Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 14, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. XXVI. NO. 21.
Minnesota Mill Hands
Much for the Sheriff.
Dr. Edward Sawyer Shot Down by an In
jured II ubnl-Wholesale Discharge
ofPiuiDgr Conductors Train ICobbera
on the .Jump A MuHnacre Feared.
St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 13. Dis
patches received from Cloquet show
that the strike of the 150 to 2K) mill
vaands at that place is becoming more
serious every hour and it is thought it
will be impossible to avoid bloodshed.
The sheriff, unable to cope with the
mob, swore in all the deputies he
could get hold of, and late in the after
noon telegraphed Governor Merriam
that he was entirely unable to do any
thing with the strikers, and called for
the aid of sito troops,
that no danger was
o'clock a. in., when
The call stated
feared until 5
the new men
go to work, fc
employed in the mill
the absence ot the governor and Adj.
Gen. Mullen, Col. Dob eter, com
mandant of the Second regiment S. N.
Or., immediately put himself in direct
communication with the sheriff and
county attorne at Cloquet. Both of
the latter officials again requested
immediate action, and Col. Bobleter
ordered company K from Duluth to
start at once for the scene of the
trouble. Col. Cloquet will leave here
about 11 p. m. and will meet company
K at Xcrth Pacific Junction.
Train llobbers ou the Jnmp.
Charlotte, N C, Aug. 13. As pas
senger train No. 53, northbound, on the
Richmond and Danville road reached a
point six miles north of Lexington, two
strange looking men, who had got on
the cars at Lexington, pulled, the- hell
cord, and Conductor Morris saw the act
and demanded an explanation. " ou 11
see," was the only answer he could get,
The conductor hurried into the next
car, signaled the engineer to go on, and
then appealed to R. P. Dick, a federal
judge; to arrest the m'en. Judge Dick
summoned a posse, but tne two strangers
seeing them coming ran to the platform
and jumped off the train, which was
going at a good speed. It is supposed
that the object of the men was robbery.
Tky were heavily armed.
n Shot His trlfe's Sedneer.
ihicago, Aug. 13. Dr. Edward P.
Sawyer, one of the oldest and best
known physicians in this city, was shot
and probably fatally wounded at 1 :20
yesterday afternoon. TTjs assailant was
J. Dal ton Fancher, a traveling corre
spondent of The Chicago Horseman. It
is said that Mrs. Fancher confessed to
her husb.-nd, who had just returned
from a trip on the road, that she had
sustained illicit relations with the phy
sician for tnree ye,ara. Fancher went
to the doctor's residence, where during
& quarrel Fancher was knocked down
. by a chair in the hands of the doctor.
Fancher then drew a revolver and shot
the doctor through the neck. Fancher
is under arrest.
A Massacre Feared.
MrXifEAPOLis, Minn., Aug. 13. A
telegram from Rat Portage, Ont., says
that Canadian and American Indians
have taken possession of Garden
Island, sixty-five miles from Rat Por
tage, in the Lake of the Woods, Minn. ,
and ordered the fishing companies to
vacate within four days. The principal
company is the ' Baltimore Packing
company. The message was delayed
in reaching here and the four days
expire Thursday. Governor Merriam
has been asked for assistance. A mas
sacre is feared.
Phelps Perrln's Trial.
Ashland, Wis., Aug. 13. The state
closed its direct testimony in the trial
of Phelps Perrin. It is not likely the
case will go to the Jury before the end
of the week. W. S. Rejsnolds, cashier
of the robbed bank, was on the stand
all afternoon and a part of the forenoon
as well. So far the sensational new
test?tny that was expected has not
shown up.
A Bogus Check Operator.
Bupfalo, N. Y Aug. 13. A respec
table looking man, aged about 30 years,
giving his name as Henry Bessmer of
New York, was arrested, charged 'with
being a check swindler. At the police
station he said that passing togus
checks was his chief means of liveli
hood, and that he had operated in a
number of western cities. The police
gay Bessme? comes from San Francisco.
Wholesale Discharge of Conductors.
St. Loos, Aug. 13. All tfce passen
ger conductors on the Louisville, St.
Louis and Texas railroad have been dis
charged and their places filled by the
promotion of freight conductors. No
cause has been assigned for the change.
txporta lor July.
