..! W 'itfj V.7- 'ft "That 5A Blanket is a dandy.'" FREE Got from yo'ir dealer free, the yBiok. Jt has handsome j ici lues and val'ciMu 'uforiiiuLiun aboi.t hones. Two c.r three, dollars for a sa ITon-e Blanket will make your horse worth more aJ tat Io.s.i to keep warm. 5A Five m2 ) 5A Boss Stable Ask for fcctdc ( 5 'A Extra Tc3t "0 other Myles s.t priees ( rwit every body. If yo.i en n't I them from youi1 dealer Vv'iite cs. A LESSON IN FINANCE The following uitit.lt! from the rTtlFted" i J'J'r')W Yfk World .haws its meat Glif and exclaims, "Treasurer Huston's Democrat is timely, and 6liould he read ly tvory alliance mm in the country: "If Hie otli.ials o,f the farmer' alliance direct tlieir attention to a certain country in the n.ut!n'in part of the A inerican lit! u-'iit they will see one of their fni'iiiei d notions in j.-fu't k-d operation The i sue of eunviiey l:e-ed 0:1 lauded -'Hi', iv is a pi oj:xt which is oof i-'.iht'.y ill! - ifKii Willi tde ;.lii;.iie. !'';..:.(; I 111 - ployed if. daring ti. revolution. ir period .1 century ago and a :ii;jib.r j-. hein - i now in process iii the Argent in-: Itepub- lie. la aeh o i t he.-,;? two C; n u 1 i. s the iy-ti in 1 1 h hid :i fair trial. Il was in Franei; as it is ih.w in South America, uu.iel' l.'s'1 ( J ::"(: i rs oi' r !:-ii:ipi..r..- of the sv-tejn- who v;-ic and :i;"e :;Tiioiis to report that the national debt has heen di mini-died more than :?1 0;),(i00,000 dining the past year simply mentis that forced payim nts were made upon immaUiied obligations jis Hjia suit of snip! us re vcoue extolted from the people I.y u:ineeec--:ny taxation." Wi 11 t!i at i.-t i.n forliir.-H'el v the c n W. J. HESSER Of the I'icnii? Oard. ns nnd Fruit Fniiiiiu addition to the inanyhtiii- ''.Vy ..V r.r- 1 -' n : -il pay. h v, i; ij ii !; ii 'ii.s tala - 1:1 !H V. I ) . 1 1 nil' .i,..t i : V e i 1 ' i-e'--i-d. 'Ill !;,( ii) ARE THE STHQOEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE 5 'A LABEL MaouM by Wm. Avufs Aj Sons. J'liilada., v. iio toi.'io the lainon.s Horse iira.ua Iiakur TlanketA MM Ml Shciiktaky iS'onr.io ha.- ordered arrest of Sitting Hull. : move the appoint uieut of MatthewS. Quay, of Pennsyl vania, as special constable to serve the warrant, says the St. Louis Glohc Demo crat. What has laconie of Mryan? We haye not seen his name fondly mentioned us the savior and protector of our coun try for at least three days in the Platts- niouth Journal. Something i9 soing irrong. Can it be that campaign funds I have run out? Oh no! ''Perish the thought." i i i i . 1 1 : s i t 1 ii Ai'cv'"l i :!!' in i 1 ' li' 1 .'!:.' 1 1 d 1.1 1 1 I' ;' ! ' I (ill:.'. I ii.r IV f a V o!'r. I !e to ilS M ( I'i S:- I 1 1 1 opi-ra' I o 11. 1. h.is Ii -en iii 'on e ::i I'.i' (oiiuiiy tiuly "in y.il'-. 'ii: 1 amoiint ol ell!i-l.ey vv i 1 v is i i ha-; : ".it i :it ei : i.v 1 i' i i 1 ii ' at' ah. nit 0 ji)';T0.. 9, f)i Alid iii e;.' li oi tin?-.!: COUIl! I ie.s t lie. -t fl'-'i-r h i-. l-en the -uiiie. 'i'iie Areurini; cui.'l, like the I-eiH:i: cssijwii it;;il i. uiiid.it !' the hit erpa:t of the eitii ! eentii ecutury. has put e-old at a pi' iaiirn, unsettled values, d stroyed the pul.li -. credit, and caused .vid.