.,
AMI B. TODD, the present chair
man ot the board of commission
ers, was born in Chautauqua coun
ty. New i ork. on the ninth day of
April. -. 1j.
He emigrated to the western
states in tlie year 147, and landed
in Cass county, ' Nebraska, in the
year 1N7.
The state then beiur in its infan
cy, b.e followed the pursuit of
farming and stock raising for man
years. At the November election
in he was elected to the office
of count- commissioner to repre
sent the First Commissioners
Be performed the duties of his
oflice to such satisfaction that his
friends re-elected him a second
term in the fall of lSS.l. and during
his second term he was instrument
id in bringing about a plan by
which all county warrants were
made payable in cash. This was
done by using the sinking fund in
hands of county treasurer, which
had accumulated.
All outstanding warrants were
called in, and thus the county has
been paying cash for all bills, and
thereby saving interest on war
rants, and securing- the benefit of
getting all work done at lowest pos.
sible rates.
His ability to represent the coun
ty's best interests as county com
missioner was appreciated to such
an extent that, without his desire,
he was tendered the office for a
third term at the November elec
tion in 1?SS, which was the first case
cepted by the board and the sain of the kin1 in the lli;tory of Cas
ana even
organ b.c I
At the .resent dale there are over
'"iO. inhabitants within the corpora
tion. 'Tlie a.-sessed valuation of the
ciiy for year 1'.H, is over tut ),(;;,.)
making a totarof over .',( x ),(.; JJ.
It litis now two railroads. B. it 21.
K. iv'.. and theO. S. It. 10. , thus giv
ing outlet to North, Hast, South an
At the present date the city ha
its Main street paved with thebes
paving rock from Second, to Seventi
The city is manned by the follow
irTg officers, which are full of zca
ana working to make the city what
d al
' of
Oi v.
b irst
it must eventually be in the mar
F. M. ttK HKY, Mayor.
W. K. Fox. Clerk.
A. S.V Li-no' k' Y, councilman
W. I). Joxks, councilman
W. B. Bkowxf. councilman
ond rarcl.
D. M. Ioxks. councilman Second
M. B. .Ml k'l'HY, councilman Third
B. (!. f.Ak'Sox, councilman Third
Chas I'ftkrsox, councilman
Fourth Wiird.
A. J. Gutsltik, councilman Fourth
J. C. Minor, councilman
J. Dove, councilman Fifth
C. S. Folk, l ity Attorney.
M. Archer, Bo'lice Judge.
S. Archer, Chief of Police.
The citv of Weeping Water, has
it the present . time g-ood railroad
facilities. The M, B. 1-b K- crossing
it that point, thus giving outlet to
Lincoln, Omaha, and to the South
mil Kast. It is developing its
manv Stone Ouarries, and has an
extensive Sewing Machine Factory,
which is promising to build up the
city and community.
At this date the population is over
latlO, and the assessed valuation is
over lSi.(KK) with a total valuation
of over $7.0,noo.
The city is represented by the fol
lowing officers who seem to look
out for the best interests of the
G. W. Adams, Mayor.
W:u. Woodruff Citj- Clerk.
F. Gorder' jr. councilman First
D. Woodard. councilman First
B. Fmmons-, councilman Second
W. A. Davis, councilman Sec-
Th'- parade, which was form
the lower end of Main .-tie. t. n,
promptly at 'J o'clock, hi chart
Marshal of the Day M. B. Mur
The Bohemian baud headed ti;
procession, followed by the Ancient
Order of Hibernians in full reg;dia.
bearing a silken banner and thc
a. tioual colors. The lvnigiits of
Ibthias came next in regalia under
if.' leadership of Chancellor Com-
iii..;k;.i- Dr. C. A. Marshall. Nex:
c;t. ne a large delegation of .Masons
iollowed ! y the commissioners and
ther dignitaries, together with tin
1 bTV
l.'l,' '-is I
kit ail-' 'I
K s, ;.s nei i
c 'I
. 1 1
J. M.
rt!i Pi
- i e S'-slide far tlie
! lie v.;. j. it tor tity
- ' ' . I ;s m intide
. '.It on sljai p er il,it
f er t .!;.. 1 slijijirry
(ity ri eeb. Clll nt
i :v tlie Mi v KJtSl.ip
a i t!:-r.
