Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 13, 1890, Image 4

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    (express stables
"Work, horses in the city arc worth three
timr-s as much as country horses because we
blanket them in the stable."
FREE Get from your dealer free, the
sa IJook. It him handsome pictures and
valuable information ahont horses.
Two or three dollars for a 5a Horse
lilanket will make your horse worth more
and eat loss to keep warm.
5A Five Mile
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric
5A Extra Test
30 other styles at prices to Bint every
body. Jf yon can't get them from your
dealer, write us.
Ask for
District Court adjourned to Dec. 20tb.
Tic kets nrc going fast for the G. A. li.
f:ur. (Jet them in time.
II. J. rttreijMit Esq. is attending to
liu-iiuss iu the metropolis today.
J. D. Graves of Denklenian, brother of
tin- (Jiuves boys here, was fleeted county
ittuiney out in Dundy county with
H it tori u cj majority.
Unless more cure be jjiven the hair the
coining man is liable to be u hairless an
imal; h nce to prevent the hair from
falling use Hall's Hair renewer.
The Elm wod Echo eloquently re
marks tint the war is over and peace re
stored; business reassumin its naturil
The ctrtificuteti of election of all coun
ty officials are being sent out today by
County Clerk Critchfkld.
The boys who took the bell dapper
from the Methodist church are known,
if they w ill return it at once no questions
will be asked.
The Hh;hau is the only paper in the
county that prints a complete and abso
lutely correct table of the vote cast at
the last election in Can county.
Tiie pnsents fur the G. A. Ii. fair urea
su1 pi ise to the managers of that cnter
pri.M', and before the IHtii arrives every
ticket of th-j 000 issued wi 1 have been
The police Judges and maishals le.mrt
cause and the haliitation breathing easier. B,.lt -ivr.o n i , ,
n fellow Ih.oU cxiici tea as lines lor tne
A Mr. I'adgett h is joined forces with mouth of October, which i.s known in
Charley Graves ami unitedly they expect police ciicbs a an exceedingly dry-
to make the Union Ledger all that the mouth,
villagers of Union may
k53 Si H 1 SSd a vri
20 other styles 5-A Nets, price" ,o r -". all
Wm. A vit es & Sons, l'ne, .uiiz aiA.
bold by all .-n:. - -
J-'l'Olll X' ll.MV'f i.'Hilj
Goyernoi- Thayer ii.i-- i-si.'.l iii- proc
lamation, d-siiruii! in;.' Thuis.l IV. Novem
ber 27th, as Thaiiksfyivin day, as follows-
;- To THK I'KDl-I.K ! II!! . M '.'I "X !' N K
I;H.?K A :
The time is dmwhi'jr m-ar -a !e n. in ;:e
rordance w ith a ;n t n ; vi i r..- . :i- to;u,
the people are uixitc t ::ss-:-m!c- l nrenstome! u!:e- - ol r-li!':ous
worship for the purpos-i "t .,h;imi uy.
their homage and gratitmU: to the Unie
of the universe for His i.nnifold ble-s
Xow, therefore, 1. .Uuui M. I nayer.
.rnvcrmir of the state of Ncbra-Ka. do
issue this, mv proclamation, in-signaling
Thursday, the Tth day of the present
mouth, in the year of o'.ir Lord, om
thousand eight hundred and ninety, ns a
ilay of thanksgiving and j.raise to tiie
Most High. I trust that the people of
thi-i commonwealth will on that day
cease from their usual avocations and
gathering in the sanctuaries, oiler up de
vout thanks and songs of praise and in
voke the of His blessings.
Let me most earnestly entreat all on
that day especially to remember the poor
iid needv and to give to them of their
abundance, and thus make their hearts
glad, remembering that it is more blessed
to give thin to receive.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused to be affixed the
great seal of the state. Dene at Lincoln
this fith day of November, in the year of
our Lord, one tliousand eight hundred
and ninety, of the state the twenty-fourth
and of the independence of the United
States thu one hundredth and fifteenth.
15? the governor: John M. Tiiavek.
