11 1 ifirtf in ifiiii It 3 - t,.i VOL. XXVI I. NO. PLATTSMOLTII, CASS COUNTY, XEIiKASKA. THURSDAY. JUNK 25 lblM 1.;VA V r 'AKIN Absolutely Pure. A crciim of tartar baking powder. 1 1 i irln-t of nil in lc;i ven i iilt strenth. - Latest I '. S. lovcriiiiii'iit Food Ki port. TTOKN l Y A LAW. WINDHAM & DAV1KS. K. B. WINDI1U!, JOHN A. IAV!KS, Notary Public TVotrt -, i'ubllc Olflce over Hank of Cas County. Plattsniuutu .... .Nebrajtha TTORNKY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-I.aw. Will give prompt attention to All bumens entrusted to hiui. otllce in Union block. East Side, Plattetnouth, Neb. ip CKER SISTERS. C'ARKY A FULL LINE OF AlLLENERY AND jlRENCH FLOWERS. fe also liave a dress makiug department. Sat isfaction guaranteed. SuivKW(xn Stoke. 1'lattsmouth & PEARCE DEKIESTHE SOLDIERS. I.os An;ku;s, Cal., June 2A. The assistant adjutant-general recei ! a dispatch from the lieutenant com manding a detachment in Kern's Canon, Ariz.., dated Arabia Village. The lieutenant nayti wlicn he wan about to cnlcr the village to make arrestH for the destroying of surveyors' marks and threatening to destroy the schools, bin forces encountered about fifty hostiles, armed and stationed be hind a barricade. 'They openly de clared hostility to the go vemtiient and a fight was barejy averted. He saj.s a strong force should be sent them, as serious trotil.de is antici pated if the hostiles are not summa rily dealt with. PERSONAL it to TH E SITU ATI ON IN CHILE. London, June 2'.i. -A dispatch published here to-da)' from the Chilean government says the rebel have lost all moral force and that all action upon their part in the south has ceased. On the other hand the dispatch states, that j'repiuent tfainiaceoa is tuning! active steps to increase the st rength of his army and that Io3'ul warships are attacking the rebels ports, while the rebel spiardron avoid tluJiting. T . . 1 At . . . , in conclusion tike statement ismaue that the rebels are prolonging the war soK-ly to enrich themselves with M- I), I'olk is seeing the sights the capital to-day. County Attorney Travis went Weeping- Water last night. Mrs.S.A.Speakinan left this morn ing for Hamburg, la., on :i sluirt visit. I'ncle Jimmy Foster left this this morning- Spirit Lake. Ia., on a visit. Mrs. Win. Ilerold and daughter Dora left this morning-on a visit to Heatrice. Mr. L. S. Warner left this morning on a visit to northern Iowa and Minneapolis. t Lew' Newcomer left last niirht Kansas City to inspect tiling the company. Mrs. J I). Hatca was called to Ashland this morning on account of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Mag gie Williams. lor for Hase ball at the ball park to morrow. Read the program of the closing exercises of St. Johns school, in an other column and then go to the opera house to-night and hear it. The street car repairers have reached the corner of Sixth and Vine streets and expect to complete their work to-morrow so that cars may run again. I'latfsmouth and Nebraska City base ball clubs play ball at the ball park on Chicago avenue this after noon, and the game promises to he a good one. The clubs will play another game to-morrow at 4 p. m. A good crowd should be ii: attend ance and witness a good li'.iihi-. A furnished room to rent. En quire at 114 Vine street, or at IHK dtlt READ A WD LOO IZ AT THIS ISPECIALII: c I r" 117 CRDES. TO REDUCE CUH OF EMBEOIDERED - PLOTJITCIITOS. WE HAVE MA I) I-. A II Khf alii office. Wa.ntkp. housework, W iudham. A girl apply to for general Mrs. NT. H. tf. Deep Oof m Prices I'lattsmmith and Nebraska City at the ball park , to-morrow. Cassady the yard master is mov ing the Hwitch chanty acrtss the tracks near the side hill to-day. Mr. C. S. Twiss chipped last evening- i box of goods to P. Murdock in Furnace county for the destitue and he wishes uc to think the citiz- W'AXTKD: A good girl for general house work. Swede preferred apply to Mrs S. M. Chapman, No. 7'JO (irail ite street. tf The closing exercises of St. fohns school will be given this evening at the Waterman opera house. the nirate depocite t farapaca. ens who so generously gave. Ninteen provinces, Tt is' futher vtatel, are under the control of President Halmaeeda, these pro vinces being inhabited by 3,0UMXK) people, while the rebel provinces arc only inhabited b- lf0,KX) people, one-half of whom are caid to be foreigners. AWSON Carry Full Line of .FINE HILLEXERY AND CHIL PJiENS CLOTHING. ALSO FRESH CL'T FLOWERS ROOM 2, K.I. KV BLOCK. PLATTMftUTB List of