Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 12, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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BRADSHAW IN RUINS i ,eR8I,os',',aulewitn a physician constant
ly iy ncr sua Kinu menus near uy, lay
First Reports by No Moans Ex
agorav.od, L3ut if Anything
Too Mildly Drawn.
Whilo c. Cicore or More of Bruisud
and Battered Sufferers Seem
but to Await the Dread
l-'rcni Monday's JJai'y.
The Into hour of the i -! r ' the
destruction of l'ralsli;iw Tue-iday night
prevented nil accurate re crt. The
hastily prejiai ed account ujjj'-..i iu l..:ii
night wns ri ci-sxairiy biief .ml d
tieicnt in many respects. 1 ! wc er. it
was suhstani i.ii y coned. As i" the
wide-spread (! solai ion, the jiiuuu), 1 1 1 c
Wcll liiii ultel' hop, liMi S.s oi Lin: I si
Unt, if Mould fx; i.liiios in-poi'd-. to
exaggerate. The from the
Lincoln Journal:
The train left Lincoln a few minutes
after 4 o'clock. Waco, Seward, York
are passed with no sin of i disturbance
of the elements. .Seven, eight miles fur
ther mill nothing is diocci ijiil 1. A
quarter of a mile of the spot where
the hustling iiitle village of Rradshaw
stood aud the first siiili of the ten updo's
work greets you. It is th- wreck of the
h me f Willi'im Morrison, one of the
inort nuhst.iijti il farm houses in York
county, l it twisted, torn, nifti:illy un
rooted, with aciiceiy a semblance of its
forup r beauty . It is the first house east
aud outside of tlu city limits. A short westward and you gaze upon
l'ietiiic m almost level plain of an
area loijidy estimated at half it mile
from one xtrcinity to the other, wi h
little 1 ss than 100 tasty residences ami
the ti quota of Mlbstintial business
houses. aside the picture and look
Sirs. Uabcock, morning and calling for her
babe, born but two weeks before, The
father and mother were both painfully
injure 1. while the child miraculously es
caped. It whs feared that Mr?. Rabcock
would never recover.
There were only a few of the many
cases of similar sadness. Dr. Shidler, of
York, who was one of the first on thv
ground, estimated the severely injured
at from thirty-five to forty. Of these
he feared that a third, or f t least one
fourth could not survive. This list did
not include a number who had received
painful bruises and sprains. A resident
whose views were generally coincided in
may be quoted: "Hradshaw has ."00 in
habitants, of these not less than 2() bear
marks of the. struggle." and it was no
Some three miles southwest of Brad- j south of the
Pacific Junction and Vicinity
Under Water and the Wat
er Rapidly Ffising.
Cleenwood Also Suffers From the
Flood The Water Does a Large
Amount of Damage to
the Farmers.
l-'roui Friday's Daily.
This morning word was received in
this city that I'acitic Junction was being
flooded, and a reporter for Tilt-: IIkkai.ij
went oyer on the first train to view the
situation. lie found all the bottom
Junction Hooded with
shaw lives what is termed the Russian ! water from two to six feet deep, sp iliug
settlement. It is a farmin
and derives its name from
g community j pastures and ruining the crops, us there
the fact that were hundreds of farms under Water.
a number of Russians have settled here
and their houses are not far apart. They
were visited but a few remains to tell
how it happened, the mighty winil high
above them in the distance darted down
ward caught up the frame dwellings,
tore them from the foundations and
crashed them together and then swept
n. Reports trom this locality are con
flicting. Eich messenger who arrived
in the 'own had a different story to tell
Some places the loss of life as high as
fourteen, others as low as seven. A cou
scrvatiye estimate, hacked by stories
which, hang together would give the
number killed at nine. The names of
the residents are Isaac Penner, John Ra-
gerre, August Nimpke, Mireau,
Henry Shaw.
Floyd IJruusby, aged fiye years, son of
Mr. and Mrs. IJruusby, killed instantly
! y fal'ing walls.
Mrs Penner and child.
