Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, April 10, 1890, Image 5

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I 1 Ml i
rs at Ashland. J
fmf Apiil 2- :4.x i
i-graca to TiTTM.!'- This huh ning j
lit 11 (,!tk ,CtJ,-ii nit. mi t wais j
le to burgbtrizi the ofticVAd1. As!" !
I lumber oom.m.T. The i.r.; k:-.'-.
a. V. O. IJ-ntlv, out and ihe
k whs in the yard. Thn u -,u-: w. -re I '"'
n to go into the (dike. Tv.. n turned j
1 gurded the door, while the ihkd.
ke up-n the drawer and n li v. it of
icthing ov- r A lady v.l.u siiw
m gayo tlii; alarm and tin; burghin
k and I'.ii in nil direction:-. Ill Irs,
n five minute It f t ri; t.a-.vr. v. :.p after
ni. Tiny w.-ro soon bioii;dd in, but
y had dispos d i.f tin- money nin! had
own away thi ir nvulwrH, 'ill of whu h
re found. A ii i liininai y X' inn
t; held :ii)d tin y were hound over to
dit-tiict court. The bonds were fi x d
fC0 each, which they wire unable to
.j und wen- t ikon to Wahoo tonight
Sheriff Granger.
K.V'l CllUAY.
Accidental Shooting,
t'oing Otis, Ron f the lively mm at
nwoinl, received a full i barge of ha. k
tin hi. idiould-r at an only hour
inoin;r,g, on the bottoms m ar Pacific
ction, whihi out with u pmly hunting
k. Tin; exact part iruhirs Ciitihl in I
ibtahn-i' rxn pt he was shut iicei-
tally, and that tin- wound is a very j
ous one i.nd may prove lafal
Fire mi! : Meeting,
orty members of th; lire depaitiurnl
last evening pu-1'.-itant to the call o!
pfesid' nt.
r. indent Skinner ftat' d the :,bj rt of
iii i r'n'j it h -in to air in:.'" for the
end of !'. E h. the d-eea til
.1 .1 ...,... ..,..1 ... ...UJ
fllil! Ill lilw iitjj.uuuviu 111111 ivf ji.--
table ri-Boiutions of ri spi-ct.
S. Clifford moved that a onimitt' c
ippointed to draft re Mentions which
carried, tin; president iippointintj T.
Tifford, W. II. Pickens and II. C.
hie 11s such committee,
.fter b- nie discussion the president
red the firemen to turn out in a body
ie funeral Sunday at three o'clock,
ij a section in the IjjIhws us his an
lity for the s inie.
he following pall bean rs were np
ted from the depart ment : John Ken
Chas. Wheeler and Will Smith. John
htweis, T. S. Clifford. C Sheph.-nl.
secretary vns ordered to procure white
es and suiahle insignia of mourniior
he department to wear sit the funeral
11 comniittee on resolutions then made
jjjj- report which was unanimously
jt'ntetl after which the mceting-iid-
New Lamp Company
Le Piattsinouth EUctrie Limp M't'j:
was oranizjd last nieht at the office
dlou & Browne with an an 1ki z d
I of f 50,000. F.E.White. O. II.
fliu, D. A. Camphel. W. E. Browne.
lark, V. II. S'uifer, P. Elli;mson, C
Hlrtin. Ciias I Charles liar
ij .
IS mi. ,r . r Ilia iif till liriir'k-
ic aujuui: 'lif ... . 1. . v .- j - - -
a business of the company will cm
a the m iking of incandescent lamp
a leasing and stiiiplyin el -ctric ami
l power to other factories or concern
Schrefer of the H-isler electiii
!t '-'s of Sc. Louis, an experienced nnn
?ikiui; lamps anil other il ctrici.
t jjl ji, will he here within a wet-K t.
;! mil all charge of the concern; he wii
ft ,i such nint. ri d and machinery u
I yr he required to succ. ssfully opera'
; uctory. l wo new eniiims m
V and at the start 200 lamp will b
( dJ, per day whicn win te increases i
: i . . ... -hi . .1
4)1 lcr i' tnu e,n IU ,"c'fl,lir,'s
h is necessary to rearmnye 'he 1
h! 'Sfy entirely and put in ilifferti
ini-s which will necessitate a Innvi
ict'9 and will take some little tiin
iii ii tliinirc in fcleme to 11m. The cla
J'f en pushing the mutter, howtyci.
if w ,l
VlJ Resole
Resolutions of Condolence.
