Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 12, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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1 lW W
1'rotn M i day's :lly
The case f John Smith vs. the city of
" Vet ping Water is mi trial to a jury.
The Muddv" is well advanced
for the June rise. Tim writer guig' now
indicates lO.'t.
The South Park Talieniaclc Iv'-hm-.
coiii'.'S (jut fur .Jiue; bright find ney lis
ever tin 1 1'imiii tin: amount of ml vci t i-ing
it coiit ii II- it li:t com" t' sliiy.
In tin- cu-c of Tin II-. L. Murphy s.
Thomas A . Snliiyan 11 h -itli mi'iil was
hud tins mi-ming, tin parties to tin- suit
sliming tlr ( o.-f.s equally, it ml di.-.miMng
In: action.
Mr. C. S lure m oi' It ..pi.! ':tv, al't. r
hcvernl day. visit uitii fr'n-nd and rela
tive in tl.i.- it y, depart -d t!ii- inoiniii:;
for Denver where lie will p-main si-vend
day then proce'-d to tin- I fie r-';i-T.
There were no form:d pi '( i -dinus Innl
ut tlie liradshaw ineetin : Saturday night
lint some of our liiiiii-ss tin-n arc solici
ting ni l for tin; linlortuii.iti- people cf
that vdl ge, and have s icc-de,! in rais
ing 81i, I! ml will douldli-s.s swell tluit
' iiiii .uut i'o;i,,idi,r.ilily em tiny cense their
Mike Si-li uk, the Chicago Avenue
grocer man, nn-t with quite 11 serious nc
cident yesterday evening. While out
for ii driye in company with his wife mid
little two yesir old daughter, the team
liecame uninanagenlilc throwing the
occupants out, dislocating Mr. Schirk's
ankle, break in ii the little girl's arm and
injuring Mrs. Sehirk about the head and
The IIkk.W.d is in receipt of a circular
from the general aid soliciting committee
for the cyclone sufferer of llradshaw,
requesting us to solicit aid for these
stricken people. We would gladly per
forin that duty, hail not the good citizens
of the city already tak-. n proper action
in the matter, an,! appointed a committee,
who will, in due season, call upon all
and give them an opportunity to Knd a
helping hand in a worthy cause.
Pythian memorial services were appro
priately observed for the first tune in this
city yesterday by Gauntlet Lodge 2s"o.
47, by meeting at the IZ. of P. Hall at
10:;0 a. m. and marching to tlie Episco
pal Church for morning services. At 2
o'clock p tu. the Knights again assem
bled in their Castle Hall for seryices and
at :'. marched to the cemetery, and with
appropriate ceremonies decorated the
graves of departed Knights. IV. E. W.
Cook delivered the address.
M. I). Polk was an Omaha visitor this
A. XV. V,rhite was Omaha passenger
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Martin, of Yank
ton, Dakota, are in the. city visiting
Mrs. C. II. Smitli was an Omaha pas
senger this morning, also Miss Lelia
B. K. Windham, of Glenwood, brother
of Hon. It. 15. Windham, came over this
Mrs. Frank Corsey returned yesteaday
from a visit to Mr. Corscy's parents at
Bushnell, 111.
Dr. Itobt. Livingston took his depar
ture tli ''a morning, for l)udlp South
Dakota, to spend the summer.
Mrs. C M. and A. M. Holmes returned
yesterday from an extended visit with
relatives at Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Miss Myrtle Lathrop returned on No.
" this morning from Glenwood where she
had been visiting friends for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Higgirison, of Chicago,
arrived in the city yesterday to visit
witti the family of Hon. F. PI White.
Hon. J. Ii. Strode, of Lincoln, and H.
D. Travis, of Weeping Watei, with the
west end jurors arrived this morning to
resume court duties.
The little three year old boy of Mr. L.
A. .Newcomer died last evening of mem
branous croup. Funeral from the resi
lience at 2 o'clock p. m.
Itobt. Vass, formerly of this city but
now au attorney of Hutchinson, Kas.,
accompanied by his wife, came in yes
terday for a short visit among friends
and relatives.
Chas. Callahan, of The .Sidney Tele
graph was a pleasant: caller at the Hkk
ai.d snnctum this forenoon. Mr. C is a
pleasant gentleman and is an experienced
knight of th quill.