Washington, Aug. 13. Cotton ex
ports from the United States during
July paet aggregated in value $J,730
876, against $2,246,310 in July, 1889.
Breadstuffs exports during July past
aggregated In value 1 6,8f&, 669, against
0m,943 in Jnly, 1889.
" Washington, Aug. 13. The senate
in secret session confirmed the nomina
tions of John Tolly of- Montana and
George Steele of Montana to bo agents
for the Indian? at Togue River agency
and at Blackfeet aency. Montana. '
Salvator Again Defeats Terry A
Unknown at Rochester.
New York, Aug. 13. It was "cham
pion day" at Monmouth. This speaks
ftfr itself, as race-goers regard it as the
mast important of the meeting and they
always, turn out in full force. Over
twenty thousand people were in attend
ance. All of the nineteen youngsters
entered in the Junior Champion started,
with Ambulance the favorite at 3 to 1.
It was a grand race all the way down
the stretch, but in the last furlong
fcitrathsmeatb, Potomac and Sallie Mc
Clelland drew away from the field and
in an exciting finish they were so close
that nobody could pick the winner till
the numbers were hung out. The
judges put Strathmeath first, Sallie
McClelland second and Potomac third.
Scarcely had the boys weighed-in for
the Junior Champion when the crowd
surged to the betting ring to play Sal
vat or against Tenny. Salvator was the
favorite at 4 to 5 or while 6 to 5 against
Tenny could be had all over the ring.
Both got away to a very even 6tart.
but in a few jumps Salvator's blazed
nose showed in front on the outtide.
For five furlongs they ran in thir order.
Then, as they struck the turn for home.
Garrison let out a link on Tenny and he
shot to the front, getting a lead of half
a length. Murphy, on Salvator, how
ever, did not let him get any further
iiwny. He at once sent Salvator after
the little black, and was soon at Tenny's
neck. From this point to within three
furlongs of home it was a pretty race.
Th'-n Murphy lxgan to ride, and the
shout went up, "Tenny is beaten." It
was true. Tenny had .to acknowledge
defeat. When Murphy found that he
had Tenny beaten he eased" up, and, as
Garrisou did the same thing, it was a
'tame finish, Salvator winning by four
good lengths. This victory settles de
cisively the relative merits of Salvator
and Tenny. The fractional time of the
race is es follows : Quarter at 20; half
at 50J-, three-quarters at 1:17, mile at
1:33, mile and a quarter at 2:09 and mile
and a half in 2:35.
A Fuzzle to the Gamesters.
RooHKStra, N. Y., Aug. 13.'
sreat feature of day was the Flower
City $10,000 guarantee r stake, to which
the followers of the circuit had been
lookintr forward for some time. It
proved a great race. There were six
teen entries and twelve starters, and it
took six heats to finish it. Leopard
Rose, the "phenom," who did a mile m
this class m 2:10 in Cleveland, was a
hot favorite in the pools before the race
opened . but she only took" 6Se heat. She
was speedy, nut unsteady. Pixley, Budd
Doble s mare, took two heats, but the
race was won by Keno F, a compara
tive stranarer. whose dam is unknown.
This horse is owned by Bob Stewart of
Kansas (.Jitv. and is a remarkablv
steady trotter. Three of the heats were
inade in 2:17. which is the fastest ever
made hero in 2:30 class. Ine race was
a puzzle to the gamesters, and the bet-
ing was heavy.
3 Tuesday's Base TtaUGaines.
At Boston- Boston. 1: Brooklyn. 4.
At Cleveland Cleveland, 7; Pittsburg, 12.
At New York New York, 2: Philad'phia,l.
At Chicago Chicago, 14: Buffalo, 0.
At Boefn Boston, 1; Philadelphia, 0.
At Pittsoursf Pittsburg, 12; Chicago. 13,
At New York New York, 3; Brooklyn, 0.
At. Cleveland Cleveland, 1; Cincinnati. 8.
At Colur-j bus Columbus. 2; Rochester, 0.
At Louisville Louisville. 4: Syracuse, 18.
At St. Louis !t. Louis, 21; Brooklyn, 4.
At I.ii:'-. ' : l Lincoln, 6; Milwaukee, 15.
At Kansas City Kaos City, 6: Omaha, 5.
At Denver Denver, ft: Sioux City, 6.
