WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1890. Tloadln' ZMmeitl Contrlrancefc Iloudin acquired a comfortable com petence by the exercise of bis art, and he built a handsome villa at St. Gervais, near Blois. When he had retired from business he amused himself by introduc ing varous curious inventions into his f&ace and the grounds attached to it. The garden gate was situated some 400 yards from the house. A visitor had only to raise a diminutive brass knocker and let it fall upon the forehead of a fan tastic face making but a faint sound when a large bell was set in motion in the villa. At the same time the gate swung open automatically, the plate bearing the came "Robert Iloudin" disappeared, and another took its place on which was engraved the word "Entrez." When the postman delivered the letters he had brought he was instructed to drop them through a slit in the gate into the recep tacle provided for this purpose. The box, directly this was done, started of its own accord on its journey to the front door of the house by means of a miniature elevated railway. Houdin Invented, too. an ingenious contrivance by which, while lying in bed, he could feed his horse in a stable fifty yards from the villa, for on touch ing a small button there was put in mo tion an apparatus that caused the exact portion of oats required for the animal's deal to fall into the manger from the .granary above. By another curious piece of mechanism a little bench that stood beside a ravine in a remote part of the grounds was so conatrueted that imme diately any person sat down upon it the machine automatically traversed a nar row bridge that spanned the gorge, and having deposited the occupant on the other side the bench returned to its orig inal position. Chambers' Journal. Sweet Vengeance. A good joke is told upon two St. Cloud gentlemen, both of whom are well known young men. One of them is a married man. The other day two young ladies from, well, it might have been Minneapolis, arrived on a visit to his wife. Soon after their arrival the two gentlemen conceived a diabolical idea. A mouse was captured and tied between the bed clothes in the apartment occu pied by the visitors shortly before they retired. The reporter's informant re frained from giving the tragic details of the finding of the imprisoned animal, and it must suffice to say that it was a-w-f-u-11 There was no peaceful slum ber for the visitors that night, and until dawn was spent by the young ladies in deliberating upon how to avenge the above practical joke. They succeeded most admirably. Last night the two gentlemen, who occupied the same room, retired as usual. Occasionally they would remember some thing about the mouse and then a roar m j . 1 ft w a -ox laugnier wouia oe neara. tmi suu denly everything grew still. Then there were some remarks that sounded like "cuss words," and suddenly a prolonged snuffing noise, and then the . anxious listeners knew that all was over, or rather under the bed. It is explained that when the two young men proceeded to don what is commonly designated as a "night dress" no ingress or egress could be discovered. They were sealed hermetically sealed. The crash was caused by the fragile form of a man falling to the floor through a'sheet, which was mistaldngly taken for a mattress. "The gentleman slept upon the floor. St. Cloud Times. Wealth In the Watermelon. Every season develops more and more fully the prevailing necessity for the dis covery of some practical and profitable use to which the surplus melon crop may be put. Every melon left in the Held at the end of the season, except for eed, represents a waste. A means by which this waste, which annually as sumes enormous proportion, could be averted would no doubt be hailed with pleasure by every melon grower in the country; therefore the announcement from the Southland to the effect that nch means has been discovered, if au thenticated, is an important one. The new discovery, which consists of converting the melon bulb into sirup, it is alleged, will establish in the south an industry scarcely of second importance to that of producing oil from cotton Eeed, and the product is vouched for as being the very best ever yet made. If tie report proves true, and there 6eems to be little or no reason for discrediting it, Mississippi and Scott counties ma', with a little energy, convert that which is now absolutely valueless into profits running into the thousands. Charleston Democrat. Calculation on a Potato. Did yon ever calculate the value of. a single potato on the basis that that single tuber was the only one left in the world? That one would, of course, contain with in itself the possibility of restocking the world with a valuable article of food If one potato would produce when planted but ten potatoes in ten years the total product of that one potato would be 10,000,000.000, which would etock the whole world with seed. If the world were reduced to one single potato it would be better that London or Chi cago be blotted from the earth thanf or that one tuber to be lost. St. Louis Republic To Be Continued. High School Note9. Moiidav niornintr found a number of new pupils and our enrollment is now about 1100. Mi6s Fulmer's room earned the banner last week and tbry feel proud of their achievement. Pupils in the higher grades must brace up if they expect to win the banner this term. The primary grades are determined to in and we feel proud of them in their efforts to outstrip their older brothers and sisters in this educational fiht. One month of school ha been com