Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 23, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    WEEKLY HISKALDr'1,'i'Mlluu in''Alj:j,?lvaLClk''1, uu ' UAJ ' lfc
"I hdda
See for yourself how 5 Blan
kets wear and other makes tear.
FRE Get from your dealer free, the
iIJook. It has handsome iicture.s and
ralu ihlo information about horses.
Two or thiee dollars for a 5 a Horse
Elanket will make your horne worth mure
tiid eat less to keep warm.
5A Five f&te
5A Bess Stafc'.o
Ask for
5A Electric
5A Extra Test "
SOother styfes at prices 10 b uv ev..-j-
tody. If you can't get them lroni youi
dealer, write ua.
JtiiufM y Wm. Ayhks & Sons, 1'hllada., who
HiaV.o the famous Horse Brand i:a!;i-r l'.lankeli
Tiierk are -1 427 new post offices that
have b-en established during therescnt
fear. No year of the Cleveland admini
stration came anywhere near equaling it.
Tim worst advances caused by the Mc-,
Kinley tariff bill ii the advances made
upon the citadel of truth by a united
democratic press. A lie twice told be
comes a palpable truth, is now the most
popular democratic motto.
Another objection to the McKinley
h.ll is the fact that large numbers of
working men hava been discharged from
factories in England, and Germany on
account of the effsct over there of the
new measure. Of course the market
will be supplied, but it will be at the
binds of the American workman, and in
the words of Bryan at Weeping Wat r,
'too much has already been done for
the shop man." How do wage workers
like the democratic doctrine.
The third party prohibitionists in
Kansas have suddenly been awakened to
ihe real situation in that state. The
recent decision of the courts which nulli
fies the present law and makes neccessary
the passing of a new one, has sent the
third party crowd scampering and
clamoring to get in out of the wet; they
lave already abandoned their high
moral plane, and will elect a straight
republican governor and legislature, as
that is the only way for prohibition to
succeed in Kansas.
"The condition of trade. There is a
yery pronounced gain in the volume of
trade distribution. An enlarged traue
is reDorted in dry goods, clothing, boots
and shoes, groceries iron and steel." The
above are the headlines of the commer
cial column in the World -Herald of Sun
day . The editorial columns of the same
dav trive a doleful picture of how we
jre robbed, and an indication of the
v.,ni-,i,inr that is near at hand. The
iaunt uj'.uj
two editors should get together and the
commercial editor witn his tacts ana
data should enlighten the darkened soul
yf the editor in-chief.
The old adage that "when rogues fall
3'it. honest men get their dues" is being
ovnerienced in a striking manner in
.,i, rwi;n:i. The democratic ranks
have been divided: two democratic tick
t-ts are in th field, and as a result the
time methods of intimidation and
.bulldozing of the bourbon faction will
not woik, and as a consequent result.
v,;r..r nre assuming a caloric tempera
.. .nminnn i-wn in South Carolina.
iltic, UU " -- .
m. i,.ata ni vinlcnfle and intention to
ignore the election laws by the bourbons
iTmet with a firm front by the opposi-.-.
a n termination to have for
liuu aun i v .
tncc a squp deal.
The Oxuaru sugar factory only pays
$4 a ton for beets. The governments,
'state and national, pay him $7.13 for
workine them up. uugm
But it would be only reasonauie 101 -
nard to pay the farmer as much as the
it would be only reasonauie iur
cm m ll.C.-flv
liOUUlV. vjiai .
be reasonable encouragement for the
most infantile industry.
So says our esteemed fnena ainouu
f the Lincoln Democrat, it is aa n ul
, n i.o . fi-PP trader when he
lor a ieuow -- -
la built that way, but for him to let par
:-t,i mn awav with his good judg
stent and make him throw mud at one
.v- -,-.f mmieine industries for Ne-
braska that has ever been fostered by a
government is indeed unfortunate. For
every dollar the state advances to the
Bar industry in its infancy, the great
5uTte of Nebraska will receive hundreds
ef dollars in return- Let us not tear
down; let us build up.
