Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, February 12, 1891, Image 3

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    A Letter.
From Saturday's Daily,
Editou llKni.D: Sorno weks ago I
promised to give you an account of
I was doing for ihe sufferers in the drouth
Btricken region. Before I filled tho bx
cs the freight rates went up. I cilk'Ci d
$1 to pay freight and puid the b;-.l nre
myself. I collected about COO pounds
of clothing and other things und wmb
then' taken sick and Mr. Todd kindly
took charge and sent the boxfs.
I saw by last evening's Hkkald that
Mr. Todd had given you a letter I or
publication which ho received from
Litchfield, Neb., stating they had re
ceived goods, which I had sent to tin
sufferers. That is all right, but I don't
claim all t lie credit. The ladies that I
Called on were most all willing and nnx
idus to give, although most f them id
contributed before. They all, however,
found something to send to the unfortu
nates and a great deal of good, warm
clothing wai gathered up. I cannot give
tbc names of the donors, but I will name
a few of the articles. There were four
good bed comforters, twelve good clonks
and wraps and other articles too numer
ous to mention, all clean nnd in good
condition. The clothing was mostly for
women and children. Mrs. Austin sent
twelye pounds of dried fruit, aud with
her help we made quite a number of
good new garments lor women, and
there were at least twelve pairs of good
shoes and stockings. And, last but not
least was medicn; Mr. Fricke gave at
least three dozen bottles of erood family
' medicine, some of which he put up es
pecially for the sufferers. The druggist
at Warrick's old stand gave five bottles.
I haye heard from good authority that
they cinnot get medicines or doctors out
there as the people have no money to
pay for either.
Mks. M. M. Kicir.vnosoN .
County Court.
Petition for appointment of Richard
T. Powell administrator with will an
nexed of estate of W. B. Reynold?, de
ceased, Prayer of petition granted.
James Irving vs B. L. Miller et al.
Continued until Feb. 17, at 10 a. in.
Judge Sullivan for plaintiff, Dwyer and
Clark for defendants.
Capital National Bank, of Lincoln vs
F. M. Striplin et al. Judgment by de
fault for $300.25.
Representative Gale of Brown county,
who introduced the resolution Wednes
day to recognize Governor Buyd, today
received the following threatening letter
. Omaha. Feb. 5. To Ttaitor.- Look:
to those who have preceded you in his
tory. Is gold worth more than one hoi.
orablo opiaion amonf: one's fello'-'s?
These that sell are the laughing stock of
the buyers. And those that one betra s
look with 6Corn and contempt on him
who forfeits his right to manhood. II y
ery traitor should be without family, so
tiiat his deeds may not fall upon them
and cause a stigma to be attached to
their characters. Omaha's gold secured
the votes for Boyd and it looks as though
its money would endeavor to foster him
as governor of the people, but it will be
the means of making our cause stronger
in the future." Independent.
To this was attatched the . following
There is hemp be i n raised in Ne
braska that I believe will be put to gowd
use in the near future." Mr. Gale said
iu commenting on this letter, "My opinion
is that a coward who dares not acknow
ledge his own words is too contemptible
te notice."
In tht house today 10,000 copies of
Governor Boyd's message were ordered
printed in English.
Free Delivery.
For the year ending February 3 rd,
1891 there were issued by the Nebraska
City pest office 2,515 money orders. For
the 6ame poriod there were issued by
,$h Piatt mHth post office 2,730 money
. order or 215 more orders issued by the
Vfice f this city than that of Nebraska
City. It will be borne in mind that Ne
braaka City, has the free delivery aysUm
There daesn't seem to be any good raa-
u for the post office department discrim
inating against thifc city in the matter of
postal service. If Nebraska City is en
titled to the free delivery seryice the fig
wres will bear us out in saying that this
city is more than equally entitled to it.
Two messages in one week. Is there
any wonder the legislaturh wanted
recesi for a few days?
Nebraska City is about to inaugurate
a sidewalk revolution. Every dilapidat
ed walk is to be displaced by fine broad
ones, weile Jmany extensions of walks
will be made.
It is said Roy II. Youn-j, a compositor
on the Enterprise of Grant, made a re
cord f 12,917 em brevier in eight hours
Tonng is eighteen . years old and has
been, at the printing . bnsihess only two
member of the senate received a
letter from a constituent saying: "D
the contest; send a seed and feed."