.tl m etitiif of t liv.- Platte
St 1 lire dcpaitnie.u lasi uijiiii uiu
fil "' .r oreaiiibb' litld TlSolutioUS WII
M.r urea
jl i Jliiously ndort..d:
nc'EaKAS, i: has pleased an all wi-
lenee to remove from our numb
Lother in tiie d v 'rt a ,flt rr.n., f re b.- it
oleed Tb it in his loss the Platt-
1 Fire Department has lost a worthy
tii. 1 1 1 .... 1 ....... 1 . ..
xtPlivj un-moer, uis iov-u inn- i e.
h .-ilii-J'i other, and in this tin
H r.'sorrowT the sympathy of th Pi: -
itment is most kindly tmdtml
rtced, Tn:t a copy of th-se reso
be forwnrded to the familv of
lied, nnd nlso be spread Upon tin
La of the depart nn nt.
T. S Clifford, f
V. II. Pickkns. Com.
II. C. KtlCHIF., )
fanornl servici n over the remains
lite Prank E Hates will take place
l 'h-5 Christian church tomorrow af-
jif 11 at three o'clock. Elder E-'ed
t i.'-
tp Jinc-
jJ.K Li. 11 lire, iii'-iiiioii 01 niii'ir jini-
I M J j rn in this rity where the 3I; Cann
i If 1 inow stands on Sixth sircet in No-
I I, i-71c)W
fi. 1R71 Th hurl b'fn learninir
pby and in a few lm tiths wnuld
kd a good position on the road. It
un'ht the fact of his beiog v.ry
tin-.l from "it-ha r trump hunting ou I
Thursday h id mu-li to do with the heart
tmuhlo tus t - Uh death. Dr.
Srhildkneeht, the f iindy after
b".r,y !"', n r' '""V'" lHJ'--
' r Ull"l!' mi k H !,r' f(l1 x ,,i,,n
.,"U; "r"P-y
''"g thenuadi -tt chum: ' '- death.
Th - follow in i-Al'ifor u:ih ir.l of
information i . ; u i pflM i atu uua
hivath'.r.;; Was Ilia'1'.' plihl if lliSint-U' 'ky
ie:e:itiv iV a hi'lioi.i oov ot 12 vimm. aJi'i
wrote n:i cKsav on win sunieri: c i
hieath with our lunr, our liht, otir
knhoys, nnd our livers. If it wasn't for
our h'ea'h we would die when we t-h ;t.
Oar hri a'h keeps tin; life a ;join
throUkh the m.s ; when we are ttsh ep.
UoyM wh btay in a room nil day f!nu!d
not hreath. Tiny should wait until
tliey H'-l out in tin; fresh air, I) ys in h
room make had air callid cai honie'uh-.
("arhonieidw is hh poisoi as in id iln. A
Iftoi Hol ln-is were oii'j'i in ii black hole j
. ,, , , .... ... i
in Calcutta mid carhor.u nle got in there
, I
and killed tie ni . irls soiueti nn's ruin
the hreath with ens. ts that sq u-cz the J
diagram. A hif (M ayrani is l-st for the
ri-!it kind of l.reaihiuy." Medical
Weighing the Mails
I'l tile p.l-t f( W da9 the V lliellS o T!
tl. nu n who are to iit'end to the qmnlit
enial wi iilii m of the mails umb r the
charee of Chief Cierk Cramer of the rail
wav in il service, have bi i n rep lirinir to !
. . . . ... . . . , i
tin. r posts, and the wot k of wei..d..u. .
rominear't-d on the v-iri. him 1 im s J'esterd y i
T!i. r. nr.. f,.,fv ..... ,!,IT r. iO rims nn,!
forty ciuht wiiiiln is look af'er ilnni
(Jn the lighter liin s the mail i lei ks will
a' ti lid to t he iv. i:;hi r.
At rath st ntine p -int on the several
runs tlie rotire in ill is w in bulk,
and each bu'eii reeeiyed aloii-: the route
is w, i uh-d. At the t-i minus the ntire
ii up of m.iil is iio.'iu .veih -d. On
tlie return trips til s mi- m tliod is pur
sued. A different blank is tilled out for
tin; out ''oino; and incoming tiip; Tin se
an si nt daily to Supei intendent White,
of Chicago.