The Herald lias had occasion to
mention the Bryan grist of chestnuts
several times lateij ; but at Omaha tho
oth'T uiht ha stated with all the im
pros-iyenees that he could command that
the McKiuley bill diced a bounty on
silks that the rich miyht not be taxed
and that it placed a tariff on all woolens
that the farmers had to wear. He re-peat.-d
the iine statement at Weeping
Water Saturday. Now a man must have
a superabundance of gall to make a
statement whose truthfullness can be so
easily disproved. Dut 1-rytin appeals to
ha vi.- a plethora of ail with a minimum
of brains. Tin; fact is there is no bounty
..n any pilk material ,,f :'"' de-ei iption
vh vtc-vcr. and the tariff is a- follow.---
"Silk partially mmufaetuml from co
crma or from waste .-ilk, a;id nt further
r.dvanced or niruirif icttircl than carded
or combed silk, 50c per pound.
Thrown silk, not more advanced th;ui
in-d.?. tram, or-rnrizine, sewing silk.
twist, floss, spun silk, and silk threads or
. -
yarns 01 every uescriinum, .-u j.
Webbinss, gorings, braces, be.tiugs.
bindings, braid, galoons, fringes, cords
and tassels, any of the foregoing which
are elastic or non-elastic, buttons ana
ornaments made of silk, or of which silk
is the component material of chief value
0 per cent ad valorem.
Laces and embroideries, handkerchiefs
neck rufilings and ruehings, clothing
ready made, and articles of wearing ap
parel of every description, including
knit irooda. made no or manulacturcd
wholly or in part by the tailor, seam
stress or manufacturer, composed ol silk
or of which silk is the component ma
terial of chief value, not specially
provided for in this act, t0 per cent ad
All manufactures of siik, or of which
silk is the component material of chief
value, not specially provided for in this
act, 50 per cent ad valorem; provided
that; all such manufactures which wool
or the hair of the camel, goat or other
like animals is a component material,
shall be classified as manufactures ox
On the free list is found raw silk, silk
cocoons, silk waste and silk worms' eggs.
The bounty business is like much other
stuff which the windy Bryan imposes up
on his hearers whom he seems to think
are unable to read.
When young Mr. Bryan said he was
tired of hearing of taws made for the
benefit of men who work in shops he
probably hoped to make himself solid
with the farmers who composed the bulk
of the crowd that he was addressing
But the farmers of Nebraska know better
than to attack the prosperity of the men
who consume a larger part of their
products, and will not be wheedled into
the support of a system of tariff that will
forever make them the slaves of foreign
manufacturing nations. Th:y know
that the farm, the truck patch and the
factory should be as near together as
possible, in order to facilitate an ex
change of commodities without making
nscesary the payment of large sums for
long hauls to distant markets. Farmers
who have been in Nebraska for ten years
know how much they have been benefit
ed by the establishment of pork packing
houses in Omaha, Lincoln and Nebraska
City. These establishments have paid
them practically as much for their hogs
as the Chicago packers, and the saving
to the farmers ha3 been the difference
between the haul of a few miles to the
home markets and the haul of 500 miles
and more to Chicago. A leading east
ern financier ascribes much of the pros
perity of the state of Nebraska to the
building of these home factories which
save to our people the cost of double
transportation on many commodities,
and cause to be paid out in wages large
sums that formerly went to enrich the
city of Chicago.
The republican national policy is a
broader application of the same principle.
Bring over the factories to this side of
the water whenever we can manufacture
here to as good advantage as on the
other side. It will save freight, make
the nation richer, and contribute to the
wealth of every man who owns land or
tills it for his subsistance. State Jour
nal. GALL.
