t ITT T XT TTtl -- m .... . w u VlWl. Tf f fNlTv LL..w'JVIHlXliJ' jm iington, uiuo, statea mat hu nau men under tin; care of two prominent physi- Dry wood for sale. Inipuireof II. B. Wjndhani. tf row ABSOLUTES PURE Everybody Reads the Dully Herald. Cups. Mincers and vuS'S In-low manu facturers :tt Wildinun & Fullu. tf Uuruh has m fine line of good suitable find elegant fcr Cl)i intuits presents. Call ar;d see him. ti lit Novelties in il verware tit tin? reliable jewelry house if ?. A. Me Li.wai.v, 319 M:iin fctrcct. tf 71 PERSONAL. OFFICIAL PAPER SQF.THE COUNTY WEDNESDAY, DECEMliEIi 10, lbSO IH-. A. KallHhurjr lias Mip ejoirtdt t!rlit t uh fr. StMu&u'H l.omi A i.ustliel lr lor the Hiiinle Kxtraetlau or Truth lu UiU cltjr. OfOeo ltoek woixl I. O. O. F. CASS I.OIx;K. No. 110 I. . - F. meets ev ery Tueday night at thoir ti all in Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellow am cordially invited to attend when vlsitiiiM' iii trie city. LOHIR ItAVId. N.1. John Cokv, Sec C. A- R. McCounUile 1'c.st, ISo. 45. meets every SMwr ay evening at 7 JO. In tbetr lihll. Kockwood Block. All visit i&g comrades are Invited to mt with us. i. V. Nile. Post Adj. F. A. Hales, Votl Com. ranted-AN ACTIVr HOFT MAN-Pai-atv&loo iiontiilv if soil able. witboiijnr- tunltw for aovui re t tepi csent locally a re ftponHible New York. hiu.-e. Manufacturer, Lock oox 15SS. N. Y. New Time Table OOINO WKbT OOIKlO EAST Nl, 3 :50 a. m No 2 5 :05 p. m. 3 6:45 p. m " 4 ionium 5 9 :'W a. m. "6 7 ;14 p. ra. T 7:15 a. in. " 10 10:00 a. m. 9, :lop,ru. "12 10:14 a. m "ll... 5:25 p. ro. ".2 8:0 a- m. - 19 11 :05 ft. m. Our Clubbing List. Globe -Democrat and JIkuai.u $2.25 Harper's Magazine " Harper's Bazar " Demorest'a Magazine Omaha Bee Toledo Blado Lincoln Call National Tribune " 4.C0 4.S0 3.10 '2 40 2.45 2.15 2.45 It is only a step fiom the gutter to the editorial management of the Journal. The telegraph announces a gnat cud find at Chadron only sixty feet below the surface. No, no, the ITekai.d only got its foot in the Journal's mouth. You were too drunk to know which mouth it was. The S. of V. social, which was to have leen held at Eockwood Hall tomorrow night, has been indefinitely postponed. The funeral "Jicnmie" Thresher occur red today at two o'clock, it was consider ed inad visible to longer await the coin ing of Mr. Thrtshcr, T. E. Williams of Eight Mile Grove and M. L. Thomas of Lincoln, both for mer newspaper men made the Hkisalu a pleasant call today. The auction sale of the remains of the J. V. Weckbach stook of dry goods be gins today. Everything will positively lie sold to the highest bidder. Edna Siecrist sustains the role of Flora Ashton tqe heroine in the Black Hawks in a mo.t acceptable niHnner and proves heself to be a capable actress. The old depot will be put in shape for winter in a few days by clearing the little plastering off remaining on the ceiling and putting on ipne ceilings. Arizona Joe's remarkable feats of taarksmanship in the border drama, Black Hawk" is without a doubt the most wonderful ever seen on any stage. Old man Sherman, better known 8 "Sioux Faced Charley" thought hesmell--ed carrion and with famished lips rushed to the defense of what be thinks was a -tteal The B. & M. have opened a new line io Des Moine?, which is much shorter and more direct than the old one by the way of Chariton. The trains now con nect with trains at Osceola, over the old narrow gauge road. S. II. Morrison mi Nebraska City and A. W. Crites of Chadron, were in atten dance at an important meeting of the Masonic Chapter. They are both in at tendance today at a meeting of the Grand Chapter in Lincoln. If you want to save money when buy ing yoar Xnias presents, don't fail to call at J. P. Young's and get his price. We mean just what wo say, that we will aa?e you money on all kinds of holiday goods for CASH ONLY, for we are closing out our stoek at a big reduction. Call and see for yourself. Engineer Glcahon is in Lincoln today. MrB. J. L. Minor went to Omidia this moi nin x. H. Parker and wife were pussenyc-ra for Des Moines this morning. Mrs. A. L. Wiles returned to her home this morning at Alliance. Mrs. Perry Walker came home this morning from her enstern trij . Mrs. F. 8. Granger, of Edgar, spent latt evening in this city as a guest of Mrs. