Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 17, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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4 rf:
i :
1 1
LOCAL t. AftiNHjj.
The h-: k laying the Wi tt
block btyun thi.t mni -ning.
Over eighty cases hve boon disposed
o-, byji.dgo Cimpiiian. in I'm; district
court in the hut three vt. ks.
20,i.(0, )( Lonh.-I- of nlif.-t oh rm-d
hands i.i .New Y..ik citv isl.:,'::v the
do-ing ,.'.. I tj ctit.-
The M! , uui i I i v. I-i r-A W , ihi
every ib.y, though th- am 1 I. ir in front
of tin; city till r .,r, its ugly I.. .id above
the "ailyu" wayc.
They say soic of the h.dy 1,- .,)
tftHcln-i - were ron-pien.U'ly ttctivt-in try
ing to obtain j.'ot ui t s 1 the twim l ist
night. 'u po.-itivi ly r-. fuse to mention
Two p: jii.ifH t;t fni-iturr; holdini; iti tiis
to school Lout, i uvo ' ii t-t'!tl:iir 1 1 c in i
tor ii lin; rct-orci in oitsr to i.vo .1 ll.e
p.iyr.ient of ti.i3. Tin y will prolj,.!.!y
he rr M!it iSiinj; drop.
A new operator out alo-i tin ltn
received a. ti-l r.i tn yesterday from
L:t tin id ; i.i i :pi I f 1 1 Ivi K II tll.Il.lii
was Fl it h:n or F. hit h.un, ir- w as tol l
to pr ictioc njv a lotL.
Allen I'Uik -rton, tli- uiht opf-iuto;- ui
the depot, loin put c!i:iv d joi Inti iiMlioii
nl typi'Wiircr of stiito siiji-iit S.-h iir- hihI
will soon In- iilih' to tnki; thf fiisky m;-(-8i(i;H
in clear I:'.!ll" print.
In Gl'oi-it.. 8':ir -v s' ni-v oxp'-ri nci'
running a fi-t sfm-k tr.-ii-i on th' bridge
division tlio !')s put tin I:::iuh on
ti- .-:; by rlniniin:; thut it took him ;ui
h "ir ... i twenty i.iiuut s to inaki tiio
John Ki'inz'-n, whih; ibivin- Mike
SchirkV dilivi-ry toiiii. had a litib tun
nway lasr i-v niuvr on Sixth tr i t, ion
tiinr into a l imp pobt, lii-aUi:'r up hi-
harn- RS and '- 1 1 u u fow KCiatchos in
the f ..
krs. Vil.lm:o. k Fuller had the
pidi-widk liteiMily bi"i k. rl with a vtrck
of hiniijtinn; now ne.ii.8 of U .dl P ip: r.
If you aro ooinr to pap'-r m a!l- orili coi
ate ci ilings it will p iy to examine their
new stock.
It is rutnor.-d that a '-Theater party" of
eiht or t -n ix luinur m i I n to
occupy tin- boxes at tho .ipon house Ht
the "K Uosi" ent rtainniHut. Thin wiil
bo tho riist theater party ever gotten i p
in our city.
The tof kh'ilders f th- York cunniny
factory held n inoc-tins; Wedm Mbiy.
According to ' ho Tiim-H thev did not
look quite so happy as th y mitht and
tho infer net; i. th -t the canniitiC ,ui
llcs.s is not an entire, sure hs.
A bulk-tin at tin- depot tips inotnii'K
sini d by train ni r ilmd.-'iH. v.s
that conductor S ipple h:is hoen mi.p. nA
ed one wi k f or ridii g on t: ntu without
hayinira pa?. Comliietor M itliews ws
suspended ten days for c:irryins him.
II. T D vi.-. tho tj.-ni il onednecr of
No. 19 'h it pull- No's 5 and (! b. twi-i u
boro nn-1 Liuooln is 1 lyinir off today,
v.hil - b.i-4 i-turiii', ihi- nr-isoot. s iho hoys
Call h--r, jr.-ts in nvi-r hauliiiii in tin-sliopp.
Sid., will, th 2)-, took Mr
D ivU iiin today.