pleted and we can say that the board of education in securing Prof. McClelUna to superintend our schools, did well and we have one of the best tchools in the state, pnd our ditcipl:ue exceeds any of them. We are weU fixed in the way of muni we have Heath and we have Masons readers and a rpleodid set of charts and by the way book agents are numerous and we are liable to have more if our moot )' only holds rut. Nothing like mvs ic from several authority it ?s n'ce if it dont come cheap.. Playing truant and getting some of the boys te wiite excuses has had i's day in Plattmouth schools when the super intendent interviews the parents person ally and not to the boy who is found lacking in honor and truthfulness. Sleepless nights, made miserable bv that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy tor you. For sale by F. i Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 2 Catarrh cured, health aod sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Sny der. . 2 For Rent, My reside nee property, No. 1411 Lo cust. St. Suitable for one large or two small families. Dr. Shtpman. Goring & Co. have the nicest largest and most complete line of epeetacles ever shoTvn in Cass county. Call on them and save your eyes. dCtw2t We find St. Patrick's Pills to be very extra and ro ive splendid satisfaction . Tbev are now about the only kind called fnr W. . Wallace. Oasis. Iowa. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co, For Rent. The v-v desirnble residence owned and recently occupied by Henry Water man. Corner of 7th and Main stieeto For terms apply at Wescott's Clothing Store. atI A Safe Investment is one wh.ch is cuarenteed to bring you Bat's factory results, or in case of lailure a return of purchase p.-ice. On this safe plan yu can D. ' .mm our sprtised Drueinst a bottle of Di. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bnu relief in every c.je, vi.en used for hot affection of Tnro: J-ungs or Chest, such a" f'onumption, InflammaMon of r.nturs. Rronchitis. Asthma. Whoopluc Cough, Croup, etc. It is pleaanf ag-eeable to taste, perfectly safe, ana can always ne tie psnded unon. Tnal bottles free ft F. G Fricke &oo's Drug Store. Too long deluded the unhappy victim of catarrh in the head. , He's been told that it can't be cured. Dont you believe it. It can be, and it is no matter how bad or of how long standing. It has been done for thousands by Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy. Other so-called remedies may palliate for a time ; this cures for all time. By its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, it conquers the worst cases. Its makers offer, in good faith, a reward of $500 for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. They are able to pay it. Are you able to take it? The symptoms of catarrh are, headache, obstruction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen sive ; eyes weak, ringing in ears, deafness ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be present at once. Thousands of cases termi nate in Consumption and end in the grave, without ever having mani fested all these symptoms. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures tho worst cases. 50 cents, by druggists. A carefully selected stock of wall paper very low at Gering & Co.'s. d6tw2t. Our customers all epeak highly in praise of St. Patrick's Pills. They are the best Berry Bros,, Carro Neb, For sale by F,G. Fricks & Co. That hackine couch can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it. For sale by r . l. rncke ana u. i. Snyder 1 Wanted. We want an A No. 1 aeent in this county at once; to take charge of our business, and conduct the sale of one of the very best, most meritorious, and fast est selling inventions ever offered to tne American people. To the right person ... ... we will pay a liberal salary or allow a large commission. For full particulars address Voltaic Belt Co., No. 218, Mar shall, Mich. tf Merit wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been sell'ng Dr. ;iting's:New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bucklen'n Arntc alve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, o 'hat have given such universal satisfaction, we do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. The remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. F. G. Fricke Co., Druggists. Chattel Mortgage Sale Notice is herebv given that by virtue of a chattle mortgage dated on the 5th dy of De cember 1889. and dulv riled aud recorded in the office of the conuty cierk of Cass county, Ne braska on the 5th day of December, 1889 and executed by Skinner & Kiiciie to tne umzens Bank, and d, said bank ssgned .o W, H. Shaf er to secure he pavment of ; , and up on which there is now due the sum of $131.42. Default having been made in the nayment of said sum. therefore I will sell 1 ue propety therein described, towlt ; All the furniture books, papers and each and everything now nwnea uy saia BKinner v ruicne anu uciu iu their possession in their office, at public auc Hon fa front of the Dost office In Plattsmouth. In Cass .county, on the 4th day of October 18'JO Sil out; o ciock p. in. v) pftiu uajr. Dated s-eptember 10th 18!X). w. II. SHAKFF.K assignee of mortgagee, Beesou Root attorneys for Shafer, JULIUS PEPPEP.RERG. MANUFACTURER OF AJV WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Bud FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE a: ways in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. mm mm ESI Curt for I m pet net, Lota of Manhood, Seminal L milestone. Spermatorrhea, Nmruooeneee. Self