WEEKLY HERALD: PL ATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 4 1890 Front T)ur day's Dally. The bcLooI board will probably meet Friday ight for the alignment of teach ers. Mrs fttilc' boarding house is doing , nice ba4a eH, located opposite the poet oflicc. Miss H attic Fulmer came iu this morn ing from i.'-r purnmer vacation in New York. Conrad hlutcr, one of Cia county a best fur mere :s yisiting his 'granddaugh ter today. Deputy Sheriff Tighe took John Siriiiginc-n up to the insane hospital at Lincoln thin lu-orning on the flyer. Hallie Johnson went to Omaha again this morning to got his eye drowsed. His father, O. F. Johnson, accompanied him. From the wav thev smiirm. some people must feel very sore over the suc cess of the IIkrai.d. Henry Streight has broke ground for a neat barn and coal shed. Boyd & Hin shaw will do the work. The four Clark tenement houses will be completed this week. They are being built by John Bobbins & Son of this city. Wescott'e clothing emporum will be second to none in the county when he gets his stylish shelving in and painted up in good shape. Miss Castleton was booked to appear here Oct. 2nd. The Ocean "Waif Co., Dec. 20th, has also canceled, but may com earlier. Wm. Osborne is building a fine barn 20x36 for Ed Oliver, which he says will be the finest in the citv. He also has a Mra, B. F. Pierce wu aa Omaha yisxtor this morning. Terry Walker was an. Omaha passenger this morning. . Oeorge Burton is interviewing friend in the metrojo3i today Mrs. J, N. Somers has gooe to Beatrice for a few days visit with friends. Captain II. E. Palmer and daughter returned this morning from au extended trip to Boston. Dr Ed Cummina started for New York City this ruoining and will be gone about ten days. Mrs. Crehau went to Lincoln this morning for a few weeks vi.-it with friends and relatives. Miss Richey returned to her home at McC'ook this morning, Miss Mattie Smith accompanied her as far as Iowa, J. F. Clutter of the Ottumwalron , Bridge Company is in the city today yis king hid brother-in-law, W. A. Young, Mrs, J. W. Bridge, wife of the head lumber man at the the shops, wentto Peru yesterday for a visit of two or three weeks. C. W. Sherman and wife and J. D Tutt and his sister Miss Claiborne are at tending the old settlers picnic at Glen- wood today. Wm. Neville and wife and Mrs. McEo tee and daughter went to Lincoln today to attend the funeral of John Hallahan whose widow is a cousin of Mrs. Neville and Mrs. McEntee. George II. Holton went to Omaha and Greenwood today, at the former place force of men tearing out the old shelving he exPects clBe P d.eal for a Gef" una paper iuui uas ueeo in operation in Omaha for sou.e time. and putting in new for C. E. Wescott. Mrs. Charles S. Dawson has a lawn party this afternoon from three to six at their beautiful river view cottage, in hon or of her grand daughter, Alice Dovey, whose playmates will be royally enter tained. The M. P. engineers have added our Barney Sullivan to their corps. They Bay the way he waded the Platte river the other day to assist the boys, would have brought tears to the eyes of Mr. Clarke, the general manager of the road. Just ask A. B. Todd about it. The sprightly grey delivery team of Henry Weckbach & Co., geared yester day afternoon, and took a spin around the block, greatly to the detriment of the wagon but without injury to the team. George Shreyes came in yesterday from Alliance for a few days visit with hia many friends here. Oeorge is in the employ of the company running a train from Alliance to New Caetle, he likes his job and location first rate. Commissioner Todd and Dave Miller were in Louisville yesterday inspecting the bridge. The commissioners have kept close track of things and have pre vented the use of much poor material so that when completed the bridge will be first class. Resolutions. Whereas, It has pleased the Al mighty God to remove the father of Brother A. E. Reinhackle .to his home Today the wagon is at the shop for re- beyond the grave, be it i-ia um, mc kiuu 10 v " - ixEsoLVED, mat tne members 01 John Robbing & Son have begun work Gauntlet Lodge, No. 47, Kmehs of Pyth on a 94x24 two story residence with a ias of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, extend to ione story kitchen for Mrs. Lydia