W. II. Mdii-k oiidiiir in last r.i-l t
from U -ion nlmut t n .i l.i k w ont into a
di'oli cut by tho a-ator coinjianv near the
jjiil tlii- Inisiiry was dumaid siisih i t
liiiiiht onsilx have be n wrecked. Loi
terns should always be cut o:t at an ix
cuv ition even if if ' an uuus-d ail--y.
Tlio m ni'itrs of the board of health
roeeiv $2 lor i nch m efiilif of th: bo-iid.
tli.-city I-ik und mi siod $1. For
SJ Il lU Isotae a etl uy til-J ii.i.rd ollht to j
di a gi'eat deal of wol k, in fact V o -ro j
net sure hu t i, t niht if licj
r-Hl.-e witnojr iu;tii-r S. u u to the j
Mr. L wi, M F. Hi s'. th-
a --V
a g tit of the C r . L e.i- K'lh.g Opoi:: ! ylr. L. T. Joiinso.i ol Pawnee coun'y
Comp.nv mi b to IIkuaI.uh pi is r.t i lirj ti-i-n v-nj.i li-iton-in J. . Jokn
callt'diV Me. Ibois- i a-i "Id tile ! s m .if tiiis tit v . Ho tool; the cast bound
newf-papi r in hi, und in r. -pn i nting a
firsf cl iss i"inioi:iy wi-bu-.ik no ( ." !:
id nee in s i lug ttiithodoiS it cxciCfl
ia iy wi II.
Tin- 1 1 eti.Mi bu a n-r Ji n I) .:!,- v "s
Wilted H.i.'ii oy M o.-h d Diimi tui-. lii'-rti- j
Who ptireh iSe-l ho.!
J'j for the i i?y ofOnih. Mr.
Tl-; ; D l'io saw to it t tl it nis mi-t was .-afoly
. -5 . . H . .in I ii.i ,. nff lIMltl- .!' ; f
of wiiiL-h J ui is ;:;!.! t; t ry
An u'y ' is big ns a Siiii r !
iV'is found ia b ,.'ich tt ln.n iipi? ut tl e '
gtor.; of rf" ov.-ai i Co. y- sterd iy. Too
young in in iv!i i ict i 1 nf:dly ran his
bind into the n :-t ot rh i;.ett m u, tile !
or whHt-vi-r it is f- It like pis-in,' ,i v.. e j
of th inks when h w .s told by a pi.y-i- J
"ct-l'i t'l i5 hit i' "i "Hii,' ny t ie !
tar njful h cni'-l no loive lived thii iy j
'nii.'iitt 'S. St ite Journal.
i i Tu bo ml o" '.en t
ii et in I r.
jLhii y-t ollieo last t vnii.g. F. E.
JWhit" in tin- ch dr. the full loa:d, con
isting of D Liying-ion, Or. ll .il. Dr.
j, ok. J. A. Connor ami F. E. White
K ing pr. s r.t, aft. r a arct d-al of dis-
.isd'.n. Mr. WTdt- was or.l-tvd to have j
;ih a ;il.l d cleanup; up ot olt o: c pro
rintod C
i .i ...r. ,.e,ie.i 'Oi-iears 111 .
iviiicn appears in ,
: , , -pi, i ;,. a -.,il
, no: her cula.aa. I1- WiU ' 1
Tiic condition of sonisuf the wtern
riiie.s cannot be . b ..I , i-, ,H ndly
po'."l. It is stated that ii sin-de l.i ut
cuinw.-. At 19 SUillU lillll II SIIIg
Company which has operated for tw iity
yean in south, i n N-bra-ka mid h is loan
ed : 15,000, 0i0 ..I ,atcm o.if.i d h- nut
suffered one dollar' default on joint ipb;
or inf-r sr. Another lo ni oou.'auy re
polts th it interest i b: in:.' jai ' prump'ly
tr j r f. r:t. Minneapolis Tiibut;;-
'I in- (i:vn ni Greenwood is greatly
! .led over t!i - p: in p. cts i.f g. uing the
Bock Idand r inroad. A. C. Lod.r John
F. l o N II. M-. kcr, I. -s S.iimh is, .. I
E. Ciitii n.h ii mi i Dr. T fft, th f nun.
mi:te- in ct:.r-'- of I ho i:i .11. r, wrry ini t
at th:-tiiiin yesterday on tin ir .return
" "' ivoi-iv. u ilyi:ir
r i
l oi.-f.-4 all i III i 1 1 ii 1 4ic.
r ii n , i.
f'i-of Cirij!ii:in is court in
MinN' Hi O'ltiyUiko viitud friendbin
) n-ili'j to.'l-iy .