"The ring of railroad politicians that
have controlled this state have thorough
ly disgusted the people," says the
ij t ,
piatts mouth Journal and yet that organ
mnnorts Mr." Brvan, junior member of
the firm of Talbot & Bryan, the Lincoln
I ttornevs of the Missouri Pacific railway
& g beeQ arrayed
Ui uia '.. . .
wainst railroad corporations, especially
the Union Pacific. Don t attempt to
. . .. . . . .
ork any anti-railroad racket cn us this
year. Mr. Sherman, your candidates
from the state ticket to the legislative
can not afford to invite criticism of
that kind, and you may depend upon it
you will be called down on any attempt
to pettifog and deceive the people. Gall
may be a good thing but you are overloaded.
E, A. Stophkr is an easy winner.
His opponent will be more than 300
votes behind him.
P. S. Barnes is a good republican
that ought to be, and we believe will, be
elected to the legislature.
The outlook for the election of a re
publican ticket in this county never wa
bctt r than at the present time.
Mil. Bryan of Illinois is a very prom -hiu"
;$-vear old and may pan out all
rirht after he bccom:s aciuunU-a and
identified with Nebr:?kn intero!?.
X KNDOKSK til-; Ugar IliUliiti' S ;;s 01. e d
the brst laws eyer past d. W. J. Cou
nt !! at Wei-p:ng Water.
Y' s, anl so does I'Vci-y ft her puhlie
spiriifd patriotic ei'iz' n who is tint a
hide i n'Ui:d n.".:reHV minded p'Mticai. tlnit
thinks, more of the English money iuiii-i.-hed
him by the Cobd.-n Clnb than he
does of the pro.-peiity of his own coun
try. A paragraph from the London Times
telegraphed to the New York Herald,
mentions a significant result of the !Me
Kinley bill. Two directors of the silk
plush firm of Listner & Co., of Bradford,
which has a capital of .$10,000,000, gives
employment to over 5.000 men and main
tains works whose walls are over a mile
in circumference, took passage th;; u-v
day f:r the purpo-c of looking up a site
for a new mill in the United St:it- s. All
over the kingdom the wealthy ni.tauine-
turers who have been hit by the ;. v.-
duties are preparing to t ike tit- s-.n.
A CHICAGO traveling man for a whole
sale tea house called on M. B. Murpln
the other day and tried to sc-H him some
tea, lie carried a nice line of samples,
but prices were higher than heretofore,
to which Mr. Murphy objected, and en
quired the cause. "It's entirely on ac
count of the recent passage of the M.:
Kinley bill," earnestly remarked th
drummer, "which increased the tariff en
teas." Mr. Murphy could not st;md
that, he said to the tea man that '-when
you take me for a sucker you mike me
tired; you want to enquire what a mn's
politics are before you spring that chest
nut on him. I know, and you ought to
know, that tea has been on the free lif t
for years, and I would not buy any of
your tea now at half price; you want to
go somewhere else and catch a chump."
The drummer could say but little and
soon started for greener pastures. He
probably sold a small quantity of his tea
to Sherman of the Journal.
Louisville Letter.
From Saturday's Daily.
The farmers alliance and Knights of
Labor joined hands at Louisville the oth
er evening and listened to a speech
from the Moses of Douglas county who
is anxious for the job of leading the
farmers of Nebraska out of the wilder
ness of "despondency and want." To
hanker and run after so difficult a task
beset on every hand with -temptations
and hardships by a man so old and fee
ble seems very strange indeed. That
sterling old democratic war horse Syives
ter Johnson presided at the meeting, but
you need not put him down as voting
anything but the democratic ;i kit, Sj -vester
may mean all right and
a week or two before the elec
tion might talk alliance but
we know him ton well; he will be one of
the hardest workers for democratic sue
cess at the polls on election day, and his
tendencies just now wont fool anybody.
Allen Root and L. G. Todd should be
harnessed up together, they arc two of a
kind and make the same speech trying
to pull out dead issues that have been
settled and acquiesced in years ago. He
spends much of his time figting the nat
ional banks, which the old time bitter
enemy of those institutions, the demo
cratic party has censed to object to, and
now defen:ls. Those who heard Mr.
