Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 04, 1890, Image 6

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r.. .... -j-r,
'I .: follow i;.g I'L'Uies a,.; gi'.Mi from
the I'.st of H'J!0, in .1 r 'jive an
il'i f u In! it t..Ui s 10 : i'i tli.-uii' y
o! C'i f "' one i :
Tl, l.i:i!,:- fend .! th-;'V is U ;;d
tX i VI i '. tr the !:. t -- HU OO.tcr
i ll f. . I. '.i-. :
I I'll of I iie r- l li.''
tin , j ' .1 1 I. :. e
p -.i- I in'- ir i 'Mi' .
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it. i'! y , ,m -i ! (
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in v.oi U wi.fl '
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lo I. h ('.. '..;.
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ti) ; ( hi -i ;'.f r -t vr
that hii. i be
diiltti la :.!)! Il.c
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. . J. i i ii- i
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The kind 1 1 J. I tin oi.tfrriu
Prc.-hyte; itn fl:ur. Ii, .;ivcn
M 'jur iv '.! I wen y lour
( '
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1 1.
: 1 . t i i.j.P
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.. in v. 1 1. ii - cons: ; -v.
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i. (! -,' I i(.-r-' t: IV'.:
' ' ,v ij i . !' s ':i
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f the 'N ut- sr
little tots" that cvci tried to imitate ol. Ur
(ii oplr, was .i 1 1 it ti ci ii ii ii d mcct'C 'J Ii-'
rtw.i t little I';iits mi.l bright eyes of
"A! u:i in !:') fiiN.V with t lit i r cunning
dtiii.-i -111(1 ! . pV fcongH, would IlilVC !'-
I i.t-ii .mi-! viin-on: y !! maid in
in- in-Mi. :M.'ss Mi-jnr isc itainly a v.-ry
! i n'i. : :ir. t. c!it r, judging from the
!. .!ni(.. it. viis iil;:i! to Irs seen th" pupils
:, iJ i.-. 'iv -I. .M my i n( oiiiium i co'il.l
in- 1 1 iif h : ii iy livi-ii'd u om; of flit;
in. ioiji i yi- ! :,-:ai i' , hut v. t were miutilr
:it tie liil .-: !:l lilll.iil) t 1 - 1 1" IIMII'S. TiiC
. In-s w h:-!i Mivs Miij'r h.s taught r.
in tiic- li: u y of tl
.l..(i- mi l)VH'
:-aH:-i;ti;ti): I.
j I t.'mr
i i
! Ii i.i i' - li I).:
u 'ii in k f
! i 'In i; '. i!
1 1 lii! it. flu'
. ui. !. W in-
l!.ii-- I.jv::.;; ir.i'ii- y
I'll nut ci:.i
Itill-'UI't t-J ti-'-- ' -:
li:un y.
Tin- K. & M.
lubiV(.l tf :.1V '-If I
t-st u;kii tin-i.-.ii:"-.'
i-Mi:l i.. ie.U d u- in .'-M'.W'O fiiy
lL'I.ii 1 ll!- l! ex
i,H-:;n! and inter which wcrv
M ! Si-i. r -"i.iiLr. M.ul'.;.- xVil -on, Hemic;
.' -.'.r!l, : . y I'i I't-rtr, lI;K-u Cii:tu
c, V;.-! , i.ulil ii .J:i')ii(- Mll'.l IK:riilie
V: 'in i ii i !'. Viiiiij'i.l Unruli, J allies!,
Il l ii. ;:(.:. d, Fled and Flori net;
V -i -h, Alice, Elizuheth, CLdrc,
il i.i-l, l'un nrt- und Ionu Dovcy. As
h'- uty ii tii-.-i;:j of children as one could
v; ih to h:;u.
A Pleasant Surprise
Tin; oy l:ui of Geo J. Iliivvhins in
tin-south west part of town was quite taken
! storm on t'Yiday evening. Mr. Hawk
in's mothrr md brother from Creaton.
t i . i v : l .
1UwJ.Uv.:.JOTv,SiuUKuUUn Mr Gut8rhef t,1(J ml!?s fou,JtltT, l!;ls
Kmiifraiu-iitwa? Known inat had his important depuitmcHt, where all
U 1 .... I
m,u,u ,,r--"' " the bras and copper castint-s are made.
w if I Ik; !io h it; t m
crowi'i-il i;h wi. !. V-iii m i- vi h iu-i s
of it, oil all it .ii -is. Tim; y.i l nii; full , n
cvci y dir. 1 1 inn.
