Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 15, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Tlio southern and western parts of the
ouuty liiiv' been -mm. (I with good ruin
this week.
A new poxtoHice budding is to be
erected in Weeping Water for Dr. Butler
the iH-w postmaster.
The train from tin; west whs two hours
bite this morning on account ol a hot
box m Ihu engine.
Kcv lluusc had quite an ctithuastic
ranting at Cedar Cretk last evciing. He
lectures there again tonight.
A large handcar house loaded on a flat
car was an attractive lookiun object on a
fast moving train this morning.
Geo. Freer, the express driver is now
acting a-; nu sscngcr on tin- Schuyler run
in the place of tin; regular man who is
laid off by sickness.
Judge Chapman is at home today hav
ing, according to the Lincoln papers,
done two week's W'rk in one on the
Lancaster cour.ty hunch.
W. L Brown, of Pbittsmouth, was a
visitor in our city Monday. Me was met
at, the depot with a brims hand and other
accessories. W. W. Ivigh-.
The LadLa of the l'n shyterinn Church
will give a strawberry ami ice cream so
cial as a house warming for tlie new
church, Tuesday (.veiling. May '20th.
A brace of republicans ' an- anxious
ly rushing Mr. D .vy .-r for city attorney.
This same gang will probably he Asking
for republican vote before the ynr
Judge Su'livan is traiuiiii; a hand of
dagos on horns, hag pipe, winged, hinged
and other stringed instruments, to furnish
music for the next Cass county fiiir. W
V. Eagle.
The Ashland Leader culls Louisville
a rum cursed village; which causes the
Louisville Advertiser to come back
at them in a column article well worth
V very heavy frost fell in the vicinity
of Louisvilie Tuesday night, doing great
damage to garden truck. It will prob
ably be the cause of a small fruit crop
this year. Advertiser
V. B. Shryock, of Louisville, is still
confined to his room from the effect of a
fractured of the knee cap received nearly
a month ago. We trust the genial drug
gist will soon be able to be out.
Col. Thresher is making his rounds
with his patent velvet cushioned foot
stool, which will, with a kick in the ribs,
open up as a parlor spittoon. His piano
polish can not be excelled.
The gas ami electric light company
held a meeting of the stock holders yes
terday and increased their capital stock
so that some needed improvements might
he made. Plattsmouth has the best ga
in the state.
Ed Straight, Will Clements, Tom Par
nvle. Will Stadelman, Will Reinhackel.
Fred Morgan went to Oman last evening
to hear;Blne Beard Jr. The boys report
a splendid time and say the play was
well worth seeing.
From the Greenwood Gazette we learn
that Dr. A J. Raiuey died at that place
April 27th, leaving a wife and thirteei'
children to mourn his loss. Mr. Rainey
was well known in this part of the county
where he resided for many years.
Prof. Bessey is after the fungus that
infests the raspberry cane. If he wil"
knock out the fungus that puts a half
pint of green strawberries in a box, cov
ers it with a layer of ripe ones and sell.'
t for a quart at fifty cents he will confer
a favor on suffering lium.inity. Lincoln
The members of the board of trade
riilroad committee are requested to
meet at John C. Watson's office this
evening to arrange mutters regarding
the Diagonal road. Robt. Loiton, II
II. Bartlin-r, T. B Stevenson, Paul
Schminke and Ed. Sheldon constitute
the committee.-Neb Cily Press.
Every body that advertises in thellKK
t.d is a winner. A mu lost a silver
watch a few days ago, it was advertised
in the Hkkam and the owner recovered
it. A gold watch was lost this week,
duly advertised in the Hi;kam and this
morning the watch was brought in and
returned to the happy owner. The
moral is selfevident.
Dr. Wallace expects to receive a large
pelican from a taxidermist at Omaha
soon, and says when Grover is elected in
1802. he ioteds to elevate the bird 100
feet aelove his house top; but woe unto
the bird if such thing happens, for
Uncle Joshua Lynn declares that he will
'shoot it down as soon as it pokes its
head up. by gracious!" Union Ledger.
