WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSIWOUTH, NEBRASKA, APRIL 17, 1800. w ia alii mil I mm M"mw WHIM until n I I I t ll I' Su icicle at A voca. Tel' Knurl tn I'i S.I io- .lnii: ual .1 ili: i II n :i ll, ii you i i ( -i i:i in f f in cr ii'i i:!! tv'-iitv m-v iiyi-u .nl' n-sbl ini-ix tcil.-i r- cjt !i ivi-t of hen , com -In'.lted su.. id .- i i-f ni -1 r ;i.:n tun by li st Ii int:i' hin.llt.i ii'..- W .;"i by rope ii'i'l i!e:i KliMnti'iii liitu-i !l thr-audi til- Ii .id v.i; ;t ;:-5 c.libre l' v. iv r, "p patca'ly II ''M ill"! nit 1 ---- : i II' fiMii.d I iy .1 -1 ii Ki iIp'U mi'l wit'.-, with wIiiimi v.is Ii ir.li.i-r. iijii.ii ilr ir m turn 1 1 Kin i ii i plee I it.- I.i-: i.i;'!if. Me i -i i sin : i.i i-i 'in 1 the nn'y u;jiir i.t reason Itn's-oh ii'i m-ii 'ii tv . tii il he xv n ii i'r ill l !i 1 1 !i . i I I i:-t in i be lhe p l tll'-lit i t lie- I III i '..hbil i- '.!!' So.i.e t'tue ill ! Ii' ln:ir fill in '. l I I V. Tli' S ..;.! S s-5'..i iin.'ii'iy piny, il In a lull hell l! tli II'II, Til Sii'lV ui '.hi v, M-, i -a' Will' il ), HI IHV- : -J Evny .riri."i in s nt 1 i'j y l not i.i'ly the mii-ie it tin- Ii' -t on ! Mia lint ' vir pitted 111 I'i-'.'ls ;i.iii h, I. -it 'Ii - piny "is W'il which U'nSoiii iii ill - Il : pl ici d on tli.; I lards Ii iv for y.'ii". Mr Y uiiiiji is t ii be m ih;i nt nl ! d mi In jond fortune in Hi-i-ui .11 .-in t'i nc a troupe. Catholic Fair Tin- C'.it'. o'ic t:iir i.)t in l vi ry i-uspte-iondv l i t i.ili! Willi 11 ho Tit'i-nd .in-.? l.irtli.- tits! ui.jlit. Tli.- It. tit was t i'ttv lu'ly -iir ii'jfl unit mi ;iiiiiii! ilT.'it w us 111 i.b- tn 111 ikr i-vi 1 y 'ii - hive 11 mmI liiii.'. The t'.ney tubhs w ie i -si . I I 0V1T iv Mrs .1. A (Vim. n for one mnl th nt In r ly tli.- y-'UiiLT I idii s solidity. Tlic r. I r. slim- nt tuble w as presided over by Mrs M. O'Donthue. The -upper tubl wn can fully iii.ui-npt-l l.y Mis. M. J. OT. illy. A livi lv t-i'iit'Nt N mi -'V r tin pnssis hit in il 1 tin'- nlli'-'- -li iir, tin- riiiidiil itcs Il i iil it su fur nr.- K S (i -.-U" I. I).' ('..ok. Win. Wi-li -r. mi'l Mali -w (JJirinir M. U'D.innii'i.- i-r -.-iilis. Tlli: I'jli. liii 'li !'-ii:il turiii.s!:es tin mils' ic for t!i s-i- uli- .-iiii" ti daiifi'. Ti'iU'irniw nirlit t lie M-t.-is will yiv: hii inli-it'iii'.'ii nt ftT wliii li ilanciiii; 11ml i 't'D' -nil v'""I tini" will jnvv:iil. List of Lettt-rs K:-!llllil'.III' Uncllitll.il, ill til.- p. t ;iHi;'l' at ri.!ttsir...ii!li. N-!... A.ril 0. 1SU0, fur tin- wi-ik iii-.1;ii;.' Apiil, 2. 1MI0: Atuii-k. Mi- !. I'iiiwi Jin cii-, -!i:-s r.ii:ti;i l ' 1 1 -11 . Mr vftll e C I! i.iKc. Mi 1 DimIv. !- I' iu:-cy. i :ikf I.v 11s. W in iizr:i.:s Ms.- Mii'i'in!'' 1 1 1 ! i a . II I.-.lii . !l. M II '-n. " iy r. tf-ti jirs . ; 1 nl) -i-t-i. " i-s T 1I1V Swii.' r. Mis-; Mat y 1; ;i STU It. !." II MiKiv 1;. .1 V V- il.-- M i s .Iaiin-4 W il -.iii I'll -i !a V..,lin-f in liu IInw.M's M;i-7 Jay, Mis .1 I. Me'- inn ti .1 il Terry. K V-K- 'tt. S initial J;il.l.!l-ll, K!. 1V!P: Siait-i-k Mi - IV.ul St "iv. t Imi ley Viiiilin. t'!i:is V Woixthuiy. .1 I' Wi-IU-tt, I'reil 1 2 Z -iinr. I!e- ry Pi-lhons cilliii fur any of the aliove letters Will pi :isi- s i V "inK i-l tisi il. " llKNUV J STKI-.Hi!lT. P. M. An 1 nt'-Jtii-Jt a il FjhI. Tiiost-in nit. n !.i!!.-e i.t tin- M.'iiill Twins codim it I ist n;-!'t we -ire i.i f.-rm-1 Were trett-il to l lii'll. i'.o-' .- II I f iCV p! o jfrnii, e.n.M; in.tr nf iiiirtli p't'ovokin skis' f a s t o nli -k--.i6i hoi.-f i','il'a ls,nii.l p ith ti.- SMi:s IJi -ii -voil II ill was Ci'.i.vl il toils full st s.-a'inr ivpicity 111 ill . ll 1 v i -1 z t sr oi 1 H i. T-e- twins, fl-isll ffiHil I I II ' -till' p W.-!' ill lI'1'1.1 t'oi iii an 1 :.i s iv ill ". "'ir ! a ' lilite.i nu-ii fii-i- s i -i! t.