Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 24, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    -r, -4
rmmmm jijjt'iw
l oca l . i x or u e n via i:.
I- If I I X V
How c;nl ;s llii- l.i-rtrf t. the lined iiuc al
Wlit-ii I luki- t i III- imi. tin- i!-:i1li if t !-: r
Frank .
Few n ii mi t-iil - In f. if in- I fl 'Iii-iii t i m mi .
I ii -' :i n-1 1 1 i In' I'luin- I y I In- I v i-1 a ii ' I ii i n -
Wi It J..v :i l '' li lit fl- I I iimniin;: I '.! i Mil
Willi f.'.':- in Ii - Ml in Hi'. -li i hi-
TI.e Kan- 'in ill v I - v. !, i-li 'u' : I !i '-. ft: t
Mill- l.iipl -i.' I '.'i sc; I li " I I ' ' 'I-
A (-oil lit in I In- r m- - I'.. i t I if - f h- :i-i f
So ill-. t!i in ll:i u liU lor t':f l.i ! li'Ui !' i'il::'
Til" w I u :i- run f f ii -ili'i 'I s -f.i'f1.
'J In- k' ij. ' I ii I is ; i lilii a - I -l :i i- f i la ! I'
ll. 1. 1.
Ilnu ! li' it'!-. !--..w.
' I'll I ! V a - ; II ' ' i I r n k u -v
1'i.r n., i !, ..v m I h i.iii-.i.j i;i ..'-!i la;
'I o !i 1 ni !i .ii', I i I ii in 'I'll y (ii-l.iy.
Till' it I k-1-1 I! C'-lll" Ii - ii I t i I'll.
Call ii- I v h i in.''. ii i: Id-, v ill
'i'o jinl lir -M I ' II t In' .I:i'1"f i ! Ids tiin :u
M ill ni'is as ' in i 1- 1 1 i i i-i i I :i'ii li -'il nwu,
Sciilfin ' It'll a-- t" tin-in mi III" If tl
';irurli llid-i. ll.t-y l.iui' Willi fc:iriu id
In n il
Dfj'alt i:i- lin y po in) c ilit to ' ppcal
'J'h ir '1 "'in i" si a'f'l i- hi cvcli-s lefcal.
A v.;-i-, .I...: t.. :,1' 1 I! - f n -.1. -.,.:.1.i ;.-.-.
s 1 1 , w ! i I ; ; 'a : ' ! i ii H :: -n !- t f ' .
So cumin : t-- i-s i.-i ! t.r I in- ---.i
I III- I.. ..I 1 ' f .' a ll V, I i '1-! i. id; l--.i.
We living t I :. i"' i ''. may h'-ar
Ii- :t i I a f ; n ' liy -i : t near
' l' is w i . 1 lit 1 1 i t i ii i- i ariii.'ii ; -. i ii v. Ii i :
W ti-li-'-l ia !i: i. 'i '! I :. a' Ii ii. ; '!.-iii.'l:' .
' ' , ' i . i : I : N .
i ; i.-s . a I.
Dr. T!l. dt: Li V i i : 4. t -11 IS ill :u:iha t..-
Fr.d J nil. r, jr., whs I u thi- city 1 ist
Mrs. J. N. Drake, of Louisville, is in
the city twuuy.
.Mrs. Ii. 15. Viinl!i ini is ioitiug fricnJ.-;
in Gli-n wuutl tix;ty .
Mk (. ' I ) :ii:- was tlif ptu-st (j(
Miss Ell i Wliitc yi. si-, i ilny.
Iv Ilulinc- tint :i ( ." (if f-tt" 1 in liJ4-
Cyi- yc stclil a.V that Was vil V 1'iihflil.
William Mnilir.v nr.! .Jolin Sr!i iai i ji i -trass
i uii' lining ill'' nut i ; ii 'lis ti-'lav.
ry '
(' i im f y ( '1 ik Ciitclili Id is ;it I.'.ui--villi-
tcilty uii 1hi ;i: ns cunmitfil with
thi ir l'lattr i i vi r In i.l m1.
