Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 11, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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The River.
Prom Monday's Daily
The Missouri River always run? very
low at this time of year; but just now it
is engaged in piping out t,ie rt'cor
having gone so low that the old water
marks fall to regibtcr its exact Bland.
The pump house, at the city water sup
ply station, shows not only lower water
than they have ever encountered before,
but it shows a fall of nearly three inches
per day for several days. This rapid
decline can not be kept up much longer
without effectually destroying our city
supply. It is to be hoped the low ebb
has been reached nd that the decline
will no longer continue. While we got
along with wells and cisterns not long
ago, falling back to them now would be
at fcreat inconvenience to many people,
who would have to haul water for
household use at great expense.
Another Road.
The Missouri Pacific folks have just
completed survey from Manly to Wa
bash which would be known if built as
the Lincoln cut off; the object being to
auortn their Lincoln-Omaha line. The
Herald is of the opinion that the alleg-
sd aWey of the Milwaukee to Lincolu
is nothing more nor less than another
short line whi;h has recently been sur
veyed dy the M. P. from the Louisville
bridge, crossing the Platte river in a
westerly southern direction striking the
present Lincoln line of road at or near
the village of Eagle in the south west
corner of this county. A line of this
kind wonld enable the M. P. to compete
with the Burlington or Rock Island for
a share of the Omaha-Lincoln local traffic.
At the present time no attempt in made
to secure any part of this profitable local
business owing to the length of the pres
ent line. If the M. P. should decide to
build, and we are assured that they have
already done so, judging from the length
of time they have been engaged on the
Omaha short line.youngmen would be old
and gray before the Lincoln cut off is
completed even if the work were begun
tomorrow. Wabash or Eagle wi!l get
the new road but we would suggest to
the present generation that they take up
no time ta jubilate over the event unless
they do so for posterity.
As the plans of the Swift Packing
eempany, the new owners of the lake
west of town begin to unfold, it becomes
apparent that the rumors concerning the
werk they have in prospect have not
been exaggerations. Fer two weeks
they have bad a large force of men and
teams at work cleaning out the lake and
preparing for flooding it by connecting
it with the Wahoo creek. Grading has
els& been going on for the construction
CWt, side track and aa immense ice
Wse. The latter is to be 440 feet long,
260 wide, and thirty-five feet high, and
its consstrnction will require one million
feet ef lumber. The force new at work
consists of forty-seven teams with a man
for each, and twenty-sir men besides,
making a total of seventy-three men and
forty-seven teams. The pay roll is $200
per day, and most of it goes to men
living here. We learn the company
will break ground in a few days for the
erection of a large building to
be used as a boarding house, for the
accommodation of the working force,
which it is claimed will not fall below
the preaent number of men at any time
during the winter. Two hundred tons
of hay it is said will be required to pack
the ice taken out this winter. It will
thus be seen that this business is destined
to be of considerable importance, and
our people may well congratulate them
selves on the outlook. Ashland Gazette.
County Court.
Lester F. Vivian vs. James Fitzgerald.
Suit on account. Hearing Dec. 13, 10 a.
m. Wiudham & Dayies for plaintilf.
M. O. Donohoe vs. D. O. Dwyer.
Suit on note. Polk Bros, for plaintiff.
Claus Breckenfekl vs. John Hartrunn. I
Su't on note. Judgment by conftsfcion
for 17.53.
Plattsmouth Brick and Terra Cotta
Co. vs. John Hartman. Suit on account.
Judgment by confession for $21.70.
W. II. Wright vs. Peter A. Clarence.
By consent taken under further edvise
mect. M. A. Hartigan vs. Plattsmouth Can
ning Co. et al. Continued by consent
till January 24, 1891. 10 a. m. D. O.
Dwyer for plainttff, Beeson & Root,
Byron Clark and Judge Sullivan for de
fendants M. A. Hartigan vs. estate VTm. Guth
mann. Continued by consent until
January 24, 1891, 10 . m. D. O. Dwyer
for plrintiff, Byron Clark for defendant.
W. A. Eeithly editor of the Ashland
Leadsr, spent Sunday with friends in
this city.
Any one haveing any thing to send,
to the Nebraska sufferers, should
giye them to the different delivery
boy who will leave them at at Mr.
White's store.