1 :; tin- I I IT ol oli i (Ml' v !.. i Is. 1 1
hii- iiriuihr l'i lur nrs, tl.i-i:- me
t .venty cir lo.nls u.r.tin:; I ! . . i- tiiw.. wiiii
in ii n C'Hiiiii in '-vi-: v iti; .Mr. ("nf!
;oi i iiis ri i '.v ptit .-i ; y i mi- j.-ii:.-. of
v I -.! mi th.-ir m." ii-.- in oil i in v 1 1 ' n . 1 v
i'i'ty t Ii. ui.-M !n I (in!! ii-. wm'd rof y
lur tin: t;cn.i:iii- ii unfit i. Venn ills tl.iit
lii'.i; iieeii ; hi I in i : : : i : i J 'in- i.ii six!i-,.
Two n;;w iii.'iil em-', iiity two I ' - -r in
1' t Ii, mid f-ix in'w v. :iy ens, :uc I'tii.;
tiirii"d nut of tht; cmi !l i , cj i,i 1 1 n n II !,
w!:ir! i-i !ul:y Ml;,'.-! v .- -d I.y Mr.
V: -"'. ;:n. ' an Si-.u Vi
';'.'! .tint j- 1 1 tifnl'-i' I in- in : n?i .m-iit
of I . !. S.nith, l - ii vci v lui'-v l'l ti 'j iii'il
ll:i'.2ides more curs th in an, on.; tit : r t - j
ai-nt durin-; tiiu yoir.
In the boiler siiops we noticed .t mon
ster new st itiouiry b.der flint had jiiht
been completed for Wyinorc.
The back shop, as the round-house is
called where engines are torn to pieces
and completely overhauled, whs crowd
ed with work. We noticed engines No.
28. 67, 84, 134, 1!7. 47 and 74 joint;
through a course of extcniv repairs.
Lie Acr.:;r:i:n:A :
Slnr.c Si .e i- in s f . : !;
l-ii; ! n :i ii. lie. so'. .- i i.
J-l)fr -i.-:i ne Tli i- I -l'i'!
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Lcjal Mot ice.
.,1 .; i " ir Ii l i i tv, .'.!r
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: -r-i;:5, i.nro tliu
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; v.: ii"
inent,, the first one due in 1H8SJ; 10 000 ns they were bout to put out lights. much enlarged during the last week!
f whirl, lctve Icn pnM s. d n mpkuh; there were several of their, neighbors neRrlv doubling the amount of room he
of ubf.tit $ir,i(..o p. presentea Uicmaeives at tne aoor, wuu formcrlv cnioved
TneitiM..:.; f iini .i used inpiya the bufikets t.khig them completely by eur- The blttck8Ulith departmrnt, with its
. t i. Imnn I orie. A ftf-r smtifi music an.l a. coml iollv I . . . ,
i'XiRL3..i oi i."-h.i- " I i great steam nammerp, is always an inter
' .1 I.i IT- XX.' .!.., If 1,: I J from tii-. county nmi erenow .c. " "'ft- Usting sight; eppecially is this true whn
k( pt i,. the itfvluHi at Lincoln at an cx- tibors prri-i.'ed Mr. audMrs. Hawkins they are forgin(, t,U)ae .gantic ax!e.s for
,,,. ..f p.-r w...i-L witl 80UK' '"-autiful japantse vases and U)e driye whcels of Hn cngi)e.
r..iul.d fnnd of the rounty is used ' ,wCe,llDK .iibmoiuer wuu p;vervthing is made here about a car
I a nrfttv r-tf-i vrlisli-after which rake and I .... . .
nil other cxiK'aS'S. wincn lncnuu s. - i or engine except me iron castings, wuicii
' .... i coffee wer; ssrved;thcn came more rnu- r :,,i....i i. .... . T r...i..
C'OUI t :.SS''nit'I' I'M'.-, -I-Hiwuri j, I I BiC 1 111 lllCllIt;! IJ L 11 J 1I1UIIU. Jltlll limits
1 .... i, lair1 u.wl it, a 1ut t r rnthor mf. an At.rl v I
re-.ih s.di'.iic-. miikinu t::x list nca all ; "-- -- ol liunington.