-sj'read and unt ld distress anions ihe liiiddle and lower classes of the people. In the case of the Argentine expei iment the damage has gone even farther than this, for it has brought the U re at houe of Uarin-; 15ros. to the verge of ruin, and disturbed values on every bourse throughout Christendom Like" results will spring from financia quackery in any of its pronounced and Vicious forms wherever and whenever it is put into 'full operation. The United States is, in a monetary and commercia sense, a stronger country than France was in 17t0 97 or than Argentine is in 1SD0. Yet the land mortgage currcnev project; ou the Stanford and farmers' ul liancc plan, would, if carried out ou a large scale and for a sufficient period produce the same disaster and distress here that it caused Ihere. Economic laws have no especial respect for local ities. They are the same here as else where. We can not reasonably claim with uii..-t p' oj tl.a: h:.v: del, is t Tli-' L'lit'-: St at i .s has no other way of pay in:.; i's ii l;:.s ih m to c-oileci the mn ey lir-t by tin.' prore.s ..f taxation. It wiil b.! remeiiib; -i ed t ,-.it under the Cleveland a liu -iii.str.i; io:i the money col lided for the linking fun'' was not used . o i::y nojii.s as li'.t Wai d' Ou-,iie,l i drid I'.diiisaivl 1 )r a. eci i-. in !.U large ro!h- tioji 1;is just ret f -i's for i- deiil low iii.!i prii e.-: : - X I'M lllf) ; ,'rni if i'.'ithi j: I. In s I ' iu -; ( i am a nofii: "v. i i-'V ;hi ai. Li Givk us Couyrwshman Mills of Texus, for speaker. He doesn't sugar coat the exeU3Pion from the regulations and re issue by calling it tariff reform. He is str,lint3 which the social developement for free trade and he is not afraid to say of mankind everywhere has den.o istrated so. Stoo luo-'in.? and fdve ns a sum. to be imperative. In politics as well as pie of nure unadulterated democrrcv in morals there is n0 l'SCftPe from the without the usual vote catching'expe- cnquence3 of wrong doing and folly dients of that Dartv. Ths experience of man, in the United states as in otlicr parts ot the world, There are five democratic Postmasters has shown that there are certain princi- whose terms of office will expire within plea of universal application which must the next three months, and whose sue- be observed in the management of cessors will doubtless be good republic- finance and business, whether by govern ana. Those whose tmns expire are: meuts or by individuals, under penalty January 10, 1891, Auburn, David Camp- of disaster. The "after us the deluge'' bell, $1,200 per annum; January 10, Blue theory of affairs may do for the shallow Hill, Edgar Hilton, 1,000; February 3, agitator or demagogue who craves a Friend, Wm. F. Wolf, $1,200; February little temporary notice and popularity, 2. Schuyler, Lucy C Smith, 1.000; Feb- but the statesman and the patriot can ruary 2S, Ashland, Ktchard M. bco' t. not afford to be governed by any such $1,400. ' consideratious. The "deluge," too, when su!;ic:ot provocation of this sort is offered, is never long in coming, Every man capable of being swayed by the dictates of reason ami the lessous of experience must condemn and oppose all such visionary and vicious projects ns that advocated by the farmer' alliance to make farms or public lauds the basis on which to is-ue currency." the lrt-.y proyi.ilS. in sii.oi'V i.atioi.al banks ami allowed 1) aeeun: lil'ite (ul t.'ie u -e of the a; banky. whirl, paid no iuter-"-!. S" tiled it oat to their c u--t.-tue!s a o i i ! .'t'.-'s. Tiie Woi il thought that iM.vr-:-' -. nl! i i;;ht a:. ! iiiah'- !u ci itieisms. as th" I lai i"i son d ' ni -i i .! ion re -f'i.- 'l to h an I ') iiiorev to I !e i: it ion d 1 ' : r, !-:.-. in New York and :!e r ie ,' eiiles. j th.-a ivas coM-et.-'t u:iTl, r (.(. to nay i'i" tite n:iti,jnal debt, but w nt to vvoik payir g off the national debt with it, the daii!"Cratie indignation has be.'n growing ever since until it has reach'-d the ex ploding point. There were rumor.