Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 10, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
"Tis sold everywhere.
Jhisinonth Q'cehlrt erM
Float Convention.
Tlie republican electors f Cuss and
Otoe counties are hereby requested to
elect delegates at the cunty miventioi Sf
t meet in convention at Nebraska L'iiy,
July 2'., ls;o. n' l::;o p. m for the pur
pose of nominating h float ieprei'i)tHti ve
for said counties and trnn-aet such other
business as may coine up In-fore tlie con
vention. W'm. Deles Dknii.k, rhuirmin. .
Sn prohibition i, ki!liu; K;tiii,.
lien; are theotlicial iinur-ol t In- ms. . d
valuation of Ivaus'is Mid Nebraska:
REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. ! TlIK thkiliij of the reh-iH 1. V m t m liie
Tde Iii puMiean County Convention of of tlie u-li-rii to rncurninu' -ver
Cas CiuM'.fy. '!, will C"HVcll- nt tlie lnjsel politicnl poWt-f by th-- l i-t M
Wet-pirnr' r. N.-i.. S itwnl-iv.. J u! v ! fta?-. Ti-1 und r. -Tt'ivx ' h.v.
Nebraska in ixsfi hid '.f, J ;. fj 1 ; j j .r., l!o, nt 1 . oYb-ek a. in., t . . i,l:ue ' yrown - 1 ,st it in n..-.v .!.:.. t.. i,..iih-
in tioiiiit.u? !i ii H c. uuty ii k t announced 1 r' can lid tte- ! i n-i 'if ml di'-'te
lu l'iw; : the platform tlit-v sli ill f.t" up..i.' Tbe
1 serritor; 2 r prc-i nt tti Vt 1 coinini
i-i"iii m-c,.i.1 ili-triet. Mi'l i'!i'- c -iintv
Kanas $12(,."70."il. In 1 "'. Xt-lr..'-kn
had $1 ;,?:,.;, Kmiji.. .:i;o.i.'".7.'J;
incrennH in Kansas $ x)i),'SJ4.'vl2; increase
in Nebraska in s-m.e time., ! 2.2 V-',.'.''20;
difference in favor of Kann $107,0?. ,
yj)l; annual increase in Kansas. jO.OOO,
000; the nnnual increase in Nebraska,
000,000; ftiinual inert a- in favor of
Kansas, $11,000,000.
The figures seem to indicate that pro
hibition is a;r-iinjr very uall'wite Kansas.
Tlie manufacture, sale and keeping for
sale of intoxicating liquors as h bever
age are forever prohibited in this state.
I nwl tl.i. 1 mi l 4I ii t ii r fil.f.11 .-oiMilf. liv l.'iw
for tlie enforcement of thU provision.
The Princess Dolurouki. the left
Some of the democratic papers are te:- handed .wife of the late Alexander II of
ribly worried over the fact that the re- Kussia. has stolen a march on the czar in
publicans of the first district do not hold the publication of her nu moirs. Ii was
their convention fcr nominating a candi- well known at court that the princess
date for congress, ui til nearly two months was preparing her book ami the police
after the democrats h.dd their couyeu- were ordered to lie low and wait until
tion. They talk as if their enndidate the whole busines could be deftly
would do such wonderful work among scooped,
the farmers, that he will just have a walk So they waited until the fair authori-
away over the republican candidate. But ties had had the whole volume set in
we will just put a flee in their ears, to the type, read the proofs and printed edition
effect that the farmers of Nebraska have Then the police made their appearace
seen democratic candidates .before, and and cooly confiscated the entire business
democratic oratory will have no more taking in every printed copy of the man-
effect on them than water on the back of uscript, as they thought, making a clean
a duck. So the democratic editors need i0b of it. But the willv woman was al
lialumor.' Aim i i.ut
elo(ju-nt voice to tin
:ivi vio.irou uii'l
f.-rebi.i'inyi of tie
attorney, also t,. i h ct U delegates to I resident- on tne Atlantic s-ui
rublishe I every Thursday, and daily every
evening except Sunday.
Registered at tlie I'lattsmouth, Neb. post-
office for transmission through t!ie U. 8. mails I not loose auy sleep, for their candidate
will be elected as usual to go up Sa!t
state convention to be held at Lincoln, hold the aggiei.ios; of the wist," c.