The system of which Onudia is the
center r aelu-.a to Kansas City, I) nver.
Oijib n, Iluiitinetnn, Ore., and the Black
Hills country.
rn:.s iNAL
Henry McMakcn, is in the metropolis
of Nebraska today.
A. E. Philip, of C"dar Creek made the
Herald a pleasant call today.
Mrs Will Cushin's sister from Kan
sas is vi.-.itini here this week.
Elmer Eikriihary c.mie in from South
Omaha to see friends yest-rday.
Dr. T. P. Livingiton and Jos. A. Con
ner were Oinih i passengers tiiis morning.
M;s. Rib y Joni a rtturiud home this
morning from a visit, with rclitivei 111
II v. Bdrd is at Nebraska City over
Sunday attending the Nibruska City dis.
trier presbj ti-ry.
J. hn Don- bin 1: as taken the place with
he V st, 111 Union made vac-int by tin
recent death of P. E, Bates.
John S iiii'Sni; and wife s-tarted this
m i ning lor Nebraska Civ, where they
will vi:s;t rcbitivcs ovi-r Sunday.
I). D Cooley whs elected mayor of
Ashland for the fourth time. Senator
P.ckelt was e eeted city tit usurer.
W. H. Pickens signed a contract with
Fn d Sia'Mmann yitterday, tor the
rection of his two story brick I nisi in ss
00m Since the bonds were yoted evcry
t mm moves along at a livelier gait;
t iose who w. re holding back with con
t mp'ab d improvements are now more
haii aiixious to h-?oin woi k. Tin next
t iirt days, we b.-liev, will be the bu-i-
-1 Apt il Pbtttsmoulh ev r exp-riciiCi d.
Henry Sitz. ! is lui'liling quite an addit
ion to his l,ouo on Third street near
Tne Clara L;uise Kellogg opera com
1a.1v, will jio.-itiv" y nppear at the optia
10 ;s,; on Thursday, April 17.
The III. KALD is doing some fine win k
e, -'Horse Bills " Those needing
rh'mg in fi it L 1 11 plioiild c dl at once.
Sun Archu did a nic- job ot work ut
it t.ic :",vi r lu.-iise yest . rday, by puniui;
up at v-nty two foot st ,ck on top of the
dd on so 1 1 1 -it a In tt r r.raft miht be
ohtai ed for the boiiets.
I'.im V Me-s- r-mith. tlu wide avy ike
a-isist uit j;i:d master, meant to biii out
so, ;e empty box cars for Cu'Ii.-m, w h re
tie V W-.-r.; to be loa d Wlta ui'shi, but
ly mi.-i-ke he s nt up a car load of suit,
destine. i to Col'mibu; the b ys at the
yard aro t-nj ying the error hugely at
Posey's t-xpr.s.-.
Peter Merges says he h is his full plow
mg all nictly stack' -i, the turnip trees
carefully pruned aud ready to tap fir
the bitters which are 1 ire ly mod a few
miles from his farm in K ms :.s The l ist
thing he did before lJe leir heme w is lo
fmrvift tin; raster cifs, of which article
he has a fine crop.
J. P. Antill, the candy ui-.ker, is r.o-.v
making a tine line of caudiv.? II
makes stick, taffy, peanut, csrum. Is,
chocolates and all kinds of Cue creaa.s.
et Whiting's old Btaud, oppotite opcu
house. 113 tf .
Kansas Furnishes Fit Success
ors to the Binders.
t.aKlc Horf Wuntt'J Coinaii.v to the
Sjilrll L::i.'t-A War of I :xi -1 inlxia t lou
l'.i't-uiot ; it In Ilou.m .u'.i:i!y, Ivcu-
lucky Oilu r C'riiuiiotl .Hat i l-.-...
