Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 18, 1890, Image 4

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" Don't ask me to mend it Take
it back and get a 5."
p?npp n . r ,1 1 f a1 I
uet irom your uean-r ire& mo
r..-i. i. l-- i .rj i
a A JjooJi. n uus iiauuauuits picturuj uuu
I - P .? 1 1 I
yaiuaoie lmorraauon auout uure.
Two or three dollars for a 5a Ilorso
blanket will make yonr horse worth mora
fend eat less to keep warm.
5A Five Kile
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric
5A Extra Test
Ask for
SO other styles at prices to suit every
body. ? If you can't get them from your
dealer,' write us.
M aaeJM toy W. A tubs sows. Pbllaaa., who
toks the (amoos Hone Brand BaAer BJanieta.
IIon. John C. Watson for float repre
sentative is a strong nomination, and one
that will be well received by this county,
his record in the last legislature having
been a credit to the counties of Otoe and
Cass. It goes without saying that he
will be elected by an increased majority.
Ohe of the most extensive carriages
on record was performed a few days
ago at the Winnebago Indian reservation
eighteen miies north of Bancroft, Neb.
Sixty Indian couples were married as
white people marry, in order to be en
titled to their annuity from the govern
ment. Merna Record.
Vol. one. No. one of the Alliance
Knight, a new pap r just issued at
Blue Hill. Webster county, is before us,
and is a very creditable paper, though
Mr. Shields we opine will have his
hands full trying to show the good
people why they should support Blather
skite McKeighan as against an able man
that has for years been figting for the
principles they pretend to cherish.
A dam, to d-vi i p 20,000 horse power
is to be ymsu i c d across the Missouri
river, near Helena, Mont. It will be a
timber crib structure, 47 ft. high and
800 ft. long, forming an impounding
rtscrvoir with an area of 429 miles.
The water will be taken from above the
dam to the turbines by a tunnel 15 ft.
by 17 ft. cros sectiou driven through a
rock promontory. The total cost is
estimated at $100,000. The power de
veloped is to be transmitted electrically
to Helena, thirteen miles distant. Ex.
We eheerfully announce the name of
8. L. Thomas of Fi ur MiTe Cr..ek for sen
ator. Mr. Thomas is one of Cass coun
ty's oldest settlers, coming to Nebraska
when but a boy. He has stood by the
rtpublican party for over thirty-fiye
years, and to make his interest still
stronger is vice-president of the Farm
ers' Alliance, and by the way is fully
qualified to represent the people of old
Cass. Mr. T. is a farmer and a 6tock
raiser, lives on a farm and earcs his
bread by the sweat of his brow. He is
the poor man's friend and should receive
the full support of every son of toil, re
publican and alliance man. Louisville
Mr. Brkckixridoe has
protest against the action
Floaters in the House,
protested for with
no need to
of Dudley's
Arkansas has
some 30,000
Democratic majority. St. Louis Repub
lic. Arkansas may have prot sted against
the action of the House in throwing
Mr. Breckinridir'-' out of a seat to which
he was Lot 'A- - "1. Some of his old
friends in the tocoud District, which he
claimed to represent, may have protested,
but their protest did not prevent a
majority 1,933 for the Republican ticket
in that district last Monday. The
oliicial figures show this, and whateyer
the protests of Mr. Breckinridge, the
St Louis Republic, and Arkansas Demo
crat3, the figures go to show that the
district is reliably Republican, and that
Breckinridge did not represent the dis
trict, but occupied the t(-at by the aid
of murder and ballot-box thievery.
Inter Octin.
The 27th day of September has been
fixed upon as the proper time for the
" '-'mrnt of coijgrcs.s. No one
ifrcr rfn pari v nnfl
- e j -
".... 1 the Lodge bill be-
" .e land.
