Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 28, 1890, Image 6

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- - i
Drs. Botts & Bet
arr aro
Specialism in C;ir.;u:
CocsalfHli'-ii ;tt- KW. "I I'V Y
sine je:i ui '-.x im-s myiih
I'tllkl l.
rieelioni Iisciv..-mii i . ii " unlet
jc.'.U'ck'V, Safely it iti ci !i.&nclilly ,
'Hiight emissions, phyoical liy ariint; fr m
ji indiscretion, exce or indtilf ni-e, producing
f Sleeplessness, dewileuc . I niles on the
ii ace. aversion in cocifty. -h.-:1v iliM-ouiaKeii.
(jTackof confident dull, unfit for sfily i- 'mii-
less, and finds life h burden, s;ile!, p'.-nna-
i iently and privately Cured.
Blood ni Skin Biases,
iible in its refill ctMiijeiei.e eraei-- lt d uilli
w out the aid l mreury. crof ula, ry.sijielas,
,fever Bores, blotches, ulcers, psihh in t'f bead
!f; an'l bo es, svplii etic siie throat, m"iil!i and
jl' tongue. Ktrrh.efc, ierrn:ii)eiit'y cured where
j; iotlu'is have failed.
Jlfieult. tot) fri-ijn . I'lii e: !'! !) ui:ue,
j Inrine hiirli co'ok I "r v U ii nv!Vv -t-ii!iien! u
ietai:lint5 wt-.ik Iif ii 1 1 nn-i.ieer. ' files,
!iprouift'y sue! -ai-: tir- i. chaises re:..-.- !.a.le.
0 iif) i niillT J i -" I"'1 iiiaiit'iu cuia ;
U II 1 U I U 1 1 1 removal t oiupi te wii iiout out
tinz, caustic or dilatation, (aires effectea at
home lv imtent. without a inonrnls pain or
To Young 2nd Middle Aged Men
k ' -vr Htmio fin? awful ellects of ear. y vice
fi O'lu U'llli which brint?!' oi-anicv eakiit f-i
letro in lioiii mind and body, with all its
dreudea ills, permanently cured.
DO a TJl rra Add'eof thoe v ho liuve ini
.UJi Uiilu crrrei'. tin ui.--ies by iuii-nM-i
rh:dul-,'.ic" '!-"''... ! '.' L.-, " liieil I'l'ill
1 ; It JihimI ititt- Li('i. liitii .-, t-iieia busi-liev--,
st m 1 v or i:iarr.;'i-f.
.Man ted men, or tiio t; i;!e: iim on tl.a: happy
iff n. iet'1 ihyic:.i ilt li-'.uy, quickly -iMed.
Is t a--ed r.p n fat's. K it's: T ::c :c:tl e t-ri-e'pee.
! --KVerv t:t-a is ' pfe.a'ly Mild-
ied, '.bus suuiiiii: ar;at. Thhtt Medicines
are prepared in our lauoratory e:.actly to suit
each ctce.thus eiTctiivj cures w'.liour .t;:iry.
A friendly letter or cad may save you future
sufferiPRHitd slianie. and ai'd go'iieu years to
life. Address or call on
Pp.trSftn & Larson
m v m w v - -
Successor to Whiting & Whicher)
Groceries and Provisions'
Mi Idle Uooiu, OperaJHouf-e P.iock.
Choice, Fresh Goods
in their line, both as to
Cannefl Fruit?, Dries Fmi's
And French Fruits in Their
Always in Stock.
Call and be Satisfied
F U it
ParlorandCed Room Sets, Mat
trosses, Scfas, Lour aes 3nd
OfYlco Furniture.
Ch'1 and examine bis stock before go
ing clsaTrbere.
Cor jrio & '.xt1! S s. Iattsraouth, Neb.
'j 1 a b i s
V fit! -rir -Li i Vktt.
1) A.rr
Shingles, LhUi. Sash,
Can suf.'ly every demand of the
Call and get terms. Fourth stref t
In Hear of Opera House.
I f
From Friday's Daily.