M IZ i.'-.i i .lolinur,!) i r ,it d (piiio
j ;11 with Juni: tnuibl.;
M-srs. CJ ui isc.n and I'i mm, of Un
ion an- in the city to lay.
Ib-nv It -ope i- iin-i:ie hia house
upon Lortit btiect today.
L. Hri ikin-ui mid II my ' I I ch
aii- in the metropolis tod ay.
Attorney (Jibson and Wo- ley are in
rtttendaiico at district court.
Councilman elect L. O. Larson is look
u-jc ill -i i s in Onih i today.
John Q Ooss esq of Ii llevuo wan in
the e.t, I s lOiiloll 1-i- ll ( I ;i I II ?S.
County ('I k ( . "i-i i -1 : ft Id is loit.ii-i-dter
co. inly b i-in- ss in Omaha today.
I b n. H. ii. Win l!i. m and Jol-e Sul
I i v .ii wero t) iiih i o i-sen 4-1 s this u,,. i:-
Mrs I) ..Id-, m tlior of E l. Dodds, ro
' on.-d Ii in - li t loejlit t (i i htr eabtetn
John II, ni" y, v.-lio by the way drive.
ho !i o t ! mi in the c MMity, ia yiitin
1 it i v s in th'- city today.
Mi-sN tii-und F;nnk Billowe letun
dl si veiling from h visit to relatm
at .Mil hie; ill Ci'. Iudiau.-i.
Mr. E Ii Mite h II ami Miss Vi !
Warner of Ills, w- r in -rri i this mom
i:h by his honor Judo; Riins.-y.
J. E. :Io.ris. ..f ChiiMif'i, an ..Id
mouth operator, wil. be heie tonight to
'. k after his pioper y iuti-rost-.
Mis. Ol. Butts returned to her hom
it N" -braka C-'ity tl is morning aft: r n
s veral days yihit with lolativ, s.
Jos. MeCny's family arri't-tl thi
inoniing aft. r a s-v( ral months v isit i.i
'Vest Viryinia ami p. nnsylvania.
Mi. iJuckn r M-i. Br nvn. 7Irs. C. S.
Johns. m and Jliss Brooks made up a pleas
ant party for Om ih i this morning.
M s. E. I!. L wis iituniiil homo this
iiio'iiii-4 y way of Lincoln whore she
wiil vt ;i over .Sunday with r. lativis.
ii. (.'. M. M.kui i.- l.ow ready I. ililiv
er i. .- t' 4.i I "in- h at il i ow fnd make
toe sj.liog skies uppoar a clearer blue
F E. While purchased the lnoi lot
l J - -.I S-i i-su ivu -.o i K f.-r h :r-n--
vl.- p is. th- .ith -r day for :?2 20!).
E 'ijitei i Kui.n h is go::- to Cltvi-l-iiu'
at tend i i i . io of hi 4 t' .1 ii- r. Goo.
Ua?! nice, w th the JS 7 takes Kulin's hl ice.
U uIilC .1 illl.l-'V and wile of M'J Cook,
no.: .U sis I la It a k w. 11 of Louisvill.',
ivir ! ii the city ye-t-rd.iy visiting
rehitiv- 5.
G-iyi rnor Thayi-r, on his v.-.iy hon'i
fr u;i Washinuton, stopp- off and shook
bands wit i so. io- of his flieU'.S ut the
d.pi t lhi.- uioi idn-.