-M; i j !i .11 th truth. A i i! I ' '4 ' 1 1 1 -.'S 1 e t I r I- t 1' t lli m-il- a . l i. f iiii' e. 11 al-ini: Hi; it a 1 ieii'-e w.:h 1 11 j. ' . t i-r 111 r- sp :- to Kiillli: of tll -ir pi'i !'. t it li'l Iii 'is ui D t.'il - p -1 k- i s of in 14 - I.014 sine il p.li t.: l. Pit - twins --ire I'lan lists in I at: r the roil; li ,r i' n o ! t '1 r I'-.'i .1 1 ir pr . ' a - n . :n- ot th.-.ii, w hli't 'iiov 'i tii -i- ir wis Ji-u i-r J iii 11, in al 1 Mii 1 in s -! 1 1 1 r A.lpeal I" III - Ol il I'. ' ' I'm' ill"!' Ill' ill t lie ;:h'i'--li.ij 1 , : 1 v mat a' his iti-'ii liV ha ).V e. lilij i 1 1 is. ins t.i I .1 ts oeeurili-; in every il iy li fe. .'it a iat' ii"'ir all w nt h mi f.-elin,; el;l;l I ha' t !l V ' ' 1 1 1 i 11 S 1 p ! . I - il t HI HUllT Colli I il itltei 1 s mi.-t hi n to lil l.-nii s or pill flluil "I th l-1 s'iv t'i i 01 ehurcll. The ! i' iin ;iini will mi an-l after S;m flay 11 xt put on til ol.l (J iio i ; I) i ver flyers. Th e.-e fiist trains will no: run via Onihi hut wili .11 1 'ie the ilir.rt litiL fro n I'l itf-tno uh to Liaeoln ami on. A IJiir'iintnii o'li -ial t -lis the fall that the time e tr.l will fh i-.v a mat rial Chanije in arrival utnl il-pari lire hue. The train fro-n tin' net will leave Chie.i pi at 2 p. in. an 1 reu'ii Jvai-oln it 7 a.iii. the next tnnrai:!.'. It will r a. li D nvi l" the s inie niiir Inee,' ;-a !l n I 1 i. i ii k. making r.-tn i k ib'y F i-t tini Ivhu-i 11 Circijo mil D nvir. Tue t- ist !;uiil llyer will piss tiir.-uh L::t.-.!u about a half ho'.tr I it r th i-i t'i t! n here li uv. With the nl vi lit ot th.se fi-t tl iins h P'lin Linroln putit-s Intin li iii:fss in C'lliC it'll Cull leave here at 2 p. III. ma! reach Ciiic-i i the in xt nioriiin; at 8 B. in., leave t'.ere si r '' p. in mnl reach Lincoln for hr uk :.-ii tin- n.-xt iiioriiiii. Lincoln Call. A coach l i.nl of llanos jiiisse l through t'liM iii-iriiin-r on tin tly r from liestnn boa nl for C li f'ornia wh'-iii lli.-y o to Wii. k o-'i .-n exieusiuu o the Ualaa P Citic raiil'wMid. S1LCGTTS nmi I The Senate Sr.ys the Govern ment Shall Stand the Loss. inn i;;u:.t)s or i'a::m !iici-;n I'firtril t' i :i le ii-n I't :i 4 S114 : I, .-i'-i.-e .1 ti .U-.C ii u.iiillrH -A Ni-v us- li :i Htm, a lor .v Y.i-:, M i Ii 1 1. 1 e , ' l.inll' I'.t.l. : :-. A r.l I '. r-'.n .tor Wil- -. !i 1 1 i .11 r.cu-.i ii n .'.!ui-..-i, vvli e!i A :.:;; i 1 I...-.! ! Ii- .l.vj '.Hi' l'IJl:l!.lll ! 1 1 1 I. I i ...: l li.l:.!. I tl- ti I I j H 1 1 I" ' : . I.i : .1 i".iil.li i.-j I . . 1 l . . :i u: 1: 1 1 . I U .! 11 ! 1 X til .-1 1. 1 ! ' , t . 1 i- I ') 1 t '. 1 i t . I-i !-l . l.tiH' I , ! . . I , . I . . 1 . , . I li io li.i 1 . 1 .. II . 1 . Ull'i 1j ' . . i i.i.-.. I ill : r , :i .l.n -VT "i.OO J V. j; u... t 1.-.1 i 1 y tii- :. ...i::i In Use ol.it:. 1 liiu i.iie.tl 1.. a. . i .i... ot tin- l'K.;,f, v lid rc i ... it-ii lroni Hie co.ii .ii I'1 on aj'pioj 11 . i ..: wi.ii, iii. aiiit.-iiil.in.-iu, iind pii-.bi.ii .c..u,e tin. 11, lit l.:Ii, le.iUiin-ti 1 1 l.:. i. .!-;.. . 1 1 1:1 In.- l...t.ili.l eoiit-"Jled ..itli.i. t:..L' iil.l .".i'. l'llii eol.Uiiiit il , i - . 1 : i. t: .v I. . tli i .. t (ii ii.t- I 1 liL.-i l'.. it, I ..' It . t; I V li.l K i. l.H t.H. 11 i - . t . ;. i f n.j.lf i..;.e a.i c-xieuJ -ii il . I.i. . 1.1 . ill Will 11 l.C t.f. t li.tCM Hit II 1;, . 1 i.l.f. b lo Vt if lil . Ol.l.lll.l. lif . Hi; 11 In I 1 o H'li.tir -Atie III I. ..it il t 111. 1 I i.i I iil; '..1 rifiil JUllfo ll .1 t I .1 . : . 'ill- I I li.l . I .' li.l I 1 O 11 . lil I- ; i iy t.,1 1 : t- 1 i.i. Ii.ii It f, .Sena I. 1 'i 1. 1 .1 , . i.i- 01 lid "i.c' .1 guia 1 t 1. t.ti... 1 1 1 1 i-iti." li was uut i-u UiltiU 1 1 t I l 1 1- 1 1 . Oi it ;;.;l ii. At i i.t-1 o;.- ti..iw:i of Senator Turpic'.