Miss II i!li Lath nil aii'l Cunt AVajuian
htm ti-tl I his nun nii'Lf for it vi.-it v i ! 1 1
fri' iiil.s at Ci iitial City, II; stints uml
Mrs. K. J. Iliulykitis, after a ilcasant
visit wiili lit r si-t. r Mitf. I). B. Smith,
returned to her Iuhuc in Durlingtou this
P. (i. l -yitii-. 1, th' ur ti'ul siTi-.t .ry ff
the Y. M. C A., v. ni tci X-Lrask i City
this m ii iiin 1 1 u at t' n I liie rl ist i it.t con fei -nc
- i f that org iiiiZ'tti. n .
Ex-I'i pn-s, nt itive Il itii-iriMii r, of
Ltneast.-r county, "as in the city jeslcr
dny siv inj (In- luivs, on nrruunt if the
train being three hours l ite Ii,; was six
hours late g tting ii nie.
Miss lemi.-e (.order hail ' he ph asiiif of
cntt'ituiiiinir ulmut thirty of her yoin g
lady ii 1 1 it Drn! It-iiii n friends last t-v(nin;r,
the occasion In ing the cel. !'i' iti n of lo r
eighteenth hiilUd iy. R frc-h mrnt. wire
served niid n nice time hul by ii 1 in at
tendance ,vlu he.utiiy wisheil Miss
Louis m:iny l;.i)jy birth 2:iy r.Lnivcr
sarics. S 1 ! o. D v
L-v -beru's Pa nit i-i. s, .vi lit wst yrstc I'
ll ty in a sji. 1 i il nr.
Ti-' -!i-ct a'i or th-- e'.v Pr. .-.hytcriiin
clnirt h is Ii iitg pii' to fi'nit .
Corn i-l-tiitieg h is ubci ly b"; n b-gun
lV th.; lit i p 'i.-i 11 g (1 i.-s county f.inn r
Will Ki'i'ckl'Jtv moved to PI tl tsiiiout h
"V sti I'ilav cd'ter a vais sojourn at Loui.-j-
Til y siy Col. C nn-.r go- off of tl..
red ii; r-id.coi tin- 1 1 -1 i' iitnir.g th
ri-c lit i- in c i it .
Mrs. vh ri'in.:!, thediess tnik- r who
Wns ta'.i'-n to tic county iisyluta 11 few
weeks ago, is quite ill.
Twenty on ' c. us of merchandise and.
other cumin d:-U5 for the city are s.taud
ing oa die town track- today.
S im'l Rh .:' Is 01 is pri-sid.-r.t of the
Alh ii--:- sc ""'-y oi-g i-r. 1 it th Cotton
wood school !i"ii--' n- ar Eiglit Mil - Grove
Cla'i- Rrcck-nft Id the good iinturi-il
council 111-111 from the first ward is put
ting d .wn ii si b-walk in front of his
residence today.
Tin committee whose n-iiiie we pub
lished si'Vi I'.-il days tgo from the Coir I
of Trad- hive Hrrnngril t- lueit 2-Ir.
IToldrege tomorrow.
Some f inr.i r are more h g than hum-in, !
the tv n- they plow u;- the roi l t scour
their A tw r x o- !! .f t;le con v;!:iience
of others is a disDr-ico.
Vnril th- '2i: is t!i- date of th- gr nt !
intcrst itc Old Fellows anniversary nt
Couneil Rl ufi's. The PI ittsmouth lodges
will be largely repiesi ntcd.
The county commi-sione I'. returned
last night fri-m their trip over ti;o
county, having l 'C:tt'd twiiity biidgis
that will be completed lit once.
A C. C. C. & St Louis conch
tlrough on thf Q. pvery Saturday from
Cl'-vcbird Ohio. This is tlie long"?t
tbrou .li c tr lir.e enst of the l!isonri river.
The Oiuihi n"pa""ij -in, tnrr.c rr w !
Sunday, will coatjia a descriptive write- '
U of this rily, mid very cit i.. n should
ilil( has" :l frV Codi s to S' lid to flit'Ilds
or to vvhi I'" it vv ill l i tin 111 ist Djoud.
