HORRIBLY MANGLED. THROWN m:akly ik;; one huni)ki: i Peter Nuklo , an 0!et Cerm.in Meets an Untimr.-Iy Duath by Pa- s enjjerTrain No. 4 Run ning Over Him. YonjSofuriIii'. I'tiily hor tin- last three old (lariiian, has ainihssl' iilioul th terday p -I hen; rick supposing or lour u.ivs :m been r;i 1 1 1 1 i ; i ! v. ami yes- au Johnnie hit.pat liini under tin- in- liu nee of liijuor arresti-d liiin and lie was lodged in jail and kept over flight, wlicii lie was discharged at about '.) o'c loc k this morning. lie rave hiw name to Deputy Sheriff Ti-lie as Peter Ncider and said he had a wife and six children living on his farm near the town of Sicwart in Holt county thisstato. As soon as he was dis charged this inorniiitr the poor old man made his way to the railroad track, and started upthe track and had jrone about a mile north of the depot when No. 4 passenger came around the curve, and before the old man could ret off the track the engine was upon him, striking him and dashini;" the body nearly ItK) feet. The unfortunate man's head, was crushe-d in and the brains ooz ing out when picked up. besides there seemed to be not a whole bone in the body. It the absence of cor ner Unrwli Deputy sheriff Tihe pro ceeded on a Hat car to the place of the accident and brought the body down to the coroners undertaking rooms where the inquest will be held at 5 o'clock this evening- to the following jurors; R. W. Hyers, W. D. Jones, D.K.Barr Joe IJusch, John Young. The following witnesses have been subpoenaed to testify before the jury: G. W. Ford engineor on Xo.4 Engineer Miller on the K. C. P. O'Donnell Conductor Perry of No. 4 Mrs. A. J. Green who viewed the accident from a close proximity to the accident as she was walking up the track. The county officials of Holt county have been telegraphed of the accident and the friends of the unfortunate man will be notified as soon as pos sible. It seems to have been an unavoidable accident, for which no one is blamable. The verdict of the jury will be given in our next issue IN THE RANKS. First Baptist Church. The South Park Baptist church is so far on the way to completion that the basement room will be used to morrow for services and Sunday School. The roof was finished yes- terdajr and the floor laid in the base ment. This when completed will be a commodious and handsome edi fice. The combined seating capa city of the audience and lecture rooms will be five hundred, and that of the basement three hundred. The design is to use the basement for Sunday School and the smaller meetings. The corner stone will be laid Wednesday June 3rd at 4 p. iu. with appropriate cere monies, and addresses made by number of eminent divinies from abroad. The present prospects are that the formal dedication of the building will take place in July. The citizens, are showing their , pride in the building by the con struction of sidewalks along the streets leading in that direction, and in this connection we might say that Street Commissioner Hemple with a force of men and teams was busy yesterday grading down Patterson avenue where it intersects with Clinton street which leads to the church. The street that really needs the work however is Clara which leads up from Lin coln avenue to Clinton at the corner where the church is located. It would require but little work to open up this street, and doubtless the residents all along it would be more than glad to build the neces sary sidewalks. TllE IlERALO hopes to see this street opened at once and made passable, as it would be a convenience to a great man)- of our people. Mrs. Jennie Green, the unfortunate woman who was shot by E. W. Hutch son in her apartment in theKitchens block on the night of April 28, has been givin up by her physicians and is slowlj- dying. The faihtful friends who have wacthed by the sufferer's bedside have lost all hope of her recovery and are moine?:tinly expecting her death. The uii iori una U- woman is aware that she is going to die and is ap parently resigned. She has had her shroud made and yesterday begged her friends to try it on her, remark ing that she desired to see how she would look in i!. Her condition pre vented compliance with her request. I-a.