-. i'-.ii .iUs i. iii.., ii i' i r,i."t" ...- ij ilie cuii iMui.'iu o ol ili-- ..iii.u . . i iiatur liu;.i-l" n.uvctl 10 j. o 11.0 e.. Cttlie t.-...-ioii, iml 1 i.i- jiu-.-i.oii tin- mi ii-ii-a 'u llij Lit-a-u c I. , a p .i ty vii t-. 2-,o M'l.i.u r . l 11 ;i iy to a Mros-i thu .1 I ..l.- OU ti.l' J .-.-. i-;! .a (ll.-ifll M 11 US l- u.iii lin: i.i-i' nt 1 ..oalij ctoof. iliu.A', ...ii.i, or .1. t 1 a ;ii. i.ij, lor lnote tiaie, i. i. It . ii 1 1. l.l- ! L tl I'. Ul-i'l' tl'. Cltlt'li ii lni-i i- ; ill '. ! -.oi ; ; O'l i -1 in pe i e v I'll 1I..I1I I-. Ui-.l. li!t-' si-a '.s Willi . . . 1 - - )..(..; i.i.il v. ; 1 . it il i-.l t ... Hie l t-i - I 1 i i. : i I. . v li ... : 1 I.t -a 111 1 e 1 liiia i.alf ii ,- j in y I v.. .iii ila.- ut'oiiutliOa vi .lis- l--; iii 1 e. ; ii- .in in inn c i-e va tl f 11 In i-l iMiie ii. ii ;.i':.iU. i ila ; 1 a i.'.i Up the C'liiut-sO t l ; ; - U.-i ; l ;: !; 1 .. . i 'il 1-lil. ;i. l. r 1.;-. i ! M;:.i ti.at hi?, i a au l 1 . t 1 .1 . ;' e . : a 1 ii 0:1 1 i- Mii.jeft w as liii' p.s --;.cv oi a i.i. ' t'i.;l Wi .i. l ,-xel le I !,... ..- 11. in 4 ..ii in in. toaiilry . .; :i t i !..!.! iilli NVOUiti lltilt lh3 1 . ;i -.-'. .: . . .1 :y" liiir i a .. iy. ; a'v-i- .ie . ;'.,r, i J with ;i'iia:r IK'. ' , iiii 1 i.'.-:.i:l i.i l.aie 11 law loat v. ;...l ; 1 X'. 1 , ; li (. !.:iie-f ( Att-pt liit-iii-l t r.i of tie 1 . 1 1 1 '' 1 - '-..irps. Hit; 1 nl . ii-i il.ili i-r liis'-iisscl by iiu-r . f. 1. v.-. :t. i a h. lia e. Liawt'J ai..l o.h i", I i.t . it. .ivi ut tiou. 'lhe t.( r..le ai li . ill. :.,! j. iai i.ed. In I'.e In use 'I c, f. natt oninlmont w;is :. 1.. -r mi '.;i'ii a! i i u tlu- li u:.e lull I I'D-, ul i: ; fur l w li; lie tT.aivs of and in Ok'..ihiii.a. 'A iii-1-1 i ii i r 1-avjn 1. !..l before the IlG.i-:..' i!i- .-tare blii tor tin' im .i'.ivo ine .t am! na.iii n.o.co of tl;e N: nal i-'.oi .!o;i' ;il j.- i i k li.e !: t.se i.iiit-iu.iii. at ip,i -. :'lii.;; ill a .!;" L.;-.t let of l.oiuin..ia .-ii ..li ay ii ii ll - t i:-i si wi It the re--..je r ii' i.i in. f a te ior a c liten ii e. .. 1' .'..i t '' iini.t ' ! -:: i'ei,:;;l ilil.'i'ii lii.ll t : i.ou-.o i .-i- i ! i' lii i .-i ii uicaaniettt. I'. iil.lt.l- i - 1 V: 'i b. : !..;-: IV; ! t ait committee of the w : o .: i ii lil ' aval p loprialiott bill. Jir. n" .oi. ;l'i i;:i.; oiV rei an i.:u; a:i,: e i, ;-.par r.'.o ..t.r t.V.i.H.iJ to ;i' ;;i".e !.o I.e. -o 1 ii.n-j i.avy vuid. 1,. :. -1 io l-i p. in.: to a i-r j: men lrnent, Mr. -V i i t );el'oi iti--l Ul 'O- ali.i.ll- t- e- i o. a tuiv.ii y i: I at A.iorj, L.iui.s i;i a . .!'. I t ilep -a (1 t'.e :;.' i-r of e-'a i .. a ; i' i : ;i i -a ll-c ;:.':;' v. . t: .. . ;'':. I 't- - ; '!:,.'i!.,;.i..,..i A': iai,' I - .-A- p ; ta lie c.-iii'it ! ?' i. i 'ell ite ;.;!. 1 1' ,.- - '.-.'ere ; r -. ! .. a . i i a eoiie : iio : e .it " o'cio-.'.i t . Me- '':..;. It. f i . ll ' j . !':.( !. : lis. I io i. W.' 1 j :., l-.-imi'i ' t- o r:i . , .- 4- i! .. 1 i . Th '.: 1 1 i nii'ir i,S .i- I A !., ::;;! i . ti"e a ! :. -, tp.- 'ilie ; I :: .;.-; 1 -! ll t o' ' ; ! . t t!i ' (" nn C. i V- f the Ci t . l 1 i ; i . i , . i - : -. . . i h ysi iii.i1 .-' ,. - i ; i . tv n a wi '.:; br'e.i .. e .; j ;:-i ii;i';i S il l t::e!.' ' li' ti" I' or.: ;' : j-I i ists an o i':i.-'i;i !,!.;'! : : - ' i I e : ! I'm r. : .; Vr. Ii : wor.Ji i : o - i l i i y t-.:i :. b v. .... i ; 1 re oi vi . L c. r.t- a I i: la 1 i' i ;' . r i'i. " Aien ii .-. I In - I il. se ves 1..- in e?r oy a i I m in a-.;: bi: i i; i.:a-y r bis crr.p. Mr IVan-i ,;; m l that lm -kct sim s. a tl t ot the l : r i of ti.t.ie, had ojc ratw'd t r.tptc.- aeiitiili. re. NaT i! Pel" !ri'ill n - VaTn t.-. April 1 ). -Ur. link froii1 ll." c -. liiiv.rti 'ii on t.rtval a.Tii-s, I'-portc I to ti:e ji-'.