Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 20, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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From Thurnday's Dally.
"I prlthe," quoth Hie rentlo youth
Unto the winatwie maiden,
"Myself make liajtpv now. forsooth.
My heart with joy leave lad n.
Wilt wed, and whfn? I ak It soft,
llioiihat but one repllrK,
Thy Him pie 'no' repeated oft
Is Bioat unsatisfying.
Ah ! 'No' again? Too niuHi 'tis said ;
More .Syllables remember."
'No no" she hlutihed and hung liar head.
Then Onlahcd It : "No veinfoer,"
V. ali)i:gton l'ot.
Everything Lovely
Hon. W. J. liryan entertained t lie silk
atockinir democracy and the unwutdicd
in an impartial and affable m inncr n
the Hotel Itilev last cveninLr. It was
Very difficult to learn the xact object of
the meeting hut after poiuc coaxing
4rouiiueut democrat finally admitted
that the offices were all divided up in
advance with a ze-Ht and good feeling
tliat wq delichtfiil to contemplate. If
there is anything specially dear to th
democratic heart, itu an olfica cither proa
pective or in reality. Our informant
sava that aa near ns he could remember
that Guy Livinfcton wa to superin-
tendant of the army and navy hospital
Vhich Bryan would have built here;
this was considered a gn at plum. Char
ley fispeucer whs goiu to be collector of
the nort in the new cubtom house that
E -
was to be built here. Tom Walling
had hia chice of consul to the Feeji Is
lands or janitor of the new court house;
after consulting Dwyer and Byron Clark
). f)irj. Him hitter. Dave j li'i' i
bilarioa over a proapsct to v." ' '.'
peraivjas t-ontul. Frank Morg i - to
cheif of th life boat service niKi- ihc
riverwas improved so us to uliov stciim
ships to load and uuload at the old
wharf, which Sir. Bryan expected to have
done next vc:ir. Ted Clifford whs to be
made colonel of the marines. Judge
Dwyer was to be reccouimcndcd for the
federal bench. When Col. Sherman
was nroposed for post master the storm
clouds begau to gather and was thought
trouble would ensue, but Bryan with re
markable tact quieted the trouble by
slipping a $-20 gold piece unobserved
into Sherman's hand and at thii same
time promised him the position of assis
tant janitor in the new federal post
office building that Mr. Bryan nid
Bhould be completed here very soon.
Col. John Simpson was then unanamous
ly assigned to the post office.
The new government fort which Bry
an was having built at Plattsmouth was
to be placed in chargo of Col Charles
Butler, this appointment gave great "sat
isfaction. Ira Searle and Herman Bester
were promised lucrative positions in the
treasury department. Col Mathew Qer
i'Tg wanted to go as consul to Chatan
53iga but when it was discovored that
Chatanooga was in the United States
Mat got a little hot and said he would
go to Cnattanooga any way. Dr. Sig
gins created much ntriiiuunt and had
his democracy seriously questioned by ab
solutely refusing an office of any kind
whatever, A score or more ot the boys
were promised places as gaugers aud
store keepers in the mw distillery which
Mr. Biyau thought the recent democratic
majorities justified him in saying would
be built here next year. Fred Kroehler
was promised the position of U. S. mar
shall with jurisdiction oyer Iowa, the
jurisdiction in Iowa Fred noted with
evident pleasure. There were other im
portant appointments agreed upon but
we were unable to obtain them.
County Court.
Mrs. J. V. Week bach and Charles
Weckbach filed their declination to act
as executrix and executor of the will of
J. V. Weckbach, deceased, which was
accepted by the court, and Fraak Guth
iii an was appointed administrator with
the will annexed.
Sain'l Shumaker was called to Mouette,
Missouri, this ruorting by a telegram an
nouncing the death of his mother at that
place. His mother visited him several
day nut long ago and seemd to be in
good health, so that her sudden demise
was very untxpected.Jim Burnett, form
erly of this city, but now of Maywood,
Nebraska, is a brother of the deceaaed.
Add is, a new station on the B. & M.,
14 miles north-west of Crawford, has
just been opened for business.
Jacob Graaaman threw a dead herse in
the river this morning, possibly to purify
the water for Nebraska City and St. Joe.