Hoot and Mr. Bigler, of unbiased minds,
were of opinion that they had better re
main or the farm if they could give no
b-tter excuse of the f.- itli that v.j-s in
them than they gave here. Tl.ej.- d not
turn a single vcte. The gaufral euthn k
for republican success in this precinct
never was better, though a few of the
guiding spirits in the last republican
convention will not support the entire
ticket, but as they never have, it can not
be considered as a loss. Yours for suc
cess. . Ayer's Pills, being converient, effi
cacious, nd safe, are the best cahartic
whcther'on land or sea, in city or country.
For constipation, sick headache, indiges- i
tion, and torpid liver, they never fail, try J
a box of them; they are sugar-coated.
When Baby was sick, gave hr Castoria.
When she Tras & Child, she cried for Castoria
When the became Hisa, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave thera Cast oria,
. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
(Couthiuei from ThlrU I'aeJ
OWn IIULlO, C7 "u eiivsi.... e .
this haunt of crime were to cIIuk to me
in death ; but 1 will not die without a
struggle. Whoever the tenant of thin
house may he, there may be one amount
them who yet retains one spark of pity
there may i) ono who would not hear a
woman's voice uplifu.'d In distress with
out one attempt to sueeor."
As 6 he npok bhe p-reeivod a gather
ing look of alarm in tho face of Augustus
Ilorton. That leok determined her.
Come tho worst, " t-ho cried, "I will
make the appeal !"
"Beware ! ' h- eiied. 'The people h-m
are not reru 'e.ious.
"I eare uit ! ' i-lf an.-ivercd. "I ea:i
but die !"
"But you .-1
claimed the
'!-, a'Vl el;:',
gra peil t he . ...
Jiu v. as it o
through the I
il Mleilcr '.
:;i.i:iv-:iiUr to
tho i.a::d whu-h
i ; e
r voiro ivii
a bin ill anil
pie: . i i : t " pcrra : :i.
I n i he Cii'tn i; y
sound seemed mui:i
It vihra'eu in tin
J-ht tlial
lun.he:-t corner of
the eeli.'iee.
To the planter's terrified ear it aeemed
tis if tho whole city of New Orleans must
have been arou.-eel by that ono woman's
Desperate and infuriated ho snatched
the dapper fiom C'andliia's grafip, aud
placisg Ids hand upon her mouth, was
about to bury tho weapon in her breast,,
when the door wad Lrckon open by a
tremendous blow from without, and three
men burst into the room.
Those three men were Captain Tren
dendll. of the schooner Amazon, the
6ailor who had carrietl Paul's letter to
Camiliia, and Paul Liidruou himself.
"So," exelaiftied the Captain, "we're
right, are we? This is where the noir-o
can.e from. What do you niean by it.,
you thundering landlubber? How is it
that a gentleman can't tuke a fling at the
diee without being disturbed by a
woman's squeal?"
Boi'Oi-e Augustus could answer, Taul
Li.-imon pusnc u aside the. Captain and
clasped C.uuillia in his arms.
.".Mv Camiliia," be cried; "my beloved,
how is thi-i that I lind you here here,
in a gambling-houEO at this hour of the
"Ask me no question.-;," mutiered tho
gpQnich k'iii, "only take me from this
place. My brain is bewildered by what
I have undergone."
"But this man has he dared to insult
you to entrap you hither?' asked Paul,
pointing to Augustus Horton, who stood
at bay, while the Captain and the sailor
threatened him with their drawn cut
lasses. "He has."
"You hear this fainting girl," ex
claimed Taul, still holding Camiliia
clasped in his left arm, while with his
right he felt for a pistol In the pocket ol
his waistcoat
I'rcndrgills Joe ! you are wit
nesses of the place in which wo have
found the only daughter of Don Juan
Moraquitos ! There is some foul plot
here, and that man, Augustus Ilorton,
is the mover of it. Tomorrow, air, you
shall aeeount tome for this."