Letters, Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Platte mouth, June 24, 1801, for the week ending June 17: STORE VTEW HARDWARE S. K. HALL & SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on hand itnd will cupply contract r on most fnv orable tents Hall, Sare Bishop, F Boiler. Klia '"handler, Fannie Countryman, Carrie Ca.ilk. F J Ford. L.I Fay, Joseph Hoffman. John Hunter, Dr Jacobs, Willie TI2ST ROOFING H. pouting and all kinds of tin work promptly ton. Order front the couutry Solicited 61 6 Peasl St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. THOMPSON'S ICE CREAM PALLOR THK CHIEF ATTRACTION of the season. Where the most deliciovs ice cream will be served at all hours. Fruits, nut candies and cigars always fresh kud te.Kptui. bpeciai atteution iveu to fiippHinp; picnic:', social and families with cream in large or small quantities OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE. JR VIOLA M. FRENCH Physician & Surgeon SS'ice with Br. Shipman HOURS 10 : 00 to 12 : 00 a. m. 3 : 00 to : 0 p. u. 9 : 00 to 11 : 00 a, w. 2 ; 00 to 4 : 00 p. m. Telephone o 12. Plattsmoith Nib jpS. ROSE CAPLE. FIXE PASTEL AND CRAT3. PORTRAITS. Thorough instruction in Pastel, Crayon and Free band drawing. BJLPAIN TIN LB SKETCHES NATURE FROM Landscapes. Fruits and Flowers. No, 911, Elm ft. Plattsmoutu, Neb. Lautz. J K LiiHhipgy, Martha Newville, W H Neft. A Owens, Tho F Robinson. Fred Stewart, T A Spry. Belle Taylor, W B Vallery, Tbeol.ald Williams, JVellle Wratley, Kmina Persons calling for any of above letters will please say rertised." II. J. Stkeight, P. the "ad- M St. Johns' School. The closing- exercises of St. John's school will be given this evening ai xne opera House 113' pu pils from the Junior and Minim de partments. Following is the pro gram: FKOGRAM. Words of Welcome Sam JrtcCallan Opening Chorus ka City base ball club. Acconip. M . Lovell Mr. P. J. Ilancen returned this morniiiir from his visit to Oirallaha. Keith ciuiity, in the western part of this state he states that the crops are looking fine and the prospects tor a bountiful crop of all kind was never better. A. Ii. Todd and Jacob Trietsch are out lncoectinir the countv bridges to-day. Mr. A. C. Loder could not iro, beiner detained at home by the death of a relative near Greenwood. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. K. church will be held to-morrow af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. I). M. Jones, corner Eleventh and Oak streets. Secretary. Misses Nettie Waybright. Blanch Kennedy, Margaret Davis, Alice Wilson, and Mr. C. S. Polk, and Kev. J. I). M. Buckiier left this morning for Greenwood, Nebraska, to attend the anual conference of the Kpworth League. Arrivals at the Perkins: K. W. Miller, W. Brisser, John Tohnson, T.W.Saxon, K. Weisman, Union; W. S. Arnold. P. O Kourke. Ernest Mertens, C. E. Koth. Omaha; A. K. Holbrook, Atchison; W. W. Kennedy, Burlington; S. D. Murray, Cleveland Ohio.; and ten members of Nebras- Flour is lower than it has been for the last six months at Phillip Klaus'. Special attention called to Pillbury c Besf tf A number of da' boarders can be accommodated at Thompson's res taurant, opposite opera notice, where the bust of meals are served. t f One lot of Floiiiicings at Xh; worth double One lot, of white Floutieino- at 2.00; pattern worth $.'.00. One lot of white cream and Flouncing minced to S3. 20. A pattern of this lot comprises jon'ls worth up to ;.n() t pattern. One lot of white and Mnek: Flonneino-s reduced to 3. CO. A pattern some floods in Hiis, lot for merly sold at SI 0.00 .'i pattern. All our patterns contain -1 yd of material. Brown A- Barrett have the finest line of wall paper in the city.-- Their prices are away down. tf Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaiut'r Shiloh's, V'it alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 I The largest line of patent med-i cines will he found at Brown A: Bar ett's tf It i reported that Brown & Barrett are selling wall paper cheaper than any other house in the city. tf 5c ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. For all forms of nasal catarrh where there is dryness of the air pas sages with what is commonly call ed 'stuffing up"' especially when go ing to bed, Ely's Cream Balm gives immediate relief. Its benefit to me has been priceless. A. G. Case, M. D.. Millwood, Kansas. One of my children had a very bad discharge from her nose. Two physicians prescribed, but without benefit. We tried Ely's Cream Balm and, much to our surprise