Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 09, 1890, Image 12

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Highest of all in Leavening Tower.
11 V M3
Everybody Reads
gh ghttsmoiith echiu$vuui
B. & M. Time Table.
No 1 3 :20 a. ni No 2...
3 ....5 :45 p. in " 4...
" 5 ...9 :15 a. in. " C...
- 7 7 :15a. in. " 10...
9 6:15 p.m. " 12...
1L. 5 :25 p. in. " 10...
19 11 :( H. in.
6 :05 p. m.
.10 :2 a. m
7 ;U p. in.
10 :0O a. m.
1C :16 a. in
8 -.25 m.
Dr. A. SalMmry liahthe rxtlahUe right to UNe
Or. StelnaiT l.ocml Anoth-tie fr the I'hInlfCB
extraction of Teeth In thUrity. mer lioekwrooa
I. O. O. F.
CASS LOIHJE. No. 140. 1. O. O. F. meets ey
ery Tuesday nigtit at their hail lu Fitztieralfl
block. All Odd Fellow are cordially Invited
to attend wheu vlsitirir In f.xe city.
John Cory, Sec.
C. A- R.
McConnihie Tost. No. 45, meets every Satur
day -evenine at 7 :30. in thetr hall. Kockwood
hih1c. All visitins comrades are invited to
meet with us.
i. F: Niies, Post Adj.
F. A. Bates. Poet Com,
W ary 100 monthly if suitable, with oppor
tunities for advance, to represent locally a re
2X!:...ii.t New York house. Manufacturer.
Utck ox 1585, N. Y.
Sleepless nights, made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy tor you. For sale by F. G
Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 2
For Rent,
My residence property, No. 1411
cust. St. Suitable for one large or
two email families. . '
Dr. Siiipmax.
St. Patrick's Pills give entire satisfac -tion.
I have used tbem ia my family.
They are the best I ever used for the
purpose Frank Cornelious. Purcell, In
dian Ter, For sale by F. G. Fricke &
Subscribe for the Daily
livered to all parts of the
ents per week.
Herald, de
city for 1 5
Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath
secured, by Shiloh's catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free.
For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny
der. 2
St. Batrick's Pills have given me bet
ter satisfaction than any other. M. II.
Proudfoot, Druggist, Granada, Colorado
For sale by F. G. Fricke.
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism
his stomach was disordersd. his liver was
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he wa3 terribly reduced
in flesh and strength. Three bottles of
Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
bad a running eore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and 6even bottles Buck
len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound
and well. John Speaker, Catawba O.,
had five large fever sores on his leg, doc
tors said he was incurable. One bottle
Electrc Bitters and one box Buckleu's
Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold
by F. G. Fricke ACo's., drug store.
We find St. Patrick's Pills to be very
extra and to give splendid satisfaction.
They are now about the only kind called
for. W. A. Wallace, Oasis, Iowa. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co,
For lame back, side or chest, use Shi
loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents.
For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny
der. 3
Hair Jewelry work. Leave orders at
Dovey's store or Mrs Wise's millinery
sterc on Main street.
Subscribe for The Daily Herald and
read all the news.
The Pulpit And The Stage-
Hev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United
rwwn chnrh. Blue Mound Kas , say:
'I feel it my duty to tell what wonders
Dr. King's New Discoyery has done for
me My lungs wtte badly diseased, and
my parishioners thougnt I could live
only a few weeks. I took five bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery andamsound
and well.s-aining 26 pounds in weight."
Aithur Love, Manager of Love's Fun-
ny Folks Combination, writes: "After
a thorough trial and convincing evi
dence, I am confident that Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, beats
'em all, and cures when everything else
fails. The greatest kindness I can do
my many thousand friends' is to urge
them to try it." Free trial bottle at
F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. Regu
lar sizes 50c and $1.00.
Our customers all speak highly in
praise of St Patrick's Pills. They are
the best Berry Bros,, Carro Neb, For
sale by F.O. Fricks & Co.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S9.
the Weekly Herald.
iVtoftar Snoited Skin.