Liying- the sorrowing brother and bereaved f am- ston on her farm near John Cummins ily their warmest sympathy in this, the "'"place where the old fair grounds used to hour of their affliction by the loss of their be. They have also commenced a $ 2,- loving parent and kind father, 500 residence 30x34 two stories high Resolved, That copies of these reso- with a one story kitchen just north of lntions be sent to the bereaved family, the Tabernacle In South Park for Mr?, published in the city papers and spread Moore a widow lady that is coming in off of the farm to live in town. She is a near relative of the Oldhams. The Journal should not loose a min ute's sleep over the hired editor of the Herald. If the Journal cannot keep up on the minutes of Gauntlet Lodge, No. 47 M. N. Griffith ) D. O. Dwyer Com. Wm. J. Streight ) Chief Arthur, 4 f the Brotherhood of Engineers, writes a letter in which Mr. Powderly is given come pretty Lard licks. Young McCarthy was arrested about four o'clock this afternoon charged wi-tfi the malicious destruction of property ia cutting u tug for Mr. Harris. B. It. Tielwdd, the iinn who did more to nominate W. If. Cashing thau any other ten men in thp late democratic 6tue convention, is in the city today The funeral of tiu; late August Rein hackle took place this afternoon and wad tlie most largely attended funeral of the year. Many of the old residents from outside tlie city were present. It. J. McClure has received the con tract to build the new Boyd Opera House, for which he is to receive the munificent sum of .f 175,000. Jt is to be the fiuest in the country outside of Chicago and New York. I J. M. Muir. of Waterloo, Canada, came Another Interesting Letter. Rock IJlltf, August J8. IS'jO. Mr. Editor; My attention is called to the tirade of the editor of the Journal who is evidently very much discomposed over the criticieais, I ventured to indulge touching the tariff reform oration of the world be, congressman liryuri, delivered at n.itts'ijoutli the oilier evening. I supposed Mr, Editor, whin a man puts himself up In-lore tin; in oulc lor an im portant otlice. like that to which this man aspires, he legitimately becomes the property of the people so far as his utter ances are concerned touching questions which effect the public; in this spirit, only, I ventured to question the correct ness of his position, on what I considered an economic question of great moment to the American people. Now then, Mr, Editor, without intention of offending the editor of the Journal, I would suit- gest that its editor, unless he has a better answer for my criticism than the one What is in this morning on tlie Uyer to yisit with given by him, treat it with more respect his son for a few days. He was accom- at least. It wont answer the sua'Stions ' panied by his niece. Miss Mamie Grant, made by me as to the wisdom of destroy- of Guelph, Canada, a fine musician. She ing the fourth industry in point of im- will probably remain in the city perma- portance in the United States, to assert J Cast or ia is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless Mihstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of Blothers. Castoria destroys AVorms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething- troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. nently. Miss Trook was charged in the police court with using bad language; the trial was held yesterday afternoon. Jack Graves appeared for Miss Trook and she was discharged. Ed Vanatta represen ted the prosecuting witness, Mrs. Noble, who had been fined f 5 for using bad lan guage, in a trial held an hour before. that the farmer of Cass county docs not see nt to engage in sheep raising. Or that half the wool use in this country is imported. Because Mr. Sherman does not raise sheep is no reason the wool and Mutton grower of Wyoming and Dakota should not have sufficient protection to enable them to build up that industry in those Castoria. J. P. Harris came over from Iowa to- states' (unles9f ffee trade is the wise pol- lftv with a load of hav and hitrh hi ,CT for our government to pursue). It team in the shade of the maples on 5th street near Vine. As he went to hitch up, about 1 o'clock, he discoveied that one of hisjtugs had been cut entirely in too. On investigation it w&j found to tV. - .1. t 4 ii t nuvc uccu luc vvui& ui i w o oi iu.ee uovs old enough to have known better. Some of these boys will not feel so fun- must be conceded, taking Mr. Bryan's argument for anything or of any value, that wool must be protected if our peo ple are to engage in the sheep business, and his radical statement that 'he was unutterably opposed to any protection tor wool," leaves that gentleman stand- I ing squarely before an intelligent audi. " Cantor! Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of iu food effect upon tbair children." Dr. Q. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mans. Castoria Is the best remedy fop children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day iaiot far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria In Btead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcingoplum, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ageata down their throats, thereby sending: them to premature graves." Da. J. F. KnfCBELOK, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " CoHtorlft In so well adapted to children that I mcommeitd it as superior to any prescription kiiuwu to uie." IT. A. AacHK, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outaide practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that th merits of Caatoria has won us to look with favor upon It." Ukited Xlosprrai. AMD Dispehhast, Boston, Mass. Aixem C. Smith, Pre:, ny if they get landed in jail for this kind ence o Plattsmouth advocating the de- of mischief. From Friday's Daily. The B. M. folks have just finished the annual painting of the bridge across the Missouri. I V. iynnA 1 1 t c i 1- Ilia mn Orion, came up from Nebraska City to take care of him. Philip Harrison mashed two of his fingers quite badly in unloading a ear of struction of tur wool industry. There Mr. Editor, is where I find Mr. Bryan and there is where nine out of ten sensi ble well informed farmers will part company with him. Look at it Mr. Ed itor, the tenth census (ten years ago) found us with a p ulation of very near ly 13,000.000 male persons over the age j of twenty-one years, and of these over 1,000,000 were flock owners, in addition to which there weie a large number of owners of sheep ranches. Mr. urvan Thm CentAtir Company, TT Murray Street, New Trk City, rrr. 1,1 " 111 1 " 1 " ; " ;" ' . i ' ; Everything to Furnish Tour IIouso. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISVING EMPORIUM. ewer pipe for Finley Johnson yesterday, uon't forget the democratic primaries ould destroy the business of these men tomorrow evening. No truce will be The official statistics of the year 1884 patched up between the silk stockings I show that there was 50,626,626 sheep in the United States. That there was in that year 308,000,000 pounds of wool The Tariff Is a Tax. "If a 54 per cent tariff on woolen with the urocession. our advice is to eo gods means tax of 5A0 on a ten do1' hire a man who can. This is cheap advice. lar 8Ult of clothes brought from France because we charge nothing for it; yet, it or made at hom' then a 99 per cent tariff is mighty good advice and we know of cn wooiens wouia mean a tax on the no newspaper in this neck of woods that downtrodden people of $9.90 for a ten can profit bv it as much as the Journal, aoiiar sun oi ciotnes; cms would give if the pig headed manager of that con- ten centa to the manufacturer and $9.90 . i l rr tho rvAVArnmAnr " cern could oniv see u as nis suDscriDers l" Kw v.... do. Sam'l Barker made an eloquent politi cal speech, bristling with facta and figures, to a crowd of congenial spirits last night, that established a reputation for high toned oratory and clear incisive Specimen ot young man Waterman Opera House, Bryan's logic at A. D. Garrison from near Union made the Herald a pleasant call today. The World-Herald is supporting Bry an, McKeighan, Thompson and Kemm i i i 4 ii , i i ; 01rA t mn in "iiu euuai zeai. as to ere are duc Sam's yoice has been warped a little call- three congressmen to elect, the "stradler" ;nn nftl whirh seHms to riv it that will soon be m hot water. S 1?1 . I .11 pW;uiiuuuu,u1v.,a,UBOwn Charles II. Dewev. one of Omaha's or aa old wash boiler with a board, yet most entCrprising capitalists, died yestes he makes his point and clinches it every d at