Bkn Cowdkky, Secretary of State.
t5oth air and water abo'und in microbe
or germs of disease, ready to infect the
de (iliated syste To impart that
strength an 1 vigor necessary to resist
the effect of these pernicious atoms, no
tonic blood -purifier equals Ayers Sarsap
arilla. Dr. Keniston, an old time citizen of
this county and for many years a resident
of Elniwood, but lately of Keyapaha
county, has sold his preperty in that part
of tiie state and will remove soon to Ten
iiussee where he expects to hereafter
The combination of ingredient found
in Ayer's pills renders them tonic and
curative as well as cathartic. For this
reason they are the best medicine for
Y 1). M sseisiiiith, one of the li. co
M'sold stundbys iu the yards has been
laid up with rheumatim, he is able to he
out auin and will go to work in a few
days. Mr. and Mrs. Julius I'eppenxrg ate
getting settled in their new home on
Elm street near F. E. Whites. Their
residence is one of the nicest and most
convenient in the city,
Jack Dcnson is out in a line suit of
blue and Johnny Fitpatrick has left his
order with the tailor ior a tirst class out
fit. Tiie council last, niilit arranged to
buy the boys a cap, bdt and c lub, and
il they don't appear as stunners iu a few
days, we miss our gue.-s.
Kob'-rt Iiiley, Johannes Peterson ami
Maurice Turney came iu oil' the farm to
people of costive habit, as they restore rcst UI'- They spent all ti.eir money fui
Omaha and Liverpool join hand in
celebrating thu recent lio-cnlled demo
cratic victory. The English appearing
dude that edits tha World Herald ought
to have arranged for :i few cablegrams
of conTatul atinns from the other ide,
'.oiitcher know" it would have been a
great hit.
Tut: old man of the Journal apolo
g Z"s to Mr. Lemasters and suggests that
t;c reason democrats did r.ot d.'t t him
was his iii difference as to the nomina
tions at V.d.a-.h. Jd.! JlicClintic was
put up to drop, ut at the I li. Kami's
sngg. !;.. u, in; proved a stayer. That,
and democratic interests in J'lattsinuulh,
kepr .Mc(.'!iiitie on the track and preeiit
e i 1 1 J.m:;iil Ironi ojienly pou-sing
his enue, as the so called editor of that
sheet secietly did.
can't find something for which to Hay, "I
thank Thee, oh God. One girl has that
greatest of all blessings-good health;
another, the blessings of a bright, happy
home; another, though kh- li.-s ..ti an
invalid's couth, the biasing of - mslon
and the consi d --ration of th,,,- UM) K,,.
r inuunesi. Om- Is gl.,d b. r,;t;v.. nil h
A. I 1 A .
worn linger i u ,, j.. ,i
slie has l.ect in,, mit i , m
heart; and nun! f, r js L.ltt
1 . . .
atnt trowob.s .,-e
.n. 'I .- I or y , ,i
are f;dl ol m r. o , ... d
tear, lo t,-.- i
ei;:..;- on I,, r
I lug t!(it m. UV.t
i'i .! 'ineb. id v's
id b.-ciuse wnrrv
allcved up in
l . 1 1 will do
' u 1 1 . ; i urn Ik arts
".'! ; y - sciv veil h
d tli it the ilalnls
Tin-; Loudon Times has proudly i.orni
uated (iroyer CJevelaad for ji . .ii"i.r in
ls'J.'. Tins means ihiti.-h gold will
be poured out for him in pr.ierc.-i; e to
any oiuei nun uu ijiigii.-u a'".Uois on
this side can name. .Mr. Hill should
cultivate tiie good will of L ndon, Liv
crp .d and M ancii'-sLer and thereby uii-di-rtnine
Mr. Cleveland in his greatest
str-.nghoM, jf lie cares for the democratic
noiniiiati ' ::' ;
unstied t-;u, i. i,-,
must be bu.-y ami the nm-t I i-t w ,ik
if .... -i i .. i .
- on , nanKsg.ving Day yu (:il ,J0
nothing c!m... ilan ,,ct down on your
knees ami thank Gud for work. It is
the best gift that out of Hi plenty he
can offer you.- Ruth Ashmorc, in Ladies'
lion;:.' Journal.
A Serious Fall.
Gid Archer, brother of the city mar
shall, had a very serious fall Friday night
about eleven o'clock, might easily
have been much worse than it was. Gid
had been working on the Rock Island
grade near South Omaha and was re
tiirniii.r from that citv to camp, when he
drove over a bank, falling, team and all
vrr 9fi feet. One ot the Horses was
killed- Gid sustained serious bruises and
fractured his right leg in two places
He laid there on the prairie two hours
before he was taken up and cared for.
suffering excruciatingly from the frac
tures. He was brought home on
stretcher Saturday night and is resting
as comfortably as could be expected at
his father's residence in this city.
the natural action of the bowels, without
Coi. Lew Ginger, the enterprising
manager of the G. A. II. fair, went to
Omaha Saturday and secured from Mr.