there was a marked improvement. We continued using the Balm and in a short time the discharge was cured. O. A. Cary, Corning, N Y. an Hair chains, rings, crosses hair work of all kinds to order. Mrs. A. Knee. tf lTL'u Locust St IS THE L-K-A-D-I-X-G II-O-U IN THE CITY FOR S-E NOTIONS FCljXISHING GOODS LACKS KMBKOIDKKIEH KITCHEN NOVELTIES TIN WAKK, GLASSWARE ETC- ETC- Fantomime Wand Drill Little Boys Piano, Drum and Triangle Aceomp Comic Dialogue Houefty is the BestPolicy Boys of Intermediate Department Motion Song Little Girls Aceomp. Josie Murphy, Choice ef Trades Little Boys Caliethenic Exercise Drum and TriangleAccomp. Song Give the Little Ones chsiice Aceomp K. McCourt, Operetta Grandma's Birthday w hite CAST OK CHARACTERS. Grandma a. O'Reilly Lyd M Cassidy Maud l. Clark May A, Neville Grandchildren Minims and Janiore 8VJTOPSIS. ActI . Grandma's birthday has come trnin Grandma s soiig. And now what shall we do come wnere tne wild flowers bloia. Yes we will crown her. Brins the flowers. Gran,l ma, oo rememoer wnen you were a little cirl Come to the mountains. Act II. In the woods. Flower chorus. The crown is done. Return from the woods.Corona lion cnorus. Little Maud s soiig. Grandma's goodnight. Grandma, we hope you will live many years. Lime may song. JSiuht Praver Pia.nft. K. Xvlll. Sevea Little Housekeeners By the Minims Indian Club Drill Piauo. Drum and Triancle miiuer ayiumionvi ia inacr menu Havrtn Closing Chorus Good Bye At-uunp. m. cans lay Reserved seats 35cents General Admission 25c The two men who were arrested the other day on suspicion of stealing the shoes they were ueddlintr around the town were taken to Red Oak last evening by J. M. Harrison, the B. & M. detective, the shoes be ing stolen out of a car at that town A car was broken into at Villisca and goods stolen; it is supposed they are the guilty parties of this robbery also Thede Living-stone's team got away from him on Sixth street last evening about 7:30 o'clock, and ran down Main street, without doing an3' damage other than breaking the tongue in Kauble's express wagon. Ihe team ran as far as Third street, where some one turned them south, and they were caught in front of the jail. Some choice lots on Chicago ave nue for sale. For particulars call at this office. tf F. HERRMANN HARDWARE FOB CASH ONLY Having purchased the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendee & Co, I now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH - ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Everything in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. ooO( o Are we in it? we in ltr.-r Well I should Are we in it?? Are fay o, when it 4500 lbs cut nails, 3c per lb to close 7nct grass scythe fornocts Step ladders from HO cts up Tinware at reduced prices Brooms, lo to 'Jocts comes to wall paper, or wall paper chopping bowls, 19 to 34cts or wall paper, we are clear in it. u. i hi.t, iUr 200 doii carpet tacks, 1c per paper Best clothes wringer made, $2.10 H) cent spades for tT cts. Kl ct handsaws forfiocts Churns, Wets to fl'OO i Wash boards, l'Jcts that is with the largest stock great est variety and the lowest prices. We call the attention of, and in vite, every one to come and ex- Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 75c. Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 40c. Cook stoves at cost to close. ooOoo- The Ladies' Aid Society of the amine our stock andiprices.Who are othrr articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly low prices The goods we ofler on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters cannot be duplicated elwure We hare but one price, and that the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" 415 MAIN STEET our tacetious brother must not laugh about The Herald's blun ders. The typo made a mistake, and the proof-reader, who had never seen the copj-, failed to correct it. Only the day before the Journal an nounced with a flourish of trumpets the laying of a white marble corner stone for a red stone and red brick building. We all make a break oc casionally and we think The Her ald hasn't any more than its share. Needles, oils and parts for all kinds of machines can be found at the Singer office, corner of Main juid Sixth streets, with H. Beck. tf nristian cnurcn will give an ice cream social at the residence of E. K. Todd, three miles west of the city, on Friday evening of this week. Everybody is cordially in vited to attend, as it is well known to all persons the pleasant time that is in