The hired girl with mop and broom
i3 -Queen of the May, mother," in this
country, and there is not any poetry
about it either, at our house- The poor
newspaper man with his desk and val
uable papers out of doors at the mercy
of the wind, is not in an amiable mood
and can only feel glad that the unutter
able turmoil of house cleaning comes
but t sic a year
Mrs Isaac ilut'hins, sister of our
worthy townsman, Mr. S. Dutton, ac
companied by her husband and daugh
ter is paying her brother uu extended
visit. Mr. Hutch lis had not been in
Plattsmouth since 107 and was pleased
to note the improvements.
The claim of the Journal that the II Kit
AM) sent out "Xtra copi'S the evening of
tlf Peterson article as a scoop, is too silly
to he tunny. W- did nothing of the
kind, scooping the Journal is too com
mon in affair to make so much fuss
about; we do it every day as our readers
will abundantly testify.
A queer shaped trunk fresh from the
old country several inches wider at the
top than bottom, occassionel considera
ble inquiry at the depot the other morn
ing as no one could in. magi ne any reason
why it should b built in that shape but
Dave Babbingt n , an expert at such
matters, solved the riddle and claimed
they hud adjustable rockers and could
when necessary be used as a cradle.
"Miss Daisy Stoddard, or as bhe is
known at her home, 'Little Daisy' Stod
dard, is an oratorical prodigy. At the
age of three years she delivered an ora
tion at Alma. Neb., which astonished
her hearers, and from that time she has
been called the 'baby orator of the Re
publican Valley.' It was predicted at
the time that a blossom had bloomed in
the great American desert whose fra
grmicc and fame would extend far be
yond the confines of that desert, and the
prediction sc ms to have been fulfilled.
Omaha Bee.
C. M Wead came in from the cast
Mrs. Al G iss is visiting friends in this
city today.
Dr. A. Salisbury made a hurried trip
to South Platte today on legal business,
Geo. Ferguson lost five dollars around
the depot yesterday. He would be sur
prised to find it.
Mrs. G, W. Foster left this morning
for Denver, she will make a trip to Cali
fornia before her return.
Miss Eugle and Miss Breed, guests of
J. V. Wcckbaugh and Ben Ileinples re
turned to th -ir home in Hastings this
Mrs. A. E. Horton and daughter, Mrs.
Thad Whittier, sister and niece of out
worthy P: M. are the guests of the
Straight family.
E. L. Reed, one of Weeping Water's
best citizens, lias recently become inter
ested in a newly discovered and very
promising mine in Wyoming. We trust
his fondest hopes may be realized.
Sherman Murphy.
C. W. Sherman and Rev. Buckner are
endeavoring to get Francis Murphy, the
great temperance lecturer, to give Platts
mouth a scries of lectures. Mr. Sherman
will go to Omaha tonight to get a deri
uate reply from Mr. Murphy. The news
that the editor of the Journal had em
barked in the field as a temperance evau
gelist, was somthing of a surprise to us,
but the word, conies so well authenticated
that we dare not deny it. The Chinese
edition will probably be suppressed in
the interest of the temperance cause.
An Important Sale.
The gas and electric light company
today purchased the realestate buildings
and electric light dynamo's of the elec
trie lamp factory.
Chris. Gauer Jr., residing near the
thriving village of Cedar Creek was mar
lied at one o'clock this afternoon to Miss
Amelia Schroeder at the residence of
her brother, Mr. Fred Schroeder, the
popular Cedar Creek miller The Hien
atj extends congratulations.
The Why of It.
During the past week subscribers to
the Daily IIehai.d have been greatly
alarmed by the notice they have been
reading Their fears are groundless.
By the good graces of Plattsmouth people
the Daily is to be continued, and as a
business experiment the price will be
reduced, begining with Monday, May 12,
to ten cents a week, straight. The Car
riers will collect each Saturday and we
desire all who can to pay that way.
Those who prefer may pay each fourthor
fifth Saturday, either forty or fifty cents.
Six days for ten cents-no deductions-no
other rates,-no calendar months counted.
Now ia the best time to join the throng.
Call at the office or hand your name to
the carrier, or telephone to 3$. Aid the
IIekald by your patronage and it will
do you good
An Editor's Grandchildren.
