Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 22, 1891, Image 8

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Nebraska Farmer Senators
Disregard Caucus Action.
ffrsllent Mrfiratli Itrfuaeii to Step lown
and Out Tlia Viirinu. SmiHtorlnl Con
tent Mini Tlilr llfHulta - UiMiiocrutlo
Straw Iriftiii 'low aid Cleveland.
r.r coi.n. Nib., Jn'.u 21. At 11:.5
Speaker E: de.r called the juitit f-r.'Hsimi
to ord -r. S?ri;itor S i!zlei- Here 1 tixu
following resolution: '-.Moved, That
n acco'iit, f the concurrent resolution
'Hxiug Hi s time f r tlio t so-;nm
liaviii' never h"ii stiii-il by tin jro
Miii i.fij ;cr- of the two huini, and
tho a.iino never bavin"; b.en sent t the
governor for hia upproval, this joint
sen-siou doe now take h rece a until to
morrow at 10 a. in , or until said reso
lution is si.ied by said officer ac.:ord
iuf? to law arid transmitted to tlo gov
ernor as the 'Constitution requires, and
ta-ntil that time fnrtiier proueedi.ig-i bd
- ospeinied.'"
A specud committee of nine was np
poiultd to draft rules to jjovern the
joint, be.-Kioii proceedings. '1 lie protests
ol Liovenor lit. yd and ltepublicuu con
testants Mere read, recitin,; thac tlie
joint sessioii is illegal an 1 invalid.
Senator Collins. Allia.icrt, said thti
ooiis itutioti of tlie stale exiirU'Uly pro
Tides that every concurrent resoiutio i
'be pivaonted to tho governor for ids
aiguature. "'it is tuyopiaioii under tlu
Constitution tUat the two houses ca.i
not c me together legally until tne
governor of the state signs tli coa
carreut resolution. I am tor altierin.j
to the law and the constitution. I
ball voto for tne Switzler res luiion."
Senators Hill, Becii and Gaie
declared themselves ui like manner a id
the vote was announced as follows:
The Votes of senators htooJ, ayes,
nays, 10. The vote of representatives
too t, ayes, 71; nays, Hi. The shaker
declared the motiou carried.
Ibe Alliance senators voting in favor
of the Switzler resolution were: Beck,
Collins, Ctmiter, Hill. Michiner, fcj.-jir-luck,
Tay.or and Turner. The repre
sentatives who vote i aye were: Dob
on, Fiet hctieuger. Gale and Williams
of Franklin. In explaining his vote.
-Schroder of Logan declared that tu.;
legislature was a hig'uor authority than
any .court in the laud.
Mctii-tl Wiil N'.it i.
Topeka, Kan., Jan. 21. The war
"which was begun on Fnuit .I.:Gvata,
president of the F.irmars' Alliauee, as
soon as the Turner letter h id been pub
lished, has broitej out anew, an 1 tne
iuieraecine strife threaten to pl.iy
havoc with all caucus arvtmeins.
' Tne juJki .ry committee, winch inves
tigated Alt Grain's alleged counsel ion
with the Turner letter, ii.u, ;ircv more
than -i wet-K s dulioeratio i, decided to
request the uresi leut's resignation, aid
the president has fuiiy ieji lei thai, he
will ,tay until he is kicked ont, as there
ia no provision in the Alliance c institu
tion by which he can im ous:e d, and
the president declares that he wll t no.
resign utiles tui Aliians. at 1 irgj de
mands it, and he wanis to know what
the ju liciafy committee is going to do
about it..
;v. PattUou Iiiiiuxuruti-.l.
Ha it ! : j SB v ki j, .P.t., Jan. 21. Governor
Pattison was inaugurated governor of
Pennsylvania. The inaugural c i t mon
ies were hei.l in the west portico of the
capitul. At the -cor:ciusi !! ot the gov
ernor's additss the inaugural parade
n.ored. The crowd in and aror.ed the
capitol and on the sueets was immense.
Teller Sato.
