I i II .Highest of aH in Lezveoiag Tower MM ABSCULTTELY Everybody Reacts Plattsmouth Daily Herald. Extraction or leom in " t,lJ. Stock. CFFICIAL PAPER Of THE CITY AND THE CeUNTY B. & M. Time Table. OOIWO WEST .OOIHQ ABT 1 .on a. m No 2 -6 :05 p. El .UU 1.. . w " 3 5 :45 p. in 5 9 :15 a. hi. 7 7 :15 a. m. 9 6 :15 p.m. 11, 5 :25 p. TO. 19 11 :00 ft. m. 4, .10 :25 a . m 6.... 10... 12... ' 10.. 7 ;44 p. .....10 100 ....1C :16 a. ...... 8 :25 a- m in. in To Rent Rooms in Union block. Apply to Windham & Davies. cl.w. Wcncel Seda plead guilty to being drunk and was fined 5 and costs by Judge Archer this morning. Persons wishing a i .x-mium list of the Cass County Fair for 1890 should apply to R. B. Windham, secretary, -d&w Mrs. Kate Simpson, teacher of piano, organ, and primary harmony; address 20'J corner of Washington Ave. & 7th. Street tf. Visitors to' our city should call on rrof. Strassman and have their eyes ex amined. He can tell you more tbout your eye9 than any one else. We are in receipt of a complimimary ticket from the Douglas county agricul tural society for the. tenth annual exhibi tion. Septemb 1 to 4. The extent of Engineer Roberts injuries was a sprained ankle and bruised shoulder. He was not hurt as seriously as at first thought. Every one should call and see Prof. Strassman the skillful optician while he is at the Riley Hotel, he will only remain a short time. He can do more good for your eyes than any one else. In County Court. Faxton & Bierling Iron Works vs. Weeping Water Pressed Brick Co. and J. Chase and E. L. Reed, sued on pro missory note for $280. W.S.Wise for plaintiff. Mrs. Mattie Gray appointed guardian of Nellie Carmack, Mamie Carmack, Mat - tin Carmack, Willie Carmack, Bertha , Carmack and Johnnie Carmack, minor children of John Carmack, deceased. J. S. Mathews for petitioner. S. B Clark filed bond for appeal in the matter of the condemnation of right .. of way for the Omaha Southern Railway , Co. Byron Clark for appellant. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids for building a sidewalk as hereinafter de scribed will be received at the ofhee the citv clerk on the 20th day of Au rrustl890. Bids will be received for building a sidewalk of 170 feet long, 4 feet wide, upon three (8) eontinBOJ sleepers not less than two (2) by four (4; inches in size out of lumber not less than one f 1) inch in thickness, in front of lots six (0), seven (7) and eight (8), in block S3, Young & Hayes addition to the city ofPlattsmouth. Engineers estimate for building said walk,$34.00 . . The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids Chairman of com, etr'ee a: and bridges. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young nan o Turlington, Ohio, states that he had been tinder the care of two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pro nounced his case to be Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. Jlwig's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds anp at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. He foundef ore he had used half a bottle, that lie was much better; he continued to use it and is today en joying good health . If you -have any throat, lung or chest trouble, try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at F. O. Fricke & Co's., drugstore. Would Vote Right. "Yes sir," remarked a man to a crowd on a street corner yesterday. "I never belonged to a temperance organization, 'i Z fakfin a drink when ever any one aked me or I wanted to, but I tell you I'll come pretty near voting for pre tl,ia fall, if I am so drunk it take two men to take me to the polls. a m.nT drinkers' will do the same. nd liquor men will find that their custo- U. S. CoVt Report, Aug. t;, 18S9. TTYk tlie Dally Herald SPEED PROGRAM. The Program for the Coming: Cass County Fair. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. LOT I PONT RACE, FREB FOR ALL, PURSE $50. Running race for ponies under 14 hands high, one half mile heats, best two in three. First horse $25 00 Second horse 15.00 Third horso 10 00 LOT II THREE MINUTE TROT, PURSE $100 Trottincr race for hores that have never beaten three minutes, mile heats, best three in fiye. First horse $50 00 Second horse 30 00 Third horse 20 00 LOT III BICVCXE RACE, PURSE $30. Half mile heats, best two in three. First $15 00 Second 10 00 Third 5 00 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. LOT IV GENTLEMEN'S ROADSTERS, PURSE $50. Horses that have neyer trotted for monev outside of Cass county, mile heats, best three in five. Tlrst horse $25 00 Second horse 15 00 Third horse 10 00 LOT V 2:45 TROTTING RACE, PURSE $150 Trott'ng race for horses that have never beaten 2:50, mile heats, best three an nve. First horse $75 00 Reoond horse 50 00 Third horse .... 25 00 iOT VI RUNNING RACE, FREE FOR ALL, PURSE $100. Running race, one mile heats, best thrco in five. First horse $50 00 Second horse 30 00 Third horse 20 00 LOT VII 2:35 TROTTING RACE, PURSE $150 Mile heats, best three in five. First horse $75 00 Second horst 45 00 Third horse 30 00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. LOT VIII RUNNING RACE, FREE FOR ALL, PVR8E $50. One half mile heats, best three in five. First horse $25 00 Second horse 15 00 Third horse 10 00 LOT IX PACING RACE, FREE FOR ALL, PURSE $150. Time 2:40. First horse . 5o ou Second horse 50 00 Third horse 25 00 LOT X TROTTING RACE, FREE FOR ALL, PURSE $200. Trotting race, free for all, mile heats, best three in five. First horse $100 00 Second horse 00 00 Third horse 40 00 O. M. Streight, Superintendent. R. B. Windham, Secretary. COMING STORMS. When They Are to Take Place and Where They Will Rage. A local weather prophet prognosticates as follows: "I wish to call attention to the period cf the greatest August storms which will occur from the 16th to the 24th. During this period two storm waves will cross the continent. The first will be due to leave the Pacific coast about the 15th, and will cross the Mississippi valley from the lth to the 18th, reach ing the Atlantic coast about the 19th. It will be at its greatest force about the 19th in the eastern states. The next storm waye of this period will be due to leaye the Pacific coast about the 21st, cross the Mississippi valley from the 22d to the 24th, and reach the Atlantic about the 25th. A minor storm wave will be due to leave the Atlantic coast about the 10th, across the Mississippi valley from the 11th to the 13th, and reach the Atlantic coast about the 14th." C. W. IngaLbi, Jas. Knottfl, Morgan Brown, Arthur Zimmerman and Sam Cohn, left this morning for Beatrice where they will spend a week in the Y. M. C. A. bible class. Regular meeting of W. C. T,U. Thurs day, August 14th, at 3 p. m, at the resi dence of Mm. S. A. Davis, ODD FELLOWS REUNION The Second Day of the Inter state Reunion Has Brighter Prospects. THE CONCERT LAST NIGHT Council Bluffs and Glenwood Swell the Already Large Crowd Notes of the Day. Yesterday was consumed by welcom ing visitors from the four states and social int.rrnnnui anA mmmittee work. In the evening at the opera house a splendid Drocramme was rendered under the aus- Y A. t tha Dmirrhters of Rebecca. First pivv-o v O on the programme was music by the B. & M. band, after which Rev. J, D. M. Buckner followed in prayer. Mrs. Mary RoTd then delivered the address of wel come in a very admirable way. Flo and Annie Bibby then iouoweu, reuuenug -sone entitled "What are the Wild Wavts Saying," which brought forth a hearty encore. Deputy Grand Master Evans, of Omaha, responded on behalf of the visit ing brothers. He paid a glowing tribute to the women of the order and the work accomplished and predicted that ere long when lodge night came the husband would take the wife on one arm and daughter on the other and all go to lodge together. The Y. M. C. A. choir rendered a beatif ul