Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 18, 1890, Image 5

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Died. I Will KichHrdson, 01 imKhi, iuuc
From Monday's Dally. w ill upend the day in Onwht.
Mrs. Aim Cutberino Volk departed i w Krf.frr t harness and saddlery
this life on yesterday, huving nruvcil r. ; rjllfU:li.lltf )f.It Sunday in Wahon.
within u few day of ninety years of go .
The deceased was the motlitr of Mi.
Georgellorn sr. residing about ten mil. s
west of the city where obi wu linking
her homo at tin- liui" of her death and
was the sister of MiWu mid U.ig Me'is-
uger, fih-i emus to from Ger -many
iti 142, h -r husdand dying fehortly
after her arrival, l. r emlylife ,ul'
of hardships but Hi's rais-d ! r fan ily
and lived to see. her four children grow
to a hearty, happy old nge. Her
relatives were irwny -f the bewt people
of Eight nulo Grove precinct and in t.i
t. Mrs. George Weidman, Mis. G.v.
Nichols aud George Hi-rn jr.,were Krand
dauditers and grandson of the deceased
. The funeral will take place tomorrow at
Conrad Sf l '.-.t. r and bin rMimable Uiy
nr.- tii.' gii-M 't their daughter. Miw.
Ed I'lt. r.ild
Wnller White h hiving the finishing
niche put on th- new triple floor in
Hock wood I Hit today.
I M Crai-' r e. ived :i handsome oak
in.m-l ..j.i.-r. t. ..;,, f. r his new
...i.:. .I. ;u .-...-in.- oii'i ' ion
PcarlsV e- t,
ti. .lun-i- mliil hpv iro setting
ISTffT -r.d l e t
An Interesting: Lecture.
James II. Worley, a graduate of tho
TT..;..r,itv of Ne'reka delivered
a very intcroting lecture at tho M. E.
church last uiyht on the manners and 1
customs of the Chinese. Mr. Worley re- j
returned fiom a seven years
Tho RoportContirmcil.i
CniCAOo. Dec. 15 At 9 o'clock to
nii;)it A a AtjutMiit Genera! Cm bin
of General Mib a StnlT received .n offic
ial dispatch lro:u rtt l'au'. spying that
Sluing Dull, five of Sitting Hull' men
and B'-'Veuof the Indian polua wer. K ill
on west
Walradts cemetery, twelvo milts west of
this city at one o'clock.
poit s, in lu- e of the
it i t i i-iditiffc'it.h
nut tin- 'ity.
Atutni'i d'K,-H:eberV r-ffl in Lino In
Hie i.tfi.-r f". FiHi.k S"Uinii drew the
diamond pin. A P!ttsmiitli man for
luck evry time.
The 15. & M- tulks with ti.eir Hrtu-
lit v. have mad a half
i r.tiirtii-il fiom a seven
u,nV ' -'... .. ...:..., t. II an ultcnil t
stewardship in China as a missionary and u . "'J. - ""7 V .
ity me poi itc lumepn .n...,
WathjnotoN. 1 e. 1". Indian Coin
nd,si;tu r this evening received
from Indian Agent M- f. iu''li!in t!u; fol-
!...., .ti . ..t.-n I'ort Y iti-s N. 1
Prehistoric Man.
Special Dispatch t- (Jlobe-l)moirat :
Gainkbvili.k, Tex., Dec. 13. -Great
excitement exist in the K a neighbor
hood, ten milm wst of h:rc, over the
discovery of an ancient sepulture con
s taining many catacombs, which have
been unearthed by Dr. Fears and Major
Fidler, ot tho town of Era. nnd Irof.
Ashley, a well known geologist of
BpringGeld, 111. It appears that the
doctor made his first discovery tix years
ago, fcince which time he h-vs spent much
of his time in the region nmking investi
gations. Borne months : took
Major Fidler into his confidence. The
exhuming of the ancient resting place
of the dead began in a very quiet way.