Covered with Scales. Awful Spec
tacle. Cured In five Weeks
by the Cuticura Rem
edies. I urn KotiiK to tell you of the xirai.rdinurv
(nit! your Clticcka KnnruiKs peifor i eil on
me, A bout the 1st of pril lat I noticed c oiue
r.l piuipW I ke ooitiinir out a 1 over my body
hut tlioutrht not li I nit of i: until h nietime later
mi, wii-d it. begun ! iook like
8ini8 of mortal e potted on, and
whili came MT in layers ut
cniipa;iK'd witli itching. I
would M;ratch every uiuhi un
til I w:s law. then th its'
niiiht the scales beiiijr furin.d
ineanw hile, were t-craUied oft
again In vain did I conxult
a1 the doc-tora in the cuiu.ty,
in without aid. Aft r l iving
mi all Inn, nf rii'iivi-rv. I li.ti)
-(yi'Oeil 1 1' rrv ' II flliyrifin rill
in the i fv.'.u.iiitrr xuout yorr
f t'TK'CKA I'kmkkiks and imrcliHsed t hem of
mydrintL'l"t and obtained alnnot iiuinccuite re
lief I l-eiran to none- that t he i-caly erup ions
gradually U"opped off aul di--appeareit one lv
one until I had been fully cuied. ( had the
disease thirteen months telo e 1 began taking
tu Kkmruiks aim in f-iur rnve we.-kwnii
tirelv ured. W disease was tczeina and
lsorlasf. I know of a jjreat many who have
t ken the kkmeuiks and thaDk me for the
knowledge of tkeni, especially mothers who
have babes with scaly erupt ions on their heads
and bodies. I cannrt express my tharks to
you. My body was covered with sca'es. and
I was an awful spectacle to behold. Now my
.kln is as clear as a bafcy's.
UE . COIEY, Merrill. Wis.
Cuticura Resolvent.
' he new blood and skin purifier and ereateet f f
Humor remedies, (internally to cleanse the
blood of all J mpuritiee, and thus remove the
causn ). and Cuticura the great ekin cure and
CuTlfl'RA HoaP. an exquisite skin b autifier
externally (to clear the skin and scalp and re
store the hair), cures every species of agoniz
ing, ifhing, burning, scalv, and pimply diseas
es ofjthe skin, scalp and blood,
fold everywhere. Piice.CuTH ura. Pflc Soav
25c, Khsolvknt, 1. Prepared by the Potter
Cf7Send tor "How to Cure Skin Diseases.'
64 pages, 50 Hliisfatioca, and loo testimonials
TJIMPLWS. black-heads, red. rough, chapped
X oily skin cured by Cutigtra soap.
I Can't Breathe.
Chest Pains, Soreness, Weaknee
HackliiK Uouali. Afthma. Pleurisy
and Xnnauiatlou relieved i lie min
ute ut me Cuticura Anti-fain Plaster. rotli
ing like it for Weak Lungs.
A Basket Supper.
A basket supper will be given at the
Cullum school house, on the evening o
the 23. Wie proceeds to go for the benefit
of the minister of the Methodist church
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Ballard's Horehoand Syrup.
We imirantee thU to be the test Ceurk Syrui man.
bfactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a
gTeat deal, but it is trut. For Ctnrumption, Coughs,
Colds, Sort Throat, Sort Chtst, Pneumonia, Bron
chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all
diseases of the Throat and Lungs, we positively
guarantee Ballard's Horehound Syrup to be without
any equal on the whole face of the plobe. In support
of this statement we refer to eery individual who has
ever used it. and to every druggist who hti ever sold
it. Sutll evidence is inditputabU.
For s-a i' by F. G. Fiicke, dins-g"n-t.
As soon as you discover any flling
of tlivj iiair or graji.cs alwajs use IS. -ill's
II iir Iteui-wer to tone up the feci i tions
and prevent or orrayness.