Two children of John Rageer.
Mr Minke, wife, child and hired man
upon Hi- realty, Not a solitary struct- ' (letter's name unknown.)
ur - inn wat hears the marks ot the. Visi
I'll - general o..iniu s'-emed to be that
tin- vied tornado approached from the
si mw .-t. r mm tiic north west came
8-eiiuxi -! , iiiot Ic r, til-- two contending
for -npr nsaey. Hliiiling high in air,
tiie-. .....t ou l.i" ed ge of the peaceful
) i le. decent!, tic ry i im im lit.
ni'l away; Ui what do Uiey
:t iiousc ui.ixiieiie.a. not a
u or.. ii ii l, or n mic. i or outhouse
w u .tiiol. il ur totally demol
K ..
ti. .
( ! c '.nnot tin the matter justice.
J ruin,' everywhere. Leavinu
in- ..j..t iiiii -out, il, witii. -ut signs 1
Willi. !! llo..- t DllnlS C!llll (l aud
t tt. ; i;.... ; i u lonK upi-ii what icinaiii:
it t -i' - -nhst mti :1 gi .iu elevators.
i 1 " - i i tips were a- to: unatc as any
- in t'ii city. The roofs, how
p-'Md ieidiy tmn away, tin-siiiin
i .ii.l the h-.ivy supports nils
I .4.-1 .-out li j-tood nuiubi-r d
riie-e t -pph-d oyer at the
n. nv-i In-ill lilted botlily and
Wii the track several yards U
street, and a partial reeogii
M- I l. "'I
V. - . .11
i- . i . i
ir i
fi: .- o, -.- i
cirri---! i.
UlC Oi, sill
i- o --t l.i awtul force dawns upon the
J uwK- i o i. With the single xceptiou of
the hotel, a cwo-s-torv structure, with con
r.hl--r u:id spice, a wreck ot its
former self, not a housestands. Crushed
in like egg sli. lis or lifted high in nir
an . u-i-'i .I again to earth, all that re
in -tins is a mass of broken timbers, their
contore mixing with and forming Dart
c-- :!i" 1'iis.
J-i.-' )1T the ni tin busiuess stre-.t, to
tl. .with and west, stands a cottage to be and his iresnee was soon felt. Thp
w ..I. it Dire 1 as well as any in the city. c;lrs of the wrecking train were cleared
Ji - rue M. t.. parsonage, and the pastor, cots arranged, litters nrovided amT flip
li v. W. li. Prescott and wife were do work of removing the injured from the
iug a I in t icir power to alleviate the wrecked buildings to the more comfort
MiiTe. iug of tiie wounded and dying able coaches, preparatory to their re
brought b neth 'l.eir roof. On au im inoval to York heo-im. Tht ilifTcrent.
pr. viseii jjaWet on the Uoor lay the hody Lincoln physicians rendered every as
of mnii. brirsed and l.-leediug, uucon- sistance possible. Nor can the work of
sjiou.-, with the spark of life nearly tx- two gentlemen from Grand Islsnd
Wife and child of Henry Mireau.
Freddy Chapin, infant son of Station
Agent Chapin, died on train between
York and Lincoln.
Joh.i Miller, died shortly before noon.
Two children of Henry Shaw, one will
probably die.
Mr. and Mrs. Urunsby, the latter not
expected to liye.
Mrs. Chapin badly bruised.
Frank Chapin, cut about head.
Mrs Wiggensen, bruised, condition
Carrie Mill r, ankle broken.
Emma Miller, arm broken.
Nellie Dorsey, aged rive years, eauno'.
Mrs Miller, foot mashed.
Nancy and Lucy Crenshaw, injured i
internally, serious.
J. II. Iiabcock and wife, both S'riousl'
D'..J. O Moor-j, arm broken.
Principal McDermot. nose broken, con
tusion on the head.
R. I). Logan, wife and two children.
G n. Foster, ear taken off, bruised
about th" body.
Tylin Colby, splinter in jaw, leg
n. allied.
