.V. WEEKLY HERALD. PLATTST.IOUTH, NEBRASKA, APRIL 23 1S91 covrrtNoi: peaiiman's message. I'M it 1 I. fit Wi!! Ije I ntr ?st An Imptjiiiiril. Pucmi llmd Willi Ftum Saturday's Daily STA'I 1. )I NlJih'ASKA, KXJ.LXTI VK Ofkiii;, I,i.oi,., April 10. IS'.JI. Colonel ('.. W. I Ioldi rdic, t-nernl manager 1J. .V 1. r:iilro;il; Colonel Si H. Cliirk, -nrial manager M P. railroad; Colonel IM Diekcrsoii fCMKT.il manager IT. P. railroad; Col oim'1 Hurt, jr-iitral inanaijvi' '., IC. tS V. railroad -Gcntleim-n: The lair "uprising" of the people o Pender and their copper colored brother :ind nisterH over Thnrw ton county, the political suicide of a i leinoc.-.'i i ic editor al 1 5rn k lenia ii the wailiiii;.s of the World-Herald and V' haiiiti in c ft iy of two disappointed candidates iorcoal-od inspector, consequent upon the veto of the Ni'wlici i v hill, has heconie of such magnitude that to withhold my executive pen any longer would be cruel in the extreme. Upon rrceipt of this news I at once dispatched inv secretary of state, lohn IJ. I-u-av, to Pender to inquire the cause of this "uprising, and a hell hoy to Omaha to spike Ifitchcock's batter', which was par tially done by promising him Sena tor Paddock's place two years hence; and I went mj-sclf to lienkleman and diagnosed the case of the lien kleman "bee man,'' whom I found Hufferitij from wind on the stomach and a diseased kidney. I killed him to put him out of misery. At Pend er and vicinity I learn through the secretary that they were promised a 5 cent rate on packing house refuse matter, such as liver and lights and kidney parts of the slaughtered ani mals, and they believed that 5 cent rale was embraced in the Newberry bill. Hence the "uprising." Dead men tell no tales, and little or no further trouble ma 3 be ex pected from Genoa, St. Paul and Benkleman; but it remains for yon railroad managers to quiet the Pen der people. This 3 011 can do 13' giving tliem a o cent rate on such articles of food as I have mentioned, and your failure to do so will re quire of me a proclamation conven ing the third house in extra session for that purpose, and the preven tion of burning corn out west, and you may just as well understand now as hereafter that when my proclamation is out xio financial or other consideration will cause me to rescind the call. Colonel Bab cock, manager of the Omaha stock yards has agreed to furnish the titufT at the lowest possible rates per ton, and with a 0 cent railroad tariff from Omaha to Pender (O. Iv.) the belligerent and warlike demonstra tion of a p:oud and noble race will be calmed and peace reign through out Thurston count-. A prompt and decisive answer will be looked for at once, and should it be in the negative, upon vou and not upon the executive must rest the responsibility of fur ther effusion of blood. I appeal to you in behalf of the red men and daughters of the forest. Respect fully, J. Y. rEARMAX, Squatter Governor. A rbor Da' proc- j governor appears j The ciisldiiKry lamal Ion lis the to have been lo-a in lie shuffle. John Waterman and wife started this morning for Creie and Beatrice where they will visit relatives for a few da s. Herman Spies smiles very pleas antly as he sets up the cigars to day over the arrival of 1 he new baby at his home. Omaha is making extensive pre parations to entertain President Harrison in a royal manner when he visits that city May 13. New Foundland wants to be an nexed to the United States. Uet her come in, she lias the largestcoal mines in the world and the finest fisheries. W. J Hesser gladdened our hearts to-dav bv leavinir at this office some very fine lettuce, radishc.s,and onions, so that we will not go gr' to-morrow. S. U. Furlonir. one of Rock Bluffs precinct's stalwart farmers, and a loyal republican that refuses to worship stranre irods, made Tmj JlEKALD a pleasant call to-day. J-al Sampson of Jancolii was 111 town 3'esterday and allowed the fact 1o leak out that he was married to a handsome young lady in that city about two months ago, and is already fully advised as to themys- t ;ries of housekeeping. Frank Morrison, accompanied by his daughter Nellie, went over to Glenwood this mom in g to visit his father who is dangerously ill at his