There will be an auction sale of the
balance of the Weckbach stock Decem
ber 10th 1890. Everything must be sold
regardless of prices- w2t
Tne Cass Coonty Agricultural So
ciety. The annual meeting of the Cam county
Agricultural Society was held nt the
county judge's olHce in this city Satur
day afternoon. Those present were
Messrs J C Oil more. W D Jones, A B
Todd, Levi Churchill, J W Johnson,
Sim Upton, John Cummins, Herman
Bester, Baxter Smith. Hum Sbumtiker,
Wm Wettcnkamp, R B Windham, W II
Pickins. John Becker, Fred Wehrbein,
Fred Uorder, Capt Wiles, Dr Hall, SamT
Richardson, Dal Jones, M B Murphy, i
Yallery 8r, Henry Eikenbary, Won
8pangler, Nick II ,1m, David Miller.
Peter Vallery, Jasper Young, Charles
Warner, Mr Davis and several others
whose names we did not learn. Unusual
Interest was taken by those prea.nt,
which betokens a bright outlook for tho
next fair. Fred Gorder presided and R.
B. Windham acted a secretary of the
meeting. Besides the transaction of
much routine business, the report of the
treasurer was read and submitted to the
society, which showed a balance of
$368.11 on hands, instead of a deficit as
has heretofore been the custom. The
following offisers were then elected for
the ensuing year.
President Fred Gorder.
Vice president Sam Richardson.
Secretary David Miller.
Treasurer R. B. Windham.
General superintendent W. D. Jones.
A committee consisting of R. B. Wind
ham, II. Eikenbary and J. W. Johnson
were appointed by the chair to select
names for directors. The following
were named ani the meeting endorsed
them: Levi Churchill, A. M. Holmes,
J. A. Becker, Wm. Wettenkamp, Jacob
Vallery, sr., Anderson Root and G. S.
The following precinct yice presidents
were then unanimously elected as fol
lows: Liberty T. M. Warne.
Mt. Pleasant James Hall.
Avoca Geo. Harshman.
Weeping Water D. Woodward.
Stove Creek L. V. Hogaa.
Tipton H. C. Wolph.
Greenwood B. McNnrlin.
Elmwood J. T. Mills.
Center J. D. Ferguson.
Rock Bluffs N. Clemmons.
Plattsmouth- -II. Eikenbary.
Eight Mile Grove J. Trietsch.
Louisville W. B. 8hryock.
South Bend S. Patterson.
Salt Creek J. R. Shafer.
City, First ward 8. Waagb.
City, Second ward H. C. Mcllakeo.
City, Third ward E. Sage.
City, Fourth ward E. S. GreuseL
City, Fifth ward Baxter 8oaith.
After tho election of officers R. B.
Windham made some very pertinent
suggestions which, if carried out we be
lieye would make the fair a great success.
Mr. Windham thought the management
and with it the responsibility should be
divided into three seperate heads; the
art department should be in charge of
our people in this city; the agricultural
department should be under the manage
ment of a farmer who would give it his
time, and place, the 'responsibilities
where they belong; while the speed ring
should be in charge of horse men who
should be held responsible for its6uecess
or failure. Mr. Windhams suggestions
proyoked some comment by different
members, all however comendatory of
the plan which will doubtless be put
into effect the coming fair.
The wrestling match at Murray in some
respects was quite a success, fully five
hundred people being in attendance. E.
Sage, Wm. Cole and Ira Searlo were the
judges, with Attorney Wm. L. Brown as
stake-holder. Geo. Harshman was not
able to try a square isue of prowess, but
after a scuSle for holds for nearly three
hours he eucceded in getting the advan
tage and threw his opponent. The sec
ond round was much shorter than the
first aud alo resulted in a fall to Harsh
man's credit. Coon Vallery seemed to
be the superior of Harshman in the be
ginning of the contest, but was more
easily winded and could not cope with
Har-shman in an all day's scuffle. The
crowd was good natured throughout the
exciting contest, and although Harshman
took the money, the friends of Vallery
still believe him to be the better man of
tho two.
Mrs. W. W. Graves, of Rock Bluffs,
mother of A. J.Graves oi this city left
this morning for Hillsdale Iowa to visit
a few days with ter daughter.
Council Meeting.
The city council convened in regular
session last evening, all members present
except McCallam and Breckenfield. The
street commissioner after considerable
discussion was ordered to repair all the
sidewalks in the city, where there were
loose planks or where a board might be
off. City Clerk Fox reported the condi
tion of the city finances, showing the
amount received and the amount paid
out by the city since tho first of last
April. Tho council then adjourned.
