Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 29, 1891, Image 8

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    110 MEN KILLED.
A Startling Story from the rcnn
pjivania Coke Region.
Deadly Fire Damp Completes
the Holocaust at Scottdale.
Ilnnilred and Too Mr u at Worh
"WLmi a Minor Lnuip Caut an iix
(tlo.lon uikI Not Onv of tUt) Party K
! Kirtjr KIIIol Outright hd1 tlir
Other Kufl'oeutcd by Foul Out Heart
reiMlIn Saciit at the Mouth of lh 11 1
m thn Itnrnrxt unii Matlluted Bodies
Are Brought to t h i Kurfune.
ScorrDAiJi, Pa., Jan. 28. Eighty
Miners are known to have )een klled in
the shaft of the Mammoth coke work?)
4nie by a terrible explosion which oc--nrred
early in the morning. Mine
2khtt Eaton, who escuped about one
minute before the fatal explosion, ia
Hie only individual remaining to relate
'Ihe story. An ordor for eighty coffins
- 's given to a Mount Pleasant under
taker. John Boles, whose brother i in the
""Ta4al Bhaft, wan here and related the
following Htory: "About o'clock we
'Jard a loud report in the direction of
-he shaft. We immediately started to
2ie opening, only to find a suffocating
'.'trolnme of smuke and gas gushing
-ikerefrom, arid at once knew what was
-wong. We begau the work of eubdu
tag the flames and clearing the shaft of
pas. This we accomplished by start
ling the large fans. I am convinced
that every man who waB In the shaft at
'-the time was killel either by falling
-timbers or by the af ter-d;imp. When I
left the mine in the evening fifty per
sons were known to have been killed."
.District Master Workman Wise is
sued an appeal to the miners and coke
workers throughout the ooke regions
'far prompt contributions in aid of the
families of the unfortunate victims of
the disaster.
The news of the explosion was re
ceived by Mr. H. C. Frick in Pittsburg
jn the afternoon. Mr. Frick was filled
with consternation at the extent of the
disaster. He said: "We have never
had an accident like thi in any of our
inines. The Mammoth plant was
thought to be in the safest of hands
when we gave it in charge of Mine In
Bpector Fred Keighley. No expense
hat been spared to make our mines as
safe as possible."
Twenty-fivo trimmed oofHns were
shipped from Pittsburg to Mt. Pleasant.
Another lot of seventy-five has been
ordered for shipment in the moruing.
One Hundred and Ten Mn
were employed in that part of the mine
in which the explosion occurred and
not one was loft to tell the story of the
disaster. Not more than fifty of the
men were kilted by tha explosioa. The
others were overcome by the after
damp, and while ;07ne of the bodies are
horribly torn, barned and mutilated,
othrr were found with their teeth
-clinched on the iron rail. Others were
found with tueir faces plunged into
the water, and not a few were found
upon their knees as if engaged in
prayer. Fire Boss Sneath was identi
fied by his gum boots. His body waa
scattered about in a dozen places. His
- head was torn from his shoulders.
Both legs were torn off and that part
of his body recovered ws3 roasted and
blackened. II U left hand, clutching
. hi lamp, waa found over one hundred
feet from the trunk of hia body. One
of hia gum boote was found fifty
yards away. One of his feet.Jwith part
of a leg attached, :was found also.
When the.
Port of It 1.4 Hodjr AVer Collected
and sent in a sbeot to the pit mouth,
they were identified by an engineer
recognizing the boots. There is little
information pegardine the horror.
.Everybody ia the pit waa killed. The
position of their bodies told the story
of their end. The force of the exploaioa
was felt for miles around, and caused a
panic among the pupils in the township
school house nearly a mile away. The
men employed in the Mammoth No. 2,
separated by lot) acres of coal, felt the
shock aud were the first to sound the
alarm. Snpt. Keighley, a thoroughly
competent man, sent to all tha compa
ny's mines in the district for aid, and
. from 10 o'clock a. m. until mid:ii.jhi; an
army of moa were engaged in
Carrying Out the Dead.