-iat as a tiO't.l .KMit io tin' i ai-pi'opri i i a bi;!, the oi!l i a.', i ; ir. s i o." a i. -.- -'. i. it .svei't't iry r ti-.e utivy :i ' .".- i a y r. an r the I ill bt-1 etof ('i e . e ; "! i v i.i'o to fnitln-r !ll( I t it"i- tie' ill ci : ri i;t.-! i u . a! t ; l ii.-io.i at b.' tiie (;.;! ' I- til sbi- 8 of '.'.".' i. to '.' t'r. t'"is iii-; !.-iea or t. two mo. ore c . . I ' i- a " - e si 's. three pi i-:.rs nl ao ; .':;:- 5"i. ).0 M to-ar i il:e .v.r.s i :- :i aa i .'.' J,00i) tovt iii'l t!.e a; u Wa-iii'-x'T At.'i Tie' Ruul li -an fn.l. a; i-o.;'.:i':::.'..' tisa ho tsi lm is."Uf.! :i ail fo;" a. c '.I T,.r t tiiht t coi'si'ler ip oMs :vs 'if t o ley. The Wiu tlonif.i t-crbiil.it is iiiiorrstooil, ill lu tin lri!if!ja! topi ;t o ;si ! r;- 5. an.! t'le cai't iis i-i expo- ti tl to dei i ! liie atii'ti to tlio in ij -riiy iti-l take .vith i'?;j.',!-J to it. K tini-.H's i M :i: Pi). Wasi ingto:c, April 10. .tt a late liour Rejirosoiifntive l.'atithill's c nititioa liatl cbangeti but bate miico i.ioriiia. II- is. however, cesii-r than was Tues day ig'ii, bat Btiii Ll uu esofcdialjr cjNtk-tU i oil-fit -, HANDS CJl ITP IV IIORUOR. A i.i ' 'n -. O , I: I f 1.1 .; With nnd i Mrrlt at l olun-il tl -1 Wulti-r. C I mum:, O., Ann! K). MLd (.'amp le. 1, ib" only il itiliti-r of St vtar l O. II. Ciiinpi i li, of tin (J n'iiit ntal Hotel, U I t home last week an.l va taippoieil lu to hat e Kotie Jo lh reii t; visit f rieii ds. '1 lu- next ilav aft -r bor ilepar iiie, one ol the laiti I wuiietM, il l oitwtil lean, w;is 1:1. o mi .-i-'l, a it. I it it now kin.wn lii.it tbey b th wei t to 4 iovelan I a tl wt ro iiiai rie l. Mi, s (.' n. p vt.-is one of the leaders t I' Ci'ivt.i..e"s bivst i-.oeicty, :tn I In ii: in only daii'hte '. and jmis-bes.-ill all Xli-lli lit disposition, was a nt ii. i t ,r 1 xo.ite. Jer paieiiis aro v i I !n i Ii cr.iii' I wi'h y. :ef ov a r I ho sad i.inl i-ivi. ! it a ;l elf.ir. Of the nt'ro .i l l' h l-.no-.vti, ii be has on y 1 a n in (he eitip oy o the h t-1 p oj.le civ,1 t tr tii. a- lie.aili". ll ii s.ii.l ilr. I .Mr. C hi; I t'li lias r. i ii veil a h Her from his da; v.ba r. f-'. iinj tliiii I i-'v w.-r mar tini and v.oa:d n-si u- at Cii-ve and. 1 1; i: i:i li.i i: i;s i s. I'lit- T.itl Ni-w Voi-U.o- l.t-l'l Mil Ni-rvc Ht II. Oil Sf.lit IV' llll I I H's. ( ill. vco, Aj-ril hi. (,'i't'e u and lb- -i r. e: cli v i:h an ;rl!ot;ne;.t of 2-")i) joi- ,s. oj ciii'd i 1 it day's ffauici in the hin ii.. . p liaik-.'i.i I i oar-1 tournament, 'li e to;. lest wip, tiiji an I tnei; and at the J l!i i. i . j i : v.a-t a vie at 107 points. '1 ht r. Canon pip iaiied the ivone-i for 71 eiiii't ii. s li ad rt-ttietl IbiLt'i's chaneeH. '1 he Inl-w Yoi i ir inadu sou. t rare Lil I ard-i. Lot a-i a.iin loo nervo-as to Mi ike his ii. '1 he corc : Ciiltou, XZO; Ib-i.-ar. !('.) 'I he eaine of the toiirilejr thus far mo t lo kid li.rwaid to wns p aytil ;il ile? .N'iUia; Musk' hah. Ja it sic Put -it-1 n,i bis piij.'il. "Nap. a on" Iv n t ere the ci i:te taiit.s. Tin; i.itil was i-nnviled. io:h platers l.-eint' la vol itcs here. S. hi.titr pusyei! in pnut loiin from the -tart ami biiisla-a the (.'iiiiio ir tli,- thirit-i iilli i . . i ia jr. lie made two itniaik.ible nitia. taie of b'C in the eighth, and nrotlier of .00 in tin- tletcuth. 'lhe score: St'naefer, oOi ; Ivta fi, li v o 1 1 . .1 Oi a Draw. Cmc'ACio, April 10. The l..n,Q'-exppct-cd jiht between Abe Couple and Jan.es D. h.-niey, both of Clnta-.o. Io taUD a t-;de ii.d the t-liaiii j.ii tifebip of Illinois, i-.-iine oil' at Sheiby, .-.nl was ot-ckircd s draw i:: tl.o iifty-teir.l roand, altera most Mio-l orn t oii'.t'-t liistiiiic four hours. Nearly a tloanall l peoo e wit ia s." tl the ,:'l!e. v. ha- t ok jii ife in 8 burn near the New Aioativ iiuoj.j. Tli: i't-iti-s riiiiiH. riTTsni'ia ). Aiiril 1. Thescori3 at 1 2 a. m. of the f oil 1 1 . i day f the 142-houi wi.lkiiiir ina.fh w :..