It whs soon discovered that sonu. thing
of an historical nature had been brounht
to light, when Prof. Ashley had wire !
to come at once. The Vr.dessor arrived
last Fridav. It is learned that the cata
had made a close study of their insutu and peculiarities. lie explained
ilu ir three religions or more properly
speaking. theT three superstitions, Bud
haism. Tanisin. am". Con f ueieiiism s(
..i i l ... .,,,1, ... .tter i,f fact man- December 15.
.. . , ... ....,! u "Iiuliau l'ohce arre.-tfd hittir-g Lull at
ner uiai on ui f," - r .
. i. l.ijrniin f.irtv iiules until v"e-t Ol I'll
dcistindllig of them as uiougii ue 1 j
i.o ; tl. (Chinese !imiirc. ageney, thB mornu g ut daylight
the. Chinamen is not followers a:tMi.pte(l to nsci.e, ami t.hi-
.- . ?, it his uncontiol- l couinu-octd. Fr policemen were
PJIIU UillU Pi muvn ' - - i
. - . 1 A. 1. .
able superstition. h-veryinmg mai ni'
:.. . .,.... ntif if fuod luck
or bad luck which he terms "fang sua;- bis son, Cow Foot and several others
: t.,rnA with reference were wounded. every n i m n- ......
. .i f,in, .in" One of the roun
oeculiurities of the superstition U that their ground untd relieved by United
to vU noiuts within 200 ....;, ttl:ru ,.p in stiai-dit lines, -hat Stxtes troop?, who now iihvo povi
r ...r.. -l.rre ticket is pur :. r,.r ronseouentl v cvrv of Sitting Bu U camp vith all the women
IIJ1KI O .UT ' ' 1 1 ' ' " " I 1 1 I'ltU I. " " 1 I
chased on their lines.
The post office department objected to
tlo nam- of Alvo which bad been se the roofs of the houses
lected for the new Hock Maud town turn U, Ht tho ends for the sole purpose
north of Eagle so thit thtf name has been ,,f failing the evil spirit. The people
changed to Kenwood. shiytr, mountains full of coal close
Tl. firnt .nearance of Colonel Maurice by, but the "lnn.1 ma
------ - -
CrUman of this city, before the
i r cu'j oass
killed and three wounded. Eight Indians
l;ii..1 i.,f.iwlifi- Siti'mc Hall and
The polici were sur-
, . , . i.D, ;.. . .,;.,.. l
ruunucu lor some nme ion, o.... i. .....
X iNrtrnkii
t: EOHU K i;o!a !'T,
11K.NUY l:l.ll I
V1. AKIlicllNhli J
Tho i bo( nameil Ie(e 'il-n' and each of
tliein III t.ik imta-.' I h;il oil :HeC It;. lu. Hi
aijeve hiiii.-!! t ainil3 eoiiin rnreit n ntUmii
i i tli" iIIkm lei : .in I itl i: ;."iii y. NrUi-kn
I if hi. f t ' . av r if liihato loreer
iU 1 1 1 lie title in nufl to Hi urn lln a-t iiiaf
l.-i lit H ti..i. e elllei U li I. lnnili: IfU.i'O,
iitiriii i f rai'B- nine i'J). eat . In aul eouiil.
k n.-iilii"!. I !e el i mil h iii"li I'hituli!! ' title helil
l.y lelreil;itili. "ii aie -iiiiiieii
In ;tl.-.wer s .ul .eianMi i n i f l.ffo tt llie il
;iv i f l-elniirv ls:il, r Jiiit.-iniit will lie
rH.-in-.l in lav. r of n...i till :- prayed ..r In
aidpetili It ;K''iK 1!oua-t.