WnEKKVEB the facts tre followed
out the fallacy of the free trade argu
ment is shown. The free trade advocate
claims that the duty is paid by the
American consumer, because, he argues,
the protected product hi ways costs at
least the market price of the article
plus the daty added. This was all
tjt-r,' was of President Cleveland's cele
I -rated message which cost him the
Presidency of the United Status. Take
for instance the single article of steel
rails, si favorite product of the free trad
er, when discussing the tariff, and what
do we find? In 18G7, only two tbous-
- iJa. r . ,1 - :i , .,-o 1,. ;.
and odd tons of steel rail was made m
4l.I Tl,n at
this country. The duty at that time
was placed at soventy four dollars and
tome odd cents per ton and the rails
were worth f 100 per ton. Under this
high duty the production of steel rails
increased inside of three years until
there was over thirty thousand tons
made in the year 1870, and the price
h id run down to $106.75 per ton. At
this time congress listening to the free
trader, who wanted to relieve the con
sumer of the oppressive dnty (!), reduc
ed the duty to twenty eight dollars per
ton, and under this protection, which
still enabled our manufacturer to con
tinue in the business, the production
increased until 1872, we produced 83,
991 tons, and yet, the price instead of
continuing to fall under the reduction
of duties, rose to $112 per ton. In 1873
congress still following the clamor of
the free trader, again reduced the duty
to $25. 20 per ton, and the following
year the price rose to $120 per ton, and
during that year there was over 115,000
tons of rails made in the country. In
1 875 concresa acain raised the duty to
$28 per ton, which duty remained in
force till 1S83, and we produced that
year, 1,148,709 tons, and the price ran
down to $37.75 per ton, only $9 in ex
cess of the duty, which by free trade
theory, the consumer was paying. In
1885 steel rails sold in this country as
low as $25 per ton, or three dollars less
than the duty which our free trade
friends, as per theory, would have the
consumer pay. After this, congress put
the duty down to $17 per ton, and
since then the price has run up at times
as high as $38 per ton, and today is
about $33 per ton in Chicago. This is
the history of a single article, which
the foreign manufacturer was contin
ually besieging our gornment to de
stroy the duty upon in the name of
the poo consumer; but, thanks to a
stalwart republican party in congress,
their plea for free rails was un
heeded, and today we manufacture more
steel rails than any other country on the
face of the globe, and at the same time
we pay our laborers double the wages
naif! for a like emolovment in other
countries. This is facts against theo
ry, and is pretty good proof that the
"added duty" is not a tax.
The Lancaster democrat is a democrat,
a- is a democrat, and ac e. ts the doctrine
of democratic infallibility with becoming
i t A 111 l iU 4.
grace ana nieeicness. auuougu turn,
section of the great party of reaction
and obstruction have been pretending to
the prohibitionists of that county that
they were "in it" with them and have
been engaged with Bishop Skinner and
other doctors of the total abstinence san
hedrin in running temperance tickets in
times past, when the crucial test was ap
plied in the county convention not long
since, delegates were found who could
exclaim, "I am a champion of temper
ance from a time when the memory of
man runneth not to the contrary, yet I
am in favor of not only swallowing the
democratic platform but I am in favor
of a resolution saying that it is our sent
iments on the free whisky question and
Editor Calhoun and all the rest of the
martyrs who have boastfully voted the
democratic ticket since Hec was a pup,
and who have stood side by 6ide with
Bishop Skinner in the great and glorious
work of founding and rebuilding the
House of the Lord on strictly temperance
granite, cast themselves down before the
dogma of democratic infallibility and
took theirs straight with the rest of the
adherents of that church." Now these
statesmen will proceed to elect strictly
temperance advocates to fill the various
offices in Lancaster county, and we sup
pose Bros. Skinner and Hardly will fall
into line and help on the great reform.
The Journal gives itself away by
making a grand kick about the Mormons
voting the republican ticket in Wyoming.