Dbxver, Col., Ja i. 21 H. M. Teller
was elected United States senator to
succeed himself ia the senate, the vote
beiugHto 10. The regular and the
combine houses also met separately
aod both gave Teller a maj rity. The
legislature will ineec iu joint session to
day and formally elect him.
, ., i-J sl. The Alli
ance members have not yet agreed up
jn a caucus to nominate a can lidute
gainst Senator Ingalis, and are meet
mg with some opposition, but p onii
i.eut leaders are confident the caucus
will le held. The candidates for the
Allnittte m tiw .ti n li.aiiilc-A a .i--tiuit
ot t:.e c.tiicus, ieariug that their
own chalice are Letter iu iiii p-.i con
; t than l.i a caucus, where the ineiii-
l-r.s u!l be Iwci'il to J ledge tii( lil
M'i. it t ne C....CJS is di pen.ied wit i
ti o;i:no CMudtiiat- s Ice) thai thev
wi.l j av'e ..ii upi'or nity to draw I'r in ctiii-r in i i :a (.t-, an t wiilal o
have a t no i j to g;m .lo.i
li I ulil.' .in add i.'eiiit'Ci .il;c
M ies. 'J i.e iiej ub.icaiis are hgiti
lug ;ig:;int a imihii.i of linir for the lenson, an 1 tie
Ut-itat of tiie Cuiit.'Ut will oe ln tt.e ge,;
i'it ot l;:iij,s, who is tito ,iy
li lmLiic.i.i ctunlitla.e, a:.d win Le )ii a
l .-.W. to a-.-si.-it in Mti!ng n;. I In:
i n ;i in Im- among ii is Alii.u.ce cilupeil
ti'is Tin- Las bteii tlie only ciitiiiee
; lor the M.ccets of lngalls fiom the be
' ginning ct .Le ct lmsi. Ti,e Aniai c e
I :a .e.M io not lnani.est ;.ny .-i c;.il
toi teili lor li galls or ihe luoveaidi s
j ot iii-. 1 1 i d.-. l liey h.iv ? taj u iu -,
i troi.ndeuce in lluir to defeat
I ti em. ami all tne c 'ji- -s. tuey reco
j I..SS- i-. v. nhln own taniis. Hie
jtiiiu linn, ihey )iavo c .n '.t-se I tu
i iii;;iie:' tiii.rouiiiily, ai.n ihv nave not
i i iide 10 liud a tingle A.liauco rep
i :ei,i;.liVe out ot toe nineiy-lhree ill
'. he legislature who .-li.nvs any thspo.-i-iioii
to vote t r tubal s under an cii-ciimsiauce.-.
V neilier a caucus is held
..r i...t. tiie Kepuoiica.i Uiautigr-is Coii-it-MS
iliat it is a more i.i; tus.v to
A.ige a tight ugai.iso tne A na ice than
K woutd be to meet htiaight D.-uio-cuiitic
ppofilion. rtii tne -alliance
wor.i is done in sectet session, and its
met.iods and couclasioas are nn-Kii.-'.vn
to any Repuo.ii.iiu. According
lo rite Alliance esinn ite, tnere is a i
large majority in the legislature ag n nst !
toe return oi beua.or XnaliS, a nd this
ippo;-n ion is resoiu.e aud . a li-b .miJ.
ir lnails can pievail a tin t it lie wid
acn.eve a iersonal victory ui heard of
before in Ka ,?as poluics.
,rf. ucctrrs ana m aicics
UstUt . Fesind Amputation.
Cure d by Cut ru n ar CoftcfS SO.
New Does Her Own Work. A
Wonderful Curj
t. i i j- til oil i i r til M;cr-
i vi- hail Ot ti n I : i . i 1 1 : . r ttfjinnr
i.ii I i.L .. ii 1 ; ly Ii vi' y.-:n - .
