ittXiSU? W2 mu'b YH,' 'fMtikbkA ' "t KBR U A RY 26 1 s 9 1 .1 - iurt:njttwr.wi ll: Kaffo? Klatch. From Sa'u'drt'H Inl y. v' .Mrs. Vii(-li i i.tiitniiKtl tins wmbcr of "K lTee Kl.tch" at her plet.m.t Ik.iuc on Nrtli Filth Htieet yesterday af ternoon in a tnos' l-iijti till manner, the p i tit nlar (icciiHimi In in j in honor of Mrs. C LSI. Wiwil, who leaves n xt Tlin-.;!!iy lor iu r luturi honn. at I.ilu coli. lv i)turk y. An elnhoiate collation was c:iil in Hi': dining room aud ia uccoi'lrce with (Ji'iinan custom the tabb w in occupied by the gut-Ms us t'n-y felt '.b o d to indulge in refreshments from until i o'elnek- Tluw present wore Mi. C. M Wind, Mrs. .1. M. Thii-r of Lincoln, Mrs. Guild of Omah Mr-. 11. V. L ;vintM.n, Mr-. Sum Atwood, Mr-. F. E. Whit.-, Mrs. W. W. Druui nioml, Mrs. II. V). Palmer, and Mitt. I). A. C unpin 11 of Lincoln. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STATE MENT. To the E'e-fo b of Cifs County, Ne- hrut-ka: Hhvin noticed tli( false and violent the petition were stricken off for 'hia A Rarkfhc Mors, reason should be directed against the Ontlemen, bnt wasn't this luck? , ... Twenty-threo quail, two geese, two law, and the persons preparing the peti- ... , i n e. , T, . ' . 14 . . coons ami a tox all in one afternoon! II Hon, and not against the commissioner, , ftny one ,.., K,at that on ..u .vory,i;ly stut mi nt uade in the columns of some whose duty it ia to follow the law. In cities where registration laws pre- of th. papt-rs jHiol'hh'd in thi con' ty, vail it is a matter of fnquent occurence hat bona fide electors are denied and de prived of tUw right to vote because they neglect to register. Such persons could ' A Punyent Pun W- W"t..ler who told the l'lattfiuout h lfeiald thut it's the best paper in ihe county : It's h Mom ih'it CI raves ro- ju vuiint'-'H t dj. ois intrusted to their ki' p- T.:J amy bu a p. ii hilt X, V."c-f.iu: 1 1 ly 1I n-ju ycuulum v s gn i Wn pniiC Water Jb fublic in ing, . hop- ft) needed - r. r" Th eflervtsc nt editor of the Hep ublicnn is f .ist liuddin; into a punster, as the above will bear itness. The gist of the puti though in Uie case is so fa fetched ihe ordinary reader wiP scarcely "Catch on," and we'll kindly fn.irjres'' to liio, Keithly that he tniht have com pleted his labored effort by mailing on to eai ii of his few suticribers a in iz nifyiiiiC yluss t us ? as a develop. r of ! i obscurities. "Ve wnder" whnt's t i color of t!e man's Iihit thit i-vr arru-" the Iti-put'li'-Hii nf n-ju veii-it i.iii. Little Nellie Bates invited a number of her you a.'.' schoolmates to her bme in South Fourth ward last evening to cele brate her nbjth birthday. Mrs Bates looked after the comforts of the little peop'e and after a delightful time in childhood sports they partook of delicious repast which had been prepared by Nellie's kind mother. Those present Minnie Ileroid, Bef-sie Lake, Miami'; Graves, Laura Lake, Fannie Maner, Aim Pitz, Addie Graves, Maiy O'Xeil, Flor euce Conkling, Eva Coi'kling, Jimmie O'Neil, Frank Lake and Ethel Worth. Willie Carr son of C. S. Twis ckiii down l'roni Omaha last evening; to tnk supper at home on account of the day onn Ins natal anniversary. J lis your.; friends hoard of his coming home mid ar ranged for a surprise, They met at FraDk Boyd's an l about nine o'clock all marched in on the young man and fairly overwhelmed him. A nice supper was served by Mrs. Twiss and a pleasant evening was spent. Those present were Nellie Morrison. Eugene Smith, Tilla Ven ard, Minnie Bates, Anna Critchfielel, "Weepin-j Water; Bell Vermilyea, S 5. Riggins. U. L. Fraday, O'lie Boyd, Mable Ilayes, Lizzie Leach Ilattie thip- man, Lizzie Krohler, Mary Kroehler.Jonh ,D. Robbins, Guy Wingate. The Billings property on Main street ia about to change hands, which will en sure the erection cf two more store rooms in the spring. Mrs. Addie L. Browa, wife of the edi tor of the Ilasting Independent, went home this morning after a pleasant visit with frienels here while a'tending the W. R. C. convention as a delegate. A team hauling sand went through tha ice yesterday evening but by active efforts of somemen the horses were saved and the wagon was afterwards pulled out it oidy having broken