selection, after which Mrs. Alberta Utterly, grand secretary of the Rebecca order, then responded in be half of the visiting sisters. Mrs. Utterly proyed to be a very interesting and able speaker, painting the good traits of Oddfelloism so that none could fail to understand. Mrs. Peter Merges followed with an instrumental solo. Miss Bertha Kennedy then delivered a declamation entitled "Nobody's Child," followed by Mrs. Ed Burris, who rendered a vocal solo in an admirable manner. The Y. M. C. A 'choir then rendered another selection after which Rev. Buckner dismissed the audience with the benediction. The address by the presi dent of the association was omitted on account of the inclemency of the weather. Today opened up under more favora ble circumstances and each train brought in large delegations from the several states. Following is the delegation from Glenwood: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Lyon, Jno. L. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Laramay, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Miller, T. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Will Howlett, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hardman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodell and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. La Cha pelle, W. P. Campbell, C. E. Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Williams, Jr., Nels and Jas. Miller, G. B. VanHorn, J. T. Murphy and daughter, Mose Dupree, Warren Walling, P. A. Newberg, W. A. Davis, Thos W. Joory. The delegation from Council Bluffs, headed by Dalby's band, came in on a special at 9:30. Following are those that came: dalbey's band. C W Dalbey, leader; A A Covalt, n Lotz, V W Kesler, P Fuchs, J G Kuhn, Gustave Paulus, Herman Rohrs, George Rohrs, Ed Follet, Christ Oden, L C Fos ter, D E Whaley, Fred Starr, J W Bolan, Tom Keating, drum-major. CANTON POTTAWATTAMIE NO. 6. Colonel, S S Keller, captain, Louis Biederman; ensign, C E Taylor; standard bearer, Fred Spencer; J F Hunt, M Rohrer, John Anderson, E B Edgerton, Louis Oppenheim, N B Wicks, John Caldwell, J G Bradley, Fitzgerald M E Weatherby, John Dougberty.J Gillinskey, H B Kisser, Fred Rapp, R F ' - h, Jno Fultz, D C Brenneman, FH arren. MEMBERS OF ENCAMPMENT AND SUBORDI NATE LODGE. John Schicketanz, Chas Nicholson, R T Howland, II M Seogan, S Goeldstein John Medley, C Proctor, Elmer Lamb, Frank Katzenstin, John Norman, Henry Leffer Peter Rapp, John Clausen, R J Huntington, F W Spetman, Jas Hansen L M Anderews, S K Greenleaf , Jas J a coby L C Larsen, W Slead, M Wolman, P Kuykendall, M Coenlan, Geo Dellinger, J L Peters, B S Porter, L M Finkelstein J B Dufit, L Hammer, G W Smiley, H J Lamert, J J Maurath, S NoVle E Houeck, F Grass, J M Matthews, Nels Smith James Jacobs, W C Estep, C Olson C C Despain, M F Mckune, G Hordu haugh, N I Dsfries, W Hurlbert, Frank True, Ed Schicketanz, T E Covlecatr, M F Warren, C A Moore. COUNCIL BLUFFS REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 LizzieB Matthews, N G; Kittie White, V Q- Annie E Dougherty, treasurer; Sis ters II E Weatherby, L Biederman, E Burhorn, J L Peters, C E Taylor, B S Porter, Emma Gates, W Hurlburt, S Noble, M F McKune, S S Keller, M. F. Rohrer, Julia Flues. H. Nutt, L. Hammer, D. S. Brenneman, S. K. Gren leaf, N. J. DeFries, E. B. Edgerton, T. E. Wolcott, E. Schicketanz, and many others, wives, sisters, and daugh ters of odd fellows, in all about 225. At it:30 the procession formed on Sixth street and marched to the grounds in the following order: Dalbey's band, Council Bluffs Canton, Visiting Rebeccas, Bud of Promi?lod je. Daughters of RebecriPof this city. Visiting I.O. O. F., Plattsmouth L O. O. F , P. & M. Band. Citizens in carriages. At the grounds the program as pub lisbed yesterday will be carried out. This forenoon at the meeting of the association the following officers were elected: President. J. W. Humphrey