-t night a Journal reporter visited Mrs. Green's apartments and was informed bv those in altenel- With steady stop h panne down tbe atraet. Wearing a kowu whono folds cannot conceal The iniiMwivo titrangth uutl grace of very limb; Anil, looking In tho clear cat fitm, you feci Tbe jMjwirr of mind. Tho lii are wt by fate. Deep vyu arc bttsuly way, u.ul wild and frrc Yo'i think of him, sivathul in the bal.Ue'a mist, Setlinu tho stars of liruto-wou victory. In Kacred ofiicua no irn ho makes That in hi.s vein.i tho firvof pulsion c'm': That love or hate or leadership of ninn Have any place huni'ath hU tstoloof snow. lXwn uict ai.-l- of the cathedral vai-t. Veiled in the Ik:!it of sacred ctiur.ora dim. Ho slowly lead the clear voiced chirisU-rs. diamine, iu rinijiiiK toned, tho evening hymn. And then, when silence falls, hi voice al.no 1 jftrt up, as if some lon hst day to w'ct. Did sorrow, in. or love, with careless cvch. leacu lnm to smu with voice so true an 8 woe I ? Who kiiowd thu he:u-t of man i Tho pa.s.sin day Klashesa uleam of jjlory uro it die; Alxjvo tho hinder i.s a golden ray That BeeniM to hear his voice beyond thcsLUn With banners and with liht.3 lie r-iuiscs on, Tho paKeuit fades, another voice i.s there. Catling for peace and gr:wo on all the world In echoes sweet you mis tho earncHt prayer. r died with the mystery of iiasuing life, Tho ho a? still lingers with you, soft and ie Stilling the strife that mars tho tattered heart. With absolution from its dccjxsst woe. IIo bciiri no burden here, says that one t):ig, Vet i iixrn fame all time and place dctic-s: Vou see upon his head the crown of bays, Tbe leader lives within his piercing eyes. Perchance ho long ago laid down tho sword. Content to leave the path ambition trod. And in tho army of the holy crobtj. To strive in peace to lead lost bouIh to God. Samuel WilUama Cooper in l'biiaUelphia Overhead ltiglit. Altnongu any one may extena an overhead wire across or along a street, it does not seem generally known that no wire may pass over a bouse without the permission of tho proprietor, even thou; tho wire be in no way connected with the house. Tho owner may, if he pleases, take them all down, for his freehold ex tends from the center of the earth up to the sky. This is a principle that is not generally understood, but occasionally a householder is found who knows his ncrnta and will not allow tnem to be in fringed. Such a person was tho land lord of a largo boarding houae on Bea con Hill, who made the electric light company provide bulbs for the lighting of his dining room in return for the privilege of stringing wires upon Lis roof. Few persons are bo well posted in the law as to know what their rights are, and it is an object with large corpo rations to keep them in ignorance. Boston Courier. Bum Ball, i High School Notes. The first game of the season was j R-v. Huckner was a visitor yes played with the Falconers of Omaha i terday. which resulted as follows: J Yesterday was pay day fr teach- w'ouk iiv imn; i ers and they were all happy. PlHttrllll.lltll 1110 13 1 0 o-x Falconers () 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0-4 JtaMericsl'iitl. :.! n and l.t.cy. Miller ai.d ;dke l.arii.il i uns I at ! -.iiioiit li 4. 1' ..-e hits I hit iiiiutli li, raleoners 7. lino rhif -mouth 4. Mi-uck nut - by Tutt'-iNim l' liy .Viler 11'. I in pi re !l iii-baekel. is the tent ion ante of that bigli The Plsttsmotl lii'iiie leant vi from t h 1 'a ! cone! teiday. 'I'lte gann- wu- A((.'iin. 1 i he .-( 1 1 I ,f ti:ia- Street Car Officials Want Ho Nlcltels. " v e nave boycotted tne nicKel, says a Chicago 6treet railway official. "We refuse to permit street car conductors to turn in more than four nickels apiece at the end of their day's work. About half of the passengers pay their fares in nickels, and if these coins were turned in to the company's coffers we would be hopelessly deluged with them, and a few days would practically retire the nickel from local circulation. And how could we handle the bushels and bushels of coin? No bank would accept the money except as a special deposit held for safe keeping. In short, the only way we can handle the nickel is to follow the example of the Irishman with the hot potato drop it. So we refuse to accept nickels from our employes, and it is their duty to unload upon the passengers all the nickels that are paid in for fares." New York Tribune. Dr. Crosby's Convict. A story is told of Dr. Crosby in The Evangelist which that gentleman used to relate himself. ITi.? house was once entered by a burglar, whom the doctor himself captured, and who was sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. But for three years the minister kept up a corre spondence with the convict, converted him, secured his pardon, and later had the satisfaction of seeing him become a prominent and respected citizen in a distant town and blessed with a wife and child. Rosamond's Conundrum. Five-year-old Rosamond, whose father is very clever at malrmg charades, was seated at dinner one day when several guests were present. They were all giv ing conundrums when the little girl quietly said, "Papa, I have one." "WelL my child, what is it? "Why is tbe bark of a tree like a dead kitten?" The answer: "Because it can t mew, was greeted with roars of laughter. New York Tribune. o-amt ha a e.