The meetings 'it the Christian church
have been quite interesting during the
pa.; week under the preaching of Rev
lh. Henselman, and fift
. . tienseiman, ana ntteen persons
h;nJVu;ted with the church, fourteen of
which bv confession. The meetings will
continue over next Suuday.
The Pacific House.
This popular hostlery under the man
agemeat of Tom Ilicks and his estimable
lady is one of Plattsmouths well organ
tzed hotels. For a pleasant boarding
house.or for regular hotel accommoda
tions the Pacific house fills all the re
quireuiuuts, located as fit is two blocks
south of Main on Third street.
When you Lfed a good, safe laxative
ask your druggist for box of Ayer's pills
and you will find that they give perfect
satisfaction. For indigestion, torpid liv
er, and sick headache there is nothing su
perior. Leading physicians recomend
Tiit Home Fire Insurance Company of
Omaha in its dwelling and farm policies
prints permission to finish and repair
buildings, and to enct additions or or
dinary outbuildings, and to use gasoline
stoye :a dwelling, without extra charge
or notice to the company.
Stock hogs can be had in car lots by
writing r applying to G. A. Rose,
Benkeluian Neb. w-2t
Many a poor Woman aufFars untold
Tortures from Back-Ache.
If she only knew bow easily she could get relief by
using Ballard's Snow Liniment, she would bless the
day she read these few lines. It is a grand remedy
for Headache and all Ncaralgic Pains. No pain can
withstand its magic influence. It removes thejtn
front a Burn or Scald in one minute. It will cure In
flammatory Rheumatism and Sciatica ; applied to the
Tliroat and Chest in Croup it will give immediate re
lief and make breathing much easier. Xo family can
be without it if oace they know it value. Try it.
Price o cents.
For Sale by F. G. Fricke, Druggist.
Our oaabotners call tot
Dr. Seth ArnoWs
and we don't find it profita
ble to keep any otbe.
J. JT. Itichrdson A Son.
KkiiBeld. Mic IB.
Vng-b 20o wc aod uuxk,
Fr!e;IiHl Kallroa-J Accident, nnd a
Miiidowy I'oi-iu H.-itigt the Sens.
"Mr. Wilson, how sjom can you get to start for II , Illinois'r"
"In an hour, sir."
This conversation took place in the
oflice of The New York Chronicle one
morning us the men on the t.t:tiT came to
receive their alignments. If the citj
editor had uskeu Wilson how soon he
could get rea'iy to start for Alaska he
would have received precisely the hanie
IMward Wilson hurried off to Ids
rooms. nn l i.astny pacinng a lew neci-e-
sai i"S in a valise reported back at the
office in exactly an hour.
'He was u paragon of u reporter, you
will sav. 'tins Wilson. Uut lie w:ta
merely an ordinary city staff reporter
v. ho, like thousands of others on the big
dailies of America, stand ready tit a;
hoar's notice to start for any part of the
woi il.
'This Illinois story will bring two col
umris, even if I'm recalled iminediatw-
Iv." he mused, as he rattled up to the
Grand Central station in a liansom
'two columns will bring my bank ac
t-omit un to SI 00. ami S100 will bring the
wife and little one to New York." Wil
son thought with delight how happy
thev would be in his coinfortablo little
Lexington avenne flat. It was a pleas
ant little da j1 dream.
In fifteen minutes the Buffalo express,
bearing the newspaper man to his desti
nation, rushed snorting out of the liar-
lem tunnel like another earth bound
Thor reioicing at his freedom. Past the
end of Manhattan Island, past River-
dale, Yonkers and nil the lovely north
ern suburbs of the city, along the rolling
Hudson, past the muddy Mohawk, then
as nirrht fell screaming past the little
hamlets sleeping under the hills of cen
tral New York, and on, on, on, to the
great lakes.
There was nothing in the car to inter
est Wilson, and as the sun Bank behind
the ripening wheat fields he dozed fit
fully, and waking would sleep again
waking and sleeping by fitful starts and
wondering what it was that kept him in
a vague but all tho more fearful terror.
