"Highest of all ia Leavening rower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. O T) n "Is this the beet?" Is a question often Msked, win n medicine, is wuntid. Tin) following me a few of the medicines of A Wonder Worker, Mr. Frank Huffman, a younr man of Bti'lintcM, Ohio, sUtcs that he had been Known reliability, soiu by fricke tc Co., I under the care of two ptoniiu. nt ulivbi- urjgnisis ,,, piacc. i ney nave many I , ,Hns. aIuJ lls,.(1 ,,,. fr ABSOLUTES PURE 1 l M B Mm irJ Jt-j 1 ft a E Everybody lieads the Daily Herald. , OFFICI.M PAPER t;F THE COUNTY Sitting Eutl on t t- War Path. The latest from the agency of Geo. W, Vass. Evtrything tpjiet on the Potomac. ' wliole system THURSDAY, DKCi Mi:CR A, lf-90 Br. A. NtMsiiur)- lia 1 1m rxrlviiiTft rlsrlit to one fr. fctrlauu'N l.tiritl Anwlht'llc tor tk I-nlnleM Sxtmetiou of 1'nelli in Ihto fit jr. Office Uocknood Block. I. O. O. F. CASS I.OIHiK. No. Mi I O. O. meets cv erj Turn(l;iy iiiulst at 1 lirir hall in 1-itgciald b)rk. All Oiln i ellowH ai cordiahy invited lo attend v licit visitii In t:ie city. l.oni Da vi. N. JoiiN miv, Sec. C A R. McCoimlhiii I't f, No. meets every Satur day evenicg 7 hi t Ik tr hall, Itoekwood Jdock. All vl-hing cH,iaits iue hiviied to meet with us. (J. F. Mies. !' st. Adj. I. A. 1'ates, Vtitl Com, ranted AN AC'I'i VJ-: HO ' K T MAN ,-ai a- v 5 J ;o 11 ii .ly it Mill: l.,e vim t't'P"'' tunlUe for hi; viii ce In rci ieen: 1 cully are ojonlbie Nrw Yolk hoese. Maiiiilui tuiv: I.ock ox 15i-.". N . Y . New Time Table GOING WKT GDI.NOKAST Vol 3 :5i a. Ill No 2 5 :05 p. in. " 3 5 -.ir, p. 11; ' 1 1; :: o a. m 5, 9 ;m a. 111. " " -H V. in. 7 7 :!'" a. 111. " 1" ' "' a. n. "8,. .. .. 6 :1ft p, 111. " 12 W :H a. ni 11 s :j5 p. 111. " 2 n:Oa- in. 19 11 :( 5 a. n. Our Clu'cbing List. Jlobe-Deiiiocra: a::l Hi-.iiALu $ .'25 -Harper's Magazine " Harper's IJ .zar " Demorest's Aiar.zine Omalia Cec Toledo IJhule "Lincoln Call National TiiUme " 4. Co 4. SO 3 10 2 40 2.4') 2. 1 r, 2.ir PERSONAL. Ashur Clark is in the metropfli on business toJny. v J. A. Davies K;;4 , is tr-nidrtccin lusi ness in Omaba tod ly. E. II. Vv'oob y Lq.. of Lincoln is :'u ."rhecity to lay on leual l)usiiie.. W. C. 8!iowa!ter is mr. in Uutkr eoun iy on a v. e :ks viMt uith 1 eluli ves. O. 31. .S'.ieiL't t is doin Council Uluff--nl Omnhti today en borsit business II. P. S in.lell i-i i i.ear Oakland in Hart county, builuinir a bouse on u farm "wh'ci b'3 owns there. S. V JleElroy. an alti rney from Ober -lin Kansas is in the city vititiii"; Li brotlier-in law. Frank Boyd. Hon. W. 15. Shryoek, representative elect, is down from Louisville today, looking after the county s:.'at. Dr. Brndel and witV, of Murray, are in Omah 1 today. The doctor is stock ing up the neMf Murray drusi itore. ' Huniprib and Fraid of bis Iloise. em- ployed at the emporium of Io. W. J Vass. Where you will ahvuj.i :iid th in reidy to riiise your h-iir by sliowing I you tint most complete and haiubome line of elegant watclies, clock?, diamonds and in fact overytbin in the line of lir.e jewelry ttc. Mr Vass bus just rernrm d from the wild, wooly west wlr.re lie has been at an enormous outlay in securing and capturing the two noted chiefs of noble aboriiiii'S, whose aervicea lie has secured to assi.-t him t'nrouli the rush of holiday business. Believing that I nin addrei-siutc an appr. ci ii ng public and that my energy nd entt rpi ise should be rewar.l; (1, 1 ri s:;ec tinny n:v:te yi 11 to call and be ehown tl.Touh our levant li.izi.ir by our very accomodating mami ger, Big Indian Fraid of his Horse. Geo. W. Vass. Fifth street. Sherwood block. other cxcilb-nt luedicims, but tln.be ai u ni thy of especial mention: Chamberlain's Coiigb Itmedy, fmnoui for its cures of severe colds, mill as u preventative for croup. Price 5Ue pi-r bottle. Cliambcrlain's Pain Balm, a general nuly iii iiiirnt ncd esj)eeiaily valuable for rhcuiioiti.