Neb., July :, ls'Ki. and -'I delegates to claims that journal, '-it almost iuvim ible
the congressinnai rn v-ntion to be held j power in presidential c-nvei:tioi,s, and
at I'lattsmouth, Neb., Sept , :5. 2s.'0 and i its policy of grabbing all that it can get."
J del, litttt to tlie rloit convention. j There has been but one president furnih-
at second class raten
Oflice corner Vine and Fifth streets.
Telephone 3rt.
The democrats in Kansas are making a
One conv. oue vear. in advance .SI 50
One eoj.y. one ypar, no in advHiice 2 00 hard tight to defeat Senator Ingalls. The
One copy, six inonthf. in advance . 75 republicans of the nation will hope that
One c pv. iliree months, in advance ., , ,. r . ,
tkkms yon iailv the fpuhlicans of Kansas may not be in-
One copy one year in advance $i W) fluenced to defeat this man whom the
One copy per week, by carrier - i5 democratic party hate above all others in
so a Russian, and she anticipated just
such a stroke. She had sent the very
first unbonnd copy of this book across
the frontier by a trusty messenger, and
it has safely arrived in Paris, Jwhere it
is being rapidly turned into French and
will be printed forthwith.
The seizure by tlie ca ar's police will
merely enhance the profits as a big ad- at Gilmoie school house 4 p. m.
Iy order of (V-ural Committee.
W ai tkii CnniHTH, Chairman.
.1. W". Thomas, Si c'y
The primaries iu the precincts and i
wards. u id i-e held July 12 at the fol
lowing times and places:
Tipton precinct, seven delegates, at
Eagle 7:iJ0 p. m.
Greenwood precinct, eight delegates,
at voting place 7:o0 p. m.
Salt Creek precinct, eight delegates, at
Grenwood city 8 p. m.
Stove Creek precinct, n'ne deleguti s, at
G. A. II. hall 8 p. m.
Klmwood precinct, seven delegates, at
Center school house 8 p. in.
South Bend precinct, four delegates, at
South Bend 8 p. m.
Weeping Water precinct, six delegates,
at Cascade school house '3 p. m.
Center precinct, seven delegates, at
Manley 8 p. m.
Louisville precinct, seven delegates, u
Louisville 8 p. m.
Avoca precinct, five delegates.
Hut chins school house G p. m.
Jit. Pleasant precinct, fiye delegatis
j el by Hie nst in tie- i.a-t thirty vt
the vice. presidency, a-i le from this par
ticular instance, marking the tart hist ad
vance which the older states could make
in that direction . " ii 1 the east ever
have another man in the white house,"
sadly inquired the same paper, "or will
the west, with its inrrrisel i.n.l in-r.iw
, I 1 1 superior excellence proveil Iu millions of
ng sovereignty, dominate us tor all ti me home for more than a nuarter i'tn century.
, I ii ii usril ii ilie l Illieu r.mi.i" unyri llllieill ,
lO Come! I l-"i,ili,r...,l l.i I I.- I... .,1 j ..r 1 1. :r..-. I I'm -
ties a III siroiijjest. purest and mot heall hful
Viuviu, I .....k. "r- iricecr an i.aKinn po,ier i..e noi con
........ .. .v. .r o in.ti I'KMiuimu liiiiniitiln, 1. line or Allum
Mild only In
from their hay. if they would cut it while CH"iMMrv i.imvi lowiumi r,i
" ; mint nc ian green. oome I
rarmers wait tui tlie seed is ripe to cut
St. Louis.
Oue copy, per month 50
THURDAY, JULY 10, 1890.
Tho republican electors of the state of Ne
braska re requested to eend delegates from
their several counties to meet in convention in
the city of Lincoln Wedneeday, July. 23, 1890,
at 8 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of placing
in nomination candidates for the following
state r Ulcers:
Lieutenant Governor.
.Secret ry ot Slate.
Auditor of rubl e accounts,
btate Treasurer.
Attorney General.
0'onuniss.ioner of 1 tiblic Lands and liuildings,
t-uperinteuileiit of Vulilie 1. structiou.
And the trneaellon of sucli other business
as may come before the convention.