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek, were down attending the charity ball last evening. Boss Morrow eold one hundred tons of millet this morning in the 8tack to Sam Barker for four dollars per tan. Mrs. James Mitchell and her sister Miss Ida Conn went over to Chariton this morning for a week's visit with relative. D. S Draper and Rosa Morrow went to South Omahn this morning to sell two or three cars of Chiistmas beeves, they hav ing some extra line fat cattle of their own raisiag. . A fciiite of rooms for rent in a flat, cheap. For partieulais enquire of Stt: plan Euzzi 11. tf Ladies' and gents' gold watches at the lowest living; pi ices in to vn. All gooua warrantea at l. A. .mct.i wain s, 319 Main street. tf S;inta Cluus is going to May all winter J with Wildman ifc Fuller. All the child ren, and their fathers end their mothers, should call and Bee what he has brought with him. tf cians, and used their treatim nt until he was not u!h' to jM-t around. They pro nounced bis case to be ( him. in -t idi and incurable. lie w..s persuaded to try Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds itup at th.it time was notable to walk aeli'-H t!i'-street without restiiii.'. lie found lm-U'ie he had used half a bottle, that In: vts much better; he continued to use it mid ; toiiv en jo iii'; good h...l.h. 1 1' mi have iinv throat, lung or t t :-t timi1 !e. try it. We glial ;i ii tee cat isf :ict in. T;:-! holtlcficu at F. G. Flieke & (,V, d. :jcti-i--. If Mm want to buy a uood hoi;s; call on MeriT'-s oyer Schnpp:igu it (To Acre i u ithin i.iel ouicide ot t ity lim its. Housed from :J.vfi to .;.. r((;0. Farms in Cish county ami the wt for sub' or trade. 1'ki i-u Mi-Kill'.. i A w- tf. "sjl - --xvrc (-H v'v.dc A r m t i r - w r k A I .!'H -WT ' f.'-.t, s-'.V 1 Ml'. .... C.ULiv-4". r-.: -1V . i?,. I. Like Humply rb- ---v. . .. .1 !! :r'A J AH hc so&ps n&vo agrcai iasi --,- .. -Dumpiy J Miss Grant is no w prepared to give lessons on the piano. She can be found at 811 Locust streot, next door to the Christian church. dtf County Court. Theo W. Ivory vs J. P. Smith et al. Suit on notes. Answer by Jan. 5. lSi.il. II. D. Travis for plaintiff. Last will an.t tefctainent of Simpson C. Bethel, deceased. Admitted to probate. N. II. Meeker appointed executor. Lawrence P. Stull vs Frank O'Neill. Suit in replevin. Lester Vivian vs James Fitzgerald. Set for 13th. Lawrence Stull vs C. W. Holmes et al. Set for 13th. Capitol National Bank of Lincoln vs F. M Striplin tt al. ..Mary Stuart." If the theatre going people want to fee a fine play presented by a first class com pany, they must not failto sett "Actle Payn" in "Mary Stuart" tomorrow nigh t Miss Payn is a fine actress and no doul t many of our citizens remember her, as she wis the leading lady of Geo. Miln the preacher actor, atthe three different times he appeared in our city. Miss Payn ro ceives fine press notices fr in the best critics in all the larger cities she has ap peared in; and it is hoped she will re ceive a good patronage tomorrow night as there is no advance in prices, 7 cents for reserved seats. Secure your tickets at once and see one of the best plays of the season. Youis Truly, J. P. Yocso To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet tnplaiuinfi all about Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro-Voltiac Belt and tippliances, and their charming effects upon the ncrvious debilitated 8 stem, and how they will quickly restore you to vitror and man hood. Pamphlet free. If vou are thus afflicted wc will send you a belt and ap phances on a trial. Voltiac Uki.t Co. Marshall, Nich. DAWSON 1 PEARCE FINEMILLENERYnnd CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Also Fresh Cut I lowers. eSTStore n Iii lev Block. Till your Onxi-r v you muni !':ive 3 Wlar? Santa Claus Soap coirte5 uer way; i St r a i v P A M R .SOAP i,;.'- -: rnrnp m.MAV ffADt: ONLY BV N.K.rJ.