Cmi.ty Ci'il; 11 laiiie in 1 - t
lii-ht fl'olil li.s tliji nv r the county. He
il it s ., n rv-l'V i' 'S'T 'Hid M I VH he f i I
c Oitid i.t We will have the most fair illld
I s i ? i . I 1 1 1 . 1 1 v a .i , -men t. t i r made in t.ld
i C.l-S.
('.);;: tv I i : (- n 1 1 ' 1 1 1 Noble is in tin-
:.) t..iliv l.Midiii-r ':i 1 morithl V (Xihl
ioiti'.t... I) : Wiii-I of N'liauka.
A i ice l.'V, n "I M "Ma V Illld ( Ulie K.
1 IV.;t-:n.,i.tli, iuo biii.-i
T! - Vi'- .ni. . l'ul aid R . !-.
I -i . d ; .:' i . s !. -in d a -oiitr ic
m 1 1 i i t ' . i.'i . il I'd i i i - n h. I r 1 1 V ' le
j ii i i i 1 :i : i' .ii-- i:.t- Ii- IT. 1. dej-t
I I (Ir.;,: I - rid i i -t i . 1 n f at Council
j ii ! ii -.. s ; v Ii iv-- b-'-ii d.iiii f or ye.irs
A i is I. i!I i.iic- Ii is Ii. idi orgi n'z -d in
I thi- i i i v. coi, -i.-: in u' of b lyi bet Air n tin
j no s i,i lilt ' II 1 -i V'll'.' l II, Call'-ll df
.s; us." 'ley will I'lay any nine in the
-t i'e, ciiiiC -i d of 1.113s of iiljout thrir
"'c. AH 'li illeno' s shou'd bo sent to
! '. ' x ". " '. ! ! i ; cif v.
I : . I '
f i i '," t i .v.
'li lLi 11,1:111-)' me in
( ;
I! - . 1 I' that Hi. 1 S:.
' i- i: -'
Mis ?.I .J. li ,! its. nf Lincoln, iti in
tls ci: vi -iti.'i- ! i i- 'cis.
Fr ii Lutliaiu was railed to Omaha to
d iv mi couij) iu business.
Tli" mother of A. C. Spencer arrived
this mo'-iiio"; fioiii V.'cst Virginia.
Mis. J U Archer cuni'j in from Clritmi
tod. iv, alter .1 moulh'.s vibit with n 1-iti v-s.
Mi s. S t. all Fuil.k. tl-itlght'T of E. H.
Sinij.S)!! at the pool' lurm, is Very sick.
R. J. Min f.:-. I. of Eidit Mile Grove,
male tile lii:-:f.i) 1 ph'-is tnt cull today.
(' ;; !. .in V,'!.. s dau-jhtfts, G race
il l M.ti v, w .rc Ouii.irt piisi ng is this
m irning.
Y. .). S. r -i.ti-i', K -'j , went to D-nvir
this i.i. irnii.g, he will iiturii Friday of
n. .t wi k.
A Sjiccl'i! D'll.iei'se C!ir Will1 WCsT
y.-i st. sd iv i'tMche 1 t X.v n. "Ilorsc
llien's head q'l Hteis. Asid ind Park stock
farm, L -xin-ton. K n'lr ky. and R. J.
Tracy.' wi re print, d conspicuou.-ly on
th.- side of the "each.
The cial h Id by the
ci s" ni tic- (. di 1 i;i,i r'nii
Little Help
h. --t til" red
d, rc" of Mr. l I t
Cdi.- . -1, 11 v t -,!. e. Ti.'.r.'s i iy nt-ht, w is a
i.'!i'o i-s li- iv -y rt "im t. Th" "Littii!
II 1 . ; s" : ''i tv run ists of eiidir ,ir len
li'rh' n'.i t r.-tn t-- n t 1 :xt"; n viais old,
all w. r" op: i-p-i 11 1 y d.- -3ed for th
o -c.i-ion i. ls. ivi d ii '-i icain and cake
to ovt-r sixly person- who Mere pr'-S' iit.