I..,,ry Sli rijf Malhk was Hf Union
v, . t,., , , v u .lv . .,, j(. ,j l( r,ir HI ,
t ut - old graliin; u it mils being v.u
h,io!el by tli- M. V. folks.
l tr.-.ia this inornino for Lnubiu. I
John I), n-oi 8 restaurant, near the
olll t liolli '. it getting to h the poplll T
tie"! qu-.t lors of f nine o-and ot lo is wir
iijg a .q i I'- m a! utiv time of d y.
j yju j-'.vis
i i n i io. 1 1 tii i-
ori til round hi- liaiidsom. premises i-n
N'oiMi hith stre.-t Col. Alb it Dot pain
is i!i - urtit in clitis-.' ot the work.
pi-t'dct will ronvi'iio aeain to-li-.'h.-
-.t oijht o'clock, ioordir to hi-.-u
;!i iippiii-i.tiou I'fio' iii of Ilaiu-KS cor
- by : - V Ik in t. of the
a vs. H lnis.
E.t.i'ti. tr Tnorp "went to Louisviil- tliin
.-roi ; n-r r bore t-ngin- r Gr diatn o'
:Ju'i!;-.';i'". i' -usti iu tio:i rain, hi is
"bti.i la rc . retouut ot the st nous ui
v -b . I' tr s ;iJ i , . no of t mtts-
no u : .d- ni- st proinl.-i g vuing busino.-s
Stlliili i list eVI-ldn i il it -Hi p.O'V with
hi wife for Li s Anip " il i f
M . Fatte on, . winu to i In- . p.tinu- tl ill
ho ilth , f Ui wife is comjielhit to m ur
jiroiribic hi-i-.i.-s rolatious h.-ro and
take up his abode in other clitu-r. The
Hr:iiAl.o known wheronf it s, e. !
it yus. tii it tuo town is tori in-'.to li.e; e-j- t
irvs M- . Fatt-ron ns , rim-.i . lit roM-
,i .. i : . . ti i ...... l : r
- '.' . " .A
"-' -: ..-..v .... D
autl publiri spirit need but tu be kuoau - Var.iv, Mexican minister to Italy, is
u, b iuijitL 'dead."
to bu up:ot,iaUxL
j 1 ATO P J ) ! 'HVl 5 f 1 f ! rI '
j JjH fin A I H P j ! .1 j
1 lAjl ijilii k iJ 1 11,' ii J
Convicts Ecat a Sing Sirjj
Keeper Into Insensibly,
and gain tlhi'uuaky ri:i:::!2i.
I'ri -il'.nt diiYi-n mni lie u-I i r nf
C'.iiu-t liiiiiiic U.iii III Ictcl -i i i i ! 'J
SitiilSi'ti 1 1 ly 1 Ol tier ( l iuii'w.
S ;;;; f io. ?'. Y., April At 5
U .ii tin.-ai't i i'i tin i4'pti!y Win !--n
i--:: sr.ttoii. i f li t- .-.trite i : is- n. ; r.w
i.,,,.;.f r.,,, ,,,llM,f tl,. ku.u-1;. crawl- :
!--) ;! ' .. i .-- io toe prion. i (nv- j
i. !i t '.i o i. I i i.I'1'.hiu. tocn an 1
!i .i I. an ; i.;iii! v h.::i.J v. i;!i n.po. Ho
. lot ; c 'ii csi-aulio-i hy soiin of tl.- eon-
ieH Sii.-l 'scjiic in.s'e'-.. jiri.i .it.
IC'-. ;.er S.-i- hi'..! t.ik--u .).iti:-. K.-il .' :ii i
Mi-.'lia; I i ifit'v, two convict , io leaa
I e old ! v'tt ale pri:iti jt i-:r l- !.( :i-i.-
il..' piisoiit-rs up i'or lb.- i j .i:t. As tl.:-y
l eeioto l t::o Lui intiv-, Kt'.iV .-av A ;'!'