Washington, Aug. 13. The senate
passed the house bill to extend the cen
sus laws so as to obtain information
from unincorporated express companies.
Mr. E? - -mds again offered his order
to limit debate on the tariff bill, and
Mr. Blair offered a resolution to permit
the previous question to be called after
two days debate. Both were laid on
'he table. The rest of the day was de
oted to the discussion of the tin plate
paragraph in tne tariff bill.
ine passed a concurrent reso
lution extending current appropriations
to Aug. i'j. The motion to reconsider
the vote by which the bill to prevent
collisions at sea was passed, was agreed
to. The bill was amended slightly and
again passed. During the vote a call of
the hor.s-- was ordered, and Mr. Cheadre
offered a i evolution to call absent mem
bers, whirh. was debated and finally laid
on the taide.
The house also passed the senate bill
requiring vessels in collision at sea to
stand by ich other (with amendments);
senate biu reauirinsj a written agree
ment with seamen shipping in the Coast
wise trade, etc., and senate bill to extend
time of payment of purchasers of land
of the Omaha Indians in Nebraska.
New Ranks.
Washington, Aug. 13. The Sedalia
National bank of Sedala, Mo., was
authorized to begin business wltn a
capital of fl00,000. The following
applications for authority to organize
national banks have been filed at the
offide of the comptroller of thecnrrency:
The First National Bank of Valdosta,
6s., by S. I. Hayes of Thomas ville, Ga.,
and his associates; the Columbian
National Bank of Lincoln, Neb., by
John B. Wright of Lincoln, Neb., and
his associates; the Bell County National
Bank ef Temple, Tex., by C. L. McKay
of Temple, Tex., and his associates; the
First National Bank of Kingfisher,
Oklahoma, by J, C. Post of Kingfisher,
Okla., and bis associates.
MsJ. Anderson for Congress.
Des Moines, Ana:. 13. Maj. A. L.
Anderson of Fremont county was nom
inated for congress by the Democrats of
the Eighth congressional district.
Resolutions that Will Prevent
Its Passage This Session.
Iteyiiohls for Governor and Causey for
Congress How It Looks ou Convention
Day In South Carolina The Mississippi
Constitutional Convention.
Washington, Aug. 13. In the senate
Mr. Quay introduced the following
KeHolved, That during the present session of
congress the senate will not take up for con
bideration any legislative business other than
the pending bill (the tariff bill) and general
appropriation bills: bills relating to publio
build inxs and publio lands, and senate or con
current resolutions.
Resolved, That the consideration of all bills
other than such as are mentioned in the fore
going resolution in hereby postponed until the
session of congress to he held on the first Mon
day in December. ltfX).
Resolved, That the vote on the pending bill
and all amendments thereto shall be taken on
the 30th day d August, instant, at 2 o'clock p.
ra.. the voting to continue without further de
bate until the consideration of the bill and
the amendments is completed.
This is the first action on the Repub
lican side of the senate chamber against
the consideration of the federal election
bill at this session of congress. The
adoption of the resolution would be a
sitecific agreement to shelve the election
bill. While Mr. Quay's resolution may
not lw adopted, there seems little doubt
that the Republican senators, as stated
in the United Press dispatches on the
day the tariff bill was reported from
the finance committee, will agree to set
aside the election bill that the tariff bill
may be passed.
' .jw It Seems In South Carolina on Con
vention Day.
Charleston, S. C, Aug. 13. The
state Democratic convention, which
meets at Columbia to-day, will decide
whether there will be a split in the
party or not. Tillman has 253 out of
the 3-0 delegates, and it is generally
thought he will try to get the nomina
tion, although the convention is called
to decide whotlr the state officers
shall be no?i;wited by the primary or
convention plau. If the primary plan
is not adopted a sltt will doubtless fol
low, for many A the county dela
tions are elected for both the present
convention and the coiivetitiou in Sep
tember, which i.-: to nominate omcnri.
These election are declarer ui-ai by
the Democratic executive committee,
and such delegates will not be recog
nized in September by the regullr
Democracy. Since Tillman's canvass of
the state the regular Democrats have
perfected org iuiiotions in almost every
county, and are prepared to fight to a
finish. There will be, in fact, two
Democratic conventions in session in
Columbia, for the straight-out Democ
racy will be there in full fprc, in $act,
they are already on the ground, A good
deal has been said about the negro vote.