-.EANiaCacHicAQ). BARGAINS! - BARGAINS! SPECIAL LOW PRICES IN BOOTS and. SHOES. The Herald calls special attention to J. P. Young's display ad on the first page of today's paper. Mr. Young means exactly what he says. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi- C. A. MARSHALL, loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by F.G. Fricke and O. II. Suy- der. 3 '" OOUljANO I'' ifi'-J ( I. I NVC!i WS- Bridge work and line g ld work a SPECIALTY. l)K. ST KIN A t's Mitt A I. us wli as otler an estliet;e.s:;lveu lurlli" ;.in!e-! -x 'r.tcl ioii ot teeth. Fitir.-r-dd r-'- AS VSfE bought our Leather and Rubber goods before the advance of IO per cent, and shall continue to close them out at the usual LOW PRICES, be sure and consult your interest and call and get prices before you buy elsewhere. W. A. BOECK & CO. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming eo well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise. "A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bittere will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pim ples, lioiis, bait Kheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Wrill drive Malaria from the system and tire- vent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters En- lire satisfaction guaranteed, or money reiu'.Kiea. I'rice oo cents and $1 jur bottle at r. G. rnckeiV Co s .drugstore. FOR LOW - PRICES - THE HERALD COR.. FIFTH -A. 1ST ID VINE STS WILL -- LEAD Sil'I'ISKilUTIOK CrXVEjT IjT JiVHIY I'JVlj'L'ICTJiILfj. BWnEOMMIDI The Charity Ball. While the charity ball, given by t e young ladies ot St. Agnes Guild, w;is not the financial success which the object for which it was inaugurated merited, it was the most delightful dancing party had during the season. The grand march, participated in by about thirty couples of our leading society people, led by Mr. Chambers and Miss Harriet Fulmer, was a most pleasing sight. The light fantastic was tripped until the wee sma' hours, and socially regarded as a pronounced success. A delightful re past was served, donated by the ladies of our city, for which the Guild extend their thanks, also to Mrs. Byron Clark for her energetic assistance. Members of the relief committee should not forget the meeting tonight. Plenty of A No. 1 flour n hmad to exchange for wheat at the Factoryville Holler Mill. Wheat taken on deposit. wtf. T. M. Warm 9. Before purchasing your holiday goods look through my elegant line of ladies' and gents' cuff buttons, chains, charms, rings and other fine goods at reasonable prices. B. A. McElwaik, Jeweler. 319 Main street. tf Oleo Margerine Peterson locally known as "bogus butter" as a scavenger claims to be able to do up old man Sherman himself. If slime and filth were the pre eminent requisites of a newspaper wc would admit the basement review, was a newspaper. Martin L. Hansen, an office boy at the Perkins this morning discovered that he had been robbed by a green looking stranger that. Mr. Bons bad retained in his employ for a few days. The robber got an gl8 over coat $ revolver, a pair of pants and a good pocket book con taining $2 in cash. He was traced to Pacific Junction but no farther trace of the smooth young man could be found. Notice. All persons knowing themielvas to be owing delinquent personal taxes are re quested to call at the treasurer's office and settla the same at once and avoid trouble and cost?. d3t If. Out Livinoatox. Deputy Collector. Farm for Sale. 240 acres of fine land, with all modern improvements, within one mile of Mur ray. Will sell all or part of the smut. I'nces reasonable and terms easv, for further particular address or call on, E. Beiigeh, Murray, Cas Co., Nebraska. Dr. Marshall' DEfiTEST Will be in his office from Dsc. 12 tib Jan. 4, prepared to do all kinds of den tal work by the very latest and most im proved methods. Andy Taylor returned home yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Virginia. He found the snow a foot deep at Indiana polis, and was delighted, he says, to get back to God's country of plenty fnd plenty. AH ECZEMA 17 YEARS : I it ICK8 100 Seforthia F.Iegans 12 to 11 inches high. 100 " " 20 to 24 100 " " 30 to lid " , 12 " " 40 to 42 " " . 