Night watchman Peck of the depot is
laying ff on account of his wife's
illness. W. B. Brown is acting in his
The Lincoln correspondent of the
Omaha Bee, speaking of two well known
ladies in this city, says:
"It is said that Mrs. A. B. Gerrans and
Mrs, Ed Clierrier. both well known in
Lincoln, are members of the Fay Temple
ton company, which will be here the lat
ter part of the week. Mrs. ( "herrier's
husband wis formerly manager of th
"Western Union here. About eight
months ag h procured a divorce from
her. Since the divorce she is said to
have run a variety show at Denver, and
finally w-nt on the stage lerself.
Mi s. Gerr in t went east a few months
ago with th avowed intention of study
ing music, but it seems that she too ha
been lured to the footlights.
Nebraska's First Soldiers
II. C. McMaken kindly furnishes cs
with the original paper with thrr nigncrs
thereon for th purpose of orgatiring
Company A. of the First Nebraska regi
ment for the j.ther coming conflict. It
bears date jApril 1861. Those marked
with a star did not go with this company
many of thcia later on joined another
We, the undersigned agre" to n-rve ai
a volunteer military company of Platts
muiUli. Kesolved, That we the undersigned
consider it expedient to form n military
company at Plattmoiifh and hereby sign
our agreement to serve m the same:
i: li Mvinitoiip
U l' Wise
N H Karhart
K; Parcel
ON Thompson
W W Montgomery
II K 'onlfjoinerv
M Handle
.I J MH-y
John Patter-on
' i arks
Knos Williams
II S Herring
laoob Vail try
K Morgan
It Ileiniu i
Rich l'atterr-on
'elestirje Inn-ota
It -Oeilensti i"k;r
J V Marshall
iVm llll'he
It A Collin
I hos O Kills
l:ivl Unite
J K Wells
vm . Wells
J S (irahpin
.1 W Carrollicr
.J C Hammond
Win J Hyatt
Josiali Moore
.las W Thomas
A li Harr
W W Cnilion
A i l her ('ainicheal
Clia H Woleort
Win C West
w Mlenelwait
N J Sharp
L I.iio.-'K
A K MrKinney
W Montgomery
(Jeo H Troncr
Wll W.-rhrittou
I lios .Sniitli
Frank ;o(T
T M Vaniuette
l S Heriin
.Iolin lon I .ii
Kobt Woods
K T W illHou
A C McMaken
I Me K Haloed
.FaO B Au.'lie
.liiiiti Maul
T II IennlB
.l C ltoliiiiMon
J II Miller
m IV Iii-h
J W Harr
'tin Varner
.l v ;hapman
I. It Hoxley
Andrew J II vatt
W'rn L Tucker
II O McMaken
Kvfrott Hall
in Ha'er
W ! MeCord
J N W ise
II L Levi
Wm Chappl
I.I no A IJainsey
A Hernardin
W Mavlield
ICeo I) Webb
ii May field
!.f V Youi.k
l J ; white-lock
llidjo lioiivvau
1 lohu Hess
Sfepli- u I'.iowu
U lleisel
L Zinsy
l r; hidiior'l S Warm-it
.t II 15r. wn
Jos I r-ei v
G. S. Upton, of Union met with a
painful accident Sunday evening. A
sliver from a piece of hoop iron lodged
in his right eye, which the local physi
cian faded to remove. Yesterday lie
visited an Omaha occulist who got it out.
It is to be hoped that no permanent iu-
jnry will result trom it. W . W. Eagle.
Hereafter the democratic party in Ne
braska is to be known as the third party
it having dropped to that place in the
recent election in this state.
Another lot of bridge timbers arrived
last night for the M. P. folks. They
will soon have the yard blockaded with
White & Black are filling another or
der today for a thousand barrels of ap
ples for Chicago.
The Road Overseers.
From Friday's Daily.