W. i.. i'.i.o. u Altoiuey.
street in China is crooked tieyond ex-
nifcssion. in fact tlie.e is nrthing straight,
are crooked and
. 1 1 I 1 1 Tv II II fl . 1 iir.jntrle. Sitting Hulls
followers, probably ahout 200 men, de
v..r.i .!,. ir famili s and lied uii tne
Grand river. The polhe behaved nobly,
lit. is duo them. Par-
tu ulars ny man.
would be int r- commissior.ei jiiku mo.v,.v. ..... .
i I . .1 .,!.,.,( I, .to ll.iu i vi ll'lli'
fi-nt f.-rw w t I It tliev lUIXCil lae cum mm u K'"-' " I , .
I . . , ".. I ti... ..r.; Hiiil Ik; hud retfanled bit.
i i ,.;iu L.iiii.rkti'ion uecoim-B nouibut i. "'--"
lights at the opera ,,ou,e occurs u d.stnrbing eb,mt
- a f miilToi inn.!L'll I LILIMI VCI V I A i1, v- wt
clay nigui. ; -i - ..... ..,.. ..f :., ii. f ih . nr.d now that he was out of
I IS Without UOUWl luc 111 loc -
and it iney ceu.u
Loual Notice.
IS' ir.uur l ill-. i-.UAir. i.n..-.
M. lli'liiu-M. ileeeareil.
ivoliee I hei eiy kivi-ii i "ai in uur!oniii :c
s.n imiIi'i- ..I lion, .-saii.iiel l. I liapiiia". .)uur
vl tin: ioi 'o-,.rt of ;ims r'ninty. Menraska.
on the M Ii (I iy of N ii ve in ! T, 1J l"T tne nine
ol tint real i i-.ute l-.ere iiaf!er leM-rilel. tlieie
Wll be no!, at tne Ironi (liintciiuemui-iiur
Iioiii-k in rialli-nioui Ii, .t'lrasku. -n tli Imli
.lw ..f I ...n .rv a 1. IK'll . nl ou o l-I.M-A p.
in of Saul at tnioiic ve uuc m m'
l .Uler mi easli t e IoII.ivviuk oenoe n-.w
...I .-,. l...w l llii! iml i ll wexl VIlArieriii inn
u il i usliuirlfi i.n.l t tie tin norili lia I of tlie
ii. Hill werl ipiallfl ; aim luuucru ............
ii!titer aires olf the nortli snle of
lue. muiUi eait MU.iier of Jttie north
iv..t muniT. auu foin let-ll aa'l lliree ciiiariern
r-rv ..II of Ihr nortli ne o." tMe o IhweM
iiuatlrr oflh- ii'Tl h-rant quarier. anil Imir
i. t-n an.l Mitee li-ui tun ace-i i.if of Hie nortli
unit; of the ijua-ter ol the iiortn-
wt ii:nler ol section fwn II. ranne n.
in e.itiu' v. Ne'.iraka. ."aid salu will remain
......n i.l. Ii.. 111-
, . 1 1. ...
M.-i. Ii. -ii a ll iv is. -a.iuiiiHi aim ui mo
tatei f tUiailes :1. lIolmeM. ilereaneU.
Kkkson x ickot. All B,
I):iled llereinber 17, 18.H) .Vi-Z.
SDH-ndidlv and l
uiaking of a very fine actor.
All who were fortunate enough to re
ceive an invitation should not forget the
sJect daiiciiitr party iven New Years
eve. bv th" Kniuh's of Pjthi&s -f this, and shoud not iaii to attend, as it
will be the event of 1890-91.
Nelson Jean has filed a ewe in ihe
uncultivated laud,
only get rid of their eupcrstitution China
would become a great country, as us
... . i . . i
niDinirrm w I. icli remain almost
untouched are unexcelled.
Geo W. Yoang, one of Cass county's
extensive farmers is in the city today-
He reports the cholera fts very bad among
the lies in his neignnornooa, ne h-ivi..?;
the way he hoped a set lenient ot the
,i;iK.-.ilt"wi ronld be reached without
further delay.
