-J irj.v .tip: , Notts. o Rite 's i it n PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 11, 1890 "This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as a 54." 1 FREEQH from your dealer free, the 94 Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable Information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 5a Horse Blanket will make your horse worth mora And eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at nrlces to suit everr hody. If yon can't get them from youl coaler. write nm. Ask for EM r 1 l s BLAMKETS ARE THE STRONGEST MQN C GINUtNt WITHOUT TH K 8A LABEL UasaM br Wu. Antes a Sons. PhUada,, who wo lati camooa morse israna waiter tuaaicota, It ia positively amusing to see the astonishment of the democrat over th fact that the "republicans are alive and united," and going right along with business at the old stand. The Noveni ber flurry seems to haTe upset what little bead democrats had in stock. Ex. Ah exchange cruelly remarks that Senator Veorhees is very anxious that the Indians shall be coaxed to abandon the idea of a scalping crusade. lie was scalped once himself in a controversy with Senator Ingalls and easily remem hers how painful the operation was. It is worth noting that the vast reve bucb of the government during the past year over $450,000,000 were handled tj republican officials without the loss cf a single cent This fact alone ia suf ficient reason for opposing the restora tion of the democratic party to power. Tke Washington correspondents made a great howl about the president not recalling Minister Hizner, on account ef the Barrundia matter, only to have it turn, out that he was recalled before they knew anything about it, hence the howl was uncalled for and ineffective The president's messags alone giving the information as to Mizner's recall. '1'rub to the pledge ef the republican party, which in its national platform promised a reduction in letter postage, Senator Cullom has introduced a measure which makes the desired change from two cents to one cent for all letters weighing not over half an ounce. This will tend to increase correspondence and make cheaper by one half the most U3ed means of communication. The stuffed prophet ia already in great distress. lie has just discovered that if he favors free silver coinage he can't carry New York and several other eastern states that he must have, and if he opposes free silver he will be ruined in the west and central portions of the great galaxy of states. The usurper w ill discover in the proper season that light ning seldom strikes twice in the same THa farmers who were duped on the anti-McKinley tin ware stories have just discovered that Canada raised a big crop of lrih potatoes, but owing to the McKinley bill they will be kept out of competition; and the American farmer will make more money out of his half crop than he made hertofore out of a "full one. As the much abused bill is better understood by the producers, its many good qualities will be more clearly .shown and appreciated. TuE'jnteneely democratic city of New York, where all the policies which con trol that organization are moulded, spends for city government $13,000,000 per year more than the city of London. No wouder "reform"' is an idle watchword of that party. And little wonder is it that nothing good can come of a party whose leaders are chiefly engaged in lining their pockets with plunder stolen from the tux payers, and fctolen, 100, with the bravado of highwaymen. There is no apology, no penitence, but a simple "What are vou gomg to do about it?'' that meets the enquiry of nn ut xaged.Lx payer. Ana yet this 6Htne organization wants to control the gen eral gorernment. and doubtless for the eame patriotic (?) reasons that, they desire to control New Tor k City. TnE Omaha World Herald noted as being the most unreliable newspaper in the west, got into the soup by Bending a "fresh" correspondent out to the Pino Uidgeand Kosebud Indian agencies, the jjrenc of the impending war. The cor respondent being familiar with the policy of the paper, went to fabricating Indian stories that would have discounted Fenimore Cooper in his palmiest day;, and the farther away from the truth the atatemants were the better it pleased the home official until in an eyil