- as follows: it t 1 . . Iii T '"oil n or . . . . I il .hi .. a it a . . ' : r ,'i il.i,;iies . . Mil'". ..."ii z 1 1 . . . .-it . . tAiC iieri J". . . . i . Iiei i t-ri). ..i 'ihetilit-r co. .-.1 .1 tt .i havo left tae j track. j Vo-.ll!-; 'Orlll'l! s;(. id. ?"E'.v Y'.-ifC. April oin-T Mr. (.'ornell sa 3 tbitt ih ? r porn aimit hii iat'ner do iii.it an i jit si c . Ib says n-jK.rl- i.op.i'ei'ni 1.,' ti.j ine.'ta' co i Idiai of lis 1 at- cr w i 1 1 o 1 were laiaisue I six month - a. o vvori-tt'-ils . No oae unows lis we.l ;i.s .".;r. t oita-il l,in:.-eif why the rce.-nt ja'i.-e nenis a ve been ailowe 1 10 l cmced jiaiiist bim. :.n i when he is ready t . ext. I. ii i ta matter be cm do so. Until tu 11 it L id e ior tlu puliic to speculate on tin' .1 alter. rist'iiM:tlii - a Cii'tii-ii S i-i' t v. B.'.sr')X. Anil 10. Th North Baptist as- ci:.t:ca net i.'.eil that ur.h sj th. Per ki.ii .-ir. et ' h'iic'i ie-tt oi-s ". i bi 1 th it moti'ba its :.c ion ia urnut nj; ' ! Iter u; bev V. A. -.liiitli. t. "." I--.: he-1 lien fo ml j iiii y on charges j referred ::.iiin:.t bim. tliL' hurt h will !s4 dropped Ifoiii th" a- ot i. tion. A We.l iiiiii.i i il "t a i ruii-Ari : .p.ii v, i'a.. A;i i ti i'.i Wei h. fie we.l kir-.v i I .or. ok, forni'-v'.y o'.vaer -a L,v;!i a i i ii" s: -i k .ai'i;l . : r.n iiv i b.i.- Aii l.ree er of lliL.' f.iai 'tis 1 i'l;e;i'.iiit lie r. .11 ill 1 -li; ,,e a . ,1 -.l Oil' I--! ; :.n. M- ; i s. A i Ii: V C; :.l 10.; Till1 ii s.1 c- cauip- . .laoa ; er. ; a..' I. d . ::-i.-. . ;"; s i.;li: l- n. "ie ' d dr. 0,j i red-io-.t. . i il :l . v . i - t . .i , -;! 1 - - i'i:oi::i.VN. Apr 1 io 1' e T-v.::ty-ibitd i ir iii.eiit ee::-r.s ce.ei raa o l- e . wii: ty litih annivi ;. i:ry ot App miUOi by aiet'pti n. (i. ns. Mki'iiuu, I' "' aid and b.otiiiii wei'e aiuo j; tae guests. A Mliiuc:ij 1 i Siiici.te. Ml ;x::apoli Ao ii b;. M. s. B dli Gicidineis, uf n. tefi'ied farai y, and sis er of a prominent lawyer n i.ned bhearer. shot In is If in the iiead at 5 o'clock while suirc-riii int.'iise pain. Tlse lii. ni; . Ci rpent crs. CuicAf.o, April 10. There is no rna tcri d hange in ti e titi:ati)i of the car l en era f-ttiivC. It is not prooa. Ie that any negotiations looitinr toivard a bot ti meul v ill be beirua this week. Alien i -V i-r.-si -tl. San Fit .v-cis s , April 10 Ten more Chinese were captnel carl, in the morains; w h.a e i"e. i i tiie ii ir'o.n" in a tidii rinan's lo.t fro n Lower Ctdiorni i. Tie owiier of the bait is aisj ui cu.-.toJy. Giitiior ny; I is -111 In. DlCGD, Cab, April 10 Ten more Chi:am-n were capiured tvhi':e l.ein ri-a nailed in Ir.im i.ower U ! f- rai l. 'I2o3 Diakes thirt v-tlnee in cus o;v here. A Meiioii'iiic'ii l)ei!li. Roci ertf-t:. N. Y , April lO-D S. Mr.rj;aa, , resident of ti e Mor.-sn Reaper company, diod at his home ia ll.ock 1 : t aged VI. Ila have an eiiile vaiUtJ tt t J.'i-J '.uUCi. i:y I ui ployiiirnt fur I ilo :lr.er. Vi:ke.? Cakii.-, Fa.. April 10. The coniiid br.s anlboi icl ih'. impiovnient of il tt ivdceis iu n-akia. st'ne and doiag otlior biivct work, uatil the xiiiais itMUiia, e mi hi Tbe Vicinity of Akron, O., Vis ited by a Cyclone. I'lol'LK KII.I.LD, FAUCIS SWKIT. I S 11 1 III ill if, I Vlll OH Hllll Ci I'M I II M lilt I I- I II I llC liuiiis Ituuiinki-, Va., t li Si-t'iir of h l.Vulii Ilruliiii; Turnailo A lUuslrin 1 Ire ut Iittutur, Ala. A kt n. )., A rii la. T!i wont y- a. . : i ia t':e h!.-tory of thii s.-e'.!o i, .ir.'-o-i tnwii 'iip anl niuwel :i -tPI iw. t i leiily r rl-i wil..- aul tiv miles o i : 'I o' -.11 v t.iA.-irl Akron, but ; rod-, alioi o t !a- .