Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 12, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Itfsu M-ri-ir xe-lh,ii,t' rivcil in millions of
homes l'r mine thrill :i iiitrtt-r f a et-iitmy.
It is li-eil hv the I'nlleil tatef novel M melil ,
Kiidiuveii l.'y Hie I cji'lsuf I he ;rc;il t niveisi-
....,..., .1 -mil iiiiut he:it:litlll
a wm m m wm wr- - 1
Dl l'i iee' i r inn I' tkiiiK pnwil-r iIim-h nut ei
t ilii Alum i i.i, .hue or Alliim lcl only
ew :in.s
picicn ijaking i'ovi)i:i: co..
New York, Chicago. St. Louis
From Ki itiay'- iuily.
Attorney J. U. Strode, of Lincoln came
in on No. 4 tliis morn'iiit;
Mrs. M. L. White with Mrs. Ashinun
returned this n. in. fioin Ashland.
C. V. Shernihii of tlie Journal, made a
Hying trip to Omaha this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilawkswortli departed
last evening' on N. -J for llurlinotoii.
Hon. 11. H. Windliam was an Omaha
passonjrer this morning on legal business
Mrs. M. II Arnott. of Hloomiimton,
Mo., arrived in t lie- city last evening to
yisit friends.
Mr. and .Mrs. Simon Mayer of Lincoln,
came in on No. 2 yesti rday evening, re
turning on No. '.).
Mrs. Pete Taylor and daughter Nellie,
arrived lar-t evening to visit for some
time with Mrs. Oliver and other friends
in the city.
N. (-l-mmons was a pleasant caller a'
this ollice today and remembered the
editor by leaving a fine b uiquet of
rlnwers at this sanctum.
Elder J. K. K-id, of the Christian
church re' inr.ed fi his home in Omaha
this morning after assisting in the Child
rens D iy Exercises last night.
Mr. George liereer anil sister Mrs.
Shannon All -y of Wil'ner, who have been
visiting relatives in Hock Bluffs precinct
returned to their hom this morning.
Dr. W. A. Humphrey, of Plattsmouth,
was chosen first vice president of the
homeopathic society of Ntbrasla, by
that body, in session in Omaha yesterday.
Judge Gass was a Pacific Junction
passenger this morning to bid adieu to, Miss Minnie McKinhy who
takes her departure lor her home at
Olathe, Kansas.
Mr. U'.z.ll Morrow, a prosperous
farmer of Eight Mile Groye came down
on No. 2 yesterday evening, from South
Omaha, where h- had been marketing
several car leads of fat cattle.
Fro n -safun'.ay's Daily.
Try Wildman it Fuller for Pure Drugs.
The Journal sanctum ha been removed
one eloor north of Geo. Vass" jewelry
The Fourth of July c elebration will be
held in the grove on the old fair grounds
west of the city.
Alabastine, th; best wall finish, for
eale at F. G. Fricke & Co. dtf
On account of the firemen's tjuiua
in lit, SjIIs :s. will show in the fore
noon and not in the afternoon. Let
everyone s e this great show.
The niarshall very properly put a
stop to the excitement produced yester
day evening at the trait store of
Scluappagasse, by dispersing the crowd.
It is not only an inconvenience to ped
estrians who may wish to use the side
walks, to have them blocked up and
made impassable by a crowd indulging
in a sa'.utory crime, and a felony at that,
for such is the statute- of this state pi o
hibiting bettins.. but it i3 a moral wrong,
and all good ciiiens will delight to
uphold the city ellicc-rs in their efforts to
prevent anything like that proposed.
It is simply gambling, and that is on
ly calling it by its right name.
Some time ago the county commission
ers rejected four cost bills in felony
cases certified down from tlv district
Court by Clerk Showalter. The cases
were Stat-: vs. Lang. State vs. Convey
and Daily, Mate vs. "elst. r and State
vs. llaldemau From the order disal
lowing these claims. Mr. Showalter ap
pealed on his own behalf a'ld on hehalf
of the others having fees in the same.