A oenird D i-ul time was h-id until a late
hour Mien. thi"U..rh the hospitality of
Mir. E. IC. Po m -! , th -' fruin d'lwn
t-i'.V!l Were f:'T.t.he.l CO I V'.-V a ii c e. Mr.
P.irm. '.c has th eood vvi-h.- of all in t.t-
tnid-nce for his kin Ineas.
apprcci ited by the .society,
were ov- r 1 1 .
nce for his kin lii'-ss wiiich was
Tim receipts
1 i .. .
in k n""d ovorlnuling
- th :t be don"t clean
of h dth (Olfht to
1 ,
i ;
; 1
t . ic
1 1 0!
I .
! C
I her has long b en an
-1 ) ;l!i') ,t th" j lil. but il
v v.- -ii's h" citv to do it
ei" --!: '
s- ems i '1
iini th" e'ty ovi?s it mi to th" county.
Th i- v.i'l 0 a ! tl e-udng m !ch and tin
- , 1
f.-'-a; e t pri-' 'ii r s. r tlo se time, 11s
it 1-
tpis-ife to t ike ii pn-oncr among tlie
bi'ii.Mn'.'a to ire j ,i -ff. r The
. I 1 ; v- tie' -ers IS
I . t
Ii I.. V Sdr. i
tr r ii s i r lie
. tell of tlie obi
'..Ml by Yv II.
it th ' I'OS- :., , a
S inn.l rs 1 ;ois.' v
ll- ndriekson. nnd a
draft dated April
in f avor of J. W,
oOth. IS'1-?, ili'''.' :-i
M.-i!;i';l for $23 1-y the bankttig firm of
Tooth-, llantvi & CI n ir, tlie first regular
b -u-.kiitg I'd ni in this city, the prisnt
Pir-t;on:d I--iti r 'die outgrowth of
lowing i- a !i-t of C -,s4 county's
sh ri ll's bi th
TVil I'dinnte
V !i ! v T 1 v lor.
or '--r th-v w -re lert' d.
n. MiCo.d. II. King.
P. i i v - i-s. .1. W. .T.ihnsi.n,
'-I. 15. Cutler. II. V. II v. rv. J C. Eiken
liirv uml tlie ons-n' inciiiiihi-nt Wm.
Ti-he. Th- s-ei.n l find last are
demo- nits.
" i'.I. ITob-.i s i-, foe:- - : Ii 1 ti in
". o ! sl.-oie cui tie- tatm s- i-h of to'.n.
a-t ! t ru mors art
uiii so-m ti!,c
liinong Pi i't-p..-.
over 111 Lr -! a 1 h
o'-i 1 1 1.";"", tie 1
i . 01 : kef .f r from f
s ll'i.'r - trK ! c-i v'dn g
n 'he t'.iid w:.rd.
The o '.i l
Gave th ir Pi:.:, D- :.i:
1 T
1"! .lili'
b.U i:i FP.-vgrrai Ts II'll hist
Tii' M
1 r
is wok
tig suids of
,i:s.g r;'5H il
;! Tin re
IiS tin1 llOj'S
pink with pi..', m -..d-, '
r.ovei -'.pp-e'ir .n.-c 1 :i t
wi-r- not e. i.e.. iv 1 ti'ii-i-
h a 1 reason t: t-xp" rt, hut a much larg
er rowd of sp. ot i?."s wi-r;' in attcnd incc.
Tie B-'h-mian b-.r.d furnish' d tlie
111 :" nr..i from Iti" iii r: tl.f ln'rur
ooireron ;
ev. ry. i .dy aopear-1 to ha h-.ving .a j
HJijd time. j
1 i
C-4 '
' -' : 1 . i '. Ij 1 i j Vcjicl .IiI-LctotJ
; ; r, v.- -1 '-..). .' in K.l.i:tS.i to v'iUtr-
: : r. . s 1, .iii,-i--i-ene -, itfrju.ii re-
i : 1 .oil- iae. unu w iavu, l'.