Prominent Republican leaders now
openly say that there will be no Repub
lican state ticket in the field, but the
neerroes, if they take any part in the
election, will certainly not vote with the
Tulmanites. It is "raown that the negroes
have tieen used by the Tillmanites in
making up their Democratic rolls, upon
which representation in the county con
vention is based, but if it comes to a
split the majority of the negroes will
vote against lillman with tne more con
servative white voters of the state. On
the whole, it looks like a split whichever
way the cat jumps.
Delaware Democrats.
Dover, Del., Aug. 13. Col. W. H.
Stevens, chairman of the Democratic
state central committee, called the state
convention to order in the court house
hall at 12:45. The usual committees
were appointed. There were no con
tests. - Dr. E. W. Cooper was chosen
temporary chairman, and the commit
tees retired to consult. Before the con
vention convened a conference of lead
ers, including air. uayara, tailed to
agree on a ticket. Ex-Governor Stock-
lev was chosen rermanent chairman
.Ex-Secretary uavant read the platform.
which was unanimously adopted. The
ticket as agreed upon is as follows:
For Governor Robert J. Reynolds.
For Congress John W. Causey.
Mississippi Constitutional Convention.
Jackson, Miss., Aug. 13. The consti
tutional convention, after electing
JudgeS. S. Calhoun of. this city presi
dent, R. E. Wilson of Hinds county
secretary, Webb Harris of Oxford ser-geant-at-arms,
and J. H. Winstead
doorkeeper, and appointing a committee
rules, adjourned until 10 a. m.
Passenger and Freight l.iu Moving
Over the Entire Central System.
New York, Aug. 13. Although the
strike on the New Yqrk Central rail
road has not been declared off by the
Knights of Labor, it is virtually at an
end. The decision of the locomotive
engineers in refusing to come out was
its death knell. Passenger trains are
running on time and freight is moved
on all divisions.
Resuming their Normal Condition.
New York, Aug. 13. Affairs at St.
John's Park are resuming their normal
condition. Freight train? with empty
cars left for the West Thirty-third street
yards to relieve the pressure of freight
at thi point. The 6igns, "No freight
received until further notice, are still
displayed, but the officials say that all
v 1 -ii v ' . ; 1 1 IV i -
rreigm wiu ue recti veu m iiue morning.
The Dolice are still on tmard within tha
The Modern Woodmen.
Des Moines, An g. 13. The call is
sued by Head Consul Root for a special
meeting of the Head Camp of Modern
Woodmen, brought 1,500 delegates, rep
resenting ever' state where the order
exists. It was deemed advisable, how
ever, to respect the injunction issued by
Judge Tuthill of Chicago, forbidding
a meeting of the Head Camp, so the
delegations held a mass convention.
After a spirited session, the convention
adopted resolutions denouncing the
Illinois parties who secured the injunc
tion, fnrging the head officers to secure
its dissolution, and declaring in favor of
state insurance jurisdictions in states
having upwards of 4,000 members.
Strikers Win.
Pitts buro, Pa., Aug. 1& The strike
for nine hours 'work and ten hours' pay,
begun Monday by the machinists and
skilled machanics. is resulting favor
ably for them, several firms having
granted the demand. The prospects
are that they will have won the light
and all be at work in a few days. At
the same time the strike spirit is spread
ing and several hundred men will come
out to-day. The moulders, about 1,000
in number, are also preparing to make
similar demands.
National Photographer' Ion.
Washington, Aug. 13, The Nation
al Photographers' Association of Amer
ica, to the number of 500, assembled in
convention here, Pv. ideut Applet on in
the chair. Muk jiitine business was
transacted. The convention will be in
session several davs
On the ';m;i.liuu Pacific Directorate.
Montreal, Que., Aug. 13. John W.
Mackey has bt.v?ii elected a liiwt r of
the Canadian Pacific railway.
Ordinance Ko. 134.
Au ordinance authorising ;.nd einpowenn
the mayor to .call a special election for tho pur
pose of enabling the legal voter? of the city of
Plattsmouth to vote upon a proposition to issue
the bonds of h'lid city to f'y. ; ':t;t ;f t-i
thousand dollars to anl in the construction 01
the Omaha Southern Railway, in tlie pur
chase of rit;lit of way ana depot trrounas and
attendant expenses of swid purchase, between
a point on the Missouri Pacific Kailway in
erty Trecinct, Cass Couuy, Nebraska, north
via of PlattsmoiitLjto the i'lattc river, and for
the lew of taxes to pay Interest and rriLC-p.U
of said bonds.
