Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 18, 1890, Image 2

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    'TTT.V TTP -
"i. .
There ar
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory.'
They are not,
but like
nil counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
iind remarkable
qualifies of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
PuMis'ied fvery Th"rsday, and dally every
volaK except unday.
Kexlttered atflie I'lattsmoutli, Neb. post
vjflBcefor traiiHtildoii throiud) the U.. S. mail
t JMtcmirt rutPP.
OtBcn coriH-r Vine and Fifth streets.
Telephone 38.
eony. one ye:r, in advance .... ...$19A
ae ropy, one yar. not in advance. .... 2 00
One py. .six monthf. in advance 75
Qae&c py. tll-ee iie-nili. in advance. ... 40
One cop oik; y r in adv nee $i 00
One copy per v-ek. Iy earner i5
Ono copy, per month fit
sale clothing mcrclvints and manufac-
turtTM. at Boston, full, vvitli liabilities of
$700,000 Nightingale liros. & Knuihr,
ilk ni'irmfaeturers of I'aiw rson, N-v
Jersey, fml f r $400,000, and (J. W. In
gills, . in inu lecturer of bools b'hh"',
of U-r-ii, v iids to the iii.-vi? !!, uitli
liabilities i.t'i-.l ttt :;jlM.:(;j. The
above is u I'- '' of 'l y-U-r-
d.-ty's f',r' ,.r(-.-;. I' will be n m-. mb. red
jib-' .dr. Bryan irri.l pi n uikJ positive
clrirL'.i gniis; th; republican putty
claiming that u was in league with liie
manufacturers which the policy of th-
republican party was making richer every j
inv while the consumer, the farmer was
growrng poorer. We were assured that
lite democratic policy was just the op
posite, that the factory owner would
take caro of himself and that legislation
iu thu shape of free trade is what we
must have for the coubuhi-t. Thit issue
was presented to the people with tliu re
sult which is well known. Now then,
th logical conclusion is that these gi
gantic failures occuring every day,
running up into the millions is direct ly
and absolutely chargeable to demccrstic
free trade supremacy at the recent elec
tions, or else every democratic speaker
on the stump before the election, lied
like a fih monger nud wh"lly misrepre
sented the two parties and their attitude
towards the countrv. Which wan it?
The secre' ary of the treasury geut to
congress the following estimates of ex -peuscs
of the government for the fiscal
vear Hiding June 30, 1802;
I.ppMa'ive asmbliHliinent
Kxec tiveeMabU foment
lu estiibiifiiiiieni
i- . i i if nr--e
Miiltiry eslj.blishment
N..V,t I il illl;--IllllClll
Indian jiff ilia
Postal service
l'ublic win k
Aiisnnll iieiius
'i rinanem a n il approi nations
How Madam Aibani Entertains
Queen Victoria at an Informa
Once evt-ry saiiii.ier Que. n Victiiii
diiye over from ht-r Udmoral Cistlo t
! tiie Scottish Iliuhl iiuh !imeot M:idwn
Ihitlli (Jyr, Ihi; lainous prima .Ioih;i,
where thu latter ent rtu'iis In r at mi in te l. For yejis thu Cm-eu Ins
made a practice of this, a cxuplim rt
which ller Mujsty bestows upon no
. i . . : . . i i
oilier wniii.tii in lilo UlllUom. It. 1
ii.UUl lor rtiu. .10(JHi s appi:uraliri
tacu enr lit Court to smy; bt-lore ihe
iilcen. and totliu- pi i:na-J niiia it a fiord a
an exceptional glimpse ot Eugluud'a ruy ii
"No outsiders are ever pnsei.t," 6113s
Madame Aibani, "and I see Viet 'Ha a
a woman; never as a queen
"How do you euteitaiiiu your royal
gaesii" was asked ol ihe prima douua
by a I lit lid.
And lor more than an hour the grent
linger held the the uuiuterupted lllterel
of a private dinuer party with the ttory
of how &he served a ti a Ir the Que. n.