1 ' r . ' ' I Imiir in the Jiiiirninir t.hp visitors nenrtr!fl I ...... n
,i.irv Tivns-8. I 1 aiasier aiecnunic ureusei appears to ue
,., , I tdi feeling that the home of Mr "ana Mrs. Dti ,. .l. a.,.lu ,,r, . .i fi,
the amount credited Ir ,. . ...V all over the shops at once, and the fellow
nTfl.ins gootioue in wu1Cu io speiiu who thillks btf cttn fool him Hm betlt
( ;
: a:;.,; ;','
r.; j.t, : : 'niiii' f . ry
i .. i..u I i.' ni'ttil. jin.'l evt'n
: ' - ; ' i-J I i'.tv ' t i I'.'.ry
: : . . "..-.nil isho.
i iii iiiul.;, i;c
. -1 Ii. ' . i :! tiii; nltie jf
' - ie 'i:.-.'.'. i)iw day
!' I .''.) l'i -5 1. r"f used to
iif his route, nnd ho went
.'id :'":ii'lt-r to the Hrooklyn
v. .;s wanie 1 that he had but a
l. iiv.' aui was told to com
vifh Lis friends, if lie had
J ini siin; .'; hi.; head nea!:ivt ly
- ni;jnt wiC.iO'ut maldn.-r a
fi'njul 'J vitHy !: &AxSl' I ;
in. l i (I I '.' t .':-.. 1 1 - 1 1 a
.1 , , - VT I. I li. 11 i illj : SI, llll'-
I . I'.' : hi. mil, r I li s mi-1 ti
, it - I V -1 ' ! :i ii! I e I 111 i M Jit -
, '.. ..I,: .1 rti.l.i lie 17 12-
"It "e e- le.'.nl 11 i ftnl
. . 1 j . i pill i tl.i'ie-.i ur el'iflin.
i 'e til. ! in I in- en.i it v flerlCK
h i i 't - 1st !i ilav of .latl-
i ii !t v i!.'e I-.' ( tulillied
e ! '.' I . I -i '
i i iti niiri ki.o, Co Clerk.
cf;'il Hottco.
oi;i;i,t;A.s,(.n. m.ii.
.usidr.v t xpensf-s.
T!tc following is
i.. f. ih in ml iii j-hown by the tax list:
.Amount of itat t .es
Count v u"i.fcial funJ.-
I5liilKO fuiiil
It u M l iil fund
Iiis.fie fund ' "
Octal Limber ! IN "' includ:r.g
WcPl'ittK Va-er, '.vh ell w:;s not re
fill net y a fcssoi was 3W7.
Itoa t siii.; .f 11 msuiouth
and e('h'B afe' . i ie.-
fcchocl Uis.r.ct fu el whU-h N crc'if
etl to ninety nine tl.wiiiot...
Keiu-ol tiisuiet ii n. i tiiX credit
Si dNtrie s
Knmi. Tl. li 1 11 cil.Ct b"i -K
Louis.. I e lirilTe, no'.d ifA
ria ;ynioii;li tel it r. :h( iid Luiid
rialt-moctli city tux
Veeiit'iJ "V ail r t;'.ty
Lom-vi. e ciiy t x
Urtei't ol '".ity tax
.Avue.iciiy t:ix
fioiilii I.eadciiy lax
Elmw. otl ciiy lax
Hieou.l ju;;a-n: lau. It vie '. stnd to lts Iii l'lai:-ii.o;;;h for
side- wii'!;.. i-avl- -;
liouec liii.i.b. r i-
' : . it i
i'-.:i i'jVi- i';!-: li. .!.; were found uti
'' i i!!-' v. '-'i win f tiirea or four tlion
v;:t.'. -i dvliui.t in hi credit in diiTerent in
st! atii.r TI.i .'lil.iiitiistrati.r conl. 1 learn
noi.!Jn;r about hi:n in 1 lie bank.s, where
h.i had told (.i.Ter. nt ;iloriNs .about him
self, ltw thought hf was of Swcditjli
oricrin and that lii.i real nair:;; wa.s j,'il
son, not Wilson.
Then there was Joseph Langier, a
I uncial Arniiinff I 1 1 nao nrMPnro -vattrm i . I
3 ?oer. 29 tne company never works but one nay, I Franco, m Marbfiiles especially. Lantrior
waii also a solitary man, liting or,
The Havelock plant has ceaueit to
worry the men here, as the outlook for
any of them being transferred to that
point is too far off to speculate upon.' i v
Dli. J. C. AV.2R & CO., Lew..!:, Xi-.-jup.