of Shen andoah; vice president, L. Beatman, of Council Bluffs; secretary, C. A. Patter son. Omaha. One member from each lodge was ap pointed to compose an executive com mittee. The next conclave will be held in Omaha the second Tuesday in August 1891. PERSONALS. Dennis Delany came in from Lincoln last evening. Will 8. Wise returned this morning from California. M. M. Marshall, agent of the C. B. & Q. at Council Bluffs, is in the city. Shaler "Wells, L. O. Bradly and W. P. Kem of Ashland are in the city today. C. L. Wilson late local editor of the ABhland Leader is in the city today. TVildman & Fuller have the contract for furnishing school supplies this year C. L. Vandervoort left last evening for Utah after a week's yisit with his family here, W. T.Allen, of Ashland Neb. state organizer of the Line Board association, is in the metropolis today attending the I. O. O. F. meeting. A. Sheldon, . the republican nominee from Avoca for county commissioner, for the second district, was in the city today attending the conclave and made this office a pleasant call. Rock Bluffs. Our fall term of school is to begin the first Monday in September, and is to be taught by Miss Lottie Camm, -x otoe. Mr. Calvin Graves has sold out his property here to Wm. Gullion. The price is $450. Mr. Grayes intends to move to Plattsmouth. A petition was circulated here last Monday to have Dr. E. E. Reynolds ap pointed postmaster in place of Miss Nel lie Graves, who has resigned that office. Uncle Thomas Holmes took a trip to western Kansas last week to Bee about trading his froty acre farm here, for land there. But he came back satisfied, he thinks it would take more than one farm there to get his forty acres here. Mr. Amos Worl is lajing the f ounda tion for a stone and brick house. The building is to be 28 feet square and two stories high. The firet story is to be a basement and to be built of stone, the second story will be built of brick. The long wished for rain came last Monday night, and will do great good. It will revive the pastures, help late po tatoes to grow larger and give late corn a boost. It will start the turnips to growing and set the buckwheat to bloom ing. The ice cream supper at the Methodist church last Friday night proved quite a financial success. The receipts were something over eighteen dollars. Every body seemed to enjoy themsoVeaand everything passed off quietly, exxfept the expulsion of one fellow who ha "filled up too much on Beggs' bitters. -1 Tim Shaver. Noticeof Appllcatloefor Permit. uotice is hereby (riven tlmt on Sept. 8th. l?3f the undersigned will apply to the city council of the oitv of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, for a druggist's permit to sell ir<, spirituous and vinious liquors for medicina1, mechanical and chemical purposes in said city, on w!4 lot 2, blok 35 in said city, in accordance with the ordinauoes of said city and laws of Nebraska, 2w O, H. Sntder, DruggHt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. "Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. Office in Union block, East side, riattemoutn, imcd. JTTORNEY AT LAW. WINDHAM & DAVIES! o t TOtwriTtAM .TOT! V A. DAVIES. Notary Public Notary Public Office over Bank of Cass County. Plattsmouth - - - - Nebrasha County Surveyor AND CIVIL ENGINEER. All orders left with County Clerk will receive prompt attention. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. &12.00 DlCTH NAB1 I6I5I jAGE! W !500lU ItrationsI With Every l'urchusc to the Amount of $35.00 Call and get a card and you will find our Prices low and that we keep the very best makes of Boots and Shoes Ladies Fine Shoes a Specialty. W. A. B0ECK & CO CALL AT THE While the opportunity is offered you ami I will convince everyone of the fact that WAWAVi out d:f wmvs :ra;:iDi ajr,:e tjsi.g THE WRONG. GLASSES. ami they are doing irreparable injury to the Feiiling; Orijearjs of SioliL. Of pli-'ftfi. PROF. STRASSMAN TV,Va within th rrar-h nf all C0Nc:Tr ORATION, GENEROSITY, 1 u.v- .'