On Thursday the commissioners rescinded j
their former action and allowed these j
claims. The ctin of th- commissioners
in this viftt-r is t: ixic nu r-tiM.-. If these
!:ii- w-ri i hi. itn.UiV en irge
ngilllst tlie
..lit v t;.
been allowed in toe first place, and :
saved the costs and expenses to the J
county accruing on the appei.L The al- j
lowance of the bills at this stage will not j
relieve the county of tin? I i tl" t i m to
pay tin cosf already incurred in resit
int; their payment.
1. ..1 .I oh ii-ua ti e'iwitiir tiif.h'T).
wood today,
Mr. J. N. Wite was an Omaha visitor
this morning by the liver.
Atty. G. W. Covcll, of Omaha, made
a llying visit to this city last ev ning,
returning on No. '..
Mr. Win. Ig-nbrodt left an the llyer
last evening for P.-oria, 111 , to vi.-il an
olil friend and schoolmate.
I lioiiert Mitchell and wife departed
la-t eveiring for, O. , their old
I home, to visit relatives of that place.
Francis Murphy will begin his meet
ings in this -ity next Ti.cs. lay night
June loth and will clo.-.e S.inday night
June l")lh.
Mr. S. P. llolloway, nssi.-t Kit transfer
clerk at Omaha, was down yesterday and
nursing a full grown carbuncle on the
back of his neck.
Will Archer, son of Police Judge Ar
cher, in from Hivelock yesterday, re
poi ts a great deal of activity at that
place in the way of grading for this new
15. & M shops.
Luly visitors to Omaha this morning:
Mrs. 1). A. Campell, Mrs. J. P. Young,
Mrs. S. A! wood. Mrs. O. P. Tayh-r,
Misses Ollie Jones, Kate liobbins, Etta
Shepherd, Nellie Taylor, Lida Patterson,
Delia Sttimke, Clara li. Paul.
F. M. Kauble, the baggage express
man, received a telegram lest evening,
announcing the serious i'lness of his
sister, Mrs. Hiatt, at her home in Sidney
Iowa. Mr. Kauble will leave on the
tlyer this evening for that place.
A NeW Combination.
This morning near the Wheeler IJlock
there was an interesting exhibition. It
was a street show consisting of two da
goes, two bears and Judge Sullivan. As
usual there was a crowd of boys around
to see the hears, Dagoes and Judge Sul
livan wrestle, climb trees and telegraph
The price to see the big bear climb a
tree was fifty cents. One Dago passed
the hat around and soon big bruin was
doing fifty cents wortli of climbing.
Then the little bear became anxious to
climb to the top of a telegraph pole for
twenty live cents. But the crowil was
'"busted." It was just then that the Sul
livan part of the combination came to
the rescucymd the influence of the judge,
especially on behalf of thevisifingsons of
sunny Italy, was soon apparent, with his
ell known energy, skill and influence
he soon passed the hat and the twenty
rive cents to pay littla bruin for climbing
to the top of a telegraph pole,
was promptly in the i xcln quer of
the combination. Amid cheers little
bruin was taken to the pole, near Len
hoff Uros store, and having hetn told in
the Dago ilialect( understood only by th;
bears, the Dagos and the Judge) that it
was expected to climb to the top.
promptly elevated its frontage, threw its
caudal appendage- into a graceful curve
and vigorously started in the direction of
illimitable space. Up went little bruin
about ten feet and then stoyped. It
was a graceful stop, but discouraging
again to the boys. The twenty five cents
had been paid for a longer climb
but little Hiuin wouldn't go any
higher. Tightly hugging the pole
he looked down at the crowd, then at the
two sons of Italy anel then winked at
Judge Sullivan. It seemed to realize
that the cents was safe. But the boys
wanted it to climb higher. They yelled
and cheered, scolded and "cussed."
The Dagos pounded the pole and the
Judge anathematized in the l);igo Dia
lect which little bruin evidently under
stood, as it blinked both eyes and grace
fully curled its tail sis the words came
i hick and fast from the Judge. But
little bruin would climb no higher.
fhe money was safe in the treasury: little j
bruin was safe from immediate danger
and the boys ill voted it a 'Dago sidi."
District Court.