When Superintendent Bignell's private
car, with the Lincoln party arrived, con
fusion reigned. The people who had
uudergoue the terrible experience were j
dazed. A rnaiority of those who escaped
with life and limb wandered about al
most aiuile.'Sly ;nor should they be blamed
A few of the cooler-headed ones were
working, but they lacked a
leader. Such a person Mr. Bignell proved
Pacific Junction is on the north side ol
the Chicago, Burlington fc Quincy track
and therefore there was no water on that
side. We saw the fanners driving their
cattle to the hills to keep them from
drowning. In some places the cattle
had to swim. Chickens were roosting
on boxes, stables and fence posts.
No lives are reported to have been
lost. All the low land in and around
Glenwood is flooded, and it is reported
that the depot is ubwut to be flooded.
When we left the Junction the water
was rising at the rate of two inches per
hour. Tiie Chicago, Rock Ijland x.
Pacific railroad aud the Chicago & Mil
waukee railroad are running their trains
from Council Bluffs to Red Oak over
the Chicago, Burlington ifc Quiney road
as both of their r uda for twenty miles
east of Council Bluffs are under watu
and it is said that it will take tin in two
or three weeks to repair them. Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific tickets are reputed
to be good over the Chicago, Burlington
Ac Quiney.
This high water is caused by two
cloud bursts, one last Tuesday night and
one Wednesday morning, about twenty
miles cast of Council Bluffs, flooding all
the country along all the creeks running
into the Missouri river.
Aid for the Bradshaw Sufferers.
A public meeting is hereby called to
tike place at the council chamber tomor
row (Saturday) evening, to receive sub
scriptions to aid the destitute, distressed
and injured people of the storm swept
village of lft-adsiiaw. Meeting will con
vene at 8 and continue until 10 o'clock.
All the people who can and desire to
give anything in the form of money,
clothing, bedding, groceries, lumber, are
earnestly invited to be at the meeting
tui iudieale the extent of their contri
butions. Committees will b appointed
to receive the contributions and forward
them to the proper partus. Let there be
a generous response fitting the prosperity
of this people. F. M Richev
Tabor College Commencement.
The following i- the program for the
commencement tx ittsch t the Tabor,
la., coilcg, June - to inclusive:
PAliltATH, lOSJD A. M.
BaccnlaVieute S. imoll Pres. W. M.
Bi ooks.
Address before I he Y. P. S. C. K
Rev. A. R. Tlniin, Omaha, T::;0 p. m.
.MONO Y. X I'. M .
Exercises of the class cnteriug College.
Anual Meeting ot Tiu.-tees a. in.
Anniveisary of Cons rv itory of Mumc,
'MH p. m.
Phi Delta exhibition, M p. m.
wi-.pnksda v.
Ex rsis ;s of die .ladtiuting class
10 a. in.
Alumni Dinner 1 p. m.
Alumni Ursine.- Meeiing 1 p. in.
Commencement Concert p. in.
The public gencially are Cordially in
vit.-d u, attend. W.M. M. Bkooks,
A STRICKEN TOW , 08 Farnam Stree', Omh, Nob.
Early Reports Only Half Told
Bradshaw's Story.
V: i ' ' - -
ni:vi:. itf.n rr.KsoNs
Many Iii.jiii-il an. I All llw IU--,ll-nl
lliiiiielvss l.-ii Klte-tif the Miiini
111 I iltllMf 1 I';l4l,i41l, lIHI'4l mi
Oil l.a li n l-aiiii-i.
tir.g'iisti'.-d . His name was
K net ling beside
b;-rselt injured,
her s'- this
Thomas Ros
him his wile
told, between
story to the
ie'C " " movers, strangers
iu ttin .iu. , .i..d were just on the
edge of town when the storm struck.
Tiie sta became uumatitgeabl throw-
County Treasurer Ilackenberger and F.
W. B.rber be overlooked. They vol
unteered their Scrv'ces and worked yvith
might and main throughout. But to
York should be accorded greatest praise.