-in. Prn'e 50e j r bottle. Ch iuibi 1 Iain's Colic, ('hob 11 and I)i arrlm . K' lm d.y, thu most r ii l)!e i. mow u mediein' i'orbowi-1 Conipl lints. It l- especially prize d by persons snbjei t t( colic. It has cuied many caiis of chronic diarrhuM. Price 2't ond oOc per bottle. St. P .thick's Pills, for disorders of the liver and Imwi 1 -. A vitroious luit gen tb; physic that cleni:es and 11 novatis the Price 25c per box. Chau.bcrbiin's Eye and Skin Ointm;nt foi tetter, salt rheum, pcahi-head. eczema and chronic sore eyes, box . Prico 2-c per atrmiit rntil he was not able to u t around . Tl.ey pro nounced his case to b; CooMjin.tion and incnraliJe. He was peri!ad rl to try Dr. Kind's New Discovery tor Cor, .:mption, Coughs ;u,d Colds a'.p at that tin,.' was not aide to walk iicro-tiiestn.-r without resting. He found Ihefore !,,; h,.e! used lia'f a b. H!,.. t' r he wis oilif'. V.tter; lie ( i P.tinUitl t.. iivi- ir ..in! w I1..1 joying vo'vl health . If von h IV n i throat. 1(m- or ch.-t-t ti o(d!,-, try it. 'e uarmiti f. M.t i action, at F. G. Friche & C.V., Til.. I bottle fiee d. iM.vtorc. W- I Vv '-'J I'iilT V A, L ' a. "Was Isver c:: Bucklen's Arnica Salve- Tint JiKST Salvic in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilMainn, Corns, and all Skin Eiuptio. s, and posi tively ctir-'.s Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give, satislaction, or monev n-funded. Piiceo cents per box For sulu bv F. G. F.-icke Co. Grand Charity Ball. To In; j;ivn December JUti al Fiiz geraldn' Hall under the auspices of the young ladies of the St. Agnes Guild. The proceeds to be donated in pait to tins western sufferers. Admission " cents. Supper 50 cents per couple. D:iuce tickets, including admission $1.59. Music by Dalbys' celebrated bund e.f Conn, il Bluffs. Electr;c Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to nerd no special men tion. All who have used Ebctric Bit t'Tssing the same song of praise A purer medicine does net exist and it is guaranteed to do all tint is claimed. Electric Bittere will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove pim ples, B'-ils, Salt Rheum and other aPec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive .Malaria from th system and pre v nt as well as cure all Malarial fev. is. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Liitters En tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1 p r 1 bottle at F. G. Fricke& Go's , drugstore. Royal Arcanum Notica. There -vill bu a meeting of Cass Council No. 1021 Royal Arcanum Thu:s day evening, Dv c. 4 at 1 :'.j0 o'clock in tile flice of D. O. Dwycr, .tteney at law, Nt). 4115 Main street, (up stairs.) As important business pertaining to the close of this year's business wi:l come be fore t1 is meeting tb.;? attendance of all members is earnestly rtqir steii. P. J. IIa.nsks, R 'gent. Hkmiy IllillOM), Sec'y. Inquire of R. B tf Dry wood for sale Windham. Repairing done iu first class manner at B. A Mc Elwais's rbe leading jeweler. 