In the case ot Pankonia vs. Goebel.
tried to a jury ye-.-terday evening, after
eleliberatiug fifteen minutes the jury re
turned a verdict foi- defendant.
In the case of Jacob Schlater vs. the
city of Plattsmouth arguments were
heard this morning and the casj taken
under advisement.
Couit then adjourned till ! o'clock
Monday morning
Advice of a Prominent Land Broker
RhfUinntir, Syrup Co., Jutkson, Midi:
Gents: In Febiuary, lbM, I com
tneiiced using Hibbarel'.s Rheumatic Syrup
anU Strengthening Plasters for inflam
matory having been troubit el
three years with tlirs terrible disease. My
joints were swolen so that I could hardly
walk and I attended to my business- with
dillieulty. I use-el three bottles and ap
plied the planters to my limbs mid back,
and I can say that I am now cured. I
have rm; been troubled with rheumatism
s'.i.ce discontinuing i'.s use. My father-in-law,
Mr. J D. Skimn.-r, of Manson. has al
so been b-.m !':i!ed by tliis medicine. We
.uinestly recommend it to iiur friends.
TnkeHiy advice, give it a trial.
(. R. Nicholson,
Manson, Iowa.
Ask your druggist for it.
Fuller Particulars of the Mur
der of Chief Engineer and
His Companions.
The Indians Rifled the Camp and
Then Fled .to the Mountains
Two Rranchmen Arrest
ed as Suspects.
Dl-.NVhU, Cob, Juiie- . Full paltill
lais of i he murder by Indians ol Cliie t
Engineer Win. L. I uUtiulcii, eI the-gov-eminent
survey, in Wyoming, and his
men, E. W. Timbeilakc, Geo. Woods
ami Henry Overnn-yer, chain carrier-,
anel the- t. I ious. it net fatal, wounding
of Assistant Engineer Jesse- Lee.
Engineer Crittenden and his men had
been especially friendly with the Indians,
and had always treated them kindly and
hail done them innumerable favors
Last Sunday morning i levin Cheyenne
Indians rode into the surveying camp,
and they were- given u kindly welcome-
It was soon discovered that the Indians,
were intoxicated and disposed to be ugly
They demanded liquor of the surveyors
which was refused. The Indians then
began drinkiug.from flasks which they
had brought with them, at the same time
invitniLr the men to ioin them in their
orgie. The men again refused, and the
Indians finally bugt.n to niifke threats,
and were ordered from the camp. A
quarrel ensued. The Indians suddenly
attacked the surveying party with their
knives and guns. The attack was so uu
expected that the men were in no way
prepar-d for resistance, and when the
Indians departed all five of the men
weie left upon the field for dead. As
sistant Engineer Lee was not killed,
however, and recovered sufficiently to
drag himself to the nearest ranch.
The Indians rilleel the camp and rode
away into the mountains. A pursuing
party wus at once organized, and alter a
hard chase the Indians were captured
and are now under guard. It is thought
that a lynching bee will dispose of them
shortly, if this has not been done already.
Two of the ranchmen who are known to
have furnished the Inelians with whisky
have also been arrestee!.
No Such Word as "Fail."
Cardinal liicheiieu said "In the lexi
con of youth the.-! is no such word as
fail,' but he lived in an age when en
terprises of the greatest moment are
dwarfed iuto oblivious insignificance
compared with the achievements of the
nineteenth century. Had the wise old
cardinal lived in these days, he undoubt
edly would have qualified his language
and put it in this way-: ''In the lexicon
of youth there is no such word as fail
except in tiie show business." Out of
over two liuuelred shows that have ap
peared on the stage of life, since Sells
Bros. b. came identified as showmen,
there is but one other firm in existence
now, the others having all failed. Not
withstanding the discouraging statistics
which are calculated to frighten people
from embarking in so hazird.-us a busi
ness, Sells Bros, are not deterred from
undertaking the most stupendous enter
prises known. Tfiis shmv last season ex
ceeded in size and daily expenses any
other circus organization by 'ong odds,
yet they piloted it successfully across the
continent. This year they have under
taken what would seem to other man
agers certain bankruptcy the addition
of another show, nearly as large as their
own, the S. II. B irrett's world's fair and
both big shows will travel in union, ex
hibiting as one. Both these shows were
perfectly equipped and organized to
travel separately, as they have done for
many past seasons, but when Sells Bros,
learned that the Barrett show contem
plated making a tour of the Pacific coast
this season, negotiations were opened
which resulted in the consolidation of
both shows in one, and the tour will be
made in union. While this will increase
the daily expense nearly double, the
price of admis.-ion will not be increased.