The Annual Meeting:.
The annual meeting of the Platts
mut canning company is hereby called
for Monday Jan. 5th 1891 at the country
Judge's office in Plattsmouth at 7,30
By order of the president,
F. R. Gctemjlx.
The Indian War.
I'rnni Tuesday IXilly.
The latest telegraph news fiom the
Indian hoadquirtcrs m 9 to'lows:
Pink Uiuhk Aokncy, S. D., (via Ilush
villc, Neb.) J)tC. H. Reaver Monta has
juit reported to the agent that the In
dians have moved back rive miles into
the Bad Landd. Thus, instead of hold
ing a council today as they promised and
ending a messenger in to report the
result, they have renewed (heir war pre
parations by moving farther away,
This was done immediately upon the
return of the chiefs' from here.
Ranchmen and Indians Collide.
Chicago. Dec. 7. General Miles this
morning received a letter from Buffalo
Gap, 8. D., under date of December 6,
which says: "Yesterday afternoon a
party of fifteen Sioux at the entrance to
the Bad Lands endeavored to cutoff and
capture three cowboys. Ranchmen in
the yicinity of the Bad Lands are send
ing their women and children into town."
Shortly after the letter was received a
telegram came from the same place say
ing: "The ranchmen and Indians had a
light skirmish. The situation is becom
ing serious, for the settlers are unarmed.
Can you supply fifty good rifles and am
munition, that the settlers can defend
themselves!" The general will leave for
the acence of the Indian troubles tomor
row. Certain to Make Trouble.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 8. A special from
Rapid City, S. D., says a band of Ind
ians from Little Wound's camp is camped
about three miles east of the Cheyenne
river between the mouths of French and
Battle Creeks. They have been raiding
deserted ranches, killing and running off
stock, burning hay and grain
and dealing household goods. Today
twenty armed men, well mounted, left
Rapid City for the scene. They will be
joined by a number of ranchmen, and if
they are not intercepted by the troops
will attack the Indians. A special from
Custer says that not far from Buffalo
Gap, T. M. Warren, a ranrbman. with
four of his men, attacked a raiding party
of Indians and kdled four. Thisstorjjis
not verified.
An M. P. Wreck.
Ob ah a Bee.
Oak Chatham, the Missouri Pacific's
suburban station en North Twenty-fourth
street, was the scene of a frightfull rail
road wreck at 6:15 o'clock last night.
An extra stock train off from the Crete
branch, in charge of Coaductor Rothrat,
Engineer Hooker and Fireman F. S.
Wilson, was coming into the city with
thirteen cars of cattle, nine cars belong
ing to George Yf. McKay and four be
longing to Feter Van Antwerp, of Berlin,
Otoe comnty, when the engine struck a
defective frog at the switch just west of
Twenty-fourth street and the whole train
went into the ditch.
The fireman and one brakeman were
severely injured though not fatally.
The cattle, all of which were fat and
intended for the South Omaha market,
were in terrible condition. The cars
were piled one upon another and many
of the animals were killed outright,
while others had their legs broken or
great holes punched iu them, where they
were struck by broken timbers.
A pleasant christening party was as
sembled at Dr. Siggins yesterday, the
occasion being the christening of their
little daughter Edith Mary, Rev. Burgess
officiating. Those present were Mrs.
Burgess, the Misses Mia and Eda Gering,
Mr. and Mrs. Elson, Mrs. J. M. Johns,
Mrs. J. N. Somers, and sister. Miss Sue
Ssaapson and Mrs. Dr. Marten, of Col
umbus, a sister of Mrs. Siggins.
James Thresher son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thresher died this morning at 10 o'clock
of pleuro-pneumonia at the residence of
Mrs. R. R.Livingston where he has been
employed for some time. Jimmie as he
was more familiarly known would haye
been seventeen years old in February; he
was a stout hearty boy until last 'flburs
day when he was suddenly stricken down
with the disease which proved fatal.
The remains were removed to his home
on North Sixth street at noon today.
Mr. Thresher the father of Jhe deceased
went away several days ago in search of
a job as switchman, his whereabouts at
the present time are unknown. The fu
neral will occur some time Thursday the
hour having not yet been fixed.