store for those who visit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Todd. Conveyances will be at the corner of Main and Sixth streets, near Riley Hotel, at 6:30 p. m., to take all persons who may wish to attend and return them to the same place. Wagons will start not later than 7:80 p. m., and all persons must be on hand not later than that time. By order of committee arrangements. we that advertise thus? We are the lowest price, and the leading house in the wall paper business, the only small things about us is our prices. Gering & Co., druggist. Mad Career of a Frightened Horse and the Serious Consequences. Nebraska City, Neb., June 23. During the parade of Sells' Bros. A WONDERFUL SHOE. Frank Davis, of the Schildknecht shoe emporium, has recently taken the agency for the m "del ladies shoe which for comfort and Cauty never was equaled. It is a hand turned shoe with corkjinsole and must be seen to be appreciated. Call at Schildkecht's and examine the stock as they have the exclusive sale of these goods shoes is on exibition cut in two that buyers may see how it is made, dtf Come and see us. Remember we stdl to everybody alike NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J w HENDEE Mrs. R. C. Hinds received a tele gram last night from Anderson, Indiana, stating that her sister, Mrs Thomas Ellis, was dying at her circus this morning a horse belong- home in that city. Mrs. Hinds will ' i .. n.-n i.:n t ltitr to Rranlr 1 rl'arl iipv hwamu '"; -" J1 "J " iiiir niiriiiuvii r- . . , . lor fier bedside irignieneu anu ran away, ine ani mal was tied in the court house square and becoming looseplunged into the crowd watching the pro cession trampling down eight feet of terrace. Mrs. C. Allen was knocked down and badly brui.ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oelke ff ' out injtrry, remove C Aou Frvrkb, Liver-Mole, Pimples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and. Tan. A few applications will ren- One of the I fer mod stubbornly red skin eoft, uiuu ana wiiiuj. luut v .renin it not a paint or powder to cover defect but a remedy to cure. It is superior ta all other preparations, and is guaranteed to jfi re Batiafact 'on. At drtmnsta or zd&U &d for SO cents. Prepared by Toiwta. Ohta. . C. BITTEK A TO. First National BANK. OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ... Surplus ....tso.ooo.oo .... 10,0uO.04 He Got Excited. Belfast, Me., has a funny citizen. He discovered his house to be on fire, and pot so excited that he forgot to give the alarm but began throwing his house hold goods out of the window, much to were I tlie wonderment of his neighbors, who knocked down, Mrs. Oelke being se- watcnea ni3 antics for some time with- verely kicked on the head and ren- u"u ?T "S iae CaQSe- uun dered unconscious. Miss Anna 3 J 1, " lu" T , our w..,, v... .... thero?f they gave the alarm.De-. i ciiucii was ru ilia me pjiaii 1 11 I troit x ree Iress. the shoulder aind badly kicked by Hi .... WAiTlSfa cor p.-. ri m the horse. Her injuries are most serious and will probably result fatally. A number of other persotis were more or less bruised. Connecticut's constitution was adopted in 1818. Before that the state was gov erned under the charter of 1662, which was continued by the constitution of 1776. The amendments have been numerous. 1 !rnre; C2KTA3i. mutJ mtxmmimtbm ntoh iu ail ruraM cma A ni? lr.i cuntiomm u Bum w. f rtc 60e- np. fca. R. ECHTPrHASN-. Et f-xol. MiM. Chifdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bahjr was sick, we gavr her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria Vthn she became Miss, she chin to Casrnrli, When sh had Children, fht ravi; t brr; Cas!o. ia Offers the very beet facilities for the promo" tntBHaction of Ug it innate Iiaiiking Business1: Stock, bond, trold. government and local p euritiee bought and sold. Oe(MMits rceivod and interest allowed on the certificates Drafts drawn, available in any pari of th United States and all the principal tawna of Surope. COLLKCTIOJfB MADK AND PROMPTLY REMIT TED. Hlfthest market price paid for County War rants, State ana County bonds. DIRBCTOKS John Fitzgerald D. Hawkwortb Sam Waugh, F. E. White George E. Dovey John Fitzrald. H. Waugh. President Catlec, McGEE, M. D, IS LOCATEI Ie located at Eight MileTGrove. He has 6 tamed the office formerly occupied bv MR. MILLER Of that dlace and can be found at all hour ex cept when profeeelonally out. Take your prescriptions to lirowrt Sc Barrett',they dispense pure med icines. tf 1