through under the fro'it wheels. Hon. J. M. Pai tersn returned yester day from his tour of the Pacific coast, looking as though the trip had agreed with him. He reports the Cass county delegation as being in good Lealth and enjoying prosperity. Mr. Ed. Pattou is stepping high . today on account of the aiyent of an important addition to the Potton family. Dr.IIum phry was in attendance and thinks every body is getting along firstrate excep Ed, and he believes he can bring him through all night. Tho Herald is glad to note that Mr. Baxter Smith has realized there is no better town than Plattsmouth. He has therefore purchased the neat re&ideno of J P. Taylor in the First ward, near the Perkins house and will move from the suburbs to tiis new quarters soon. The elaugliter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lohnes died y- sferday at her heme in Peoria. Mr. Lohnesisa brother of Jacob and John Lohces residing wtst of the city. George Weidman received a tele gruni asking about Adam Lobnes, a brother of the deceased but Lis wherea bouts cunnot be ascertained. Professor Noble has quite a crowd oi young ladies at the clerk's office beint! examined today for certificates, which will allow them to teach school in this county. Among those present we no ticcd Miss Eva Campbell, of Union, Maggie Morrill, of Nebraska City, the 31isses Bertha Porter, Jennie Bailey. Annie O'Reilley and Cassie Rupp, o) Plattsmouth; Ida Sayles, of Cedar Creek. Myrtle Robertson, of Wgbash, Leonon Case, of Weeping Water, and Ola NorrU. of Avoca. wh ch we l'li- vi ire made fur the pur pose td d-. ei viiijj the Vitin as to why tin; p-titioii lor t county -i-h! election wi:a iefue'd, uh f 1 that it i but justic- t ouimlvcs and I be vtem that .Letxaet i'aets ull 'llld In: klKiHU. Wf will !iri;;lW stat; our otii.:i d ni t' in 'his ui'it ter, and upon wh'it fuels thee Wen: la-e.l, ni'd fe' l ceinti-taut Hint nil ncti'in will b npprovi-d by nil inti-lli g'-nt, 1 1 w aliiiling e' i- of tiiis (rnuiity. T ;e ition r.-- ive f our protiijit at tentioii wlien pi-f-ent'-d. Innie iliat-I ifrer it was oresetited a iiit'-st in writ- ing. and sworn to, was lilt-d in l!i otlie of Ii county cb rk by b cturs ot th county. Tins urotest ddviseil the lut:rl t j eiiiiiiiiissioiie s that inauv names on t)i pi tition were secured by unlawful niexiis. t Ht many names were forgeries, that many "tliers were tile names of n' nr i de- ts ot the County nel still many other? signed by persons ho wen; not elector ol thi- county er had been procured to ign by fraud ancl ni'srepresentation. After elue deliberation we continue'! tiie hearing of this controversy for fert days and this is th' first ground tor tle adv-rse criticism to which we have been sulj;cted by the unthinking partisans of the obj'-ct of the petition. common gooso hunt, let me see the color of iris hair. After tying on the game I mounted and broke into tin f. O. R.'s train of thought with a dig in the -ibs ! with the butt of the gnn. Right there was v. here I made the mistake of the d iv. The bnlendid Old Rim invni:,. tn not rationiliy complain f the election i ni.s surroundings, took ono BiiiiT at his boards for refusing to accept their vote f'-r the reasoo that the law prescribed regis ra'iuii as a condition upon whiwh t e right could be exercised. li fore the citizens can exercise the elective franchise he must comply with the lew that regulates the right. If the itizeu wishes to exercise that right he .oust comply with the law that .rtints it and if he neglects the require meats there is no person to blame tut niriss It. This is equally true in the natter .of this petition. If any elector if Cass conn? desired to have his name ounted on that petition 'he law pre eribed how that wish could be gratified nd the requirements of that law should e observed. The petitioner prepares he petition and an obseivance of the requirements of the law in all matters pertaining thereto is a duty that he as sumes and he h;!s no rational complain against the ministers of law if he has not oompiied with it. Independent however of the fact that names were duplicated upon the peti tion and that lare numbers of minors and non residents signed it and inde- We