F. M. Kauble returned this morning
on No. .I from Sidney. Ia., whither he
had been called to the bedside of his
sister, Mrs. Hiatt, who was not expected
to live. Mrs. Hiatt was slihtlv improv
ed when Mr. K. left this morning.
School Picnic.
The Cottonwood and Oxford schools
taught by Misses Nannie and Fannie
Price will give a union picnic June 27,
in Mr. Valter Jenkia's grove, opposite
tlie Eight Mile Grove Church. An in
teresting programme is being' prepared
and the ground will be provided with
swings, stands, ice w iter, etc., Parents' y n q .:. -ti d t attend. The
presence of friends is earuei-tly solicited,
and ev;ry body is cordially invited, to
come and help make the day an enjoy
able one.
ron chick i:n cholera.
419 Huron Ft.,
Shi-tioy Kn,
Wis., Nov. 12,
I hnvc u kj1
St Jucit.oil for
chitki ne'.iuli ru
w ith j;:et s-:c-
n-'S Kvurv tint I
Bt'eitvl with
tlie M . u-t v. fis
- j- i ui'."l l.y it, ii na
I refnti.Tnend It n-, a sure cure. It lun suvr.i
me M-'iuy dollars. II A. ICIT.NM-.,
ltre'-ii-r fit'KiiK- Fmvls.
y' TRAD" - MAf'K
For Ciif.ctncn anil Stockrn'i;i.
Cuts. Swellings. 2ruise3. Sprains. Galls. Strains.
Lameness. Stiffnass. Cracked H :.';!s. Scratches.
Contractions, Flesh Wounds. Stringhalt. Sore
Throat. !i&temp(r. Colic, Whitlow. Poil Evil.
Fistula. Tumors. Splints, Ringbones and Spavin
In their early Stages. Directions with each buttle.
At PiirtiuiMT an Iir.Ai.p.RS.
THE CHIf.LES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Ml
Children's Day
Children's day exercises were rendered
at the M. K. church last evening begin
ning a little after o'clock.
The decorations consisted of u large
cn.,s covered with flowers with a bank
of moss at the base. A large number of
boiiqin ts and hou-e plants were artfully
arranged on the stage, the cro.-s was dec
orated with banners bearing the names of
the dilHerciit brunches of tlie church.
The program was in two parts I lie first
being a sketch of the different organiza
tions cumin-ted with the church, and
the second part consisted of songs anil
recitations by ineii.beis of the school
The diit'eretit numbers were well ren
dered and together formed a very inter
esting program.
The house was crowdi d to its utmost
while many were turned away. Over
400 people listened to the program and
went away well pleased with the exer
ceses. At the close of the exercises there was
a collection taken amounting to
which goes into the fund for poor,
worthy, young men who are preparing
for he ministry We should not omit
to say that this money is only loaned t.
these young men and is returned by
th. iii as soon as they arc aide' so to do.
Nor should we cunt to mention the
fact thai the success ot the entertainment
is very largi ly due t the personal cftorls
of the worthy superintendent, C S. Polk.
K. XV. Potter, the post mister at Elm
Creek. Neb., says he has personal
kn 'wledge ot several eases of rheuma
tism, in that vicinity, that have been
permanently cured by Chamberlain's
Pain Halm, filter otlur remedies were
used without benefit. lie sold it at his
drug store there for five years and says
he never knew it to fail, that "any cus
tomer who once uses Chamberlin's Pain
Balm will have nothing else instead."
For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co. tf
Will make the season will make the
season at the farm of the undersigned,
eight miles southwest of Plattsmouth.
near Fight Mile Grove. His merits were
partly seen at die fair last fall. There
is on ly one horse in the state that has
won more in the thirty list, and hisser
vices are $100, while Shaker Boy's ser
vices are still the insignificant sum of
$15, if paid when mare is known to be
in foal, or 17 if paid when colt is foal
ed, or $20 to insuse.
One of Shaker Boy's beautiful sons,
is also at same place and seryiee same.
Jonx Clemmoss.
Statu ok Nebraska css
Caf C'tiUlit y r
To all lie sous inti-resteil in tlie estate of Fred
erick Kickhotr. deceased :
Notice is hereby given tl) at on tie Ttli day
of July A, I). lPO. at the Ii e.r t.f 10 Veioek a.
in. at the t:unty Jiuljie's ofllee. in Piatts
moutli, in oaid county, the vutition asking for
the appointment of J.-uis C. Kickott as aiiniin
istiator of said estate, will he heard and con
sidered ; at which time and place all person5
interested raay appear and show cause if any
thy have, why he should not hf. appointed as
euch adiri isMator
Dated this loth day of .lin e A IX Is.hi.