Because the democratic party gets every
socialist vote, every anarchist vote, every
vote in the south, that is opposed to law,
order and fair elections, the Journal
thinks they of necessity are entitled to
this other "twin relic of barbarism,"
the Mormon oligarchy, and then rayes
over a pretended failure to get the vote
which by nature and instinct belongs to
tliem. But it is ordy a pretense, for no
mau in all Wyoming has the hardihood
to claim that the Mormons voted any
thing but the straight democratic ticket.
nair Jewelry work. Leave orders at
Dovey's store or Mrs Wise's millinery
ster,; on Main street.
E. A. Stoi'iier will be one of the rep
resentatives fiom Cass; the democrats
universally concede this, and a good one
he will make too.
The World-Herald is sawing wood
these autnuiu days, instead of Mr. Rich
ards, And it is a mighty sorry, sickly
specimen of human intelligence behind
that World Herald buck saw.
We would like a little consistency on
the part of the democracy. Why do
they charge up all the boodling to
Speaker Reed? The returns show that
it was "ketchin" up there in the pine
tree state and that the democratic la
grippe prevailed everywhere.
The manner in which Wyoming offset
Maine is especially cheering to our
neighbor, the Journal. Yet if the whole
country offsets Maine in the same vigo
rous manner, there would not be enough
of the democratic party left to make a
decent funeral.
W. B. Shryock has resigned his po
sition as chairman of the democratic
county central committee and that old
hoosior war horse, Conrad Schlater has
been put in his place. While the change
may have lost the party a certain amount
of cunning, it has gained in stalwart
bourbonism. Conrad is not a locofo.
W. J. Connell starts from Washington
this week and will be at home to his
friends until after November 4th. For a
first term Mr. Connell has without any
question made a most brilliant record,
and today stands side by side with ten
O" eleven of the leading men in congress
With the exijerience Mr. Connell has had
we may rightfully expect much of him
during the next term to which he will
be elected Noyember.
Maybe the democratic press will come
around in fayor of the Lodge election
bill yet. To hear the whimpering of the
World-Herald over the splendid major
ity of Speaker Reed and its gloomy
predictions of the downfall of repub
lican institutions on account of cor
ruption which permeates American elec
tions (in the republican states in the
north) . Something like the Lodge bill
would be a good thing, wouldn't it I
The Portland Oregonian says that the
Oregon girl who disgraced her family by
eloping with her father's hired man to
the Palouse country several years ago,
came back recently and paid off a big
mortgage on the old man's farm, that
was about to be foreclosed. What's the
matter with changing the old adage
about "giving the boys a chance" into
"give the girls a chance," and see what
would happen. We have great faith in
the girls.
The Tariff is a tax! Poor benighted
farmer in Maine, poor ignorant far
mer and ranchman in Wyoming, you
have been farming for years and ought
to know all about it, what a pity you
have not got the intellect of Col.
Sherman of this city. While many of
you are no doubt growing rich, yet you
are robbed every day and don't know it,
suckers, suckers; but there are people
who will enquire which is the sucker.
A tariff is a tax, preacher, or a farmer
who has grown rich under the beneficent
influence of a protective tariff .
The southern states have no cauc to
complain this year. The cotton crop
amounts to 7,311,322 bales. This yeild
is 373,000 bales larger than the yeild of
last year, and a quarter of a million
bales larger than the crop of two years
ago. Prices have been satisfactory and
an investigation into the condition of
the southerner 6hows that he is prosperous
enough this year to vote the straight
republican ticket. He would do it, too,
if it had not been born and bred into
him to vote with the party of calamity
and mossbackism. State Journal.
Newstead Abbey, which Washington
Irving so lovingly and perfectly describj
ed, has been for many years a private
residence. At one time the estate of
Lord Byron, it was sold to Col. Wild
man, who is said to have expended
more than a million dollars in restoring
the buildings and beautifying the
grounds. It is now the home of Col.
Webb, the friend and companion of Dr.