-ui'f..ci far tnoii;' to pass Six ma -i e.i-:t ha o i r tins oil v. (if Al.r.ii:, it ar in htruck the earth, and tl.i iau tiiiiliaai-d its course sou laa-l (I rt r.il to;!- uiill Uii'i.itel fary". la ii ti'.a t ot n -iliip.i he farm I ii.ldiiijs. i i..; o i Muei; ol' Uriah Woe.-sU-r, l.ieb iiid l'e.'ov,- ', Js nm lituwn, I-rank Li croix, loor'? W. Cane, Abraham I.ytle. Ib.-.iiy Chan Uvr. Chris l Wall. K.-e:,e Vit.l. Ma thew Hrtmley, l-'ra.ik Bram !t'., llii;.ie.i Frank and Henry V II wi-ii.' .le troy t-d in ten minutes. Iiuinc iiiatci t i. i'ter lae cv. l-".-? o.is -l e,t-,r-l- i i ; i-a' .ies Wi. 1 o t i(, .. . 1 in. i . oi ibiv, it s Fraiiu was found iorty rods lioai i lie .-He where has house had Miood Mrs. lY.iok was found 1JU rods farther 0 i. so badly injured that she cannot live. Matthew U.amley w-a caught 3 ialliii'; timbers and f.nally hurt, t-ranii 1 laa.e't 'a boa ,e was 1 low 11 from it-, foiiu I itii 11 -nl buriei in the wreck, wliith t. 1 k file from the Move. A hir d Hum rescued 11 aniley. The wreck was i ii 1 1 1 t-ly c- nsuuied. Kit-hard I'.rowii vus blown a quarter of a mile and left niiiost a slump, where he va found uia tiitioii" isiid badly hurl Alt- r pa liing over A Li 11 the cyclo-e struck 1 e farms of M. s r.s. Swei zer. Robinson. Iti-ntiek, llrown. Wise lluiiiliau ;li. llyi rs and C illahaii, in Spriui; tie.il town siiij", de.stroyi 1; uiidi ih. ttock, crops fo t-sts, oich rls and farms. Altre. ilei't. icik. t.ej ouly p'i'.soij ativo el. hart, v. ill 1 1 vovi-r. A l.i-s iii l--iltiir, Ala. DECA' Uit. Aprii 10. All t'n-j United Stiites Roiline; .Siock company's bhop.s, excejit the wood tlepart uieiit, are on lire. Ibis loss constitutes more than one-half t f lhe pi'ojK-rty l elotiuij; to the com pany a t.ns place Two hundred men w ill I e thrown 0.1: of employment, le hidis t .e lo.-s of m..ro lhaa TjjUooO to llit.- on' p.. n y. Later reports i)iak,- the loss !"iO0,O(M), ji;:d alxul lour bundr-ii 1 borers are thrown out of employment. About tilty I11MC.1IH just coi'.p. te-l wore biirut-d. The- 1 it. Idi as a v. hole was the largest in il.. ; . oiitii. and employtd, iaclu lin tis cl. lie. 1 foroe, 1 early live hundred n:e .. 'lhe lnsiii'ince could not be asce: tai .td. Th lire v a accidental. A TiirniKlo Mrili:--i Km.tinko U.msi--Il.iotfi ilo-.iii n-i'l I'i't;!e fvl!!iil. JaVjAM ke, Va.. April 10. The great est tornado for m iny years oas etl over this city last evening. The cast bou-e r.t the Cr "Zier iron furnace was blown do.', n st iul three 1 .borers ki 1-d and on n.ortally wounded. Loss to t he f urnac c nipany 15,0(10. Nearly one hundred livte bc;;'.s in course of erection, were coi: j ! te y demolished. Ttie Sab ni fur iii'ce t-.i-s 1 ioivn tlriwn. and a "lu avy loss is lepoitcJ. and i oiaiins in thet vicmi t ." we--e reduced to ruins. Ttie loss in city and in ih!-ri ho.i l is 10.000. .in;t1o-r l l.iott nt o iiIiiimIow n. Jfir fl' xvs, Pa., April 10. The river hero ii eprcadin; out over tlu entire lower portion of ti.e city, and mt'ch nn siely id felt bv tl.o reti.ie its Wit niore. aiioiit twilvo miiea fioni here, is entirely b undated. Tue water there is four i- t deep. YVoodvHiS is also under w;.t r to a tiT"i i. Tl-e (umliiia v. fa! c r.- cii!inl o'.o cd i nd haio Hill!. ii. i":-f ( aioiii ia an-l " iti' -A'-r. '. The St. ".- VorrillviJlo will lid ii l:i!i iKV.tl'4 ii'i at t o ; t ale ot : C 'i-i i r tev r ir i li! .t.y I o 11 . di d. iii.iii iie wil; rc-i; On a. ('. t ; a A eavr f : r- :i n.T . nt-. .1 M-t lii nt :io n i: ti i- '-.-o s-- I in " l-ii ia--- Iii'.v,,i :!, i-V:i-1; ; .' -'d:: i the w:r--r oi '.a': Ull.UI in' ..-M-i-ici i . i-4. Ti;-.- fl.iiiin. t'.f-t w at !; !-:'; :. ; - i- v : ir- orh.ri- na i ts 1 -i i ! iid il - e, ;;. tl:,d iost all o-' the 1 a !.. J : v . a iii v.i re sail !y ;:t- -. . ;; t'.i-i-' a i :: ,;ht -ci.ooil- i e 1 ' V Il "I itii-SO'i ajl'J it.