Jno. Francis of the li. & M., a special
train for Farragut Post of Lincoln to
visit Plattsmouth on the opening night.
Nov. Jsth.
Jesse L. Root received official notice
from th 2 supreme court today of his ap
pointment as referee to take testimony
and report his findings of facts to the
suoi eme court iu the case of State of Xe-
i r r..f ci i snip or tne ciuo are
oi.iaikct v.v ill V'liaa. v-f. uaLgo v . ijl uuui
budge and in an effort to paint the town
were run in by the police. Judge Arch, r
called it a plain elruhk, titled the hoys
and ceists, s they could nut. pay,
they were sent to jail.
The wintL-r ev nings are 'jrcv. iwr
longer, and to while away the time
pleasantly a number of the beiys havb or
ganized a cio.b nnd fitted up th:; eiouble
jurlorsiii the Riley block at the corner
of Sixth and Pearl streets iu elegant
style Tiie club entertains its invited
guests with music and ail the popular
games extant. The officers and member-
as follows: C.
Can.wi v !.
em 1 gJ. ii.'
ilu' y em ci !''.-' :
knees begging
: ". e . r expeirt d utievs
1 i; '. i wu t lie exi.oit
: . - !..i;o, Cuba i.s on her
for a new ck-al with this
country, and several South American
re-publics are getting ready to acce pt the
terms upon which reciprocity is ofL reil
as s vm ;s tln-y cm get their hou-es in And yet the tuiff taw carrying
the e i iiise regulating ria iprocity has been
n fo'-ee jnt eno incntii t'niay. A pretty
good st.-.rt, is it not?- State Journal.
Tnr. nliiane-c democrats made no mis
take Whe th-y plumped fer liry ui ior
congress. The republican-; wi,J vot,.(
for mm pr'.a.-s did. That garrulous
tariff refotmer, whci skinned, is notion-'
more u,r b,.s than a bitter partisan dem"
oerat who, if the tiemocratie caucus or
ders, will vote for Jireckiuridge of Ar
kan-is for Speaker just as cheerfully as
he would for the distinguished Mc-
,U'",M"' wo come te think of it,
the IImmi.i. would be; in favor of lire ck
inri.lgu forSj.eaker. The northern dem
ocratic .lough face press is announcing
"another solid south" as the grandest
le-aruie ol the el
Thk Journal bring thej dole ful news
that certuin canne d goeids haye ine reaHOil
largely iu price on account of the tariff
which the Mclvinlry bill placca on tin.
Nof the necessity for elemocatic journals
e oiitieiiing to 1 about the tariff is not
app.uei.t. At -vtit fhe duty on tin
plate li e ii. I. . i, i-,. i-ed ( -u Ff penny,
tlietaljli I-...,.! i, vv.'i , i W ! a Ve ir ago,
i;.il it w; .,.,( i,. 1 1 ii-i ion tii-.iher until
Ji. VU'.M, !:. I';.- 1 1 ii pl.,te e;ia!ihu iu
Hie .U Kil.lev blil V.i;i go i;(., cfr.Tt.
And aft-rilie n w ((ill I. oi.n- the-
law, the- e lb e t the laiitf, t iking the
most m f.-. eiia b- view ..f ir, will
be bin I., u sm-ill a fraction of in
en as-); r toe inned goods that fhe:
pioli:.s(,i th - wholesale! man and maim
fae turcr alone will have to suffer, as the
amount wou'd be insignificant except in
the aggre-gat'-.
Rome! of District ZSTo. 72 of Cass county,
The last will and testament of Jos. V.
Weckbach admitted to probate. The
will gives all the property, both real and
personal to Mrs. J. V. Weckbach during
her life, and at her death to go to all the
children of deceased equally. Airs.
Weckbach was made executrix and Chas.
Weckbach executor, tiie two to act
The star of Bethlehem which was visi
ble at the birth of Christ, and which can
Richey, Pres.; Elmer Cole, Vico-Pres.";
Eel Dutton, Treas.; John Sehuloff, Sec'y.