So full of interest was 1 he uatTati Vi
that Madame Albmii was iudueed t
write out the account, arid it wilt shortly
nppear iu the Laclit's Home Journal, nl
rhiladelphia, under tin- title of "Victoria
at iy Tea Table " Of its frcahu.asol
interest the caption ol the artiile is the
best indication.
A copy of the last portrait taken of
Oaei-u Victoria, and printed n!y forlJei
ilajes y and the royid family, will ac
..$ .Vi&trctt comnanv the articlu. "Ii will In- mv b.t
4':o r J I j
4U3.I00 porirait," wmte tue urn-en on this lt. 8
1 oiv I r
2.iroJ9i 1 entation copy, whicii is the only copv
mm ah 1 ..,...,, j ,,owl 1 r.. :i..
ft 817 Hl8 I 1 tr v. vuuiiiic v 1 kilt; lujni lauiiij.
13S.2f.3 0K5
l:i 8(11 :(i4
l'-2 4S .806
TliK- li k ni.iM'i-r it
Weekly News win v- Icomi
Mini to ln v. 'I 111- t M I
fl.itterin rvid'iic- of 1
whic h Wir Hie a ml I., i,,)' .
Til !: Win- d.4 f .ir i ;
s;noc th.- (pnm l li.r th
.'Ml -J. 01 ni l
'lict will prove Ion.-; i I
(pi.'diiicit'oii.s for li' .
1 ion.
1 . i . li 1 s ; ) 1 1 . 1 . . , ; 1 ; , .
(pl.'li-.: to co.. ; i,.
( III caiicty tiMi I. .
pliicn for !ie ,-..ii:-t'0111
it r Journal. l,o
(jU.l lies I'll ,t ..... t .
main whei 1 it. 1- '1 i
sit I.
I.v -
fr. f'trT; A tS AT iT. PA -.,'
n h f III
h M M M 0
s 1.
7, V
1. 1-
TlIK I. id: in I
It i-. :iui ti- 11' ii .ii ; . ! . ,
Ted I11NII i- Ml il.-i ii, :. v n
Will th. J- .e i. I ,. ,
aid Corr. f-p..ii i t,: t i .
but lint tii. :,r ,
modern iii'ii.i-M 1-
OllUlnl Hl'ouke i:l. I .i-
as well a to V- I. II 1. 1 . i
and Ihe Nelrakn 11 il t . 1
this v, ill be eh. . rinu ,.. ..
r.ui a as away j
S. H. II. ( iiAKK, the 1 resent general
nimg. r ol tin Mi-.-oui i I'acitie, h s ju
been upooiiit l i.iiirul manager of tin
' 1oioii Pacilie. -. iih W. II. Ilolcomb i
9siGtnr. hetlu-r he will resign hi
puslllon 011 Hit: .M. I . or not 13 110
Inter Ocean :
r:r:uid total 197,077 138 i u. o. 0011 is a uiemner or tne
Estimates for 1891 were $342,428,973 j Wardaend Steel Company, doing Um
lid the appropriations $414.42r,(2S3. For ness in the English city ol Sheffield. II
1S61, the estimate for pensions was some j was one of the party ef foreign iron and
hiiiil over $!)S.400000, whila appropria j t-teel manufacturers who recently visited
r 10:1 ot nearly !f lZi,WV,'V l ueei-PM 1 -" uin'iu omira. 1 (10 onciuelll liie-
tated by the new measure. The public J graph interviewed him in this wise:
rks estimates were $10,000,000, nearly lUllJ'u" discover." asked im representative
$:7,000,000 were aupropriated. The ca- inen (in fon .iU(, s ;
imates for permanent annual appropria
lions were about $102,000,000. the
mount appropriated ..bout $127,000,000
I HE luler Ocean dispatches of th'
tfouitu, Ironi npp-r Miis-ipi live
oints say Hie liver is pel iiianmtl
-closed lor the winter. This with tin
report ot MX inches Mm iv in Dakota.
dukes one H Hi more appreciate tin
deliglidul choline ..1 Ne'Tofeka.