Within a few hours after the occurrence
of the disaster every physician of the
county seat was at the scene. They
The Two Cripples.
Following are sketches ol the nvi
cripples'who are selling song books on
the streets, as gleaned from them:
George Huzelette, the younger and
iieavier of the two was born in Bedford
county. Pa., May 14. 1870. His father
died when he was about fiye years of
age, since which time he has lived with
his grandparents, eight or nine years in
Iowa, aud the remainder of the time cn
a farm eight wiles west of Weston, in
Saunders county. He lost his limbs by
being run over by a Union Pacific train
on the niht of March 15, lS.S'J, at
Wahoo, Neb. lie had started for the
PKtte river on a hunt in company with
his cousin, nnd a drizzling rain had
fallen all day, freezing and making it
very slippery. Arriving at Wahoo too
late for the passenger train, they at
tempted to board a passing freight train
when George was thrown under the
wheels, losing both lower limbs. He
recovered very rapidly from his injuries,
and was able to tiavel on peg logs in the
June following tli accident, and began
walking on his Knees last December.
Charles Milo Willi. u;i- was born Sep
tember I-'!. 1835. Was frozen in South
Dakota in February, lss0, while carry
ing the mail between Mitchell and Fort
Thompson. lis; left Fort Thompson the
2oth of February ou horse buck with the
United St-itcs mail for Wessington
The Misso-tri river i im- five incln s l ist
nignt and has been rising ail day.
The case oi E. Pankonin vs. 11 Go-bel
is being tried to a jury this afternoon.
Passenger train No. 2, contained eleyen
coach- s beside the baggage c!ir yesterday
The little Italian street siugeis repo. ted
a prosperous da- for them yesterday,
their receipts being something over $.3.
A m n riage license was issued today
by judge Ramsey for Jacob Forsyth tig' d
54 and Mrs. Lab. Ila Keeper aged 47, all
of Eagle, Ca.-s couuty, Nebraska.
Iu the case on trial yesterday, of J. P
Stevens vs. the of Commerce th
jury were out nil night and failing to
agree upon a yerdict v, re discharged
this morning.
The State Sunday School Association
at Hastings is, throughout, a success.
committee of five has been appointed ti
nominate delegates to attend the inter
nation I convention to be held at Pitts
burg, June 24th aud 2oth, 18:0.
During the storm last Thursday night,
lightning struck and killed three cow.-
1.1.. - T : t - -i
oeionging 10 joun uiwin anil one 'h--
longiug to Amos Keiser. Tiie storm wa;
quite sevi-ie in tins locality, there !ein
a great deal of hail mixed with tin- lain
Louisville Advertiser.
The report comes from Hock Bluff
that a man was seen yesterday to capsiz
in a skiff about two miles above that vil
lage and made :iu effort to swim to :
snag in the river, tint tailed to reach i:
and sank. We have hoard of no one':
being missing, hence do not know hoy
much credit to attach to th" report.
Mrs. B. Critchfiel.": left on No 2 tiii.
evening for an extended visit to her old
home at Slircye. Ohio. S -, if Bird up
pears to be, not his form -r .-cL, be it
known that his hitherto qu-inin-ity ol
temperament is disturbed by reason ol
his having to do the h ichclor act.
The Children's Day ent.-rtai::nien'
given at the Christian church l ist night
was eminently satisfactory to the largi
audience present, ami the only r. grets
by the management were that their little
edifice had not tin: capacity to acc iniiiu
diite all that came. Tiie programme was
carried out to the letter, and the various
parts well rendered. The collection
taken at the close of the i xercises
amounted to about 88.
.Mr. Conrad Sehlater returned yester
day evwiiug from Bradshaw, bringing
with him his daughter, Mrs. Tighe, and
her little boy. Mr. Sehlater says one
cannot begin tc. realize the ravages of
the storm without visiting the place
where the storm whs. Mr. Tighe's family
were uninjured, strange to say, save the
little boy received a sligh' scratch on the
chin. Mrs. Tighe and children will re
main with relatives in this city, for some
time, while the st.rick-n village is being
iirtia'.ly restored to its former self.