AnviiKiin., April '1. Ju i-o
raui senli'::aM' 'rati in (.'l.le'ir;nl to
liny iars i:i tii.j joiiti.iry for
tlvr. horad is a. oius4' '' n'n Id,
t. d w iii it t-ahlv' lni livu lirvC ve hi-
time o-t. Hie emtio ot w .,(.. !tf w-i'"!
ior.viCte-i ivau i oi omiu on youinj;r-r
hi' J.H-.'ph. Strange to ::
thou;;h thery was pi-.i' po.ilivy of
tit 3 t hai. ie in the loan's : lomaeh,
i . . :
ciiiii as thi; luurileitT, tl.o jurv retui ned
, , , .
a venl c oi tnuim r iU the sec i.u 1j-
... At . ., , . ,
t iail ;i u v. i.o was ioun ;e.l wit.i liin.
Tin i'i.l-,e hoAt-ver, lund: arm -nd-i for
the ju.y'.s fit-. ion by lToit"iuiciis u sem
en ce i!-.a-- vu ai.iny amoonoM i it:.; nn-l.Tl.-i
!i i n : 1 1. II tiiu (-V!(ieaeu ot tJoit;
i.o! ao's neiiiio is is to bo iu'liev c ', iiie
ai. o illi; of Joseph (. I.U i o. ad v s liej
,:si ii: ;i wiii s oi iniii oi r.- t ai, it i . ve.-
:tei, v. 01 prove ;i
ho 1 .b.f as t!:e i 1-
lllOU.S lifollir tllile'S. 1 lie l li ! 1i.1l i ..
Ii.ii nil ei:iiiii lieit Wasl ol'i ' 1 1 i: Ll i ' S.'T-
ted b Mr. Shaw, who ni i.tor.onsiy
uismj'pc-iifed. lOvnUn o i'i :i-,iie t tiial
he v. n.or.ejre.l for bis iiim a-v , to: i liL,
iU,OWii iuio iiu uoamu-m'.l weil n
(-," not lar from tile .Sliaw-
Ull'-( l'l. ;iill-r ;tv liilo ll.e i:,',iOM,-..i,
I a man and bib v. i e and
i lioee :: . of wi:i Ii tjiitdai! was he
cUL.-i. t i ii liieonini. in ill,' eon:- e in
irs. I
.lal ad i ie.1 in,
and her p!.u:e 1 burial ' s n -Vvji
know n. j lie vent t c -e-iont d coiusn -nt
I lit 1 he pei.'pi.' tjoennM to it;air-li.i of tlio
Cii!e!;or.uI -i ; lid it v :.s :. ver inv hli
e.v.L J. I: w.,s v..t!y b 1 ev-. d how
ever, thi si.e '..'i-.s i,:'.;:.l .id and b r
l.o..y ti.ruv. n i.u o tin w -:l. La tin;
old man tiied .-.Uilot-idy, Mil ' he i i:.!i
l.or.s :,g;iin siis ecteil Jan.- n1 :;. 'lo.s
was fo in'.vnl l y a iio.-h burial i.u .he
we:, The ei iu.e was cii rge to
h . i- lad o.ii'i his w tie, .May. A !-. -.
inoi, t ie !: it r o;;.-' oi' t:ie i.n lln i'- il;
jo.'ii.l a:.:i tiracian n:i (!, 1 he
.one i- Ni la iisl-ia, but th-' boy no r
laiiK- I nek. I.nd il is bin posi d the v.eii
reiei'.ed ;:ii her vutim. Lnst i'.-i em
ber yoi-ng 1 ('.. it was p. Loiied tin i the
mm'.i. 1: r v':is l eK ete.i by a j nrty of
nci;.i,n rs v.iio nu t (irs'.cinn, witii the ei' tiie boy on hi; i-b- u'.il -!'. l;
. t fi . if I..,- fl 4r,!.l e.! I : e t?i .'i
... 1 .1 -. .. .. I
i '. M m ;:,o 'lie leoieei -ii. 10 ei- t
1! i : s I t ri n in.- to have t':e county
c :r .0: !.-::; i oi -1 d g out ti.e eld v.i'M. now
near y libe l or., v. hi n p i.,T of iill t'nese
heriors is likely to iip: e- r.
V.lii!i.v ir :.'i V!ilsv.