The two .shows combined will exhibit at
Plattsmouth on Tuesday, June "24.
A Safe Investment
Is nn- v li ch is jruarenteed to lu ing you satis
factory results, or in ease of failure a return of
pun-liase price. On tliis at'e jilaii you can buy
from our advertised Dra-iiist a bottle .f Dr.
Iviiiii's New Dise-ove-ry for I'oiwinnption. It is
guaranteed to hriinr relief in every case, wben
u-ed for any affectian of Throat, Limits or
Chest, such as Cciiumptioii. Inflammation of
Limns. Bronchitis. Acthma, Wlioo.ii,j; Cough.
Croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to
taste, perfectly safe, ami can always be de
pended upon. Trial bottles free : t P. tl.
Friekt ,-cOo's Mnm istore.
Merit wins.
e lie-ire to say to our cifieiis, that for
years we have been selling iJr. Kind's New
D'seovery for Coiisr.mrition. Ir King's New
Life Tills. Hiii-kleti'ii Annua alve ai ti rb e-iiie
Hitters, ami have never fi an riled remedies that
sell as well, or that have iven such universal
satisfaction, we do not hei-itate to guarantee
them every time, and we stand rea ly to r. fiu.d
the purchase price, if satisfactory resu'ts do
not f How their use. The remedies have won
their great ; opularity purely on their merits.
F. i- Fricke .t Co., Druggists.
C. S. Polk, attorney, Kockwooel block.
Bellevue College Commencement
Will Commence June S, and
Close June I I .
The annual commencement exercise at
Bellevue college will be held next week,
June Mh to 11th. Pres. Kerr will preach
the baccalaureate BTinon on Sabbath
morning tlie- Mh.
The Kev. W. W. Harsha D. D, the
former president of the college, will de
liver the annual address to the students,
on Tuesday evening at ?::!, aftir which
a pr ine-n ule reception will be held at
the new hall.
The student's ei rcise will be held on
Weduisday mori-ing at Id o'i lock, and
a very interesting program is arranged.
Dinner will be s--rvcd i:i tin- in hall to
all who desire it. at li'.c each, and thi
amount will go to the furnishing of tin
I his will oe a good opportunity for
Plattsmouth parents, who have sons and
daughters to educate, to Bellevue
and consider the duty of building ii
home institutions.
Jx-Uevue extends a verv cordial invi
tation to Plattsmouth to attond these
All passenger trains will stop at
Bellevue on June 10th and 11th.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Plattsmouth Neb., June ,!rd, lfS'.Ml.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
present, Louis Foltz, anil A. B. Todd,
commissioners, anil JJiril t.-ntcntielit
county clerk, when the following busi
ness was transacted in regular form:
Official bonds approved. O. Lusk.
district No 52. A. II. Weichel, constable
Klin wood precinct.
Mr. Lewis returned the Plattsmouth
precinct ruilroad bonds to the county
commissioners and asked them to elis
pose of them according to law, and the
following oriter maue hv tlie commis
sioners on May 2;5rd, 1890, was ordered
put upon the minutes of the commis
sioners proceedings:
Plattsmouth, Neb., May 2:3rd, 18U0.
The committee appointed to purchase
the right of way through the city of
Plattsmouth precinct for the Omaha
Southern Kailway company, made the
proper showing that the estimated cost
of said right of way through said pre
cinct up to date as shown by options and
agreements with tin owners of property
crossed by said railway company, in said
precinct, would amount to nine thousand
four hundred fifty two dollars (!)4.j2.)
Therefore be it resolved, by the county
commissioners of Cass county Nebraska;
First, That it is deemed necessary and
advisable, by us, to sell the entire block
of Plattsmouth precinct, bonds, voted to
the Omaha Southern Hallway Company,
under date of Jtarch 18th. 1S!0.