J. R. Dodd, editor of the daily and
weekly Arbor State, of Wymore, Neb,
says: "I have seen the magic effect of
Cha ukerlain's Cough Remedy in cases of
coup and colds among My grandchil
dren. We would not think of going to
bed at night without a bottle of his rem
edy in the house." For Sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Aiabastine, the best wall finish, for
gale at F. O. Fricke & Co. tf
A Case of Murder by Misguided
Two Sail l,kit Men ArretMl for Abduc
tion An InMiranee Company In Trouble
A Iouble Trag;ly Warring China
men A Reign of Terror.
Jamestown, N. Y., May 10. A case
here promises to make Christian scien
tists considerable trouble. About a
year ago Mrs. William A. Barrows of
this city had h cancer liegiu to grow.
Various Christian scientist "doctors"
were employed, and the real trouble had
been concealed from her husband, who
thought nothing serious was the matter.
A few days since a nurse whs engaged
at Mrs. Barrows' request, as she was get
ting worse, and the nurse called a physi
cian. He found the woman in the last
stages of the disease, and did not care to
take the case. Mrs. Barrows died, and
the c oroner took charge of the case and
empaneled a jury for a post mortem
examination, and it is understood the
physicians found a terribly diseased con
dition and many small cancers. It is
also stated the physicians found enough
to convince them the woman's life could
have Ken greatly prolonged, if not
Baved, had a regular doctor lx-en called
when the disease first made its appear
ance. Kiltetl H usbHml and Wife.
Rof ni'.sTF.R, N. Y.,May 10. At about
7 o'clock last evening Detective Lynch
phot and killed two of his neighbors,
Samuel Stoddard and wife. Stoddard
was a hard customer. Lynch accused
him of hacking his (Lynch's) back fence
with an axe. Stoddard, who was drunk,
became abusive and called Lynch hard
names. The latter took hold of Stod
dard, who attempted to hit Lynch with
an axe which he had in his hands,
whereupon Lynch drew a revolver and
fired. Mrs. Stoddard was standing just
behind her husband, and the bullet
struck her, killing her instantly. A
second shot killed Stoddard. Lynch
then surrendered himself to the author
ities, lie claims he acted in self-defense.
A Kij;ii of Terror.
Bkookhaven, Miss., May 10. The
ten men arrested in Lawrence for beat
ing the old negro Jere Bass and murder
ing his son, were placed on preliminary
trial. The witnesses relied on to convict
them were so terrorized as to le afraid
to testify and the conviction fell to the
ground, though there is hardly any
doubt of the guilt of accused. The L; t
citizens in the vicinity of where the
crime was committed are afraid to take
active steps to bring the guilty parties to
justice for fear of assassination or hav
ing their property burned. A l oign of
terror prevails.
Icfnilter I'ope Captured.
Dulctii, Minn., May 10. W. II.
Pope, the defaulting bank teller of Louis
ville, Ky., was captured near hereby
Detective Crawford, on board the boat
Dixon, bound for Canada. Pope was
teller of the Louisville City National
bank. Early in March he absconded
with about $-10,000 of tho bank's funds.
It was then discovered that he had been
living a Jekell-Hyde life. Hw had
been regarded by his friends as a very
honest man, inclined to piety. It came
out afterward, however, that he had
been living a fast life.
Arrested for Abdurtion.
Salt Lake, Utah. May 10. Henry
Hoffheimer, agent of the Anheuser
Busch Brewing association, and Hack
man Elierly, are under arrest, charged
with abducting Miss Myrtle Wellington,
to whom Hoffheimer had been paying
attention and who was last seen enter
ing Eberly's hack without hat or cloak,
aliont two weeks ago. The girl's mother
could not learn where Eberly took the
girl, and detectives were employed, re
sulting in the arrests. No further im
formation is made public.
Warring Cliinainen at I.o Anpcles.
Los Anuelks, Cal., May 10. A riot
occurred here letween warring factions
of Chinatown, which resulted in the
killing of one Chinaman, and the serious
injury of another. Ah Lung, a mem
ber of the Ah Mow faction, brushed
against Wang Ki Lung, of the Wah
Che partv, and the latter shot Ah Lung,
killing him instantly. A fusilade fol
lowed, forty shots being exchanged.