Pi.r.AiiNi rtiit'iiii. Ky. . April 5. Liw
ie si,-:-s asul vto:etnv in e again ma le
ilieir appearm.ce ia liow.m conniv.
liiv, iti, ( lit oi tin- mnioo ::( fi:r.-ami .-ai,-Ol
i:ie I I il ie i St;." t - IV.-
t-i.lle !!!'. :l nii'.d-. il -wi 1
v-i;. v;,i' ot:-; siT.'.s
p a w:-:t r-y-. d.-
, :: i tli na are- i
I eing nai.h' decided. y un:-oni fort.; nie :
ho 1 er.-p e who me liioa ;ht b li 1'
Kivci: lie.' '..ov-. rn '.Vieiii ii.f ri .1 i ion. ii
v. o: : i"
h;.i f.i in ii:iiie.:s:i 'i li:; .-: !:. .-
i.nd 1 :iit llMiii,;: 'it or ana 1 im ...our
w ei v i. i.-o both kid.-.! in .1 fi. t. 1 1 oiv:
Hogg, son of tie; soa i.f. was s'.i.i o :
IV' nv moruin ;. iio. 0:1 Ii -,l)..-r! j was
Lu-hv hacked and lnort ii.V
i-'ei.-on !".;; an w a..-; lioi'.d to bis ; -V Tues
tiaynnd rc c.v.-ii a t--idlei in is is t-ri:i.
Ir ii ::!. ivrme ;; iti on of whisky 1 r no
vhi.-h v. ! iheic no telling w i. ere the
Lio. i!t bed wid i.d
riluiiii'a iviiml -i:ie:i l'.ra. l e.
Sr. i ocis. M . A.'i-il n. - lr. E.G.
Kenrta, one of the han isan n of e.--si:itj
Lea mer E i N 1 and. reeoive 1 a letter
ui 1:1 e.'.-t . v t , nor Moi ho- as iu whieli
it wa-.- i-'nie i that il.,i.(i 11 . :' r. e bo
mei; laid p.-tid up then pr, jru :, n t f the
sin ;.: i!i ll.e trei;-ur. . Ti . ,.- i- a liitie
i! o.e ibi si
hi if V ia:i i! reijili;-,, I.
has loan sujucs-.-i, ihal suit w-oiihl he isry agiiiii-.! ihe i oii(i.,mer.. as .-,o--tr.d
of them had sro 1 ;:: v u I not,
pav oihci'v i-e. Mr. ICeioni -ai th-.f
the iuili-.itio'-.s are that the; w:ll ail
e.- nie t ilie front unA tiia.t suit will not
be tn c; s ary.
A 'r.:z.v lu.ii.iii's vVotr.
OuaIIa. N b. , April a. A jom;g In-
Uiilll li.i.litM :,C 1, 'I ,e o-iou t.,v4
i: I T-.. If . - .l I
t:.-( o. I 1- , e, ar, k I .'--,v s ' -P.000
t iie: or at I'i o IMdg" a;e':ey, and th
CO meted S'il'i.h
. .. t
Ol i'J...,vir..,x.. ,.- w...
in in f'o:n ac! 00! r.;i ho -c-'
fl- .fix..!
1-aurte 1 s-e i.v oat iro:n an i
Ltai,.. ,.1
mat .-hot him 1 the l-ae c of f !i.- h a
A.lter coinn: it i in
' 1 1
!:e manic:
Lor e na-t -aene tain r Indiiin.sto wiiom
"no said he felt a though he w as .ici.irgto
die andwa-tel the white man to go
with him. II-' then s ot hiaueif L"vvii
formeilv lived in O naha.
?iarlcre! i.i n li 1 ;o Ii Vf.
Nev.-.v iv, y . J.. Ap il ". The '.H)dy of
a man I now n as"J- r -y .Ti"i" was takea
out of 'lie lu'.iaa dive c: f ' .las Bioo,
and s-iii'el away by soitit? Lbdiiia.
'1 ho n')d e ai re -te i Liuio an I 10 ir til
ers of hi- f-iiairynien and1 a e now
se.irMiin for ! .0 of ,-Jer-ey Jnn."
lt is s-s erud trnit he was stabbed 10
ai:- l-..i-l., :ii-i'ta:ev;'S. i
1 : ; v . . . -.".'.;).. April a. Ah of the
. tali : -i . id's re on t lie t ai: of a es- .
! a e :;. ng of wholes do h-.rsetaie vos. I
.la- 00 ".era find r.g tbcmrelvos clo-e- i
v 1 o-fcy.e 1, at the tei gn-ph wires. The
thieve.- h ve by thi- lime reached Hon-
tana w i.h -OH iii iid 1 f Wyoming hursee.