A Bad Accident
Wm Hinton a young man residing on
Lincoln avenue while assisting to get the
ferry boat off the bar, the water having
fallen so as to leaye it caught, met with
an accident that will make him a cripple
for some time. Several men were prying
the boat off with'a pole it slipped aad came
down on Mr. Ilinton's rigkt leg in such
a manner as to crush the bone very badly
at the ahkle. He bad the limb dressed
and is resting as comfortaly as possible
The Ashland pec pi j are greatly ex-,
cited over the report of a million dollar
distillery is to be erected thereby eastern
How the Great Statesman's Wire
Treated a Pretty American Cirl.
A pretty AiiKiic.iii girl ieciitly called
upon Mrs. Ui;i 1-tuut; nt her Loudoii
home She can id a uiOfct favorable
letter of introduction u a member of a
well-knowu American fumily. Her
brightness and spirkle attracted the wile
of tile great English statesman, aud for
an entire afternoon aud evening she liyed
in the Gladstone household. She con
fessed to Mrs. Gladstone that her vicit
had a purpose that of writing an article
on the home life of her hostess for an
American magazine.
"But, my dear," said Mrs. Gladstone,
"your people are interested in Mr. Glad
stone; they do not know roe."
"That is jost why I came," replied the
girl, "in order that Americans may learn
a little more of you."
At the tea-table, Mr. Gladstone joined
with his wife in entertaining the Americ
an girl, and few were ever given a better
opportunity of seeing the Gladstone
The quiet part which Mrs. Gladstone
has played in the career of her fainois
husband is known to only a few. While
thousands of articles have been written
of Mr. Gladstone, none of an authorita
tive character have been printed of bis
wife. Even her portrait is seldom seen
ia the English shops; rarely in the prints.
She has always felt that public iatereet
in her own country and across the sea
wsb centered in her husband, and in
order that his grtatnew might stand out
more strikingly, she has each year further
retired from public view. A freshness
will, therefore, attach itself to the story
"A Day with Mrs. Gladstone," aa it will
be told by her bright young vuitor ia
The Ladie s Home Journal of Philadel
phia, daring the coming year. This ar
ticle will be ono of the series of "Un
known Wives of Well-known Men,"
which this excellent magazine will con
tain during 1891.
O. H. Ballon received by express this
morning from the United States fisheries
at Quiney, III., five hundred carp six
months old which he is haying placed in
bis lakes today.
Manehlinahy on Htnry Coopers old
place in the west part of town has struck
a rein ofjeoal while digging a well on
his premises less than one hundred
feet below the surface, immediately an
der an eikt foet rein of rock. Tl
coal is not thick enough to be of much
value, but is reported to bo a good arti
cle burning nicely.
The first ward has done nobly for the
western sufferers. Mr. Gorder and
Walter White haye raised $65 in cash.
and $25.45 in merchandise. If the other
wards have done as well Plattsmouth
may feel justly proud of the first week's
work in that direction.
Commissioners Proceedings.
The following bills were allowed at
the last meeting of the county board:
a Sturm, lumber for county $ 6454
H A waterman & Son, itme 47 OS
H A Waterman Son, lumber, dint 10.. 22 50
H A Waterman Son, lumber, a 1st 22. . 6 IS
Israel Fries, repair line road 20 o
A J McDonald, stone wall si 00
Barr Bros., nails M
Bird Critchfleld. salary, work and exp.. Ill 90
E Plummer, same iw
W J Hortan. same 1 TO
John Murty, same 1 70
B A Gibson, same 1 00
Kit Bamson, keeping paupers 180 25
Louis Uoosenbacher, same 2 50
L t Greenelate & Co., mdseto poor.... 16 93
M B Murphy, same 14 00
it H Snyder, same 4 15
F 8 White, same 12 0
Ch cago Lumber Co , same 3 00
Waterman & ;on, same 6 00
J K Keitblev, advertising 1 00
Mliaw & I.ytle. uidse to poor 5 (5
Fred iooj. boarding jury 4 00
Wa Co., gas 15 ( 5
Ben Klsou, mdse to poor 7 50
K Palmer, same 16 oo
S II hhumaker, repairing pump 6 00
C Wohlf -irth. repairiug traus jm 1 00
Lehnhoff Bros., statiouery 7 75
li W Noble, salary and expenses 121 05
S (i Coglizer. relief as soldier 20 oo