The planter laughed mockingly. "Ac
count to you, Mr. Paul Lisimon ; to you
a thief! an escaped felon ' Tho citi
zens of Louisiana do not cross swords
with such as you. You would have done
wiser to keep cloar of Now Orleans.
Above all it would havo been better foi
you had you refrained from crossing mj
He touched a bell in the wall behinc
him, und it rang through the house witt
a shrill peal.
"Now, Mr, Lislmon," ho said, "w(
are quits."
A party of about twenty men crowded
into the room. The bell had summoned
them from the gaming-table.
"Gentlemen," cried Augustus Horton;
"I call upon you as citizens of New Or
leans to secure the persons of these thre
men who have this noment made a mur
derous attack upon my life, and endeav
ored to carry away this lady, who is hert
under my protection. One of them ii
an escaped felon from the jail of thh
The gamblers, who were almost all ii
Borne degree intoxicated, made a rush at
Paul and his companions, but they wen
many of them unarmed, and those wh(
carried knives flourished them without
aim or purpose.
"Prendergills Jes I" oxclalmecT List,
tnon, "follow mo. Eemember, it is foi
life or death."
Then flinging the slender form of Ca
miliia across his shoulder, the young
Mexican flung himself In the midst of
the infuriated crowd, and pistol in hand,
oomiy rrrauo ior me door.
This point gained, he stood upon tha
threshold with his back to the passage,
defending the ground inch by inch, until
joined bv Prendergills and Joe.
The rest was comparatively easy.
The three men fought their way back
ward along the passage, down the wind
ing staircase to the street door. Here
they were for a moment baffled by the
mystery of the spring which closed the
But they were not to bo so easily
foiled ; the captain of the Amazon flung
his gigantic frame against the door, the
wooden panels cracked ns if they had
been made- of glass, and the spring was
burst asunder.
The door which was used all the night
through for the entrance and egress of
tho gamblers who frequented the house
was only fastened by this spring, and
therefore yielded to force more easily
than an ordinary barrier.
Onee in the street, Paul and his
friends were Kale.
The gamblers dared not pursue them
another step, for to do so would have
been to reveal the secret of the gaming
house, which, es the reader knows, held
its ground in defiance of the laws of
Mad with baffled raga and fury,
Augustus Horton returned to his own
house to await the coming of the mor
row which would perhaps dawn upon a
deadly encounter between himself and
Don Juan Moraqultos.
To his surprise, he received no tidings
from the Spaniard, but a little after noon
hi3 mulatto valet handed hiro two let
ters. One was in the handwriting of Camiliia
Moraqultos. It breathed the contempt
which a noble mind feels for the coward
ice of a dastard. It ran thus :
"As the life of a beloved father is far
too valuable to be risked in an encounter
with a wretch 60 degraded as yourself,
Don Juan will never be told the true his
tory of the events ol last night. Rest
therefore in security beneath contempt,
too low for revenue."
The second letter was from Paul Llsi
cnon. It was even briefer than that of
You shall yet answer to toe for the
outrage committed on one who la dearer
to me than life. For today you triumph ;
but a day of reckoning will come ere lonf .
t wait. ,
HE bullet wound
which had pros
trated Gilbert
Margrave In tho
forest at Iber
ville, was ii very
bei ions one.
l'or many days
and nights he lay
. 9 4 1. .
.ii. - - in on ; ui
f I r.pai tn.ents. o f
the Pavilion,
intchi'.rlrain. in a mate
eu'.iM-iv without danger.
near Lake l1
which w.i-. not
But he 1 nd
! evt medical utleu
Oilciiis eouhl a fiord,
e:,:-.- v. t:;eh af-'ect ion
e ,! .'e . ou hieh It
da net
N v
! . i - -1
Hlid ti e
can t--e
N iuht,
lie lor ti
its wi-a.: ii
s'ave i'oi.
h.'d b
pillow of ; ho WoitilOf l llli.'