moment the attention of the Indian agent, Mr. Koyer was called to the sensational fakes, and he at once notified the "fresh" young man, if he wrote any more such "stuff' he would be fired off the agency grounds witheut further ado. This broke the heart of the f. y. m. and he notifies Mr. Hitchcock who raised quite a noise about the matter. But his organ was in the soup as could le seen by the most causual observer. In order to wriggle out Mr. TI. falls back on his gall which lias never failed him in trying times and sends the following telegram signed by a hand full of Omaha democrats and Gov ernor Thayer. By this method of pio cedure the man with the big pocket book and small brains expects to be noticed by the president. It is a shame to make a displayjof the innocent governor of Ne braska in this silly manner, but he does it, and we must acknowledge the facts. This great telegram which is to knock President Harrison breathless and keep him np o' nights pondering over it, reads as follows: To the President: The governor o Nebraska and the undersigned citizens of Omaha, in the interest of the settle ment of this state and in humanity to the Indians, request that the whole con trol of the Indians at Pine Ridge and Rosebud agencies be put into the hands of the military authorities until the present troubles are satisfactorily settled Johm M. Thayer. Governor. William J. Harsha, Georqk L. Millkr, John A. Crkiohton, C. B. Rustin, J. M. Wool worth, G. M. Hitchcock. The high standing of the signers te this telegram, in republican circles wil be noted with surprise. The. reunion at Plattsmouth of the First and Second Nebraska regiments was a great affair and all report a very pleasant and profitable time. Wymore Reporter. An exchange cruelly remarks that Mr. Cleveland complains that too many people apply to him for contribu tions to various objects and institutions. He has never had any patience with such persons since Col. Brice got that $10,000 out of him in 1888. The movement of gold from England to the United States is an encouraging in - dication, yet if the movement takes on large proportions it will undoubtedly cause the Bank of England to increase it discount rate, and thus turn the flow in the ether direction. Ex. Thk King of the Sandwich Islands is in this country, and is said to be nego tiating for the annexation of the islands to the United States. The Hawaiian Empire, as 'tis called, would be quite a source of income over and abeve the cost of maintainance. We can therefore see no reason why the Pacific Islands should net become members of the Union. Ir aktonk doubted the moss covered bonrbonism heretofore said to prevail in the democratic ranks of so distinguished & body ef men as the United States Sen ate, that doubt has been dispelled. The democratic senators held a caucus the other day and unanimously agreed te the following brainy (?) course. "That they would maintain an unalterable op position to everything that the republic ans may propose." In other words, they would simply be obstructionists, and like craven cowards would not at tempt to take the responsibility of deing anything that they could be held ac countable for. But if we can read the signs cf the times aright they will dis cover when 'tis too late to be amended that their cowardly un-American pro gram will be as a millstone about the neck of the party whom they represent, and that the patty representatives who have the courage of their convictions are the ones that will receive the public plaudits and the approbation of all honest people. ' Yesterdats telegrams from Washing ton say it is. understood that the republi can members of the census committee have reached an agreement upon a reapportionment bill based upon a repre sentation of 336 members of the house. The present house consists of S32 mem bers. The ratio of representation is one member to each 173,901 population. This it about the lowest number which will permit each 3tate during the next ducude to retain its present membership The states which will gain in representa tion are: Alabama, 1; Arkansas, 1; California, 1; Cnlorada, 1; Georg'a, 1; Illinois, 2; Kansas, 1; Massachusetts, 1; Michigan, 1; Minnesota, 2; Nebraska, 3; Missouri, 1; New Jersey, 1; Oregon, 1 Pennsylyania, 2; Texas, 