A note for $ 135, payable to order of
E. Kline and signed by rvtmuei ivnne,
luis tieen lost mid will not bo paid except
to the original owner
dl-wlt Samuel Klisk.
district court Against Dr. A. C. Sabir,
comb contains many petrified remains ol claim5n, the sum of three hundred lost Beventy head during the month of
human beincs, some very ancient sculpt
urea and weapons of war. The Professor
ni. .low to flutes I
XSeneral Brooke's Report
Chicago. Dec. 15. General Brooke, in
charge of the troops at Pine Itidge, tele
graphed the situation to Assistant Adju
tant General Corbin at army headquar
ters tonight as follows:
"All Indians who can he brought in
are now here or near here, leavng about
claims that there is somo clew to dates
that will be of great historical import
ance. It is further stated that consider-
mlfi treasure hua been found. The place
has not been located yt by the public,
but it is supposed to be in the vicinity of
Clear Creek.
... . r - -. . 1. : 1 1 f . ! an.l I -r txr r . - tho OH fit
dollars as damages mr uuBn..iwU ucemuer. J. t. ,i i,,l- in th,- liiulltndswlm p tmnvr'irs!
- io- .ut,Pt. This man Sabin i L:M1. w p hundred and nine head, two hundred buck, m tho bad ,tnt wn Gi.OCLKlES,
tat iit; v -.-
;iess TrcHimeat. 1 time lost one v w . ,lf,Vfl ,r Rntthin'
t . i .i I . i i u I refuse to lis'en to auvone or Hnvvuin.
of the doctors supposed to be of the These heavy losers are certainlydisheart- reiu ' J a mflcieut
XT e.,n; u . . u...: Against these I will send a sutacaut
Sullivan is I enin to the a'ockraisers.
force to capture or fight tlum. Ail has
A one that can bedont. The Indians
New Citizens.
Uiidoluh Kau. John
Dr. .Tnnss order. A. iN.
ttorney for the plaintiff
I.nst Monday night Mr. McCarty, who
nrr.rl.-a for tli Rock Island ana is cam pen
.it i.i ..t o -trl. I Kw Vrk Citv the other day
on .lcnryiisiuMiu.,. , . - ... , , tl.U matter now
- . it o ci it rrrnwin u i iiuib v
uable mule, ana air. h.d.aiuuiu p.mtu
.t Mil,.. ooniipatp in thia country and
saddle and bridle, in.iuotig.a.uij ...-s - - - , h
of rope which will give employment to an . - -
ih immigrants arriving here. The
A nnthpr Syndicate.
At a meeting of wealthy Arabs in now out have a great many stolen horses
- vrk Citv the other day it was de- and cattle with them. I hope to able to
The following official telegram was
llufT, both went together. A piece
FlonrasO Fsefl a Ssecialty
ou.iu r- .-i.r..i, ,dP willDutaatoDto
Michael Dietz and lenry &ciineuier m . ?"Z U stopped well known lawyer, Townscnd Scudder,
i- .1 . -i n 1 1 iti q nrt' I ( I H.UIOCIOI : auuii. v. .... -- - . , -
weeit ut-uuuui-ca o... - .
William II, of Germany, and asked t
become citizens of the great republic.
Mr. John Cassidy also took out his first
papers, making one subject less for
Queen Victoria to look after.
10'. S 0th fct., Union IJlock, fornverlj
415 Mnin street.
Splendid Market, when- KverytUB
kept in rirst l-la. i mm to
please, and solicit the Pulton
axje of the I'ublie
fish ami utiikk i;a.i:ciEfl
Hy fair and h(. Mest dealing I expect to
merit a share of the trade.
131 lm. J. K. VALEEP.V. Prop
Petersen & Larson
(ucor-r to Whlliu4 Whlcher)
(Jrocerips and Provision
Ml il to llon. 0ieraIlou lUock.
Choice, Fresh Goods
in their line, loth as to
GaiBfl Fruits, Driefl Mis
And JT-ench Frnit in Their
Alwiiys in Sttxtk.
Cull and be Satisfied
Wkou and Blacksmith shop.