.-E'. .- .-I 1 X V. . and ABILITY COMBINED ''TAU4aJi: OEFICE HOUBS From 9 to 12 a. m., 1 till o p. in., and 7 to S in the evening. No Pedlers Or agents Employed. T. P. LIVr,GSTO'. E. L). CUMMINS DRP LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS Physicians enfl Surpois Otlice No. 612, Main St. Telephone W) Residence Telephone Pr. Livingston. 4:, Residence Telephone Dr. Cummins, :i" Legal Notice- IN DISTRICT COURT, CASS COUNTY. Nebraska. Conrad Jleisinger, "! vs ! William K Warbrittou f Hlizabeth Warbritton The defendants above will take notice thiit on the 23rd day of July, 1890. an action was commenced in said court against them by the plaintiff, the object and prayer of which was to quiet the title in piaintiff to s4 sw& and nwj of swM sec 3 twp 12 n rge 12 e, and correct the record of a deed recorded In book C page 417, in which said land was conveyed, and that un less they answer by or before the 8th day of September 1890 the thint,-9 alleged in the peti tion will be taken as true and judgment ren dered accordinnlv. Cosbad Meisikoek. By W L Bbowke, Atty. d4w Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that tnere haa ben formed a body corporate to be known a the Plattsmouth Electric Lamp Manufacturing Company. . , t , The principal place of transacting the busi neseof said corporation ehall be at Plattsmouth, "Tb'eeneral nature of the business conducted sha l be the manufacture and sale of incan descent Electric Lamps. The capital stock shall be $50,000. 10 per cent paid in at time of commencing bu?ines, sub scribed stock to be paid on call of Board of Di rectors.? The time ot commencement U April 15, lo, to continue 50 years. The indebtedness shall not exceed per cent capital stock. The affair of the corporation ehail be man aged by a board of Ave directorg . 6 B. A. Davis, Secretary. HOTEL RILEY,-, Prof. Siracsrsiasa. practice making the uses ami abuse of fc?pectac4o' ami Eye Glasses a Scientific FtmJy. I am fully convinced that much B L I N D W ESS can he prevented by the early and glasses when you are consulting the highest Endorsed Optician. Rev. H. L. Chapman, pastor of the 31. E. church, Johnstown, Pa., says: "Soon after the great flood, at a time when di arrhoea was quite prevalent, I received a box of six dozen Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. As soon4 as it became known that I had the medi cine for free distribution, there began a great run on it,, which continued until it was about all gone. Every one, so far as I heard from them, testified to its virtues, declaring it the best medicine for the purpose they Lad ever used. ' Those who got it shared it around with their neigh bors, so that I am confident it wa3 pro ductive of great good. Y e used some of it ourselves and found it not only an ex cellent medicine for diarrhoea, but for all kinds of pain and uneasiness in the stomach p.nd bowels. It has been regard ed as the best medicine known here ,f or the diseases it is recommended. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Vir ANTED AN ACTIVE MAN FOB EACH section. Salary 75 to $100, to local v r.' reeenta successful New York company Invt porated to supply Dry Goods, Clothing. fcaef: Jewelry etc., to coneumers at cost. Also lady of tact, salary 40, to enroll member i (80,000 now enrelled, Sioo.ooo paid in). Refer ence exchanged. Empire co-operatfve r.ess ciation (credit well rated) Lock box 610 N. Y We want first class agents In every town In Ne braff-ka t sell the Metal-Back Album. Wo can give better If rms than any other boose to fitst class men. The Metal-Back is the only album that is iatislactory in every respect ; can be ircreased to any size ; a damaged leaf replaced, and leaves assorted to suit i;very" p-irchar. Art Album Company, Battle Creek, Michigan, J 'I 4- t: 1 W pars will pot vote to conuuu X r