C'lit t . i in; only co.i i - t i i th - i i.i: li.t'?,
c :. : i.ig l:;jnp. iC-Iiy. (-r.i!.! 1 (.' i -t
ini . lort-w iiini into a o-'it ! 1
i ii. i i. l et ruy urapp! ! t.i .' ! i :' I.
ii a .:." fttc str.! . cud K- I lior-'
t C:)i;!.l i'i i V hi, V I-, of 1:11 :j
iitiv tmtvry b v:ss knocked hwji i y a
b own on t!. l...a.": wi ii n l...o.:i.4:.-,
Liven l.y 1C il . iJi.-s - ys and r. i .n .
o i tiiktii Iroiu him he v. a '...-j ivu
i.' .i) i;i--:isi bi.iry und lour-1 ::n i
:-!. lieliy ami l-Yeny tho i w ut to
Keeper i'ier room a d -U ioe d I v. o
"tot ) of IiC-r" clotoijlj? au l go-
l-'g" O: WI1 Mai 8. Uiiiockc i
1 O
Jii-'ilo for
v. i . s ii v tin ;.ew i I k. L :i ret c. t :
i.:g i ; i .is. Is. f--,-i.-i" .'-oe n o .-I-.; 1
i ; i-.a : eii 1 1 1 1 l :!.! i-ra wi ii i ;
'. ;.i;i !i I'liihb (! i it clit t!: ic.-ei vr j
-P. id, i-nd ainuil wiih cai l.Jn-;-. tl cv j
1 i ;.an I Loir search fi r tlio e..c.i: o l I'lf-n on k they I'ltn-e up with th in
so . ; l;d n-de.s lioin lb- jlisou, in the
wo '.::. ' hov WML' i.lilored loli:r.ov up
t! i ir ' srds, whi; h ihey di-i. :.n l woio !
i-. k!y hand uliV-.l end tkon I -nek to j
lieprt.-i a TheL'Ua'd will roioio t'ie I
dii g roward o!!oto 1 by iSV s';i:i' o
ii b.r t:
p' M'.or.
r. c;:i; to o of -i .-h ...
rofper v,e, id? ho-.i--h
it- ,Li;e.:. Vi la n i over, lu; wus :.: - e:; i ,
tl.c pii-ou lusi-it!. Foon.-y an-1 K '.i .
tl' i.espe sue Ntv.- i ork c-i ; in i!s. ;
i'v ticy is serving- a te::-ye:r ;.otc -co.
!-"; !y s rved t v. only yj-a: s ii t'!;::: :
r:- u and w lul" then- a to t i i
el ' j or (Ir :y. Ho i.- -1 yoiinof n-.-.- a
ha. - rved more th in liali his bfo i.i '
A niyviti.i us '.Itir I i'v.
iri'ii Wis , A jn il 12 The i.-o ly of
i .-t;a Morg n v,-.-;s found 1 1 tiio ro;'.:- ;f '
c.-.i s-iivi-ui at :i;i u rv i.otir, with a
t.-ij-p.--.. ftmii ove r lie' r.lit tei;::,'.-: evi-
10 ; iy inlli -ioi! with an ii.v. : if h-i'l
.-.aioi'ii o John Kul-ivan 1 1 a: id
; i' g out by the I aek do'ir, aud -:
e;- (struck dwn as sho ; assfd behi.. I
h Svoo. aioon cdjoinin-'. or is tii- ;
i - d back iigin'n ami .ii ierwii.-da W'lr-
i i d. I ho cdiair is Sr-u- i.iied i i niys- :
; . t'p.cro being i .-it me sithe-t c u- ;
i !o niiirdcr-. r. 'i no Otri'.l c:u!d tint:
; t 1 4 1 n iii!i;it'(-:i f.-; robbery, t'.s '.or
t-;r ut lii.-iiiiC.iid r r-js wore : tiil on he- j
i tu r.s. t't-d over iiv wns fe;i!:d in b..
; p (!. t. Iiic v.. jiMti ha It'.. '.
orJey r.ijir yeurs, and win n t c-;-i-i i- .
iv-J a tou.h wivr.a 'i -f 'o r cli-d. i
limvi Ilniilior :i.!i-t-1.