The scene around the frhaft month
is indescribable. Mothers, 6isfcer8,chil-.-dron,
and old men crowd about, eager
-to recognize their loved one. Their
wailing and shrieks of anguish strike
terror to the stoutest heart. Scarce a
bouse in tha hamlet but in mourning
and the work of carrying oat the dead
A Miser's OH JUunp.
The explosion, it is supposed, was doe
to the ignition of a miner's oil lamp. A
few men, realizing the situation, fell to
- the ground, thereby preventing the gas
from striking them. The persons not
"killed are in such a critical condition
that their death are momentarily ex-
oat after
the explosion wis canoed
by the im-
'mence fans. Tbe Mammoth plant em
braces 600 ovetifl, OQ0 cf the largest
: plants in tbe ooke region, but it is hard
! of accetu. It is situated ivear the Unit-
d works, where an explosion recently
I drtitroyeil the entire shaft. It i a fin
t Kular I'act that inifortnne mtim to
Have Iollowoa ex-Aline Iaeetor Keih
ley, the puperiritendent of tle f.ital
shaft. Hi eipmicneea in tfc Hiil
Farm disaster lvflnlted in hi teiulmu;;
his resignation as iniiiH in8ietcr.
Tw Killed aud Several Injured While
Kettiruiiig from the 1' rouU
Toi'hKA, Kan., Jan. HH. A dinantrona
coilinion between the north-bound n g
nlir passenger train and a south-bound
peci.l occurred on the Blue Valley
railnfud at Florence, a small btatio.i
five miles south of Irving. Tho upecial
was carrying ab iu four hundred sol
lvrs. part of the Seventh cavalry and
hatterv E. light artiitery, hound for
Fort Kiley. on their way home from
Pine Uidge. The dead as far as can be
lettrned are: Sergt. Schoertbat, battery
E, artillery, cut all to pieces; Private
Meil, troop Or, (Seventh cavalry, left
leg cut olf and head mashed. The neverely injured aret Sergt.
Scharn, troop O. Seventh cavalrv. aim
brouen; Capt. Godfrey, troop D, log
ami r'lioulder injured; hergt. vvirtz,
troop C, internal injuries; Private Mc
Ciuire. troop O, left side and face bal
ly bcalded; Private Errick, troop E,
light arm broken and hand cut; Lizzie
Len net of Lmooln, Neb., right arm
broken and forehead cut.
Fatl Kiploloii at ICock Fallt, I1U.
Stkklimo, Ills., Jan. 23. The Itock
Falls paper mill was blown up by an
expl'v.ion of "bleach" at 6:'.t0 last even
ing. The mill was demolished. Two
men, John Meyers and Alonzo Bell,
have beeu taken from the ruins dead.
Three or four other workmen are
misbing, and are supposed to be in the
ruins. The accident happened just at
the hour the day and nigbt force were
changing places, and as many were
coming and goiug it will be impossible
to know who is missing unt il daylight.
O'Xelll'a Murderer.
Maksu&lltow.v. Ia., Jan. 2S. The
murderer of Conductor O'Neill of the
Chicago and Northwestern road at
Long Point last Thursday wa? arreste-1
in a straw stack where he had been
hiding since the shooting. Detective
Purcell. who waa with O'Neid when
the latter was killed, obtained a writ
ten confession from the man that he
shot the conductor. He iinDlicated
two other men, one cf whom, II. P.
Gardner, was arrested in this city and
taken to Tama, where the self-con-fe-j-t
ed criminal is closely and tecretly
guarded V) prevent violence by tho
excited populace. All the other sus
pects have baen released.
The KlNr's IMrtliday.
Berm.v, Jan. 25. --The striking feat
are of tho kaiser's birthday celebration
was the premutation of a set of colors
to tlie Castle gnard by the emperor,
who said they wro modeled on the
patern of Frederick the Great's colors,
which a shameless enemy had carried
off to France. His majesty gave a pub
lic; reception to prominent military
ineu, distinguished civilians and tha
members of the diplomatic corps. A
cloud was caet over the celebration by
the sickness of tho kaiser's chreJ oldest
children, Priuce William having in
tt ued eyes, Fitel-Frederick a severe
cold, and Adalbert a slight bronchitis.