6uld l ynll I)r..'!;;;i-!. I'Kco $1 ; nU lotllts,
. i . r p .. ' :
i .. .. t V A il J .
Tin- pionei r tncit'liMifs of
ri Mr. and Sir, nnd grandpa Kline, a.d if Le doe8 that he h do- we,
iiij.j Di children Mr. anUMrs. J. H. Lisek and
jm in i i ... . . r..i . ir.n
li--o Au I oiiuiucry, uir. auu mr, iiuucn tt aiucr
and 6on, A.r. and Mrs, Lon Lay ton and
son and Mr. and Mr. Ed Bates.
9501 00
rat'ier, grubbing: in an Atlanric avenua
garret. IJc paid the janittr a dollar a
month for his miserable room. Ho went
ont iind ie (,'..iii, in. sroko to nobody and
anriwered pivsM.;i.s by shaking or nod
10583 31
7G92 00
A permit to wed was today granted to
ding In head. fno dnv h-.' v.- forth
tor ino lasr t:an'. ;; ri.'r
tlio next comer, '.vas t::'..c:
r ; i .'.-d Ml at
The Other Fellows.
Weeping Water is holding a big bond I Hans O. Sunquist and llulda Atiderson,
321SS 79 I meeting today' with a fair sprinkling of I both of this city
delegates from the west end of the coun- mv r.-.,i. r ir., .a i;. t..u. I Lon;r I -ia?iJ Utdlcsro hosp-ital. whe-ro he
tv. Tht r.!..f of th mPPtincr is to tret xr.-. - ' j - i. . !il!''l-it '
j i r - - iiukiwi were iuariietl luiuv i r timer I r.. . . ,...).. , , e ;,; . . ... ... r i
. , . - . - . . . i . en. ,H)oii.i3 l tin ; tjciu -.:itr iwoiiu
059 i scoiioic.u m ins pcupic auu iu ui- fjarnev at the Catholic church.
- " ffHa,ze lor uie Purpose or calling anotner Mrs Mn,W r.r in,?. !7.KV to Im ov.-u-r. ;dso a will drawn
12G0 85 couut at election the necessary two lf ...... . tue woman-. "P crllo:;t lal r.hrascology and
407!S 7t ers having expired on .November the , . - , -. . ... . . I wrirten ia a iK-anuini naii.t. ixis sigua-
,o r ,. m.. ... x. """" tiiKwiLi .-ifi!::,-.! to fhoivill. br.t if. l;M;k1
thence f.i'iv -ycl in an ain'onlance to
e first step necessary is to lf Mf9 ,r A Djx()n
Total t.ix.
.2:10 12 faurtli. Th
r n t - I
"" I ml. tVio
;o 20 I lcrl voters on a petition to the commis-
236 7 I sioDGrc calling' lr the election. With
176 93 J tj.ftt jufi 0f a ahowing, the commission
ers would have to call the election, there
wouM be no discretion in the matter, it
is a plain statutory provision. The trouble
: . 1 . . 1 1. . .... . 1 .
'.'lVJjy 40 I 1 nowcvci Limj Liiii l up uuji miu a
17C0 85 I
A Louiisvilie Liter to tht Omaha Bee
of ycstu'uaj sys: .V I u.-ilos uviftiog
vas held at the city hail this after
noor. to i. v-sti-ate ti.e propriety of ccn
verliug tie.- On ;.'. V'V.-.-'. n pott, ry plant
at this placu ii-to a breli and t:! fac
tory. Much b'Jsinj::s ',vs tranactcd nrcl
a forcv of men will be put to wo.k soon
to g radt; for a track to :un from here to
the cl-y bunks. Also a number of work
men to enlarge the lr.ctt iy to four times
it3 present capcciry. i he company nave
a cat ital stock of $:J0,CC0 and will en
large it $100,000 ua toon as business per
xnits. Th company will be known a:
the Omaha brick block pnving company,
and is barked by Fuch men ns Hon, L.
Crounse, II. Petersen, P. BojFen, Henry
Bolin, II. r.eckiiif nn ar.d J. J. Jobs?, all
of Oiimlvi, -.rid Wiiiiuu Wade of this
The Cuiiom Cornet Band
Will give n. oyster supper at the
Pleasant Ridge school house cu Saturday
evening, December 13th. The band has
made rapid progress under the efficient
leadership of Prof. Lassell, and ranks
with the best in the county. Everybody
is cordially invited to be present at their
forthcomin;; entertainment.