The several counties me entitled to repre
sentation as follows, beiim based upon the vote
east for Hon. George II. ILisiings, presidential
elector iu lsss, givh.t; oue delcjrate-at-large to
public life. It would be a public calam
ity for Mr. Ingalls to be beaten. He is a
great frieud of the soldier and Kansas is
full of them. He is the deadly foe of
democracy and in this lies the secret.
vertisement. The princes discloses
many family and state secret and it is
sa'd that the czar was full of ire when he
read the copy of the work preserved for
his eye. What he will do to the prin
ces remains to be seen, but the scandal f
public punishment would not probably
suit him in these days when he is quite
anxious to preserve his reputation as a
civilized ruler among the western natioi.s.
Lincoln Journal.
Tiik Princess of Wales causes her three
daughters to devote one hour each day to
housekeeping. They don their white
gowns, attach a bundle of keys to their
girdle, and work. They not only have
learned to bake bread, but tj make but
ter and to look after the pantry. A mul
titude of fashionable ladies would do she Wants us to Adopt a System
well to imitate the example of the Prin
cess of Wales.
That is Ruining Her.
The McArthur Courant.
It is continually dinned in our ears that
England has greatly prospered under a
The Sioux City Journal speaks the
truth when it says: "The Nebraska re
publicans seem to be erettinp; together in
elegant shape. The fact that the demo- to in,luire into the truth of tbe lar-
Eight Mile Grove precinct, five dele
gates, at Ileil's school house 7:30 p. in.
Libert' precinct, twelve delegates, at
L'uion 7::'0 p. rn.
Rock Bluffs precinct, seven delegate s
at Burger school house 8 p. m.
Plattsmouth precinct, six delegates, a
Taylor school house 7:30 p. in.
Plattsmouth city, first ward six dele
gates, at county judgt's office, 5 to 7 p,
m.; Second -ward, seven delegates, a
ward school house 5 to 7 p. m. ; Thin
ward, ten delegates, Richeys' lumber of
fice 5 to 7 p. m : fourth ward nine dele
gates at Skinner fc Ritchie's office 5 to
p. in.; fifth ward three delegates, at fifth
ward school house 5 to 6 p. m.
Weeping Water city, first wafd four
system of free trade. The British Isles
area long way off. and few are enabled delegates, at King's office, 8 p. m.; sec
oiici want, nve delegates,
t!e major fraction thereof:
... ... .....1 .. ' ..i. .1 I j-i i n n .ik i. ininipn Tflot 1 1 i I HOn
eacn couiuy, aim uuq lur eaeii ihi vines anu i unw a. t uiiumug ii muib
themselves must
are abandoning all hope of serious divi
sions among the republicans.'"
COO-1 II'S. I)KI..
Auams 14
Arthur l
Attelope lo
Banner 3
Blaine - 2
Boone ti
Bux Butte tl
Brown 5
Buffalo 10
Butler 11
Burt I."
Oiiss ai
Jedar 5
Cnase B
Cheyenne 6
Cherry. 1
Clay ir
Colfax 7
Cuming S
Custer i 20
Dakota ti I
Dawes 9 i
Dtwson 8 1
Keya Pah...
Knox 3!
Lancaster 8
... 8
. . 5
... 3
In view of the characteristic care-
I i . - . . i - i .n: j . .
do indicates that thev iessness OI Irt!e irauw IU uulu,u8 ,ttLls'
there is at least room for doubt. Thous-
at round
chamber 8 p. m.; third ward four dele
gates, a tMcDonald's store 8 p. m.
Globe Democrat.
The evidences of industrial and com
Wyoming is coming in with a ronstitu
Li colli......"...""" 9 I tion giving women the right to vote on
all inaolinna rt r n alt ulruifinna Vi)aama
ands of English people come to this
country every year and find employment
in American shops and factories. They mercial prosperity which come to us from
become citizens and rarelv return to their the other side of the Rio Grande ar j con-
native land. The argument or assertion spicuous and important. Mexico's trade
WW il(.tfaP that a suit of clothes costing f 10 here can witu tne outer worm nas oeen growing
I I 1 V. . .X. ? . 11 1 J I- C I ro wiirl Itt in tliA nuor ha t rt si-mrt
Merrick 9 rio-ht r man has to vote than a woman e dcu nt. ior o m r.ngiunu una uu lorce J
ance 5 1. . . .. u,;ik tUn.. fni. i,oi.sru .w.f th I Not onlv are exDorte of crurle nriulnrta
N'euiaha ......11 has always been a mystery to us It i "- - - - r r
Nuckolls I .....u t . ii here thev have the 10. There, where and the raw materials of manufacturers
. r I Wlllllll MIIIII1III LHKI. I ITLl L III All ClrL L1W1IM. I 4 " I
Pawnee , 10
Perkins 5
fierce 4
Phelps 9
PUtte 9
Madison 10 I H .hi Inrrla nf rrpation
.j u i riun . ..... i
3 Kichardson.
!ixon 7iRock.