The police arrested 100 of the rioters.
Everv one c arried a revolver. The Wang
Chee society declares every memler of
the Ah Mow faction will be killed.
An Insurance Company in Trouble.
Harkisuuko, Pa., May 10. A writ of
quo warranto has been issued returna
ble May 19, requiring the Americ an Life
Insurance company to show why its
business should not le closed. Insur
ance Commissioner Forester alleges that
the company is insolvent; is fraudulently
conducting and has not sufficient assets
to carry on its business.
A Large. Short afra.
NoRRIStown, Pa., May 10. There is a
large shortage in the cash of the Norris
town Water company. Tiie amount is
not made public. It is said that Mr. W.
F, Slingtuff lmrrowed the money on ac
count of some of the other concerns in
which he is interested. A meeting of
the directors will be held Monday.
Ex-Treasurer Archer Intlicted.
Annapolis, Md., May 10. Ex-Treas-nrer
Stephenson Archer was indicted by
the Arundal grand jury. The . indict
ment covers ten pages. It is for a mal
feasance and contains four counts.
Dr. Myer and Wife Arrested.
Denver, May 10. Dr. Henry Myer
and wife were arrested here on a tele
graphic order from the chief of police of
Chicago. It is not known here what
they are wanted for.
Agusta. Ga., May 10. Bob Hill, a
n."gro man aged 26 years, was hanged at
Warren ton, tony uiucn uum
i th murder of Mr. Alexander Rogers on
Illy Murphy i'l uu k Tl llae Hull Wat
; Merrill On.
New York. May 10. President Spald
ing, of the Chicago League Base Ball
club, talked with a reporter. "One
league or the other," he said, "must go
to the wall. They cannot go on as they
are now doing, each cutting the other's
throat. The public is la-ing overdosed
with base ball, or rather with the fight
for patronage le1weeii the two leagues.
In view of 1 he past history of the play
ers, the I hot her hood clulm should draw
f ir loiter than (h- v do. for thev contain
many me n inot popular with the crowd: j
in days gone by. m me part oi me x-xa-tional
league, I freely confess that wo
are not drawing satisfactory crowds.
As llie situation Maims mere it :io ukum-j j
in it for anybody. J he opposing leagues
are wa:.-.ii;g a war of extermination.
It cann-.i last. One or the oilier must
give way."
Hilly IIur;iy Flunks.
Brockton, Mas... May 10. Two hun
dred and fifty simkIs met at Murray
hall -. pec ting to see a six-round glove
Con I cm between JoliTini" (i-)fiith of
Braii-t roe, Ma--., and iiiily Murphy of
Australia, champion f:-:itjie,: . -ight of
tin- v.-o.-ld. Murphy made his appear
aii e in ihe hfdl. bui after three pieliiui
nary bouts had taken phce Murphy
was not to be found, much to the dHap-jioinln-.-nt
of the audience. It is stated
th;. s.iuiu- woidd not spar
foe r.'-'-h'-i 1-Jil;lil :, d. but oid SJMirtS
s:i th i Murphy was nlraid of tlrilhth.
-..-"the la:?; r had put. h'uiivc If in excel
lent conditio-: by coiiKl; n! training, and
va- nd; :g io iii::!:; M'.irphy hustle
for all tit.:t he was woi ti.. Jim ohy tried
to ai-rar.-'e with J--i:e:lt for six rounds of
liglit !-.p;;;-vi:i;. buy '.;' 1. liter WOllld not
agree to snoi a pr- -po-ivioii.
!il:i "s "J;!-.. s.i 11 Crimes.
At' nuance - !'!;" er-.- : NevYork, 13,
2:u : Philadelphia. ,'i ; Cincinnati, 1,
SSS; total. National: Philadel
phia, l.Sttl: .ew York. i")l: Cincinnati,
1, :::(."" total, ::.:7.
el. . vi:i:s" i.KA'ii'f,
At New York .Sew V'. '-:.'.': Host on, 4.
At !'li!!;e:H,-M;i t 'i-i l-nlei !'! -r; 1 Jmokly n.T.