respectfully aud emphatically say pendent of the fact that SM'J names to our itllow ltizt-ns that a decent re;- ard for our duty imp- sed by tne law of this stat requireel us to give reasonable time for investigatiem We were not ad- Vised of the facts ratseel by the protest and could not peissibly act intelligently without investigation. We could not perform the duty that we owed to the peopie of the county with out taking the time of which these parti sans complain. Under th laws of this stste the county commissioners act judicially in passing up'n the sufficiency of a petition lor cuutyseat elections. It is eiitH ulr to undertanel how they can perform this eluty without the necessary time for in vestigation. This i true of 11 courts which appeared in the petition did not omply with the law and could not legally be counted, the peition was rightfully rejected and disuiUseel lor the reason that 224 of the electors who signed the petition voluntarily withdrew their ;. imcs from it and in due form o! law required the commissioners not to consider their names as petitioners, al leging that their names had been pro- ... . . . . . oiir.-d to tne petition uv misunderstand in' and misrepresentation; this act on t In: part ol tliose persons leit the petition SS names short of the number n quired by law. Our supreme court has elecided that petitioners on this class ot petitions are i-i Ihe nature ond character of plaintiffs odf rous burden, and in just one :.:u i l:au minutes by tho clock had bucked liiiiisch ciear of everything, saddle and uii, :.ud was making Salvator time fur I his t;t able. It was interesting while it lasted, but, thank the Lord! it didn't Ix.i long. Talk .-.bout riding n trip hammer! Why, that wo ilu be comparative fun to the; way i.ii -. iieud bucked! Fin-1 i;iy hat came vi:; tii-n the game b -gau to como up and nit me in tho face and the small of the :a; k: l::en I had to throw away my gnn .- ;. ; t: have both hands to hold on with; be-gaii to rain dead email out of y ;.o -.u-ls, and uriaily lie got me to C down as he waa going up and h:t :, :t".' -I it. Tho rx-xt tuiug 1 knew I v.-: ; ! 1: 1 It::- on the ground, withmy teeth ii : ..(,;-:. and a kink in tay ?pi::c iny ;ai:;.-, gun, saddle and blanket scattered .:- aud tho horse neariv home. Old 1 1 was sitting in front cf ine, spat- Hi' l ie ground with' his stump of a tail and now and then lie-king his wounds ia a uw.i tier that showed he waa proud of 1 i:.-.u. i elemoraiized, there's no use de- n; :ry: it; a: A vealc and sick I sat there i.:.V:i ;::y friend, alarmed by the H. O. i.:.V, ri Lurn ride-rless to the ranch, hitched up :..i team anu came elown tho river aunting tor ine. Forest and Stream. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Aycr's Sarsaparilla Is an cffectlvo remedy, as numerous testimo nials conclusively prove. "For two years I was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and liver complaint. I doctored a Ionic time and the medicines prescribed. In nearly every case, only aggravated tlio diseaae. An apothecary advised me to use Ayer's Harsap.irilla. 1 did so, and was cured at a of 5. Since that tlmo It liaa heeii my family medicine, aud sickness has become a stranger to our household. I believe It to be the best medicine on earth." P. K. McNulty, Hackman, TJ Summer St., Lowell, Mass. FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain cure, when the complaint origi nates in impoverished blood. " I was a great sufferer from a low condition of tho blood and general debility, becoming finally, so reduced that I was unlit fr work. Noth ing that I did tor die complaint helped me so much as A yen's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this medicine In similar cases." C. Evick, 14 K. Main L., Chillicothe, Chio. FOR ERUPTIONS And all disorders originating In Impurity of the blood, such as boils, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, aud the like, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla rUEPAKED BY DE, J. O. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mas a. Price 1 ; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. Mien Meat Market 105 fi Oth t.. Union Mock, formerly 4K M"ii trwt. Splendid MtrKit, wli'-re Kverything kept is Find Claft. WV aim to ole-asc, and hJi it I lie I'utiou a'e of tint J'u!li'. niE choicest stkak.s, EXCELLENT KOAST8, THE SWEETEST CUTS, FINEST CUUED MEATS, t a M K. FISH AM) MlUKIl I1EI.I (3 4CIES IN SKA HON. an.l tntmuais tiiat proceed upon inquiry in , l;lw S11ii; tiK-y hays an indisputable 1 I- . 1 l . -w . 1 a-ou near ueiore tney eietermme. it was right to withdraw their names from the our duty to pa-s upou the suificiency of perition or law uir, at any time before this petition. In the performance of that the question ia linaily submitted; duty it was necessary to pass upon the thi is their undoubted right, (iualiucations ot the name ol eaeii person ; tin y have as much riirut to withdraw wnicu appeared upon mat petition; to ru n the petition as they havo to sisn determine whether those persons whoi-e n-iiiies itppeared on that petition were qualified electors and bona ride residents of the county; tn ascertain that names had not been duplicated anel to deter mine whether the names appeared on that petition as required by the law of the state. The law governing county seat elections was our only authority for calling an election. We addressed our selves to the performance of our duty in this matter as prescribed by the law of this state and which eluties we assumed under the solemnity et our official oath. A.S the inquiry proceeded we ascer tained by the clearest proofs that names appearing on the petition had been du plicated; that minors and non-residents in large numbers had signed the petition; that others had been induced to sign it under the representation that they were siUTiing a petition against prohibition and as we examined each name appear ing on said petition the fact was (lis losed that 309 names did not comply with the law governing county seat elections. That law prescribes as an in dispensible qualification or character of such petitions that the section, town ship and range in which the petitioner resides shall be given, his age and length of residence ia the county; in a great many cases this prevision w.ts disre garded. We carefully deliberated on this mat ter and asked the opinion of the county attorney, H. D. Travi?, and our final ex termination of the matter was in accor dance with tho opinion of the county at torney and our own judgment; for in such cases it was impossible to know whether such names were bona fide or not, or whether they had been placed there by persons ignorant of the place ot domicile of the persons whose names were signed. The statute has fixed these require ments and we ask ths intelligent, fair minded and law-abieling citizens of this county and state if we had any right to disregard the requirements of the law, which was our only authority for acting and which we had solemnly sworn to support and observe. If one of these requirements could be rightfully disregarded, then the ob servance of every one of them would be optional with the county commissioners, and e could act upon our mere whim or preference in matters of grav public concern. In this matter we adoptee! and acted as well upon belief that the law wai mandatory and that it coiitiolled our ac tion in this matter. The complaint that old residents oi the county whose names appeared upon it. The object of this petition is to show and make it appear that there is a prob ability that if the election is called Ihe proposition may be favorably acted upon. It is certainly no more annoying or in jurious 'to the partisans of county seat removal to have these persons withdraw from this petition and thus defeat the culling of an election, than it is to vote against the proposition if it is submitted and if they will do one they are quite as likely to do the other. Our f-upreme court nas decided that county seat elections are not favorites of the law, and those who desire them must comply strietly with the la. Suved a llaby from IJcatli. Dnri'v? a small tenement house fire on the . -i-'l side there was a thrillintr im-i- i.i i..;at was not chronicled at the time. i vuiTe l at a rear window ia the see- :i:4 .ntorv. i no Uame.? nad wen p.vtin- ne;I with trifling damage, but the ce was full of smoke. : ' : Isl.