. j , i i " it " . t. I !: . i. ;n i i In- i ' r. 1 1 M l il i i I'..: k f i n III
mini a. in ti! t i;i: 1 I ' I -!i
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' A" iii"tr";i'r-' - in itiri-!. I)! " it J)::! i!:ei i
;ii"i liuiii' i i .-in.-. . in n.ui'ei ii i im h 'iii-
! . ('Ill IikmiIAK'T. ll'e Ii'' " 1 :H"I Kili
j I I.I I'.' im r. i I i ! rii-ii-e II ' Niiiil ' t' :!
i i -1 -u i i i ii-- : i .1 i i mi t emiT'"-'. xii.l ( I 'l l
' ct a iii -Hue r.. a. i ' r vnw ka r
in.. Mii Vih k li li:-..ii! li'.i'i i'Xl!aly (lo
' etc ill' II' I; !" Ml I -':u 1 1 tOI'l I i ti'l til'- Ii;i i .
! ! - it r. I ev ' ml - fii-eili! i-iir rvi n' si cr-
u- . S n -i j i r I 'U ra v. e ti iy i-iiii-ly
i h ru f i '..ui- . inn! Ii li'in.oy (L'M'.-is a .1 litnii'i s
1 nl'I'i' Ui. M-niji iinii he ml. will Itiss .H
: 1 1". iii inf .ev t .it-e. 1 1 . i en pies tu " i nf itl.t.
! , , v, ,., w- lino iv( t I'A.rocnAP
; 25c K"hc'1.vK.nt, -1 I ie;i:iieil iy the I'"T'i Kit
' I . I li rt'IH liK.MIl'Ai.l l.: l'l 1 :.''! lo.v, l;.ihtll
1'it i-i-- ! fare Sk'li Dxiis-i."
r.l'.LIVIXiCll N K. 1. M MM1N3
P&Fsic ans jbi! Imm
mIii-k No. MhIii T. Te: inine 60
I'-I. 1 elr lii'i c T. I Ivli K-ti'ii.
I.. 'Hili'i : 'I i Ii In lie I r. Ciiiiiii.IIin. X
i vi i. !:": i NH1!: i.n i 1 t; vi: volt
K. 11. HILTON.
fur.iislii'il unj
li :it.
ii ! .l.oi
.11 w ik
. Ken t in Mm Mil lih'fk.
i'.'.AT'i Mliifl 1 1
f :i tin . :in i III) t.-sliliiiliial-
X' i'ii'v -k
ii i.rU In is. r.; . i oinrli. c'i i ijieil
in run il Ly i 'v :' it hi i a l .
!li. Ki'lt.ey itn l t'tfiie I'-iim unil
Sf'jfcij' w tiKiie-siM icl cved in one
Anti-I unit Ahkm-iu tioii ICroken.
( I!ICAK, Jan. 2 1. the Anti-Pass as
sociation of the western ro.iis has b.-? en
I tactically dissolved. It was foiiued
in Dectmber, all tlie Chicago west
bound hues signing the aiee.neut not
to KtVf t. aiisportaioii, eicpt ii a few
di tiic'.ly mentioned exceptions. One
titter aaoilier the r.iads have fallen
trom grace until there ts hardly one
.i Lieh lias pot over and over again
broken the agreem -at. Tne roais
whicii lived up to tne agreement were
co.isctmen ly at a di.-a t vati' age and
yave noiice of wi.hdra .v at. As far as
Known the A ch s.m, Uuriintoa an I
Noi tliwesieru liiive iiiidra wn tlieir
membiship. This breaKs the associa
tion, at.d lets dovvn tiie b irs as far as
evetoti.e giving ot lree transportation.
vOn minute bv the Cuticu ra
.ihtiDain f-laster. i lie Inst anil
im'y i aitik l in p a.-ter.
Hie LiiMiisiiiu t L.i.ti-ry Ki -tit.
13aToN Kiuge, La., J;m. 21. - Judge
U. W. Bnck .e of ih.-t Seventeenth ju
dicial district court, rendered a decit3
uni m the case ui ue stale of Louisiana
ex rel. John A. Morris vs. L F. Mas m.
ectetaly of state or Louisiana, in fa
vor t the secretary of state. Tne case
is one to compel the si err tary f .-tale
to promulgate Ac;, No. 214, se.'.sio.i of
1H0O, hicU is tlie 'act to submit to a
voie of the elec ors of the s ace an
.nun nine nt in fav. rot ctiaiieii.ig the
Li'Uisiona State L ttery. An appeal
will Le taken to tne tor-me couit.