Judge. Chupaiin will open the district
court in this city Monday. He will have
plenty of work on his hands for there is
a large number of caes on hand. There
are about one hundred and forty civil
. cases and twenty criminal cases on tho
jacket. There will be a number of di
rorce suits brought up at this term.
Nebrik City Prvss.
Mr. ir..l Mrv Admi Wolfe, while pac
king the old c inning factory lst evening
their horse became frightened at the cars
and running opoa s bank upset the buggy
bruising Mr. Wolf up pretty badly and
hurtinc Mrs Wolfeo bad that there are
some fears, owing to her conditoa. for
be rccvvrt .
County Court.
f;harle-j Harris va. Frank P. Sheldon
Suit in replevin for a steel cannon.
Hearing Dec. 2, 1800, 10 a. m.
Licenie to wed issued to Mr. Henry S.
Irons and Miss Mary Dalbow of Eagle.
John Clemmons of Elmwocd appoint
gusrdian of Grant Crandell, minor heir
of Iona N. Wilson, deceased.
I.cen?,c to wed issued to Mr. rcd L.
Conri-ey. of . Omaha, and Miss Jennie
C. Iltitchinpoa, of Plattstnouth.
Wm. II. Wtight vs. Peter A.. Clarence.
8nit in replevin, trial to court. Clark
for plaintiff. Haldeman nnd C. L.
Gravps for defendant.
Morns Must Go.
That is what S. L. Furlong says, he
was in town todsy and purchased the nec
esanrymate'rial to make a portable de
horning rhute.and in a few will be rtady
to declan- war upon horns. He is not
like the doctors advertise, answer calls
day or night, but he will amwr calls in
thr diy time only.
J s
Mr nr.1. Vrs. Seivltr o
Sunday w itli Mr. Yost-.;-: -J.
Mia U'iiocJ of Suth
vtfiling h''r si.ntr. Mrs r.ot.
Mi.-s I.'icy IMnmntb a p!cft.nrt
week at Liiicr ln.
Mr. T. W. F.i'i-'.it
f03sesion of his i.e . (
Tatta etreeS.
Our Literary :
ant evening at Mr. T. :
' The next meeting i ;
cAs a!- ' ' Jo."".
-.bout to take
Mr. J. P. Rouse and daughter Myr
tle of CJreenwooq, spent Thanksgiving
with the family of J. S. Mathews.
j -loti'iny Don bison caa:e dawn from
I Bellvue colicg this morning to spend
nt L.undi.y with !.:, mother, Mrs. Roberts,
i 'i'he Ii'i;uai.i is aorry to note the fact
that then; are two or three well devei
oped of dipthcria ia the city sub
Mr. Geikemeicr woo resides eouth of
Louisville h--d a team stolen the fore
the nam;?;- of wivnehrfcs. lio careful had
ho b - 'ii in 'prparin.j the instrumeut
that b.:; af:is-?d an exTilanatory pttr.a
graph. usderlincd in iwI ink. In a ;odi
cil be revo';es the will, so that ho really
died tnt.i sLite. inn:cr says Lao.gitr's
heir a nephew living in ?.r;:rseiIlos, a
;:ist r"-von. whom, if the adninistrator
coiild lofi.-. woul-1 ii.liorifc C17.G00.
Wi'Iiain Cato ii another of the great
Jesse- Root declared war on turkey,
Thursday, and moved upon the enemy
at his stronghold in Beatrice. After a
ttpirited conflict, lasting about an hour,
Jesse retreated iu good order.
The ferry li being moved up stream
tnis morning, above the bridge, where
with willow poles and slough grass a j intt -.t.- 'a r whoso heirs the a.lmiriin-
good road is being made to Hcconuno- tra?..:r i l'-.-.:a;.:. Cato was no tramp or
date the Iowa-Nebraska traffic. ,unv" v'-,lor- 11 ' Y''-3 a mnri,-1- in the
f-ervice ot tM l;mted States, and had
The Indian war is fast petering out been or.-? for such a length of Urno that
with no bloodshed, much to the disgust I he I;.; 1 only a vagne memory of what he
of the Omaha World-Herald
ent who seems to thirst for
fough t several bloody battle
11. W. Corey, while borin
Arch Holmes, west of Rock Bluff;
r v, in f coal nn, foot thirfc st- mie near Forty-sixtL street.
r , . m, . , Brooklyn, and vas in good circom-
of 130 feet. The chances are that a ttanC09; IIis die(1 in the SJiThVsS of
much better vein might be found a few 1883. and the loss drove hirn crazy. A
feet deeper. week L:tr lie committed snicido. He
Carry a full Mori: of grncrai
mercliondts w I, n h ili--v- Il ve v
cb-H'. J liif it -s-t price p.iii for
all kinds of farm p-o.b c . Gen
croos treattivntantl f:r d. aling
is Hie secret ' f mil' mmi-ci ca.