: .t: 1 . i .1 1 r-1- n". i' til' )i "-ill l liun Jsotuely
' I i ( s ! a -i..Lf.-r ii'iui'xir.i
i: .- -. !:d -..--!. -torl.s n;i-l ikf-Uilie.-i.
1. ." L ii - .'.'. i
:-. . ' I r- , ..f,ry fr
;. - .' 1 1 ' ...i i M.i.. i-j "--.n ee.v.n
.' :
! u ilvlU' T-i;-.ies.
w . '.t. i in.: '.:'
The iioiiK? 3Iii;tziin will
pay all
Woblf u ih Kargi-s i Co.
Tie- pr pliftois of the sash, door nnd
blind f'ict.ii v are aire afly ciowded with
work. They begun business on Tuesday
hi.-t nml ha ve tin lied out brackets an.i
veranda li -li.-h i iigs in large quantities in
addition to their regular out put of
screens. Their machinery consisting; of
hand saw, mortising machine, jig; saw
and planer are of the latest and best
Th"v have what's called a universal
wood worker, that is a whole shop of
itself. Carp iiter-i andoth'is wanting
anything done in the line of wo d finish
ings w ill consult their b. st interests by
Calling on the uliuvc firm, nnd at the
same time en.1' uni ge the proprietors of
thi; first steam wood working factory
CVer operated in this city.
South Park Items.
South Park people are nnxiou.-ly
itw tiling the extension of tiie water uiiiins
order-d by the city council last fall.
C E. Weseott's three new cottages lire
rapidly appro idling completion.
J. Y. YVeckbach's brick rebidencc, re
Cently completed, is now occupied.
J. U. Tutt has been making valuable
imoroveiiif nts on his lartro mansion.
.Mouth Park school house needs enlarg
ing tn accommodate increasing demands.
II the South Park label naclo influence
coiithni'. s to spread m it has for the last
dx monl lis a uew church edifice wdl be
Ed Oliver is putting in the cellar and
Willis of his 0 000 brick mansion nnd
adorning his yard with fruit and forest
W N. McLennan is fencing his lots in
bl"ii- 10. piepaintury to the construction
of a !? 1,300 rcMdence
A u' at cott-ige is e oing up on the cor
ner of Cass and Greenup streets, J. G.
and V II. R aycil ure the builders.
Mrs. Moore, who recently purchased
on Clinton h venue, :s getting pi ins ready
for a budding. j
Mr. E. E. Hilton has purchased two of
th- finest lots 1 11 the west si e of South
Park and v. ill bund this sumni.-r.
A Ti n'h will soon hav" his store house !
completed on Lincoln avi.mie. J
There is a good opening in Sonlh '
P-'ik for a drug siore uml meat market, j
No v th it Jj.Mith Park is paying city j
the city cotuicil is reminded that i
some of our str' els mioiiiii ue. woihoi. 1
No flies will toet on South Piuk 'Ids
' 11-0".. 1 School Notes. j
A great and much nee.letl iiuprove- ;
ni'-nt h ts he- n made in regartl to th" j
dinm r room. Formerly Miss Berry's
room was used as a dinner room and
had to p iss through Miss Kearney's room i
to get to the dinutr room, w hich was a ;
great auuoyauce to both these teichers; 1
but now an empty room has been fitted
up to use as d'-tiimon and dinner room.
Tiie new members take th' ir seats at
the fir.-t board meeting in May. The ;
teachers who wish to be re employed are j
very d"siro:i that the teachers for the 1
next V' ar lie ile ti-rl 113 s-on 113 possible, !
for if not re elected it gives the tiaehers j
an oppoitauity to secure schools else-
where. j
Tlie fnpr- int- ndent of th- York ("chords j
h i3 his supporters in Plattstnouth, who
woidd like to see him elected.
Tlie sr.pcrinier.dent of schools, at Stu- '.
art Iiiv.-i, h-is hce'i here and annou' ced
hims.lf as a:i npp'dc. ict for the position
here .
Miss Safford, who has been substitut
ing s itisf actoi ily in Xo. 11, has been re
lieve i by the li guhir teacher.