810 Main street. tf For lamo back, side or chest, u :e Shi leU's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny der. 3 The reserved seat sale for Lights and Shadows Saturday night will open tomor row morning at J. P Young's. Price 75 cents. Wildman & Fuller are opening a very floe line of Holiday Goods. It will pay yon to call and sc-jt'itm, for they will aave you money. dtf B. A. Gibson hasbrougl.t a foreclosure ait iu the district court against D. T. Dudley and wife and II, G. Race and wife. Wildman & Fuller are in the lead as naual with Holiday Goods. In a few days they will bs ready to show you a complete line. btf Owing to the length of the play Lights and Shadows Saturday night the curtain will rise promptly st 8 o'clock, and it is liopcd that all will be in their places. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of i dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per liottle. For sale by T. O. Fricke and O. IT. Snyder. 4 Elisha O'Neill w driving Martin TVopet'a team today and went into the tiitch at the fide Chieigo avenae and -tack fast. Ho abad--ne'i the team and track out for town. Frank Boyd re--46ed the team from its unpleasant sit Mtia and brought it to town, wber it j -will b cared far. The Odd Fellows. The craftsmen of the Mystic link had it goo. I time all to tiiemsei ves last iiieiit. Five candidates for membership and de cree work wire dowu from Louisville and wrretiotted thron"h the mazes o Od.lfellow.-hip while eighty local uitm bers assisted in the work or looke l on at the proceedings. A banqu: t which was it p:irt of the program was indulged in, and not until three o'clock this morn iog did the fes'ivities come to an co.i. Louisville now has tin nn-moeis, th requi.-ite number for organizing and wiil Plenty of A No. 1 flour on baud to exchange for wheat at the Factoryvili Roller Mills. Vhcas taken on depo. wtf. T. M. Warne. If U'ii v .;if to bn .i i;ooil );. rail "ii V: ig s over Seiiirtj. p. .V. Co A re b.ts, within and oiMm.! ( it v li:n its. Houses from 5uo to $:i.5oo. Fartia in (!nss iunty nr.d tin- t, .st tor -"I" or 1 1 at i e p u k h s - if. DAWSON 1 PEA ROE FINE MILL. EN l-RYnnd CHILDRENS CLOTHING Also Fresh Cut PJcw ers. JTtV"Store inRilev Block. AUAUUS r i I" !-:', ! s y. s ' - if vy ,Jlj - . - I I iV:-: hvtlydi before N.K.FairbankSCo. Zfxctt&Aussoie cHco. BARGAINS! - BARGAINS! F'LCIAL LOW PRICES IN BOOTS and SHOES. il'IMl'.lM. i. ::; Y. O;;. STF'V fs'iieii.'--' C. A. MARS, ALL, F AS WE bought our Leather and Rubber goods before the advance of lO per cent, and shall continue to close them out at the usual LOW PRICES, be sure and consult your interest and call and get prices before vou buy elsewhere. W. A. BOECK & CO. Farm for Sale. 240 acre i of tine land, with all modern improvements, within one mile of Mur ray. Will sell all or part of the same. Puces reasonable and terms easy, for further particular address or call 'ii, E. Bf.ijgek, Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska. Subscribe for the Daily Hekat-d, de ivered to all parts of the citv for 15 cnts pr-r week. AN EGZBM& 17 YEARS. Cured in 8 Weeks. One of v; Greatest Cures ever Perform ed by thoCutlcura Remedies soon have an I. O. O. F. lodge own. their County Cour'. William Spoier ys John McAfee and Win. Jameson. Default of defendants entered. Judenient for plaintiff for S4G:.0f. Jude Sullivan for plaintiff. 11' . n i v esimnnouse iMecmc company vs J. K. Bellous. For tiial Dec. 11 at 10 i. m. Hablenaan tfc Graves for plaint:?". II. D. Travis for defendant. Ella C. Shivenek et al vs Diusmore & Uumihrey. Continued for service. W. L Brown ftr plaintiff. The State of Nebraska vs John Cox and Wm. O'Connor. Evidence held in surrieient to bind defendants to answer t District Court and order of discharge entered. Matbew Gering for state. Beeson & Hoot for defendant. Fred Walters was a Lincoln passenger this morning. S.lwin K'ncaid was arrested today for firing off a gun within tho city lim its. He will have a hearing tomorrow. Mr. J. Beaver, of the