-uiv a woman tottered to the open :?. in her arms the held a bundle, -r ciaspeei to ner Dosoni. It was m hi to wrappings. Quickly tho crowd of in the yard below saw tho woman. :t e !oud3 of Kino'e whirled about her A ia suaacalin--r volumes, and tlie ' --.-ii callod upon her to jump. i- I utatcd, but extended the bundle ..-a":; length, from which at that mo- :.:t thers eamo a faint cry. It was 'y's voice. .- :v e i;;y crma: iraTuoreii tne woman. -.i-ta.:;iy a blamcet v.';-s procured and . susn xeid its corners. ' ,jvo it!'' they shouted. with bcr feat averted the agonized d kr i?riiled mothor let tlio babv fail. i .v:i ti?o lit lie ono fluttered liko a while 'd, v.xunJed bird, with tiia despair cry or 'Aeamma" upon its lip.-:. i ii'.iy it t-truck tho blanket, and a mo ;t l:.ler it was taken up safe and but sobbing, by a motherly look- ; woman m tho thi-o:ig. i : r:iiiirctl but a few lainute.s to raise l;Ir and rescue the self sacrific-intr ...iierfrom her perilous position and s.oro her elimpled darling to her arms. Jhis touching rescue was loudly rcl ny the sympataetie spectators. .o'.v i ova Herald. TIIE TYPEWRITER A Ntrietly first el;n manhine. fullv warrant ed. iroin the very liest material by -killed workmen, and with the best tools ttia't tiav'e everleen devised for the mirnose. War. ranted t' do all that can be reasonably ex pected of the very best typewriter extant. Capiible of wi i r i n ' 15') words per minute or morts according to the ability of the operator. 8 mm . . r.a i"-;-- By fair and ht nest dealing I expert to merit a share of the trade. UJMm. J. It. VALLERY, Vrop 311K.E SUN l L L 15 A C K Eit . Vaou and Blacksniith sho Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Repairing don . riORSESIlOEINO A SPECIALTY He uses the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for the farmer, or for fast driving, or for city purposes ever invented. It is bo made that anyone cf.n put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roaels. Call at his shop and examine the kevkkslip and you will use no other. J. M. SIINEI.LBACKER. 112 North Fifth St. Hattsmoutli JULIUS PEPPER3ERG, MANUFACTURER OK AKt) I J 14 J tk. M - U. -LM M HJH OEALER IN THE Thoicest Brands of Cigars, including our flor da " ))OK J1i FULIi LINE OF PKiCE 8100. if r)mi-r: is no nirent iu your t.iwn address tlie 'Ui:-iii;taelur 8. TlIK PAltlWH M'l'Mi C). gtnt.s wanted Parish N, Y. F. B. SEELEMIKE, Agent. Lincolu, Neb, A-Jvertisi" Vour Profession. Advaitising i th-j b'itim-iie coadjutor f any legitimate Imyineps. No one occu- :;;-ion or set of men has a monopoly of it ) my code ox couimon Hense. When rpc-r!y used and developed to its capac- i :v for good it is as honorable and as tii in its ar plication to the prof essious :t is to tho merchant, manufacturer. nMif-her, playwright, the artist or the pv ! pi t. Like anything else, it can be put wrong en us; but that should not tlis- l fviit advertising as a proper factor for The expense, lossof time and inevitablfi I T:od purposes. As well denounce relig- annoyance anel friction attenelmg thest contests should not be hiflcted upon the people by tlie mere whim or caprice o agitators or of public eervants but should be granted only as a mandate of the law. Iu conclusion we respectfully submit t our fellow citizens of Cass county that in this matter we are as clearly con rinced that we have performed our eiuty ana our whole eluty as we i. i ii i are mat nn aiiegea petition was presented for our consideration A committee, of the petitioners ap peared in person and by counsel before us when this matter was finally d''srosed of, and gave notice of an appeal from i ti i f t ur action ia uus oenair. ve were pic ked with this course, for if we were wrong we were willing and anxious that ;.i o-.-cause taere are Hypocrites, or con- l:mn water as a drink because men are (irovvned in tne oav. uecause rascals :i ttiMcputable iop:ubers of the profes sion Lave invoked its docs not limit tj iihi-'fi-inoss v.