11. S. Kamsky, County Judge,
let insertion .l ine ti. ::-:it
Notice to Creditors.
Statu ok Nkukaska. i
Ciest'oiiitv, t
In tli; matter of the estate John In'.iel ler. de
ceit -ed.
Notice is hereby given that the claim and
demanded of all persons ag .inst John lult eld
er, deceased, late of t-aid eouiity ai d stafe, will
be' received, examined ami adjusted by tie
courtv cot.rf at the court house iu Platts
luouth. on the iL'ih nay oi" December. A. D.
'Mi. at 10 o cloc-s in tie forenoon. And that
six months from and alter the 12th ih'.y of June
A. 1) ls'.Hj is the fme iiinited for creditors to
present tht ir ela i.i 1-r t xuiuica! ion said al
lowance. (iivea uader my 'rt:i l , t ai- 10th day f .la n-
A. I. tsiO ti. It - MSKV.
1st iie-ertioii 12 lstm Con ty Judge.
Farm for Sale.
2-tO acres of fine land,-with all modern
improvements, within one mile of Mur
ray. Will sell ali or part of the same.
Prices re-isniiiibb- and terms easy; for
luitlur p.irtit ular.- at'.dn .-s or call on
E. Ihtr.oKH,
Murray, Cuss Co., Nebraska.
Try Wildman tt Fuller for PureDrugs. I
' i nc .House tiiii wou a ri.aa 10
Per Cent, to Debts.
ins i: ;::;:::( ts to va: l st::::::-;
!eet;..e laii t Slirl'i ' 1 '.'.lia-
: i . t I ; ini-i . ' . i -
!''. ' ' .I'-.l-.' -it Oil :! i-loa.ll
;il ''.....i . e- OIMT I' l.'i ii
: i -i ! : I
'c:.,:,-; r -, : . '.'I- '') i i g- i.d i i . In
re: .. ..-:;' 1 Li-' Y.'.'l '. i h i: f
. f .. -. !'. .; ,; 5M !:) i'l.i'.'l di.
i : i . . ''.- .i ; '. I a: :t n- "tvi-
.; ..(' .' o V. i-l. ii'l be ;;i! ' i;!:i"i ill .
.... . : .1 . i ' ) w...-r Jillle idlll.-lt
l .: . i y. : oat 1 i:.-i i : a.
;s-. . : ..-ii.". that, the .-.-v.-il a-
. . I'.:-, - it ;.:;! i-i!!':;;:. it
h:: I ;' s io.o::-i.ti-1 . eak idat1!';;' ihe ia-teie.-.:.
.it i t c-i" ' i r t-leveu anil oin-
1. 1' v -a":'. '.' ' oa t- s.'iy ! h it in
.',:.. ti ;i mi ; i-i. iii. it'- lii-li'-'i !
th. . ;.(! ;:ii i :;.".' .'. n luad.-, a.-, ei II
aioi' :-.i!e:iii.-.. i:;et ;-al llhe other day,
!; tie- Aii'ii -i.:y for j.iniii-y: i : i ; t they
W"ff ;v.ii i:.-.-:.ils, aad t;:a; ; ii.- ca.rd
io i i f ei.'la r ti'.e one or the ! her ci ml-l
I.'::. ': e ;i;V. ..-ih-d. iit't if I It. -IV CO'lid be
. . .' .me ln.aiey luei.d. 1 hen. lie as erf ed,
tintt 1 ii:' ii;U-i--ls -i' ; lie Unit i d .States
an : ::i:nests of i la woihl (. ma in led
;!.-. i; ;: otdd .be siivr;-. It had been
tU'iU!l;'.ir..'.'d OrVoild i;e pi is.-1 i ;;1 it y i if
;. d" ibr trat tlse-e v--::s :;: gold enough
j th world. a:: l :.. tin i was nut
en. -eit-'g '-ro.lia-.-.l to carry oath"
i.i .ii , -.s oi itle World oti g il-1 al-nte.