Piltt-burg than in Slieffiehi?
Mr. v ood answered : "The men I to
iu the fortces were ear in? about C a nay. ai d
appeared to be qu te eoinf.n talle."
Had you any conversa inn witli American
on tllC sui iect f the McKii. lev t.n iff mi
"Ye.- was the resyocge. "In our iravelii.e
Secict-rv Noble calls attention to the I c?r e u a'B,1 lUm De; ""'cr.cans. aud every
1H1.U1, o jicu a ufuaie u ii:e oiil Hi 1 lie
;ii;e lieui. era'.
If thu eU-ciiou oi 1 1 "is going to for
eyer Mnah ainl wind up the rcpublia
. party if iln-3 p;is u' why are democrat!
- - ( inline on tiieir heads an.
pawing iiu; air jiIm.ui 11? Are they trying
to serve Hie r.-pi.blicaii paity or are the
playing tiieir ns .1 role of liypotrileV
Uiiovkh Ulkvuland s eoaclu-rs r.
Very inueii ioiiiti! an to thu prop'
stand to tnke 011 the ipjehtioll of ire.
liver, (jiov. r ha -on.- so far in lav.
f ihe gold iiu;.-. of W II street that h
is tin; just Miiij -ct of censure from th
bauds of intelligent citizens of ihe Wu.-t
wlio are ) rn niliy in filver legislation.
TllK action ol the .so called Nationa
farniciV Alliance in Nsion for the pa.-i
hree or four days .11 Oseal-i, Florida ha:-
Couiplett ly (livorceil that ioi
from the Farmer'.- Alliance of the North
West. "Nigger domination" and fraud
ulent elections are not popular war cryt-
with the alliance party in the North.
"What r.-wnnl hath a negro demo
crat?" nsks the Indianapolis World.
Well the chief thing in thu Sonlh 13 thai
if he vote3 the democratic t'eket he i
allowed to exit. Life is comii'tered
great boon to any civilized people, and
-the fact that the colored man will not hi
murdered if viu-t the democratii
ticket ought to have great influence al
outheru elections.
ct that the $100,000,100 disbursed by
ne pension bureau during the past yea
mpliis so much money tent into tin
h.oiiiels of trade and commerce, "bless -
ng him lhat givis and hiui that takes.
rids view of the matter 1a one that is
iot sufficient! v considered. The most 01
ie t-dk ubotic die pension expenditure
-ikes no account of the impoitiut pcin'
hit every dollar, practically speaking,
s at once put 10 service of general use
ulness. Asa class, the pensioners are
.n. . 1 1 . . .
r. Thev ilo not nije ineir inouei
way to accumulate in their hands; the
smoke-room. The Emlisli sid wa v!l snn-
purted. and so was the Aineiifa-i. We tnln
the Amei leans that the new tariff was imi os d
'im. lor pioteetive. bet for pieliibitive per
ivees. : nil th;ir they would cniTer from i
hey repli-d th it the Aii' p ople were
cue enough to lomnve the tariff if it houid
prove oppr ss ve : ineanwh Ie they would v..v
it a fair trial ; they told us that they bci evfd
ih y eoulu count e ali their home products i
1 heir own country'
"Speakiug generally, would if be to rh ad
vantage of Knglinti wnrkmen to eniiirra e t
ihe Niates, !f fixed employment were oflVre.l
o 1 hem? '
" I hey certainly would make more money."
was the reply.
We turn thu E;igli.,h manufactun r
and free trader over to the American
TI1K ATTTKrul'T C.K yoL'Ml
of the Oinah i W .i I,i ! ,1 .
wagon to the .1 . .
uipped ill the bud by ii
His : oei.-iiiihl:..-World
Herald nn. w.o n; . ,
that joung Mi. liiii r-i... (.
the cause of tin; hom .-1 i 1 1.
duly isMK-d an.i au. li. ,
Willi a 'lo.l ..ii.i m- . .
One nioie fii.-nd : ti..