-, by the way, that at the best pr sidenti i! election the banks in which the deposits of the peoples' money were made were ycry liberal con tributors to the democratic hoodie fund A. 1 1 H-v una was managea oy one i;nce, now a Unitnd State's senator from Ohio wh lives in New York. It is a pity that the mouev of the peo pie should be used to liquidate the ua tional debt when there are f-o many New York banks that could profitably make use of it. But until Cleveland is presi dent agnin i. is probable that the World will have to grin and bear it. State Journal. 'V oil ha:! ..' to 1 "i in " to '! I : to ) to 1' : to :.M ,' : t., ;;o liii is Iii 1 i i: i i; s ! Horn . i i ' s hi i : '0 1' V"r-eha H'ibra Ji ii i i, ;!rn :;i; Maila;a-e-,ri. r.sis 0 No.--K, L' i lo ?" l:J Ptch I -' t.- 1 r, I S o J0 ' ) 1 ' " ' ! i i -e i i ana ' ':i T, '.'!) to :.'J l.' t Ah Xa'ii'.l !a s .".! ' ! la i o.'-tel'I II . .caih . .e o h . . ju !i ...... 1 1 . .each . . ( . ii ' 1 1 . .i a h '..each I and of 00 each i 7.1 h oo . 1 o0 i 00 Ii 00 ;i .,0 oo :3 00 H 0) :i 00 2 00 ;j r,o j i r,o ' 2- 00 1 50 . i :n n . ::el, . e ieh . :ll !l .: Il RFrcBLiCAN newspapers rhould cease pointing out the weaknesses of Grover Cleveland. His nomination for the presidency in 1892 would be a picnic. By all means let the procession proceed A few weeks ago the New York Herald was engaged in denying the re publican .statement that the tariff had been red need. Now that the election is over and there is no further use in lying about enormous taxes, the New York Herald has changed its tune nnd fe-.rs bankruptcy because the taxes fr the re mainder of this year are .iOT.OOO.CCQ kss tnan tney were last year, toe xree iiaue Tn!, s.lIt tvUAt l!mt v.-s oY:zJ. u liar is the most inconsistent liar known England some tiuia ago and was about Li the country. Ex. to swallow uo all cur" factories, sudd -n- The new United States Judgo, Cald- CAm" 10 a na'L- uur tanl,: W:13 111 tlls -...11 .x.,- .- e., 4!.., .-..i. f a Jb w as to ;.:.i: un: a:ui uc;i i;i tii defendant in a foreclosure i.roce..alureJ couctr' haa to bo nads hera and thai of money to pay plaintiff's attcrney in did cot suit tLe Britisher, as his scheme the Omaha Federal Court. The old prac- vas to tUe Amencaa works and run fioi.i.,.,,.,!, ,.-,!-,. ,.r.r-.t 4 r ti.e T'.ttTr.,! the EnErlish, giving the members all a cf..i -.,..., ,..,r-i,:iv .rrmi, .,,1 share of t!ie profits which would be Ht-uro v; ii ir( ' i Ju.i.e Caldwell, the delivexer should be mucb larSpr "adcr thc?r chwll Fkasce, which has astonished the monarchies of Europe with its wonderful industrial progress, has always been a close follower of the Amencun Republic, The French Chamber of Deputies is now working on a McKinlty bill of their own. Dropped Detid. Sirs. Ifonora Whelan died at 12 id., today of heart disease, aged 71 years and (J months. The deceased was born in Ireland in 1810; she came to Plattsmouth in 1872. She was living with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph J. MeYey, and appeared to be in good health up to the moment of her death. Siie was sitting in her chair talking to her sons, and at the nnnouee- ment of dinner being reudy she arose to go to tLe table when the fclldead. She leaves oae ei.ster, Mrs. C. Coffee, who lives in this city, and four sons who work in the IJ. & M. shops and two (laughters, .Irs. McVcy and ?Ir.s. John' Kryeu!.uhl, who lives at Palmer.-; Neb. The funeral will occur Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the Catholic church. (cycA.s i:evoli;ta) ' 'JL 1 " ' 2'J L at ini i B : b )'ii a 17 :i ! Phtenix Buupical i -i " liechinata 12 " Sylvestria 24 5 " ('anariensis t Oreodoxa Kcgia 12 Genomea Gracilis 0 Cocus l'lumo.