Batle Cfeek Mich wherehewa8 t:me. Were it not for fear of insulting . . t. ' . Mr. Dewey was born in Kenebec, Maine, 62 years ago. He will be greatly missed in Omaha as well as in the whole state of Nebraska. MrJBarker we would insist on his tack ling the tariff question with old man Shermanicus of the Journal. Market Place. Farmers are insulted and mistreated every day for want of a place to hitch their teams when they come to town Citizens do not care to have their front Prohibitionists. Special to the IIkkald The convention has nominated Dr. B. doors obscured with teams and wagons L- Pa'11? fr governor, James Woodly, a right under their noses, yet, there is no colored man, from Omaha, for lieutenant place else to hitch. If the city council governor and W. W. Hardy, of Lincoln, wishes to do a wise thing for the town and at a small expense they will ar range for a good shady hitching place. If the members of the council could hear the forcible expression that come from the farmers such as "this is the last for treasurer. The exercises were inter ppersed throughout with Binging and praying. At four o'clock nothing fur ther had been done. Today is the last day of the national farmers' congress now in session at trip for me to Plattsmouth, I will trade Council Bluffs. Tomorrow they take a somewhere else," they would appreciate trip to Denver. Mr. C. C. Despaine is a the necessity for action. member of the committee on general ar- Canceled Enagements. rangements and decorations and will ac- Kate Castleton has canceled all her en- company the excursion if hia mother's gagements, and notified her company condition is improyed enoagh to allow that ehp will not co out. It is said she is ot it. . . m 1 !iL 11 I 1 1. 1 aiS8atlsnea wua tnepew piay written ioi Drowned. a mr. r a t 1 r 1:111 va ner Dy Jire. v. a. iOTemus, tiwu i nu mue Dooemiaa gir aged re- f or Luck." Manager Harry Phillips saya spectively eix. and . seyen years, were 6he may go out late in the . season. , The drowned in the Missouri River yesterday gossips declare that Miss Castleton and at Omaha. Their bodies were net recoy Mr. Phillips, her husband, have again ered and the Herald was notified by tel quarreled, and that they may separate. ephone to ask our river people to keep N. Y. Clipper. I on the lookout for the bodies. and theunwashed. The advance agent for John Dillon, the comedian, was in the city this morn ing. He expects to get a date here about the llth of September. A new time card went into effect today, no changes were made effacting trains here. No. 6 east of "Omaha is known hereafter as No. 8 The McKinley bill reduces the tariff on hides, Sherman is delighted, but the prices of shoes have 1 been advanced 20 per cent, in the last ten days. Sam Balance and John Kinser have just finished plastering a house for Jacob clipped from these sheeo and that this I w-w - . . wool was worth 91,163.000; that the Upcra iOU6e lilOCK value of all imported wools both raw and manufactured, for that year was 65 078,171. The Chicago Wool Grower is high authority in regard to wool statis tics, gave the average importation of wool in this country for the years 18S4 to 1887 inclusive at 93,015,452 pounds, and average Ameiican clip for the sam period at 329.800,000 and it must not be forgotten that during this time the wool industry was suffering from the baleful effects of the act 1S83 Under Waterman's Opera House Yucanbuyot him cheap for pot cash or can secure what you need to iurlh a cottage or a STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHING. Agent lor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine. The largest an4 most complete Stock to seleet from In Cass County. Call and see roe I. PEARLMAN. THE BONNER STABLES. HAS W. D. JONES. Proprietor. THE FINEST RIGS IN THE! OITT Kepple, and this morning they began on I reducing duties on wool But Mr. Edi- the German Methodist parsonage. Col. Mathew Qering, the wide awake warrior from Wichita, came in last night looking happy as a sunflower over the status of his big suit down there. The boys had a laugh at Will Stadel- man last night when he tried to get in over Sherwood's to go to bed; he had forgotten the Stadelman family had moved. Mr. Miller son of Dr. Miller returned to his home in Boston ths morning after a visit with