WEEKLY HERALD; PLATTSMOUTH NEbRAaK.v NOVEMBER 13 ,1800 Highest of all in Leavening Power. 1 . v BSOl$JTEUf PURE Everybody Reads The Plattsffioufii OFFICIAL PAPER iOF'THE COUNTY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1M0. B. & M. Time Table. flOINr. WKHT OOINO K.AT S :b'i . ill. ...... .10 :J5 a. m 7 :41 p. 111. 10 :(I0 a. 111. 1C :li: it. in No 1 3 -;m a. hi Ni j 3 5 A p. in 4... . " 5 9:lra. 111 " 1: T 7 :15 ;i. m. " HI " a 6 :I5 p, in. " 12 . . .5 :J5 p. in. " 10 10 11 :ix) a. in. H :Ja a - in. Ir. A. Salisbury lmitlie em-limite rlj!it t iihc Or. Nteinnu'n I, oral A iick! lift !c Irr Hit- i'liiahiiS extraction of Twth in tliiNrlty. Offlrt- Korkmsoil Klor.k. 1. O. O. F. VASH f.ODCK. '. !... K. meets -v-ery Tueeday lii.Lht at their hull m titherald block. All Odd bellow are eonltaliy h:iled to attend when visttii.tr in t.'u' city. I out v 1aVih, N. C. .IliilN ( IIKV, See. C, A R. McCiinnihie I'oM. o. 4.1, mens every Satur day eveiiin;: at 7 :.'S0. in tlielrlial!, l.'eckwoixl Block. All visiting comrades are inviiel to meet with in. :. 1 Nile. Post Ailj. F. A. Hales, Poet Com. ranted AN ACTIVK ll(VK-T MAN at v .li!0 monthly if sii .table, w ii ! i:er- tiHiltien for advance, to repiesenr l eaKy i re rtjuiiHible New York lmiie. Alaiai'a'. i hivr, Lock io. l",sr, -N. Y. MTOItr OF SLAVERY DATS. BY MISS M. E. BR ADDON. you time your 7aco rrom mo wen nay your eyes refuse to meet those of the jnanjou 'would have murdorod !" Murdered !" exclaimed Gerald and Mortimer, while the women listened with white and terriiied faces to tho disclosures of the returned wanderer. "Yes, murdered. It is a foul word to ejeak beneath the broad blue sky, and in the sunlight of yonder heaven, but it is the word for all that." Silas Crar0'," cried Augustus Horton, have you no word to answer to all this? Can you Bit calmly there and hear these accusations? Speak, man, speak, and give your accuser the lie." 'He cannot V eald Philip Treverton, pointing to the lawyer. "Is that the at titude of a man who Is falsely accused? Look at him ; look at him crouching like a beaten hound beneath its master's whln." "Do not speak of hira," cried Gerald Iislie, Impetuously, "but explain this mystery. How is it that for a twelve, month you have disappeared from Hew Orleans, io return at this moment of ruin and despair?'' "1 will tell you," answered Philip Treverton : "and I call upon this man, "William Bowen, here, to bear witness of iny truth, and on yonder wretc h to cora tradlet me if he dare. Upwaid of a year go I was left by you with sum of one linndred thousand dollars in my hands the amount of the loan advanced to our firm by the usurer, Silas Craig. This wae to be repaid upon a certain date; that date fell about a month after your departure for I'ngland. I held the money more sacred than my life, and I laid it by in the strong box devoted to important documents." You did as I myself would have done," said Gerald I.enlie. I did; but I was by no means faultless. I was the victim of a vice which has brought dishonor upon men who never thought to blush before their lellow men I was a gamester! I de voted my days to business cheerfully, conscientiously ; but at night the demon of the dice-box lured me fiom my quiet home, and led mo to a secret garuing liousc in Columbia street s house known to all the gamblers of New Orleans, but whfcrh flourishes in bo d defiance of the law. I had known this house for years, and had been a constant guest at its un holy attars, but there wa one thing con cerning it that I did not know." "And that was ?' Its owner ! I did not know that Sila3 Craisr, the lawyer, that sanctimonious attorney whom men met every Sunday morning in the sacred temple of Heaven; I did not know that tiU man wa- the proprietor or that, earthly hell, the wretch that pandered in secret to the vices r.f his fellow-citizen-. I did not know this, and I did not know that the gaming house in Columbia stieet communicated Try a secret passage with the office of Kilas Craitj." ""Impossible!" exclaimed Augustus Dorton. 