.v.urty liros.. lumber, district No. 31. .. 28 W
C 1 lJUiidas & Son, building biid.ue ... 1057 28
O O Dundas tfcSon, repairing brirtges.. -' oo
Coleman & McPhereon, lumber, dist 28. 27 !3
Coleman & JlcPlierson, lumber 17 4i
Aug Hacli. mdse 8 15
Petersen & Larson, same 2 oo
A Clark same 9 5
Tirnrlc & Ernnions, same 25 00
Juo Clements, same 4 40
Weckbach & Co. same 12 00
II G strong, game 25 0D
Count y treasurer, redempti.iu taxes. . . 21 1)7
V H King, justiea'e fees S 07
It I .MeN urlin. constable lees 5 5;
I) Woodaid, same 4 00
J H iMnitb, same 1 20
O Jacobs, witness fees l 70
H H Strong, keeping pauper 25 00
W L Street, office for election use 3 ot
Omaha Republican, printing 67 X
David'Miller, work on delinquent taxes 25 00
vv 11 Pickens, building jail stable 120 oo
W A Cleghrn, oilicctor election use.. 2 oo
II M Bons, boarding jury 29 25
Tidbait & Fuller, ofllce tor election use. 3 oo
O B Polk, name 3 oo
J. C. Gilmore today sold his fine farm
west of this city to the Meistnger breth
J. E. Riley is organizing the Platts
mouth investment Company which it
is expected will be of great benefit to
this city.
Mr. Wm. Smith, a cousin of June and
Wiley Black, who was born in this city
tweDty- four years ago, is here on a yisit
from Franklin county.
Thomas Mann and wife, of Monona,
Iowa, left for honie last evening after a
visii of two weeks with their daughter,
Mrs D. A. Young residing south of this
A g"y. nd festive poker party was
broken up by the police last night.
Some of the boys, who are well known
In town, skipped this morning instead of
reporting as they agreed to for an inning
at the police court. We will give
farther particulars of this matter when
the boys return.
j Eight Mllo Grove
I Wc want the county scat.
We want a man to keep our poht
I oflice.
Wo want a good physician to l civtu ut
this place.
Some of our neighbors are lowing
hogs with the cholera.
Jesse McVey lost a horse on a bet on
Coon Vallery's wrentling uintcb last
Orrin Woods of Plnttsmouth is teach
ing the young ideas at Cottonwood this
John Clemmons is very sick and has
been all fall. We hope for his speedy
8herman Fletcher is sojourning in our
neighborhood, husking corn for John
Miss Grace McCombs is keeping house
for her sister, who is spending a few
weeks visiting.
. Miss Tillie Gapin is teaching onr win
ter teim of school. She is giving excell
ent satisfaction.
Mrs. Stephen Smith and two little
girls are spending a few weeks visiting
relatives living in Missouri.
Dr. 8. Miller is selling his goods pre
paratory to moving to St. Louis, as soon
as they can get rid of their post otfice.
Protracted meetings will continue at
Cottonwood all this week. Come out
everybody and help the progress ef the
good work.
A. S. Will and Charles Beverage
bought fifteen hundred bushels of corn
and paid forty cents per bushel, of W.
T. Richardson, to feed cattle.
Our population has been increasing of
late. Roxiel Morrow kaa a boy; A. S.
Will has a new girl, and Charles Bever
age is lbe happy father ef anothor boy.
Revs. Hoetetter and J. A. Davis are
conducting a series of meetings at Cot
tonwood. The attendance ia very good
but so far, very few sinners have been
The wrestling match between Conrad
Yallery of thia place and George Harsh
man of South Bend, came off at Murray
on Saturday afternoon. There was con
siderable money bet on both aides.
Harsbman's abettors carried of the spoils
but we belieye Vallery is the best man.
The Weeping Wateritee are circulating
petition just west of here, praying for
$he legal voters of this connty to sign j
said petition, favoring the removal of
our county seat from it present location
o Louisville or any where bnt where it
is. Even poor little Weeping Water has
her tiny arms open to welcome it.
Rock Bluff.
Old Mother Rumor says a wedding is
to take place in this locality. in the near
Mrs. Dr. Reynolds has so far recovered
from her injury as to be able to walk
aroand on crutches.
Our fall term of school closed two
weeks ago. and our winter term will be
gin as soon as we can get a teacher to
teach it.
At a meeting of some of the citizens at
the school house last Tuesday night, it
was decided to have a Christmas tree on
Christmas eve.