Charley Vallery, Sm Patterson, Will.e
flyers, Frank Iiichey, Robt. Hayes,
Frank Irish, Frank Johnson, Jno Yuu"
'I in: F. eiiioid Tribune is net feeling
eil. Aft'-r pouring boiling r;il all over
"il:. Rose w;.ter fur playing into t!:e
h mils of the enemies of the republican
ticket, it savs in an unpleasant, raspin"-
wav: "If lichards had genie to Omaha
a-id elruiik as a boiied ov.l he would
h iye; i un much better there than he did;
or he miut, have lL;en hauled ia at the
Diamond gambling den by the potiee
and carted df to j -.d, and. therebj gained
a few tiieiusaiid votv.s of tiie sturdy Oma
ha citiz-.ns. "i his thing of being decent
is such a novelty in politics that people
a -e afiaid to risk it."
Taiu.i: Talk for November is on hand
to itheer the iiody with its pleasing prcs-
A. V. Rurk, Dick Grimes, Nels Murray, ence and delicious contents. Among
and J; rank Morgan compose the member- the many good things to be found in
ship. The cosy rooms, well furnished, this number, that will deeply interest
without doubt will prove a pleasant the housewife, i.s a Thanksgiving dinner
place tor the members to spend the eve- prepared by its editor, Mrs. S. T. Rorer.
iiwja, iR-ic mcy can reaei, irtlK politics
or take a hanel at high five.
whoso fame for gooel dishes is world
wide. Mrs. Rorer gives three bills of
fare, with quantities fer twelve persons,
and tells you how to make everything
the menu calls for. Thanksgiving, of
Card of Thanks.
We desire to expaess through the col-
only be seen every 315 years, can bo umns of your paper, our heart felt thanks
seen every evening at 8 o clock. It ap for the sympathy and assistance rendered Un in th.- .r i, th.. n,. t., lift
pears just a little south of east and is a by the many kind friends and neighbors you from the burdens ot care and trials,
vcjr utui..ui n..u u, ie at tne time ot our sad bereavement and and we advise our ladv readets to .secure
1 t t1 j. i 1.1 J I . I
oniy oe visioie aoout two raonuis ana aiso to the brother masons for their kind this number of Table Talk. 10 cents a
those who do not see it this summer will assistance and regards shown towards number, id. CO a vear. Tallk Talk
be denied that pleasure unless, however, our loved one.
tnc-y iive over three centuries. r.x. Mli3 E- jL Wisteksteks.
Fred Gorder has just received a pic
ture showing a farmar mounted on a
bieirlft with immnkins for wheels male- i-'censc to wed issued to Mr. John
...J. , L
ing the dust fly along the highway as he A' "eu S-u ana .uiss ueiia cimk,
rushes towards the White House, which
a year.
Publishing Co., lo'17 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
County Court.
License to wed issued to
noticed temptingly near. Grover
Cleveland is seen crawling up a spout,
while the republican leader is crawling
in a horn. Jbre:l thinks the r aimers
Alliance is a winner and he and Judge
Archer are talking of organizing an al-
ance here.
aged 37.
Ella C. Shiverick et al vs. Charles M.
Dinsmcre et al. Suit on nromissorv
notes. Answer by December 1st. 181)0.
W. L. Browne for plaintiffs.
Christian Wohlfarth vs. Hermann
Ludwig. Suit on nceemnr. Hearing
Nov. 17, 10 a. m.
Tm-: atone time great and arrogant
sugar trust is now in the hands ed" a re
reiver appointed by order of p. court
winch has declared its existence illegal,
snd appointed him to wind up its afinirs.
The quotation of its shares at GO means
that Wall street understands the law and
has no faith in the sugar trusc ever aoain
be'ng able to earn a dividend. The as
setts of the company are such that 50
Rauth Patterson. At the home ef the
briele's parents, four miles west of
Murray, on November 9th, 1800, at 3
o'clock p. m., Mr. John C. Rauth and
"Miss Bertha M. Batterson, Judge Ramsey
According to Prof. Foster's pre-dic-tions
November will be a very stormy
month. He predicts storms east anil
south aud bli'zards in the northwest.
The storm period began Wednesday,
and continues until the ninth, after which
there will be a few days of tine weather,
to be followed by more severe storms te
the 25th. The month of December, he
says, will be one of the'pleasautest of the
year. So far Mr. Foster has hit pretty
near the truth and "his predictions are
therefore considered very reliable.
Mrs. McElwain and her sister, Mrs.
Etb?idge of Greenwood, re turned home
last week from a pleasant visit with rel
atives in northern Texas.
cents on the dollar will doubtless be re
alized out of a sale or a distribution of it.