'Ay, the secret has been well kept; and it is a seertt that wan only to have been known to me when the hand of Death was on my lips to seal tbem to eternal s ibuee. lint the ways of Provi dence are inscrutable. The day arrived upon wliitrh our debt to this man became due. At twelve o'clock on that day I called, delivered to him the sum of one hundred thousand dollars in bills of ex change, and received his written ac knowledgement of the money. This done I left as light as a feather. A load was removed from my mind, and I de termined to spend a day of enjoyment. I dined with some friends at an hotel, und alter sitting late over the table, and -drinking a good deal of wine, we ad journed to the gambling-house In Colum .iia street." There was a brief pause; but Silas Craig never stirred from his abject atti ?wde, never attempted by either word or tre, to contradict tbfe speaker. dawl Cor anma b4a, but JUT IE OCT U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Pwdr ttie Daily Herald. friends were not tuoli inveterate game sters as myself and they grew weary of the demoniac fever. After persuading mo to quit the place with them, they at last lost patience with my folly and de parted, leaving me st ill at th fatal green cloth. It was by this time fur o'clock in the morning. I had drunk a great deal, and I had been losing money. My head was bewildered ; my brain dizzy, and my temper soured by my losses. The room was almost deserted, but btill I sat with my eyes llxed upon the came, madly endeu oring to retrieve my losses. At this crisis a great brawny fellow op posite to mo. a Frenchman, ventured to insult me. Tipsy as I was, I was in no humor to brook this, I sprung toward him to chnstitie his Insolence, and a fight ensued, in which I was getting the worst of It when one of the bystanders Interfered, and suggested that we should resort to small swords, and finish the business In a more gentlemanly manner." "It was a plot!" said Gerald Leslie. "It was I A villainous und foul plot, concocted by yonder stricken wretch, Stupefied and bewildered I let them do what they pleased with me, and I knew nothing of what happened tilt I found a duelling sword in my hand and snw that my adversary was armed in tho 6ame fashion. By this time tho room was en tirely deserted, except by my antagonist, tho other man, and myself. This other man tho same who had suggested our using swords opened a door in tho wall, atlcorwhich I had never before per ceived, and pu-hed mo into a long, dimlv lighted corridor, which was also strange to me. Tho door closed behind us, und we hurried along the corridor for some distance, until wo were stopped bv the stranger who had taken upon himself tho management of tho business. Ho placed us opposite to each other, put the swords Into our hands and gave us tho sicrnal to begin. I felt In a moment that I was a lost man. My head spun round. In the dim light I could scarcely see my adver sary's face, as tho lamps were so ar ranged that what light there was fell full upon mine. In vain I tried to parrv his thrusts. I had been twice wounded slightly in the shouldor. when the lights were suddenly extinguished and I felt tho sharp pang of a stab from a long and slender sword. "But this stnb did not come from my opponent. Although I lost conscious nets upon the moment of receiving the stroke, I knew that I was 6tabbed in the back." "Execrable traitors!" exclaimed Ger ald, Mortimer and Augustus. "When 1 recovered my senses I found myself in a lonely boat-house on the banks of the Mississippi, four mites from New Orleans. I was lying on a niattress and my wound hail been dressed by a surgeon ; but I was too feeble from loss