Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 11, 1890, Image 2

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    ,,J '
'. l ii .
There are N
many white soaps.
represented to be
""just as jckx! as the Ivory.'
They are not,
hut like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
ad remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
frory Soap
iauist upon having it.
"7u sold everywhere.
The following criticism' v iiie presi
dent's message, from the Inter Ocean, i .
eo fair, complete and devoid of fulsome
praise that '( are constrained to print it:
If President Cleveland'! la.-t annual
ni'.ig Mtauds a the higlost ih ial tx-
positioo m. J iniiorseior ui it I'. f i r n
then urtrly I. i-niiei)f Harrison' lii an
DUal W'Sn'i imi-l riiMjCi'liil th Mt-itid US
the lii;rl-ft i ITi i -. I xjio'.itiou i;ud in-
dois. nieiit of pi ot-1 tiuu. The Anir-ricau
doctt ui" u--ver Ind morn felicitous and
uuwavcring expression. Coining as it
does upon the heels of an election which
8i-ciu'd upon it face to be a popular re
pudiation of that doctrine, it recalls the
81'liluue renrlii million of republicanism
which characterized President Lincoln
annual message of 1SC2, when the air
. r. , -
Inter Oco n.
NV'o have presented the evidence of
English free traders and irmi manufac
turers who viitd the United Kintes in !
company with the Britit.ii and German
in-mhers of the Iron and iSt-rl Institutes
of tin He countries ns to the vastly high- r
The rep' rt of the .ecretary of the
treasury, t riiiniuitted to cougris tisday
slio a the following receipts for the year eii.u d June 30, lfcOO.
from eusto - $2;i!).0iX.l 7
Front iii'ernal luve.iu-) 14Af.oO.7i;; e.i
From r.'!l t mi : ina.'f, bullion
.lepo ,a a .w.y. . iu z. rjt.. f w 0,,uin..f. , wolhIJ1,n
r.-iu feetwonsiii.,!. letters pat- J tU:n '' 'nntry. and on Sunday w.- Co,. led
eiiUailUnJ 3 Htf.fiW st i h ri'iit uinny English ml vci tiseun ins as
i proot oi" the geni-rallv low rate of coiu-
l.MZ 561 " J 1 .
1 3t)!..'ij ." " "saT',,1 MVfijiii' n uuil woiin-.'i. It i
I now ivea u itl iifun, yr-at phaxuri-, to !
ct)niriii a jew rwiliMi hikI a t-w Aiiu ii
Insure your, property against (ire, tizhlnlnz
ron'iadu, in the
l'rom Milking funiit fi r I'ltclfi-
r J.WAys
Kroni tux on n.ill utal hanks.
From cuHiiii- it tf8, tine, l enal-
an.i fnrf'-ilnres. ..... .
Kl'oni rt l lnlure I by
I'acllta rail'.Tay ...
K.on s.iles of land ...
Kruin Moldle s' lioiitH pcrmaiieut
Kroni tix u nod kl x ,
Fiom liiijin r.ut Inii'i..
A M A ZtlN I XS U !M A' C 3' UK ! ' A X Y.
Of Cinrii.iiutti, Ol.i.
Commenced Basi.acss October iSyi.m
was Mill Hinoky with the bonlirea of Cop- Kn-in sales of Koverunient prnp-
(tcrhcad jubilation over flection returnn.
The Cleveland metaage wm wholly
devoted to the advocacy of Irce trad v.
Not bo much aa a paragraph was rt nerved
for the general purpose of an annual
president. al address to congres". Th
Harrison tneauae commits no breach of
official propriety. The condition of t ie
country, both in its foceign aud its d
Fro iJf-pobiis fur purveying pub
lic ln'le
Frin denieilatlon on pi.b ie
From i lin Iwrj ict of Columbia. . .
From iuicHla!ieou4 sources postal fervice 60.8S2 !WT !i2
7i5 :! r'2
2ii f00 00
W2 12.3 9J
1 12.314 79
35 P02 37
2 X09 130 33
1 ' 00 9U:
Qk QhttSttWttth $teeklg ra me8tic relations is set forth in proper L.
TaMlshed every Thursday, and dally every
tc except -undy.
Krcistered at ttia PlatumoutU, Neb. post- I In a general way the message is nn.abli
order and proportions. The more iin
portaut legislation of the lat eesston.
prt from the McKtnley bill, is sUtrd
nd commLnttt, upon. So, too, are tin
measures still pending, especially super
vision ot elecuons and aiinort l.tiiinent.