Yo!:K. Neb., .Mill li. The people of
'-.k i;A v 1 1. :;: for the relief of tin
Lii'.d '.:av. in.T-e i . Carpenters and
:!';; o'.i wire sit to' wiik preparing
".. !Vi' f. -i the ms. Relief muM
1'i.e ..! ii ii e i'. ted yillfige from
' ' er s, um-i-s. ;:s lie- wants of the l-o-;Jc
;i:,' iii.iny. Contributions ' .rvy
'.-. ill be received by N. .'T. T ";:u
o .'. (a hier of the Near:: .v t N."t'-!':ii
. 'v. , j. V
1 I
::n r of l..;;.l-
W : .
b .'.v .
i.. . i
'i i..c
ol':- .
s-: -i
.i .led ; i w .'A reach
1 ;'. ni of ilie ::i'l househiil ls not
i . .i.. i 1 ;h,i! number .-ire able to
. . .f o-.'.v t he ir heads,
i . i , n .v r.M -.i si'Vi'iitc'ii. Til1
!e.l have been reuioveil toother
. r i;;:i the countrv. Tin great
ani liunber. (juvcninr
i(- 1 an appeal to the inay-
ing u-- from the wagon. Thu wind were reinforced by thos.i of Aurora and ' Springs, and w as struck by the storm at
up, carried us with it then Hampton, so that by the time Drs. Ever
d.i-h-: !-.- to the earth, up again and on. ttt, Wiac-tt, Mitchell, Finney and Paine
I i some '.v iy. I dont know how we arrived there were no less than seventeen
i c ich d h r iilro id track. We clasped doctors on the ground. Mayor Williams
t c ri.1- a. i 1 managed t cling to them. seLt the chief of police, with a squad of
T.-..1' -"-- an I debt is w ere flying in all di- men. to look after the preservation of
r.:t?:'i:a an I my poor husband was fear property. Nor were the ladies behind
f:i !e -.. mi-led and crushed" Tt wMs in the good work. They came to the
... : i. r . the uhvsicians that Mr Ross rescue of their suffering sister city, not
cw'.-ld not s-iivive the night.
by ones wild twos but by tloz-rs. York
A tew doors further on, on a bed sini h1 her duty nobly
Mrs. John
: n .ted. lav Mr. -ml
a.-i aged coujle. Both were
1-nlu.l.v mitigled by falling timbers.
Milic; d .-hor'dy :.f hi 11 o'clock
., ... f. . b.ftor had hopes of saving
r::c w.'in m s life.
- i .; ucl room, made comfort-
about 2 o'ci?ck, p. in. that day. He had
a terrible experi -nee in the storm f -. r
three days, wandering about and grad
ually freezing, and without food until
rescued and cared for at Fort Hale,
when the following April his limbs were
amputated. He was married the 3rd of
December, 1-S7H. and has a wife and
three children at their home in David
City, this stat
These two unfo: tunates are not -street
beggars, but are ding what they can in
an unol'trilsive wi;y to earn an Honest
The loss to the business portion is !
about 58.500. Loss to tiie residence j
owmrs will be ab,.ut ?:J7,5i':0. Added!
to this is the loss of the Burlington S: f Th repu'l:.?'in central committee of
Missouri railroad, $1,000; school house, J Cass county is hereby called to meet at
4,000; three churches, $7,"00, making a' Weeping ater June 14, at 1 o'clock p.
Mallard's Ilorehoniid Syrup.
V.'e guarantee this to be the best Cough Syrup maii-
ufactured in the whole wide world. This is saying a
;,reat deal, but it is true. For Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, Sore Throat. Sore Chest, Pneumonia, Bron
chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all
diseases of the Throat and Lungs, we positively
guarantee Ballard's Horehound Syrup to be without
any equal on the whole face of the globe. In support
cf this statement we refer to every individual who has
ever used it, and to every druggist who bu ever sold
tl. ucb evidence is indisputable.