of blood and the pain I had endured to utter a word or ask one question of the man seated by my 6ide." "You were not alone, then?" "No ! AViJliam Bowen, t he accomplice of Silas Craig, had repented of the hor rible work as soon as It was done ; and, under pretense of carrying my body to the river, had contrived to convey me to this lonely shed, which belonged to a friend of his." "Stop a bit, Mr. Treverton," inter rupted Vi!!iara; "when Mr. Craig set tled with mo . that we were to set that villainous Frenchman on to you, get up a duel, and rob you of the receipt for the hundred thousand dollars, it was agreed that you were to be attacked in fair fight, and that you wero not to be seri ously hurt. It was Mr. Silas Craig yon der who couldn't be content with this : it was he who turned out the gas in the thick of the tight, and stabbed you in the back, iou dropped down like a dead man ; but t he lawyer there was too great a coward to make sure whether you were really dead ; he dared not approach within a couple of yards of his victim. He told me to ransack your pockets, and secure the receipt; and then, assisted by the Frenchman tocarry the body to the river." "And you did so." "I did ; nut I contrived to get rid of the Frenchman as soon as we reached the quay and then, dropping my bleeding burden into a boat, I rowed down to the boat house, where I sought a surgeon to look at my patient. Mr. Treverton knows the rest " "I do, William,' answered Phit'p Tre verton ; "I know that you attended me faithfully and patiently; and that when I recovered, you assisted me to get oS to California, whence, after nearly a twelvemonths' toil, I return so rich a man as to be able to recompense the noble conductor ny old friend. Gerald Leslie. As for yonder wretch," he added, pointing to Craig, "defeat has fol lowed so utterly upon his career of crime that I doubt if the law can do much more to punish him. He will refund the hundred thousand dollars of which he has defrauded his victim." "I will," gasped the unhappy wretch, rising, and staggering toward the door; "I am rich ; take what you will. I shall leave New Orleans forever. He stopped suddenly, and passed his handkerchief across his lips : when he removed it, it was stained with patches of crimson. He had broken a blood-vessel? To be Continued.; Our Clubbing List. Jl. be - Democrat, ami H kkai.d $-J.wj. Hat jx i's Magazine - 4. tit) Harper's B izar " - 4.) Detnorrst's Magazine - :! 10 Omaha Hee " j 40 1 oledo Blade " " -J 4") Lincoln Call " " 2. 15 For Sale. A good bran new sewing ni'iehine at a bargain. Call nt the IIkram of fice, ikfewtf Bucklen's Arnica Salve Tuk Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or raonev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by F. G. Frickc & Co. PERSONAL. 1 Hird Critchflcld and wife arc in Omaha t--lay. A. YV. White went to Chicago yester day on business. Frank Courscy and wife are doing the metropolis today. O. II. Ballou is looking after Ins int erests in Omaha today. Miss Cagney will visit relatives and friends in Lincoln today. Hcrt Pollock is ttill quite low but is thought to be convalescent. Eddie Krocliler is gradually improving from his siege of typhoid fever. Peter Ellingson put up a neat yiiu yes'crday for the "Racket" store. Joseph Craig, from York county, is in town today, the guest of bis cousin, J. M. Craig. Charles Ilinklc and wife, and Mrs. James Pettcc were among the Omaha passengers this morning. Col. Connor will watch the Omaha markets todav, while Mrr. Connor visits friends in that city. Chief Archer and Fitzpntrick ar.; doing some good work today, flushing gutters and cleaning off the crossing?. O. L. Shuw of I'iwa went home this morning, after c f j Jays visit with his c nisin. Dr. Humphrey, Miss Minnie Ilouseworh and little nephew Walter, from Lincoln, are in the city for a few days visit at