home in that town. As Mr. Morri son is eighty-three 3-ears of age but slight hopes are entertained for his recovery. Seven box cars badly smashed came in this morning loaded on flat cars all the way from Denver. Col. Steimker will soon require more ?ide tracks to pile up the accumu lated work that he is unable to at tend to 011 account of lack of help. 1 lie .Lincoln Call irutmuliy re marks that, by the housewife in the back 3-ard superintending the beat r . lit. f nig 01 carpels auu me wearied ap pearance of the head of the house who wields the baton, are we reminded that spring is with us again. SYftiAN CHA I TELS. Oriental S TV - Sv WV-) ..('; this it v v. I .r- !V:i!ly in linnd in Tlii Country. 1 1 17 l.i 1 u:d trin- ts trc, wi! J, ':l I I'olw-H ' -:!. lie t!, .;"..:i,'5ii.t.-.M of 11 with r IViuus emblems of .si liii-l iii'Vtnms dedtrn Koai.d condition wiiich can be hardly de-Ihu-'l from slavery. Tin y suv- the human chattels of a class ofimt). irb-rs of foreign birth wh-i hava their agents ami established ieadniar-t'-rs in every city of prominence on the I'a-ific cr.i.-t an w-ll jih in eastern cen ters. TV :e hviTT'.m cli.tf t. h;, who claim to !" Ti:.-Vs to advance the naiv.-lty of their personality iu the eyes of the purchasiu;,' 1 r.Klc, are the cenKi of Syria, Armenia, ' rreeee ami Italy. Th-re are .several thon.-and of th(is sei "i emtiloveil by their money makim? rrorialrymen in the United St::fs. .!!:; are annually added to the ' ;: V.-.;dy e;ailt.yed. Iirnorant of rUh ts ;.;tl but poorly veived i.i iU' laii.-pt.aye of the couutry tluy 1. 1. .: !.- s-ilh.-iit to their exaetin 5 master, v -i t'ii!j i,!i7' their food, lodging and :--.:..;;ty eh.thing. T1:. :. s"i-f. sell fhem.st-lves to their ur.-.n-rs. heiiiif.': tlmt in a new country MV HUM! will better their condition and be V. ;l 7"a.--t relieved of thi pans of hunger whieh b".-et them in their native lands. M: l;-"d to worlc either for life or for years for tlio.se who provide them with transportation to the new land of proru-i.-e, they are pent o:i their arrival in the United States to the cities where their I.ibors will prove the niua remunerative. The' have lately encroached upon what to them i.i a virgin field the Pa- c:.' eoart and numbers are frequently o. iii.Lj .vent hither to thoroughly cover every profitable point. Thera liave been as many as forty or fifty of these human chattels men. women and youths engaged in making street sales in this city, but they have ieerea-ea until only twelve or fifteen cover the t: . ! e of San Francisco. Seat tie. Tacoiua and V";'..shii:gto:i generally in clude fifteen or twenty in their bounda ries. Los Angeles is favored with the presence of ten or twelve, while Oregon which, according to their statements. is proving to be the more remxtnerative field has from thirty to fifty of these serfs catering to the demands of their peculiar line of trade. The state of Ne- TllO Hot PpHrj;p- f.f Dnl:oo. The.-e r: '.s- .arc i a nid! v becom- ' ! iiir iJMiious on account ot the won- ' d.iiii lairalivi. pi'oj ii-rties of the w.i.e.s, and th' many marvelous cures which have been cgected by the the'iiial baths. The town and springs are delight full' situated in a picturesque val ley in the Black Hills country, abouiidinir in beautiful scenic ef fects, and at an altitude of 3,400 feet above the sea level; thus insuring a pure atmosphere and exhilarating climate, absolutely free from ma laria. Under the enterprising and pro gressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable improvements have been made among the number the erection of a common 1011s iatn House titloil up with all modern conveniences for the comfort of guests. New hotels have been built and comfortably furnished throughout, conducted in first class style and at reasonable rates. Those who prefer stopping at a private house, will find many desirable boarding places where good accommodations are furnish ed, and at reasonable rates. The superior daily service now of fered by tiie Burlington Route to o M o CJJ o Hot Spring, with through sleep ing car accommodations from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora and Grand Island, makes the trip an easy and enjoyable one; and for the benefit of all who desire to test the efficacy of the waters, round trip tickets at reduced rates, good for ninety days, are now on sale at all offices of the Burlington Route. For pamphlet, descriptive of the springs, and full information as to rates, time, etc., apply to any agent of the company, or to J. Francis, Gen M Pass'r & Ticket Agt., Omaha, Neh. police Court. 