NATON A : i.KAUfi:.
At New York-- Ne- York. !t-: ! tost on. 3.
Al i'li:':iiieli.!ii;i I 'ie i.nii ! el; : lirooklyn.l
- At ( :im innati C 'inc ii.'iH' i, le; 1 'il t!-liir, 5.
At Svrneu-e Svrneuse. 4: ! hi ,-ter, 7.
At Hrookly n lirookb ii, Athletic, 4.
At Sioux City- Sioux City. Denver. !.
Seesat i.!i;.l Developments.
Coi.i MiUA, S. C, May 10.-Developments
in the Leaphart innrder and lynch
ing ca.sf are wrv startling. It h-t-bee:i
found that the afildavit and letters that
were filed in the governor's oft ice, and
upon which Leas -hart was respited, were
forgeries-;. J. T. (-irfdiam. Lenphart's
law or, and W. J. Miller, notary public,
were arrested, charged with being con
nected with the forgeries. Action has
also been taken against ihe men who
lynched Leaphart, and three of them
have 1-een arrested, charged with the
The Oil Trust V. ins a Yirtory.
New York, May 10. The general
term of the supreme court reversed the
judgment of the special term in eijuity
that George W. Bice was entitled to tlv
i-ights of a shareholder in the Standun
Oil trust because of his having becom.
posses-ed by purchase of certain trus
certificates. The general term say: :
The mere aceuiremer.t by assigiimeu
of the interest of some beneficiary con
ferred no legal righ; upon such a.-signe-.
to be admitted as a iienericiary under
the trust a.; a ma iter of course."
Comiitumler Schley H: in-noted.
BAbTiMOKi-:, May 10. Th.- banque
tendered C miii:tnd.-r YVin.lIield Scot ,
Schley and his btaii' oi ofiieers of th -cruiser
Baltimore at the Hotel liennert.
lust niglit by the citizens of Baltimore,
wa.s a brilliant affair. About loO guest
were present. Th decor.-. tio, is were
l-autifui and uni.pi( '1'he tables wciv
arranged in the form of an anchor.
M ivor Davidson presided and made a
very happy address A parade of sailors
and marines wil! take place to-day.
A Dissolute Husband's Work.
OuiiAY,Col.,Mayl0. John Winstead.n
dissolue fellow whose wife had supported
the family by keeping a restaurant, shot
his wife dead because she had no money
to giv.; him for drink. He then com
muted suicide. Tho tragedy wa.s wit
nessed bv a 12-vear-ol 1 soa, who is left
destitute. Mrs. Winstead formerly
lived in Marshailtown la., and Hutch
inson, Kan VVmeal was from Ten
Met His K:itr Calmly.
CoLOtiaA, S. C, May 10. William
Davis, colored, was hanged ai Union for
the murder of Susie Fernandes. He
made a confession tha he cut the girl's
throat during a drni.k-u cpiunvl with
her. On his trial he sal i that four other
men attacked the girl a:i i xiile-l her in
his presence. In hi - co:ii'es-iu he uke't
the forgivenes of these men whom h..'
had wrongly accused. He met his fate
In a Distressing Condition.
SHRF.VEitiKT, La.. May 10. The
steamer New Haven has remrn. d from
Black Bayou, and retorts 'he p.t-ople
there in a di.--t res: i :g coiso'ion. the
whole section ; ;;; .-u g" l an i
many houses wa. i:--: .: . . y, i he p-eople
are without ohel -i o: ;i..- i.e-e sa i ie.-i or
life. Many wyre -.yi i perilous
situations by tiie r. ..-. iia.e;i.
3l;s Mason l-:.r i;ns., i,e.. May b. Lydia Ma
son, the woman who shot I'en y Rich,
left town in a carriage some time dur
ing the night, noef ori being made to
detain her. It is tho.eght oho drove to
BrKksand took the mormug tram for
Boston. iic-iHris from iiich's liome
statts that his condition is serious.
"Monshineri4 ll:ii;i;ed.
Taswell C. H., Va., May 10.