Thurston's Opinion. TnE difference between republican and It is very clear, v,e mav say with conti-
Judge Thurston was interviewed in democratic methods is well illustrated donee, that the days of the sugar trust
Chicago yesterday and said, referring to in the remark of Congressman Brecken- are numbered and that its receiver was
the influence of the McKinley bill upon ridge, that his party will have to wait demanded before the defeat of the re
the result: uatil the elections of next fall are over publicm party at the recent election.
' The natural tendency of prices of all before they know what it will be wise Now if the Standard Oil and n few
products was upward, among wnicn can for the democratic house to do. The re- ether unholy combinations were made
be named boots and shoes, iron, lumber publican congress picked out what it to disgorge it would b j hailed with
and other commodities, although the tax considered the best course for the good delight by the country,
was reduced upon these and otlier things. Qf the country and proceeded to carrv
We struck a risinEr market with the uss- nnt iniii.i roi,. t A I The English, French and German
- i - j n-uiuiwo j l its e ii e e L i
sage ol the McKinley bill and all this is upon the elections to follow within a few newiT2I'ers are delighted with the to
laid to it." weeks of the adjournment. This does thc-m apparent downfall of the repubii
Judge Thurston thinks Nebraska and not mean that the reimhlirpn -;n can Prry. They construe it, that it
ave;ry other western state will go repub- tempt to legislate in defiance of the means t!,e downfall of American manu
lican in 1892. "I think," said he, "there wishes of the voters cf the country. It facturers an European control of our
will be a revival ot stalwar isrn in tne means that thev b.ivf th p ;,-e.-. t .o., markets, anu iu mem it means cneap
labor in America, a thing very earnestly
desired bv all the tottering monarchies
of Europe. As
them more trouble than the unrest and
complaints of their underpaid subjects;
as the workingman compares what his
brother workingman receives for his
days work in America with the result of
his own labors. The wage question is a
serious menace to the perpetuity of for
eign kingdoms. Hence the importance
of their joining hands with a political
party which every fair, intelligent, dis
interested party knows means lower
wages in this country.
emocratic victory thev
are celebrating, ami we rather guess it
is. Iu keeping with the progress o the
democratic party let ;:s l,;lVe Breckin
ridge f,,r Speaker.
It is too bud our democratic fii ends in
the; "east end" made the Lemasti rs mis
take. They intended to land a democrat I
m u:e state senate from old Cass and it
would have looke d -real rocky," to use
the appropriate slang pliray,., had they
voted .Senator Thomas under the political
-sod in this city by electing the alliance
demrifmta t,-l. i i-
, ,w.ui lepuoiicans were voting
Hon. Frank E. White into the house, on
purely sectional grounds. o the iob
was relegated to Rock Bluffs and the
outlaying democratic precincts. Win ,,
the democrats plumped for Lemasters
under the belief that he was the
democrat, the job miscarried. "R is tern
bad," in the language of an honest
Plattsmouth precinct democrat, that
maae the mistake." Senator Thomas
nn thank the IIeuald for its miscarriage
however, had we not panched the demo
crat machine ef fh;a ;f i .
V...J niiujML eiauy
and kept the fact before Mr. McClintic,
and our republicans that the cut ami
dried program waa to quietly let him
drop, Lemasters would be the senator
today, and just as good a democrat as
either, Messrs. White or Shryock. Sena
tor Thomas is the result of a democratic
blunder, that is all there is about it.
Loko NAi.iMit'itv, the English premier,
at the the Lord Mayor's banque t the
othe-r e vening in London, s eiel among
other things that:
"The McKinley tariff , America
w ould .jLiiainly ailed sonic portion of
British comm. ice. Free traders couhl
rejoice in the result of the recent Ameri
can elections as a protest against the
savage anil selfish protectionism, but
conclusions must not bo rashly drawn.
The prospe-Ct of nrohibiti ve turlfla nmut
still be faceel. England had ne 'retalia
tory tariff se hemi-s. The premier ex
presseil the opinion t hat the passage of
an eight hour law would result in giv ng
victory in competition to other countries
u lu re the labor situation was not cm-
barrasseel by sued b-gislation. The gov
ernment wouhl not interfere iu tho
pending labor disputes, which, it wan
believed, wouhl linully aeljust themselves.