i.i 1"'. i" a tai'oiiieiit made
i" Jir. t'lia'. a's teei iit :t,"-ea,
.-Hiiat-r Teller .aiil thii there never
.a- soi ho'.j.-, ,;: .':o'.i t;i 1 :.". when
i gold dollar wa.-. the uii'.i of value in
1 ii s ro'.n.try. The silver dollar was the
nait : . ai.-.e up to ; !- -ri of All
ot ..i puiat in 1'iiv. ."-l.ei'man's sp.-ech
v -h J-k-n.-ttiK- Te!i--
, .; s , :-', . ' " j U'T
li.e: . it pi pace m.ii
,li.;puted ainl de
of i-h-citl i-i-in
i.ii'. r.i e oi p.ija
.ao ii ! iy oeliati
As to tl
a ..n i o.aev.-'. iua.. iii; sit'' loriera
iii wanted a cheat dollar, S-.-Jl-
said that ir ..vms a sjaa-tes or
: vhi'.-i-. was a Ii -grace to
. They v.vaied tlu hon.-st
i ; :e
.;..::: .-ore-it fa-.- :to i u- lia-i lieen
-a.:. .. .. .own wuie-'iv. the will of the
,i.e aad iriioui i heir knowledge. If
rSt-'p-irpi'so n.nll be .-lecoiajilisii.-d for
which i ir. Sherman and his assoeiat'-s
at ,u .me aad a'oroa.i were trying, if they
eo-ti i . i aph i t ie" d'nim'.-".i. tri'in of
silver ; v. hicli v. otdd 1- done e lectrailly
if the ."taita shonld pass the house silver
!.;'. -.;:..' H-otild tiiio -J ik t cent, more to
!-.- : . ; !".,.-; j'.a-i p.ivai de'ot. and every
u.'.a"i w niI 1 in- .: oiii.'i,i- l io make iii) per
cent, more eio ai, ;:i per cent, more
sa.-n'itv. ;o p ty !.i ; d 'hts linm he would
have had to maii.e iii-rore 1ST:!.
2'lr. T'-ller went on iu : t)eak of the
silver plank in the Republican national
platform, and sai't that if tie had sup
pi i.-t-il ii i" li mere ali;- frap th:- Rpul
tiiaa ti 1- i-r v. -aid r- z have had such
ort i:oiii iiiia, and would not have
go" fae gn-a: in;prity that ir uni in me
.-'.ate of Colorado.
Meiiatvir P.iair remarked that Senator
Teller felt in r.-Lit ion to the silver iank
i.i u: pla.i' viu j.;sr U5 he (.Mr.
i'-it i:i rt-iaiian to the education plank.
rten;-.,or iS --.vart Does the senator
tuiatc it rigii'. that any ptirty should do
Senator Blair iNo, and the party that
h ;-s it is certiiiii to be bin liked.
, Laughter.
oeaacor Teller went on to sa" there
was no feeimg favorable to bi-metaliism
in high places, and would not be while
iVa.t street could influence political
p.-...v.Oi. ile reuieiiiVered tiie case of a
e-i.leiit (ilr. Cievelaail) addressing a
ci-.d of people ia Wfdl -street and isay
ing ,aat Iij saw b. if ore him the repre--;t....;i:ives
of the great interests of the
.otiutry. Bui Mie fact was (.-.Ir. Teller
-:.(! t!.at he tiid h-'i so before him a
i.igle luan who h;al ever done an hon-e.-
l day's work, ever produced an article
of commerce, or ever promoted the in
dustrial pursuits, of the country. In
conclusion Senator Teller declared tliat
no matter where trie ilepribliean party
or himself should be left, his vote
sh 'til-.t be given lor that mea.vare which
would unloose the burden put upon the
debtors of the country, and do it without
detriment to the creditor.
-Mr. Call addressed the senate in op
position to the bill. At the close of Mr.
Call's speech the silver bill went over.
The conference report on the bill for a
pnl-lic building at New London, Conn.,
tc.).-;i:tg .-jo". ";.(' xi;- was presented and
agreed to. The conference retort on the
bill to secure a site for the city postonice
of Washington was also presented and
read. The site selected by the senate is
the one fixed upon the spuare on the
south side of Pennsylvania aveutte, be
tween 1.1 event h and Twelfth streets.
