Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 29, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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it! t-t r?j nil
Union Nvces.
ILlH Ml. I, ir.'.H h! ! ti-A in r (-tr-.-fts?
.1. 1 B-.-k-r i- v;-,ti:i : !!
of Otoi; romit v txl:iv.
It. II. Fruns in -m'm-z "r Nhvii in
groccrii s iiinl dry .,. ,:t.--, -nl ii-tH j'.ist re- !
ctivcd a new stn'-k for sprim?. By t tc
way 11. II. is our M:n:ist r alio.
Tliadit Hi:: k r took liis In-other Peter
to your town Sunday cvniny.
BuU-ln-r Peterson mill wife, of your
-city were vihiting and recreating near
hero Sumluj'
being the first young coyotes we ever s.iw
Sir. B. is certainly one of the bent citi
zens of western Cass county and by th
way he is h render of the Hrhald. We
made his son (our old fcchoolnmte) a call
in Lincoln during our stay at the Metrop
Sir. J. P. Keeker received his certifi
rate of appointment us enumerator of
I the census for Liberty precinct, today,
Slay 27, 18'.0. Julia
The genuine Santa Eosn cigars, five
cents each, at happy Jack Benson's restaur
ant. li031H3tf.
La Jtosa is the name or a specia
brand of cigars made by Julius Pepper
berg for Gering & Co. It is a daisy.
Hotel Arrivals.
Hotel Rilky: A. P. Morrison. W
Supervisor A I bin, of district 40 lias j w ... , Chictrn. a A Trnosdale. C.
o i 7
made considerable improvement on a
road on section 13.
Thos. W. Swan was at .Nebraska City
Monday with a wagon load of hogs.
Geo. W. Leach, our liveryman took a
passenger to Nebraska City Monday
Mrs. Hnchai'l Dent nee Misa Iiaclmcl
Allison is up from Auburn and goes to
Plattsmoutli today on a trial she brought
against J. II. Allison deceased, for wages,
II. F. Taylor was combining business
with pleasure at Nebraska City Monday
Mrs. C. L. Graves, is yisiting in Iowa,
this week.
Thos. B. Ilurgus has charge of the
lumber of rice during Manager D. W.
Foster's aleence.
Several of our citizens are using the
"cut rates" over the M. P. and are seeing
the "big" cities.
Your correspondent was combining
business with pleasure at Lincoln and
Ticinity last week and during his travels
accepted an invitation about 11 a. m. to
dine with the parents of Mr. Jerome
Burdick, near Eagle. Jerome wa9 once
A classmate of the writer, at the State
Normal, but is now in business in Lin
coln. During our dinner chat we learn
ed that Mr. J. I'. Burdick owns over a
flection of improved land near Eagle and.
Las just contracted his fat steers which
number 143 head to be delivered in July
at $4.25 per cwt. Sir. B. has just finish
ed assessing Tipton prtcinct. We must
also state Sir. B' son captured nin
young wolves of which we saw seven
C. Phelps, Kansas City; II. D. Travis. A
L. Timblin, Weeping Water; II. Vass.
George Richardson, Omaha; W. G. Kee
fer, SI. J. Berry, W. C. Beggar, Lincoln
Peiikins House: M. Nebe, Glenwood
la.; J. D. Lysaght, J. It. Campbell, St
Joe; A. L. Becker, Union; Robt Fisher,
Chicago; B. W. Hunled, C. A. Wen-
strand, Omaha; Miss Kate Lingwall, Wa
hoo; II. J. Schluntz, Cedar Creek; John
Poeunen, Hinton, la.
A Postmaster Talk.
E. W. Potter, the postmaster at Elm
Creek, Neb., says he has personal knowl
edge of several cases of rheumatism in
that vicinity that have been permanently
cured by Chamberlains' Pain Balm after
other remedies were used without bene
fit, lie has sold it at his drug stor there
for five years and says he never knew it
to fail, that "any customer who once
uses Chamberlain's Pain Balm will have
nothing else instead." For sale by F- G,
Fricke & Co.