his father. Mr. Miller is an architect in that city, he expects to re move to Des Moines however very soon. Louisville is to have a great celebra tion, Bryan will probably invite himself to come down and make one of his mel- lifuent speechs. A sewing society which meets the next day in Eonth Bend also expects him. Mr. Egan was severly bitten last even. ing Dy one or .Major u itourKes duii Cor. 4th and Vine dogs. The Major as soon as he was ap- ent tCTe the immense plains of cheap prised of. the fact gave his consent to lan(jB an(j the favorable climate coupled have the rtrce brute Killed, which was wjth peon labor renders the raising of done oy tne Jiarsnai ana nis assistants l,heep and the gathering of the clip, an afut eight o'clock last night. inexpensive matter wfitn coir pared with Last week B. F. Bellows went to Chi- I the cost of producing the sheep the cago, in the interest of the Noble Sewing United States. Machine Co., principally to secure ex- I hardly belieye, Mr. Editor, that any perienced sewing machine workmen. In one well informed in ragard to the wool answer to an adyertisement he was visited industry will 6ay Mr. Bryan is wise be- by over sixty men, skilled in the various I yond his day in his tariff reform notions. branches of sewing machine work, a tor, it was not my intention to trespass on CarriaffCS for PlcaSUrG ailfl ShOl't your space as I have done, when I set I ll Pltf lfo'lll V cratic candidate for congress in this dis trict, and I close by saying that, ia my humble opinion our true policy is to give the American wool grower ample protec tion. The whole of the industry tend9 to show that the ultimate effect of protec tion is to secure cheaper products. If we destroy our wool industry foreign nations finding no cempetition, will die tate prices here. Every well informed man knows that this country cannot compete with Australia. South Africa or the Platte country our sheep raising must eventually be confined to small flocks on farms; this is alwayB the result in Europe and in the eastern and middle states on account of the value of lands and this will soon be the case in the western 6tates The conditions in Australia, South Afri ca and South America are entirely differ Drives Always I'iattsmouth, Nebraska Insure your property against fire, lightning and Tornado, in the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Cincinriatti, Ohio. Oommeixcoct Business October iSi CASH CAPITAL $3oo,ooo.oq Stockholders individually liable , under the constitution of the Stafp ot Unio wfticn togetner with the present net surplus is a net Guarantee of about $700,000,00 to policy holders Losses paid in nineteen -ears, (since organization) nearly lour million aoiiars J. IL BEATTIE, GAZZAM GANO," Secretary. President. Wm. L. BROWNE, Resident Agent, Plattsmoutii Nebraska $8 number of whom he engaged to come to Weeping Water. W. W. Republican. Thoe. Allen, of Lincoln, son of B. F. Allen, of Wabash, was a caller Monday. He is a law student in the office of Mr. Bryan, democratic nominee for congress, Peter Perry of Eight Mile Groye will accerjt the thanks of the Herald for a basket of fine plums. Married. Last evening at the residence of the Full upper or lower set of teeth for $8. Guaranteed: to Dcine same as those ror which other dentists charge $15. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded : and is working hard for the man he bride's parents Mr. George C. Lindsay to The only perfect and reliable way of -extracting teeth without 'pain thinks will get the office. W. W.Eagle. Miss Lilly F. Hickson, Eider Woods of- or danger - '-"'i . Yes. and this is the same Ti- F. Allan that firUtintr. Also Mr. Chales M. Edeerton I . ... ....... .. sheds eo much ink and wears out his I to Miss Miss Maggie Little at the resi- Gold, Silver, and Bone Fillings at. Reduced Rate yoice howling for an independent move- I dence of Mr, George Billings', all of this ment. The Herald will do the band- citv. Elder Woods performed the cere- OPEr JSVErUJXUb U.NTIL EIGHT O'CLOCK. some thing by the man that ever Baw B. I monv. In the f evening the boys came ' F. Allen ever vote for anything else than from all directions and fairly made Rome TVR WITH FIRS TTllfnil Tllnplr Tlftllficf the straight democratic ticket. 1 howl until the cigars were handed out