Second, That A B. Todd, one of the
commissioners of Cass couuty. Nebraska,
shall be and is hereby authorized for and
in behalf of said precinct, to sell the Ten
bonds of Plattsmouth precinct, dated
January 1st, 18!)U an..! deposit the pro
ceetls of the same to the credit of said
Plattsmouth precinct, in the ofiiee of the
county treasurer of Cass county Nebraska
to be used as provided for in call and
proposition voted upon .t said election,
by warrants drawn upon said funds as
provided by law. By order of couuty
commissioners of Cass county, Nebraska,
this 23rd day of May, A. D. 1890.
Louis Foltz,
Chairman County Commissioners.
Attest: Bird C hitch field. Co Clerk.
June o, 1890.
The commissioners met, Foltz and
Todd present, when the following husi
nes was done:
The board reconsidered their action
on the cost bills in the following cases:
State vs. Haldeman, State vs. Lang,
State vs. Webster anel State vs. Daily and
Conyey and allowed them.
Appropriation sheet on general fund al
lowe ' r'Xi'.i S'.i
Appropiiation sheet on hridge fund al
lowed fs. :tn
Appropriation sheet on road luud al
lowed !7 :i
Appropi iaiion shee' on district fund al
lowed :J7 25
The following bills were refused:
G II Holton ;or print ng extra court dock
ets 7 5(t
K l'almer. for mereliendise to poor, al
1 owed, less 5 0
Assessors bills laid over till next meet
ing. Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, I
June 10, lsoo. j
Bird Critciikibli ,
County Clerk.
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address, we
Will mail you our illustrated phaniphlet
explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated
Klectro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances and
their charming effects upon the nervous
debilitated system, anil how they will
quickly restore you to vigor and man j
hood. Patrphlet free. If you are thus
afflicted, we will send you a Belt and j
Appliances on a trial. I
Voltaic Belt Co. , i
Marsha!. Mich.
I'rof". Iois-tteM Jleniory fiynlem Ik
creating grearte-r interest than ever in all
parts of the country, anel persons wishing
to improve their memory shouhl send
for bis prospectus free hs advertised in
another column. 177 4td 4tw
Gor dec's Implement Depot
The Oldest Implement
All the Standard Goods are
Such as John I h-civ eV Co's. D.ivhl lir.-nllry tV OnV.
IVru Cif vV St. Jot;s ,-uii (ii-orm- I ). Urou iis, ot (ialcshurg;
The JS ew I )c;irture cult 'vator, tin: lcst that's made.
Always in stock. Ktct-i t-d in car load iots such us fsohiit t ler,
ami Jvt'tchuin. JJuekryi iliutitrs and Mowers.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carls
Headquarters for the Wt harh wire, "i iiK (LII)1;',,
lact evervthino- in any of the nhove lines of ioods.
Will consult their own interests by fjoiiio- to Kri-d (iorder. fit I'hitts
niouth, or Fred II. (iorder. at Weeping Water, when in want of jny
thinr in the Implement line. Fit teen years experience ht taught me
how to buy yoods right, and my trat.'e shows for itself that I sell right.
Branch. Houso at Weeping Wator
(Successor to
Will keep constantly on hands a full find complete line of pure
Pleasure and Short
Kept Ready.
Cor. 4th and Vine.
Everything to Furnish Four House.
Under Waterman's Opera House
You e;ui liuv of lii in cheap for pt cash or can Heenre hat you need to furnish a cottage or
mansion u the INSTALLMENT 1 LA .
A'ent tor the Celebrated White Sewing Machine.
The lares ami most c mnilett sock to select from in Cass Couhty . Call and see me
Opera House Block I. PE A ItLMAA .
Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate.
A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it lias no equal.
is an Ointment, of which
to the nostrils. Price. 50c.
mail. Address, E. T.
Mo i no
J. M. Roberts.)
Drive- Always
I'lattsmoiith, Nebraska
a small nartiele is arrolied
Sold hv Urucrtrists or sent bv
Hazeltxne, Warren. Pa.