Livingstone, and it was here that the
great missionary wrote his books. Of
course many interesting memories cluster
around the historic old abbey. It was
here that Lord Byron used to see ghosts
at night in his looking glass, and his
bedroom in the old haunted tower, is
still pointed out to visitors. Not long
ago, Joaquin Miller, being a guest of
Col. and Mrs. Webb, in a spirit of ro
mantic adventure, spent a few nights iu
this chamber, declaring that if the ghost
'of Byron did uot appear, his ffiith in the
reapp'-nrmir.; of the dead would be
greatly shaken. An account of what
really did appear, together with much
nteresting information about the abbey,
is contained in an article entitled "Nights
at Newst3ud Abbey," which Mr. Miller
will contribute to Harper's Magazine for
October. The article will be illustrated
from photographs and tlrawings by
American artits.
The sainted, (?) though unsophisti
cated Bryan thrilled his audience here
bometime ago with stories of republican
villainy offset with democratic purity.
Ho took particular pains to show how
thfc democrats of Iowa (which was in his
mind) were gerrymandered out of rep
resentation. He forgot to mention Ohio.
And as some of our democratic leaders
might care to see the result of their own
handiwork iu Ohio we have placed be
fore you an exact map of
MeKinUy'a DMrict. '
The democratic legislature of Ohio
fixed this up a little more than a year
ago to prevent Major McKinley from re
turning to congress. The district boun
daries cut counties in two and reach out
for democratic precincts. This is a part
and parcel of the democratic reform
which you hear their candidates rant so
much about, now do honest, fair
minded people like this species of re
form which, as a matter of fact is on a
par with the balance of the reforms
practiced by the party of obstruction
and hard times. It is not enough to say
that republicans did as bad, for it is not
the truth, but even if they had it would
be no excuse for a reform party (?) to do
the same thing. Off with bogus re
forms and give us hanest republican
Representative Connbia on yester
day introduced a bill carrying an ap
propriation of $100,000 to defray the
cost of erection of a United States mint
at Omaha, and there is no good reason
why it should not become a law. The
smelting works annually turn out more
silver than the government can use at
any one mint, while the gold supply
would be very large. The reason for
keeping the principal mint at Philadel
phia is not apparent.
The democracy of Wyoming might as
well confess defeat and retire from busi
ness. To ascribe the result to an error
in the law, which affected democrats
only, is childish. The truth is that a
majority of the people determined to
cast their fortunes with the progressive
party of the nation. Republicanism
made Wyoming what it is, and the peo
ple of Wyoming merely expressed their
gratitude at the ballot box.
The democrats sold their votes in
Maine and couldn't read the Australian
law in Wyoming (?). What will become
of that party we would like to know
when it remodels the organic law down
in Mississippi so the voter must be able
to both read and understand the consti
tution before he can vote, In the lang
uage of the Elder Weller, "beware of
the reforms samivel."
From a statistical account we notice
that there arc 700,000 pensioners enrolled
on the pension rolls of the United States,
who are paid 129 different rates, ranging
from $12 to$2,500 per annum. There
are about 2,400 persons in foreign coun
tries who receive pensions. Of these
569 are in Germany, and 475 in Great
The Democrats will hunt cover after
the 20th, when the republican guns,
which have been loaded and primed,
will be unlimbered and turned upon the
And the Wyoming republicans don't
know that the tariff is a tax ? Even the
thick-skinned democrats have come to
the same conclusion.
If McKeighan had a real personal
friend in the second district he would
pull him off the ticket, remarks a truth
ful contemporary.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Henry Kennedy has the thanks of the
Republican compositors and boss, for
leaving a fine loothsome water melon
with us on Saturday. Weeping Water
Republican .
After reading the above we searched
the entire realms of history, cyclopedias
and almanacs, and finally we commanded
all the wise men, magicians, astrologers,
sorcerers and chaldeans to be brought
and see if they could give an exegesis of
the above named "loothsome." Wc are
satisfied that Nebraska's soil is prolific
but what in the name of horn-pipes did
Keithley eat.