- : !' his ti;i- , r.ous. is mi-sins, :.. ; .; ii e t .i bie botit hxs bet-ii lost w iiii all en hoar-i. Atc:.l-t:l nn i'-i- toi-lln-iu Pr4-fi-.. J il'-.T 'WV. N. J).. Aprii 10. The f.p i od fe tiou of tii N rthern I'acif'o eve 1 ;n. I passenger train slni'ik a bio-ccn i ad about fifiee i mile! east of here. '1 he s-ei : ioa cai rie l li st class pas ;en:'r. 'i'i:i- ciu i:.e, L-:;rjr ;!'; :nd express car.? weiii ?.;if. ly ove- the rail but the coaches were ders.iled. '1 be t.l ers toppled over oil the .i;!e an i were considerably iiauiaed. Nobo iy was hurt. Ct.tiimhii-i, (ii., Ttiiirhi'tl. Coi.VM rs. Ga., Airil 10 - A yclone fr m the west sw ept over this city, do ipoi'sbi.i the Eh'-ciriiJ l-ight conipany'8 buihl. n. The ma hiaeiy was ilamaed, and the 1 g ds are a l ext n ui.-.heil fee " era! I oiisi-a were c.r.roofed. Rain atid had followed. T e storm was very se vere in eastern Alabama. lo-iti-n mi 111'- titirU r. BfFi AT . N. Y., Aptil 10. During a lr;h wind the pu.p4-.ler C jug. at tfiiipted to go out of die h.arbor, hut was chiviti on the ro U "at th foot of (..cor ;iii s-1 r ct ai d lias been pounding b uie It is fcari-d sh is seriously iu juutl. bhe is valued at sVj.UOO. A Ileni'iii'tl Crew. Pn 7l-ADELrm a, April 10. The steam ship il'n. at this port, from l.ineFiel Is, broej- a the captain and ci.ht ot the crew of the hark II-- .;nsa:nl, from Port I atal for l'rorcsso. Tht? bark struck on Mo -ant Key JIarvli i, aiiu became a ttital lo.s. A S.viiillo ;te Ab mttt.iicd. "n;TFiLTJ). Sliiss., April 10. - The p opo cd whip loaaufacturera syadicute 1m tvea aXai4doxuti. - Tivani run mn i f & If.,' VIM tt k:uJ J-Lia Xlf y ' 1 ..: I I' -iii ':. i ' - I 1 ' fs, '. I it . I .1 ? i -Tl- . . ,- WROUGHT 1 3 O U A:iO STEEL Oi.r I-'uriitx-en nr.-11..1.: 1 i- -l-aiv f-.r W....it-i n Ct.tiL iul I..r I'.;; . tjiil.-ii Cat.il'Vie. yarney mms a tirti. CO., LLAVEUVURTH, KANSAS. :,:nd for our cAT.uoiucAN-) fnics atlas Etmnz 1 N D S A A F'G L5 3 , IWD, E3 CAntllAGES VELOCIPEDES and GIHLS' TRICYCLES Dircct From manufacturers. SENT ETention this Taper. send 2c CT:.r.T fch 22-p.tCC c;.t;lo:ue. inn CTVI T1. m-!itI frmn. hi-iipi-st IUU O I 1 1 o b ,t R i i;l Wiirlil. h-.J ! It- , a savetl ii 1 i-vi-i v C'ur-ri:ir-e; Ue-on'v I --ti -v in I'e wolitl lliat ci.sut n.vi.r la.iAiL I'liK i:. KANSAS CITY BABY CARRIAGE CO., 1525 Main St., KANSAS CITY, MO. . v..s r j OMiiiOfif?';!!;:- -.;ii V i c -4v 1Wv-J. V ." -l. " t - - m K-ja Best Coiip-h Medicine. Recommended by rhy.-a.-iam. vtj Cures whero all tise i'ail.i. Pleasant and agreeable to the y.'fi g-?s taste. Cliildrtii take it without objection. Iiy driiLrjrb tH. fcToij ABSOLUTELY FOB GSIEATEilTiG I!02JSES. We call attention to the novelty cf its construction, it being composed cf two sherts of pper wah cn iracrpcsid layer cf tv;ter-procf b tumcn or aspha t, the whole une.eo under pressure, mukir a s.inita-y rr.ildew-proof sheathir.f; f-r the siciea aad f.oorj of houses, tlist will Ia;t E3 lor. tne bui'.ianj upon vvhice. it i-a npaei Experience h23 : hown that the chesp pap r coram r.!y used fr theet'-.;; j houses do not j rotect a building f-;r any lenjth cf'ime, but soon naldew an J fail . o pirce", making the hou!se i'.:z'.:y ar.d c-imp; thess tlefce-.i can then or.iy tc rerr-.ec.ed it creat cxpT.se. A Good Shzathir: j l.Ke the O. K. L-.ldir.j Paper, can be obtainti ct a ti-.iin.j ca.t, and it is a waste of money ta use an inferior aracie. Put up in roll CG inc-hps ri!e, containing 1.0C0 tjuare feet. Sswotr, cincuua no pliers T.T7rt y Ti fiT7'T, fd 3 vraidftn I.sne, fubnismlo en application. J.li--'-' ,JUj. Xl'J JX XjVt, NEW YORK. E His :a ; t.r; U Ls? Lias Bt.iJt '-J L i3B cs'? 