The constituent might have put it in
mors diplomatic terms, but he was get
ting right to the core of the matter and
Ik t Tsroaqnlar most, senators are eon
Tenant with.
Mieriff Tighe, is out near Eagle today
after nn insane woman named Mrs. Mary
The city is full of farmers today, and
the business men all seem to have their
hands full.
Mr. F. A. Murphy, f Cednr Creek,
camp down this moi uing to viit iclativts
a few duys in this city.
F 8. White.lias fhipp'd two cars of
products a week for his trade at the feed
ftore, for the past six months.
County Commissioner A. B. Todd and
daughter Lelia will go to Wahoo this
evening and sj.end Stind ly with friends
in that city.
Hi; v. L'uer, pastor of the German
Methodist church, went over to Hamburg
Iowa, this morning where lie will hold
services tomorrow.
It is said the independent lenders have
now ileeideii to dismiss tin coiiUat pro
ceedings againtall republie-in srte offic
ers Tuesday next. Th Independents
hope to thu gain the favors republican
members in the contest against Boyd.
Sol. V. Pitcher, County Clerk of Sher
ilan Couuty, after looking in on the
Jegislatur aud list jninul to the inmigura
addrts? of Governor Boyd, yesterday,
came clown to the city and is the gues-t
of his fatherinlaw Jacob Vallery Sr.
Uncle No.h Clemmons, of Rock Bluffs
precinct returned hist evening from a
three weeks visit with C. W. Curtis, md
family of Hampton Hamilton County
this state. Mr. Curtis' w is suprised to
find on his return that the ground was
bare here, for there was a heavy mow
fall out there.
F. S. Whit-, the ice king, has niw safe
ly stored in his ice houses for the use of
his many customers during the hot month
of next summer, 2000 toLs of the frozen
liquid, and his countenance seems to
indicate a con rented mind, for it looked
for some time that Plattsmouth would be
in foi an ice famine the coming summer.
Hon. F. E White returned from the
capital hist evening, the legislature
having taken a recess till next Tuesday.
Mr. White i receiving congratulations
on every baud for the splendid record
he is making ia tha legislature, and the
11lkai.ii is not as blinded by partisan
prejudice as not to be willing to bestow !
credit where it is due.
The dense fog this morning caused
switch engine .No. 21S and road, engine
No. 125 to come in contact in the yard?
this morning, resulting in the bursting
of the water tank of the former engine
and painfully crushing the foot of Fire
man Hayes, Prompt action of the en
gineers in reversing their engines, pre-
veiled what might otherwise have been
a serious wreck.
We are in receipt of a letter from Sid
ney Minor Esq., who went from this
county a few months since to Fresno
county, California, in which lie expresses
atisfaction with his new home, sayin?
anions other things that he worked all
last week in shirt-sleeves, and had not
needed an overcoat any time this winter.
He also states that very little rain has
fallen there this winter. To show the
thrift with which the friat trees grow
fhoro ha nnolnaorl a mpoenrpir.pnt nf A I
. , .. , iL
peacn tree iwig oi one Beasou s growiu,
which was 14 feet and 7 inches iu length.
He also enclosed one of the discomfitures
of California life in the way of the
skeleton f a large mosquito which he
says are annoying at this season f the
year. It would be seen from tne pro-
portions of his mosquitoship that not
only vegetable life takes on a thrifty
growth, but also the animal kingdom is
not dwarfed by the salubrious climate of
The Burllngrton's New Line to the
Black Hills.
The Burlington Route takes pleasure
in announcing to the public the comple-
tion of its new line to Dead wood, South J
Dakota, and the formal opening of same
for business.
i ma event mams an epoca in me on-
tory of .Nebraska, in opening up to the I
trade centers of the state and the Mis-
... i .
: -rn A t
and a country immensely ricn in coal and
mineral deposits, whose possibilities for
the future promise much for the com
mercial and manufacturing prosperity of
the state.
ine line is Buosianuauy c .instructed i
and thoroughly equipped, the object be-
ing to afford a service that is first class
in every particular, and ia keeping with
other through linos of the Burlington
System. I
It is the shortest and quickest line from
Missouri River cities and principal points
in Nebraska to Deadwood, Hot bpnngs,
Custer and Hill City, South Dakota, Mer-
ina and Newcastle. Wyomine. and all
- - - j
points in the Black Hills I a
Through trains are run daily with Pull-
man Sleeping Cars from Omaha and
Lincoln to Deadwood without change. I in
making connection at Liacola and Oma- j framed a tariff bill, bat congress ad
ha with all trains of the Barlington I journed before . final action could be
Route to and from all point East, West I
and South. I
x w mioun appiy 19 any
13 .1 I . ' i I
Barlington gentf ot to j
J. JrBA3tCls (Hn'l Fsss'r Agt., (.branch, with the probabilities deciiedly I
J Turbe is no money in the Arkansas
i treasury to pay the members of the leg-
isiature; but they should be willing, in
the interest of the democratic party, to
wait for their pay until the ptate can
realize upon the assets turned over 13 the
defaulting treasury.