The cost of the site is not to exceed
s.sii(i,oi)o. After some debate t he report
was agreed to and the senate, after a
short secret session, adjourned. -
Some hours were consumed in the
consideration of a senate bill for the re
lief oi liyhttid C. Iyltk and oilier ao
ftigaees of Addison C. Fletcher, patentee
if a canceling stamp. The bill was
nnaily laid upon the table an unu.tual
pro.'ci'dniir. the ordinary method pur-.-a:eii
t -k-ieat a sen.ue bill being to
po-rpoa it indefinitely.
The i.ousc-1 he:i went into committee
of the whole, Mr. Pay.-on of Illinois m
the chair, on the postoiriee appropriation
bill. No opposition was m.i le to the
measure, n'ld ike commiAee having
speedily coasidt-ied tht bill, reported it
to the h"tise when it was passed.
On liioiion cf r.Ir. Stiyeio f Texas a
bill was pa.-sed authorizing the Haines,
Bracket t and Fort Clark and Rio Grande
R nlroad company to construct a line
through the Fort Clark military reser
vation, Texas. The house then, at
p. m., adjourned.
Washinutox, June 11. Bids were
opened at the treasury dejiartment for
the construction of the court house at
I 'ort Townsend, Wash. Kitter, Harlan
Mat: ell of Seattle were the lowest
i-1. at $2,5UU.
Tlie .""lea!!!.- Kcfi-ri .1 to m !Iotll i'otn-
AlilU ,1 iilil lant .
Uatox Uc.riii:, La., .Tune 11. The
lottery ;uiinit.i it defeat, Jiiul the autis
ir- jui ih.Kt. Its bill was n-iid a scrniid
t;,ie-i:i tie- hoiw iind re f lied to the
i'.ii ixeti ciinjinit tec. ;i i i ;it ! last week.
Tl.i.-. however, is tlu- -. pi ri !i -.r kick,
.hii.ri A. . 1 .r;i-i hn lame- a in --it h in
t vv i ; t i 1 1 :'.v I. is bill from th.- .ilun
it': ii. li,-,.i it-:-:jjj- state rmii T.iit :. will
I :.r.,e:- ,i . Vim-ivaite pnnr.
V 1 . : II) t !: l;e. i . ; i MVS.
r:;ur . i'l ; .fiiii.-.- i i -uii-
- ;.i i ii - in i ' . i I'ii sr.- 1. 1 ia
r .i i i-i -i : : ' 'e-ii-i t-.r the
-I.". '..'. .'. .1 : :i.i-
. .- .. -. i will .ii: I we b;;. ii:
l;.s.: i;!.I.
i ; :
.1 ..... i .
. i i i ' . i .
ya, i' i;...;.-. . .i.
'.liJT; Cinciimaii. l.bJ: to'.al.
v i ;. ;
.: 1 I. :: Ii I ...II. I.
I.. .' : .... .. N.-.. 1.
. oiu -.
:.rk, :
an !. 1.
'iii.-.o:... 4.
At 1
. '! vr
.11 . .
- .'II . '.
', I..
1 i..' .V.uiiirs,
i'.. a;'.
.; ie.-.
rl".o 1'y i-;i i-:il 'o .-ill ion.
A'l I. ..:'!' . . tho, ,! uni' 11. Tie co.-iveti-iiotioi
t i i-T.i poutapliieal union received
!.. vep.-r. oi ii'-.- .--t.ecial coimni t ! .- on
.i ' . .p.. i d a-Hue at Colorado Sp.'iags.
o.o . i.lV'.'I'l"! tin- Use of LIU)
. ..... ... ...i for .hat puipo. .f.
. ..I ));..n ; ii o'.'i . .", for a i.
rd oi ;.i.i-.-a
I .;-o-1
or v. .la u i u. i . eseni tllll'i.-
d iro :-hail form a par:. ; ::j
...;-..s to i e oit l ie. I. A per capita la.t
of i y-.--.-i.- i to be levied for th sup
.. ,-i : ii- no lle. TJa- con vetttioii v.,.s
Oill .'
ns '-o.icorTira.i4' tlie general plan,
ui Tie ie ices being on matiers of
Tiu li 'iue will prolaibiy co-t
-' l.'M ).