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Repairing dow
"Sitting Ball was arrested this morn
inf at daylight by the Indian police
some ot una mieviun u it- ' . iitto-notcd his rescue aud a tiut
ti,. K,dt. Don't hanA was instructed to personally iu-M " ... ti' i.
cwuu. 1 i .... i, i :.. i ..nciip.i tsuriiirr lsuii. ins ouu.
them before you catch them Brother certain tracts or lana in x en-y . . ;-; 7" h T " an1 fl)Ur oUier3
and Arizona, witn power iu ucki''m
for the purchase of such tract as he de- k.lie.l; also seven p; ;
cided to be the most feasible. An effort Fcrhet arrive, jus ,n "RTTT T.TIT K fV. NOPtll 6tll St.
it would not be proper you
Rock Bluffs-Fun For Farmers.
Here is some of the fun that farmers
have: J. F. Marshall has lost thirty-four
head of his fine hogs by cholera, and
Joseph Sans' hogs are dying with the
game disease. F.M.Young jr. has lost
four head of cattle from eating too much
corn stalks, aud not getting water
enough to drink; and J. B. Holmes has
lost seven head in the same way. F. M.
Youn" jr. had some corn stolen out of
hie crib near the new railroad grade, last
"Wednesday or Thursday night. It was
hauled away with a mule team and a
large load was taken.
How little the sidewalk farmers, who
live in cities and run agricultural so
cieties, know what real practical fun
there is in getting up at three or four
, , , " A , ...Mr.!nr. 17 1 f Vl tllP Til 11T-
O ClOCK IB IUU uiuiuiujji " -
cury twenty degrees below zer, lighting ?
the lantern, and taking the scoop enovel
to shovel snow for an hour or twa to
find a fifty cent pig. Or of spending an
hour of each day for four weeks to learn
a calf to drink milk; and feed it on the
best the farm affords for a year and then
finally sell it for four or five dollars.
Not much do they know of what profit
iblc fun there is in paying twenty dollars
for the services of a tine horse to raise a
good colt from, keep the colt a year and
then sell it for twelve or fifteen dollars.
How little the sidewalk farmers know
of what real exciting fun there is in go
ing out in a rainy time to milk the cows,
and have the first row that they set
down to, kick them backwards heels
over head into the mud or a large cake
f concentrated grass.
Not much do they know of what real
enioyable fun there is in sitting down to
milk in fly time, and have the cow not
only fill their eyes and mouth with dirt,
but leave great straks of finely chewed
graM across their face.
Talk about fun, if they want to know
what real magnificent fun is just let them
pend half an hour three times a day in
the spring of the year, for about two
weeks, in holding up a weak colt by the
side of its mother to let it get something
to eat. or spend a.whole day in trying to
get a twenty-five cent lamb to euck its
mother, and then have that fun provok
- ingly enlarged by having their wife ask
them why they spend eo much time with
that colt, when they can buy one a good
deal cheauer next fall.
But if tbev want to knw what real
flxhileratinc fun is, first let them spend a
whole season in raising a crop of pro
duce ana then haul it to market and get
from twenty-five to fifty cents a day for
their labor.
Tne Shavul
Dr. Janss, the medical fraud that flour
ish in these parts sometime ago seems to
la -in, fmind mativ victims. Ilia scheme
was to get a note an 1 sell it to a pro
tended innocent party at Grand Ilacd
boforeit was due. When his patient
found he had been humbugged it was
too late, tha note had to be paid just the
same. They always sue at Grand Island
get their judgments and file them with
our district clerk. Over twenty has been
filed already.
JudTe Chanman was out driving in
his son. Black
An effort Ferhet arrived just in time with his two
. . r ini.f.ct th AnnPnian troops, Hotchkiss and fetun
IS oeuiir umuu w - r....- t .it r
. . . . ......... i nhi irra nit; iuu r -jm. ........... .
residents ot tnia country, uumnug - m
. .. , rri. ; tnr i rommanu 01 i"""-'"
id nnn m trip nriieme. lue inau id iui i
lauwwi . . . " .