2; Washington, 1, and Wisconsin, J, or 24 in all. Thk contest is still on at Lincoln, and Edward Rosewater, one ef the best wit nesses as to the condition of things in Omaha on election day. remaina at Washington, out of reach of a summons. It may be depended upon that Mr. Rose water will remain away until the tcsti mony ia all in. He will not take chances on perjury to save even Soyd's neck, though he desires to save it ever so earnestly. Thk effect of Jay Gould's purchase of the Union Pacific is already felt disss trously in Northern Nebraska. The news having been given out by the manager of the Pacific Short Line, already com pleted from Sioux City to O'Neill (and to have been extended to the west line of the state next year), that there bad been cnanges made, wnerebv lie was positiye there would be no extension next year, and he could not state just when there would be. l hi .Emperor YViluasns speecn on school reform will repay a perusal by those who believe in a republic, and foresee the downfall of monarchies. The emperor fears to much education, be sees that Germany is outgrowing monar chy at rapid rate, and wants to call a halt by stopping all efforts in the direc tion of a higher education. The empe ror will discover that this is not the age to retregrade,etpecially te save a relic of medieval times, whose existence today is a blot on Eastern civilization; the result of his enslaught on the public school system of Germany will not hurt the schools but it is likely to greatly shorten the life of monarchical institution in that country. Thb regular interest-bearing debt ef the government now amounts to only abont $629,000,000. Of this sum $61, 000,000 is in 4f-per-cent bonds, which mature on September 1, 1691, and $508,- 000,000 is in 4 per cents, which become payable at the option of the govern ment on July 1, 1907. This is the whole of the national indebtedness which is any burden to the people, for the $346,000,000 greenbacks are virtually a debt in name only, and the f 65.000,- 000 bonds of the Pacific Railway are not ntbe rigid sense, an obligation of the nation. This is a smaller debt than any other great power of the world except Germany. Globe Democrat. Albion W. Tourgee, one of the ablest critics of the day, speaking of President Iarrison's message, says: Upon the whole the message of Presi dent Harrison is one of which every American statesman, every American patriot, and every American scholar may well fee proud, whether he agrees with him politically or not. Saving the two matchlessly eloquent inaugurals of the peerless Lincoln there is nothing in our whole Presidential literature more worthy ! to be commended either to the student of politics or of letters' as a model of official method and literary 6tyle. Cleveland's groomers are busy pre paring the way for a flop on a new "key note" on the silver question. One of them says "Cleveland was young and did not have the experience four years ago that he has now." But really he was not such a callow youth I Better acknowledge the fact as it was stated by a colored brother: "De circumstances of dis case have altered the entire matter and I turns todder end foremost." Inter Ocean. j The W W Eagle goes beyond the pale of decent criticism when it stops to make a bitter personal attack on Judge Max well, a man who is known as the soul of honor all over this state. Judge Max well is too vell known for the squib of the Eagle to have any ether influence than that of disgut for the witless edi tor who would dare to pen so foul a slander. We should not be surprised if the supreme court took official notice ef the libel, as it is clearly a shameful con tempt of court, so flagrant, that to allow it to go unpunished would be the estab lishing of a precedent that could have none ct'i :.