2 2 .5 firtfP1 --'H'fp "GOLDS ROD," "DAISY," "LILY," i:'iJTTSfiCU?5"Etc. CJompo3ita!LVLI Dir.c!or Tvvir.e. ' ' . . . ' t . j 1 fT',. Tbe P!t (;':, -bleb S:d rre Is Extracted in Vucatan. J -- "y.-.. - : I VAKiST ; r e ': : vh::y taste and cvcry pocxct. " - - I Seactic;,"- tiacve, others loss, but c aro gocd and ro!:b!c. Jlr-ac f4-3.; - .:irlp.-c.r ot-n rye, tbf-yarethe longest per pound, the eircc-st o' nr.? t, per! . ;; . .an.jc. Cud en tbe Ix-erinir A treat and pet r-anrtpl3 -iJ prices, Rlio epeciti t.ViilO cir culars, or send f or cii-caiai-a aaii a-cnt5' address to I The c-a':y iSlaiHT Manui'aeturoi'S iutue ! ! won--1 riio m 'i a 2 tiai-r oth twiae. fi ,U t-.ica a &J lacy Vjr' id V !:3&i;iW.N!r.t!iSt.,KAHSA$CITy,r. 7to oi ly Cp(ii!i ;t in t!io Ci'y who r. ti I'tfRii's ; Crailuuto ia I.; f.1 tine. Ovrr i i yt araTi acUu, 1.1 cflr in Clin. i':i. THE CL0E3T IN AC, A.13 LCi.CST LOCATED AttiorI'1 I-r U !-i 1i tirti'" 5 ( JirtKi o, t 1 ti A( i d in t iu.'i " 1 u 1 1 ip l v in I, (Juiri f f , y , m x 1 A 1. I' Vt 1 u), M-tv'i h li . r fi.'-'V 1'tllt-iilllo) I if ,il , 1 Ii iTiu H'l S I tl.'J- I . V 1 ' v ' y 1 "' 1 I 1 1 iii i r y I ti t', u yt' ,y 'll If 1 UUiH .UliM.if Itr IIIOM'V 11 UU'i'i ? '- ,. 'haiMt4 Imv. 'J iiit uit'l i,t c.i'"- niri.'i. i'.xiwrinni-o U 4niii a t, ll ii.t- ! i - mi- , r fniir an,4'l I i -m n t.l 'lli i rn 1 .11, I mm n. ,rt (f)uinJ tl in liiyi! f' ' ly u if oi 1 ! Ju' i l i y, h - ii i.ro la nlli'vi rt't.ily fr 110. N.i rtinnii.t' to iIimh .t.irfH ti liuvo iiritrrtiifi 1 r n I tin1 1. 1 K., h it ti ry cr J njtirh'HH rlnuii ul n !. o ' 'hi:'1' n . rtn tiu im-- 1 J'm t nt h nt a il i -I i 1 1 t iio ! bj I ir (in I x 1 r fii i ici ' mi t -oi yv h. f r f r 111 v tzo or t i .ki1.'. H 10 '-iir r:i-i nnt hiuhJ f ir (m m 'on -11 1' :Uu 1 1 co tuul t. jjiUiiiJiitiul, :r 1 .jii.dly or y i Ui-r. A r.4 ! :' rrrrothnfifi,niit II -.-r'.'t-t V t'4i,i nh l 11 I'.n.it tiiwi,!j,.'n I .r in-, in h 11 1 1 1 I 1 ia.il u Ituia tUa ui; ijli-i.Ji .oni I R-iiil tl it. l-ok. Gay fey ii w&y TnEGHEATKra RilE'JMATiC CU.13. a po s p. t s v c c u r: c j i l.'i '?.:i..ljiK ATibW. S3:a lor iai V ?N 'J i .i-ii 1..1 - 1 r"it. 1 1.-111. i. .11-4 i.i i-.ii'i t.r f , r u I .. I .: " itt.f! .1 ! 1 1 01 "ii" 3 I I 1. it-ii 1. 11 1. (II..-.I. - ii'iu 41. ii..-,: -'iii I. f y .I.. :u 1 .-luiiv.-i I .-. 1- . ; .,t 'l'. '. V f l i i juaes. (' r o. . 1 1 1 1 . 1 r t..il 1 -. ,'i 1 .1 '1 1. '.j..-t. -.-', r O'l- l,...! C-.ill, or I. li.l 1 ..ml L'a.KLKJLKSOiJ, ICQ V.Ci'.iCr., Kaiig.sCity, MiO. I CU4-1C fo;; O ll v- I V,.' ' - --'.' X J K- lis'J 'I tf L ML 1 .;'.', , r, ..I I'm : 1 1 r " I ;. : " KlJ M I if. 1-1.1 ;.. ... ..1 i.i i-c lie- t fi '.ii;-. -i !.., uli- . t. iirni!. 1 1-! . : i .1 1:, f'J ! '.litis ei i;,e Vimi.ii '.. I . ' . -r : .. I ., ;..-, ,,n, i H I, em KlOi..-)s :; .( 1. !,;!.(, i; .. .,.-tN I.... -l. ' .'..; i . .-. n li . . i ..I . pii.'.m. 1 I !, -f. I .;.:' ii . t. t I '. I.., 'i.i. I .!- t;n. , .1 ii'ii i.-i .-.el, fit -.. .s. .- 'Ii.ii.:. .- t ,.r -t.t l.y l ; i.i:i-i. i ; i-i (.. :. I'i ;' ' : i .. i..' , i.r f , ;i ... , . , i -; ..-.f ii,,, c . . . leeil.M l.it u liiirl !.'.;'..::a. ,. M I C2t. 0. CTtKETCH, Gr.-.n-i r.z-, R-Ich. fl ;.. ,.i;'',, li-.ii ll.; in.i.,'1. lw' '.;''! : 1 - A I ;'.7rif,m H '1 JLA 1 l-LS i) I N i'. t (.- - ; r ir :' f.;r rr; v i : .1 U -ptltajaj:., !i .;;v. a:;::-. . i- - . ,,; i'i -'. i.; ! C.OJl to Inve t!;-) ;.:at ; :; "! i : fecily j.-,'.)y--"Vi!': 'I, '....ri'iy crer'i.u .l :;!:! cia'c hi ii-io coiiiili j. T . 1 - t: K.iiip.'t j.iVis i- fjiiMlc-r ttio:o ';"ei- i ! .?.,. -.- .' LiiO.l C.-7-, Ts.) f.dl i r '' -T'' hi ,1 Til r--;f?n 'i.-? iZ 3 Ltlw'x. U3i''' - ' "'"' ' 7 bbdnL t u i-t, uiiiJ. !7!lf i . : j ERBr ROOF ,-. .. -j t.j h . z ii On Ls. t-rjn a U . a 5 fisjsa r VJ1!. SSEn.JiQ : CO., Chicago, 31!.!