-terday. I he u a l ! n w a --a t : in tet e.-lin- one and the 1'la 1 1 ;-1 not l ! h buys are tin' promising ol a s t ro n n" team. 1 1 1' )" i n i i- tin- sei-'v: rh'ilMlimtll.. KblCon- I " 1- ai ! eil run f I'lai I iiioii' h. i: liloilf !i. ;, I' ;i !e l acy ; .'ui:It r Vi.pp o ; bv Mill- , fl 1 1 u u 1 1 rit!Mi,.i,;li 1. I . ' t - . I ..tt Tie llllll lilolkl 1 0 u i . i t I'mimc li ie i 1 r..r-- r-::i :. - V ,. ai.d i i ii. k "iii - ;:y : lit n.Iiai U1. Our county sujx-rlnten-U Iioldii::;' his regular monthly inalioii. His victims to-da' Miss I.illie- Sau and Mi.-.-: K'f nolds of Rock Jiluifs. nt ; 1 1 1 1 -. ; re . . )'"a The Suprenie Court. WASHINGTON', May 15. Mr. Justice Urewer of the I'nited States su- Dreme court, to-dav issued a writ of error iu the case of Thayer against IJoyd, orowino' out of the guberna torial contest in Nebraska. The pe tition asking for the writ was pre Bented to the justice this mornimj bv Mr. Esterbrook of Omaha, and the prayer was promptly ranted. In answer to questions submitted to him to-day, Justice Urewer said that his action will simply brim the case to the united states su preme court from the supreme court of Nebraska to be argued on its merits, it does not serve to re instate Uovd and the question at issue, whether or not he was a citi zen of the United States at the time he was elected governor, is still to be determined. Nothing that has thus far been done will operate to reinstate Boyd, and of course it can not be learned at the present time whether the arguments will be heard by the supreme court on its final sitting one week from next Monday. Inasmuch as the court has announced that it will hear no more arguments at this time, it hardly likely that an exception will be made in this case and in that event there will be little opportu nity to secure a final decision upon the points at issue until the October term. In the meantime Governor Thayer will remain "ovemor de jure, as well as governor de facto. Omahas New Briclye. J. lie location ol uridines across the M issouri, to be built and used jointly by the Kock Island and Chi cago, Milwaukee & St Paul roads, has been decided upon. The bridge will be built about on the boundary line between Omaha and South Omaha. About a year ago the Rock Island through an agent named Phelps purchased from Henry T. Clarke and others land for tlepot grounds and tracks, extending trom Al bright to the river, at a cost of $2X),- (XX). To-day the Kock Island deeded to the Milwaukee road a half in terest in this land for a considera tion of $100,000. rvothincf will be done in the direc tion of building a bridge until the case of the Kock Island against the Union Pacific is decided in the United States court, but it is prob- bable that the construction will be commenced soon aftert that case is ended, which ever way it goes, as a oridfre win render tnese roads en tirely independent of the Union Pacific and its peculiar sjrstem of contracts. Since the Milwaukee crosses at that point Plattsmouth will have an excellent opportunity to have that road enter south western Nebraska this way over the old proposed line ot the Plattsmouth southwestern. I .a w 1 1 tennis attracts the a school pupils. Prof. Mc 'lelland lias put up a .-.wing on the grounds and Young America can't tome amiss lor .:ames. We have ba.-e bail, lawn I e n u i s . s v i 1 1 : : i 1 1 g . t " a I ' I 1 s . h o i - i o a t ; 1 1 "!r.-:, and foot ra es. and the motlo '"!;ei p oil" the grass." is never heard. The tire alarm is now down to iserieeiioii. About pupils pas' ! on t in pi if. c t o n ! r i n ! ro; 1 1 ii i ; y f i ve ! to ;ilt-eight seeonds In case ot I ! a hit- slot in the building could be vacated in less t ha n a mi n u t e a nil not a 1 i ;'e v i .:! I I t ; laced - iu jcopa r I y. If the children are expected to at tend school vou must make it pleasant tor them. Prof. McClel- i;; nd t n lea t a s It) ma ke : t'hool -1 i 1 e a happy one, and a visit to the grounds will convince the most sceptical person that he under stands his business. 