Elected at the last election are as
1 flat Lieau
2 Leonard Bora
3 A U Seybert
4 Simon ' laik
5 O J wort man
fi M L Coleman
T Sam'l Iewis
8 Clinton Kiehards
9 I) J veeney
:il .Joha Kl'.ington
,:u Alt Shirley
j: A Carmichael
-.'A II P Haslem
!35 K W charter
(i I Lloyd
i;;7 Jack Sliaw
j2S 1. 1? Brown
pi H I'eil
'40 avid Albin
10 David Line
11 Frank Stander
li .1 Ili-miin
13 .1 II Becker
14 C F Vallfry
15 Ohas Warner
16 W T
41 A Sturm
42 Henrv Stoll
43 .1 H Johnson
41 W C Tadd
!.- J W Bollis
4fi John Hayes
17 Jl II Bailey
IS A Sutton
49 A S Coolev
17 V W Graves
IS f M Younj;
19 .1 A Iiavis
i A r Cox
r) HanH Wulf
21 K K Chandler Jfc J - 51 T A Taddeford
siali Tisneeast lot 19th 152 1 M l'unkle
.2 Wm P- ukonin
!m J W Miller
23 John El bare
24 Cbas
j.vt I II Hayes
!5 John McKay
,o Floyd llarshmau
157 John I'romble
loS L .1 ( iaiflitb
159 t'hris K Marten
60 A H Aup en
2" i V ickiOHll
2fi Hemy Weiduiau
27 I. C anfen
28 Sam'l Cs-shner
."9 VanCleave
re Lot (irundon
The Precinct Assessors
Elected at the last election in this
county are as follows:
W N Trumble, Tipton.
J KJLnich, Greenwood.
John Laughlin, Salt Creek.
John Hart, Stuve Creek.
Turner Zinck, Elmwood.
Geo L Richards, South Bend.
Wm Bourke, Weeping Water prec.
Chas Tighe, Center.
G L Berger, Louisville.
Henry Behrns, Avoca.
J M Carper, Mt Pleasant.
W n Heil, Eight Mile Grove.
H G Strang, Liberty.
D J Pitman.'Rock Bluffs.
J B Falter, Plattsmouth prec.
Chris Walforth, First ward.
P 3 Ruffner, Second ward.
A D Despain, Third ward.
Wm Wintersteen, (dec'd)Fot.rtli ward.
J C Williams, Fifth ward.
W A Hasse, First ward.
Frank Hubbard, Second ward.
A L Timblin, Third ward.
A Forger Captured.
A few weks ago S. F. Smith forged
a note on Bennet Criweiscr for $41.25,
which be negotiated with D. C. West of
the Xehawka JJank, and theu skipped
out. Mr. West looked out for him and ap
prehended him some here n the west.
He was brought in and placed in the
county jail today awaiting a preliminary A
John Mumm, J. M. John?, Wm
l" 1 , 1 ""rn. uaus rranni anil m.
Turner are out this afternoon creating
sad havoc among the ducks and quail.
The fellow who said "Posey" could'nt
hit a quail if it was log as a horse, will
have to eat his words tonight when the
boys come in.
1 .n- r"i t.: . .. l 1, 11 1
Fred Gorder went to Chicago this af
ternoon on the flyer, to lay in a few car
loads of implements for his spring trade.
Mrs. Cook, of Salem Iowa is in the
the city viuting her son Dr. Cook, who,
by tho way has almost entirely recovered
from his recint severe illness,
Phil SuideUritriker, traveling engineer
on the U. P., with headquarters at Tr koa,
Washington. i in town today slinking
bunds with hosts of friends.
Henry Ibmplu has for the present
taken up his abode in this city. Having
quit the Oregon Short Line, he will soon
take a run out of Omaha on the Union
Dr. C, II. Miller, assistant superinten
dent of the relief deoartment of the Q
at Chicago and general purchasing agent
Geo. Hargrave are in the city today on
busimss. J. N. Glenn, fuel agent at
Lincoln is also in the city.
The helpers society of the Christian
church gave an oyster supper at Rock
wood hall last evening. And while it
was not the success fl nancially that it
ought to have been it was a great Jsi
cuss socially. A large crowd was present
and seemed to be pleasantly entertained
County court.
Wm. Sporer vs John McAfee aud Wm.
Jamison; suit on note for $400; answor
day Dec. 1. 1890. Judge Sullivan for
J. J. Swob.ida vs R. L. Wtaycr; suit
on account alias summons, returnable
Nov. 18, 10 a. rn. D. O. Dwyer for pit f.
License to wed issued to Mr. John
Led way and Miss Julia Schmidtman,
both of I lattsmouth.
R. L. Weaver vs John Frances and
Charles Leach; action in replevin on
Byeson & Root for pit f.
Judge Sullivan for defendant. .