Dletruet, Lose of htemoru. Ac. K7H moke yo a STRONG. Vigor- cue man. moo fiJJv, a Boxer, $5 00. Sntclal Ofreetlone htaffed with each Bo. Adaree "4llil Enow Lilian Co- vr..outa. kk Opera House, 6)iy SATURDAY, SEPTE3LBER Ml MATPSrEE AT 2:30 The Barnum of them all SUTTON'S Monster Double UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COMPANY COMPBISI TnTO- 22 AMTISTS 8S Famous Topsies Marks the Lawyers Educated Donkies Shetland Ponies Cuban Bloodhounds Little Dallio White, The Phc lfumnal Child Artist. The Wonderful Sutton Children Maud and Master Eddie, in Character Sketches. Special - Scenery PRICES MATINEE, IS and SSC NIGHT, 35 and SOC See magnificent Street Parade at 11:45 a. m., daily. EE AD And Then Buy A Home in South Park. Do not be caught in the delueion ol many thousands in postponing a home until they can have an expensive one This idea is the devil's trap that catches men and women innumerable, vrho wifll neyer have any at all. The laborer may have, at the close of the day, to -walk or ride farther than is desirable to reach it but when he gets to his destination in the eventide he will find something worthy of being called by that glorious and impassioned, and heaven descended word, "Home." Teuag married man, as soon as yu can buy such a place, even if you have to put on it a mortgage reaching from base to eapstone. The much abused mortgage which is ruin to the reckless man. to one prudent and provident is the beginning of a competency and a fortnne, for the reason he will not be sat- 6 fled until he has paid it off, and all the household are put on strictest economy until then. Deny yourself all euperflui ties and all luxuries until yu can say: "Everything in this honse is mine thanlr God! every timber, eyery brick everT foot of plumbing, every doorsill." Dc not bave children born in a boardiDg house, and do not yourself be buried from one. Have a place whrre your children can shout and siDg aid romp and not be overhaulded for the racket Haye a kitchen where you can do some thing toward the reformation of evil cookery and the lessening of this nation of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of his great battles by an attacked of indi gestion, so many men have such a daily wrestle with the food swallowed that they have no strength left for the battle of life; and though your wife may knew how to play all musical instruments and rival a prima dona, she is not well edu cated unless she can boil an Irish potatoe and broil a mutton chop, since the die sometimes decides the fate of families and nations. Have a setting room with at least one easy chair, even though you have to take turns at sitting in it, and books out of the public library, or of your own pur chase for the making of your family in telligent, and checker boards and guess ing matches, with an occassional blind man's bluff, which is of all games my fayorite. Rouse up your homes with all styles of innocent amusement, and gath er p in your children's lives a reservoi' of exuberance that will pour down re freshing btreams when life gets parched and the daik days come and the lights go out and the laughter is smothered in to a sob. T. De Witt Talmage. For South Park Lots CALL ON lVmDILUI & DA VIES, Over Bank of Caes County PLATTSMOUTH NEB FECIAL SAILED In Indies Fine Shoos for TWO WEEKS OfliY In order to reduce our immence stock f ladiea hand turned and fine shoes. Wo will make a special sacrifice for two weeks onlj . REMEMBER THE PI-ACE. V a A. BOECK & CO. Plattsmouth nursery imiiv viar trees of tltc JHLom KTursery where yow can select your own trees that will h a great privilege anal henellt to yon. It have all the leading va rieties ana Know- netter wnaa varieties will alo here than agents and you can huy as cheap again. App'e trees, 3 years old -A ;Sp!e trees, 2 years okl -Cliei :y early lfichroo-Ttl, h;e Richmond, wragg Plutr, Po law? tamie, "Wild Goose ' - IJ.icnhotiios. It'T'O-o' Sirawbeir'c Sha- p - Ci esent Concovc1 hi'. 2 years old Moors :RJai ly grapes, 2 years old -Curranis, Cherry Currants Snyder blackberries - -Industry Gooseberry - s Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old Honghion Gooseberries, 2 years old -Asparagus - - - Rosses, red moss and white moss Shrubs, Hydrangias Honey Suckle -Snow Balls -Lilacs - - - - Evergreens, Norway spruce B, Fir o 25 20 10 10 30 10 i op; 10 10 !0 10 JO 20 10 o N O a I 3 4 00 75 GO 00 25 GO 00 00 00 50 00 n n WW T"1- I II ism JTust arrived a fine line ot pap er, H2ordei, (Corner and center pieces and will be sold at a liv ing price. We Carry the largest stock and can give you snore pat- terns so select from than any store in Cass county. Call and set prices betore bnvinsr. pr Mespectfially9 J 53 en vtk HI IS: fs-n m n h u ViV lira lira ia TWIMMMM' I! 0 F 1n3 3 l P CT3 La iLa For SO days '(commencing Oct. 1) Boot j3tore in Kiley Block at per cent auove cost. and Shoe leather will be sold at the Schildhnecht shoe Nnxv folks vou who wear leather have a chance at some- fhing tot Jshoc dea!er of this city has ever offered. This no fake, dyJto for your 1800 1500 2500 150 150 500 250 125 Mursery one-half mile north ot town, end ol th Street. Address all Orders to PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB. Money to loan on farms in amounts of 8300 to S5000 at 6 1-2 to 7 1-2 per cent. Interest payable once a year'. No commission charged. Abstracts of title furnished, examined and perfected at reasonable rates, on lands or lots. Call on or address J. M. LEYDA, Platts mouth. Office Union Block, with A. N. Sulli van, attorney. self.