.s-.l ;t S. LiDiiin.
una 11. Not wit ll-
e.iiUag tin. tact tnat gamming i- a
!.'ei..V it! A'.ir.souri. peojile desirious oi"
.'yiiiir co-it 1 be a 'commodaU-d wifli
;..;.' kind of .. -r ..a, . aey pr fei-"..l fi.ii'ii
r-.-cetitly. Vv a -ii .u ij. Jlarr.gaa was
:pp :',;ti-.l vi.i. f of police l.e al oe.c
':r Upi-i! '.11 i.'.l Va !io".-i-'.
-I o-.
:' i
o!i. e oai.a tli .re l.; ii a
city. Tlie 'crap" game of.
) i v.'as p.tll.- 1 atl. I iwi-.i.y-c-.ipi
urci. Till : is bei;.-,".- !
ia t :
ir- a .i-at.i ...o.v r f u-i: g lUl . t..r.
- , -. . pre... ,-il an i a game of
.i-r is itiiii. : i x t to liud.
A S.i.i -i.-i-i.i -lit.
'.-v'.(. . N. Y.. .la.;'- 11. A spirited
torse attached to a lat.g-zy containitig
Miss P'tie Mi tela li. !.;:. '.iiier of Id.ty.r
. .loa.-ii. a. .1 : c c si-H-r-ia-la c. Airs,
ri.. 1 c ::,. friga'.ened ia;. si way, and the vehicle was ;;-
I . o'.Vlt.
;mtes our. -vtiis.
CV.! . sail e a.i .
: . : . . . v .-.-.;. .-...e c......
-uri.'e. .Mrs. .vt.ciieii wa.i badly, b.U
not fatally injure 1. iliss Mitchell war.
co have b -eii married -oon to Dr. Kahey
-f 1'a. Mr.-. .': i.cliell had jur-t re
tunict from her wedding trip.
Iowa St s h.s. ..; Yet .Tims.
Watei:i.oo, Ia.. Jvn 11. The annu-il
i.canim ,-nt o" lie I jv: i divi a -a. S .:
t Veterans. :. be held at Wash: ;.;
ton, beginni i ; o-dav. Al.'jntant Ma
il r's report si to. s that t !:i: there
1 10 camps of X of Veterans in !.n
stale, with a .... mi)ei'.-h.i. ti.-itJt. ,x
gain of thirty-three cains and tit 2
members during tlie year. Ihe rec.-ip;s
of the division during the year W.:--i,u"0.:ia
and thetlis: .c.ieme.its--.'i.r..2.'JU.
A Itiiililin.; Cevelfil :i;il Two -i-?n r'atult;
I ii j ;irel.
Axmston, Ala., June 11. A wind-sor!-!!
f'rit.-lt Pi Itnov.t, a smisll tow:;
twenty-five miles north of this city, and
leveled the three-story brick building
of the Bank of Piedmont, which wa--iiearly
completed. 1 women working in
th building were fatally iij-v.v 1.
After striking the bank o-.iihiiiig lac
cyclone rose in the air, not dobig more
damage iu the town. D.mage, ?Jl-.00i).
TJie Missouri :i t '.it- l:aiii;iae.
LEAVKXWoitTit. Kan., Jf.t.e 11. The
Missouri river has ii.-;en six feet within
the last twenty-four hours and is now
a mile wide and bank full opposite this
ct-'v. with leat'iy a . rn-
utile current in
aiiil-cliii:iiii . i aval: i ers oi ,t lil.k-
of trestle built on the sand-bar and an
nexed to the pontoon bridge is now in
the water. A further rise of two feet
will cover the village of Si illirigs, Mo.
A StulOiorn Company.
CoiA'MBUS. O., June 11. Tlie Con
rolidated Street Hallway cniii.;i:i- have
thus var it fu-ed to coiiijily with the re- o
oiia.s uiiaainiou.sly passed by the city
touacii to either pay the strikers their
leait'.nds for increased wages or submit
the vaesttcii to aibitration. Xo at
tempts have been made to move cars.
Not till Di'iirer Iloijlu-r.
St. Lovb, June 11. The paying teller
of the rir-t iSatiouai Bank of D .nver,
the only ma-.i w;im saw the robvr
plainly at the lime, visited the jasi at
Clayt-.-a auu tailed to identify Mansrleld
King as li:- iaaa vu rohbe-l l-lv.-idenr
Moli'iitt tt'J.'). It i the opinion taat
King is a coasunmait- li ir.
AlTitiiyriliur KIs'i-ry IViiltters. .cj.