A I. rinse is a contusion; swelling nre In; cuts iin.i u are; alllte elin
turbiiiiees t nnliirnl action, throueh which
tiie veins nr -1.k'-'1. eire-ulaliou imdl,
runxcMioii K.-tH in nnd ;ainH ensue. Nature ia
lni).ntieiit it tries to rinlit itself and pain Jn-U-iisiiies.
Urnise-K and swelling ne.-e.l a nooth
in iiilluenc, hut in out and wounds heirdlr
anyone would j.our a liquid remedy Into a
gaping wound, to soon aa nature hringa
iu parts logeiuer, anuobt at once.
:luars away
o 1 8 t r ii c-
tf.niM linula
ine injured tissues and restores.
Uted iiecordiiitf to elirections, it
m-ipa iiHiiirc- ain r-ires
' the Injured tissues am
L'ted iiecordiriK- to elire
helns nsturp
Mr. Jxiuis Kush, 49 Preston Street, Detroit,
Mich., Bays: "riie-hlnjj hull I groined arid
truised my arm; two applications of Ut. Jacobs
Oil cured rue."
Mr. Gustav Nauwald, Jr. (Tlvyrlalc), Fred
encksbiirir, 'Jexus, writes, August 20, l8H: "I
Was baelly cut with aeeythe; half bottle St.
Jacobs Oil cured me." It CjJ RES.
THE CHARLES 4. V0GELER CO., Baltimore, Mi.
HAbKc l dtore
ilie supply is derived from mnn nfv.t,,. r, i
lanki-itoi P;) o. in,l V ' " ' importers
- iiiumi.atiumih lO WJl
Jt",,fS ftav.inee.s a iow pcrecntarrft a hr.vr.
r tiiC'" muije lo continue their bushier throtird, .?, ,n,,.
ioju Mr
net cost il their goods, and
. - - LlllUUI-11 t
Uur stock consists ot Drv GrtU. 1 .u,lf.a n...... ,
t-,A-. AT j.- . J ' 'Jiiw wt.iiif, j
v,-. eunjiis, ere, ere,
means that they have the wisdom to plan
republican party such as to make 1S92 a and the courage to carry into effect a
trroil rtinl'ilirAn vpnr T?prinblipon I . i. ; 11 i
j . ---r ..- jji.jilji um may uui i.vs lnuorsea ueiore
workers all over the country did not it i3 understood, but which will in the
take an active part in this campaign. end meet with the warm approval of the
They felt as though their services to the best people of the country,
republican party had been undervalued The democrats, it is certain, woukl not
But in 1892 these persons will be at work have had the courage to put a new tariff
in support of some candidate who will bill into effect four weeks before the
arouse enthusiasm, and these very men election. They will never have the sand
will lead to victory, as heretofore. The to pass any measure that is not weak
result of the recent elections has not put and temporizing for fear it mav have a
an end to the presidential chances of disastrous effect upon their members in
either William McKinley or Thomas 13. close districts. The difference lt
Reed.Jbut it has probably postponed their the two parties is the difference between
dates. Blaine or Alger would be win- statpsmanshin nn.l ,lomnm,n. t. .
.. .. .. I J """a"But'"i
tween clear headed, far sighted business
methods and the cunning trickery of the
ward politican. Ex.
ners at the head of the ticket in 1S92.'
In answer to a democratic correspond
ent we would 6ay: No, the Speaker of
the House of Representatives does not do
all the speaking, hence the necessity of
putting Mr. Bryan in for Speaker is not j Ilerald.
apparent. J -Let us shake.' -Both together.
"Boyd is safe." Rosewater.
Loyd is safe, you bet." World-
The time has come for every girl to
make Thanksgiving. Somebody sighs
and wonders what they have to be thank
ful for; somebody else is very positive
that it is certain fche has nothing to be
thanxful for; but there isn't a human
being on the face of God's earth who
Fhe prices these goods are sold at cannot be duplicated by
any other merchant in Plattsmouh, unless
sold at a sacrifice.
Te have not the room to quote prices here, but c jiue in and see
about them your self next door east ot Post Office.
Insure your property against fire, lightning and
Tornado; in the
Of Cincinnatti, Ohio.
Cofjimcflcctl Business October
Stockholders individually liable , under the constitution of the Stat
of Ohio which together with the present net surplus i a net
Guarantee of about 8700,000.00 tonolirv lwdd,.r.
Losses paid in nineteen years, (since organization) nearly Vour million
u oil art?
Secretary. President.
Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident Agent, Plattsmouth Nebraska
ll i