S. Boston, Nov. 11th, 1888.
Akakoff Medical Go.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find $2 for two
bottles of Dr. ArakofFs dyspspsia remedy
which you will please send to Mrs.R
Chambers. St. Slarc Hotel, 5th Ave.
New York City. I send this knowing
the wonderlul effects of the remedy, as it
has by taking two bottles entirely cured
me of dyspepsia from which I was a
great sufferer for over three years,
thank God to be free of the ailment
wish you success. Yours respectfully,
o. Ii. Coffe,
2-22 eod d-w 7th St., S. Boston.
New fruits, candies and nuts coming
to John Schiappagasse & Co., every day.
Wantkij: 5,000 live jiigecjus for
Cheyenne tournament. Will pay 30 cents
per pair, delivered on express trains be
fore June 17, on U. P., or B. & SI. in
Nebraska, in light boxes. Ship C. O. I),
to P. Bergerson, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Sweet Potato Plants.
Are now ready at Leesley's Plattsmouth
nursery. d w-tf
For Rent.
A good six room cottage on Granite
street near Chicago avenue; apply to
d tf Mits. C. S. Twiss
Notice to Tax Payers.
Notice is hereby given that the com
missioners will sit as a board of equaliza
tion, beginning on Tuesday, June 10th,
1890. All persons will take due notice
that if any changes are necessary to be
made in assessments it must be made at
this time Bird Chitchfield,
2-w County Clerk.
Attention Alumni.
AH members of the Alumni Associa
tion of the Plattsmouth High School are
urgently requested to be present at a
business meeting to lie held at Byron
Clark's office Tuesday evening, Slay 2
at eight o'clock. By order of
2t F. L. Cumminh, Pres.
the Zacatecas State Lottery. I.nWia de la
Benelleenria I'litHea Is chartered ly the Wv
eminent and operated under It supervision.
Capital prize, Iraw inn on t he iTth
of eaeh month. Tickets. ?lc ; halves, 5 ;
tenths, $1. New York draft. Juan I'ledad,
Mgr., box 43, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Batty wu sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
' eeetion. Salary $75 to S10. to locally rep
resent a Hueeessf ul Vew York company incor
porated to HUDily lry (ioods.ciotliin:;. hiioes
Jewelry etc.. to consumers at cost. Alxo a
lady of tact, c alary $W, to enroll members
( now enreueii. giou.oou paid in), neier-
ence exchanged, rnipire co-operative Asso
ciation (credit well rated) Lock box 010 is. x
Ballard's Horehoand Syrup.
No (logic ditesst hat played snch tad havoc with
the human race as Consumption. Mo other diseata
approaches so stealthily. Its early tymptoms are ig
nored became it is thought only a Cold or hacking
Cough, which is neglected until this grim monster has
luch a hold that nothing but death can relieve it.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup has removed tho grip of
this grim monster from many a throat. If taken ia
time it will effect a permanent cure, and in the wont
stage it will give surprising relief. Try its soothing
tnd healinz virtues. Do not put it off until too late.
F. O. fricke, Agent, Plattsmouth, Nb.
Star Listers.
Millburn Wagonns and Buggies.
Sloline Steel Harrows
Little Joker Cultivator. Piano bteel Harvester and Binder
The Dandy Riding Cultivators, and
X line line of double and single harness.
Our Goods are all new with the latest and best improve
"We have something-new in a spring for a farm wagon, it
li. J x
wiiipayyou lo see it.
Sixth Street, near Riley Hotel.
li ly' .
Like - II - Thousand - Streams
Finding tlieir way to the Ocean, the 1'eople ooiim; to Imy:
They recognize our unepmled lacilities lor Obtaining and Dis
posing of the JJest:
Mens, Toys and Childrens Clothing at the Lowest Prices.
They recognize the extent and excellence of our assortment:
The elegance, make, and superior iinish of our goods:
The Honorable Manner in which we conduct our Business.
They Realize when they give us One Dollar in
Silver We give them One Dollar In Clothing.
If you want a Business Suit we will fit you out.
If you want a Drees Suit we will fit you out.
If you are a matrimonial candidate, we will fit you out,
fine Dress Suit for the occasion.