Palace restaurant, A'ent oyer to eastern Iowa this morning on a combined business and pleasure trip. Boyd & Hinshaw, the contractors and bu'lders have just erected a neat shop on Fiith street, just north of the IIekald oTce. On yesterday Commissioner-elect Jacob Tristch appeared before Jndge Ran.sjy fl'ed his bond which was approved and took the oath of office before that ofiiciaL The case mentioned yesterday of the the state vs. Walter Cole is before Judge Archer, who is conducting a preliminary examination. E. II. Wooley and Mathew CJering appear for the prosecution and Beeaon & Root for the defense. At the n::e of tlirc mi'Dtlis. a rasli, (v. liiel af 1'iv.ii its pruveti to be eczfiiia 01 tlt rlieaai in:. lie Its ji:p, araiiec o.i my f.n e 1 ' 1 1 ifi. i ii.-r i itei-ian w.-s chIIp;!. 'mii.p ei tlva ni, n;e a.'y noon : an, urn inaae me u ers-.'. iee di-ea-e eueiii u. u una!) lea., ji j,-pa;l to i.n anus, ar-il let: till 1 was laivl up entirely ai.il .-! S.-, -- fl'eiu emit nually sittiri; tr. tue II') 'i- o:i si ii ow i-v f ?--x'Sj.,h e-tifraete'i so Tti't . losi ; l contr I i.ltlie'i a uw;;s UMeriv In le;e-s. n! ,nitl;e v. cu'tt liavt to li it me out ai:l " r.-1"! inii' ecu. I eeuui ret . round the I'ou-e on lev h: iul asm . J, feet, lil t I could ni.ti.et IfV e: tl:es on tit all mh had to wear a Mirt f a (li-ssin uewii my lit.ir li .it all iiiatfeti ilown or fallen oil. ; ! mv ffi liea t. face stk! ears were oi.e .- l -,'.L' I li m i ',in 1 I. 1(1 rz w .1.-. . ." .:. : tJ rw '" in s nii'Linei llillll 1 v.:S seventeen je.osof ate. and ore day iu . January 1STU I rea i "an eee iiinr in tl.e Trinune oi yoiii i.ii. en-'. l.'vjiHia.s, tt tie eiibd mv "ease soexae ty tliat I ttinuel-t sm the last res ', t t.itlive tliem a trial. When 1 firnt. aiipiiil tli"in I was a!l raw ;mii1 b'.eedimr fro a ncrateh inn ia el'. l ut I went a-leei) almost i.'nmedi ;i t'-'y s- i:i t iiiiiiT 1 !;aii i of done f ir year i lie ei.eet was so s ottiinir. Ja about two weeks I Id Si.o ! s I ill'- lit bm imt wa'k, I w .s so w-sik : but my sores were nearly wttll, as near a 1 ran jude.tlie Ci'ticuka Kioikdiks eured me in about six to t iv'lit weeks and up tolliis date (i e from January 1879 to January 1SS7) I have nor bi en sick in any way. or Have had t!e least signs of , the disease reappearing on me. W. J, MelJU.N Al.D. 3702 Dearborn St-Chicago. 111., June 30. 18S7. -.-.r i Butter And Eggs. Farmers hvin good butter and eggs to dispose can get the highest market price by calling at the Palace resturant next to Oorder's implement store in this cky. wtf CUITCUIIA REMEDIES. Ar- the -nly infallible skin and blood purifiers. Sold every win re. r ee. t uticuua, the great skin cure.. ri0 eeiif. ; Ct'iKL'RA Soap, an ex quisite fckni purifier and heautilier, 23 cent ; I'uticl'HA IlKsoi.vknt, the new blood purifier, $!. Prep red by the Totter Dkug and Chemical Corporation'. Boston, je.""Send for "How to Cure SKin Diseases," 64 paj;es. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonial. H How My Side Aches! Aching side-and back, hip, kidney and uieriue nam, aid 1 hcinmt in :-Tj' relieved In one minute by the l!i O I J r I I J m Antl-Pln Dlactor- The liist and ouiy instantaneous raiii-kiiiiiij; plaster. Legal Notice. TX TUE DISTKICT COUiir, Ok' CASS COUX X ty Kebraska : OKDEK TO SHOW CAUSE Id - he matter if the aptaication of James R. Wilson, guardian of James Karl Waters, an infant under the awcfi'l years ferlieens" to sell and convey Ileal Estate. Upon reading the duly veMiie l petition of James U. Wilson, uiiiiidian of James KarlVVate s an in I ant. praying for a license to sell and con vey t lie real -e.