Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 05, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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1 v
The Tatcnt sx Clipper Fly Net
has meshed bottoms which can
not tangle and lashes at the top
which won't catch in the harness.
0A Lap Dustc:
5A Ironsides Sheet &LrY2
zxu l.linnor Flu Note rorrrnmH
Equal to Lallr at lllf th Cost.
100 oilier styles of 5i. Horse sheets and
Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For
eaie by all dealers. 11 you can t get tucm,
write us.
il:'U!ikciinfM. 2nd, I am in favor of a
nrohtbitory law. Tlimk tho present one
iniybt h improved. I would be in favor
of n a'iinL' it stronger.
:trd. I think a lar,'e majority of the
ii'o.ile are opposed to submission. 4tl,
I Mil n prohibition democrat mid voted
for the Min ndiiicnt to t!i" constitution,
md while tin: prohibitory ltw i not as
v!l enforced as I would wish, it is en
li'M'rtl US Wi ll ih I expected it would !.
wlicn it wns passed. I didn't expect it
wold 1 entirely stop the ml" of Ibpior iit
"ii"'', lnr, thought n a sr.'ji in the riej.-t
direction, and think so yet.
District Jinlo, Wellington.
A niiiii-ti'r of the irortp'd was nsk-d by
i .la vy.r, cm i n r streets tin; other day,
' ! v'u I. !irv in hiirh lirrnse'"
Tin- mini ,t r answered, "Yes sir."
"How f in sou license an evil?" the
lawyer asked.
The minister seemed confused and did
nor nnsu-cr. il unit minister is Kircirc
mid really believes in the saloon, will lie
debute the matter in a puMic discussion?
Li t him anvwer through this paper.
urds. This will relieve, to tome extent,
the prtHcrt industrial depression in this
.Mr. Pillsbury'a estimate of the increas
ing demand in this country for Hour is
doubtless correct and s are his views as
to advancing civiliz ttion rcpuirin;; hiizh
i r standni d of food, but we think he
docs not stiili:iciit!y n ;ard tile rapidly
incrcawmpj supplies from India, Russia
and A rj'i-iitine Republic, which, if our
farmcis were not predicted, would soon
flood our seuootsts with wheat crovvn
by labor p':i ! cents j .-r day of sixteen
hours and brought by subsidized Hritish
shii.s at almost costlws frei-dits. Ameri
can LVoimmi.-t.
Till-. postnia.-b r vT' nt i.i! is ooino to in
voMHtatc the p -ral service in this part
of the co-antiy, -o we lij-iy lock for some
changes and improvements soon.
20 other Btyles 5-A Nets, rrices to suit all
bold by all dealers.
Tiik husbandman has bep;iin to believe
that the magnificent crop of last year
will lie repeated this sens' -n on aceojr.t dealer u was indicted for sdl-ug quail
A.NoTiii'.u buir-'h of imported contract
laborers have been sent hack. Now if a
little more vigilance was hail alone; our
southern border, the Chinese, which are
flocking to tha; country, could not lie
shipped across the line into this country.
That original package decision is
causing more trouble. A 1'ittsburg
I 1 "Mr r r i ii wiiiiimi ibph.w i tim im ii ijmiiu, ..-w-,. ...T-m.. , w
l-;-5-' ''li.'- vr.j '; j- J ' , . .-, , , . , r
of the copious rains that haye Oeeti in all
parts of Nebraska. If there should be a
partial fa-lure in a portion of the golden
grain belt, it will make the Nebraska
farmer the most prosperous of any on the
A fem" years ago Russia's minions ab
ducted Alexander, the ruler of liulgaria.
because he proclaimed his independence
of Russian influence, and recently Russia
attempted through emissaries in the Bul
garian army, to assassinate his successor.
out of season sets up the defense that the
quail were killed in Missouri and that lie
was merely acting as the agent for the
Missourian who shipped them to him. A
liberal interpretation of the privileges
and immunities ot interstate commerce
will cover a multitude of sins Lincoln
HKV. J. 1). M. HL'CK.NKlt.
The in in who talked with the Journal Tlie aspirations of Russia to govern the
last Tuesday, seems to be a I whole continent will lead her into a
with a new theory. In pointing out the I Wody war some day
things which I did not notice in my notes
on Monday, lie makes some very strange
statements. "No honest citizen who is
an advocate of high license wants the
law evaded or nullified, lie is not an
advocate of nullification, hut of a law
which will come nearest to being en
forced and securing practical Jesuits.