Be it ordained by the mayor and council of
the city of Phittmonth.
Section 1. That the mayor if hereby auth
rized and empowered to issne the followire
roclamation ai-d notice of rpeoisl election for
he submission to th electors and lopa! voter-s
'. tii'! city of Pittsinouth, Cass County, Kt-
irdeka. oi tne question or auuionsinK ana em-
", "i ing the mayor and city council of the
rv of Plattsmouth, to isue bonds of the city
i "! Plattsmouth in tne total amouct oi not to
exceed ten thousand dollars to be devoted to
aid in the construction of the Omaha Southern
' Kailway Company provided said bonds shall
! be used to pay for right of way and de:ot
crouudd tor saia railway from i.nion in ;a.
county, Nebraska in :. ii:n,!'rly d:n cri3u to
the Platte river in said county via of Plutts- j
mouth city.
Sec. 2. I, F M Kichey, mayor of the city of
Plattsmouth do . issue this my proclamation
and by the. authority vested in me an such
mayoi do heieby give public notice to the
electors and legal voters of the nity of Platts
mouth that a special election will be held in
said city on the i.vh day A' gust A J l'-yo,
for the purpose of submitting to p;id electors
and legal voters the question uud proposition
following to wit :
Shalt the mayor and city council of tne city
of Plattsmouth be authorized and empowered
to Issue bonds of the city ot Plattsmouth in f !;e
sum of ten thousand dollar. for the purpose of
aiding in the construed' u of the Omaha South
ern railway company pr vi.i;.u the chi-.: i.:..-.i:s
shall be used to pay for right of way for !"..J
railway from Onion In i-siu Cjs county in a
northerly direction to the Platte river in said
county via the city of Plattsmouth, said bonds
to bear date July i.-t, ls!w thu principal to be
come due and pavablejn twenty years or not
leeg than fifteen year at the option of paid
citv of Plattsmouth and to bear interest from
said date at the rate of six per cent per annum
pajabie annually ; said bonds shall be called
Omaha Southern Kailway bonds and ehail be
issued in denomiEations of five hundred dol
lars and provided further that onlv so much of
the proceeds of said bonds shall oe ueed as
shall be necesf arv to pay for sv.ld right of way
and the attendant expenses of said purch;ise,
and hall the mayor and city council beauthor
ized and empowered to levy nrnu;il'.y upon all
real estate and personal property within the
corporate limits of the city of Plattsmouth a
tax for the payment of the interest of sa d
bonds as the suid interest becomes due and
for the payment of tue principal of said bonds
when it shall become due, said question and
proposition shall be fubmitted to said electors
entire and the vote- thereon shall be "yes" or
"no" ll votes "ves" Pb!'l counted a '1
favor of issuing said bonds ; all votes "no" shall
be counted as against the issue of pqid bore".
The polls shall be opened on the dav of ':id
election at 8 o'clock in the morning and shall
continue open until six o'clock p. m,l of the
same, day at the respective votirg place? follow
First ward, county clerks oftice : second ward
Ileiscl's mill office : third ward. Kichey Bros,
lumber oftice ; fourth ward, lumber office of II,
A. Waterman & Son ; fifth ward, at fifth ward
school house.
Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect on and
after its passage and approve and publication
according to law.
Passed and approved July 14th, luu.
F. M. TXickev, Mayor.
Attest W. K. Fox, City ClerH.
Wai'on and Blacksmith cbp.l
Wagon, Buergy, Machine and ,
plow Repairing done
lie uses the
Which is the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for city
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyone can put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop and examine the neverslip
and you will use no other.
118 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth
217, 21W, 221 and 223 Main St.,
Plattsmouth, - Nebraska.
H. M, BONS, Proprietor,
The Perkins has been thoroughly
renovated from top to bottom and is
now one of the best hotels in the state
Boarders will be taken by the week at
$ 4.50 and up.
UdTinc returned from college I am now pre
pared to do all kinds of dental work by
the latest improved method.