.13 Saline
Sarpy.. .
.. 9
:.. 4
.. 15
... 5 I
nrnmnn shniild fnWf unrt. in nil plprtinns
corruption in politics would disappear.- clothing is cheap, they are poorly clad; increasing, but the country, in some de-
York Republican ni re, wnere u is saici to oe uear. iney i b1 i. vBu.u5 .uan.u hi
1 i . . . ...... ;tjf n f..K-;na t.,i i i
dress well. They Know, too, that in this "acii "auJ wu.u n- uu uceu uw
rnnntru n-nrtincr npntilo nrp hpttf-r fPH taming abroad hitherto,
t ( - -
When a person reads his home paper
Gosper 5
Orant 2
tireely .. 4
Hall 14
Hamilton 13
Harlan s
Hayes 4
Holt 14
Howard 7
Hooker l
i efterson 13
Johnson -.. ;i
Thayer 10
l nomas 'i
Tlutrfton 2
A great diver-
i i i .i i . a a.1 i i i I oifinirn nf 5ta inrlnutriaa io nnrlor n.ov
.nrfiUnih. uliinr if mpntinn k ciau ana sueiierea man eisewnere, oe- ""J.
t.:.u caus better paid. Moreover, as compared while the circle ot ts general activities is
noi uiiue oi some particular aiiair wuivu i I. , , ...
vancement is due to the absence of polit
Eneland maintained a risid system of cal disturpances in recent years, and
protection for over 500 vears. She in muca ot ,c 18 directly traceable to the lib
couraged her manufac urers until they eral progressive and popular government
were able to stand against the world, which President Diaz has furnished
The English are now a nation of shop I ' the united States tnis story of the
Dundy..'.....'.'."."."!!! sLsaun.fe'rs" !.".'.'..".".."!!! 15 I could be obtained onlv throuah himself. witn tn,s country.
Fillmore ,.14 Scott's Bluff 3 1.. . ... . . I preatlv
Krankha -(Seward 13 it is a sure thing that an ivory world Kroa"y
rSrSiS ::::is!suennM.v.v :::::::: would be rejected if a diamond fence did
Ha?l.". !Siou-., ? not surround it. Silver Creek Oriole.
UMUCIU.... ...... ... JiniAUIUIl ...... -
Tub city council ot Lincoln is talking
. . ,!lo I of straightening that world famed creek.
Wheeler 3
Vrlc .1(5
Unorganized ler 1 1 ier sailingup that famous creek this fall
Total 819
It is treco amended that no proxies be ad
rcitted to the convention: that each county
convention elect alternates, and that the dele
gates preseut be authorized to cast .the full
vote of the delegation.
L, D. Kichakds, Chiiinnan.
Walt M. Seklv, Secretary.
W Jisn in"T On . . in I ui eti aiiibcuiu Liiai nuiiu lauicu ticca, I . . ,
wyn. bv abolishing the fall at keePers- and the voice of the farming prosperity of our southwestern neighbor
l$ I?! I .1. iLl J?" ' population i..tn8led by an overwhelm especially pleasing. Owing to the ab-
York 16 1 ' . . . ;n m.inrifu nf fnocmon Th.n a seuoe of laws compellins a f ull inventorv
market for what they sell more than what of the merchandise carried overland from
I L! a. A 1 V 1 .
t., . ;,i a thev buv. The farming population, now iris country to oe mrnisnea to tne gov-
in a hopeless minority, besieges parlia- eruit;ui" v re uuauie w xearn aennueiy
ment. vear after vsar. for a return of old
time tariffs. When a nation is well known,ihowever, that they have been in
developed, as England has been for long creasing tvvr since the international rail
time anrl sells so vastlv mnrp than it roaas nave ueen in operation . figures
buys, it naturally s.eks markets in which proyided by the Mexican treasury depart-
Such nations may well become ment confirm the general assumption on
announcement of Col. S. P. Vanatta
county attorney.