"'! hat it was even inipossi
the present stringent high license liw to
enforce its provisions." To me, it would
seem he would be in favor of repealing
those prohibitor- features which are most
violated. He is an advocate of the law
which will come the nearot being en
forced, therefore lie is opposed to tho
prohibitory amendment; and it would
logically follow that he i.-. opposed to
the law that prohibits the sale of liquor
to minors because it is violated he is
opposed to that law which forbids the
sale to drunkards, hec-m-e it is hard to
Thekk are several facts about farm
On June U passenger rates will be ad
vaneed and the people will save money
says the Kansas City Journal. The temp
Nation to get ahead of the railroad com-
paniesvby traveling when they are carry
iiw nasseneers at a loss, induces thous-
amis of iieoolc to to awav from home
for a day or two. When they return
thev make the discovery that, after nil
mortgages wnicn ine democrats careiuiiy raiiroil,i fare is the least expensive part
avoid mentioning, namely: The aggre- f traveiin,.
gate of these mortgages is only about a
one third oi one-fourth of the amount I Well might Stanley exclaim, '"Save
pretended by demagogues in newspapers I me from my friends." The report t f
or on the stump; they are much smaller, Surgeon Pa. ke that the explorer caiieu
hie under 1,01,1 relativ1y anc absolutely, than they out, while dangerously ill m the jungles:
were in 1SS0, and the interest which they "Doctor, ruu up tlie stars ana sinpes,
bear is at least 25 per cent lower than it let me at least die beneath the shadow.
was then.
of the American flag," has dulled the
enthusiasm of the liritishers. They in
sist on his swearing allegiance to Albions
union jack, but it is likely that the
hero of the dark continent can be eo-
the Uritish
As long as we must have an extra ses
sion of the legislature let there be a
hearty expression on the all important erced by the snolmcraey of
subject of free coinage of silver. It has capital. liee
been held that the sentiment in Nebraska
in favor of fiee silver is so universal
that no formal expression is necessary.
But it must be remembered that if the
enforce; he is opposed to the Suudty coinage of silver is made five it will be
provision, because it is violated- and lie through the action of congress, and the
- 7 i .
best means of letting the statesmen at
Washington know our views on this or
any other subject is by petition or reso
lutiou. A strong resolution coming
from tlie legislature of Nebraska wi'l
have an effect, and the opportunity
should not be neglected. Omaha Re
publican. .
is opposed to that law which prohibits a
man from selling unless h has a licens
Jiec.-Uis; drug stores sell it (in other town--. )
It S'.-r-ms that the great underlying p'.jr
.ose of law, is not what will prohibit
th it which is wrong, but what will be
easily enforced . This modern statesman
points to tin; decision of the supreme
court on the "origin il paek ige-" as a
deadly thrust at prohibition: but don't
S"e that it strikes equally hard against
high license. This talker states still fur
thiT that he wants to save the law-abiding
but unfortunate victim of a deseased
appetite, by moral suasion, hut leave the
S 'loon open to tempt and lead him back
to his old habits. Yea, more than to in
fluence him to go !ck to drinking, to
lead a thousand young men to take their
first glass and start the downward course,
I will go with this talker to the drunkard
to persuade him to quit, to the young
man to persuade him not to commence
It is sort of post-prandial information
but Senator Paddock has ascertained
that a person cannot hold a government
office while serving as a member of the
state legislature A Washington special
says ttie senator s inquiries "convince
him that all those gentlemen who have
been so fortunate as to secure federal
positions since the adjournment of the
last regular session of the legislature,
and who are still subject to duty to the
state by virtue of their election to seats
in the state legislature, haye the alterna
tive of resigning one place or the other.
"Thk Consumers League," a sugges
tion for concerted action by shoppers to
relieve the hardships of saleswomen, will
be contributed by Mary Gay Humphreys
to the number of Harper's Raz ir to be
published June . Thomas Wee worth
Iligginson in the same number will point
out to women the encouraging prospect
for "tlie equalization of salaries" in the
educational profession; and Kate Steph
ens will explain in detail what "A chance
for college graduates" there is in the
European Fellowship offered by tlie as
sociation of collegiate alumme to women
-.jihs ick1X J&. q
! iliiPFpf J
Wm ' d Pa m W J I mm Wm w
Wc carry a large lino in Dry Goods, Notions, 31illincry, also Hoots and Shoes.