A man by th name of Cameron, who
was appointed to a place in the treasury
department under the Cleveland admin
istration, and was afterward discharged
by Mr. Mituniag on account of his bad
reputation, which the New York Tribune
exposed, has j:ist received a judgment
agiiinnt til i tpaper for G cents.
A dispatch irom lexas announcfs
that a quarrel over a calf of the value of
G has resulted in the death of both dis
putants, one being shot by the other and
the second falling under the fire of the
deputy sheriff who undertook to am st
him. Tuere is one thing to be said of
tit is affair it WH3 as clean a job as we
have eyer heard pf. At the latest ac
count? the can (ot the value of SO) was
doing as well as could be expected.
The commissioner of pensions denies
the charge made by ill the democratic
and anti-soldier sheets that the pension
list is going to greatly increase this
coming year. He cstim ttes that the
''firtt payments will be $10,000,01)0 less
than last year aud says tht the effect of
the act of June 27 will be to decrease tbc
cost of tensions instead of increasing it.
II:: says that the prediction of a deficien
cy iu next year's appropriations on ac
count of the pension law will not be re
The effect of the law according to his
calculations is to equalize the pensions
and not to liicrearc the aggregate. Liu-
coin .Journal.
Thk hill in the legislature, providing
that ail unimproved land adjoining im
proved farms or lots shall be listed for
purpose of taxation at the sam figure as
i he improved iand, would have one good
effect if it should become a law. It
would lead to t: " i' ". v",v"nt of a large
amount of wild .ai.vt Oj k.- pr. .-cut owners
or its sale to persons who would im
prove u with iisultinir lanre rnatcnal
l.'-uefit to the state. The amount of
such land in the s'ate two years ago was
greater than the amount of the im
proved la::d,and it is probably notanyless
ut present. At first glance the proposi
tion is likely to appear not exactly just,
but why should the owner of unimproved
lamis ue allowed to proht Irom its .p
prtcia'ion by reasow of the improve
ment of contiguous property without
puyii.g for the benefit? Why should the
enterprising citizen who cultivates his
farm or builds cn his property be re
quired to pay more relatively in tnxa
tion than the man who expends no capi-
tal improvements and simply holds
his land for speculation or for an in
crease in value contingent upon the in
vestments and enterprise of his neigh
bors? There are many cognent reasons
in support of the proposed measure.
Omaha Bee.
Globe Democrat.
The republicans who are taking the
view that the tariff in any event can not
ba changed within the next two year
forget one or two essential facts in the
situation. In the senate the party will
have a lead of perhaps half a dozen in
the Fiftysecond congress. There is a
possibility that it may be a little below
this figure. In any ease, however, the
republicans will have a majority of that
hodr. Tint this maiorltv nn nnt Ko
6trictly depended on to assert itself on
all partisan questions. It is well known
that meat of tht northwester republic-
ana in both branches of congress voted I
for the McKiley law under a Bert of I
mental protest. In the case of soma f
these republicans the protest took a mors
prBuouuctu uiu prcucai suape. xnt I
law nas certainty made no proselyte in
any part of the west since it went into
... . i
.no..t;nn Tf - j
to say tnat tne economic idea which the J
act represents is distinctively weaker I
throughout this portion of the countrv
than it was six or eight months ago I
Even the most extreme champions of the I
measure win now, we presume, concede I
that it was a blunder, and that it Was
almost wholly responsible for th disas-
ter which the party met last November
at the polls. And very few of them can
imagine that sentiment has changed in
their direction since the election.