Specimen C. Se 5
S. II. Cli fiord, New CaVtle, Wis., was
troubled with nt urnlg'a und rheuinalisiu
his stonnich whs disordered, his liver was
H'ected to an ul .lining degree, appetite
fell awiiv, und he was terribly reduced
in ll i-h and .-tnngth. Three bottles of
Kl't t tic Uittt is tun d him.
K...iiid Shepheld, 1 larrisburg, 111
Lad a running sure on his leg of c-iyht
vinrs' si:niliiiL!. Us' (I three liottlts of
lOliciric Uitters and s -ven bottles Uiu-k
I. iis Ai iiicii S d vr. and his leg is sound
siid well. John Speak.-r. Catawba, O.
hud five I'll'ge fever s.ires on his leg. doc
tins s:iid In- was incurable. One botth
Kl rtrr Hitteis md one box IS tick leu':
Ainieti S.dve cured hiiii intiiely. Sold
by F. G. Frickp &Ct.V, drug store.
Coiuity Surveyor
-AND- '
onlers left with County Clerk will
. reive prompt atteiit iop.
entrtin . J
In order to Reduce Our
Stock for Spring Goods we
will Sell our $3-50 shoe for
3-00, and our S3 00 for 2. 50
Do riot miss this Opportunity
JAW O if Kit K
Per-fniitl atli iilini: to ail hnidiiesn
' my oao'
Titles exniiiltieil, A hilraet" c infilled. Incur
Hire vi tt ten. I eiil i-sta '!
itelter f;.'!n tes lur imik iiiK l-":n in l.oaliB than
OppoBins tlie Force Bill.
Teento.v, N. J., Jin. 21. The Dem
ocratic majority of the house of as
omb:y has passed x joint resolution
reque-.ti7ig the senators and representa
tives in congress from New Jer.-y to
oppose the passage of the force oill.
The minority ofered a resolution favor
ing it, but it was defeated.
Tlie Oregon Senatorghip.
Salem, Ore., Jan. 31. The senate
and house balloted in separa.e session
for Uuite.l States senator to succeed J.
H. Mitc'oell. lit the senate the ballot
resulted; J. H. Mitchell (liep.). 22;
B. Goldsmith (Dem.). 6. In the house
the vote was: Mitchell, il: Goldsmith.
lit. .
The South Dakota fiht.
Piekre. S. D., Jau. 21. The joint re
sult of the ballot taken in each house
for United States senator stood as fol
lows: Moody (Sep.), 75; Tripp (Uem.),
25; Harden (lud.), 24; Crose (lad.), 15;
Wradai (lud.), i2; scattering, 7.
Grover ia Uemsncl.
Cincinnati, Jau. 21 An afternoon
paper published interviews with fifty
A ristol ie'i .iCi.uuscriut l'ouu.l.
X x ..
ijuauon, jau. 'i. ine nm -s an
nounces that the autiioriti-3 of th
Ltritidi museum have discovered amone
a collection of papyrus rolls, acquired
recently in lgyp , me text ot Aristotle .-
treatise on the (Jousiitiuio.i of Athens,
Hutu wnith numerous writers ot au-
titmily quoted, but which has Hitherto
oeen iiaown only in ue.aciiea ii'ag-
ineurs. i ne i realise may now ne seen
at the British museum, where facsim
iles of it are now being piep .red. The
openirg chapter is missing and the con
ducing chapter is mutilated, but other
wise tt.e manuscript is in perfect coq
diiion. There is little dj .lbs ah mt the
gt nuineuess of the manu-criut, because
!;Othiug was known of the contents of
the papyrus roll when purchase 1. The
Times trays this discovery is almo t un
precedented in the whole history of
classical learning. ;
Buiwia ml Austria.