Call on us and get prices as we guarantee Satisfaction in every case
We have reduced Prices to Make Ihem Move.
erases waira!a Ets BwrEfl HiTiji as a :.-i
A Superintendent Electee
drinking, but I cannot go with him and 11 seems tliHt order issued by Presi
vt-te for the institution thnt makes
drunkards. Let us both try to saye our
weak brother both by law and gospel.
' How aie we to know that prohibition
j prohibits or not: If we go to lnvcsti
j gate for ourselves, we are likely to see
j what we look for. If we are p; ov:ibitio:.
! ists we ask all parties we meet but be
: heve the "prohihs." If we are for licer.-c
; we ask all we meet but belj.jye t::!
j "w.isky men " I meet men from Kin-
s is sd Iowa w ho say the law is working
adm'-" " ' v -"M. i-inking is almost
abo;.o - sav the law is
total failure, i.c ..liisky drank in Iowa
and Kansas than before the law was
1 T I .
pussen. l always Know where a man
stands when I hear him tu!k about Kan
sas and Iowa from the facts above stated
Uut here comes a man mar has uvea in
Kansas since the law wa3 passed and he-
fore too, and he knows the law is a fail
ure. The next day I meet a man who
has lived in Kansas for twenty years and
) e knows the law is a greit wrce.. Of
course both men are honest and truthful.
Thev judge of the immediate locality
where they lived and from the talk of
those they were with; and more, they
v.-cre both influenced more or less by
prejudice. And from the conditions,
and many more that might be giyen, I
urn persuaded that the officers are the
hest authority on the subject.
KJ'OM A ii;mo;kat.
1st, It hao a good effect in decreasing 1
dent Grant in 1S73, anent this state of
affairs, has never been revoked. That
order directed that all persons holding
federal positions should not accept
places under state or municipal government.-,
and that acceptance of state or
municipal positions would be deemed
resignations of the places held under the
Weather Report for May.
From Tuesday's Oiiily.
Temperature, 57. y.
Highest temperature, 91 on the
Lowest Temperature. 27 on tin:
Precipitation Hi
lt rained 14 days.
Clear days 2.
Thunder storms, s.
Fair days, (5.
Cloudy days, 4.
Black threatening storm came up on
the 22nd, but little rain fell, The 24th
was a model Mayday, it being cluar and
beautiful, Ground is in a fine condition
for crops, the corn ground is somewhat
washed by the gorgeous rains. Decora
tion day was cloudy with some rain.
federal governments.
In view of the
, The State University.
The university has grown to be one of
the most important institutions in the
state and has a reputation already as
wide as the continent. The programm
The Board of Education held its reg
ular meeting last night at District Clerk
Showalter's office and aside from the
regular routine of business, considering
and referring to hills, et., elected Prof.
F. C, McClelland, of the York schools,
vice Prof. Skinner, resigned, was elected
superintendent for the ensuing year, and
it was unanimously agreed to continue
Miss Paul as instructor in music. A levy
of four mills for school purposes was
agreed upon.
Following is the list of teachers elect
Miss Brooks, Miss Miller, Miss Ma'e D.
Stafiord, Miss Teresa llemple. Miss Etrie
Shepherd, Miss Kearney, Miss Vallery,
Miss May Berry. Miss Maggie Berry,
Miss Bessie Sloneker, Miss Edith Hanna,
Miss Adda Searl, Miss Carrie .St. Claire,
Miss Alice Wilson. Miss Carrie Greusi 1
Miss Bertha Porter, Miss Mane.- Moore,
and .Miss L'la G Wright i
SEieiie June Steel Binder
Ktcst ,rod,i.ntion of a.imjr TL.jcr for c,,,, wotk is lls filu-s:
tiie matter is not of much importance,
hut had it not been issued a number of
riots m:ght have found it difficult
to choose between charmes, with either
of which they are happy in the absence
of the other . Beatrice Express.
Pillsbury of Minneapolis, whose
celebrity is recognized throughout the
world for the quality and quantity of
his products of flour, said in a recent in
terview, as follows:
"The world has been eating up its sur
plus wheat for some years, and it lias
now approached close to its exhaustion
f the great surplus. In this country
our consumption is increasing. 8,000,000
bu-htls annually, and the demand from
abroad is increasing, as the advance in
civilization demands better food. This
demand is obviously against a diminish
ing supply, as the acreage of wheat
reached its maximum development five
years ago. 1 hese tacts make it possible
and probable that prices will he forced
up, ami stay up to remunerati ve stand
Final Examinations lune 3 to (j.