,.uf.i Arab immigrant to cultivate
Patronage of the Puble Solicited.
section of the tract for half the proceeds
for ten years, when one third of his
section will be deeded to him. It would
certainly be a great scheme to get some
of these industrious Arabs to reclaim
some of our American dessert in An
J. II. Worlev. the Chinese missionary,
company with his family yesterday after- returned to Lincoln this morning.
.Tudcre Chapman returned to his court
duties at Nebraska City last night.
Frank E. White and wife and F. S.
White and wife went to umana ima
Mjq. Wm. Herold. Mrs. Frank Ilager
and Mrs Frank Johnson are spending
noon near the old Scbildknecht farm,
when his horse feeling a little "foxy"
kicked up und caught his foot iu the
cross piece, breaking it into, this fright
ened the animal, and he kicked viciously
striking the judge a severe blow on the
richt lejr below the knee almost breaK-
ing the bone. Mr. Hall happened along fae day n 0maha
i i t- t- a -.n-v oil in riLiitrrwibr
Dauruugui p-i, ------ w-Tforri of Weeoinsr Water, so
saie. air. v.mpuwu nM...-6 .
ably as could be expected though not say tne dispatcne, a-
able to come out on the street. crease oi pens.uu
The Lincoln yard masters are to have
a erand ball in that city Thursday night
Several of the Plattsmouth boys will
probably be in attendance,
"Peck's bad boy" arrived yesterday
He is a twelve pounder and Peck senior,
the night watchman at the depot is settin
Tha Cavalry in Hot Pursuit.
St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 15. A dispatch
from Dickinson, N. D., ubout today's
fight says that it is estimated that 130
warriors are in the band which lied up
Grand riyer after the killing of bitun
Bull. Several troops of cavalry are
after them in different directions, and it
is expected that they will be quickly
headed off. A general outbreak on the
Sioux reseryation is not feared, and those
disaffected bands which are cow giving
trouble, will soon be placed where they
will cease. The Sioux reservation is
surrounded by troops thoroughly equip-
norl fnr n winter c!imnaizn. It is cx-
Election Contest.
From Tuesday's Daily.
At tho examination of witnesses in the
election contest in Omaha yesterday on
the part of Mr. Boyd, Mayor Cushing,
Jude Wake'.y, Sheriff Boyd and Police
Commissioner Ilartman were sworn
Each testified that he considered the up tha cifrars and otherwise conducting
I . i
Nov election the quietest that ever occur himself in a manner indicating a cordial
red in Omaha. Cushing visited many of reception for the young man
the polling places during the day ana Rhowalter the accommodating
saw no disturbance. He was inconstant Qf digtrict court Rrrived home
telephone communication wun eveiy rom a tm dayg, tfip througu
voting place, but Heard ot no runs "r t..Aet nart9 o York and Polk counties.
assaults. Extra police had been appoint urbanoclerk ia woaring a disguise in
ed for the day and me mayor nau request q Dandreary whiskers which
ed the chief to give dis men insirucuuus -nnaUv r(,nttirea an introduction,
- I v-
to protect every citizen m n.s froai 8ome of his 0id friends, but he says
The above testimony sounds very mer heaUh .g yery gQod thank you
ent irom waai we uavc iwcu taii, vu
tK nther side. Evidently some one is A. B. Todd returned nome una uioru
t on the election, or there has ing from his trip to Frontier county
been a little prevarication going on.
where he wei.t as agent of the relief
committee to distribute a car load of
rroods. He says there is and will be
much suffering in that country and that
the car of goods sent from here was
widely distributed and was & source of
much comfort to the poor people
Don't fail to read the change in the
A New Paper for Plattsmouth.
T. E. Williams is in the city today se
curing rooms where M. L. Thomas of
Mr. Williams will hold
forth with a new weekly newspaper.