Vienna, Jan. 21. Tne Neue Freie
Press says that the impo tance of the
visit to fc't. Petersburg of Prince Ferdi
urd cf Bnlgaiia cani.ot well Le over
estimated, inasmuch as his journey ia
made in the interest of peace and is an
increasing assuring evidence of the
friendly lelatioiis which exist between
Vienna and St Petersburg The caper
i ttelieves that the visit will demon-trate
,' that the Czar does not intend submit
ting to Pnn-fclavist influences so long an
Austria wishes to maintain peace with
her Russian neighbor.
Foreigners Protest Ag tinit Chilian Rot
olationiHtat. London, Jan. 21. Dispatches have
arrived here stating that the diplo
matic representatives of foreign gov
ernments at Santiago de Chili have
formally protested against the block
ade of the ports of Chili by the armed
vessels of the revolutionists.
Remamabio Facts.
lleaM dise.iM. i? ummwj Mipposed to be
incurable, but when propel Iv traced a
Inige proportion os cam S can be cured.
Thui Mis. Eonita Hatch, ol Eikharr.Ind.
'ind Mrs. Mis. M:r L. 11 1 k f, of Ovi I,
Mich., w re cured alter suffering 2D
ve'iis. S. C. Liniiureer, druggist at San
.Jie-e, 111 , says tln.t Dr. Mihs' Mew Heart
Cure, winch cured the former, irked
ivonders for lits wife.1' Levi Lol'uii, of
ISticlianjimi, Mich., who hud heart dis
ease fot :I0 year, says two bot'h-s made
him "feci like a new man " Dr. Miles'
New He irt Cure is sold and gU'irnnreed
by F C. Fricke & Co. Book of wonder
ful tes'itnonials tree. 1
Pain and Dkead attend the use of mo-t
catarrh lein-'-niedies. Liquids and snuffs
iiiiieatnit as well as dangerous, Ely's
Cream JJal in is safe pleasau, easily up
i' it-el into tlie nostrils vnd a sutc cure,
ft cleiis-s tin; lias. I passages aud heals
the it.fl inteil tnembrane giving relief at
once. Prici' 20n.
e.'ilss' Nerveand Liver Plllo-
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowel1 through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une-
qualed for men, women, children.
Sinillest, filmiest, surest! 5D dose?, 2oc
S'lmplti free at F G. Fricke & Cos.
Y"ou have hearil your friends
neighbors talking about itr You may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal xpern nee just how good
a thing it is. If you have ever tried it,
you are one oi us siauncn irienn, ie
cause the wonderful thing about it is.
that when once given a trial, Dr. King's
New Discovt rv ever after holds a place
in the housp. If yon have never used it
and should be afflicted . with a cough,
cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble,
secure a bottle at once and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial bottle free at
F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store.
Mlortnw nr-I.Hw. Will pivu priiiit MfeiitloB
nil 'hi-Iiium entriiHle'l t lilm. Office la
Union Muck, Kat Mile, i'lattclnoutli. eb.
N'i'ary I'ntillc ita y I'nlillo
Office over Bar.k of Cans County.
I'lattsiiiontli ... - .Nebrasba
Baal? of Cass County
ii n a rj i.'i rjti
Cor Main ami fifth street.
i'h i.i up
Sill I'lllrt
W. D. JOKES. Proprietor.
IT. II. r.mieN,
Kie l
I. l'al teiMin
T JI. I'atteistni,
Vice I resliiwnt
A est ( ashler
r.'lrniele. .
Mnii It. 1:.
I. M. l'l'tfersmi, Fred tlnr'ler.
li. Wiiiilintin. JS. S. Kaiin-ey and
Carriages for
Cor. 4th and Vine
Pleasure and Short
Kept Ready.
Drives Always
Acommts snlioiteil. Interest alluwpil on time
Jepusii- .-mi! iirnnipt ttrti liltoiigiven lo all bus-Ui.-ss
eiiii uited t its care. ,
llatt6moutli, Nebraska
Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Messrs F. G- Fricke & Co.,
are the Only Parties Selling
our Alaska Crystal Brilliant
The Citizens
Cay Hal stoek pnil In M g
Authorized Capital, SIOO.OQO.