W. J. Wlllard vs W. S. Elliot and
Hannah Cunningham, garnishee; answer
of garnishee taken; i14 due defendant
from garnishee; ordered paid into court.
Polk Bros, for pltf.
Gush and Slush.
riattsmouth Journal.
It was a rich treat to stand by and
listen to t!ie different expressions of
men as they were introduced to Mr.
Bryan at the Kiley last evening in
offering their congratulations. "I am
proud of this day," said one, "proud
to know that, my vote helped to elect
so honest a young man. uoa uus
you," said another with great hearti
ness of manner. "1 never votea Jor a
man in my life in whose election I was
so deeply interested. It seemed to me
as if the yery continuance of honest
government depended on the election of
such men as you to congress.
Cass county it seems from the com
missioners report of proceedings iu an
other column is paying for street sprink
lers in Plattsmouth. This is one way to
dispose of the surplus, but in behalf of a
few people in the county utside of that
ciity, the Republican enters protest. W.
W. Republican.
The facts are thnt the county has al
ways paid for sprinkling the street in
front of the county offices, just the same
as business men pay for like work in
front of their stores.
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism
his stomach was disorder3d. his liver was
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced
in flesh and strength. Three bottles ol
Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven bottles Buck
len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound
and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.
had five large fever sores on his leg, doc
tors said he was incurable. One bottle
Electrc Bitters and one box Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold
by F. G. Fricke dfcCo'a.. drug store.
S. it C. Mayer's increased sales over
-II : . m
u previous years are evidences or good
will and justice between dealer and pa-
tron. Call and see their laree . stck
and low prices. tf
Determined to Contest
8fate Journal.
Late last evening it was learned from
ource of undoubted reliability that the
leaders of the independent party had
definitely decided to contest the result
hown upon the face of the return from
the late election. It was alae learned
that they had retained the law firm of
Lamb, Rickets fe Wilson to represent
them. An effort was made to secure an
interview with these gtntlemen last
evening and one of them was finally
Ucated by telephone. Air. Lamb con
firmed the statement that his firm had
been retained and said that they were
authorized to take steps to contest
if neccessary to secure the seating
of the independent candidates, not only
the electiou of Mr. Boyd a? governor, but
the entire state ticket. lie said his firm
thid been engaged ever since the election
in looking up evidence and had learned
enough to convince them that there is
good grounds for snh a contest. Just
what those grounds are, or just what
method of proceedure will be adopted in
the contest, or when it will be sprung, he
declined to soy at present. Those who
cannot discern a political war cloud of
generous dimensions on the political
horizon at this very moment are probably
exceedingly slow of discernment.
8ubcribe for Tub Duly Hkhaio and
read all the news.
Wall paper in ail ;-tyli tand prices at
W lid man iV fuller
W. S. Wise offers some bargains in
real estate. Apply to R, B. Windham, tf.
For lamj bick, ido or client, use Shi
loii's Porous Plaster. Price 25 o.uls.
For d-'y F. G. Frieke and O. II. Sny
der, li
Shilo'i's Vitalicr is what you need for
constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness
and all symptom of", dyspepsia. 5 Price
19 and 7-i cmts per bottle. For sale by
F. G. Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 4
Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
exchange for wheat at the Factoryville
Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
wtf. T. M. Warne.
Sleepless nights, made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shilob's Cure is
the remedy tor you. For sale by F. G
Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 2
Subscribe for the Daily
gives all the news.
Hkkaii). It
For Kent,
My residence propi-rty, No. 1111
cust. St. Suitable for one large or
two small families.
Dlt. SlUl'MAN
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, wc
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
enplaininti all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
Elcctro-Voltiac Belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervious
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly restore you to vigor and mau
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted w will send you a belt and ap
pliances on a trial.
VoiriAC Bki.t Co. Marsht.ll, rich.
If you want, to buy a good house call
. . . . " c 1 .
on .'iierges over rvmiappagasse io .
Acre lots within and outside of city lim
its. Houses trom 00 to Etf.oUU.
Farms in Cass county and the west for
sale or trade. Petkk Merges.
d&w- tf .
Farm for Sale.
240 acre of tine land, with all modern
improvements, witniu one mile of Mur
ray, win sen aw or part 01 inesunie.
Prices reasonable and terms eas', for
further particular address or call on,
iu. Bekgrk,
Murray, Cass Co., Nebraska.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
Thk Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores. -Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale br F. G. Fricke & Co.