1. Bosley a brick yard laborer was fined ?.") this money for being vada harbors ten or fifteen, while thedruMk aml "ltreporous last night. One on Nebraska City. Aeliable gentleman informs us that a book agent called upon a prominent citizen of Nebraska City the other day and wanted to sell him a cclopedia. The agent said he waB meeting with poor success and offered to sell ve' cheap, but the p. c. replied that the ground was too rough around his place, and that as his family were all girls he wouldn't have an3' bod3r to ride it, so that low prices would cut mo fig ure with him. i'he agent tried to explain that the p. c. did not under stand what a cyclopedia was, but he was told in vigorous English that having been born in Missouri and raised in Nebraska Cit' he did not propoe to let a book agent teach him anything and the afore said agent got up and dusted. A glance at Mr. Wildman's gloves in the show case at Brown & Bar rett's might make one think his left hand was badly deformed; but it isn't. One of the gloves fell into some boiling soap suds, and as a result it came out shrunk up to about the right size for a three-year old boy, et perfect otherwise as be fore it was boiled. District court was m session a litle while this moaning. The mo tion for a new trial in the Dean case was overruled, providing a remui- tur was filed for $2C9 within twenty days. The mandamus case from pol'ce court was heard, and court idjourned. Governor Boyd says he will not call on extra session of the legisla t- ure unless It is demanded by a majority ot tlie people. -rs the object of an extra session would be to make a legislative apportion ment lor uougias county onsect on her bogus vote of List fall where in the neighborhood of 13.000 more votes were cast than there arevoters in that citva. the governor need tiot fear a tumultuous uprising of the people demanding the extra session. We can all wait two 3-ears and then base apportionment on a vote under the new law which would be honest and fair. Fifty Passed. The United States is not likely to run short of material from which to select railway mail clerks. The civil service examination at the post office 3'esterda3r for the pur-; pose ot giving applicants tor the railwa3" mail sexvice a chance to en ter the employ of the government, when the' are needed, was attended b3r over fi f ty young men who labor ed through the five hours answer ing of questions and other exercises to test their fitness and ability for the work they seek to engage in.- Omaha Bee. progress of Utah is marked by havi ng twenty or thirty. Their residtmce at any place is not permanent, but, like the nomadic Arab of the desert, these slaves silently fold their tents and steal away at the will of thir masters, w Inch varies with the va riations of tho trade. One of the places in this city where nomadic serfs receive their supplies and render their accounts is in Minna street. It is a supply depot, and is conducted under the name of Joseph Sharbel & Co. There, in a room crowded with Syrians of both sexes, of all sizes and ages, is a large stock of trinkets and religious articles stored in pasteboard boxes of various sizes dis played on shelves which run about the room. Thi? np.arhnrv.t cor.t.r'iis two beds and a lounge, and the lack of other furnish ings is m:1a con misery by the t p:ie taken up by the immense stock which is udeil otu to L-etoid by the street peduiers in tins city and i?e:ghbonnr towns. Jo- sop ii Minrljol ir-mtLlt is a bronzed and brawny Syrian, much past the years of middle, life. Lo is 1 ; n.tdrone who direct the actions and labors of the dozen ot composite nation lit Vs of both sexes and various .agor, who were gathered in the room. He was rather reticent when questioned by a reporter, and while claiming to be unacquainted with others engaged m the same line of business he displayed a knowledge regarding the lo cation of branch agencies and number of his countrymen and women engaged in the trade that was remarkable. Some of the supply depots in this city remit regularly from .