the home of G. F. llouseworth, 421 north 5th street. J Assaulted. Philiji Eidemiller, better known by his old time name of Philip tho Snipe Shoot er. has been living at the poor house for some time. Today he and a companion by the nameof Fred Fedora jumped on to Mr. Sampson, the keeper of Cass County's home for the indigent poor, and used him up pretty badly. Mr. Sampson telephoned down to the clerk's office to com missioner Todd to have the belligerents arrested, as they had started for town. Mr. Todd hunted up Constable Kroehler who caught then: as they were entering the outer gates of the city and brought them before Judge Ramsey where they were arranged on charge of assault and battery. They will languish in the hos tile until tomorrow when they will have a hearing. Miss Grant is now prepared to give lcasons on the piano. She can be found at 811 Locust strear, next door to the Christian church. dtf Fine artistic cabinet photos, &9 cents per dozen, at Ilurd Bros' art studio, coiner Granite street and Chicago Ave . Platrsmouth, Nttbr. dtf O. A. Hirsch his the reputation o being a hustler aud also has the fines barber shop in the city. Go and see hi fine line of flowers that lie has added to his barber shop. tf When you want a stove call on Boeck & Walker, they sell the Garland. tf Do not fail to see S. & C. Mayer's im mense stock of mens bos and childrens suits aud oyercoats before buying. They have stock and low prices that are dis tancing all their competitors. tf C. E. Kimball, who ha9 been condur tor on the 13. & M. for several years, has purchased the restarant formerly own d by Jack Denson and has termed it th f alace Kesturant, and is now prepar ed to give board by the day or wek. He will give you more and belter meals for the money than any other house in t ho city. Come one, come all, both great and small. The boys branch of the Y. M. C. A gave a yery pleasant entertainment last evening at the parlors of that organiza tion. The attendance was not what the merits of the program deserved, yet a fair crowd was well pleased with the ex ercises as well as with the ample evi dence that the boys' branch were per forming a most excellent work in this city, both for themselves and the public good. S. He C. -ilaver s increased sales over all previous years are evidences of good will and justice between dealer and pa trons. Call and sec their large stock and low prices. tf Hurd Bros, Artists of long experience, from Kansas City, have located in our town and will make cabinet photos for 9!l cents per dozen, tor a short time. Call and s.ee them. Corner of Granite street and Ciiicago Avenue, Platt-mouth, Nebi dtf. Legal Notice. JN I:STKICT COCKT, CASS. CO. SEP., Elizabeth Olson I vs V ChasOleson ) The deleiidant w ill take liolie? that Nov. 12. 1SH0. plaint iff filed her petition in the District .urt in and for Cass Co. asrainst the defend ant, t he object and prayer of hich is toob iaiu a divorce from defendart. on the ground of desertion, and for the custody of thfir child. Erick Andrew Olson. aod general relief. That unless defendant answers said petition on or before Dec 29. 1890. the allegations ic said petition will be taken as true and the prayer of Ietitioner . e granted . Ei.t.A B n i ii Olso'. By V. b. Browne, atty. An Oyster Supper. The Helper's society of the Christian church will give an oyster" supper at Rockwood Hall Thursday eyening. All are invited. dtf Wantk' Borne old rags at thin ollice, SCROFULOUS SORES. From Head to Waist a Mass of DIs eas. FufTerlnst Terrible Cured by Cutlcurl Remedies. I was covered wltn jerofulo nore from my head to my wuNt Milleiinn mo that I e id not sleep lights unit could l-edowii only wiili II I'iwm niuiei my ainiH. My head was ro sore that, I c. lib nt wear a hat ; him! li- n.a tann er. I could not ,'! hare In ailed ho I wore a vviy soft, handkerchief unmv