1 lie llag tor the high school is an assured fact. Pupils are contri buting quite freely and take pride in so doing-. It will be a happv dav lor the children when the stars and stripes of our beloved country iloat over the budding. May it teach them a lesson of patriotism that will never be forgotten. Miss May Perry has again earned the banner. 1 his is fourteen week.' out of thirtv-six, and twenty-four rooms to compete with. That room 4 is one of the best conducted schools of the city is beyond ques tion: good attendance, punctuality and up with their work, speak volumes for the clhciency of the teacher. I he rehearsal lor June IJth is progressing daily, and the schools will give an entertainment of which the school patrons as well as man agement may well feel proud. The music will be excellenl; Ibis part of the program is under the super vision of M iss Clark, and that means success. Miss Kerney has charge of the primary drill and it is cer tain to be good. Ouite a number of our teachers had invitations to attend the Harri son reception at Omaha, but a pres sure of business required their at tention elsewhere. If President Harrison could have been prevailed upon to visit Plattsmouth he could have met about 2,500 bright school children, and his visit would have been highly appreciated. For pa triotism we think Plattsmouth children take the lead, as is evi denced by the flag tney are buyitu 09V01H3 'OXNVOUIVJXN ao jako savjij-iivog snvioyxnvs wp7i qx hoc? tJiv RiSua sx? 3J3M V.ri v- ,iiNtrv - f r ( 1 II 1111 TT I 111 h Am 1 r-J dVOQ Qnvi"wr mvp -'op o a Aoh llrprp plj 1HL ONMEH STABLES W. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS IN Carriages lor Cor. 4tli and Vine THE CITY Pleasure and Short Kept Keady. Drives Always I'lattsinouth, lS'ebra6k G2 F Q 1 ni'i: 6 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours Baato CiuisQouixiy Cor Main aiiu Kiftii street. Piitl tip capital f vi m 4 irplus 'J" (.00 OFFICERS 0. n. Piirnele rroittnt frP'l border Vic I'lvsHlont J. M. Patterson Ctoheir T. M. ratterson, Asst Cashier DIRECTORS 0. II. Tarmelf , J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder, A, H. smitli. 11. Li. Windliaui. li. S. ltamsey Ana T. M.Patterson QENESAL EANK1NC EUSIFE38 TRANS A TED Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time teDOsits and prompt atteutiongiTen to ail bus- luess eatruited to its care. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Paid up capital $50,x o.oo Surplu 10,0J0.09 Trie Best is trie Cheapest That is Wby Fred Gorder after 15 years of experience as th most successful Agricultural implement dettler in the county has telected the following imnl- oients which he carries and heartily recotnnionds to his friends and patrons. EZotch.H2n. 3Molino and Sciivitlor WAGONS, Bradloy, Peru, and IDoero LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES ANn WEIRS of iincc t li;: t .-!u would prol);i!jly before iiior;iini;. Statu Journal. Llie It v.a claiuu-il by som' of tbe teamsters that a ci-i tain nieniber of the fraternity was (hitiLC business witlt'itii a liceii-e. but ihey never colli 1 1 t .itcli lit in. I :i order to slop ll i in, they ! u iet ! y t a pa rty to i i ve hiin a (piar'.er e ii.tr.i ;s !o. i lie boys lLvu;!it th.ey liad liim sure, a i id ." v ill a : 1 1 ' i .' . i : :i :.- h . 1 1 to it la !; the arrest, when to their chagrin they l. anicd lie had spent the quar ter towards fettin ut a license jintl was now hy their own acts a full fledged, expressuian. Bread must not be broken into the soup, nor the eonp plate tipped, as tbe last mouthful mast not be devoured. Soap must be taken from the side of the spoon, not from tne end. A whole slice of bread or biscuit or muffin should not be buttered at once. It should not be cut, but should be broken off in grriall pieces, and a bit of butter put on as they are eaten, one by one. , . . , I having a tood lime generally. The beet wav to examine the color of , a Mmnlfi nf w.ntT i tr. nli a fholinin1 J udsre Kanisey thinks some oi in a lone: tube closed at each end bv a ' joinin.? the alliance that is if plate of glaoS. While one extremity of j actions and deeds purport any the tube 13 directed to the source of thiny;. lie can be lound earlv Gold has reached