Xot.iry Vnblh
Murray Neb.
New Drusylorc
Dlt. BKKNDEfj --
Is finishing up his nciv bml-Jii-Lf
will be oronr.-if"! v. ith :i
Iiup .Mi- el: tu
:'i s t., s in
-. : t. , f .ii 1 1 u'ill t.iUe nollt;-. (.lint Nov. 12.
"".i-i !'; : ill : liillii-r ; eilitdii in tlie Jii.ttrlct
". ni l i i ,.;,'l Ii i'C;fs('n, aiiinn the d.ifeiid
i i I !-. I jet i .mil I'liiyei i'l wliicll is to oh-
i i . ii iv !- f i inn l ienil.iiit, oi. tlitt jrro.incf
i.'M : ii.;. .1 f'-r I lie t-u ttndy nf li "ichild,
f.iiek iv v I )lon. and tv'neral relief.
ii ' i.i 'rsi tleipiiilaui answerii trnnl petition
ti , r ! !!. Dec 2'J. is (0, the illeKHtii im insal.1
1 .-ii ii i. -.v;l be taken ;is trin aad the trayerof
ii 1 1 1 : --1 . - -; eri;oil.Hl. Ki.IZAHK'ill Ol.HON,
H e. . Hr..wiic. atty.
I y V'i :-.' f An ttl ef naif iHviied by VV. C.
S w .1. fleik "f tin; tliitirict couil within
.iii; 1.-; ;;-.h jDiii-ty, N bi'.i"ka. and to inn tli-i-.
:..l. i u-il! .ei Hit; I'oili tliiv if Dee mber A.
I), i :; 1 .i iii.i' t,'t-in.' p in of Siiid ilay jit ttl"
m ill i - f tlie f.nirt h.itisi; in tli city of
i'lii Mi; i,-ii i n;ij. a,- my, Ht public aue
iiiii (..;.- i.ii cit Midiei for easli tlin follow
ing .-'.:; .!.( ;
in. i. I'll r of tin; Tiortlie.'iHt fpiiirter of
., -ei cui v tine (21;, township eley ii(ll),
ifi-tli i- i,K.. f.iiiit.e: i. (14;, ;ilM) tlie west
. .1. ' t' e lien i.eas (fiiar cr if llie HOiithweRt
;n;; f"i t .' M-olioii tut aty-eiitt (21), township
omit.' , c. vii (II), I'orih ur ranee fourteen (M)
msi ui Ct Ii jniiirlpiil iiieiKl iui. in Can . -i. niiiska con! airiiug l wcnty-flTe (20)
i'-re i,i re -if less :i cei di, v t tlifrt Kuvertl
iiont .t n. i-v tot-Uier with ill- rivlleKe and
app 'i ! ; a CPs tlif rfiinto bMoiiKinj; or in any
''',e a iieiti-inn... iht same heiu levied
mi i.i !.. liiko.i an the property of lioiijainln
-. I.aiiiij.rt. Mv K. Lamli.-rt. Kllz-iliptti lay
i r ,n tl . . s!.v K-iiii It. defendauts : to nalin
v u j;nl-;nieiit of said court recovered by
'.'u r-: V ;inil)ii;ieut, plHiutifT, against s .ip de-ti-D'!an!(i
) iaimimuth, Kcb November 20. AII890.
Wiixum TiiaiK.
MierllT Can County.
j?T.-nr Patronage ia cord tally S -liei'.ed
. fj it y
-J?.''vl.'A -3 U-ir, t... j..-.:- ',.
il :v i: i i'-ir
f')iico toCrodltors.
st it- of ;.br;o-.l- u. Cass County, rh :
j" 1 '- K .VATTI--JC OK THE HSTATE OK ."-iivvj t;r, defeased.
Xoiieo li r.-;y f ivi ii that the elaitns and
. an ! all i -i.t.iis ai'ainut .-...