-i ate of s iid ward. It apne .r ing t ) theeourt t hat the said James K. Wiis.iu is the duly appointed and Hiit-tiorize-' gua "diaii of Hie said infant. Janes K..rl Meters, aud that the interest a id welfare of the said infant would be prom ned ame'.-id vanet-d bv the sale of his iiiteren in i he ie.l estate set lorth in said p l it ion. l,--wit : An u'tdividedl'iiie-sixtpenth interest in and lo the -outlet e-i tjuar'erof section thntv one (Jl)m t .wi sbip tweive (12). north of range eleven (11; east of the tith 1. M. in Cass county em aKa. It irt therefore ordered that all persons In terested ia said matter be notified by publica tion in the ' I.VTT"MOtrlH Hf.K.MD. a wefklv newsj.'auer generally circulating in said county that aii per-ons interested may appear aefore the Honorable 8. M. ( hapnian. one of th juiltres of the fl-stiict court in and lor I'aM county at tue omee ot tite clerk of the d'pfrict court hit lie city of Plattsmoui h in said comity on the 31st day of December. 1890, at 10 o'clock a. in. -in raid day to show cause if any tby have why license should no: be granted to tlin aid Jamei K Wilson, guardian as aforesaid according to the prayer of aid petition. Witness my band this 29th day of Novem ber A. D. 1890, SiHDiL M, Chapman. t Judge. FOR LOW - PRICES - THE HERALD will - LEAD COR. FIFTH -A.3XTID VIME STS W. J. HKSSER Of the Picnic Gardens and Fruit Fannin addition to the many thou sand Palms and Dracenias in bis laroe col'ection bits just received and of 4 fers for sale at tho foliowiug low down pti : 'mm 15 12 f I. .T .: .. I: :.; ) V, ... ,. ... 4 - : i ii ' .' .O - ' ,)',:.. 2 s, v- . .' -' V.-' K I.:' at: ' , . ' v ' .;" , : - -: ;;- ' ,i'J -i r. ' y-S ', ; r 't - ..''a i' y.. . .- ', ... --(It.'-- : .) f;i":V I') "VV3;V; 25 w (CYCA8 RETOLCTA) : r u i c k s : 100 Seforthia Elcgans IU to 15 inches high. 100 " " 20 to 24 " " 100 " " 30 to :j(J 12 " ' 40 to 42 " " .. 200 Areca Lutescens IS to 20 " ' 24 to :;0 " Verschaffeltii Is to 20 " ' Rubra 24 ' Baueri, rino ;!0 " t' Madagascariensis 30 ' " Kcntia Fosteriana 12 to 15 " 18 to 20 ' " " " 30 to 24 " " " Belnioriana 12 ta 15 " " " " 20 to 24 " " Ptychosperma Alexandria y 4 ' " " 30 " " " " .54 " ' 15 to 18 " 24 to 30 " " 30 " " ... 18" " ... 12 " ... 30 ' io . . 18 " M ... 12 " ... 30 " 8 t " ... 30 " ... 8 to 10 " " .... 12 to 15 ' Ove thirty other varieties of Palms Cyca3 Revoluta from 1, 2, 3, to $ :5.00 To be shipped from Japan this vintcr and to 200 Cycas Revoluta 100 " " 50 " " 15 " " 4 !' '...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 5 " " . CHcll . each 75 3 00 4 50 0 00 2 00 3 50 2 50 3 00 8 GO 3 00 2 00 3 50 4 50 2 00 4 50 50 3 00 20 Latania Borbonica 17 41 3 " 6 Phrcnix Rupicola 22 44 Reclinata " Sylvestris " C.inaricnsis 6 Oreodcxa Regia 12 Genoma Gracilis 9 Cocus Plumosa 100 " Wcddeliaaa 25 ,; " . .each . each . . each . .each . .each . .each . . each . .each . .each . .each . . each . .each . .each . .each . .each 10 00 .each 3 00 .each 10 00 .each 15 00 .each 1 25 50 5 00 50 1 25 50 1 50 50 4 00 50 each . each . . . .each . . . .each .... each . . . .each .... each . . . .ach . . . .Cdcll . . . . each Send in your orders early or come and see my immense ttock of PALMS, DRACENIAS. CYCAS, AGAVES, 8nd general assortment of Green House (areca lutesckks) Plants and Shrubs. There is no euch a stock kept west of Philadelphia Prices will be found lower than Eastern houees at a liberal discount given to dealers. Send lor catalogue. lrom -sorts to $35.00 each arrive early next spring $ 1 to 2 00 3 to 4 00 G to 10 00 1 2 tt. 20 00 35 to 75 00 250 00, Pkttssioutli, Set. sruwr - JL 7uajU.troatfui) -v. '