None are seriously ill, but all abed.
Must Pay for a Krk man's Life.
Waterloo, Ia., Jan. 28. The Iowa
supreme court has just affirmed the
judgment in the case of J. F. McDer
tnott vs. The Illinois Central Railroad
Coiupany for $10,590 damages and in
terest for two years, making about
$12,000 in all. The damages were for.
the killing of J. J. cDfriaDtt, a brake
man who fell under a train at Dun
combe and was kdled. The original
verdict was rendered by the district
court in Hardin county, and was based
on alleged negligence on the part of the
company. Mrs. McDermott, the mother
of the dead man, who is the principal
beneficiary of the verdict, is a poor
widow, living in this city, and is the
mother of sixteen children.
A Ilojr Hanicrer to Hans.
Cue yen ne, Wye., Jan. 28. Charles
Miller, the boy who murdered Fish
bangh and Emerson, the two St.
Joeeph boys, in September last while
the three were stealing a rids together
in a Union Pacific freight car, was
sentenced. He will be hanged Fridav,
March, 20. Miller, who is but 10
years old, id unaffected by tho sen
tence. Quarreled with the Wrwit Mu.
Ni:w OiUKJlN.5, Ju. 38. J. B. Davis
waa instantly killed and his brother
seriously injured in a shooting affray
with David Leatherman at Point Cou
pee Far;h. The Davis brothers quar
reled with LvaLherroaii about the set
tlement of an account. The coroner's
jury decided that Leatherman acted in
self defense and has released brm from
custody, .c-o-.
Hetty Ureea Again Io4m.
Chicago, Jan. 2S. The second at
tempt of Mrs. Hetty Green of New
York to redeem section 21 of the town
of Cicero, which ehe claimed was sold
to the Grant locomotive works at a
price far below its value, hu failed,
the suit beicg thrown out of court. .
Lymph Treatment at Han Frntvrttoo.
San Francisco, Jan. 2K Five pa
tients at the city and county hospital
received injections of the Koch lymph
in the presence of Mayor Saunderson
aud a large nnmber of prominent
physicians. The patients were ia vari
ous Ftagen of consumption.
Knblwr AdrtQCM.
New York, Jan. 28. A cable was re
ceived in this city stating that tbe Bra
zilian syndicate continued to bay rn -ber
largely in Para and prices had ad
vanced W0 cente a pound for npper
river floe robber.
A Murderer at Large.
Nzw York. Jan. SJ. Leopold Hen
dersom, who was stabbed duriaf a row
Saturday lastj fey . Italian n acted
Carlo, died. Carlo escaped.
pseled. The fire vffcic
J.'M. Mutr, formerly with J."VT Young
lig opem-d up an office at 114 North
Sixth sre't. Neville block, where he is
lM-pirt-l to repair iHHcliiiiiS of ll kindi,
iImo musical instrument; pi ices rmson
ttilc and ull woik tiua antei 1. Cull and
eii him when you have HDjlhing in the
ri-pair lino and he will give you satisfac
tion, tf
How to Succeed.
This Is the grt.t iiobltm of lifewbich
lew hiUi-lactoiily solve. Some fail be
cause of poor health, others want of
) luck, but tho niajoriiy from deficient
grit want of nerve. They are nervous
irre-iolutc, changeable, easily get the
blues and "take the spirits d-jwnto keep
the spin's up," thus wasting money, lime
opportunity and nerve forcu. There is
nothing like the Restorative Nervine,
discovered by the great specialist. Dr.
Miles, to cure all nervous diseustH as
headache, the blues, nervous prostrai ion,
sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance,
fits and hysteria, Trial bottles aud line
book of testimonials free at F.G Fricko
& CVs. 2
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvk in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, r no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 2o cents per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mllss Nerve and ClverPllle
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
tho nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une
qualed for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25c
Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co's.