'.' re . ; S' d. I'i.e of Haiti county jVi,d state,
w.l, I. r. i'''iV-'(!, ex uiiiiied aod adjusted by the
u; . v t;'i; i i ut iin; court houe In Hatt-
Oi i Hi .. ti.. I il IVJ.'h oav of ftillV IK'll U.I. in n'r-lnrlf
,1 i I-i .r.'.ii,')!). And that, six tnauilm from
in! ;;ft'" t';e 2 i:!i 3;iy o Aovemher A l 130
i .,t- u:;.e i. ,:;t(., 1 J,- ieiiitirS of said (le-
ii a i ( 1 1 i iv-.t-nt their claims for rxauiioation
t 'I il lo r :; ii f;.
Ci-.t-,, ut... r my l:a:;r! this 13IU day of
A. 1 1. I .-.:..
lJ. S. Ha-Mskit. County Jude.
Pacurao-aia snd Broacliltls carry oB
Ono-Thlrd of tlie Unman Race.
It is net jjencrally known thnt Pneumonia and
.-ocfcins carry t ont-tkird of the human race, but
inch are ihe facts, and what is mora surprising, both
c! ihs ibove diseases resuit from neglecting a com
rr.ia ordintrjr Gold. A Cough should sever be nejr-Jectf-d.
It i: is. every time you catch cold you cough
herder, and it sticlrs by you longer. Ballard's Here,
hound fcyTup is the best remrdy in the woHd fot
1 rfuruonia, Tiron-jhitis nnd all Throat and I.ungtrou
r!cT. It yon have anv 'J'limat tr.-.nnl. -dII tnr C.L-
l:.rd"s Ho.clioand Syrup auU take no other.
T G. iYioke, dreggint.
y Hkrald, de-
tne city for 15
I I,-! i'- .-.-' f :! 11 K'l' ,11 'I ..V I
correspond- bc.?n b:;tore. Ins ctnnrrde.s had an .f i&riM HILOO T'M ' . i..rih, fr n,
. . Mm n- f wuR'nli'li i.l ti.-.i- 4 11 FCJC&t-1 rTt-iifTr-fr'- . ..
gore, Haying ir" . , . ; kmitiA:-- iv-tt-n tMii,rol
rntii- i'-iTi ii r Ait T-nrnT m rri tin i 10.1 a.wt. w i--v .jl-. . 1 : : i--j-u,-; ... v
S, in his .lonlvv.-hilo Mill in t'n Rorvif.o. be.vii.o- &&4U:XS' - - 1
. , ttroo vzj : :iY-?! s:'-r - y ;- ci . 1 I
g a well tor pay. . 'imSls Tiit-ro will be an nut
a. on uurv - i v- --Mr -
The injunction case of J. R. Uarr vs
left a good deal of property to which his
litsl 4-vo;n'-nl.-l tT;in"-htrr win lifirosi?.
Jacob Steiner was argued today before bro:in., a Well to do New York car-
Jndgc Chapman at chambers, by D. K. riage builder, was the legal gu.adian of
Barr for plaintiff and C. S. Polk for de
fendant. The judge took the matter
under advisement.
The Rock Island is now completed
from. Omaha to Lincoln, Ths first trip
over the line was made, Thursday by
R. R. Cable president of the company in
his private car. Regular trains will not
the little girl, but there happened just
then to bo in f ho house a raster of the
child's lnoth'-r. S1!-.? was on a vi; it from
Ireland, and had arrived just ia ;;me to
see her sister die. Tho night of fee day
Cresham committed suicide the aunt
took the little girl stealthily out of her
bed and out of the house, went over to
New York, and on the morning follow
ing sailed for Queenstown in the LTm
1 1 part of the week and failed to notify the
i gi.enil of his lo?-! until yesterdaj', giving
;k- ,' the thief time enoi
y.i) u..