The Daylight store will close out their
6tock of dry goodB and continue till the
last is sold, Great bargains in novelties,
in misses and ladies jackets, the nicest
and tastiest patterns at very low prices.
Call in and see prices and goods. tf.
J. V. Weckbach a Sok.
"Good and Honest."
Is thus praised:
But of Ohio Tret.
dry &., Columbus.
Ohio. Feb. , ls9.
"I bare used St Ja
cobs Oil In my fa ratty
for yearn, and Bad U to
be tbe medldaa of medicines
It Is a good, honest medicine suid honoat aaea
will not healtato to recommend It to auffartcf
humanity." JOHN T. SLDMMOK9.
In Every Tlotllc There la Cr. Is
Every Application a lielief.
ctfiAao-MD .TheEkab-A-Vdseier CO
Few better Durubers of popular mag
azine have ever been issued than is the
October number of the
Ladie's Home Journal. From cover to
covir, the number bristles with an array
of splendid articles, poems and stories
seldom brought together in a single is
sue, I T. Barnum tells, in a very enter
taining manner, the secret of "How
Have Grown Old;" Mrs. Ulysses Grant
describes her courtship with the General,
and how the warrior proposed marriage
to her; the methods pursued by the
Vanderbuilts in the tiaining of their
children are freshly sketched; Mrs. Mar
garet Bottome, the President of the
"King's Daughters," begins most admi
rably -with what will hereafter be a reg
nlar department, entirely devoted to the
"King's Daughters;" Robert J. Burdette
has a first class humorous article on old
people who try to be young; A. Bogar
dua, the pioneor New York photographer
has an exceedingly bright sketch on
"Presidents I Have Photographed;" Dr,
Talmage has some very bright things
for women; Emma V. Sheridan, the
Boston actress, tells how to conduct
private theatricals; '"Curl Papers and
Husbands" is the unique title ot a bright
paper by Felicia Holt; Florence Howe
Hall gives valuable hints in an article
telling how to celebrate "Wedding An
niversaries;" and then come contributions
almost without number, from Harriet
Prescott Spofford, Mrs. Lyman Abbott,
Lee C. Harby, Sarah K. Bolton, Edward
W. Bok, Ellen LeGarde, Kate Tannatt
Woods, and a score of others. The Oct.
Journal is truly a perfect model of what
a popular magazine should be. Puplish
ed, at one dollar a year, by the Curtis
Publishing Company, Philadelphia.
from Monday's Daily.
Don't say pants to Frank Morgan or
any of the Myer firm, gentle reader, or
you may get into trouble. It happened
this wise; Saturday was a windy day and
an $ 8 pair of pants blew ff of the dum
my in front of Mayers and fell through
the area iDto the barber shop below about
that time D. K. Barr and Ed Oliver hap
pened along and Barr stuck his head in
at the door and gave the alarm, one of
the clerks flew to the doorand Ed Oliver
said he thought the thief had gone dotrn
through Waterman's lumber yard, away
went the vigilant clerk a3 fast as he
could run, the whole 6tore was at this
time at white heat, Frank Morgan sum
moned the police. Jack Denson was sent
up the truck, the marshal was to go west
and Johnnie Filzpatrick was to stir up
the game generally; when Johnnie ask for
a description of the man Morgan remem
bered that Ed Oliver was the
only fellow that had seen the thief
so jonnnie went to see ta ior
a description, and Ed then told the po-
iceman all about it and where the pants
could be found. Johnny then goes
back to Morgan aDd tells him he be-
ieves if he could set up the cigars to
some of the bums that they would give
t away and the pants might be recovered.
Cigars," says Frank; "of course I will
set up the cigars." The policeman then
went into the basement and brought up
the missing pants; agents were sent out
to call Denson back and the other
guards of the city gates, and Morgan 6et
up the cigars, though he did not feel as
good at finding the pants as one might
have supposed. The clerk has subsided
and today everything moves along
smooth as common until you say some
thing about pants.
Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
exchange for wheat at the Factoryville
Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
wt.f. T. M. Warne.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby waai sick, we g ber Caatorla.
When the vaa a Child, she cried tor Castoria.
When aba became Kiss, site chmg to Castoria,
When sne had Children, she pare them Caatori.
Success Assured. The LaraestLIno
of Entries EverBefore Made.
From Tut fidiiy'K Hallyl
The fnir ii u success and with favor
ablc weatV-r tomorrow and next day
will h-0 crowds of pi-opl.! on the grounds.
The horse show will be iho best ever
seen here and our p-ole who are lovers
good horses will do w I! to attend.
Iu the three minute trotting race this
afternoon Dick Htreight's Joj F. wan an
easy winner. 1st he-it Joe F, 1st; Brun
shaw Dan 2nd, Mud Dill 3rd, Maggie
M. 4tfi. Time :i:01.
Secon d J. e F. l.-t, Maud Dill
2nd. Time 2: US. Only two heats were
Only rue lieut wa-t trotted, up to
yoing to pivfis. in which Goldie won,
witlcathie a close second. Time 2:41.
The large t crowd for the first day
nyer in attendance If on the grounds.
Tlu program for tomorrow is as fol
lows: Two o'clock the 2:43 trotting race is
called, then conies the running race, milo
heats and the 2:C5 trotting race.
The IIekai.d will give a full report of
the fair tomorrow.
Special Sale of Dry Coods.
Good carpets. Notions, millinery,
Cloaks, flannels, blankets, canton flannel
wool, in fact everything y u need for
fall and winter ; embroidery and a fine
stock of staple goods, boots and shoes
at the lowest prices in the city.
J. V. Weckbach & Son.
Skins on Fire.
With Itehlng, Burning. Blaedln
Eexemas Instantly Relieved
by Cutloura Remedies.
OurlllUle eon will four yeara old on the
95th lnat. In Hay, ISkS. he waa attacked with
a Tery painful breaking out of the tkln. We
called in a phyaician. who treated ulra for
abont four weeks. The ekild received tittle or
no good from the treatment, as the breaking
out. suppoaed by the physician to b hives la
an aggregated form, became larger in blotches
aad more and more dUtreaslng. We were fre
quently obliged to get up in the night and rub
lii id with soda in water, strong liulinenU. ete.
Finally we called other physicians, until no
leas than elz had attempted to cure him, all
alike failing, and the child steadily getting
worts and worse, until about the 20th of Jaat
July, when we began to five him Cuticcka
Kkholvkkt internally, and the C TicuKA
and Cuticura Soap externally, and by the
last of August he wan so nearly well that we
gave him only one dose of the Kiioltint
aooat every secona aay ior noouc ten aays
lenrar. and he haa never been troubled eluce
with the horrid malady. In all we used leas
than one half of a bottle of Cuticuba KnaoL-
vbnt. a little leas thaa one box of Cuticuba
and only one cake ot Cuticuba Ho a p.
II. K. Kl AN,
Caynga, Livingston 'o. 111.
Snkserthed and sworn to before me. this 4th
day of January, 1887. C. N. COB. J. P.
Parents do yon realize how your little ones
suffer, when their tender skins are literally on
fire with itching, burning, scaly, and blotched
skin and scalD diseaaes? To know that a Min
gle application of the Cuticuka Kkmjcdiks
will often afford instant relief, permit rwnt and
sleep, and point to a permanent and economi
cal (bacausa so speedy) cure, and not to nae
them, without a momenta delay, is to be guilty
of positive inhumanity. No greater legacy can
be bestowed upon a child than a clear akin and
pure blood. Cutioura Kbmkdiks are abso
lu'ely pure, and may be used from lnfanov to
age, from pimplea to seof ula.