Finallv he slept, and it was while he
dreamed that a terrible accident hap
pened. The trestle bridge oyer a swollen
creek, weakened by the rush of waters,
had given way tinder the advancing
train and 900 people were hurled into tha
Three or four men hurriedly furnish
ing lato "copy.' A dozing office boy
waking every few minutes to glance at
the clock and long for 2 o'clock and free
dom. The night desks littered with
proof slips and "held over copy." No
sound but the operator ticking "good
night" to his far off brothers and an oc
casional 6hout of "Copy!" from the desk.
A tall figure in a caped overcoat and
traveling cap enters the room, and si
lently walking up to the night desk lays
some "copy" before the editor. The
men in the office bending over their
work do not see him pass; but the office
boy. brushing his hat, yawns "Good
morning. Mr. Wilson," but the form
goes straight on.
"Can't use this, Mr. Wilson," says tho
editor, looking at the clock. "Why, it's
1 :o0. The paper's going to press. WThat
is it any way?"
"Yes, by George, we will run it," he
continues excitedly. "Jim, stop the
1 hen to tne operator, "Have you an
accident on the New York and Buffalo
"No, sir."
"How did you get it, Wilson?"
But the form had gone.
"My God! listen to this," says the
sub-editor. "The accident must have
occurred at 1:50 exactly. Among the
dead was Edward Wilson, a reporter on
The New York Morning Chronicle.
What was it then that brought this
'copy in?"
"I don't know," replied the editor in a
hushed voice. "Send the etory up just
as it is. It runs exactly two columns.
New York Tribune.
The Futility of Uniform Divorce Laws,
The cry has beea for several years for
United States interference in divorce
legislation by means of uniform mar
riage laws throughout the country, the
assumption being that people troop back
and forth from one state to another and
get divorces for causes which would not
be sufficient in their own states. But
all this hr.s been effectually disposed of
by the recent masterly report of the
Hon. Carroll D. Wright, the United
States commissioner of labor. He has
ehown that more than 80 per cent, of ail
divorces are procured in the states in
which the couples were married. As re
gards the remaining 20 per cent, the par
ties, in very many instances, had immi
grated to other states after marriage and
become boruifiaa residents, with no
thought of divorce. So that tho number
of those proved to have gone to other
states for the purpose of securing di
vorces is probably much less than 10 per
cent, of the whole. It is apparent then
that uniform laws can no longer be
looked upon as a panacea. Rev. M. J.
Savage in Forum.
Eagles la Massachusetts.
The American eagle is still a resident
of Cheshire. A fine specimen is often
seen sitting on a stump in the reservoir,
waiting for fLsh. It is probable that the
family home is somewhere on the cliffs
of the rocky hill west of the reservoir.
So frequent are the visits of these birds
to the reservoir that regular travelers
on the trains watch for them, and feel a
disappointment if the white head and
noble form of the American bird is not
seen on some stump. Pittafield (Mass.)
The rolling of cold steel wire Is now
accomplished with ease, and instead of
tho wire becoming weakened by the
process practical tests have demonstrated
that its tensile strength is nearly doubled.
In other words, the tensile strength of
hot drr.vm steel wire i3 58,460 pounds to
the square inch, while that of cold rolled
eteel wire is 103.800 poun&a.
And Tt-en Buy A Home in
! South Park.
Do not 1? caught in the delusion oi
many thousands in postponing a home
until they can have an expensive one
This idea is the devil's trap that catches
men and women innumerable, who will
neyer have any at all. The laborer may
have, at the chse of the dny, to walk or
ride farther than is desirable to reach it
but when he gets to his destination in
the eventide he will find something
worthy of being called by that glorious
and impassioned, and heaven descended
word, "Home."