O. A. Hirsch his the reputation of
being a hustler and also has the tines
barber shop in the city. Go and see hi
fine line of flowers that he has added to
his barber shop. tf
The Pulpit And The Stage.
Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United
Brethren churh, Blue Mound Kas , says:
'I feel it my duty to tell what wonders
Dr. King's Isew Discoyery has clone lor
me. My lungs were uaaiy diseased, ana
my parishioners thougnt I could live
only a few weeks. I took five bottles of
j Dr. King's New Discoyery nnd am sound
I and well,iraining 26 pounds in weight."
Aithur Love, Manager of Love's Fun
ny Folks Combination, writes: "After
a thorough trial ana convincing evi
dence, I am confident that Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, beats
'em all, and cures when everything else
fails. The greatest kindness I can do
my many thousand friends is to urge
them to try it." Free trial bottles at
F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. Regu
lar sizes 50c. and $1.00.
Do not fail to see S. & C. Mayer's im
mense stock of mens boys and children
suits and eycrcoafs before buying. They
have stock and low prices that are dis
lancing si! their competitors. tf
.Ia tbi8 the best!" Is a Question often
I asked, when medicine is wanted. The
I following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, sold by Fricke & Co.,
araggiain 01 iuis piace. 1 ney nave many
1 n . 1 , . .,
omer excellent meaicmes, out these are
worthy of especial mention
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famoui
far its cures of severe colds, and as a
for croup. Price 50e per
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a general
family liniment and especially valuable
for rheumatism. Price 50c per bottle.
Chamberlain's Co Tic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, the most reliable known
medicine tor Dowel complaints. It is
especially prized by persons subject to
colic. It his cured many cases ttf
chronic diarrhoea. Price 25 ond 50c per
St. P.ttaick's Pills, for disorders of the
liver and bowels. A vigorous but gen
tie physic that cleanes and renovates the
whole system. Price 25c per box.
Chamberlaiivs Eve and Skin Ointment
foi tetter, salt rheum, scald-head, eczema
and chronic sore eyes. Prico 25c per
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
W"hen she was u Child, she criej for Cattoria
When she hfeame Miss, r.he cVan to C.".stor3,
WIit she had Pi-ii.'.tf'ri. ? 'it- -av--t!un. C ' ri:.
What is
L" V r .mi
m (
Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing- Syrups, and Csi.stor OIL
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uho by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething; troubles, cures constipation and llatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent metlcino for chil
dren. Mothers liavo repeatedly told 1110 of its
good effect upon their children."
IR. G. C. Osooon,
Lowell, Mass.
Castoria la the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day isfiot
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and usa Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrumswhich aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opiu 111,
morphine, soothing syrup aud other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. Kinchelok,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, TT
Everything to Furnish irour Mouso.
Under Waterman's Opera House
You can buy of him cheap for pot cash or can Bcenrf. what you need to furnlili a cottage or'a
mansion on the INSTALLMENT PLAN.
Ajr:nt tor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine.
' lie largest and most complete stock to select from in Cass Couhty . Call and see me
Opera House Block
W. D. JONES. Proprietor.
Pleasure andO Short
Kept Heady.
Cor. 4th aud Vine
f.ime WISE & ROOT,
Carry the largest and best selected stock of fine
Shoulder Capes, Infants sacques Hoods and Wool goods
Children and Misses Hats .
Every department is overflowing with new goods which will be
to the Plattsmouth trade at unusually low prices.
The New Department
Whereing Tips are dyed and curled, and pinking
stamping will be neatly executed to order.
Main Street, opposite Hotel Kiley.
1 n
" Castoria in so well adapted to children thai
I recommend it as .superior to any prcaeripUon
known to uiu."
IT. A. ABenicn, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., llrooklyn, N. T.
"Our pliyslclajia in tho children's dejart
ment have siokeii highly of their ezierl
ence la their outside practice with ('astoria,
and although wo ordy have among our
medical supplies what is known, ax regular
products, yet we aro froo to confesH that th
merits of Caxtoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Imbfknraiit,
Botiton, Mass.
Allen C. Smith, Pres.,
Murray Street, New York City.
Drivev Always
i'l&ttsmouth, NeWaskn
Millinery Parlors,