-hen put to good e nuj. The professional man must, in the be- iriiiningof his practice, bend Ins energies to rr.iiaingup a large circle of acquaint- ::('',. hi the ordinary course of events. : i following the usual habits of all pro fessional men, he is obscure for the first ten veal's of ma practice. After that tie, if fortune favors him,s he rises with more or less rapidity to a position which if r.t cr.c3 profitable and honora ble. A. L. Teele in Printers' Ink. PURE 7JUPLE and Syrnp. Low prices ij'iotc.l !i iitre r sinill bt.(. Strictly Pure. Adirondack Maple Snerar Co 123(5 Jlonroest., Chicago, III. FULLER & Western Agents. TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE a. ways in stock. Nov. 26, 1885. m r - Jf kk m m mtJZ ami mm THE OLD RELIABLE u i tit a rm It. A. I DHESSL 5"" A Delicate Question. During a lull in the court proceedings at Auburn the other da-, Sheri.T Lamb propounded a legal question based on an aclual eccurrence recently m Last Liv- eTiore. J. wo neignDors in tnat town nn rnr,i'.. n or tne rams lranM tue courts suoum put us rigur; anel we over the feme into the field of tho neigh- are very much disappointed by the neg- bor and while there injured one of the lect of petitioners to uursuri their annenl c-ttle weic.i was grazing in the tie!;l. n. ... hor nfff-r ikp .t;f;-- A 1he neighbor caught tho ram j-nd li-d I ri ip in tIiq f-.T-T vs7ri-T-a his nr ri t;i m w;.-i . . ltL . . , .l in L iv nai II -L Jl ' J. V A.LU W , . . tueir counsel mat we will volnntarilv . . i J i iie'u. lie liajiieueu to K14C LLiUA le'o appear in court and if they will present much slack rone the ram got at the more their grievances and there submit our I securely ti?l ram i;-!oiigin.rr to th9 man action to the judgment of the court, and wbo. ml hiia :i.a.'1 ' hIm- Aftf caving perierrieu iiiiL- leat no ,.ai;igc.i, thvr-r,r'n the errv; ;Linonnt of rone, to tret action we agree personally to defray the feo entau-iod as to got hanged by the uech expenses of the inquiry in court, in- until he was dead. The legal question a reasonable attorney's fee to ba involved was as to who should pay for 6xed bv the court on behalf nf th ,. the ram the neighbor who, by letting i"- titioners. A. B. Todd, A. C. LDER, Jacob TitiETten, his rara Ioosl-, caused ail the trouble, or thf neighbor who, by tying him m tne bai n fo carelessly, caussd tiie ueatn oj both r.nimals. Bangor Isews. The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of Foraiji i o Qastic Goo Is. Consult Yar Interest by Glviut: Him a Call SHERWOOD BLOCK jEl.rtE-xQ.ri itli I UOI.!) .V l PORC E l, N!U KO WN3 Bridge workjand tine gold work a SPECIALTY. Pit. STEIN A US LO'.'AL hi w'H as other 'rb. estheticsgiven lor Hie pmnless extraetioa of i tectD. i t C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald B1' I nn?? it p. onm,- nfiilliiiMiill OL DUfl? LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash, co 5-5 ; Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND t7- r. XS .?' 4J. 1 UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand Jeverything you need to furnish your house. CORNER BIXTa AND MAIN 6TREET Plattsmout - Neb HANSEN DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, I I GLASS AJN L QUEENSWARE Removal. O. A. Hirsch will remove his barber 6hop under Slayer Bros store where he will hereafter rnn three chairs and three l-1 1 gaiiej", get a lumj bath rooms. His new ?a rotl. KcTt hor'' a lwt cf weak. t: a from the PaUcc h.itel in Francisco, where none but the best can secure em Cn them, gt't canned roast b. '.-l and pb'vment. For a nice shuve or rmi-f bdiv.Is cv-tv other dav and the i.-est of bath call on O. A TTii-kOi ni ,i .. ...-. I salt beef and nork. If the ... . . . v 1 1 1 ia . 1 j 7 r 1 1 - lors in the Carrutli Idock after next Mon tlaJ- dlw Wliut the Sailor Men Times are changed now on board hips. When I was a loy before tne tnist I had to take a 11.1 p-.uaii-in iuvi of touy.n ::nd n;'- a:i-i eat wherever 1 nan a s iow. Isow a.iays t'ne sailors "nave a boy to wait cokee am t strong enough or sweet enough they growl at the cook. Interview with Capt. Sw-Hiett. matte uou a STRONG, Vigor ova Man. PriCM 91.00, 6 .'..; CnpwwrPWav . i V M WB tm c uj '"- ww -- : dl Nf'lU toss cf Merrcry, -. Will 1 r "Hra "rft t& -..! TA'fl S Boras. SS 00. V i r J r!! Social nectlom Mnil'i jjKrf-r, ' a3J , -a.-fc a,,.. AddnMM iFIop quo Fsofl a Fpecialty I"" M l 'I '' Pnble Solicited. m" f 299 Lucas Avs. JOHNSON UILDIHGN8M 6tH St" r