T'tal recet. ts $U3 973 Si)
1 he expr'iiditures fur the same tiuie
or civ I expense $ 23 C38 8i8 C2
for transmission through the U.. S. mails
nd class rates.
c corner Vine and Fifth streets.
'Xiphone 38.
opy, one year, in advance . . . $1 SO
- 9a eopy, one year, uot in advance 2 oo
-Om oopy, six moiitlif. in advance 75
- Oafc -uy, three month, in advance. ... 40
op one yar in ad v nice 3K 00
4teeopy per week, by carrier 10
Oas copy, per month IX
Tbk chairman of the Denver Board oi
'2ublic Works committed suicide th
-other day. lie was an honest man, und
a xchiin;c savs ho lost his reason
-turttui li loneliness. An honest mun
rould certainly be very lonesome in
. ;D?nTeror Oiualii cither for that matter.
TfliiUK is this to 6ay about the contett
in l92,.-ihouM Hlidue iiirniu b'i tlu non.i
tfe oi the repiiltlicMii party, Tho niu-jf
wumps vill cause !.iui no annoyance
'Tksy have fallen apart and no longer fii
re ia national politics. A large per c-nt
of them have gone oyer to the ileniocrats
unie have returned to the fold and some
re straggling independent voteis.
"Tn-re can be no bolt of these disaffected
ptyjple as there wa in 184, because those
who would like to go through su."h a
.performance are outside the breast wot ks
The ranks are closed up aud rcpublic-
.iDua is fully organized and completely
rnionious. State Journal.
All Ikexand was proud of Parnel'
ark n as a leader hnd done much for 'he
-uigoverned island, until in an evil mo
jfeit he tinned grievously against the
law of the land and became mixed up
flii seriously compromised in a scandal
which wcs0 shameful and so clearly
proven that he did not deny the accusa
tiE8. Now the Irish must condone a
nd appropriate state paper. The sllv r
act is admirably discussed, also :he Lou
don panic, and the salient features ot
the several departmental reports. But
the tariff comes in for a discussion
which giyes this message a preeminence
over ordinary annual messges.
With a clearness which leaves no room
for misinterpretation the president de
mands for the new tariff a fair trial.
"There is." he says, "neither wisdom no
justice in the suggestion that the uuhjeci
of taiifl" revision shall be opened before
this law has had a fair trial." II.- thus
serves notice on not onlv this congress.
but the next, that he will not b-j a party
to any such revision, aud nobody c;;n
for a moment suppose that such a bill
could be carried over the executive veto.
The effect of this unequivocal der-lj,
ration can not fail to bs rein
suring to the countty. Farmers
and manufacturers with all thfdr finan
cial and industiial associates can go for
ward with the developement of domestic
interests t.nder the McKiidey bill in the
assurance that the measure will be
afforded ample opportunity to be judged
by its actual fruits, instead of the gr ss
misrepresentations of its enemies. With-
outsuch an assurance there might be u
general timidity in proceeding under its
provisions. Just such a declaration was
especially needed. The president, and
no one else, could make it.
The subject of reciprocity is discussed
in a reuiarkaltly clear and perfectly
sound way. The president brushes
away, wholly and without showing the
least f elicg in the matter, the co!nv bs
of a falsa i;sue which the spiders of f in
trude have spun over the JIcKiuley bill.
Protection docs wA stand in the way of
an enlarged trade with the other Amer
ican countries. And as for the two reci
procity amendments, the Hale or Blaine
amendment, which was not adopted, and
Forf r.un i itero-'Urne
For Indian nervine
For t ensions
For Hie military establishment.
including rivers aud baibont
and arsenals
For the naval establishments in-
cluciiiiK vessels, machinery, and
improvements at navy va ds...
For mis. ellaneuus ol iecis. in-
el ding ie ie 'uilding. ight-bnuHe-,
aud colleclini; ttie revenues
Forth District, of Columbia
For interest on the miblic debt..
For d lb ieney in postal revenues
Fo- p stul service
1 27ii M
6.703 OiC G7; 07
44,82,88 08
22.0C4 203 24
4J.503 C9G 85
6 677 413 f.2
3'i 039 24 OS
,875 030 Ut
C t.832 0U7 92
Total expendit"res.
.. $J.r8,618,5S4 52
Tiiosii who care to enter the postal
service are doubt. ess aware that they
must first pass a civil service examiua
ion before their name will be considered
s eligible for appointment.
The civil service commission has pub
ished its schedule for examinations foi
1891. The following are the dates and
places for Nebraska:
Omaha, Thursday, April, 17, depart
mental service.