- thsn bad effect, as it is in tended dourly to bring our highest court into disrespect. A Great Event In one's life is t!io discovery of a remedy for some long-standing malady. Tlio poison of Kcruf ula is In your blood. You Inherited It from your ancestors. Will you transmit It to your offspring? In tlio great majority of cases, both Consumption and Catarrh orig inate la Scrofula. It is supposed to be the primary source of many other derangements of the body. Begin at once to cleanse your blood with the standard alterative, Ayer's Sarsaparilla " For several months I was troubled with scrofulous eruptions over the whole body. My appetite was bad, and my system so prostrated that I was unable to work. After trying several remedies in vain, I resolved to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and did so with such good effect Uiat less than one Dottle Restored tVIy Health and strength. The rapidity of the cure as tonished me, as I expected the process to be long and tedious." Frederlco Marlz Fer nandes, Villa Nova de Gaya, Portugal. "For many years I was a sufferer from scrofula, until about three years ago, when I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, since which the disease has entirely disappeared. A little child of mine, who was troubled wltfl the same complaint, has also been cured by this medicine." H. Brandt, Avoca, Nebr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla TRBPAKKO IT DR. J. O. ATE2 & CO., Low Mass. Bold by Druggets. t!,ix$5. Wort "J5 a bottle. . MILLENER Y - WINTER CLEARANCE XV DAWSON i PE ARCE Will Continue to sell Hats, Caps, Toques, Bon nets, etc at cost until the end of present month LADIES WILL DO WELL TO Goods Before Purchasing Elsewhere. L ! N.B. Ready Trimmed Goods Al ways on Hand. DRESSMAKING. etc, Room.. r,. Btoc C ALL -A.2STX) SZE3JE3 TJS. Olku JIarokuine Peterson, the flos sy editor ef the Journal, had a great sensation Saturday about Fred Woodson, which be ras compelled by Woodson sr. to take baek yesterday. Rosewatkk, of the Bee, has evidently fait the effect of his recent political villiany. Tho subscribers havo been dropped off at such a rate that the prioe of the paper has been reduced nearly one haif to s op the land slido that seemed destined to bury the entire institution. DECEMBER 26, 1890 Was a memorable day in the histery of our business and those who happened to be in our store that day will remember that we had scarcely a dollars worth of Tub Grand Army of the Republic has Holiday stock lext, consequently we nave disbursed oyer $5,000,000 in charity dur- no old goods te show yon this year ing the twenty-feur years of its existence, j "W "?C "32 This is one of the reasons why the Demo-1 didn't we have scarcely a dollars worth crats say it is a political machine. j left? BECAUSE we pushed them, forced them, anyway te get them eut ef th house. We are going to do the same thing this year new that's what we are going to de den't forget it, and try to make December 26, 1890 just as memorable day te ns as last year. We have tke goods and are going to sell them. As Judge Dcndy has decided against the special favor we askyeo te look at or validity ef the Nebraska City bridge j booklets ana Xnaae cards. bonds which have been causing so much LEHNHOFF BROS., litigation recently. This is vary uafor- 8t One Deor East Post Office A a. l . i . i I innate xor ine JHy, as tne contract naa Pl,u. Tnn ,.n huv marm Holidev .... . . - I - J s oeen let conditionally for the erection of Good- WildmMl A Faiiers f.r $1.0. the new britlgo Iroai which the people , tbe dt 1 t ,. , expected great results, mey win nave a bridee. however, for wazons. as the B. I The eerrectaeis ef the maxim "noth- & M. folks are already at work making a J ing succeeds like smccees" is well exem wagen bridge in connection with the I plified in Ayer's Sarparitla. The saost railroad bridge. J successful cembinatioa of alteratives and tonics, it always succeeds in curing dis- W hen France sprang to tbe relief of eMe, f tt bleed, and hence its wen- Englaed a few weeks age in the financial dfui popularity. crisis, ana saved that country from a monetary smash. Waterloo was aveneed I Tb harsh, drastic purgativts, once in a magnanimous and sensible wav I ueeiuu iui3.uul, u This was not the first time, either, that tilder and mere skillfully prepared England was obliged telookfereidfrom l"11; tcnc the fc' nd growing her enemy. In 1839 theBank of England I demand for Ayer's Pills. Physicians v- was in an even more dangerous extremity I ry where recommend them for costive than that of last month, when the Bank indigestion, and liver complaints of France came to the rescue proaap .ly and successfully. Globe Democrat. Another Democratic treasurer a de faulter. The State Treasurer of Arkan sas is