Bridge work and tine gold v. crk a
OK. STEINAUS LOCAL as well a." othot an
estheticsgiveu for the painless extraction of
C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitraid Jlc-
Vailery's !!eat Karket
S uth st., Union Block, formerly
415 Main street.
Splendid Market, where Ever; thing
kept is First Class. We aim to
t'lease, and solicit the Pntron
age of the Public.
game, fish and othkb delicacies
in season.
By fair and honest dealing I exnect to
merit a share of the trade.
131-lm. J. R. VALLERY, Prop
B Mtkk, of Gass County
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid up capital .?.'i0"ooo
Surplus 25 000
C. II. Parnele President
Fred Gorder Vice President
J. M. Patterson Casheir
7a Patterson, Jr. Asst Caahier
C II. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder.
a V.. Smith, K. B. Windham, B. S.Kameey anl
las Patterson Jr.
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
deposits and prompt attentiongiven to all bus
iness entrusted to its care.
The Citizens
Cayital stock paid In 5i 0 o
Authorized Capital, $IOO,OCO.
President. Vlte-Presidect
W. H. CUSH1N0. Cashier.
Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. R. Guthmano
J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keefe
W. D. Merriam, Win. Wetencamp, W.
H. Cushing.
Transacts aTgeneral banking business. All
who have any bsnklng business to transact
are invited to call! No matter bow
large or small the transaction, it
w ill receive our careful attention
and we promise always cour
teous treatment.
Issues ceatiflcates of deposits bearing intereet
Buys and sells exchange, county and
city sureties.
First National
Offers the very best facilities for the promp
transaction of legitimate
Banking Business
Stocks, bonds, cold, government and local se
curities Dougnt ana sola. Deposits received
and interest allowed on the certificate
uraits arawn, avauaoie in any part of the
United States and all the Drlncinal towns of
Highest market price paid for County War
rants, state ann county bonds. M
John Fitzgerald D. Hawksworth
John K. Clark F. K. White
Georee E. Dovev
John Fitzgerald. 8. Waugh.
rreeiaent CatbHjr.
A pocket cigr case free to emokers o-
And Then Buy A Home in
South Park.
Do not be caught in the delusion of
many thousauds in postponing a home
until they can have an expensive one.
This idea is the devil's trap that catches
men and women innumerable, who will
neyer have any at all. The laborer may
have, at the close of the day, fp -it or
ride farther tiian is d nimble to reach it,
but when he gets to his destination in
ho eventide 1 ie will fin1
worthy of beincr called bv flint
..j r,.u....u.,
and impassioned, and heaven descended
vord, "Home."
Young married man, as soon as you
can buy such a place, even if you have
to put on it a mortgnge reaching from
base to capstone. Tim
mortgage which is ruin to the reckless
man. to one prudent and provident is
the beginning of a competency and a
fortune, for the reason he will not be sat
isfied until he lias paid it off, and all the
household are put on strictest pconomy
until then. Denv voum lf all Pm.erfliii.
ties and all luxuries until you can say:
"Everything in this hous.s is mine thank
Cod! every timber, every brick every
toot of plumbing, every door:!!." Do
not have children born in a boarding
house, and do not yourself be buried
from' one. Have a place where your
children can shout and sing and romp,
and not be overhaulded for the racket.
Ilaye a kitchon where you can do some
thing toward the reformation of evil
cookery and the lessening of this nation
of despeptics. As Napoleon lost cm; .f
his great battles by an attacked of indi
gestion, so many men have such a daily
wrestle with Jthe food swallowed that
they have no strength left for the but'e
of life; and though your wife may know
how to play all musical instruments anil ,
rival a prima dona, she is not well ed j-
cnrprl linlpca cho pnn hml an TriaK im'o
" !'
and broil a mutton chop, since
sometimes decides the fate of
the diet
and nations.
ITave a setting room with a1: leabt one.
easy chair, eyen though ye.
t to take
turns at sitting in it, and books out
the public library, or of your own pur
chase for the making of your family in
telligent, and checker boards and guess
ing mntches, with an occassional blind
man's bluff, which is of all games i
fayorite. Rouse up your homer vruL a'J
styles of innocent amusement, and gath
er up in your children's lives a reserve
Of exuberance that will pour down re-""
freshing streams when life gets parched
and the dark days come and the lights
go out and the laughter is smothered in
to a sob. T. De Witt Talmage.
For South Park Lots
Over Bank of Cms County