If a moderate and conservative meas -
ure of the tariff revsion comes from the
house in the next congress it is likely to j a
pass the senate, unless that bodv DreDarea
- 4.
measure of its own. in which case the
matter will go to the conference commit-
tee. In 1888, when the democrats were I
control of the house. th FanatA I
taken on the question. In 1893 the
senate, in all Drobabilitv. will taka?th
r m
same course. . a inrin dui will be pre-
. . - . ,
pared in the upper as well a th lower I
An agreement on some kind of a meas
ure is likely lo b had in conference. A
presidential veto may come, but if the
bill proposes no radical or dangerous
charges in the existing law th chances,
at this distance from the event, sevm to
be i faycr of its obtaining ti.o requisite
two thirds vote to override the txecu-
tive disapproval. The devotion to pro
tection anion? western republicans is as
I strong as ever, but it is to the protection j
with which the party was identified un
til recent years. They favor the protec
tiou whicn affords a reasonable amount !
of advantage to the home producer, but
they oppose nnd will strike down the
sort which builds up monopolies and
trusts uiid levies a needless and opprci-s
ive tribute on the masses of the commu
nity. wt. .
ine county cemmissioners were
gaged yesterday and today iu rev
the court house plans.
A. B. Todd took a little lay-off from
commissioners duties today and is tran
sacting business in Omaha.
Senator Thomas, returned from Lin
coln this morning to remain at home
during the recess of legislature.
H. C. Mackcn, has completed his con
tract of filling the B. & M. ice house and
is now shipping to Council Bluffs and
St. Joe. The ice harvest has proyed
much 'more satisfactory ;at this point
than was anticipated a few weeks ago.
Happy Hoosiers.
Win. Timraons, l'ost master of Idaville, ind..
write : " Electric lilt ters has done more for
ine tliaii all other nietliclues combined, for that
had feel'iig ai'iMiiK from Kidney a:ii Liver
trouble." John Leslie, farmer and Moekiiian,
of wamt" llac nays : "Find Kleetnc Hitter to
be the best Kidney and L'ver medicine, maue
me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner
hardware merchant, same town, pays : "Klee
tric I'.ilter.s is just the thing: for a man who fs
all run down and don't care whether he lives or
dies ; he found new ftrength, good appetite
and felt just like he hid a new lease on life
Onlv Mc, a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's Drug
Store, 2
Cupid vs. Clothes.
When Elizabeth held tho fort in Eng
land, and Sir Walter Raleigh used to go
about with clothes on that if he had got
h-.rd up he could have gone an
his uncle's and put them up for thou
sands of pounds, not to mention a cer
tain pair of shoes of his which were said
to be worth G.OOO crowns, then it be
caino the fashion for a man who was in
love to iK'gl. ci his apparel, as if ho were
too much occupied to bother about such
There was one mark in particular
his :;a ixid Wt-ru not to be tied. So that
when aa Elizabethaa uudo walked down
the M:;I1 with taei-e useful appendages
hanging on behind him it was equiva
lent to crying th:it his heart was gone.
Here wo have Shalcespeara ia "A3 You
Like It" put dug these words into the
mouth of fair lio. r.ind, "T hero is none
ef my unelo'a inark.s upon you; he
iavht ine how to know a man in love.
iieii your no:-.e soouid be ungarted,
your bo:met unhanded, your sleeves un
buttoned, your she' s untied, and every
thing about you denoting a careless des
olation." Clothier and Furnisher.
TIio IVrsonsil Pronoun in Conversation.
Tho inordinate employment of the
po5.-.fsjivo in ;t vulgar polecism, and
not ii.sea to excess uy tuoso or gentle j
breeding. There are both men unci wo-
men wno are rorever raiiung aoout "my
carriage," "iny house," etc., until they I .sell Oil e hundred bottles demonstrating' What it will do. It
disgust their hearers. One is apt to im-
agine that fuch persons are the possessors I
or newly acquired wealth and its appur
tenances, when this small, two lettered
tiio v 4. i;.., I
vj. Diiio liuui Liiii Hit.u 4iij.rccxx- I
mtr trennencj-.
ne pronoun "i snoum not oe too
often repeated, as it gives too personal
and egotistic a turn to conversation, and
the frequent recurrence of "I said so and
so," and ;I did so and so, reveals a nat
ure weighed down with a Bense of its
own importance, and caring little about
vLit other people are doing or thinking.
Jennesa-Miller Magazine
People Who Kat Alone.
In all thoroughly civilized countries
the members of a family and their gnests
partake of meals while collected around
a central board, but this is not so with
the majority or even a fraction of the
semi-civilized and barbarous nations.