These gentlemen are both good newepa-
ner men. Mr. Thomas having had hi
teen veaxa experience in that business. 1 large advertisement of J. P. Young's
The oaDer will be independent in politics will pay everybody to read it; it
with democratic tendencies, and will be money in your pocket to read it. He is
issued iu a few days. The material will closing out his entire stock of goods at
be here this evening. Tho Hekald wel- cost for cash osly for the purpose of
comes these eentlermn to our city whose retiring from the merchandise business
interest to a large extent will be mutal and therefore ffers bargains ia all linn
with our own in the up bulling of our J of goods. Call and see him, also te
u. I vour friends and neighbors. dl-wl
Cannot become healthy food simply by
the process of death.
owe it to themselves and society to
In swine raising that will promote the
public health. Hogs should be fed,
r. Jos. Haas
He uss the
Wkirh in the best horseshoe for tho
farmer, or for fast driving, or for city
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyone cn put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed tor wet auu "Vf "V
davs, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
h'.3 shop and examiuu iut .
and vou will use no oiner.
112 North Fifth St. l'lattsmouim
Thoicest Brands of Cigars,
Including our
Fiords ?j, ';' "i1
pected that before another sun has set mn-rr -n rMjrrTrr
Sittme Bull's celebrated chorus of HOG aM POULTRY REMEDY
good Indiana or
dancers will
It is reported that Mr. Sundell found
ihe county seat petition which M. Stan-
... .
der of Louisville, lost ous oi
his buegy, bue like a good hon
est Plattsmouthian he returned it to the
rightful owners. Up to three o'clock
there had been no petition filed with the
A man in Omaha has paralyzed the
lovers of fine art in that city by throw
ing a chair through an $1S,000 painting
of a nude woman in the halls of the
Western Association. Of course the
man will be considered crazy, as it is
generally believed a little thing of that
kind would net offend an Omaha man.
The only reliable medicine for swine,
Used successfully for fourteen years
Prevents elseaae,
Arrests Disease, sops cougn,
Hastens Maturity
Destroys Worms,
Increases the Flesh.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Pkici:3: 25lbs cans, $13.50. $2.5
$1.25 and 50s per packgd. The larges
are the cheapest, Write ror testimonial
'Hozology," a 64 -page p&mpmec on
swine will be mailed for a 2-cent stamps
Orders by mail receive prompt attention,
JOS. HAAS, fndianapolis
County Court.
Phillip Kraus vs. John Hjnartman
Suit on note. Judgment by confession
for $51.75.
Paxton, Gallagher & Co. vs. Henry
Pearson. Suit on account. Judgmnt
by confession for $527.33.
M. O. Donohee ys. D. O. Dwyer. Suit
on note. Judgment for plaintiff for
$51.34. Polk Bros, for plainfiff,2D. O
Dwyer, pro se.
Last will and testament of Abnor C,
White, late of Greenwood, filed for pro
Petition for final settlement estate W.
IL Shepherd, deceased. Hearing Jan
uary 5, 1891, 10 a. ra.
Lester Vivian ya. James. Fitzgerald.
Hearing Dec, 18th at 10 a. m. .
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaintt Shiloh'a vitalixer is
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by P.
Q Fricke and O. IL Snyder. 1
and Syrup.
Low prices quoted on large or small lots
Strictly Pure.
Adirondack Maple Sngar Co
1238 Monroe st., Chicago. I1L
Western Agents.
ajwave in stock. Nov. 2. 1885.
Lumber Yard
I l mmm & sun
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the eitjv
Call and get terms. Fourth Btreet
in rear of opera house.
The 5th St- Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign i onwtie Goods.
Oousalt Tur Iimni' ? Giving Hla a OaO
f Ibttarxtt0xtl2, 2t5Ttj-
Parlerand Bad Room Sets. at-
trsaaea. Sofas, Lour.KM arm
Office Furniture.
CU amd esaautM kU stack feefara xl