Deputy Marshal John D. Daly cap
tured four des;perate moonshiners on
Cove creek in this county. Their names
are Underwood, leader of the gang,
Bob Taylor. George Taylor and Bit
Taylor. They are all in Taswell jail.
Kaml-ill'i Successor.
Pitii.inF.i.PHiA. Mav 10. The Third
TY,-jt TVmiru-ratio concessional con-
AS 1 . - I. i 1 V.. I. j v ..... . ,
vention to nominate a successor to the '
late Hon. Sainu?l J. Randall met, and
after a length v di-scusion over the accept
ance of ci-ed'entials, adjourned until
The Pension Appropriation Bill
Thus Amended and" Passed.
Mr. l-'rye Tells oT the FrTe-t of the I.uto
Supreme Court OeeUioii rn the SIhIiio
I'iihiltiloiy l-:i-v--The St urn nl Sliie
C;lrkHon'K Itet ireiiteot.
"WAsmvnoN, May 10. The senate
spent the day in disc ussing the. pension
niropi.iiion and army appropriation
bills. "Whe'i the p-ensi:n appropriation
bill was Ia1-en up Mr. Sherman's resolu
tion, increa-itig th.e number of m nsion
agents by two, led to a lively debute on
pensions in general.
Mr. Coc kreil riticised tho action of
Ihe senate as humiliat ing tw the fom
ir.ii tee on ;tp)nopriatioiis. which had
been ii-id;-:i over rough-shod by the Re-Iiubl-.c-an
majority in dei;:nco of eery
pj. . si. n made by that party for the
last I we:;ty y ars.
Mr. (jorinan said that, as iho eiiKion
li t tow amounted to about loO,OUO,000
a yo u-, a.!.! wonid ie increased to dou
ble that, if pending legishiiioii was en
aoted. economy in t.'i.- administration of
the p. i;s;..n o?!i( e s.i-.uld bo prac ticed.
In the of tiie robbers congress
might t ;:: i.p: tin: government, and
.:-i7iabiy would, for in hi teen years tho
amount sj eni for lK'iisii.ns would be
more it cost the government to put
down the rebellion. He thought tho
senator from Ohio should hesitate aiMut,
dealing useless oflices making places
f..r party men and parly purposes. 'i,t.t V. :.;ii.i ih"re should be
more-equalisation. There was no pen
si. .ii ;i! iii i he :-'. ate of Nebraska-
i,.- i oi ih oi v si of it i.esn-r than San
Fiaiic-isco. and .yet there was a hirgei
pel cc-ntage of ex-f ol.'.iei s in Nebraska,
r.; c tii.. 1 j.ii-. )1:s than in anv
oi le-r stales i if Ihe I'nicm in proportion
to the aggregate p-pulaiion.
Alter turtlier riircussion Sxnator Sher
imku's anieiKlmont. was agreed to yeas,
rJ: nays, 01 ; Senator Payne voted with
the Repid.licans. and Messrs. Allison,
Ingalls aie": I'iumb wiili the I h iuoc rat s.
fienator T llei. who ;;l.-ovoTed with
tiicm in; ihe former occasion, did not
vote. The biil v. as the ii passed and the
military academ' appropriation bill was
taken up ;:i;d passed.
The arniv appropriation bill was then
taken up. -in-l S.'iiator Ibih- moved an
Mnieii inu nt to the i'lil providing that no
liquor.-, beer or wine he sold or supplied
to enlisted men ;.t military posts.
Mr. Frye said that the state of Maine
had a very deep feeling on the question.
'i he people of that st.ue tried to enforce
the prohibitory liquor law, and did en
force the prohibitory law very well; but
if the sale of liquors was authorized at
the one militaiy pmt there it would
have a very bad eil'.-ot. A recent de
cision of the supreme court had excited
that very greatly and had a tendency to
iles-Tov the prohibitory law. if it did not
actually destroy it. If the United States
opened the doors by that decision to
such violation of the. prohibitory law,
and then, in addition to that, authorized
liquors to be pi -Id on its premises, the
state of Maine might just as well give
up the prohibitory law and let it go.
Senator Allison remarked that he un
derstood tiie present secretary of
war had given orders that in prohibitory
states no liquors should be wold ut mili
tary posts.