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
euplaininfi ail about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervieus
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly restore you to vigor and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted wo will send you a belt and ap
pliances on a trial .
Yoltjac BkxtJCo. Marshall, Nlcb .
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make do more fatal mis
take than when they inform patients
that nervous heart troubles come from
the stomach and are of little consequence
Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indian
specialist, has proven the contrary in his
new book on "Heart Disease," free at F.
G. Fricke & Co., who guarantees and
recommends Di. Miles' unequaled New
Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of
any heart remedy in thewerld. It cures
nervous and organic heart disease, short
breath, fluttering, pain or tenderaess in
the side, arm or shoulder, irregular
pulse, fainting, smothering, dropsy, etc.
His Restorative Nerviae cares headaches,
fits, etc. 2
The Travelers' Protective Association
hnve secured favorable committee action
at Washington on their proposed amend
ment to the interstate commerce law al
lowing railroads to make reduced rates
to commercial travelers. The propositi -tion
will undoubtedly be carried through
both houses before adjournment, as it
should b. It is in the interest of a
most deserving, active and energetic class
of men, to whom all channels of com
merce should be mde as easy of acceea
as possible.
On Limb 3 Years. Bedridden 3
Years. Doctors and Medicines
Useless. Feared Amputation.
Cured by Cuticura at Cost of 53.50,
Now Does Her Own Work. A
Wonderful Cure.
i must write und tell vou of t' success I
have liad in u-Idr the; OcacunA Bf x.VRtn
bad been troubled lor nearly are years .a
nkiii disease in tiie right limb, and ail tbe doc
tore in mis eitv could do nothing for it. I tried
everything, until at Unt I thought I should
have to bwe the ltinb amputated at tbe kuee,
it was swelled to twice in natural si2e, and I
roulrt brc!y hobble around oh crurohes.
was in "lie uouse, pan oi me iinie ueutiuooa
for three years. Dd conld not pet out. l nan
teced to loot iu tbe newspaper and saw tbe
Cdticuka advertiseroent, ard as a lat rrsort
tried that, I ned two bottles e( the Keboi.
vknt and three boxes cf the Cuticura. 1 am
nnn r.hl to do fill rav work, both ia bouse and
out of dooia. und my limb is as natural aa could
possib'.y be under any circumstances. It is a
most wonaenuicure i naa givea up npe ui
ever fcelnfr -eil again. It this will benefit yon.
you are welcome to use it to the best advan
tage. Any one not crediting this can flud me
by uddr-'ninir trt at tbe above-named city.
Mrs. UAKKIKT BriCKLKK, IowaClty.Ia.
Ar the greatest skin cures, b'ood Tpurtflers
nnd humor remedias of Eiodern tlin. Crl
.uei Kfsoiaknt. the new Uiuod suid ykiu
iinriCer inierually (to clene ihe Mood i f ail
ire purities and polsuous elements), and Cuti
ctka. the great skin cure, and Cuticuua 8oap
ati exquisite 6k!n beautiucr extf-rnaily (to
clear the fkin an J scalp and restoro tbe hair).
Instantly relieve and spcedilycur- every spec
ies of ivchiLg. burning, scaly. eruty. pimply
srofulous . aud heridltary dcassaud humots
of tbe rhin.soalp. and blood, with lass of bait
from inlacy to age, from pimplw to scrofula.
JJnll vrwhr Pi Icr rriTTrt.-RA. Wc 80AP
Sfio, Rraoivrxr, S i. Prepared by the Tottkb
Dbuo and liHrjaicAL Corporation, Boston
tSend tor "iinw to Cure Skin Diseases"
ft nnps. ill"st-Htior,w. and lfiQ testimonials.
PIMfLKS, black-heads, red. rough, chapped
oily skin cured bv Cuticcka. soap.