Young married man, as soon as you
can buy 6uch a place, even if you have
to put on it a mortgage reaching from
base to capstone. The much abused
mortgage which is ruin to the reckless
man. to one prudent and provident is
the beginning of a competency and a
fortune, for the reason he will not be sat-
tfitd until Lehas paid it off, and all the
household are put on strictest economy
until then. Deny yourself all superflui
ties and all luxuries until you can say:
"Everything in this house is mine thanlr
God! every timber, every brick everv
foot of plumbing, every doorsill." D
not have children born in a bearding
house, and do not yourself be buried
from. one. Have a place where your
children can shout and sing ax d romp
and not be overhaulded for the racket
Ilaye a kitchen where you can do some
thing toward the reformation of evil
cookery end the lessening of this nation
of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of
his great battles by an attacked of indi
gestion, so many men have such a daily
wrrestle with the food swallowed that
they have no strength left for the battle
of life; and though your wife may know
how to play all musical instruments and
rival a prima dona, she is not well edu
cated unless she can boil an Irish potatoe
and broil a mutton chop, since the die
sometimes decides the fate of families
and nations.
Have a setting room with at least one
easy chair, even though you have to take
turns at sitting in it, and books out of
the public library, or of your ovn pur
chase for the making of your family in
telligent, and checker boards and guess
ing matches, with an occassional blind
man's bluff, which is of all games my
fayorite. Rouse up your home3 with all
styles of innocent amusement, and gath
er up in your children's lives a reservoir
of exuberance that will pour down re
freshing streams when life gets parched
and the dark days come and the lights
go out and the laughter is smothered in
to a sob. T.'De Witt Talmage.
For South Park Lots
Over Bank of Cass County
THIS preparation, with-
cu- Freckles. Liver-Moles.
imples, lilack-IIeals, Sunburn
and. Tan. A few applicati6ns will ren
der the most stubbornly red 8kin eolt,
smooth and white. Viola Cream ia
not a paint or powder to cover defects,
but a remedy to cure. It is Buperior to
all other preparations, and ia guaranteed
to give Katipfaction. At druggists or mail
ed for CO cents. Prepared by
Ho. Ohio. 0. O. BITTXEB A '0.
For Sale by O. II. Snyder, Frufigiet
ai r -
TWO Wttm OrJiY
In onler to i eil ni (. (.in" iii;iiHi:r- stock H' hulks turned
ami fine j-Ikx'- Y will make a special sacrifice
tor t'.vo weeks ,
W A . BO
Keep Constantly
And a full line of Druggists Sundries. Careful attention given to the prescription
Department .
Great care lias been given our Wall Paper department
We have placed our order with one ot the largest Eastern
Factories for our Spring stock and we guaradtee you alj
the latest styles and designs.
Wildman & Fuller.
Gardens. Implement Depcit
The Oldest Implement House in Cass County.
All the Standard Goods are
Such as John Deere fe Co's. David Bradley & Co's.
Peru City's. St. Joe's and George D. J'rowxis, ot Galesburg
The JN'ew Departure cultivator, the best that's made.
Always in stock, Received in car
and Jvetchum. JJuckeye JJinders and Mowers.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts
Headquarters for the Lest barb
tact everything in any ot
Will consult their own interests bv
mouth, or Fred II. Gorder. at "Weeping Water, wlien in want of any
thing in the Implement line. Fifteen years experience 1ms taught me
how to buy goods right, and my trade shows for itself that I sell right.
Branch. 22 cm so a.t Weeping Water.
F, - G FRICKE- & CO'.
Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure
wismuasTs susiwies.
Prescriptions Careftiily
f 3 IT. - - . .--su
... -
s-t&-'i:. TV-?-."'' . TV t.
These Lenses are lor superior to any others sold in
the city. Possessing- a natural
ening qualities which will preserve the failing eyesight.
on hand a full line of
!, : nmi, : OILS : Etc
and KETA1L
load lots such as bchuttler, Molme
wire, "TiiE GLIDDEN" and ir
the above lines uf goods.
King to Fred Gorder, at Platts-
Compounded at all Hours
Messrs F. G- Fricke & Co.,
are the Only Parties Selling
our Alaska Crystal Brilliant
transparency and strength