$3,000 to $4,000 a week to the east and Europe as payments for shipments and invoices of goods. San Francisco Chronicle. On paying the costs, the mitted the fine and he mitted to go in peace. ilF YOU SHOULD TrtAVEL OER THE WORLD AS FAR AS YOU COULD CO. A BETTER SOAP TfjAN SANTA CLAUS YOUD NEVER C.ET TO KNOW &CO. n 13 & ILL THE fa. KKT Rlf 5 TTl STABLES. HAS V. D. JONES, Proprietor. THE FINEST RIGS TJEHHj city IN Carriages for I'loaswrc and Short Kept I'carty. Drives Always Cor. 4th and Vine Plattsmouth, Ncbrapkft F Q wwm C2 mayor re was per Laurence IJarrett's Head. A review of Lawrence Barrett'3 career is a lesson to all who basely betray golden opportunities. Think of this man as born of humble Irish parents a seven months" child, so frail in physique that lor the first live years of his life he could not lift his head! When later he went to school it was his fond mother carried him in her hard worked He undoubtedly inherited from Filed in Suprme Court. The case of Fred Gorder et nl vs. the Plallsnionth Canning comnanv t:: and its fo urtcen supreme plaintiffs com pany individual kh in number, was filed in court yesterday. The were the o I beers of the nnd put up large sums of County Court. Petition of Ambrose Mathews to admit to probate the last will and testament of U. V. Mathews de ceased, filed to-day. Gertrude M. Wiley vs. Chas. K. Wiley. Forcible entry and detainer case on trial to a jury composed of Messrs. M. Ib Murphy, L. C. Stiles, Sam'l Richardson, J. V. Kgenberger and C. H. Nobles. County Superintendent Noble is lmsily engaged to-day propounding inlricaie questions to a bevy of handsome school ma'ms who des're certificates permitting them to teach school in this county Those in atte idance were the Misses Sarah Wiley, L,i'y Sans, Nora Reynolds, Rock Bluffs; Grace Dean, Murray; Georgia Duzzcll, Greenwood; Carrie Gibbs, Ashland. money 10 run a jp-ung fmsincss or several years. To secure themselves they mortgaged the pb nt to them selves, and this action was brought against the company to secure a foreclosure of the mortgage for something over irll.'XM). The re maining stockholders intervened, claiming that indebtedness beyond the limit of the articles of incorpo ration was coated by the officials and without the knowledge of the stockholders, and that the mortgage was unauthorized. In the lower court Judge Field rendered judg ment of foreclosure in favor of the plaintiffs, from which the inter veners appeal. State Journal. Mr. Gorder informs us that had it not been for this litigation ngai-ist those who put up their money to run the factory, it would be in operation thisyea". ITe wants the respo n-ibil'ty for tbf smashing up of the factory to rest whore it belongs. arras. th r winca let". " ;i i.i ,n and on t.;. f a v. . a7: l m en on a a: . .: .,. lie i : e.ai I .' .1.; a.- Lawrence D;tnvtt. wc ar no hat 1: ; la : a- on oi:e occasion he f.ceeeded in finding ; iwi.-rable nt ia J.iiiii 1 iske"s when this eleaa- bar a.-.aii ;..ii,d.-d phiI.;opher .vais- u (a7 from Ole TuH's house in Cam brid.yv xih b'. 'rr; i r"s brand new luaver, leaving a le?-s eiotieing heaoirear in its place, 'i a- 1 a; rein-i.:7ed !:nn.-;oil until Iiis own hat was forthcoming. Kate Field's Washington. s of tiie disease v.":-. v in his prime: a-.i v n-atnre placed Ii -.ade The bat iaai a. r. the ir:an, could to order, though The democratic party is the same old toothless fickle dame that she has been ever since we have known her. After being won over com pletely by the corporations we are now notified by one John M. Ragan a prominent democrats politician at Hastings that a covention of demo crats will be held at Hastings May 1st to pass resolutions denouncing Governor Boyd for his veto of the railroad rate bill. This is particular ly worthy of mention for the reason that th'S man Rngnri is, and has been for a long time the general attorney of the St. Joe and Grand Island Railway company. The tickle old dame will only smile; however, there will be 110 ill feelings engen deed, it is simply a part of her scheme to fool the people. Pruning. The greatest of all remedies for children. Cures indigestion, con stipation, feverishness and loss of leep. Sold by Gering & Co. lm "Fruits and Friut Trees" is an ably written book and gives trusty information for all who grow fruit of any sort or kind. Stark Bros.' Nurseries, Louisiana, Mo., will send it free to all interested. Orange Judd Farmer. Banks The Citizens BANK P L ATTSM OUT i.i - NEBRASKA .V.yltal stock paid in 0 0 Authorized Capital, S300,OOO. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON II A NT) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions 'Carefully Compounded at all Hours The Best is the Cheapest That is Why Fred Gorder after 15 years of experience as the most succensful Agricultural implement dealer in the county has fcelected the following iniple aients which he carries and heartily reeommouds to his friends and patrons. 2Stc2aura. Iolias and SchuUor WAGONS, IBra&loy, Peru, and Doero LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES AND Badger Cultivators. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER, DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND HA worth Checkrowers and Planters. Handles tlie finestot Buggies, Phaetons, Carts, Spring Wagons and carnages ana ouier vemcies tuat are manufactured. ;'ria-"..l t,t. JO?. A. COS.VOK, Viee-rrer!'. . Ajijilts Are ia.ily lijivstt'ii. Cl liiieaiiy the .apple is composed of vepr. table finer, alhumii. siitar, gniii, Mali'.- a a l. vhl afMphyll. j;.allit-acicl, ii-i?, ill this rattier ;i gooil. rijK. and mnc-'.i watrr; yet. for hiipo-.iii!; ! t f in-rTVilici! riw i:i)Tle is o!i of th.. ; -dest of all the varctal i - su- ... v. 1 .h which ttw I'") Hii-'i a-.a .-. . a;a.al has to do; J: !. .'uft r ir. I'.as i'r-..-:i ea .a n, the vrii aie p; a s a" ...i..i, c:i;pleted vvituii) iiir- iii.a-;';.iy t-f:'.:-t si:-;.v ol aaty-iive i:iinat'ia' : : a IVtroii Frae I'ivs3. fiAcM Cr.rr-arfc J. A. CocDor, V. R. Gntbrrw . V. .Tohr.son, Henry BcROk, John O'Keele W. D. Mvrriarn, Wia. Wetencamp, W. H. r-isMTi. ifiiNSACTS: GENERAL BANKING BUSiNES ktj-'S Cfi'iilcit'?-! -if denorits bearing interest I'uv-j raid s"" pxch in;re. county and city sureties. The largest line in Cass County, of double and single harness at prices so low that it will pay you to come 20 miles and inspect stock . 1 '"o -h DAVID AIILLEH an experienced workman has charge ot our harness shop. Fred Gorder, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water 3 f. T? S First National BANK OF FLATTSMOL'TII. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ?50.n.To,(K) Surplus lo.oeo.09 "Stonevaair Jac1r.-on t!i..- modntiiifr depot police man fic Junction is in the citj preaching prohibition. It was nly a lark, fir." acaom nt Paei to fa3 oai it.--'. in: fn.ii: -a -a- i 121 1'Ieaded a -.atiou . f a I"'-di- 1 aSers the verv heFt fac;!iti's far the promj) tiaiir-a-jtioa ol likiiiaiattj Banking Business S'oc.'kr, l'onils, srold. povcrntnent and local pe iunti?f bntiht --tii sn at. Iep(bits received 3C1 mi f rest all"-.vpl 011 the certificates Dratts drawn, available in any part of the Unite! States and all the principal towns of Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AND rilOMrTT.Y Kr.HIIT-TED. Highest market ii'i ia;it, S;..u Di::ircTo::s ,r".a "iaa:. : r pail tor C'oia.ty ui v'i'uMv '.-'in c. var- t-vorth ,1 " ' , . j, v , 1: i a caD'u iur i.ik.-i, iauo wliica I shall put you for seven days." Luudou Tit-Cito. '.icoiac Ii. Dovey vioji t iU'TiJd, 8. Waugb. President Cabler, STAPLE AfiD FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AJS'D QUEENS WARE Floor BBfl. m a Specialty itronae 1 the Puble Solicited. JULIUS PEPPERREFiQ, MANUFACTURER OF ANU WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our flor Ji ?jJ3)ra3fj' an.1 FULL LINE OF '3ji TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE a:waya in etock. Nov. 26. 1865. DRESSLER, JOHNSON EDILDIKG. KcrlH 6tH S 1 BCPf tesm ti v a x& kiuH aTivJ Mind WKruSrrfng erred. Bxks lesrnM OM rwartm. Teeimiiiis from H 2!aJ p of th e'oba. Prosrysctni pot 1 The 5th St. Merchant Tailcr Keeps a Pall Line of Consult Your latere by Giving Il'm a Call SHERVOOD BLOCK 1 it: i i X It 'A 9 r J J