The republican electors of the first; .congres
sional district of tlie state of Ne
braka are requested to eend delegates from
their several counties to meet in convention in as the great plumed knight.
A peculiarity of American politics is
the perpetual and intense popular adtni- I f0 Ben
ration and hatred held of Jim Blaine, heralds of free trade doctrines, when they this point, and show that the dealings be
No one is so loved by his friends and no would be the aainer3. With a manufac- tween the two countries are growing
one is so cordially hated by his enemies turin" capacity that would enable her to faster than are those between Mexico and
supply half the world under a universal ny other.nation. 1 he chances, however for
Again Blaine is being talked of for the system of free trade, England would
for hay. For seed this is all right, but
for hay a greater mistake could not be
made. If hay Is cu" after ripening, it
will not find much sale on the regular
market. But hay dealers, werking for
their own pockets will advise you to cut
it too green. The proper time to cut the
grasses, timothy and clover, according to
chemical analysis, is when they are in the
height of bloom or just passing from it.
Chemical analysis show that by cutting
hay a few days earlier than we usually
do affords a larger percentage of digest
ible matter, and weighing shows that we
would not lose very much in the weight
of the hay. The riper the hay gets the
heavier it is; but the riper it is, the less
digestible matter. The only objection
to early cutting is that there is too much
work on hand. Corn, potatoes, etc.,
need attention about this time. There
are other good reasons for cutting early.
Lincoln News.
Attorney Will jjivw prompt attention
to all I'linine to linn, oillce in
I'nlon block, Kant Siile. Plattrmoiith, Neb.
Notiiry Public Notary Public
(ftU-e over Hank of ('a County.
I'lattsmouth - - - Nehrasha
Wm. l. brown.
l'cr.-onal attention to all bushiest- entrusted
to my oare
1 itles exanilneii. Abstract oouiuiled. Insur
ance written, real estate koM.
better facilities lor making Farm Loans than
Ollieeand Dispensary iu Pout Ollice building,
Corner Main and 4th nfreet. Oillce Ihours 10 to
The bill for the admission of Idaho
was passd yesterday, which places her
alongside of Wyoming for admission to 11 a- '" : 2 ulltiI 3 ua 7 ulltiI P-
be a state and as soon as the President
signs the two bills we will have 44 states.
Happy Heosiers.
Win. Tinimons. Postmaster of Maville. ind..
unites: "Mectnc Hitter has done in r for
me tlla'.i al! other metlieiues c-mbine!. i t that
bad feel n;i arifinir from Kidney ;i:i1 Liver
'rouble.'' .Ii.lui Le lie. I'arire an'! -tuekman,
of fame plac- , Miy : Find Meetric l:i:tei to
be th-Miest :vi Iney and L ver nteiliejn,., made
me feel like a new man." .!. iljin'ner
hard tvare nu rcliaul . same Town. ay : "Eiec
trie liilters is just the thint; foi a man who ff
all ru i d- w and don't care whether he lives or
dies ; lie fuiiijil new Mrciiirih. f;oin appetite
ahd felt just like he h ii a new lease on life.
Only "0c. ab tile at F. (J. Fricke & Co's Druj;
Store. '
Notice of Probate of Will.
In ;he matter of the hit wi'l and 1. 1 t; ineiit of
Spencer S Hil !ng-, deceased ;
In C uniy Court. Cass t ouuty, Nebraska.
"-tice '.s hereby Kive.i th ir. to tlie 7th day of
July A. I). lin, at the ' outy JihIk.s oflice in
Platts out ti, .cs Cennty. .Nebraska, at 10
o'clock In the forenoon, the following matter
will be heard and eon idered :
The application of Hla Maria .Spencer to
admit to probate the last will and testament of
Spencer S. Billing late of Piattsmouth. in said
County, deceased, and for letter" testamentary
to said Ella Maria Spencer.
Dated June 16. 1890.
By order of the Ci urt. B. S. Kanisey.
Co. Jude.
First Published June 19. lH90-3t.
Plans, specifications and estimates. Municipal
work. Map etc.