The Mardivian islanders dine alone, re
tiring to the most secret parts of the'r
huts for the purpose of eating their food,
This custom probably arose among them
in an early period of their history, for
rear Pernaps, tnat another witn equally
"L X " . . lJL
bjg meal. St. Louis Republic
Declaration of War Not NMciurr. I
Wars are often engaged in without
Europe, and has been so here. The Unit
ed States made a pronunciameuto of this
when it entered into the contest
yth Great Britain in 1818, bnt no such
--4.u -vt-,.
WlL-JJ. lUCAlW J1 ilX UiO WlVll Oil Uii Lilt?
of 18G1-5. In each case the government
recognized that a state of war existed
and ,ACt accordingly. St. Louis Globe-
C!a.n!nA Tntlll'-nf. I
Oneof the intelligent dogs lives in Bar
Harbor, Me. He was carrying a paper
the other day when several canine com-
panion3 began to bother him. He put
the paper down on the ground, and when
dog attempted to tonch it sprang on
mm ana Save lum a ti00 shaking. These
tactics he repeated several times, till at
(ia rwfc craf n.nv Hex t tvV
the paper, and then h auickfy picked it
tip and walked awav. Keacbec Jour-
A "Hallo!" IUIm.
One telephone was put in at a small
town in - Kansas,' and the owmer of s
hooae to rent immediately raised th
and called nt a. rmin hlf a. mil
k.. .uvu.u. uvu nvu UlCl
away, and bon m Wood vessel trying to
keep up con veiraatioa over th wire,
iManufactufacturers' Atrents .for
lure and Supplies.
VXX-j . ft
MTS ;.N'V AliM CHAIli.
The cliuir can he attache
L-f Vrf W f 1
r --' t Jl - ri
- 1st -VI i t u
merits, and so adjtistahle and a-c mi u datin; tliat it can he set ut anj
inclination, its changes of position making pen work a delight can
he drawn close to the writer or pushed stride out of the way and
even lilted of the chair and laid aw.i. Weighs hutfeven pounds.
Asareading stand it is alone worth its cost.
Its portability is a valuable fe itnre. In summer placed near an
open window or on a cool veranda, or even under a tree on the open
lawn; in winter, bofore the lire, under the fr.ll Hht of a lanij. It
adds wonderfully to a students comfort,
Send lor circular and juice list.
i.lILMNO, O.MVliA, jS'ki;.
Wc want agents iu
United States to sell our
stamptng and writing on linens, etc. Sample
secureiy packed, mailed to any address for
cents. Large profits to agents. Terms on an-
plication. TAYLOR & WELLS,
New Vokk Lifk Huildino, Omaha. Nku.
want agents
in every
Heeds it Ulltl Will bliy it at bight. OllC 10 CCllt bottle will
remOVCS blots Ol"
Ieaviii"- the nancr Derieetlv clean and readv for immediate
nso. I A
New York Lifk Building,
This file is not a calender, but a
can be recorded and each item, as
place at the lront" and stare you in
st attention. At the time ol writing letters relative to important
matters, dates can be fixed when thes
should such letters receive no reply.
Especially adapted to recording
ters as appointments, Payment of Life
of Fire Insurance, Special collections,
rw i
Payment of taxes, Dates set tor snits,
-r- v i i
J UbLXloo iuch niiu cl Liivcv. xxic,
Price, with ink wells and full supply
Parties dosiring glass ink wells
Taylor &
84 N Y. Lit. BiWiig, Omaha
Office Furni-.
With Heading Stand ami Copy HohUr"
With sliding exteiitrnri top.
Inside f'ir Mai uui-ry.
.tiitl una
Made under 1'ai k & Woodhouse. patri
Several IMnU in Use
I. 1..:. 1 .... M i .. ; -I ... i ...m.
Made in Polished IIurd'
i i
oou, und is not on v time:.
tieal hut handsome, durabler.k
1 to
any arm chnir in a lew mo--
every locality in the,;
locality in America to rcII
iM'Cry bookkeeper and writer
words written by mistake.
Y .( I H Xr WF .1 s
Omaha Xek.
record, where all suspense item
consecutively dated, will takeitr
the face, until such item shall
matters will come up again
for future attention such mat
Insurance Premiums, llenewal
Promises to pay, Dr. or Cr.l.
Expiration of time lor appeal;
o a iuicj UUJ II1C1JI.
of memorandum cards
- -
will do well to write us.