The ij-w oie bf.ndu d hoife powtrtii-
gine will probably be put in place lo
niyht at the power !ious bo that the
utreet cars can run atna. The enine is
a beauty and will do the wotk that two
smaller ono have he:ctofore done im
No. 40 is out from the shops today
h1 tcr a thorough over bauli ay; and one
of the best boys on the road, Mr. Frank
rainier, will bold the throttle on her
after a day or two of breaking in; too
much rest makes an engine coltish and
they have to bo broke to ride before
they will trust them . out on the toad
hitched up to a load.
Neatly eyerv day.notes large sh j.mculs
of electric lamps from the new factory to
all parts of the Lited States, but the
beauty of it is, the lamp is not only giv
ing excellent satisfaction but it del'ghts
the beholder. The Schaffer or Platts
mouth lamp a winner, it is much bet
ter than those heretofore used by the
light company here and nought but
rood words n-e heard for it.
The Herald is clad to know that
Mrs. Stephen Bnzzell is convalescent
after several days sick Jess.
Badly Mixed.
The IIeeald item last night about
the Frahms was inexcusably rr'xed. We
o-ot our information from a rebaole
source except that it was hearsay. The
two Frahm boys lave been getting their
mail out of the same box at the rost
Oilice. and the Lick that the mail whB
not returned to the o.Tice is ill advised-
as it was wholly a private matter be
tweu the two boys. The l'.i:'it.D
learns today that no attempt was made
or thought of for negotiating Uie dr:t!t,
but that it was turned over to th E-a k
for the right Hans Frahm wht never be
should call for it and thus emle'h
what nvght have been nn e.eit:,ig ci;i
dco ii til.; truth hil not spoiled it;
From S?a.a d ys ur"y.
A mat opening was cut in the rear
door of IJrcckeufeldt & Weidmnus hard
ware store some time during the night
and three revolvers, six pocket kniv;'
one large bowie b r-fc- and two
were stolen of the value of $1X5. Two
she t guns were taken down and carried
to the back of the store but they wete
left fitanding. The money drawer wa
broken out and turned oyer on the count contained $2.10 but it was left un
The burglars seem to have bad a scal e,
for it lotks veiy strange whe.e there wa
so much that they could have taker, that
hey toi.k so little. Several su?pic":
parties were followed up but the right
man could not be found. A search war
rant was issued for the starch of Join
Brovi a's famous ranch in Patterson row,
and while everything could be found from
an opera house to a girrct the especially
dejired property did not show up. A
stranger sold a revolver to the second
hand man at the foot of the street and
he was collared but on investigation Mr.
Breckenfeldt said it was not his proper
ty and the stranger went his way. The
job gives e!uence of a mechanic ha-vitii;
it in charge, The opening was made by
borng a 1: le of holes aboye and below
about two feet apart rd then splitting
out the wood between.
The Ogden short line building from
Soutx City through northern Nel;-.
has puzzled the wise acres for months t
know who was furnishing the money
and what road was behind it, it now
turns out that the Manhattan Trust
Co, of New Yo:k is the money p wer
and that no road is beh nd it though
traffic agreements have b-cn m ule with
the V. & St. Paul.
i he Concert.
The entertainment at tho Methodist
church l:-t ulgt.t was we!1, attcuued "lid
seemed to Ir.c aitily please all present. Tii
programme was will arranged and the
little folks showed evidence of careful
training, and did so exceedingly vd'
that ),a"iicu:ar mention can haidly b.
made, '.hough the singtrg of Mi-s I. J."
Leese was far above what is iv.
hc;ard at home entertainments. Mr.-.
Nilcs and .ler assistants tb servi gre-i:
credit for the patience and good ju.'g-m-Tit in every pa:t of tbr i iil r
taiiaiient. Over ."524 was clearrd, whit i'
will be applied on the mini-tor's sab..-;-.