Onviha, Friday, April 17, railway m id
North Pi itto, Monday, June 15, both
Lincoln, Wednesday, June 17, both
Omaha, riiursdny, November 12, de
p a 1 1 m e n t ii I 8 : l v i C e.
Omaha, Friday, November 13, railway
mail service.
In all cases candidates must pre sen
themselves promptly at 9 o'clock a. n
Every applicant must select from thk-
tsciiedu'c the time and plnce at, which h
w'she.i to be examined, aud notify tiiv
commission on its accompanying slip for
that purpose. The commission furnishes
the blank application and slip tothos
contemplating an examination.
Ci. ad Veltlwllieiits ill (loot of the
chwtptr rates at which many necessaiy
at tit les are sold in the United btatts.
We take thu t.vo Jiuglih ih-vhh is
nearest at hand, vn- bring the Yorkshire
Pobt, puoiinked at L-jeds, theotiier beiug
the LomJou Daily .Standard, and tseli ct
the advertisements which. quote the low
est priced quoted by ndyei tisi is in reci nt
i. Umbers ot the Inter Oeettti.
Wb will look at uo.ili n gods first,
"the bigh tariff on woolen uonils lieii.g
simply intainous," as our Ameiicuii lne
traders say.
''ih L on in Kirkate, Leeds." tint
Lion 20s ovkkcoats
L'ui 20a OVE..COA1B
Lion 20s ovukcoatb
The iquiy:tieut of 20s is $5. l'his
the leadc-r ' in a ('itlayd ad," evidently
framed to attract the wi:g.- e.irners. Ii s
priu-ed in a penny pper, circulating
among wot kiiigmm m tstly, and it is the
lowest priced oflVr made in any ol the
Now for an American advertise ment.
432 lilue ?lli(l P.lovvil At.XHfl ; 11:01., ill f iv,.r.
coats, e egimtlv innniie.i ami tailor made.
Former i :ee.7 5n. rut to $:t 7.
37C Hhiek and tirav I 'ia mil rsmiere
Overcoats, a Siei!ui I co it lor d iveis and men
exp wed to . 11 1 in.. . 1 rouyli I. u horni
er pi lee TA). ( nt :.. S2 7.
317 lirown I);a;:Oii;il Meavy I 'as-iiiuere ver-
coats, vitn it;ili.,n cioin ii warrant. 1 to
ii ve iiood service.
42 75.
of tli- Stato
i.S U lli.'t
111 .... ......
uciinldrs 1 r 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 ;t 1 1 v MhoU? . tin J.-r t 1 ;isf ut .,.
ot ()!ii. .vliicli toiretlier with llm rtw'iit i t Mi.-jdn
if.i.irutiteo ot'uhiiii 7" )f).0() l non'cv tii !
Losstis jciiil in m ri'ti.:ii yi-ar.s, ('i une .ir'i i.:iti-n) m-.-irlv Imir million
J. if.
Wra. L.
s-'"itirr. President.
BROWNE, Resident Agpnt, i'laf smout.i Nebraska
and Fancy
We make a specialty of fine China and fine Lamps and sell at
low prices. We are also agents fur the JVew American Sewing Ma-
KoM.,e. piiC;. to so cut to chine which
the Aldrich amendment, which was, he
The ballot box stuffing prerogatives of
the democratic party are to be curtailed
by the passage of a fair and just election
law. Yet the democratic press are so
severe in their denunciation of tha meas
ure, that a disinterested observer would
think their rise or fall depended solely
on the amount of baliot box
Iwatofore utmardouuble offense, and an-
' i ii- ....
.i u iransiy gives me prererence to the lat
I . ..t: x..u -.l 1 . . I tnpv WOUJtl Dft nermitT (i to rnrrarrr 111
mt be dethroned. As a result Ireland lcr' iae or reasons ror - . . . . "
I .i. . . e I It c?rtainl tr is nnr. nni 1 v trn Hinf u
. 1 1 . . 1 . 1 inai ureierence. I J " J
1 J 1 I t. .1- 1 tair election und .111 nonesr romit. u'niim
a . ti r I it is now a monui since mo crtat 110- I
- I if. 1 , o . , , t ..I rfAfpftt. fll Hrf-lil mirtr Wa rt.i nnt l...l,r.i.'
i. delighted with the condition of the UUCfU cfcsUQ or 10 passed ovar the ; - - - -
country. The free traders cherished the I lu J coam succi ss,Uuj transplant ineir
Irish whom, it seemed only a few days
a bad home rule almost within their
jrr4p. What the outcome will le no
ui ctux tell: vet it is certainlv v rv dis-
krtemns to friends of Irish libt rtv to Benjamin Harrison, who was elected
el and realize that the actions of their Pre8iflent on that isi,,e' iulProve th"
ldcr has set back the date of home rule the fir8t PPrtunity to give the country
hope that the very foundation stones of
protection had been loosened, and that
the edifice itself rocked to its overthrow,
hmj years.