a premium jfJ.yu 111 the Argentine Kepublic. More Wisconsin stone vras re ceived last nitrht which is beinc unloaded to-day. There will be 35 cars of it in all for the court house. Mrs. Frank Swindell has brought suit in the Lancaster County Dis trict court against the 13. & M. railroad, claiming damages in the sum of $5,000 for the killinr of her husband by the fairground train iu Lincoln last fall. Mrs. Kronitz, sister of our worthy townsman Fred Gorder, and Mrs. rvenr, a sister or irirs. uorder, are here this week from Watertown, Wisconsin, visiting relatives and 03jrs the rery best facilities for the prorup" transaction 01 agiumate Hanking Business Stockf . bonds, cold, government and local ee- sunties bought and sold. Deposits received and interest allowed on the certitica'ee Drafts drawn, available in any part ot the United States and all tle principal tewns ot Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY KEMIT- TED. Highest market price puld for County War rants, State ana County bonds. DIRECTOKS John Fitzgerald I. IIawkwortb . Sam Waugli. F. E. White ieorge k. uovey John Fitzgerald. S. Waugh. rretiuent vja w EDMUNDS a ROOT Tne pioneer meichanta of DEPARTURE TONGUELES Badger Cultivators. AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA- worth Cheekrowers and Planters. Handles the finestof Baggies, Phaeton?, Carts, Spring Wagons, and carriages ana other vehicles tliat are manufactured. The larp-est line in Cass County, of double and einirle harness nt prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere. DAVID MILLER an experienced wortman kas charge ot our harness shon. Fr edGorder, FHattsmouth and Weeping Water light, the color is noted at the other. By using the same tube for a series of water I samples, it will be possible thus to get I properly comparable results. J I Old sight presbyopia beginsat about the age of forty. It is first noticed by j the tendency to hold the paper further j oil. The glasses should not enlarge the , letters, but simply render them clear and natural at the ordinary reading dis- tance. Whatever tho ocular defect, the j proper glasses should be obtained as soon j as it is discovered. i and late tillinuf the soil on his lots, lie lias recently acquired. Pretty jood exercise. Jucle, can t you yet bny der np to try his hand? There are few intelligent men and I women of our dny who are not connected ! with some charitable or reformatory or j other philanthropic institution as man- j agers or trustees or members of commit- j tees, or who .'.re net active workers in j buiu-j organized form of benevolence. Dickens' home. Gad's Hill place, i.s a great object of interest to Americans in Londoa. It is now the property of Fran cis Law Latham, and remains just as it was whan the novelist died. NEWS FORI THE TIN PLATE LIARS. Information conies from Pliila elelphia of the organization of the Welsh American Tin Plate Com pany, with a capital of ij-l.Om.Ooo. for the purpose ef carrying- on the manuff.cture of tin plate in Ivastern Pennsylvania. The mills to In built are to have a capacity of 'J,C0U boxes of tin plates per wick, which is expected to be increased to 10.000. Of course the "tin plate liars" of the free trade press will ignore this piecf of news, just as they did the mct-tini;- here ten elays ayfo of repre sentatives of nc;irl3- a elozen tin plate e-stablisluuents. 15ut we are' yoin to make our own tin plate in this cenmtry just the same. New York Press. Carry a full stock of generai m-jrchondiss which tlieysell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. GLn crous treatmcntantl fair eh-aling .i the secret of our success. CIIAS L ilODT, Notary Public Murray Neb. 0 ?-:r;d Tan. A '1-7 tho mr.-t r'. smooth end hit not a pa: -r.t or jijr,' Iut n rem'iy to ct:r all other prepnrntici. wj pi ve Ruii&t&cx. on. ed lor GO cents, rotafe Ohio. " ; :.u:on, v.i; ii : i- .' : .-j : k OC:1j iji:il;UI'U -ii:-;.v:-.i will r-n-i 'y reel f-kin roil, v Lzlz. Civam is t error defects, it is superior to and is cniaranteed At dm saints or mail- Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S --GREAT JIODEKK Having bought the J V Weekbaeh store room on south Main street I offer my entire stock at a sacrifice to save moving. Mow is the time to buy Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds. Opera House BIocIc I. PEAItLIi T' ' PrcjiarcJ bjr f THE POSITIVE CURE. iJ ELY BEOTHHIiS. t Werrea BU Kcw York. Price 50 rt L Nyy siV ro. K t