Annual Society ExhibitionsIn Uni
versity chapel. Palladian, Wednesday
evening, June 4; Union, Thursday even
ing, June 5; Deltan, Friday evening, June
0; Philodicean, Saturday evening, Jnne
4 .
Baccalaureate Sermon By Kev. F. S.
Stien, of Lincoln, in the opera house, at
8 o'clock, Sunday evening, June 8.
Competitive Drills On university
campus, Monday, June 1).
Commencement Concert In univer
sity chipel, at 8 o'clock, Monday eyen
ing, June !'.
Class Day Exercises In university
chapel, at 10 o'clock, Tuesday morning,
June 10.
Commencement Exsrcises In the
opera house, at 10 o'clock, Wednesday
morning, June 11; address by Dr. P. S.
Heuson, of Chicago.
The faculty cordially invite you to at
Drugs, paints and oils at Wildman fc
Fuller's. Ct
Divorce Granted in County Court
Making- Mr. Mitchell a Free
Man Once More.
His honor. Judge Uamsev. vesteidav
dissolved the bond of guardian and ward
existing between R. W. Hyers and old
Mr. Mitchell, thus relieving Mr. Hyers of
the further duties of guardian
ii works pertectiy on rougn, uneven ground; in tail, heavy grain;
in light, short grain; in badly lodged grain. Some ethers da not.
Strongest Frame, mTlt instruction, Lia-htest Draft, Greatest Durability. Most Ea,i!y
Managed. GREAT I.UPKOVLMEXTS for 18UO place It farther than ever in the lead it
pretended rivals.
The deekixg KINDER TWINE made by ourselves is the best in tha world.
Apply to our nearest ag-ent for Illustrated Catalog-no ar)fl Full Information or write direct
tous- WM. DEERINC & CO.. Chicago, III.
iifEaca tha Leader in its Glass.
Sam Small for Plattsmouth.
Sam Small will, be in Plattsmouth
June 20th and will speak on the Amend-"
ment; everyone will be pleased to have
an opportunity to hear this renowned
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by W . C
Showalter clerk of tlie District court within
and for t'ass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. Ii'.i on the L'.'trd day of .lune A. it. lsyo
at 2 o'clock p. ni, of .said Jay at the south door
of the court house la said county. ell at pub
lic anetion, the folbiwfn.' real estate to wit :
The south half of the Xorf hwe'-t quarter (s !',
of n w ) of section thirty ix (3: tuwn eleven
(11) range ten U0) ia Ca.-.s county Nebrat-ka to
jrether with the priyili es d jipj.urtenauces
thereto belonging fr iu anj-vviae appertaimuj.-.
the sani bein; levied upon a.nd taken as th
property of Oliver Jacobs & Co. and Faitlir.a A
Morton and Willis J Morton defendants, to sat
isfy a judgment of paid court recovered by
Murti-y Bro. plaintiffs airainst paid defendant
riattriaoutti.Neb.. -May 21, A. 1), l'-Xj.
William Tiohk, SbcriH. i
We call atten'ica to the novelty of its construction, it being compcied of two iherts
of paper with z.a interposed layer of water-proof bitumen or asphalt, the whole united
under pwjaurc, making a sanitary mildew-proof sheathing for the sides and floors of
houses, that will last as long as the building upon which it is applied.
Experience has shown tnat the cheap papers commonly used for sheathing houses do
not protect a building for any length of time, but soon mildew and fall to pieces, making
the house drafty and damp; these defects can then be remedied at great expense.
A Good Sheathing like the O. K. Building Paper, can be obtained at a trifling cost, and
it ;s a waste of money to use an inferior article.
Put up ia rolls 36 inchett wide, containing 1,000 tquare feet.
OiMPit, cmci'Lis o prices TJf Tp a fc? O O T"V f2- IO ' aiden Lane,
Best. Easiest to use. CheajK'St. Rf licf io iri.irifi;;a.t.
A cure is certain, i'or Cold ill the Head it no tual.
t . :i
4-1 ..
It is an Ointment, of which a small narticle is rrTil!fl r?"
to the nostrils. Price, 5sc. Sold Drivjnr-is or sent Ly . l 1 Address, E. T. Haj;i.tixe, Vrrn. I'a.. f"- - 4
. If .,,