head. In laer. I was a di'titistniK si-lit to others and t n iii self Af ter docforim; for si x yeai h wnhllie he-i tdiy sicians !n Ho- coim r ami cti win i r e a 1 lfi ti"c. 1 hao i, rp ill tepe o! noting wellwfieul naw j i:i rricrni ItKMM'l Hs adveriis"i and pu cii eil a set alt'iouv!i i:?' lillle fa it 11 in tlieui Die first ft however nid in i such a vast an o i it T ( k oil t-i:.t 1 coiitimu A t heir Use. and i nw after ii-in kfour crls, 1 am happy to say. tl'at I am e- tueiy em id. At y of tlie iromii.cnt Imi-i-e s in n and la-inn s in and around I'lamlie d will iiidoi -e in , sloi v. lihllKCK A, 111-INSKl.MAN, ninlitld III. ( U:T( URA KLMLZUItt. KlliKii'K Words from grateful heart tell the story of reat physical Miffei inn ef mental Mif.ui-h liy ie;.son ol iiuitiiliatin i islliu at ini.s and of tliieflened d'.inuets hapfily anil cpeed i:y ended, by the Hiii i ka Ukmkimks, the 1 crealest skin eurc . blood pm it'icrs ai;d humor I remedies the w.nld has ever known, t'lrricr HA It K. solvit. NT I !l.' Iic.v Moo ! a m I sk i .1 n : i -fitr and L'leat nt of luinior remedies' cleanes uie ulood o! "II buiiuiilies and noit-oiioes elemei.ts, juiiI thiiM relie ves l lie i' msk while t I 'l l- i'ka, the g ai (.kill core, a:ni ('ut:;i k S A p. an i xouisit skin l 'iiiitiiier. rle. the skin Kid H'-alp and lesion- tne li.iir. Hence the CUTIiTHA liKMKj.irs ' Hie eveiy Miecies of I'oiiiii K. h (tir;iai in. i n-it i nr. Ii.u n'i.:, caly itul iimtiv dis'-.tHcs of tin sk.n. nc-ile. and blood, with ! of hair, und all hemor-. blot ches, erupt inn, sores, e;ili's. and crusts. whether simple, (-cpdnloiif , or eoetanioi-s, when i he he t t!i siciars and all wlh.-r leine- (li's fall. Ciatefnl tct 'inotdals prove t!: te .statements in hi iv particular. "old eveivwhetc. Ii i.e Vm in A. rec SeAf irc. K?.oi.v.;nt,1. i rrpaied bv the I'on ku ItHlii AMI I'llhJiirA:. oiM'okAT1n , liosloii i YSeinl t"r " 'low 1 1 Cnre Skin Diseases." il padres, TA) ill ust ral ioi.n. ami Iimi test i mo ma's. PI M I'I-'"S. l)'a'k-h"aU. re.i. iottj;li, rh;ip)ied oiiy hkin cured by Vl 1 sri'KA miai-. ? VV P,n. !-r Painful Rcinlrs iNlf? Kil"e at:l t P litie Pair s. ::;,d Weak- n lo-sst'H M'lu'veii iii one ii 1 1 ii n 1 1- !i ; .he a i.imcura Anii-Kain - laster, V tl:e liivt anil nmv :r.!n kili.i. Sliciiirtlienin pl ister. new. Instaiitaiieoiis. in laliible. Probate Notice. Til": M MTK'f - IliK KSTA'iK til? JOHN" OM I'll ". Deceased In the County Court of ('ass county. N'eb, Notice is hereby ivea thr.t ria I.loyd. ex ecutrix of the est -.tie of the said John i .t .n riecea-el. ban o a!e a pni.e:i I ion tor fi,,;ll K, Ltje men!, and that .atll cause j. t't )';: heaiin at my oliiee at riali.-iii.iiuh. on the L'tth day of November A . . lf-"ii. al 10 oVlo-k a m. on said day : at which time and p.ac. all persons interested mny he pr. sent aud examine said accounts. . KAM-fV. "oimty Jitd'e. evemher Til h IS1K1 "t I'lal turnout h. Neb Notice of Probate of WW I 'HE M A l l K V O : ' 1 1 1 K 7. ST W I b I. A 1 ) F esta.iieiu n rara.!l ... i;ut;cr. (l.-ec;.seil InCoiiiityCoui", Cass county, Nebraska. notice is nrifiiv triveti tivf on the firt div nrtln..a..ilmr A I I .. .1. ... . ' "' i ' o" i- Mirjtv pluses ollice in I'laMs.i oi.fh. ( ass c. tiily, '-ehraska at lOo'cloek in the f,r-noin. the fnwir. tr matter wi'i be heard an..' ctisiderw) : j 1 he ati lie itiua filarial. Putter am! Marr Kratik H:iilr ti abni' : i probate tlm last wiil hji'! r. s anient ol s.iiali A liutl r l.ne of miiu. boroitsh in the countv i f lii'lshoroiv.i. u oi .-ev itan s iire 'ceaPit and r ifl etters tes tametitaty to said .Maria b. IlutJerand Marv rraiiK ni'ier. Dated I'lattsmont Ii V- v. 7. iS'iO By order of the court, ,i s. Kamskv Ciunty Jsidxe. Legai Notice. vr. S. E. Head. .Mrs. Sarah M C'arv, Mrs :i;y Howes. 