!Jl"i Vatc ;. v .i.
i iilTe IJU' I'.itt -
-1 ,
1 .ct cnyiiirig
rfind a"; bod
Tammany b.-.-n 1
time about the e- li -i:
tribe in the wist 1 d ! Sittin;.- ihd! .i.d
two Strike sire alter t!n- i-od; k of die
great f ther who to..k their itomi .
They know of a lot of papooses im
.M-ieio.i eMoll.-i. ! -. .. i'. ineii
bered that th b'g !ii K tiionuli
wiis Pom.-ti i k in t'i c i. :,.d
trieil to defeat ir jti-
New Y01 k papers ifie.
rect census in th .t eitv.
...I. : 1:1 .
w 11 1 in; 1 1 1 e it ' j : .1 ( , 1 11,
e CSothier,
j s I lie Tii 111 m,ny
to i;i-f a
IV t!. U -.: ,
I ! A
o th - hundreds of thousands of
Minili.s of soldiers, but, as the Secretary
ilserve, it also "transfers at opportutu
liomeuts thu tieaturis of the government
o the whole people." There is 110 other
,ublic outlay that is so plainly and so
p -rvasively advantageous. The pension
ers reside iu all the nooks and corners ol
the country; and every community, no
natter how small or remote, derives more
r less benefit in the case
There is no aiument, of course, in
f av t of extravagant snd unreasonable
pension legislation; but it 13 an auiwi r
o the familiar assertion that the veteran
oh favored by the government ut the
xpensu cf ull other citizens, and thai
only those who draw pensions are prof
ited by such disbursements. The fact is
hat the money is so distributed as 1 1 do
food everywhere. When one of the
quarterly payments is made the effect i
immediately perceptible in ali brauche
of trade. Tne merchants sell mere goods
ihe mechanics get more employment, the
railroads carry more passengers, and
there is an improyed condition of things
from one end of the country to the other.
In the first instance, the pensioners arc
the enly gainers; but that does not last
for a single day. The money drifts into
other hands by force of circumstances
that insure a comparatively equitable
Fort vcars after tneir establishment, the division of the aggregate amount anion
I 1 1 . 1 t a. ; ti . 1 t .
v.,; n.nto ,..r ourcnrl K n, nil classes, ii w wen 10 rememoer mat
democratic party as the very incarnation average annual vaiue ot inaivuiuai
of evil. They resolved and whereased M'tns,ona 13 oniJ n(,out ana tI,ar
viy it ut us soon us tlu-y iet it for lh
i,- . 1 1 1
eeessai ies ot lite, thus aiming mannaiM free traders for cross examination by
o th. woiiim-- and the profits or ordinary 1 them
It does not merely give relief
The democratic governor of Ofiio is
having hard work to prove anything by
the editors of the democratic Cincinnati
Enquirer who were his chief authority
in charging crime against the officials of
Cincinnati The Enquirer editors ac
knowledge giving the information to the
governor, but now declare that they
were "not in earnest." Lying as it were
for the fun of it. Ex
agninst the National Hanks in all lluir
state and national platforms for years.
"The banks at the present time fiud 110
"warmer supporters th 111 is contained in
this same party. The ltading paper of
tlie South, th Richmond State eays to
democrats and aUimce men: "Don't
touch the National banking system. . It
is hotu safo and simple, and no one since
Becretarv Chase's diy has conceived any
better system. Farmers reed a larger
circulation medium. But the whole
eonntrv. Farmers' Alliance included.
53S.000 pcrsous receive? the sum paid
out last vear in such shares as this esti
mate indicates. These people are all
buyeis, aud do not have any use for
money except to pay for what others art
engaged in selling. The funds th t they
receive, therefore, piss immediately into
the channels of business, and thus p;o
mote the general welfare mid prosperity.
This aspect of the most liberal portion
eTsttm that lias ever been known is well
worth thinking about. It would be our
duty to care for disabled anil dependent
soldier in any event; but the truth is
rould regret the day that the National ; that in helping them the government in-
Xanks were forced to wind up." j directly assists all of the people.