F-! -iV.-i.-tT.. J:i., April 12 - Tie.' U:iito,ii
t t-"? gran I j-ry lia- W. u!t indv:
euts :igaili-t 1'ivv-a i.-p.t ll. 11 (irav-s '
i : C shier R S. lia-ri;. .f ihe 1 it,' .!--
11 it. C'oir.;nr-r"ial ntioij 1 '..:ik o
' '.ii aai-e. I i c.-te incic in n w. r :
n tia
! ro-.iriii tiiiit i
r vi; Jr ei ui i..o jin i vor't:ait o . 1 i
! she i Ilk: idol!:;: he had f;d..-ii:,
.- bi;:k siaicnv.'.'U i i oii'ivi'ig ee ;a i
.- i i s v.i.i- h lo n con ioiiiiio 1 ti
. o. .Ii i-si :i.'id ly i hi-rii's in; in' r-:r It
s ii: U .;.r.. i loiiLS. If U l in is i.'i'Jlc LC'.i I'e.
ji-ioplk iiy.
1.- Trial lt- Munler.
X;;v. i.:r.ri.ANi.. ll?., April 12. Th
ii .i try hearing of 31. W. IsyrU.n, o
kowkegan. thirged w tli liiurderin
h'.usokoepcr. Mr.:. Co?!'.y. v. u ! r-gun
o ittiois le.-liiie'd licit ri:. Come
o : poiikicg lo iiini o.-fcNoi ton's iiiit at :
.i tug:- her s -.i ' he knew enouv
.: out T-.ot toil to pot him n pri-ion to
.-nu-ia. tho ia utu of a ni in b me yea i
Itt:1 Ma-tti on Tr.'iit.
V.T::ri"B'i;p, iiifi.. April ! . Th
.i'ii of Ka'-irj fSmith for t aij robiur
w-1 con:-lui!o-J. Th.'; r.r:r mentd o
oui! ..oi ucciij.ii. J nut 1 n.ddnii.dit. 1.
uii is .-qiiiMc-d here he wiil be lake
o I iiinar county fur trial on lour in li -
:.t4 for lobbery i'tid grand iurci.ny.
Je itas a .o:i. crimiita! rc-Cvrd.
." 5f a'-.lerou il ni'l .Snirbl'-M.
rii'bAr.fjJ'JliA. April 12. Ilcrrc n
-. is f'!::ii.i.te I n.iicid eft r o akin
.-o hu.l io t hi'a i: r..ou:it of il !
.- a'. oii-iit Too 1 ;' ly ocnrr J i-
.so. 10 l.itbi;ow .'.;-.!. .. r.. iiy- j
was j v i g.'s w t . yeais oi..
.1 !
ma bad n i trn so cut losie.acc.
.i-i i i- - t-4-liber
i .-VI
1. Tne Arc'ior in
st igcti. g toiiitni.b-e t.;"J? tli div.ov- J
iy, in ruid.t.on te the liki.o't) o j
o upon bum' which bt.t-j 'lrea--'
n i Archer oi-l-osou of for is own'
cot. nt. over ioi.i,iX0 of reisterol bu: .s
;re in ia mg.
Leophant Kejiricvcil.
C'OLfiiBiA, S. C Ajrii 12. Leoph .iui,
lie colori d bay who was to have be-on
iiati.i-.fd for .iui'ing aiid inur'L-n-g
Mir. IJosa Caiipfn, wpes reprieved mild
May n tt-e j;roi-d of uiaoovery of
uw evi'donce ia Ids favor.
Colllf-Sv ti illlll VtiO Illi-CU' fit.
CUiKLESTt-X, S. C, April 12. Ci.avlei
Simrnous (colored) v as haugod at Mc.
Pleasant for the murder of Otto
(white), Oct. lolast. He confessexl Lid
The Jury IH-agTeeu.
MiXtrnESTCit, N. n , April 12. The
jury in the trial of William Hodgman
lor wife ni order di?- eoai.
tiii vr iuuw. iiuiii i . - - -'
IO'V. I ! ISf.AI I I-.K
1 1. i:-.:Nt! ; i i i
r. i lC ! i ii f In- I! i-im
i if : .1 : i v ' : 1 : :i 4""l.
H'.i ;'J. ' ii - iii-pillili- !
i ! l;j iln'ci" t: f -.'.;iti' wai !
.: s.- i -y u strict rrty
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