Plattsmouth - Nebraska.
Estimates and plans of all work furnished and
Beeoids kekt
OHic- in Martin Mock.
Bank of Qaiss Comity
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid up capital..
550 oon
X5 two
C. H. Parne!e . President
Fred (ioroer Vice FresK
J. M. Patterson Casheir
Jas Patterson. Jr. Aest Cannier
C. II. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred (.order
A.. B Smith. K B. Windham. B. S. ICamney ' lid
Probate Notice.
In ti e matter of the estate of Melinda E.
In the County Court of Case County Nebraska :
Notice is hereby given, that Eliza E. Shep
herd, administratrix of the estate of the said
Melinda E. Hubbell deceased, has made appli
cation for final settlement, and that said cause I lness entrusted to its care.
is set tor hearing at my oflice at Plattsmouth
on the 5th day of July A. IK isno, at 10 o'clock
a. m. on said day ; at which time and place, all
persons interested may be present and exam
ine said accounts. B S. Kamsey.
Plattsmouth, Neb. June 14, 1890. Co Judge
First published June 19. 1890-3t.
Jas Patterson Jr,
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time
deposits and prompt attentioagiven to all bus-
First National
J. KOUNNAN. Guardian. (
Vou are hereby notified that on Nov. 5, ls8.
the east ' of the northeast K. section 24, town I curities bought tnd sold. Deposits received
Offers the very best facilities for the promnt
transaction of lujitiniate
Banking Business
Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local pe-
further expansion in this respect areprac
the cityjof Plattsmouth on Tuesday, the 23 day
ivSiiZtS presidency. The Kearney Enterprise scarcely purchase a dollar's worth, where tically limitless. To Mexico more than
for congress in said district, and for the trans- sends up a plea from Nebraska for him she made sales amounting to five dollars, to any other country . on the continent
action of such business as may come before the and it wiil find an almost unanimous en- Rh n 11 hprnmo thi snnstlii nf npK m,"st we look in the near future for a
.. V' e. V .. ,, ,;;eS areentitl d to renresen- dorsem.nt, in this Elaine slate of four- faith. Her example is set for her own field for the extension of our trade. A
I. .1" ... I -
Utioa . being baed upon the vote teen years standing, oi its utterances, benefit.
cast for Hon. W. J. Connell for congress in 1SS?,
giving one delegate at large to each county and
one lot ea'h 1"0 votes and major fraction
thereof :
iae -J4arpy...; 5
v. n U Ski miii n ra it
Lancaster".'." 7.."...... 37 i I who ranks with the great minds of Euro- pires were emptied into her lap, fatten
Nemana " i,,liu
Otoe "I
Until she beame a seller, more more liberal PolicT than we hve hereto-
Among other things it says: "And yet, than a buyer, stringent regulations were lore adopted in our transactions with the
after all, what other man in the republi- laid upon commerce. Manufacturers Merian republic b" something which, at
can party is more available for 18i2 than were Drotected for generation after een- the Eext 8ession of congress at the latest.
the knightly leader, this trained public eration. British ships took prizes all the tbe republican party will be called upon
SouVfaVs """""'!""""n servant, this big-brained, magnificent world over. Britain's soldiers plundered to formulate.
man tne only living American statesman hundreds ot nations, liie spoils of em
The town board of Hubbell, Neb., re-
pean politics, and the only memorable intr the capitalists of her capital city, fused to issue a liquor licence, and now'nf tUn JTarriann a A m ! n ! ef r o f ; n n 9 TTi.-. I FPL. " ,1 . 4. I, .,AnA a r.t 1 I tllPV h VP Ml "fri Cfinal n kf If CTp" imnf
... .nJlhat nn nrn.l.. arlmilf.,1 """"Su' ' s xiis iUUlUliUSiiYUi.uuLiu.vuow. jcais una -J cs r o- J
ii u fwwuuiicui. ... r.v.v. - l . . ......1. . . . . . xr: il: ti m.