Juduk Gkesuasx in the United States
Circuit Court at Chicago has handed
down a very important decision. Im
portant no' only on account of the higl
tit.inlirwv AnI I..I .... - t .1... . i
oi..uuiii nuu uuilllj Ul 111U COUri, UUl -S
affecting an important leal dmh). m
which opens the way for some important
prosecutions agaii ft the railway com
panies. The point at issue was tliL-;
Vice President Peasely of the "Q" and
a Chicago commission merchant named
Counselman, w re before the United
Stttes Grand Jury to testify as to wheth
er Mr. Counselman had recieyed rebates
from the railway company contrary to
the Interstate commerce act. They both
refused to answer the inquiries on the
ground that they would thereby crimi
uate themselves. The District Judue
thereupon ordered them to testify and
on a further r fusal they were fined $500
and arrested for contempt of court, to be
so held until they should purge them-selyc-s
of the conteuipt. A writ of lis
beas corpus whs then aworn out and the
defendants taken before Judge Oresham,
who after a full hearing endorsed the
procedings of the District Court. The.
prominent deiendants are still in th
bands of the officials but are getting
n-ady for an appeal to the Supreme
Court of the United States; where the
matter will be finally settled. Unless the
tule prescribed by Judge Gresham is no
held there will bono further prosecutions
under the law, as it would be sheer
folly to attempt to secure conviction?
when the only pnrties fully conversint
with the facts nre to be- alio-wod to shield
themselves behind the law that was in
tended as bulwark of ju -t'ce and
equity not a cloak and cover for fraud.
lliife - ''' "
Tiff ifffl "
20il A'...i I... .s I
i i 'ii' l' ii iniii nil.liti.iu to the many thou-lm-
. ..!; ( .f'uii lls j(J,t received and of
(LATAMA It iriliu.MC.l)
i; .
V -itn
i F
rmvi' 2 L.t .m i u
. . each
. .each
. .each
. .each
. .cal l)
. . each
. .cadi
. .each
. .ea;li
. each
. .each
. c u Ii
. each
4 :,o
a oo
2 CO
3 50
2 00
3 00
8 00
3 00
2 00
3 50
4 50
2 00
4 5
3 00
0 Pi
CC OX Hun''
H I.
" Sylv
- ariensi-
The Nebraska City papers are smiling
audibly because a ITausss City man blev
out the gas in that place a few n:ghts
ago. If they will look over the files of
tho Omaha papers they will find there is
carcely a month in the year a Ne
braska City man has not'? tbe same
kind of a record in the metropolis. No
one denies but what thero is some aa
need at Nebraska City; it is so rare how
ever that tho common villager is not
familiar with it.
0 Oreodoxa IiciA
12 Genop.a riei;i-
9 Cocus Pl'-mioa
100 " Wedd.- iana
2 " "
0r'T thirty otli -i- vi-;
Cycas Revol.'ta from 1.
To lo S i p d fro .
200 (yeas bevolu'a ...
100 "
50 "
2 '
-1 i
St . i
12 15
1 s .; p
each 10 00
each 3 00
each 10 00
each 15 00
each 1 25
each PO
. .each 5 00
... .e.-tc li 50
each 1 25
ckcIi 50
-:Hi 1 50
each 50
Hch 4 00
''.oh 50
each 2 25
I rum 2lets to $r,5.00 each
' V- 5.0(1
o ' ' i s v.-1 r i
it 1 t.
ir;-i v;
arly next spring
$ 1 to 2 00
3 to 4 CO
. . . B to 10 09-
12 it 2 00
35 to 75 00
. . 25o 00-
Send in yonr orde s early or com
see my immeuso dock of
and general nsportm-.nt of
iants and Shrubs.
There- is no euclt a tock kept west of Pliiladelnliia
Prices will be found lower tliaa Eastern houses at a liberal discount "I'veii
dealers. Send tor cat.iloo-iu?.
Plattsmouth. Sec.
Il.trttld VlBII.LIKOKMIs)
I .