M'"S IliiUiphrey has been ofTered a
positii n fit Wyniorv for the coming
school year.
A larg- majority of the teachers in the
city schools embraced the opportunity to
hear C'ara Louise Kelh'gg last evening
and feel fully repaid for o doing.
For rheumatic and ntmnlgic tnins,
j rub in Dr. J. II. McLean's Yolcan'u Oil
i Liniment, nnd tike Dr. ,T. II. McLean's
0 . 1. . -.. ,
.-s.;i ai'ui 11m. urn win not suner ions
jmU ,viil he gratified tvtth a spwdy aud
effective cure-
- -r. '
"1 f
1" Y NLWS.
Alt tvir !rru.rti;nt ROCI "-"TY
T: " K N TS t.f Wh-I.Iuiuii :
iiiTe llotJHi I'.ieey.f inns,
i- ii.- iJlmi.-rs, t-:c , w 1 . 1 ! pre-
(eil .t-li ill llii-i cli-T-u.JV. ..-1'.
df'jCC ' ZLY ILl-UjTa.VfED
;tk;.:t3 c: t?.vmv-Z'.it kzh and wo mis.
- do -
j (.;- .' - -1 ' : ; . I:.'., f::'-:.tT is , v.:
be sop! one ye;r FISKIO to
arrearages to !ate auu o!ie yar. in advanee, lor (Miner ttaper.
Dick J' hnson nnd his son united with
the Ciirinti-in church at Pock Creek last
Sunday. Mr. John-011 led. until recently
be- n considered an inlidi-l, but was turn
ed from his course through the ministry
of Elder Stevens.
Mrt. EotToii: In reply to the above
item in your locals of last week, I wish
.to say to the author, that he must be
worre than an infidel or he never would
have imposed such a falsehood on the
editor of the Herald.
Yours R'-spectflly,
Riciiakd Johnson .
Adjourned Session,
Council met in adjourned session last
night. All members present M. B.
Murphy culled attention in a few remarks
to the condition of the pond back of
tlie old Donnely blacksmith rdiop and
moved thai the pipe be extended farther
so as to dram the pond.
Salisbury objected claiming it was an
uimeect ssary expense to extend the tdpe
farther out, that they already had one
there which ou'y tvanted digging out;af
ter a spirited discussion the tnotiou with
the mayor's vote was carried, the mayor
saying he would have Street commis
sioner dig out the pipe first and extend
it if necessary.
An ordinance was thin introduced
authorizing th;' mayor and clerk to is
sue -j40.000 in 20 yar bor.da redeemable
after five years at (j int. n st to pay for
51. P. right of way only the amount re
quired, to pay' for same to be sold.
Brec keiifield inoyed that the city mar
shall be instructed t notify John Fitz
gi Tii Id and J. M. Roberts to construct
sedewalks in front of their piemises on
Locust street between 5th and Cth. Mc
ClHlIan made a kick on frame buildings
being put up inside of fire limit, he
thought the ordinance was being violat
ed every day and that some Bevere meas
ures ought to be taken at once; after a
general discussion of the matter the
council adjourned to meet Monday night
Booming the Steamboats.
A meeting of busiue.-s men was held at
the real t state exchange yistn'day after
noon to consider the feasibility of an in
terpiise which is projected to connect
Omaha with tlie east by a line of steamei s.
Tin- proposed route exteiu's from Omahs
ia the Mi-souri, Mississippi and Ohio
rivers to Pittsburg, Pa., making Kansas
City, St. Joe, St. Louis, Cairo and Cincin
nati the principal stopping points. The
l:ne isto be known as the merchants' river
line, nnd J. E. Phidipsand Mr. Roe were
at the me' ling to represent the enterprise
and explin to the Omaha business men
tlie bt ntfiis that would ac rue from the
coiisumniatit ai of the scheme.