to the convention and that the delegates pre- present service as secretary oi stase has been invested in her enterprises. And vuiug. jrruuauiy mere are uvi many
etit, cr regularly .elected alternates present, j won at last the respect and admiration of I now, hoary with centuries of experience, people that know the same thing can be
be authorized to cast the full vote of the dele- i,ardened nolitic&l opponents. His pol- after preaching a gospel of blood, iron done right here in Plattsmouth, or any
gatlOn. I .inns nf oil tha men rrhn hava nro I arA nrntoclinii fnr nftnr Hririnir i, I Other hiffh liceUSB tOWD 'in the State of
JOBS U, r L KA , IlBiruiail. 1 - " I - I nu t-"""-'-'"" t i I "
FkAnk R. McCabtv. Secretary. sided over pur foreign affairs in fifty I from her household by long years of op- Nebraska. The principle of law which
f Trnr officials estimate that for Iars, has produced a great idea. pression, she invites us, before we have permits these things is a monstrous
uu . . i ' 3 a. i - . n A . zi .j i j i. a j i r
- . the net 'debt Of the The presidency WOUld add nothing to I nnisueu iue conquest ui cur uwu wuuer- I iniquity, auu cnuuui long etanu ueiore
UJC tuvui- - ... j t -t- T1 - l.-i. ur ISJ I neSS. IO &QODL lier UeneUCenC UOllCV OI the nlwrn.l r.n nf an ornnaul nimiM
Kon ivwinrpfl S20.000. I tue lame ui ir. iiaiue, uui insiauuiuii.) i . . . "'""JV" fv.
governmeuu u r ------ -:rn; hPat thin'r forthereonblican lI "e '""'I Congress will find it necessary toeivethe
oe aoie i . . ..
herself I Kates the right to promoit as well as
i i .
ntrv" I Our interests dictate a different course. I regulate,
ship 11 north, range 13 east, C ss counts'. Neb..
was sold for the taxes of 18H7 and prior years
taxed in the name ot E. A. Wlgt'enUorn. admr.
and J. Rounnan, guardian, each an undivided
one-half for the yearls7, thit the'time for re
demption will expire on Nov. 5. 1&J3, and that
unless the said land be redeemed from such
sale on or before Nov. 5, 1830, I, Silas H. El
liott, aa.-qnee of the purcliaserat said sale w ill
on Nov. 6, 18M. apply to the Treasurer of Cass
county. Neb., for a de?d to paid premise.
lC3t. Silas H. Elliott. Assignee.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mri-. Michael Curtain, PiaiaSeld, 111., makes
the statement that she cau'it cold, u-aieh set
tied on her bings ; she was treated for a month
by her family physician, but grew worse. I'e
told her the was a hopeless victim of consump
tion and that to medicine could cure her.
Her Druggist suggested Dr. King's cew discov-
erv for consumption ; ehe bouuht a bottle and
to her del'ght found herself benefited from the
first dose. She continued its tne and after tak
ing ten bottle, found herself sound and well
now does her own housework and is as well a
she ever wa. Free trial bottle of Jthis great
discovery at F. G. Fricke & "o'i IDru Store
laruebottles 50c, and $1. 2
anu inicresi auowea on the certificates
Drafts drawn, available in any part of the
uiiru .iinics auu an me principal towns of
TKD. Hifc-hest market p-ice tor County War
rants. State ami County bonds.
John Fitzgerald D. Hawk-wortU
John K. Clark K. E. W'hUe
. . ieore E. Dovey
John Fitzgerald. s. Waugh,
President Ca-hier,
The Citizer-s
Cayital stock paid iu $50 yyy
Authorized Capital, f IOOtOOO.
President. Viee-Prestiei t
W. H. CL'SHISa. Cashier.
Frank Carruth J. A. Connor. F. R. Guthitana
J- W. Johnson. Heno'fioeck, John O'Keefe
W. D. Merriam, Wm. Wetencamp, W.
H. Cusbing.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
ouics, ictici, uappcu niuua, vunuienus, iraDsact? a general Danking buines. All
Pnrna snrl a 1 Sk n F.rnnf ri'.e unrl tins! I "J "i"H ouiine 10 transact
corns, ana an Kin rruptios, ana posi- Hre. inVite4 to can. y0 matter how
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It lars" or 'n)ai1 tlie transaction. It
J- ir j 1 I will receive ourcrful xrrnt n
is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or I aud we promise always cour-
rnoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box l3Sues C(.atiflCates of deposits bearin?intr0.f
For sale by F. O. .Fricke & Co. ""J"' au1 U9 pxchane. county and
AAsw aaa rii m