J. J. r.ockritle the striking tirem :n i
will be remembered had some trouble
with bisw.fe about two yeirs ago w.u-.i
tln-y resided in tliis city and that : be
sep truted, she removed to Sabeiha, Kan
Kansas. She afteiwaidsn ipovid to the
Indian Teiritt.uT And with her son Fi'd
took up a horn btead- Word was re
ceived todav, liowever that s !i"i
;ii!C back to Sabttlm, had been
ed "inam- and Si-ti t. t' tlie th'.,-.,
S'ate yltun.
Petition of Hanict Briti-maa for tiie
ppointment of Jno. M. Jsckm a:i ;-uard -ian
of John B.ingman in.sam-; iu-ir i.g
September 8, 1MI0 at 10 o'clock a. m.
wa9 filed with county judge yesterday.
Arther Ilobinson came home yesterday
with 00 bushels of potatoes, he says the
finest in the market.
J. V. Antill and a crowd of frisky
cimiods went out hunting yesterday but
they brought home more experience than
they did game.
Several teams have forded the treach
erous Platte at Lou:.syille lately and th"
JI;;i:.u predicts that a team and life or
two will be lost if it is continued.
J. I. Unruh's man bad a smash up the
other evetrng breaking the tongue out
of his deliyery wagon; which was
caused by driving over a pile of dirt in
the al'ey upsetting the wagon.
C S. Dawson, Esq.. has finished up the
examination of McKibben, the defaulting
Union Pacific purchasing agent, and has
gone into the employ of his first
love, the B. & M
Messrs. Boyd & Htnshaw have recent
ly closed the contract with lioe Craig
whereby they are to build quite a fine
residences for Mr. Craig on Pearl street
on the lo ts just south of Capt. Palmer's
J. E. Leesley, proprietor of the popular
home nursiies says he has an i r nense
crop of grapes, but that apples are not
so plentiful as list year, Mr. Leesley
starts oyer in Iowa after potatoes in a
day or two.
One of the graders at a camp south of
town, lost a 15 suit of rlothes Thursday.
The thief is thought to be a tramp
lhou h there is no proof to that effect
A $15 of c.othcs on a tramp certa n
ly wouldn't tit him very well.
Tho boys v.e.e bothering a drunken
man on th-j s' reet yesterday when he
suddenly ims- d vt and the way he made
tias boys fly wit', a i)'..Mhke wh;p
whh.h be ;!" d . ; m;!s'v anything
but i'umiy Tor t'-e mischie vious kids.
Fied K.i.ehler says tln.t eyen when be
is ric.niortai'iy iixed on the eeunl iloor
uf a two y i;. Itk liouv. he f-'-eis a
tarnal sigid sai'er if he. knows there is a
good t-C;:pt- to get down on f : oi
liie .udt.v. . i i-( l'.s .1 guaL lei '-W to
play ?a :'e .
W. .1. liOosri. tiie pioneer florist of
Nebraska, has one of the most beautiful
pUces to ne i'uuiid in tiie state. His
bilge oi.lia:d. i t wed seiect -d varities of
api.'ii s apparently yield him several
thousand bushels of apples, while Iris
extensive gn-enhous -s are fe'i of choice
t xolies fiom every clime.
The Hiitt.vbL) probably was unjust in
its remark about the horse belonging to
the sheriff. Mr. Tighe assures us that
the horse ia questieu is as true as steel,
and if she refused to pu'.l at the time as
stated it was because the intelligent an'
mal wt.s I'shu'iied of the load, 11" '. Jones
and Keub Hyrers being the fellows that
weia; tiyii.'g to diiveher.
1 hete wiil be a special train run en
the old main line to Lincoln to the sts.te
fair ou September !th. The train will
leave Plattsmouth at S a. m. passing
throueh 'Louisville at 8.40 and arriving
at tiie fair grounds at lO-O a. in, aud
le'Tir.TMig tho same day, leaving Lincoln
at 7 p. m. One f'e will becliarged for
the round tpj with ."() cents added for
admis-'.on to tiie fair grounds.