F. G. Fncke, Agent, l lattsaiouth, Neb
A Postmaster's Tal k.
E. W. Potter, tiie postmaster at Elm
Cn-ek, No!)., says lie has personal knowl
edge o: several cases of rheumatism in
that vicinity that have been permanently
curnl by Chamberl tins' Pain Balm alter
other remedies were used without bene
lit. He h is sold it at his drug stor there
for rive jears and sas he never knew it
to fail, that "any cus omer who once
uses Chamberlain's Pain Balm will have
nothing else instead." For s e by F- G,
Fricke & Co.
f vat ions ciiie.s and towns of the
a king for !!:onev, lumber, provis
ion.-, and bedclothes.
The leal.
MR. .MENKE, wife, child ii.ud hired
i- j:::d chaplv
Two children ( i JOHN LOGARRE.
Two children of JIH.S. GREEN".
Wile and child of II EXE V IM lREAN.
A child ,f MRS. PEENNER.
Two children of JOHN SHAW.
A young' .son of STATION AGENT
!-st i tK't ion ill M
S r. Pa i i.. June (J. The lierce storm
which raged all ni.iit over southern
Minnesota has nearly abated, aud re
po.'ts which are now coming in show
the damage heavy and widespread.
lu te the rain was heaviest the wind
ui.i no damage, but at Chat field and
': ; ii-ton. where a cyclone prevailed,
i... .e was no rain. At Red Wing the
siojin was terrible. Nearly half of
Goodhue county is overflowed, and sev
eral ca: os of loss of life have bee.i re-poiu-d.
The Creek valley is coni-
:;e.ely devastated, and every firm
.'n.-t'.se on bottom la?:d is washed away.
i.t daylight a torrent of water live feet
d ep and neariy Iwouiiic; v.-ide swept
diA.-.i the valiey, carryin;,- cveryttiiiig
! ''re it. Tin- lo . . i-f cattle and sr-.iCK
is '. :y gnat. A iai nii-r named Larson,
three s fiom lie . Wing. caTied t wo
i. .lil.ire;; Iroui tli Hood, bin his wife
a:::! '. .v. n. r:- ch;!.i.v:i were
A t.'-iai! ::ai::e i "Wi. bridge is mi.-.-ii. ;,
al; . as in r 1: n. i- ; tin .i?-oyed i.- . -L.
vt . tl.ey wcrt all i i c. At Ua ; rnvk
th. Vcr. Hi c.i.rrie.l or.: two ::ii!l d i:n a
n ! si.-'t; n l.i ! .- ;: id a large s,-c
time trac... Th s..i e at v.'h.-. .''
ii'.'!:t. At ri.. ae-.n; the ho i of
-w .! -- . -a vr.--.- r:iek by ligh;i..ji
" 1 ..- .;. i !,i.s .so:. 1 .iied. 'I i.e coiii
.c.iied i.j the barn, a id a hired man
.... ed I ';; t-r w;;s .nriic.l to urath.
i tl IKfi.KN I.NJlilKi).
a.- ii-n .i.:.- ;-:i ". .-! . r j si..: ; a
ii I. alien Steamer.
Fn!i..v:rcuiiiA. June j. Abont 4
lock in the after:no,i ail exj i .-5 oc
curred r.i the tank .'t-anier Hai.: a id
ivar.. at !.! A.lannc On iteii.nmr
cu:: ; any s tloc.; at i mat iree:-:e. ihe
ca.-vt .'a- i:i ia i a. ;i .suO.Oo.l gallons of
:1. lociiier v.'ii i consiai-iaoie wharf
io i-rty. incl ig a brick storage
bu.i .i g. we. e u.-s.roye.l by the ;.re
re-rilied iroai the e::'.!osi.,.i.
rlii.-:e ::ad been no tire alxnrd the vessel
ind :.o c;iu e for the explosion known.
' it be spontaneous combr.stioa.