Ibi case the old court house square
should not be selected as the proper
jlace for a court bouse, what valid ob
jection can be urged against the old site
to understand that nothing of the kind
has happened. A few shingdes and
clapboards may clatter in the wind, but
the structure itself has not feltfhc bltut.
The republican party is as firmly ground
ed in the American doctrine as it ever
Mississirpi methods up North. Whil
Bayd is elected governor on the face of
the returns by the most shameless frauds
an election held a month afterward is
perfectly fair and it may be years before
a repetition of the Omaha democratic
frauds are again possible.
So ;idy. rtise.s ' The of St;.te
8 five l in hist SiiiidMi-'d Ii'..- ..
Fret traders and anti-Mrlviirey bill peo-
ple will pieas.- coiitp ,1,. lo.visr. J n dish
vith lowest American iii-ie.-.s
L' t us continue in the woolen d pert
inent lor a W'lliie. The Imvesf nrw-o IimI
wh can find quoted in the London Stand
ard for horse bb.nk-ts is in this sensa
tional I vi i t isein- 111 :
T'j; U'T ii-1 nsr. K".;s. unkd w cm,
Jv..n,V" '., 'iu..i, simp .:. iind s lajipwd. .i i e
is ll.i !j,cli iSr 1 :,-'! Ihtsi li'ank.-ts r;ro
f i-ous vvjiii; 1111, win th 10s, -silvaore price s
snipwrceK stock .f liar bhj r the t-ix tU1IH.,
cin;.fte el of hari.ess. falviisc nnee. 41
aialojnes is. -. (J: FF. e oext ad-
Price 3 lid is th-j equivalent ot nine
ty-! mr oeiit,. Jiut The F;nr, of Chicago,
frequently :-dv itiVes in the I:it r O a:i,
wiKi n" sensatioual iione.-ensf a!j.;it
"s.iivng--" or 'Ship wreck." but ja-t an
cvt-ry dav matter of busin fs-
Cn,-,-!-xt'.i. rr'nid, prron-,'. aed oi&He
ciOstra.';ped N'w II:iii)is'i:re stable t.hvi ki 1.
CQ-, Klntr. extra str. n ard d a ra bp-M rap "-d
Usua;u l,i,un . s al.'e Ll-oo:et.
OCn-Ci!r we I nude, strong, an J durable.
we guarantee to he an good a any machine in the market
We except none and sell them at one half the price of other machines.
P'attsmoutn, Nebraska
PipilPpf lpsi"f
f ll 11 ill .0 o sN n r ft 1
Oca coutemporary lands Judge Cald
wellito the skies, one of President Harri
sous'most recent appointments.and in the
same column refuses to find any thing
was, and it is safe to ay that the effect I Bood 51 r. Harrison has done. Thiscon-
of this bugle call to the faithful will be I stant fault finding has po warped the
with the addition of the Wheeler corner?
for twentv-five years it has been con- I t0 rallJ t,,e PaTt.v to tce standard of pro-1 mind of the democratic newsnaner mnn
i.Ured good Mough and perfectly con- tefio w.jh steadfastness of purpose that be i3generaly a cranky dyspeptic, ,
. . i i i - . I which will take no heed of the chatter-I , . J . , . I
einw uy uouiu uiB bite ue in of mU(jWumpa and gemi frw tTllAcr. "" piece ut uumanuy, woo imagines)
octuigea at tuiti timet Almost tne en
tire business of the city is transacted on
ped oLibi,;' kct.
Obncrvc also that 1, which is 20, is
the lowest price for harness. Toe i'atr
advertises from 0 1 2.50 uj.
But let us lo.ik at. f urniiuie. This;?
set forth in the Yorkshire Post as a mar
vel of cheapness. Ic is thfi lowest pried
offer of bedroom suites that we can find
either in the Yoi kshire or the London
B7e;ni)M UITFS FROM .r 10s Mlb
I.FI..s. Matlock invalid coucji. and to
other In- a! d couches, half price. M 1 ;.LEK'S
i a. i .ii- . .
rive pounu tu f-niinng sterling is
equal to $27. Let us find the lowest
priced offer in Inst Sunday's Infer Ocean:
ri"MPL-F.TK hm;i o d-threk-
vypieee beiiiomn cet, han!si)iri' mirror dres
ser, combination (otninod,., never eotialed.