President. Vice-Pi client
W. IJ. CUSHINrt. Caebier.
trank Carmtli J. A. Coi nor. K.K. iutlin.Rn;
J. V7.Jobr.Hon. Henry Hoeck . Jolm O'Kfof
W. D. MTriain. Wr. Wereneamp, W.
II. 'n.shtng.
Swltserland Shaken.
Geneva, Jan. 21. Slight earthquak
leading Democrats of southern Ohio as j drownjng of three persons, which oo
t . their first choice for president. All cnrre(j shortly afterwards while skatio
J?r, c j 1? -c : m tne naroor, ia attributed to tne ice
Hill, and the other two for a western
Frciwih Hhlna for Chilian Vttan.
Vadco Be-elettl. I t t . . mi . . .
I I- l UTJ Tin V I ThA al'itmanl 1
Bal ion, N. C, Jan. 21. Senator , . ' . , .. . , . . ..
Vance was re-elected United SUtes , . t?u A'
ecator in the legislature by a full L , . j;..?k
arty vote 110 for ance and 18 for Bhips with infltractions to reudezrona
fu..V.nv.l Pan 1 A Hull. -if . 5 ...
j. iuuuai.1, y.f. "'"""vi j in simian waters.
con anu ine vote win ue taicuii 10-aay.
having been broken by the uhocka.
Spbingfield, Jan. 2. Thb first bal
- lot iu the eeuate for United States sena
tor resulted: Ogles by, 27; Palmer, 24.
first ballot in the house: Palmer, 77;
Ogle&by, 7U; Streeter, (Alliance) H.
The Dake of Bedford Killed Himself.
London. Jan. 21. It is stated that
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
enplHiniofi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Electro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly nsore you to vigor and man
hood. Pamphlet free. If you ire thus
afflicted W" will send you a belt and ap
plinnces on atrial.
Voltiac Bei.tCo. Marsh.ll, Nich .
A. T
fssues citificafps of topoits bearlni; Interest
liuys ana sell exchttnye, county and
city sureties.
First National
I'.iiil up capital'0 08
surplus 1WU!
UfTers the vpry het facilities for the promD'
transaction of liKitimato
Banking Business
Stockt, bonds. gold, government and local ha.
sunt! L'fe-'H ; ii'l -on. iep..xii8 rec-ivi-d
n;. !ii.-ri-t jl!;iwi il m (i.e cenifica'ea
Drafts drawn, available Iu anv part of the
Unitfd .States aud all tlie principal towns of
Highest market p"ice p-,H for County War
rants, Stata an County bond J
John Fitzgerald n. riawkuworta
Sam Waugh. k. K. While -
. Jeorge E. Dovey
fohn Fltzger&H. . Waugh.
Prenident Car);'
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Sai.vk in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum. Fever
Porep, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, aDd all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Plies, or no pay required
" I IITC1V tUI ITS " ft. I M C7, V Ll V l'J U 1 C A
the late Duke of Bedford died from It is guaranteed to pive satisfaction, or
Cuicaoo, Jan. 21.- The Standard
"Metal Manufacturing and Belting
3lectri-3 company's extensive works
were burned.
suicide, living for short while in a fit
of insanity, caused by intense pain.
The repoit has caused a sensation.
Lis box, Jan. 21. The river Tagua is
frocen over, and the river Ebro in the
vicinity of Saragoaia is covered wiik
Lom $235,000; partially ' nineteen inches ot io the fir sis
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaintf Shiloh's vitalizer ia
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by F
G Frick sad O. H. Boyder.
These Lenses are for superior to any others sold in
the city. Possessing- a natural transparency and strength
ening qualities which will preserve the failing eyesight.
I'EXxSsQ&tKeCBaocci ft
m aw m. m m m - m a mm ft mwm. it m si i
Oi.nia"V 1
217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St,
lattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M, EONS, Proprietor.
The Perkins has been thoroughly
rcnoyatcd from top to bottom snd is
now one of the best hotels in the state.
Boarders will be taker by the week at
$ 4.50 and up.
ILT nuuraZES. H Wma SUHeTtvk Pile50ot8.
in one rexluur. TastrnolaJa trom J1
purtu ol tha tMt. Piopeoj fOy
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