It v. i:.- they and they a
tened to the wanderiii
lone, Wi.O
r i.eeenls o
delirium ; t h
lo.ted in tl
who cheere
danirer was
ey who sooth'-d and com
es hour of sum-ring; they
1 and animated when tho
;t. and tho first faint
elimpses of i oiu rn:ng nei
xlUx le-niuinirieu
. . . . i i i
lite cheek of llie Inahd.
Gerald Leslie was away from homo.
When the boat carrying Gilbert Mar
grave, Cora, Mortimer and Toby reached
the Pavilion, the planter had already de
parted for Kw York, leuving a few brief
lines uddresbod to his daughter, telliu
her only that urgent business bad called
him from tho South.
The father and daughter had there
fore nover met since that hour in which
the Octoroon had accused Gerald Leslie
of being the cause of her mother's death.
The two months for which the bill, for
a hundred thousand dollars due to Silas
Ciaig, had been renewed, were rapidly
gliding away, and every day made the
position of Gerald Lesiio more alarming.
Cora knew nothing of these pecuniary
troubles. She thought that her father
had deserted his home rather than to
endure her reproaches, and she bitterly
upbraided herself for tho cruel words
sho had spoken to one whoso fault. wero
rather those of circumstances, than in
clination. Gilbert Margrave recovered; but ho
still lingered beneath Gerald L. 'she's
roof; for tha planter had wrilten to him
from New York, thanking him earnestly
for his championship of Cora, and im
ploring him to remain at Lake Poutchar
train until his return.
Gilbert waited, therefore, until the
presence of Mr. Leslie might enable him
to make the necessary arrangements for
his marriage with the Octoroon.
It was now upon the eve of the date
upon which tho dreaded bill of exchange
was to fall due, and at eleven o'clock up
on the night preceding the fatal day,
Gerald Leslie returned to the Pavilion
upon the borders of Lake Pontchartrain.
Cora had retired to rest when her
father arrived, but Gilbert Margrave
was walking along upon the terrace,
overlooking the lake upon which the
moonbeams shed thair soft luster.
He was, therefore, the first to wel
come Mr. Lesiio, and he was not long in
perceiving that some heavy trouble was
weighing upon the mind of Cora's
"You must be fatigued after your long
Journey, Mr. Leslie, said Gilbert. "I
feel called upon to play tho host under
your own roof. Pray let us go in. Toby
will prepare you some refreshments."
"No, no, "Mr. Margrave," answered
Gerald; "I want nothing. I am too
much excited to require even ropose.
Let us remain here here we can con
verse freely. Toby is a faithful fellow,
but he knows too much already of my
misfortunes. Where is Cora?:'
"She has retired to rest."
"That is well. Poor girl! poor girl!"
He sighed heavily, and relapsed into
The two men walked side by side up
and down the terrace for some minutes
without uttering a word. Gilbert Mar
grave was the fir6t to 6peak.
"Pardon me, Mr. Leslie," he said,
"but I fear you have some causo for un
happiness. Eemember how dear you
and yours are to me, and do not scruple
to confide in me, do not hesitate to com
mand my services. They are yours ta
tho death."
" My noble boy, you havo already
proved that," exclaimed Gerald Leslie
" Gilbert Margrave, I am a ruined man
My journey to New York has been a
useless one. I went to endeavor ta
raise a sum of money which would fre
me rrom mv embarrassment, but 1
found trad in a 6tate of convulsion
from the threatened war between the
North and South, and my mission failed.
I have now but one hope. The house of
BIchardson, of Broadway, have promis
ed, if possible to advance the sum 1
require. The money Is to arrive by
the next steamer. But even this la a
forlorn hope, for. when I left New York,
dark rumors were afloat of the approach
ing bankruptcy of that very firm. If
this 6hould happen, I am utterly lost.
I Ehall remain to the very last to struggle
against evil fortune, but I must remain
alone. Tell me then, Mr. Margrave, do
you still persist in your proposal for my
daughter's hand?"