Bold everywhere. Piice.CUTicuRA. sic Hoaf
25c, Resolvent, $i. Preprred by the I'ottkk
"kuu Ann i.HiaicAL tjoai'OKATiON, lioeton
tarSend for "flow to Cure Skin Diseases."
P I RV'Q8kin andScalp purified and beautified
D O.D 1 Uby Cuticura Soap. Absoletely pure.
Erf In one minute
ra Anti-Pain PI
tif hnnniiitir Hciatlc, 1
the Cutleu-
Plaster relieves
s. hlu.kirjney. mus
cular and cheat pains. The and
only lnetantauooua pain killing strengthening
Legal Notice.
Anne Schrump. defendant, will take notice
that on the 2nd day of September, 1830, Chris
tian Schrump, plaintiff, herein filed his peti
tion in the district court of Cass county. Ne
braska, against said defendant, the object and
prayer oi wnicn are to oniain a aecree or ai
vorce severing the bonds of matrimony here
tofore nniting plaintiff and defendant.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the lSth day of October 180.
By Wcoley & Gibson his Attorneys. 24-4t
John Inhelder. Jacob Inhelder. Marv Shirk-
ey, L'lrich Inhelder. Barbara Gaucr, Catherine
Buche. Clave Sherman Inhelder, Burkhard
Inhelder, Christian IuhelderJ Mairgie Ieucht
weis. Mathew Inhelder and Henry Inhelder.
children and only heirs at law of John In
helder. deceased and all other persona interest
ed will take notice that on the 13th day of Au
gust, 1890 Iiiis C. Eickotf as administrator of
the estate of John Inhelder. deceased. fSlfd hi
etition in the district court of Cass county,
Nebraska against aid heirs, the object and
prayer of said petition being to procure from
said district court a judgement and order
authorizing said administration to convey to
Harry Meii-inger lot seven (7 in block three
(3) in Cedar Creek in county, Nebraska,
and further to authorize said adminie'rator to
convey to Bertha Frey lot three (3) in biock four
J4) aid Cedar Creeks said conveyances to be
made by virtue of contracts entered into be
tween said John Inhelder, deceaced, and said
Mesinger and Frey. A hearing will be given
on ?aid petition on the 13th day of October,l8'JO,
at ten o clock in the forenoon f said day, in
open court at the regular October, ipso term of
the district court ol Cass county. Nebraska.
22-tit I.OI-IS C. ElCKOKF
A administrator of the estate of John Ia
helder, deceased.
Road Notice.
To all Whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to vacate a
road now running acrots blck is north, and
6 west and 11 north and 6 west in the town of
Rock Bluffs has reported in favor of the vaca
tion thereof, and all objections thereto or
claims for damages, rnuct be filed in the Coun
ty Clerk'a oflW on or before neon on the Kh
day of Nevember A V. Is90. or tuch road wili
be vacated without reference thereto.
25-4t Bird Chitchjtikla , County Clerk.
Sheriff sale
By virtue of an order of sale it-ued by W. C.
Bhowalter, clerk of the district cwurt within and
for 'aes county, Nebraska, and to me directed
I will on tha l:jtn day of October A. L). 1'jo at
10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door
of the court houre in tne rity of 'lallinoutu
in said county, fell at public auction totlm
highest bidder for cas!i the tollowme real
estate towit : Lot- two v2) three (3 and lorty
eis:Ut (4sj in section thirteen 13 township
twelve (12) north of ranjr tluttfen 13 eat of
thefcth Principal MeriJan i;i Cas rouuty. Ne
braska, together with the privileges and aj
pur ances thereunto belonging or in anywie
The same being levied upon and taken as thri
property of Caroline M, Dodge, atoc Dodjce
and C. H. Farmele. defendants : to satiefy a
judgment ot aid court recovered by Auseimo
B, Smith plaintiff, against said defendant.
I'lattsmouth, Neb., September 10, A. D. HV).
William Tioh,
Beeson Root. f herlff Cass Co., Neb
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
i ; 5
1. 1
ii )
' I.