"Senator Van Wyck, nominated by tiie
al'iatiCft in '' ' vst iet, w::s :ot a demo
crat, neither was O. M. Kern, nominated
in the third district, a democrat, so in
both these districts the democrat had no
use for then;. In the second distn
howe ver. ?b K'-ihaii the alliance nomi
nee is a democrat and that party propos
es to "itr.e !. .. '. ii .. wkiop :'d a
and :c.iii;
;r;. a
sin r.'d
ii in-: I
Ail pub'tly g-'T.t ie-ioan 1.. the name of
Dick L.ximis has been stopping for several
t ) k
Ii t'.l:
-1 i.
' ' i I :
; .
( o
i.. r:.h ;
a bo-
of lr
! '
;:ui at
v ma: r-lied
;T"s '.'.li'-re
,ty gold
h nriny
?1 .. .
': I' S- ! ,11 i
w . 1 ( . i
ltc u'.
i i.i
:;; t
:iK, nn Ills'l a b;'
when t '.i:
For S-ile.
i niee-: : W
ie Ci
rated on i : ago f.V sale neap.
For )r.rticui:rs f mpjitu ;f D iniel Bun s
or call at this office.
County Treasurer Cushiug is in Omaha
Judge Sullivan was a Sarpy county
yisitor this morning.
Miss Nellie Overton of Omaha is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Uuruh.
. C. S. Polk Esq. was called to (Jreen
wood this morning on legal business.
Mrs. Fred Latham is making a two
weeks visit with friends at Central City.
X'i Laura McFarlaud returned to
her home in Broken Bow this morning.
Claus Breckeniield went to Omaha
this a. m to get traces of the burglar if
Major Stephen Buzrell f the tele
phone exchange went to Omaha th;s
Miss Carrigan and daughter of Custer
City are the guests of her fcister, V s. J.
G. Chase.
C. C. Parmale is getting on nicely
with his residence on Gospel Hill in the
third ward.
Mr. Charles Ingalls and Miss Annie
Bussell came in from Weeping Water
last evening.
James Knotts is yisitiug his brother to
day preparatory to his return to Des
Moines Monday.
Lora Davis started this morning for a
two weeks trip to Denver and the moun
tain, resorts of Colrado,
J. V. Weckbach is st: ' confined to his
bed, though his friends seem to think
that he is mending slowly.
Mrs. Oliver accompanied by her grand
son Freddie Aylsworth visited her old
home at Bellvue yesterday.
.Joe McVey has had a tine new awning
put up. Ttie enterprising firm of Breck
cuii- id & Walker did the work.
Mrs. Andrew Kneff of Nebraska ( ity
i-; :m town visiting the fa...iiy of Mr. E
S. Greasel and Fred Lcnhoff.
George and A. C. Walradt, two of
Cass county's first class fa: im-s are in the
c'tv today from near Ced-- Creek.
.-.idee Kussell i?'l.t " a e ::l tiie city
today from Weep'ng Water. The Judge
looks hale and hearty i:s common.
A. B. !" -otts and wife will spend Sun
day : . Weep'ng Water. Mrs. Fnotts w !
probably remain a few days with her
Mrs. Itobt. Dabb returned to her home
in Lamrers, Iowa, thi3 morning. C, T.
Dabb and sister accompanied her as far
as Omaha
Miss Vieregg, having been the guest
of M"ss llattie Latham for the past two
weeks, returned to her home at
Central City this niu ' "2.
Thomas Fulton, the genial proprietor
of the Union blacksmith shop south of
Eight Mile Grove post office made the
IIkkald a p'.e.-sant call today.
Wm. Holly split his foot with an ax
several days ag., but he com out to
day for the first time with his shoes on
and feeling as good as new.
W. J. Bryan, the democratic candidate
f....oon.., ess is cultivating the acquaint
ance of the rank a'ld fi'e iu 'his city to
day. He orates tonight at the opera
Colonel Authur Robinson and Cap
t'Mii Philli 1 rause passed the compli
ments of the day in a rather vigorous
English last night. No bones broke
and no one nvJnj this morning.
Do vey's ca. pet window is a ber.uty.
Take a look at it.