-a 100 " Weddeliana 25 " Nucifera ol 15 to Is " 21 to:;o " :;o " is " II' " :;o 12 " IS " 12 iiO " 8to 10 " 12 to 15 " 8 " 00 .each 10 00 .each 00 .each li) 00 . . . . each . . . .each . . . .each . . . .each . . . .each . . . .each . . . . each , . . .each . . . each , . . .each . . .each . . .each 4: 15 00 1..2 f.O x 5 00 50 1 25 50 1 50 50 4 00 CO 2 25 ( 'AIIEC A I.CTEPCENs) sTCr:.:" each 15 03 Cycus Hevoluta from 1, 2, to :J5,00 To be shipped from Japan this winter and to arrive early next spring 200 Cycas Hevoluta $ 1 to 2 00 ii to 4 00 . . 0 to 10 09 1 2 to 20 00 iio to 75 00 250 00 . . .1 T. - 100 50 25 4 Send in your orders early or come and see my immense i-tock of PALMS, DRACENIAS. CYCAS, ACaVES, and general assortment of Green House Plants and Shrubs. There is no such a stock kept between Philadelphia and San Francisco Prices will be found io.ver than Kaslern houses at a liberal discount given to dealeiv. Send for curu'ogue. Plattsaouth,ai?ek . I it 'it m mm taunt (ifAI'ir KLA BELLI koh Mrs) A. bright, radiant, happy home is all very nice, but the "Radiant Iiome,': sold y Weidm.iu & lhf:ckenf.-ld; is fJir in the end of all competitors. uCt A pronaineat citizen of Nel traska Citj mentioned as the fiiend of the people, But the tariff stood an unsurmountable etandin" between them in their adversity, barr5er to th scheme f plunder, as is no and the hungry maw of the average doubt does to may others The whis" lawyer. Mr. Caldwell is one of Presi- key trust is operated on the same theory dent Harrison's recent appointments to a11 distilleries have been closed except at the life position of circuit iudge, and if reoria- Louisville, Ky. and Omaha and every term of court is marked by as two or three other Po5nts- Statps tuat strong a desire to exact justice as the used to contain numerous manufacturers present one, he will soon become the of tbe Products of the still do not make peer of Walter Q. Gresham. a allon' for the 9ole reaS0E that U was cueaper lor ine li usu iu uousuiiuaie ils A huge Chicago failure is announced, plants and close all the lesser or far off involving a capital of nearly $4,000,000. ones from the center of operations. Yet The United States Ro ling Stock com- there are a few distinguished hypocrites, pany was the name of the firm; the busi- who "will claim that the tariff is in the ness of which consisted principally in interest of trusts, in the face of the farth- nianufacturing railway cars. A bank er facts that the most wealthy and arro- failure for a round million is also noted gant trusts in this coutry are those whose ia the la'est news from Chicago. Baring products the ttriff does not touch. Brothers failure in London tor 55.000, 000 with numerous large business failures ia New York and othrr extern cities is also apart of the record of the weeks doing. . The democratic orators dwelt much on the theory that tiie rich are growiug richer and the poor poorer, dur ing the last campaign. To them evi dentpy, ths story of the collapse of these great fortunes, which it has taken years to build up is one to be contemplated with much pleasure. No one else could find comfort in these private misfortunes which in their extent affect the entire public. ' The London Iron and Steel Trade Journal rays America can not compete with Britain in the manufacture of Jin, because of "the entire absence of cheap ftmnle labor." Well, that is a species of chespness we don't want to iutreduce in America. We had rather pay a little higher prices for our tin. But given a half dozen years of protecrion American enterprise, capital, and industry will, pro duce an abundance of cheap tin, and that, too, without employing "cheap