Mr. Gorman said that while he be
lieved in temiier.incu and practiced it
absolutely it was not possibly to enforce
it on everyljody else, and it was not wise
if it were possible. Such extreme legis
lation had resulted in the recent de
cision of ihe supreme court, which wa.s
n gai del by lawyers and laymen us
most extraordinary.
Senator Paddock said that liquors
would be sohi to the canteens from the
commissary department, that the sol
diers would thus have more liquors
much cheaper than ordinary citizens
could get them, and that, there
fore, larger quantities would lie con
sumed. As to'oiiicers making rules and
regulations for the control of the can
teens, he said that, officers of the army
were not able to make rules for their
own sobriety, and that nowhere wa.s in
temperance so con.- ic nous as at the
n:;l:ta; y jxists on the frontier.
Sena: or Bhiir si: id that usually the
o;'::. ers f the army were more in need
ot prohibitory lestraint than the soldier
thorn- elves.
Senator Cockrell moved an amend
ment to Senator Hale's amendment
striking out lwer and wine, but for lack
of a quorum no vote wa.s reached.
The house spent ie"sv c f its session in
taiilt di-er .-sion. 'i he bill i-ensioniiig
Mrs. Delia S. Parneil. mother of Charles
Stewart Paiiiell. at !.-"i' a month, was
The house then went into committee
of the whole on the tarilf bill. Mr. Pay
son of Illinois in the chair.
New Il.iiiks.
Washington. May M. The following
na.nn-d na:ion :l b:r;ksw-re authorized
to coiiim- hr. : First National
Bank of :.:irl -y. Wl;.-.. capital -VMXM;
,.. i;,..i-:.ii -.a.: . . .1 B.t:t .f iiiion.
Vi. .. c..p: ::! i. r'ir.-a N;iiinal
Bank of Big -'i- i'igs. 'i -.v.. ce; :t ;! r0.
libb: th- Cse- .,-,;;b N.iti :. :; !;.;!ik of
Memphis. T. :.:i.. cap::;:: .i.:-o.iHM: the
Austin 1'::; loiiid i : :. Aus-ia, 1e..,
cii!a1 -l "O. !:; : tl:.- J id;-.:; Na?inal
Bans o! S aco. Te:;.. .:. i::-i !)."!:((.
The following appb. a.: n for author
itv to rgjir.i-ei'Ulo;.al bsnK.s have Ijeeii
iifed wi;ti the co-.ipi r of currency:
Bank of Commerce; of ,-y. attle. Wash.;
the Piatb-rn. .ur.ii National at
Piattsinoui .:. Neb.; the Blaine National
Bank at Blaine. Wah.
I'nt It Oir a Month.
Washington. May 10. It is stated
now that Postmaster General Wana
maker has persnade-1 T-.Ir. Clarkson to
remain one month longer. The an
nouncement that he would positively re
tire on June 1 brought forth this request
and ho was asked to remain nntii the
end of the fiscal year. (ien. Clarkson
now announces that he will positively bid
adieu to tl; d"p;irtiaent on July 1. His
friends state that he has no business en
gagement and do3 not know where h
will locate.
Hi'HU-fe;hool Notes.
Boom 12 iH,.end-r the control of Minn
: Humphrey iind 'it is a modi 1 school and
! in the bunds of un' excellent teiiclier, one
j who has no conscientious scruples us to
doing her duty. Bundled, -i7 pupils.
Average attendance, :!:.
Hooin lit is occupied by Prof. Palmer,
and is the hiyh school proper. Bight of
his pupils graduate this term and it is a
model class of blight and intelligent
pupils, cine of whom any teacher Hl.ould
feel proud. Enrolled, 12-1. Average at
tendance, l!h
Boom 14 if the ass'iHtiuit principal's
room under the ctlicient management of
Miss Kthel Kunmicl. To say that hh; is
a success as n tmichcr is putting it mild.
She is the best assistant principal that
has ever held the position in the Pbitts
lnou'h city schools. Enrolled 12 pupils.
Average attendance. 10. She' also hetrs
two classes from room 15.