-in a
The Wise never get left and they buy their Clothing
and Furnishings ot
Wi ffl P
ii 1 f L fa
The Leading Clothiers,
IPIattsmmoMiiitBa-,- Welfo,
r, rn
ew York Ci
I I i i h a a my w u w V u B J 1 B J y I
was made heeanse tliey could not pay the duty on imported goods, and the entire stock was bought for 40 cents on the dollar by
fl- -'- .TIMLI'IIHIl.lMM.Ma
who will sell the entire stock, and much more, regardless ot all Competition, for
Gents on the Hollar
Th"i3 mammoth stoch was sold by tho sheriff because they
could not pay duty on inported goods, and
COHBIsr &o CO.
Ilave bought the entire stock at 40 cents on the dollar, and will offer good cheaper
than their competetors can buy them. All these goods were bought by G. P.
Smith & Co., at New York and will be sold at 50 cents on the dollar.
Sale lasts until everything is sold.
f1-kvr-min rlnnnrtmnnt Good
uumeaiib ucjjcu micnr i2ic
prints, fast colors, worth
ic lor oc: inportea uress
Ginghams, fancy plaids, for 10c: Good percales worth 10 for 6c:
Ginghams, worth 10 for 5c; good dress ginghams, fast colors, for 8c; Scotch ging
hams, the very best, for 15c; good shirting worth 10, for 5c, worth 12, for 7c
worth 15. for 10c; satines, worth 10, for 6, worth 12f, for 8 worth 15, for 10; im
ported satines, in all colors, worth 20 and 25, for 15c, the best imported satine
worth 40, for 25.
Good muslin, 36 inches wide, worth 8 for 5, worth 15, for 7c.
Lonsdale, the best that is made, worth 12$, for 8c; Ticking, worth 121, for 7;
worth 15, for 10; worth 20 for 15c; worth 30 for'20; Blue Denims worth 15 for
10c; worth 17 for 124; worth 20 for 15; Table cloth worth 40 for 20, worth 50 for
25, worth 75 for 40, worth $1.00 for 50,. Bordered table cloth worth 70 for 35,
worth $1.00 for 50, worth $1.25 for 75,; Linen towels for 8, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35c
a piece; Napkin3 at 25, 45. 55. G5, 75, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Ja dozen; Challies, all
colors and shades, worth 10 for 5c, worth 12$ for 7: worth 15 for 10c worth 20
for 15.
Wh ie ress Goods Dopar ment JdrLET JSS
20 for 15c, worth 25 for 20, worth 30 and 35 for 25; Linen Lawn worth 20 for 10,
worth 40 for 30, worth 50 for 25; Dotted Swiss, cream colored and white, worth
50 for 20. -
ress Goods Department-
Fine summer dress goods
worth 10 and 15c for 7; single
width cashmore worth 20 for 10; double width henrietta, half wool worth 25 for
lSJc; Fine cashmere worth 35 for 25c; Fine Cashmeie, all colors, worth 50 for 35c;
All wool serges worth 65 for 35; All wool cashmeres, silk warp, worth 85 for 50c;
All wool cashmere, silk warp, worth $1.25 for 75c; Silk finish henrietta worth $1.00
for 65; Silk warp henrietta worth $1,25 for 65; eilk warp henrietta worth $1.50 for
S1.00;' silk henrietta worth $2.50 for $1.50; Ottoman cloth, silk warp, worth $2.00
for $1.00; Brilliantine, the best there is, worth $1.25 for 75. Imported Dress Goods
in all the latest styles and shades, worth from 65 to 75 a yard for 50; Silk Velvet
worth 75 and $1.00 for 40, worth $2.00 for $1.00; Silk Plush worth 75 for 35; Silk
Velvet, in'black, worth $3.00 for $1.25; Surah silk worth 65 for 35, worth 75 for 50
-if -jpv -w4- Spring Jackets, all colors, worth
Spring Wrap Depar tment-$4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 for $2, 8,
4 and 5; Jerseys in all colors and latest styles; Beaded wraps worth $4 for $2, worth
$5 for $2.50, worth $6 for $3, worth $7 for $3. 50 worth $8 for 4, worth $12 tor 5,
worth $16 for 7. Finest line of summer shawls good shawls worth $2 for 1, worth
2.50 for 1.25, worth $3.00 for 1.50, worth $4.00 for 2.00, worth $5.00 for 2.50
worth $6.00 for 3.00, worth 7.00 for 3.50, worth $3 for 4, worth $10 for 5. worth
$12 for 6. worth $14 for 7.