Hip. Kidney and Uterie Tain and
twvaknessea relteved in one
minute by the Cutjcu ra
antloatn Piaster. Tk awt
aeJy prakH"ttn Mafrr.
ifqd didtil kqov vL lo do;
"fil. a.vi5e old friend
fk f
in f-i 1 a
1 - . w
V MB r 1 sv
"Vrre 55
Santa Claus Soap-Made o?jly by
In order to Reduce Our
Stock for Spring Goods we
will Sell our $3.50 shoe for
3-00, and our $3 00 for 2-50
Do not miss this Opportunity
W- A- B0E0K & CO.
W. D. JONES. Proprietor.
Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drives Always
Cor. 4th and Vine
Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line ol pure
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Th'ese Lenses are for superior to any others sold in
the city, Possessing a natural transparency and strength
ening qualities which will preserve the failing eyesight.
7 StXrOBBS. H Wans 8UNTork. Frtee CO et.
S V:4r
Mi M
7se liHleki,evsdirniiIiens
ibis SOAP of amUhnP.
AndJbeir mitten c?cin
brigljr exqd soPt a.s rvf.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska
Messrs F. G" Fricke & Co.,
are the Only Parties Selling
our Alaska Crystal Brilliant
n r-a, Ml. VnnUOr
Physic ans end Sunt (is
OJTice No. 12. Main Ht.
Telephone 80
Ifesldenre TelcplioiiA IT. I Iviupfton. 49.
KrHidriiC '1 1 lt j)lniiie Dr. Cuiiniiiiin. 33.
(estimate and plans of all v ik turu'slied and
I'.i-coiilH Kekt.
Ollicj in Martin IJlock.
('LATT8WOP1 ii - Nebraska
A. C.
County Surveyor
A.U orders left with County Clerk will
icccive prompt attention.
Personal attention to all buslneAs ru trusted
lo my care
JVOTA KV In ofice
Titles examined. Abstracts compiled, Inmir
nce written, real estaieeold.
Better tacilities for making Farm Loans than
Attorney at-Law. Will plve prompt attentloa
to all i-tminess entruxted to him. Otllca la
Union block, Kant Hide, Plattsmoutn, Neb.
Notary Public Notary Pnblto
Ofllc over Hank of C&aa County.
Plattsmoutu .... NebrashA
Cor Main and Filth street.
C. n. Pamela p,a,
frert (Jonier
v ice JTeaidaot
I. M. I'attprsnn
T. M. Patterson,
Awt Canliler
? lr ralime1?- J- M- Patterson, Fred Oordr
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on tim
Ipposits and prompt attcntiongiven to all bS?
Iness entrusted to its ciire "cn io ail Du-
Tio Citizens
Gayltal stock paid In y)
Authorized Capital, tloo.oon.
orncKSLB .
President. Vlce-Pre.Mn
W. H. CUSHINO. Cashier.
,&Ttb V- Cnn0r- K-R-J
Jonneon. Henry Borck. John CKeeU
w. D. Merriam. Wm. Wetenomp, W.
n. Cashing.
JS fig deposits bearing inters
&ua exchange, county and
city sureties.
First National
burplus $'0,0).00
....... la vn iwi
... o-w,Mf.WW
Offers the very best facilities for the worno
transaction of Hoim..- ue Pfo
Banking Business
rt'Af Jd -SR-eDt and local M.
f ind .merest allowed on eTitS L"1
Drafts drawn. v?i?Sl n Ahe . rtificate.
Un h tatei and alTtW pripoo?
HlKhest market price pid tor Count,
rants, State an. County bondi!7
rv . eorge E. Doyev
ohn FlUgprald "WTSfwauCh.
President cSeoljr,
217. 219. 221 anrl 04
'lattomouth, - fSebraoka.
H. H, B0NS, Proprietor,
TLhe Perkina hna
renoyated from top to bottom and ia
now one of tke best hotels In the etate
Boarders will be token by tha -week at
$4.50 and np.
-j - - 9
Blind smnarteg CcxeA. Boris kssyl
rfTS . puts of tt Itub. JWwIui