found to be short in his accounts the sum of $115,000. If the people will fold their arms a year or two and make no trouble about these little defal cations, the surplus as far as the states are concerned, which are in democratic I Wash McKinsie returned to his old hands will soon be transfered to demo- home in Ohio the other day. atic pockets and would be used to j Rev. Carter's brother from Friend came swell the majorities for tariff r. form and down to help him move to Crete. We are closing out eur entire stock of Holiday Goods at prices that will aston ish yea Wildman & Fuller. Elffht Mile Grove Items. Rev. Hostetter of Ottcrbine circuit is conducting a revival meeting at Cotton wood. Mr. Geo. 8. Ruby has gone to Iowa on a visit. pure (?) government. Thk new apportionment meuurt is one of the most important ones that comw before congress, and should re ceive immediate consideration. One thing connected with the new apportion ment, which is a matter of pride to Ne braskans, is the fact, that whether the number of representatives ia congress is fixed at 340 or 356, the highest number spoken of, Nebraska will gain three con- WHO PAYS THE INCREASED TAR IFF? Ix a discussion at Bradford Chamber of Commerce, Sir Henry Mitchell depre cated discussion as yet on the McKiuly Tariff, but said: uOr.e effect of the Tariff was certainly to injure the trade of the Bradford district very eeriou&ly. It was impossible to ex- port goocta to America until tney were prepared to take lower prices, and that meant less profits of manufacturers and less wages for workpeople.'' Here then is another witness to the con Mrs. Anna Etcher and mother have gone to visit friends at Bennett. Doc. Carv of Ulysses is visiting rela tives in this vicinity. Adam Ilile has purchased the property of Will Stokes. ConsiderationS2,8G0. Le?al Notice. TN THE DI5TUICT COCKT, OK CASS COL'X L ty Nebraska-: ORDEK TO SHOW CAI-'K In ilic matter of the api Mention cf J;u:ies I'.. Wil-on, guardian oi J;in;f.s Karl Watvrs. an infant under ti)e ae of 21 ye;tra for license to sell and convey lieal Kt;t'.e. t'pon reading the duly ve rifle. 1 petition of James K.Wii-on.Kuardian of James Earl Waters ru infant, praying for a lieeuse to pe'il and con vey the real es; ate of said ward. It apDar imr to the court that the said James K. W ilsou is the duly appointed and authorized guardian EDMUNDS & ROOT Tne pioneer meichants of Carry a full stock of general merchondtse which theysell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm produce. Gen erous treatmentand fair dealing is the secret of our success. CIIAS L HOOT, Notary Public Murray Neb. DR. BRENDEL Is finishing up his new building which will be occupied with a first class stoek ef DR CJG tSPYour Patronage ia cordially Solicited CLARK'S HOG REMEDY rr4-4T .... I lark's Poultry Kemedy. BEST IN THE WORKD. For sale by O, II. SYDEll, DruSgist, Plattsmouth, Neb. troversv. ..vvho Davs the Imoort Dutv? of the said Infant. James Earl Waters, and . . . that the interest and welfare of thf siitd infant rair trade, ftovomber 14. I would be prom t-d ani wlunnd !v the s;.!e The Christmas number of Table Talk gressmen, a gain equaled by no other to euggest variety and aid'in the prepa! ration of delicious dishes, f 1.00 a vear, of his it!f-ret in tiio re J i-wo,t!r said p'-t it ion. to-w U : An ujJi vuleciloue-.iixtemtli inter i in and to the southwest quarter of section thirty -one is with us, and is thoroughly full of the O'Hn towaship twelve (12) north of range . . eleven (11; eaft of the 6th P. M. in Cass county spirit of the holiday season. Its editor, Nebraska, ,r m n i i It i therefore ordered that all persons ln- Qlr3. b. T. Korer, has prepared for its teeei in said matter be notiSed by publiea- n.aaers a oreaKlast, dinner ana supper on newgpaner KPneral!y circulating in said county Christmas day, besides other lunches aid that al. persons interested may appear tefore " . the Honorable 8. M. Cbapiran, one cf the many good things. Mrs. Rorer also judee of the district court in and for Cas .. . county at the office of the cierk of the d'etrict gives in this I86ue a "Dinner to costenty court inthe city of hlattemoutb. in said connty on tntj 3ist flay oi uecemoer, ihho, at 10 o ciock a.m. n said day to show cause if any they have why