The main effect of the establishment of
a line of (steamers such as is contemplated
would be to act as a check upon therail
roa Is and by conveying freight at a low
rate force them to mike reductions in
tht ir present fri ight rates. Tiie company
is to le incorporated with a capital stock
of $3,000,000. It is estimated that sixty
st.-ani'jrs will be required. Th'-se are to
be about 200 feet in h ngth by forty in
width and when loaded will draw but
twenty eight inches of water, thus being
especially well adapted to navigate the
treachtrous channel of the Missouri.
The steamers will cost not far from $30,
000 each and will be re-enforced by about
300 barg.s. costing $3,300 each.
It is thought that the trip f nearly
1,000 miles from Pittsburg to Omaha can
be made in fifteen days and the icturn ic
one day les-s. The freight on the line
will hi-15 cents per 100 pounds for 1,000
pounds or over and not more than 25
cents per 100 pounds for smaller ship
ments. Aft this rate is much below the
regular freight rates on railroads, th e
projectors ,f thp enterpiisc are confident
tht if tin line is put into operation it
will not only Hrt as a check upon the
railroads but evpntuallv reap a handscm
profit for the stockholders.
After a short discucsion of the merits
nf the id, enmmitte consisting of
DudUv Smite, Allan T. Rhetor,
J. W. Marshal!, H. M. Jewttt sr.d John
VV. Pall were appointed to invf-stlgnte
tho matter and report at a metinr to be
held at some f ntare time. World Herald.
2$ (animus
iLLusrnATco Aaticii
on Thavil.
Biograiihical Sketches,
Kol'Ir-t a ln'se ti'irnVr
of mtt'itlmn i!fe,-i iiu ii-.s
careiViiiy ru'arvil.
HsaJlh Hint. The Mother' Pj,;c,
The Dining kooin, Kccipe Itrit-J and lcat:J)
I-'u-jhioa I faciei, Ltcit Modes.
Scni:s or Adticlci on
HoME l'l:K-s!Alv IS'?. 1
Fi.uwKit-i a. mi rr.vN'To, 1
l-'A.S'CY Vi'iinK. !
KNii iiN j ani c.ri )'ji;i;r!N
t-;ni.t):;f:N J pa-.. '
liA Ml-s, VV7? 1 s.
li- --.I... i:;rii; ,r '. ,
v.i".i hi.inv i i.:n c.if
.i...; .t t : let 1 . t'.e
all subscribers to tlie
Gorder's laipteoieat Depot
The Oldest Implement
All the Standard Goods are
Such as John Deere & Go's. David Hradley (Vs.
leru City's. St. Joe's aud G.-orge I). Uruwtis, ol Galo&bur"
Hie iew Departure cultivator, the best that's made. "
Always in stock. Kc-ceived in enr load lots such as Schutticr, Moline
and Ketchum. Uuckeye Binders and Mowers.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carls
eadquarters for the beet barb wire, "Till: GLIPDEN" and it
lact everything in any of the above iitios of f,j0is.
Will consult their own interests by :U r to Fred Gordir, at I'lntts
mouth, or I-red II. Gorder, at Weetuno; Water, when in want of any
thing in the Implement line. Filtoo., years t-xnerience has taught me
how to buy goods right, and my tru.'e sLowo fur itself that I ollrlsht.
Branch. ISsvlsg at Weeping Wator
n li-i - 1
(Sactt-tsor to J.
Will keep constantly on hands a
W. D JOjiE. Proprietor.
has the; finest rigs in
Carriages iov Pi.siire and Short Drives Always
iw lit", flonilv
Cor. 4th and Vine.
( V., X I J I
tjbiciiiiT.'jii rni .1 , CO C 1 .- . Y. r 1. Pji.ismis l,U
t l ur Tin 1'.::.
! l ai i.i. n; '-:;:or:v.
1.1 10 T.:i At.r.t v. 11
j ' ..,'O'i.l ''J K'l !' !"'
F.'i ''t.vsJ '.-s . .1 '.. ' J . : , -
lit-' '.'-!;. ,'- rti ;!,.
id : i I.-,., a. .-:s.l
Weekly or Ijily Herald
House in Cass County.
M. Riherrt. )
full and con;:''
!.i:c ol pure
,y. hi
i'lattsmouth, Nebrabk-