" Can vou doubt it?"
"With" a perfect knowledge of her
story -remembering that she is the off
spring of a sdave that sho is an
Octoroon !"
"I remember nothing but that I love
her, and would havo her no other than
6De is."
" 1 was not mistaken in you. Gilbert
Margrave." replied Mr. Leslie, with sup
pressed emotion. " you are a man ol
honor, and it is to that honor I confide.
You must fly from New Orleans with
Cora, Wo must not expose her to the
violonce of a populace, furious against
her because of her fatal birth because
6he is a slave. The word does not cause
you the horror it inspires in me, jet you
To be Continued.
Keep Constantly on hand a full line of
And afu'l line of Druciiists Sundries. Careful attention giyen to the prescription
Great care has been given our Wall Paper department
We have placed our order with one ot the largest Eastern
Factories for our Spring stock and we guarantee you al
the latest styles and designs.
Wild man & Fuller.
t whh chrome re.,.-.Um Inx t
d,r!,rs. ...t.w.M Ima' V lr il w.
Oil. jiuvo ! 7iV vi:y r riivvi-itH. .
LuZ ic Csv, rvHfauai.. Cure
14 veil illustrated In
CViT.nTvthft rhlef yn.r.U;ittr
!N,f'.l& which U, en i 7 -
-l f Otini'TJl II WIIW'J I'""'.'.
S -V sr .i.,.V,.nrsoofthe ricrvo
3 I'll " 1 t-U Jiiffins CHI
CT.r.licd frequently, will euio
J ws taLen Willi B''" ,nUDMu, doo
FinlVr.-i 0 ii:oi.t!jf. I was Riven UP" uu
U.. but wa, cured by StL McOINN.
At Drl-guim-s and PnAixits.
I II U FIGUItr. - o."
Iha flcui eO in our dates w'll mnke a ..onff tUf.
Jo man or woman now living will cvor dat v
Jocumcnt without using the figure 0. It sun.
In the third place in 1800. where it. will remain t,,, nn'l then move p to b 'eon,! VUno in 1000,
tt h.-re it will rest l r one htr.!r: .1 yenrs.
There is another which hasuUo coir.o to S.ay.
it ;., unlike th- fU-ure Din c:s .lutes in tho respect
;.l ..; haa ah.--Jy ...o.-.: t., Url ;.luc. whero
tt will iermiiieii' 1 v romidn. H is called tho
V V. 'h Ann V.'h-.l. r t V.'ilo:i .'-'win;; M'
Th-'-Xo. i." wns f.r llrst Ice by th'!
r.vrx rts of i.;.roi at th'i I:iri Kx.wditien of lH-..
,!. r.' r.f'. T :i ': u-. - l with t!u le:lini; ma--"i:;(
s of the v. c.i it w:ii aw;nle.d tho ouiy
Cr t1 T'r'"- "iven to f: !:.:iv rev.inir midlines, nil
,W r, cn e;rii!l r ived iow.T awards
ol mel i'-, i-.'.-.. Tho fi-u.'h Government
Uoo r.":-r.i!-' ...!liU.-.:i.i .!: y' the d -emit ion
Mr. X:it::Hiii: i V.':.viel, i'.-c.-iJeuto. tho couipati',
v illi the Cro. a of the L..';;io,i of Honor.
Tiic "'o. ) i not :ia old ir.:i'--hirie imriroveJ
ut.on. but an entirely ucw maehiiw, nnd rho
tiViirid I'rize a Purin w:i.; r.-.v:Tled it. as the grnn.1
L-itadvuiiee in cwi:i wuai.iuo ineolmuism of lh:i
Ve. 1 Iiose w!:.i buy 11. cnn r'.-.i. ossureu,
re, of hav-iiK
t never v tale t ana ot'bu
185- and 157 Waht-sh. J ve., Chicoa
Dealer Yfatedev
Clark's Poultry Ilemedy.
For sale by
DruSgist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
f . t