;h to have gone to
?y lift. ! To-as. I'cdor fy.c!
ould n -'. .. r car
tn much of
be run until.after the first of January j bria. Mr. Cresham, the uncle and legal
So far this fall Wm Linch has shipped paTi, reported the theft to the po-
twenty carloads of broomcorn laveraged have thf) annt arre,te,i ou her urrival in
seven tons, mere nas also been that port. Now, it happened that owing
five carloads sold ti parties here rnuking to a great storm the Umbiia :oul-l not
S5 tons' and there is vet 120 tons ormorr; put in at Queenstown, and fo went ui-
in this part of thejeounty to be eold rectly on to Liverrool where no police
, were waiting for a handsomo lady of the
ureenwooa gazette, naI1,0 of Miss Crowe and her 4-year-old
The christian science people will hold niecj. Mi Crowe and the child are
Sunday school and bible reading at the still i:i Europe, and the legal fight ha-s
residence of Meek Davis tomorrow and uot Y' t t"'-n decidM. v.- 1 nrk leie-
r,...m .x..... . i,ii . r I triaiii
l . f Aa imiu kuuiviiiin mi i lie, !iOli 1c J L
Silau Ior.g. Alternating regularly every
two weeks between the two places' The
public gent r;d!y U cordially iuyiu-d to
be prtseiit.
Wiley Blaek purchased f-S head of
hegs from 2Iarten l'roht tite other day
that averaged U00 pounds. lie shipped
two ct-.r to O.naha yesterday aud one to
day Wiley says that Marten Propst is
the best hog r.dser iu the county.
Ed. Bocck ttho'e inhfoituoe we men
tioned eonie time ago Laving his left leg
braken in thrtv phiCE-?. rindhi right one
ia two by the falling of a ni assure tel
egr .j)h piile acios bun iu Xev.- OrkaLS
(JlnrlCs Poultry jSemedy.
Per gale by
V.' 9 ii . i 1 Iji Ia ki i
Drngiht, Platrsmouth, Neb.
:tiou sale of the
.nee of the Weckbach stock Docom-
fier 10th 18'JfJ. Everything must be sold
.'ttgurd ie?'. of prices' w2t
Butter And Eggs.
Fanners having good butter and eggs
to dispose can get the highest market
pi ico by calling at the Palace retturant
! next t Cm order's implement 6tore in this
y.-;r, i
Fl ef A V fri X S k-5 - Gurj f'? imp-ticne", Izag
JlS UtilK 11 f uciiitoo, Cexifrra:
M: K'i Ek'o' Spcrmctorrteo,
151 14 I ml F 1 3 Less Of Hcmort;. t?. Will
I Clt f.
os Men. Prica St. CO. 0
box, W CO.
Sot-elirl Dircrfrng Muled
tirltk toon Bo. AilMre
fciUud mutv Utl&sst Co-,
S9I9 Luc-a Ayr.
BT. LOLK3. - UOr
Dallard'a Snow Xiin!i3Lnt
This vonderful Liniment is known from the Atlantic
to the Pacific and from the Lakes to the Gulf. It is
the most peaetratijij Liniment in the world. It will
cure KheumatUm, Neuralgia, Sprains, Brnises, Cuts,
Woands, Old Sores, Burns, Sciatica, Sore Throat,
Sore Chest and all inflammation, after ail others have
failed. It will cure Barbed Wire Cats aad heal aU
wounds where proud ?esh has set in. It is equally
efficient for animals: Try it and you will not b wiU
out it. P.-ice jo cents.
For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
while or; hid wav to liout h A r.i' i it-.i, is
rtP" j getting ill-jug lirst rate but will be- eta
! riucd to ;he hoypital fur many
An X'cy I5i;?iit.
I wei'ie-f v-h.'.t sacflirinft r .-r. cnleiit
-. 1 i ', i-.f. i;l W'l-.fl.-l'l t, .-,t 'il llCKS
:iv-:-: rst.?i.s cling perstcni ly
I.- ii;t--:; i.s L t:'X
i;;'.i. ::i :-;iy el
qua !)('
that sc
to t'. : r.'d
; f: r tii.v h
v. :-i ': y
Vltr-tl ia':i.-;
or i
f. r.,
c Ei P '!
li -m w i
J Si
I i'.iiil
;y 1 '";.:
i v. h t
?:. -
- ! 1
. I i.
i' - 'ii'Uuiug
: rljc to th"
lt all of j
i! '
? L-ft to c.'U
1 i'-y jirivatc
; ;U i;;iC uvon
.: Sr. r.
F j-CCltiil
-v.-. J...
( illf).
i.if.-i t; ( a r : I
.;- .r-. r
xi tt-i U i- V. U mi W .a 'mlX
liiie Cbinsi u ,i Huh Lump? and sell at
:t. f." tiie '-en- Americ-an Sewing- Ma
- ac: good us any i.'iP.chine in the market
ut ci.e Jialf tiio ,r;cc of tdl-er mrjehines.
. s