lieenseshculd no; be granted to the said Jairies K Wilson, ji'iardian as aforesaid according to the prayer of eaM petition. Wit.vkss my hand this 2?th day of Novem ber A. I. iftjo, taAMUKL Al, Chapman. it Judge. Road Notice, : nil whom it may concern : ') lie coimnipslutifi'.s aoioiu'd te estalilit-h a road 1ckiiii!Wj.' r.v.1 weM of ("outlieat cor- erof lit 'i !; 17-1' 9 n j i: n i n ur thi:s north 1 Urolith cutiter of m: y. 17-12 ; and termitiMt- isiK at s?ft;ot) line i;oi tii siile of aid ne 'i 17-12-; liai- reported in favor ot the establishment ttK ifof, an objeeiioiu thereto or claims for damages must pe lik-d in the county clerks otliee on or before nooti oi. thf lth day of Jan -UHi v A I. lyi.or Mich ruadvw'.lebe established without ruit re.ice thereto. 35-it Bmi ( IUTBHFIELD, Co Clerk. cents frr four persons," price3 and every thing in detail is given, so that anyone can prepare it. As the merry season draws near, the housewife will find Table state in tne Union. Only two states show a gain of two members, while many made no gain at all. Nebraska ia a great state and the east is just finding it out. In the race for supremacy during the next decade, if the present ratio of in crease iri wealth and population were kept up, the census of 1890 would place us no farther from the head of the list than fifth place. 10 cents a number. Table Talk Pcb- lishixg Co., 1617 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. Butter And Eg-RS. Farmers having good butter and eggs to dispose can get the highest market rTenyalsda censes much. Insanity; Th highest medical authorities of Europe and America hare recently decided that a lazx percent age of cases of insanity is caused by the excrutiatinf paws ol Neuralgia of the head and face. If any mem ber of year family suffers this tormentor, induce them to try Ballard's Snow Liriaeot. One application will afford immediate relief and yon will soon be rid of a dangerous and tormenting disease. Ballard's Snow liniment is the most penetrating Liniment knows. It positively cures Rheumatism, Lame Back Contracted Muscles, Old Sores. Corns. Bnnions. etc. It penetrates and opens op the pores, drawing all SherlfTSale. I'.y virtue of an order of ale leeued by W. C. S-7- waiter clrk ,f the dintrict court within and for Chvm comity, N-bra-ka. and to me di-reerp-j. I will - r the'.'3:h day of Dec-mber A. Ii. ;-. v. - . clock p ra of said day at the 'u!n 'i-r. r ' i t r.-r court house iu the city of flatti-niouin iu naid county, sell at public auc tion to the biggest bidierfor cash tha follow ing real estut- to- it ; the north half of the. northe:v-t o-iarter nf 'section tweutv-one (21). township eleynfll). nurm ti rsuRH iouriern (I4, ai-O me west hhU of ttie northea: quarter of the southwest quarU-r of section tw-nty-or.e (l). township number eleven (11). north of range fourteen (14) east of the eth principal meridian, in Cam County, -riuska coiitainin-r twenty-fire (25) acres more or lrns Krcordu-j; t th govern ment urvey toother lth ihr rlvilei-'e and app'-ttnaiic tberf nct; belonging or in any-wi.-e ai.'pertaiuiL4C fhe s-inie beiti levied upon i na tae'; . tbe pr.j rtv of Kenjamin E. Lambert, '-lav K. Lambert. f.'Az ibeth Tay lor an ri a csicy li -ntt. defendants : to satis fy a Ju-iirmnt of said court recovered by Oeorge VanUament. plaintiff, against snip de fendants i'luttsmouth. Vfb November 20. A D 1890. William Tighe. hheriff Case County. Bllard's Horskoasd Syrmy fer price bv Calling" at the Palice restur&nt poUsnous matter to the surfaco, restoring and pro, ' 1 t . : 11 1 . 1 V . 1. u" m -r"iu'-i 3 implement. iore iu tuis 1 aisco carta. city. wtf For sale by F. G. Fricke, druggist. There b no rented) nignt coaching. Ballard's Horehound SyroD is the. v in the wnrlri aiktz-s, mXn oeh prompt relief ia whooping Cough as BUarJ4 will try it, your children will not keep you awake all otiXivtly cure it. I f y ou most cooling and soothing remedy for Consumption J-ougns, tolas, Bronchitis and Asthma, in the world. It is free from opium. It builds op new tissue, strengthens the Lungs, and is an incomparable rem edy, made of the best and purest materials. If your Lungs are weak and you have a tickling in your TkxoaU Too need ic For Sile bv F. G. Fricke & Co. New Drugstore at Murray : 5" 1 s 'a