Miss Viilh ry was absent Wednesday
afternoon attending the Wee kbuch we d
ding. Mis. Will Boi-ck taught very uc
ei.itiblv iii her obice.
i j
The weapon commonly known ns a
slingshot is not as conspicuously dis
played as it whs prior to the hIi'tUPs vis
it. Boys, don't carry ii thing of that
kind. It do. H not make a mini of you
and it is liable to get you into trouble.
It is almost us foolish a Inibi- as chewing
The teachers of the rec itation rooms
are now engaged in making questions
for young America, at the close of tho
schools. Talk about questions tho
ones propounded would puzzle a count ry
The marriage of Miss Lou Uiehey lust
evening makes the fourth tcuclicr out of
room five that has been married in tho
last eighteen months. The present in
cumbent wants to lie on the lookout or
she, too, will be caught in the net.
Only about one tree out of twenty is
growing that was planted on the school
grounds arbor day, partly on account of
the excessive dry weather, but largely on
account of the lateness of the day for
planting; some of the trees were in
leaf at the time. ChAKA Wil.soN.
Last Friday at -i p. m. the teachers
met in regular session. The main themu
under discussion whs in regard to tho
coming examination.
ProfDrumniond requested that'a.set of
questions in each branch taught, be pre
pared by the teachers and that a most
thorough examination be held. f
Miss Carrie Holloway spent last Sirf't.
imui witii ner parents in umaiia.
Messrs. Davies and Dickson made sev
eral pleasant calls at the High School
building this week. Visitors are such a
varity that we always give them special
mention .
Ticnics are the principal subjects of
thought and con versuion among pupils
just now; a pleasunt picnic party ia
being formed this week for today.
Misses Vallery and Ilemple attended
the Both Week bach wc-ddin, lust Wed
nesday. The new school board is now in work
ing order with Mr. I). B. Smith as presi
dent. He appointed the committees
immediately after his election and now
attention will be giyen to the applications
awaiting the action of the board.
The superintendent will in nil robabili
ty he dec' el next week and this election
will be followed iinincdbitly by the
election of teachers.
An ollicer came to the high school
building Wedensday and took away two
boys accused of carrying slingshots, with
which they had injured several parties.
A SourPC Legal Opinion.
E. Btinbriuge Munday Esq., County
Atty., Clay Co., Tex. says; "Have user!
Electric Bitters with most happy results.
My brother also was very low with Ma
larial Fever and Jactundice, but was cured
by timely use of this medicine. Am satis
fied Electric Bill ers saved his life-" )
Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, Horse Cave, Ky.
adels a like testimony, saying: He pcisi-
tiyvly believes he would have d. d, bail
it not been for Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward off, as well
as cure all Malarial Disease s, and for all
Kidney, Liv-r and Stomac h Disorders
stands unequaled. Price 50c:. and $1 at
F. G. Fricke fc Co.'s drug fctore. 0
Ballard's Horehoond Syrup.
No inet diseasa has played such (ad havoc with
the human race as Consumption. No other disease
approaches so stealthily. Its early symptoms are ig
nored because it is thought only a Cola or hacking
Cough, which is neglected until this grim monster has
such a hold that nothing but death can relieve it.
Ballard's Horehoond Syrup has removed the grip of
this grim monster from many a throat. If taken in
time it will effect a permanent cure, and in the worst
stages it will give surprising relief. Try its soothing
tad healing virtues. Do not put it otr until too late.
V. O. Fricke, Agent, Plattsmouth. Neb.
A Lady's Perfect Companion
Our new book by Dr.John II.Dye, one,
of New York's mott skillful physicians,
shows that pain is not neccss try in child
birth, but results from causes easily un
derstood and overcome. It clearly t;ro-
vcb that any woman may become a m. til
er without .-utreiing any puin what ycr.
it also tells how to ove rcome and preve nt
morning sickne ss and the many othe r evils
attending It hiyhly en-
lorscd bv physicians everywhere ns the
wife's true private companion. Cut this
out: it will save you great pain, and pos
sibly yourlifc. .Send two cent stamp for
dec"nptive circulars, restimo:o;d, and
confidential letter sent in sealed envelope.
Address Frank Thomas & Co., Publishers,
Baltimore, ild. 52 13t