female labor," or any other kind of cheap labor, in its manufacture. Ex. not long i'nee went to Otaah.1., put up tit a good hotel, but gave his town away by blowing out tho g"is, barely cr.cr.p5ug with his life. Friday another prominent and re " resent ative citizen of that village became so familiar with Nebraska City whiskey by long Usage that he dr-r.k a bottle of vile horse liniment thinking ii Mas some of Walsttia's best, and now uys at ueatii s door, "liio -evv.s, a nihsionery with headquarters in thebsck districts of Missouri, is also inrl-icted up on the town, as a democratic newspaper. Indeed, the lot of the villager down there is a hard one. I x fc?' ; . t " t&i & -u SvNi Ki? t-;i SS Cannot ii-v n;: h,-i!;!'v l i..::' pi : ": .. . v s. t j v owe i'' to t1": v:j-. ;)?piy oy etV to NNER STA V. D. JONES. Proprietor. HAS THE FINEST RIGS TIHIIE CITY Rf ETC m swine ralL-ing ti:a .i pt ir.,x- tf W J as ::uh fiote . iu le the n . a- Oirriiics r'for I5Icas?irc inulU Short Drives Always Kept iiciMly. 1-or. 4th and Vine .-'?"'i'"s-:-?r':vl:-:-' Piattfcmouth, Ischrasla - JO & r4; A Herald reporter visitei thel'resliy- terian church a few moments this after noon and found Mr. O. Marshall of Milwaukee and his assistant busily en gaged in putting together the skeleton of the elegant pipe organ recently pur chased of the firm of Hook & Hastings the largest organ Arm in the world This is a $1500 organ and when complete and ready for service will leave but little of $2000. That is to say it wiil take nearly 500 for transportation auel other charges in the' way of set ting up etc., etc. The organ recital will occur at the church Tuestluy eve ning, the second of December, ivv the purpose of raising an organ fund. Space torbids further mention of this fine organ at present, but through, th'.- cour- trs'es of the gentlemanly Mr. Marshall we shall be able to give a fnll description of the instrument in the near future. E06- and POULTRY H2HSDY The o;.ly reliable medicine for swine. Used .succc-slnly for :';i:rl;u years f revonts eisoEi3e., Arrests Ois&ase, a?p3 Cough, Hasten3 rVaturit,. Destroys Worms, Increases the Flesh. Pkices; 25tbi cans, $12.50. $2.5 1.25 and 50c per package. The larges are the cheapest. Write ror testimonial 'Hogology," a (l -p.-.g-'- pamphlet on ewine will be mtiiied for u 2-cent stamps Orders by mail re'viv-j prompt intention. JOS. HAA-s, f t iian ipolis Committoes for Neoraska Soldiers Will you suffrr with dypfpsia and liver coniplaiat fihih.ih'x itilizer is guaranteed to car? you. For sale bv F. (?: Fiicke and O. II. Snyder. "l Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete brio of pure BBUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, & OILS DliUGGISTS SUXDKIES. PURE LIQUORS. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours A i-RESTORER CLARK'S HOG REMEDY r ' -. - HtV. a.- -JE The Herald is. informed that thcie will be no iron laid on the M. P. in this county this year. Not because of any delays on the part of the contractors on grades and bridges, as that is practically done now, but the difh'ciTjty is to got in to Omaha on the U. P. while that road is all crowded in there with the B. & M. A "::-'J -Ji! ' .: "Vv'ti-Vv :. . . s . t Clark's Poultry Remedy. BEST IN TIIE WORKD. Fr pale by Druggist, Plattsaouth, Neb. Messrs F. G- Fricke & Co., are the Only Parties Selling our Alaska Crystal Brilliant Combination St. X- -T. .A. X a u. i . J 1 I .pa j i 1 These Lenses are for superior to'any others sold in the crtjPossessing-a natural transparency and strength ening qualities which will preserve the failing- cyeiight. ' b a n ' ii I V U d" f i I I f : 1 i t