Ha I.: fax, N. S.. June 11. The oin
cers of the British war ship Pelican, at
Sidney, report that the commander of
II. M. S. Emerald and the French com
modore are at Port Sanders, endeavor
ing to arrange the fishery matters. The
French war bhip Bisson sailed hence for
St. Pierre.
Mrthotlist to Meet in Omaha.
Omaha, Neb,, June 11. The commis
sion of the Methodist Episcopal church
having in charge the location of the next
general conference decided that it should
he held in Omaha some time in loS3.
j Tlie (atcs il" WoiuU'ri.iud tliiowsi vid- apar:.
! i us: iowi:KiN(i 3iAsr(no or tkm shows,
I l.'nlli hj r -lil ..f Km iiwht, t.y of Me
inr r.i i i. ii w or
1'i.rre Pd Cireu-, Ihml.le Kl.-vat.-.l
1' . 1 1
Mun.-ter inri rii.i:
Zoolojir:,! I : i -t i ; t.-. T,ip.'e ri,-,..-.
M i.ML'ei ie
Pla t "nouth Tuesday Juno 24th.
.now TiLvvi;jixc v.d kxiiiitinc as oni:
2 nm ciiiccsEs ' ldtJ iiiPP)i)i:o.M'i;s
2 i:kj museums 2 i;i; r.i;.Di
l i e oniy show in tin wiiiM a. u iin : louj: n, to ela-r. 1 nl n el y i c; oust i ie I-1. v;isl ly hn
i i . vi- I. j-'i cut iy enliirjied. ;.iki aisn'iai-ly tea i..:l.)e ami iiiilisiil;.iiii- tin j.ri!it iiii.ii-i'iin-iit
Ii i in ! i In eciniti y. No I ni-i-iia i Ii ul-u li;n io-. s cliasjii 4 1 Mil Ii v I mlnuii iiroiiml lei-r 11
ii - c illt- I a 11 1 1 wt-st . 110 iici vi' si; ri in.; . ii 1 .':i i;:ermis s e 1 1 i.i: 11 mi 1 our run V;i-. lint ;i clean
well conducted, bright new ami exloli 11 .:i of the sulci, ilois ot the Orient iiiul the won
uer.soi llie Occitleiit.
A Vloi'i ot Ostriclics
a Pair nfMidget Samon GatQe
4 year? old ami 24 inches high and weiring but
mi ). omuls
l'air full grown Kiai-t livinu
That have guined for Sell IJrotners fame
and iortune.
Eminent Costly and Un-
I'aralled Menagerie
The Standard Circus exhibition of the
the Universe.
The Greatest Circus ever
Canopied under Canvas.
Most ('oieoi-i licnKive Ornithological Col
lection Traveling.
Only Aquarum of Hon
ster Mnririe Marvels ot America.
50-Roman Hippidrome Eiders 50
The Childrens Daesm of Fairyland.
Tna hole Show Presented a! Once.
Cil'ii- Iiiu''.''r "n.e Mmi.'ii:'- ie. Miijchiii Aviarv. Aitnarnnn. At-iliian 'O.rnva i. .:a;-aoese Vil
'" ' hiL'f. l: itreaiit-. a::d world ot i-tartliii novelMe.- and tluillititf tciinrcs
Tie Fines!
Tw Performance daily ut 1q:-)0 a. in. and
Aiimission to all only r0e.
It, I. ri-.)t of Si iv : I.v l'oMihr "ill-
11 Anlii. i-iilnt II :iui
Stage end Five C -ut ii.e:.t, and
1 1 i with
iiriai WorM'- Fair
M t roooiit mi .Mii-.-umi. .
',1! J" a:
I il .'lit ( ioldl'tl
Or-Iy Arabian Wrestlers.
Only East India Jugglers.
Only 3 Ring Circus and 2 Elevated"
Only Australian Aviary.
Only Show That Please..
The Limit of Poseibility Keeched.
The Summit i Perfection attained
The Home of JUerrit
The iiirthplace of Xeveity.
A Circus as pura in its character as the
Home circle. chaste, elegant
and refined.
A. most remarkable d snlay uf Japanese, Ara-
bian and other Korii;ii Aeroliats and
in a sries if winde-fuly
thriliiiitr act.s and
Forty Horses lteined ami rii'den liy one man
G1VBU 111 A
S p. in. Doors open one hour previous-
rliildren under 0, 25.