Poor old Nebraska C. j that voted
.' 00.000 bridge bonds, with so much
j uo'se th other day has been enjoin-d
, i',-nn issuing them.
Sjnte much needed work has been be
:i on North Sixth street, beginning at
.Main. The highway was liadly passable
H o-a. es s'n .-e ti tj - ' car t-r k wa
put i
. n
to lira w a 1. : iZ', i o v
" i-.ade ail eeor' '- i low ' -
Ta os i n very conveu'-rr'y .
r t. e j
oie to go over.
v .ii'Vui-'n un .ecus'. oiued to cur.pi
ilo: rs wiil please spit in tli. ir bats 'l is
is p-- -wiiit? rot-.t" i tha f-itrdibir gr:et
; il. splayed on Cf.r.'-i i.z x.C oili 'e .
tin' Iliiiiwood Echo.
i hf g-eit siriivC on the New Y-;1: ; .:
' i::ia not been decla.-ed off a::d it is a
seiious question if the whole country may
not be affected soon by a general strike
o-i the entire Vanderbuilt system.
"V;r. . 'I 'giie l -d a di ive out through
t'n county to Weeping Wiitm, Eagle and
Loui-volo. lie rep-.' tin' i arn crop as
about as good as common, but his favo
rite fruit, the Irish potato, is a flat fail
ure. Vui w '1 fi -.;d lb ia-i r. t " u- of mis
cellaneous books at J. P. Youngs, ever
brought t Plaitsrjouth, and at the pric
es no one need to be without reai;ig
matter. Call and look over them pud
mike a sebtion.
The easiest iei a! iu id on our street
corners today by those celebrated fair
fnde un 1 free trade democrats, could be
Congressman Bryan and Cols. Sherman,
Iiuffner and Ivroehler is as refreshing as
a summer shower to the parched fields.
Everything to Furnish Your House
Under Waterman's Opera House
You can of liim eh ao for - .t cali or ran t-erur -vlo.t vou need to fiirnl.-l. cot lane-or a
111.00:011 on 1 lie INSIAUrilll ' I..VN .
At't'iit iNr the Cle!t;lr;::cl Wiiito hk-uiiio; Mucliine.
The i;irst and most vinidf S'oek Co um fiom v.i Cfiss C-.nitity. Call and see mo
03n. House nick PliAJlLMAN.
l Q. FRICKE &: CO.
(Soccw(r to J.
Will keep constantly on hands a full and complete line of pure
Full upper or h;ver set of 'ieeiii Uv $S. (Junranteed
in be the same es those tor which other
dentists charge $15.
' Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded
The only perfect and reliable way of extractincr teeth without pain
or danger.
Gold, Silver, and Hone Fillings at ltednccd Ilute
W. D. JONES, Proprietor.
Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drives Always
Kept Heady.
Cor. 4th and Vine
Ac ida my and Select School of the Holy Child Jesus.
This Institution conducted by the Sisters ot the Holy Child Jesus
from Sharon Hill, Philadelphia, Penn., will open as a
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies
Parents will lind in this Academy all the feature ot a secluded and r -lined
home tor their daughters. A thorongh, Useful and accom
plished education i; imparted, and particular care is bestOwed
on the moral improvement ol the pupils.
Di li i e nee in Religion no Obstacle to the Admission of Pupils
For I'arliculars. Address.
(event ot the Holy Chad -fu-us. (KCOILIY KjfrB-,
Insure your property against lire, lihtnini; and
Toenail o in the
Of OiticiiiioMti, Ohio.
Co oi in en ced Business October iSi.
CASH CAPITAL - - $3oo.oo0.oo
Stockholders indi vilmil!y iinblc. under the e. .n-titutiou of the State
of Ohio which t ! iot with lite jtiescnt m.-t surplus is ;l
ouarantee of about sTon.OOO.sO t p"iioy holders.
Losses ail in nineteen years, (since organization) ueariv It nr n -MI
'd.tllars '
Vvm. L. BROWiNEjEesident
M. KolaTts.)
Union Block Dentist
1'lattsmouth, Nebraska
Agent, Plattsmouth Nebraska