Two or three columns of space might
bo devoted to such contrasts btween
English and American lowest prices.
But for the present proof snfficii nt has
been adduced in behalf of the protective
system, which Iihs secured high-r wages
to labor concurrently with lower prices
for much of what labor buys than obtain
in free trade England.
Any longer for crops are good in
Cass, county and prices the best
ior yearn and clothinu
clown at
is away
Wlieaycvi can buy Overcoas, Suis for
en(Bo7s and Chiirrea. In fact anyliing
wora ty 2naa3siadt you wUl find at bed
rcci: prlcoG at tho old roliablo
A kecent decision of the supreme
iliin street and Sixth, uot two blocks court in the state of tfew York settling
swaj, and again, there would be no the fact that the inmates of the nauptr
4Vm in one part of town at the expense and insane asylums or that city were not
f aother if the site remains unchanged, I legal voters, settles a more iraportint
-while on the other band, if a removal I fact, viz: That Mr. Grover Cleveland
wr made up onto High School hill, at was a usurper and was not legally ihrt-
rr ot Seventh, tighth or JNintn, ed President of the United States.
prrrty on lower Main trett would CIeveland'8 majority in New York on
deop down one-balf, while property on the face of tbo returns was a little over
'a hill would nearly double in value, j twelve hundred and the number of votes
Ti would manifestly be unfair to the I which he recieved from the asvlums wna
las who have built up and improved I over three thousand, showing bevond a
tkair property, especially since the High J question or a doubt that Mr. Cleveland
Saliool bill boomer lias done nothing 1 was nothing more than a successful claim
hu fold bis amis and wait for improve- jumper and a very mediocre one at that.
he was created chiefly to reorganize the
world by pointing out the ills and mis
fortunes of his fellow men.
Thk Nebraska ICity Press has under
taken a herculean task, that of waking J
up their local Board of trade. There is
only one mm can do it, brother Brown; '
his name is "Gabriel" and He probably
will not be with us for some time.
Had n,t you better keep right on bui'ding
packing bouses, distilleries, bridges and
breweries rather than waste valuable '
time on a board of trade. This advice j
is kindly tendered by one who has been
over the ground. '
lull mmnijm&'Ari
ut.t'ii, , 'i;i i i:., : h.
An exchange
says that the good
its to come to him. By all means I Had Mr. Blame cared to occupy an office j ladies of Beatrice are going into the re-
-Jt us a central business site on level with the criticis-.-i that would follow an
jirsnd if it is decided the Fifth street! election that the courts had to be invok
lidl is too steep and th public square ! ed to apsist in, h could have shown
- inconveniently located jor the new I a clear title to tho presidency. But he
iMllding, which is built for business J refused to hayn it in any uncertain man
wposes and cot for display, I ntr.
lief busiuess with a vengeance. The ed j
itor of the Democrat explains that he
was unable to get down town the other j
morning for several hours because his j
wife had bundled up all bis clothes for j
the western sufferers. j
Cures Also: P
All Aches.
v ft
The One Priee Clothier,
ff iMfHiuBnnaigtrpi.nJUM'.,
(Ut Hi'
I :,
Chzs. A. Vogeler Co,
Hltlmore, Md.
i nriM iTn r
j Notice to Creditors.
j Strite of Nebraska, Cass County, s :
I JL Tiini:.n .Sawyer, deceased,
j Notice h -reby fjiven that the claims and
i demands or all per-nns acalnst Tllnian Sw
j yr decei-sfd. laie ot s;iid couiitv a'd stale
; will be received, examined and adjusted by Die
eourty court at the court hnue in ri'att5
j mouth on the 20th day of May 1x91 at in o'clock
1 in the forenoon. And that six months from
I. and after the 2"th day of November A 1) if;o
i the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to .resent their claims for examination
and aUoirance.
I Given under my hand this 19th day of 2Co
. veinber A. D. 185ij.
j B. S. Eamskt. CoDcty Judge.
, Legal Notice.
Eiiza'-eth Ol.son
Chas Oleson
he defendant wni taVfi.r
J8). Maiatitr filed her iV ' "v- .
liy W. L BrVwitty,tt,ZAru L80-V