We also have a fine line of table and floor oil-cloth and window shades.
Our stock of Silk Sun Umbrellas and parasols is large and complete.
Bed Spreads worth $1.00 for 65c, worth $1.25 for 1.00, worth $2 for 1.25, worth
$2.25 for 2.00, worth $4 for 2.50.
Lace and Not on Department-- "and swiss flouncing in all the
latest styles. Good linen lace for 1c a yard; Oriental lace worth 10 for lc: worth
15 for 5c, worth 25 for 10c. Pillow case lace worth 10 for 3c, worth 15 for 5; Em
broideries worth 5 for lc, worth 10 for 5c, worth 15 for Sc, worth 20 for 10c, worth
80 for 15c, worth 40 for 20c, worth 50 for 25c, worth 75 for 40c, worth 1,00 for 50,
1.25 for 75, worth $1.50 for $1.00, worth S2.00 for $1.50; Lace flouncing worth
$1.50 to $2.00 for 25, 50 and 75c a yard.
Qllftnno 500 gross of buttons worth 25, 30 and 40c will all go at 10c a
DUllUilo dozen; 100 gross of buttons worth 40 and 50c all go at 10, 15 and
20c a dozen.
Dine worth 5 for lc, 5c pins for lc, 5c needles for lc, dress braid
Mull flllo worth 10 for 3c, Coat's and Clarks spool cotton, three spools
for 10c.
!3 1 1 rhino worth 10 for 2c, worth 15 for 8c, worth 50 for 10c, worth 25 for
50 for 35.
15c; Silk Ruching worth 25 for 15c, worth 35 for 25, Jworth
All makes and styles. Good corsets, warranted 0 months worth
$100 for 50c. The Boss Bee Corset worth $1.50 for 75c: imnnrWl
corsets worth $2.50 for $1.25.
HanHlf Orfhiofo lo worth 5, 5c worth 10, worth 15 for 10, worth 20
nallUrvCl UliClO for IS, worth 25 for 20.
jjjLjjgjjg No. 9 and 12 worth 30 for 5c.
Hosiery Department XihZb Tut
Lisle thread hose worth 50 for 25. worth CO for 35, Silk lisle worth SI. 00 for 50
Balbngands worth 15 for 8, worth 25 for 12, worth 50 for 25, worth 65 for 40.
Lodies ribbed vests worth 25 for ;
"warth 50 for 25, worth $1.25 for 75. "
The latest styles worth $2.00 a pair for 1.00
"worth 2.50 for 1.50, worth 5.00 for 2.50, worth
6.00 for 3.00, worth 7.00 for 3.50, worth 8.00 for 4.00.
Above us stands no competing stock, below us lead no competing price. We
will commence the season, we will coutinue the season with BARGAINS we will
end the season with BARGAINS.
We have goods and plenty of them. Every department full of new novelties
rich in quality and style. You are sure to find what you want, We aim to kee(l
the best and deal fair with all.Our ambition is to please our trade and ONE PRICE
the lowest to all. '
Ladies and Gentleman, we call your attention to tho fact that all the goods wc
bought of G. P. Smith & Co. will be sold for 50 cents on the dollar.
Ladies Underwear
Lace Curtains
iSwmanea stocHs is complete its evevy trespect
Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend our Opening which will Commence
Agzil 2s Sale Continues iXvtily until furtlxec notice.
Come Early aiiel Secure ISargraifiis; TTIzcy will not ILstst all nmmei
TUiss viEiHr imuays
A. COHEN & Co., Boston Store-
Wliite IFront HSuildiiig Main Street,
IFlattsiMoutli, Meforaslia,