'iliiv o;.'ii vreie i:ijr.vel. of which Joseiih
CJaiiin, shipping cl tk. died, one is dy
ing and tin in jit lies of two others may
ni e lata!. Au of those injured in
haled sinoke and the fumes of burning
on, a did some ot tne less seriously in
jured men. The burning steamer was
wed troin the wharf and down the
vcr as soon as possible and run
i ground. Tugs continued to pour watf-r
into her lor .-several nours. Sue is
waij.ed out of -aaey and will have to
be n.'bv.iit. TJ.c- i.e.i.-i.tge is ab-iat siOO.-i-'lo.
'J he steamer was ovrned in ifam-burg.
i mi:
A strictly first clai-c inaeliiiie. fullv warrMiit-
cl. Made l.-lil 111" vi I)' lies! lea im ;il liy
skilled wi iklut'M. aie.l witli the l.est timls t at i ver lieen ilevi -e I for Ilie III i. Sr. W ar-i.inie-l
t 1" all ' liar ran he nii-n ; 1 1 1 V fx
lieeti ! if ill- veiy in-t I y n v. i i Hi t-Kf tint.
Can: hie ur w i;iin;'l."ii wnnin t-r Ininiile ir
n. ore aeei i'.iii n t Mie ahili'y 1 tin eiierator.
IMCOK $100.
If there fs ni njrciit in t- n iidilrens the
ni iiiufactiii'i h.
TIIK I'Altlbll JlTli CO.
- cents wanted I'Kiisli. V.
F. B. SEELEMIRE, Ag. nt.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Eelief and Safety!
l'ani.'; of ti..
hood park a r
cnii!' it' and t ;
atteuibu."..-!' went l.i-siieit.-r.
. fovr l.i..
pie ha-.l gained t. ri
.-trrck rh'.; vi-r.-tl
si alt', .-in.t.-lieii the
t :i Ills.' ii.ill i.ime.
'. i . Jr. -ic ). I)nring tiie
;::i1l gain.- at j'Jrothei--L
1;-.- r.iirui s cMeidy
e,;l- v.:
lie m vil ion for
-. i.fier the in li
Weill r lig
: in top of i hag
P -1 inio s;-liiit'-;s
.iio groiind ; i)ioii..,h
i 'eg : ; ; 'rr:re. i !: ii -rs-.i- were
badly stinin- d iy tin- ;fn-k. Many
of ;he .-ople iiccaiile p...iic -triciceii and
rush ..1 ft'oiu pa-ril:-:i out into the
StOTin to s;- k otli;-r pilace.-s i' refuge.
;ti:d t-n
grand total of 108,800.
W. ('I'TFOitTir. Chairnn.n.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Eaby was sick, v. e g-ave her Castoria.
Wht-u the Tvas a Child, cri-.-i 'or Castoria,
Wliea slie became Kb .-. eiu:: to Carroria,
iN'hen e'-.. h:..'. CUil.'"'-n i':o " '-" rr: Cas'oria.
K:-. 1 rn:ni 0!ii-iais ii Oim:-..
pAii!.;.i.-.a'i::.' W. Va., June i. Ir is
just it ;., i:. ,1 that a .- eci.d i r.iin of two
: ars iiiii-. w B.-.lthnore ;;n-I ')'iio rail
load ol'iiciais en i outeTo Wheeling. went
through a trestl-? !' t reiu ii.-r-- and
Wlavlir.g. The is sai l to be
; ; -ding, bin the orricials of tiie road
aa ;;ic- no in forma rion. A special
train h surgeons ou board iias jnst
left t.ct ling.
i ' ..'v-U
t.i,.'-:"S ! - ,:A
p. ii;ibs!s In Cliriniic, Nervous, Skin and
I'ln. ul 1 Mi-easi s.