f. I'lu't'in.-uth
oflicers of the' Masonic Grn
of Neb "ii ska.
the corner stone, composer of
red Tennessee granite on which
was inscribed the names of the
architect, contractors, commission
ers and county clerk, was hanging
from the derrick, about two
feet above the' place it
was to assume. After the
Master Mason had taken a place
upon the building Grand Master
Brad D. Slaughter stepped forward
and stilted the object of the convo
cation .-mil called Grand Chap
lain Marter forward to invoke the
blessing of Deity which he did in
an eloquent and impressive man ner
Grand Treasurer Christniii Ilart
man of Omaha then placed the cop
per hox lnsieie tlie stone after
which Grand Secretary A. H.
Bo wen stated what the box con
tinued. Mr. Slaughter spread
the mortar under the stone
and while the band played an ini- '
pressive air ine massive stone was
lowered to its final resting place.
The Deputy G rand Master Judge
Davidson then squared the stone
and reported it. Senior Warden Hon.
S. M. Chapman then tested it with
the level while J. I. A. Black the
Junior Warden applied the plumb
to see that it was perpendicular.
Corn as an emblem of plenty, wine
is an emblem of prosperity
iind oil as an emblem of
peace were then poured on
the stone with appropriate remarks
from each of the three officers.
Grand Master Slaughter then in
voked the blessings of Deity, and
in a few well chosen words deliv
ered the work so favorably begun
to the architect in charge.
v ." (;, c a in-) It. i . ; f iu'.i- right to une
';. iii'i la.oe i'.K"tli ! far tho !inIrK
t ik i, of i ;!; in Hi, aiv, c iioi k wood
r ' iiti-il- n if-. ivc. rcli'.'.lc ne. n - salary $70
's t o a in. j,; i, y. u it li aicii-asc. lo re ore -cut
n ti - own ,'; a r's; .1 Hi -.a iir! x'hw ork
; Jit. lines. ;t a.n Liaui l iu:n, i.ock
Box la-". New Yi.rk.
Itch on huuiaii iins horses and all
iiiiiiiuds cured in .'.0 minutes by
Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails, Sold by F, G. Fricke it
Co., druggist. Platt-mout h. wlf.
Knglish .cia in Liiiitiient removes
all hard, soft and calloused lumps
and blemishes from horse.-' blood
spavin-. curbs, splints, sweney,
ring-bone, stifles, sprains, till swol
len throats, coughs, etc Save .."()
by use of one bottle. Warranted
the most wonderful blemished cure
ever known. Bold by F. Frfcke
druggist. Plattsmouh. wtf
Bp to now whose entered into a
fight with death, fought a losing
fight - now science his discovery a
way -to ci-ieiini vent even death--Bailer's
Sarsapa'rilla it Burdock
gripples with a disordered system
and carefully builds and reorgan
izes. Try it. For side by all Drug-i.-t.
Slecpness ni;j
by that terrible
ed- is tb.e cure
ht made miserable
ciitigh Shilohs ri'iti
for vou, b- P. G.
Now this ma' seem strange but
if they don't cry for it the- would
they onlg could. We are talking
now about Heller's Barb Wire Lin
iment which never fails to cure the
wo.-t cutsorsors. Sold by all Drug-st.
Attorney Wooley of Lincoln .and
Haldeman of Weeping Wider are
attending district court, this iitorn
i n g.
The Missouri River reached the
fourteen foot high water mark this
morning and seems to have come to
a stand still.
Rlieum tim Ciir-i i in a Day,
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to '.i
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di-.
sease immediately dissappears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7.1c
Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt
won t ever, ever steal again. The
carefull mother always buys a
bottle of Bailer's Bain Barlyzer and
the boj lives to "do some mose".
Frr sale by all druggist.
e f i
11 :
' '':
on t
v ;-
th' i
hii ,
ge, '
th. t
ni- r
lei 12