1. '. Cms w :i i t . I. It. ' Cross - '. Theodore D. E-ueti Eredeiiek Eaton i-1 ineis S. Eaton, Thomas H. Cordon. J. j ii.x'.Tisend, Elb a Smith, .loscph Smith. v'". Meiiiiiin. i t K. Ale'a'ilr lie rjre t. SeyholY Ihe tiii'nwu heirs of Jnecph Tiiroek mort.-Mi deceased- 1 he. unknown heirs of Abij-h Ci-irif deceased, in" unknown h-irs of I-ih i'.i Ueas ley de M the unknown I eirs of A tfred H.Town semi, de-er-s tl. wi'l tak- n.tr.i'-e that on the 2nth il.tv of Sejitemher 1 S. . iiliam II. Shafer piainnn n-:ei-i nin li s pe.-ltion in 'he disrriet c.-urt of Cass e-u-Mv erasl. a K...,st s;,id defendant and olher res dent defendant' ini ji'caded with thea'-ov" iiamed defendants the object and prayer of wh cli ar to foreclose a uix lien on tots a. i loci; 21 tots I. p. lo a-id 11 in niocii . -Hd io;: 3, c. and :i in hlo k 222 i in me city 01 iiatti i tn '' "ss county, N b'askaandto li-.v adj d;-ed bv "ahf court that the to to or ' 00 s;iid nv'-mtscs of e fend;:nts :s in'eiior am! jut. 'or 10 plaintiffs tax and lo h-iv -'d iie:iii"MS sold to s .tisfv plai d ff - ia:il lax lien. You are required 10 mn-.wfr said -.eti'o'J on o-he oreM intay the 22 d day of December 1SWI .1 M H. SHAKEIl. B hi- afrornuvo, liccson & I.'o.it. Dated Nove:i;ber llth 1SLK). (8S&l((W.NintitSt.,KANSASCjTY,MG1 Tho cvly Specialist la tho City who ia a RfgTilax Graduate in Medicine. Over 23 years' Practice, 13 years in Chicago. THE OLDEST IN ACE, AND LONCEST LOCATED Authorized by the State to trent Ohrooio, Nervotw nd "Special lis- cowa,' bminal Henkimt (SIGHT losses), beiaal lX)bi!it7 (ixiks or BKXOAI. POWER), Nerrous Ubilrty, Poisoned Blood. rTlcersiaiid SwlfliiDca of every kind, and Urinary DiseaftR. Cares eaaranteed or money reioudo'l Charaea low. Thoanandn of DflM9 tared. Experience is important. All medicines ore guaranteed to be pore and effiicacions, bin cf)ir pourxl5d in my perfectly appointed laboratory, nn.l are famished ready for one. No running to djti3 itorGtt to have uncertain prescriptions filled. "S'j merenry or Injurious chemicals nxed. No detention 1rom busineMi. Patients at a distanoe treated by 'otter and expreee, medicines sent everywhere fr?i from gaze or breakage. 8tate onr case Rnd eonJ. for terms. Consultation free and ooniidontial, ner fionaliy or by letter. A 64 pnee D f If For Both Sexes. n-nt illustrated aw J IV sealed in plain ecveloj'O for Sc. in etamps. Every male from the age of. 15 toiiBhould read this book. mm THE GREAT TURKISH RHEUMATIC CURE. POSITIVE CURESL JorKHETJJCATISKE. SSOforany rasetiii" treat mnt fila to cnre or 1 n. (irptiitartt discovnrv in annnlit of medicine. One dose Riverelief;rV23r P54 a fow dn-ea removes twzr and ruin VS i in joints. Cnr compJetcd iji5ro 7 SmsIa :'4 drrs. bend statement of caso vrith stoorp iorc.S. calars. Call, or address CR. HEKDERSON, I C9 W.STHST.,K.NSASCiTYtMa. SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE PRICES ATLAS ENGINE f WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, UiD. Subscriiiti tor the Daily Ukrald, de irered to all parts of the cit j for 15 ents per week. M i I r '''"I !.; 1 '" pyi 1 BARGAINS! F' FECIAL LOW PRICES IN ) I I S I II II A M A J V V S JL W ) . AS WE bought our Lecther and Rubber goods before tho advance of IO per cent, and shall continue to close them out at the usual LOW PRICES, be sure and consult your interest and call and get prices before you buy elsewhere. W. A. BOECK & CO. The intrinsic value and real worth of tho American dolh: is niuch greater at the c C3 than any other place where goods are exchanged for money fXext door east of poet office; WW. 1 Tt'Sii Ijiiiisi J. 1). GRAVES & CO. DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATH, SASH. DOOKS. BLIND Call and sec us at the llth and Elm street, north of Heisei's mill. Leave your the HEBAIiD JOB - BARGAINS! T T T ( O "-s. I 1 I 1 M k) 1 X. V V J J k J J ir I I and all building material corner of one hlocliii orders with for your