200 Areca Lutc-sccns IS to 20 " " . 24 to 30 " Verschaffeltii IS to 20 " " Rubra 24 Baueri, fino 30 4 Mad.igaKcarien.sis 30 " Kcntia Fostcriana 12 to 15 " 18 to 20 30 to 24 " ".Belmoriana 12 ta 15 " 20 to 24 " Cured in O Weeks. One of the Createst Cures ever Perform ed by theCutlcura Remedies At the ace of three months, a rash, (which aftewards proved to be eczema or salt rheum) made its appearance on my face. l'liyMcian alter fhymciao was called. None of them did me any good at all, hut made me worse. The tneae continued unabated, it spread to my amis, and legs till 1 was laid up entirely and vsi irom continually sitting on ki'.i ,ne fh,Hr on a rdHow my l nines coniraeieo so mat i i lost allcontrol of them and was 1 utterly helpless. Mv mother I ....... i .1 1 ..... ... lifi ..... ,4 "12SJ feI into bed. I could get uround the house on my hsnd ami Ar I feet, but 1 could net ret my vim iie iii at an ain.' hum iii wear a et.rt of a drssinsr pown my i:air had all matted down or fallen off. and mv l heal, face and ears were one is (1 cab '1 he disease continued fednn this manner until I was seventeen eai solace, and one dav In January 1879 I read an account in the Tritune of your LiTia'KAiiKMKiiirH, it e-cnuea inv case so exactly that I thought as the lat resort tocive them a trial. When I liret applied them I wa- all raw and bleedina from Hcrateh- ing mveelf. but I went asleep almost immedi ately fioineiiiinf; l liau rot none lor years, the effect was so soothing;. In about two weeks I could st.inu Htraif-'lit. nut not walk, I wan so weak : but. my sui ts were nearly wull. as near a- I can judge. (he Clticui;a 1:kmkii ks cured me in about six to eight weeks aud tin to tin date (i e from January 1879 to January is7 I have not been sick in any way. or have had t ye least signs oi .tne cueas? reappearing on me. V. J, M l0AM. ff-,3732 Dearborn St-Chicago, 111., J i:ne SO, 18?7. CUITCURA KE3IED1ES. Are the crnlv infallible skin and blood nunflers. Hold everywhere, l r'ce, Cuticuka, the Meat skin cure. 50 cents. ; Cuticlka Soap, an ex quisite skin purifier and beautifler, 25 cents ; Ct'TicuRA KKf OI.VENT, the new Mood purifier, SJ. Prepared by ihe 1'ottkr Drug and Chfmicai, lOBPORATIOS, WOHtOH, t ".- Send for "How-to Cure Shin Disease." G4 page. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonial. 2 ( L .TAMA 1'. i'?n-N!;.) 4 -v.-.., I. , A ... v,i 7 v-.4' - --i" l r, ''Ir' 12 Ptychosperma Alexandria 8" fA'ft&i 30 Latania Borbonica lo to IS " WMf"0 17 " " 24to3J" 3 " " VW3 6 P1"pnix litsP'Cola 18 " i'SW 2-j Rcclinata 12 " liMfl 12 " Sylvestris 12 " 'fcytujtrr i iEr r 5 Canariensis 12 (cycas ukvoluta) c 0reodoXa Regia 30 " J 12 Genoma Gracilis 8 ,' wmLT 100 " Wedde1iana alw W. J. HE S S E R Of the Picnic Gardens and Fruit Farm in addition to the many thou sand Palms and Draccniits in his large collection has just received and of fers for saleaituu following low down prices: .each$ " .each 3f'') . . each .each , .each .each .each .each . each .each .each .each .each .each . each .each .each 10 00 .each 3 00 .each 10 00 .each 15 00 1 23 4 50 G 00 2 00 3 50 2 50 3 00 8 00 3 00 2 00 3 50 4 50 2 00 4 5 60 3 00 each each 50 each 5 00 each 50 each 1 25 each 50 each 1 50 each 50 each 4 00 each , fc HO each ."5 Over thirty other varieties of Palms from 20cts to $35.00 oach Cycas Revoluta from 1, 2, 3, to $35,00 To be shipped from Japan this winter and to arrive early next spring 200 Cycas Revoluta $ j tQ g 0Q 3 to 4 00 C to 10 09 1 2 to 20 00 35 to 75 00 250 00 8 to 10 " 12 to 15 " Send in your orders early or come and see my immense btock of PALMS, DRACEPilAS. CYCAS, AGAVES, and general aseortaient of Green House lants and Shrubs. Kow My Side Aches! Aching 'irte-rrd brck, !:fp Iddrry ana uieime l mat- h. i ii:eti; atisi.i relieved In one minute by the rtutmum Anti.liiln D i n The first and on'y Instantaneous naln-kliiliiir I T31 n m V TT.V plaater. b UX MEW. (ai eca lctescexs; There is ro euch a stock kept west of Philadelphia Prices will be found lower than Eastern honse3 at a liberal discount givem dealerp. Send lor catalogue. to