((iiis'dlali ii lit iiltli'e nr by limil free. Medi
cines ,-eir ' nil or express seeuri'ly packed,
freclroiu ihseival inn. ( 1 u;u hi I ei- to cure
"juiekiy, salelv and periiiai eiilly,
nit'lil elni"sl(i:i-, pliy-loal neeav ail-anif fr.'lii
iiiiliseii'tiii'i. excess or mil i.lenee, proiliieiiii;
sleeplessness, (leipiiiileiiei-, p inples on th
lace, aversiun in soen'1 y. easily iliseniiiaKeil.
lack ol ciiiiliilcui' .lull, unlll for stinly or bald
ness, ami tinils life a hiirden. Hiilely, perina
lieinly and privately e.ired.
Blood siiil Skin Dire sim.
Ilhle III Its rcNtilis. I'oiupletely erai!le:ted wit II -out
I he aid of mercury. -crofiila. rysipelas.
fever am es, bli lelie-, ulcers, piiinc in I he head
au l hn es, sypliiielic sole llimal. liimilti anil
t 'iiuiie. catarrh, eie.. periuaiieiilly cured where
others have failed.
KIDNEY, URIMaHY ir;:!,,!,,:
Ih'lill. Inn ll rJil'-Iil . lull llill or hlmuly in hie,
t'llne liili i-nlored or with milky mmIuiic nt on
ftaiidin weak hai'k. Kmi -ri hea.idt-et. eyi"! lien,
prim pl'y and safely cur d . cliarircM reasonable.
Siijjjn.liflLi iiiaianteel permanent eura ;
' tlhi I U r, removal e. luplele wil liotit cut.
linir. eansiie or dilalallnil. Cures etleeled at
linme h patent , w it limit a inou eiit's pain or
annoy ance.
To Youngand Middle Aged Men
Uryr Pnrin The aw fill eftects of early vle.
IU liUlu wliicli lir'.iiKH lUKanic weak uesh
destrov iiijr holli iiiiu. I and body, willi all its
dreaded iils, permanently cured.
n n CI T; ire. Aiiiie- tho-e who have Im
DfiUi D1 I C paired thein-eh es by Improp
er iiululgeiieies and solllai y liabits. w liicli ro III
both mind and body, unlltiliiK them lor busi
ness, study or iuarri:iK'.
Married men, or ilm-e "iiterlna on that happy
life. HWitie of physical debility, ijuickly hm
Is haned up n facts. ! irst l'laei c;il experi
ence Seeniid- K.vei y cane Is especially stud
ied, t litis) siaitinn ariuht. Third Medicines
are nrep.-iied in our laborafuy exacll" In suit
each ( He.tliu-- cllect in).' ein c wiih. ut Injury.
A friendly h-ller m call may save you Inline.
siitler'iiKiii ! shame, ami add n- lili-ii years to
III-. Address oi call i ll
T'. .-Ill J -I i-e.ll t IlullStli B.lliK-.l.
k::.u., June fi. News has been
received here of an extensive conflagra
tion in the village of St. Jacques de
rAchiur-:ii. by which twenty-eight hons
Wei'i- i.uriied. i"ndering a corresiwinditig I . rof families homeless; also some
she..- ii. which larire quantities of to-
J h
Consult personally t.r Ly mail, the ereate-t
In the United States. Our friend
Now at Lincoln. Nib., the l.ight au
thnrity in optics and for the equalization
of all inequalities of the
rvp orriu"
---en a;
Remember Sells Eros, great show
show in the forenoon and evening.
uacc-i 'm-iv o-iug cureO.
gvegat sioo.uoo.
One AVas Killed.
Sn r., S. D., June C No
on-; wus kU!2 in the liiisnuian school
hou-.e it Flandivan. Fifteen children
wt-ir reii'tml unconscious by a stroke
of )U;htn:4;, but all Lave since recovered.
' afttr all tbei.e have faile '.
adjusting of
F..r the safe
IJri! lit Gliosis
wliiili w-II (.-) rem f and It- il c'l-i i;..-t-
i'.ll! benefit to you. I'H'ce ur'. .S Uih (III- I,
I.ineoln, Neb.
Reliable Agents Wanted.
'i (