Joseph Sanz has bought the eighty
acres of land lying south of his farm, of
Mrs. Lee Allison, and as we understand
it, the consideration is about six hundred
The recent decision of the United
States Supreme Court, in a license
question, in a case from the state of Cal
ifornia, will bring joy t the hearto of
all temperance people.
The school ofTiern at Rock Bluff
school district haye boarded up the win
dows of tho upper story of the school
house, and put strong aial tight blind3
oyer the windows of the lower story.
This has been dona for the protection of
the window glass, when school is not in
session, and also to keep disreputable
characters from going there nights,
to play their games and burn up the
school house wood.
To test the immunity of his inoculated
pigs S, L. Furlong, took two of them up
to J. F. Marshall's, and put with his hogs
that were dying with ths cholera. They
were put into a pen where his fine hog
had just died, and all of the refuse and
litter was left in the pen nd two of his
eiek pigs were put in with them. The
sick pig9 died, but the inoculated pigs
kept well and hearty and are growing
nicely. Twenty-two days after taking
them there Mr. Furlong went after them,
but Mr. Marshall was so well pleased
with the test that he bought the inocu
lated pies. Tim Shaver.
The ladies of the M. E. church will hold
a bazaar and oyster supper in Rockwoo
hall Thursday night Dec. 18tb. Admiss
ion fret. Everybody invited.
Program later. dtf
Come and select something for your
best Rirl out of this line of fine goods,
watches, chains, charms, fancy rings,
individual sets,nut picks,f ruit knives eto.
B. A. Mc Elwain, leadins'jeweler,
S19 Main street. tf
A brulHCta a contuiion; twtlllnir are t
fammatioti; cuu and wound aralikaW
turbaners to natural (tlon. throujrh wbkk
lb velna art rlocurd, circulation tmi4.
uD( ation acta in and tt'tii anaua.
Impatient U tries to right lUelt and pal a ha
Uulfln. Brulsca and awalllnga need a aaotfc
lag influence, but in nu and wounda haraMy
ayoua would pour Ui)ui4 remedy In la m
gaping wound. anon aa natura url
lua parta together, alnioat al ut
o o tba
clean taaf
obilr aa
tloiu. tiaale
the Injured ttaauea an reatoraav
t'ard according to directions, M
ueipa nature and cirea
Mr. Ixtuia Ku-h, at Prmtoa 6trt, Datrail
Vicb torn: "inching hail f apratoa a4.
ferulaed ray arm; two appllcaUoua of at. JaaaSe
Oil cured me."
Mr. Kuatar Nauwaltl, Jr. (T1vrlal),
rickibttrg, Teiaa, writea, Auguat 30, 1M fc
was badly cut with a K-ythe: half bottle
UooU Oil cured me." It CUWE8.
AT DKVuturra am PaaLaaa.
m tRAIlES 4. VOtllll Co., aMtesra.
A strlrtly lint ela mar-hlii. fully wurnut
d. Made from the very lieit material by
killed workiutto, aod with tlio lrt tools that
have everbKn dtivHed fur the rurpoa. War
ranted to do all that ran b rHMHbljr s
pected of the very bt typewriter extaat.
Caoable of writing 1 V wirdt r minute
more according to the ability of tb operator.
PRICE $100.
If there Is no ajent in your town adrtrees tta
Agents wanted Parlnh H, T.
Lincoln, Neb,
Cannot become healthy food simply by
the process ef death.
owe it to themselves and society to
In swine raising that will promote tka
public health. Hogs should be fed,
Dr. Jos. Haas'
The only reliable medicine for swine.
Used Buccetafully for fourteen years
Prevents eisease,
Arrests Disease, slops Cough,
Hastens Maturity.
Destroys Worms,
Increases the Flesh.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Pkices; 2r,h cms 120. $3.5
1.25 and 50-: p :r j i:!c i-i. The Urges
areth-j ch'jije-t.. Write ror testimonial.
'Ilogjloy,'1 a (l-pi'.: pamphlet on
swine wiil be mailed for a 2-ec-nt stamp
Orders by mail receive prompt attention.
JOS. HAAS, fndianfipolis
and Syrup.
Low prices quoted on large or bmall lota
Strictly Pure.
Adirondack Maple Sngar Co
1236 Monroe st., Chicago. I1L
Western Agents.
The 5tli St. Llerchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign & oinestic Goods.
Consult Your latere' by Giving Hio a CaB
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