Drpaiy f-t. riiT Kiltt- I.
Chttan-oooa. lenn.. Aw: . -
ard Ci't'.ern, whi'e rt itiri r.rrest, rhot I
and kilie I Depidy She .iff ( and !
.,-.-,.-..1 r- i:-,iil,,,l.. I n.JHlitf K.l.-li it' i il SOi .'.
r wiii.t- ointi'ir to -r,iiv;, C.tttern
was bliat lUiUUMl the Utij iilli Uli
A I'.rnt 1 "J a -I m i's S -t;r.r.
W.vxr.1 .UVitv, Colin.. April "i Richard
i vorf, the h. human father hj i hu.
han :. waa- f- .t.::c 1 to 1 t"t days i 1 the
t:auutv at New li vtn. I iii wi s
haj ti-a t a . . ed to the Lo-fit-d on the
wu f-r.
hva i.i:rjM..nritr-
Uio Niil .-t-'iont 1'. lit' Si-ioiol-llool.
l;iil t irmo'il.
I'l.i ..IxlNl.--, 11., .; il -IfltllH B"1-
R'e the iii inual h h ,', matter iv;n
i - -ii n; :-;:ia on a motion :i rwim.
n h r lh" vol.- I, w !i m.. i.ill t. e?s
t !i!i.!i three normal i!s u;i A li-.A-
i I'd. "he I id raiae u;. fer --.:; a ;i and
j v.;is ro.-il liv a vol" t I t t:j .
At tin- evening s-.j-inii tie; l..tlow iny;
bill.-. t-i " pa.-.-' J : T a low :-'.! i laii
wu;. M'slnn to e:.; i-'l I: ;. or-. I iiy lim
its l r t l.:!e i,;., it.iti.j- -:; : o m oi 1 1 bi I tiei L ,
' ( ' 'in Is ain.l ih - pi it it-s f 1 1 ii;i :i' t :. ir: ; .-t-iy
re.iui : , u i.ei p.p-ri lij.f.n v. 1 i. )i t'(-y
!:! M"j'.il:i"l t t.ive ..';i i.-'l (lie . i. i;i .i
p:. .in' frooi ianv:i-.-in - of li," vc te ef
t-.w iv h.p by the Ii.i.tI .,( ti u 1 1 e. 0:1
the e.y li:l!nv i 4 i - -1 -1 - - to pro-. M
i a:i!; e:a!iiii:i" s Mid t':ie;; le,- -de
..-of; to ).l raiiu::y ( in
.ii :'. :; h-oiil p! . in;- ens. u. h; s ..
c'.c .0 i'hii fifty f. et f ai.v . .:';,. ojii-
WiiV: !" al'ow i (I... :,t'ci, i c ;,ss
( i: ai 'fii:i a I ; ; (!'.: :t' me :i ; to m ii-
o.u'l:i uai. v !' iii.'
li M of t 'l '
; to prn n!e
Tiitr.i oi me :e:il e -:;t-:i':i
i' : T? Jitii.vC ' (';!) eupj'.'s oi t ho
1 ; 11 1 1 i'-U - conin:! --siofi'-r-s t a labor
i-.ti-.iies AJ-i.'1 oii.t-ri in.z oa w-iin-.'ii
tin' i'ht to v teS m hool 1 lc.-t;:,ns wa.-i
1 1- :.!( I l':-!'o e.!. I
'iie- h !!'. I. '.i u ; :); siSol-bo bill j
I.I..1 (! .' I'.' ! i OI
to i '1 he ' i!i
: e I .v :1
i' '' d provide b'l
!i i'-t
arch 1 .u of .-;,. ! books, iin'i
!(::.: 1 V ( .0 ' ( ' I
o: leM V. 'l be
l.boii-hb'T th." J T" :e:,t Wi ai'iiT -ei vi .'.
an 1 m:ki':g it p irt of the er,.p ; ;
van ;-: 1 nrc o u:n n 1 ;-e l Tlie n e-e
went info e lumiUe of th" w h'.-'o :
;.'.i: j,e-..i!ce i'i 1 ; 1 .'! pe tKers were
i )o'e . all 1 V U?'g fo:- prohi.ii.
t.::;" ej- a-.iin l. . 0 v. te v. ;; '. 1-:
and '. h--; 111 t'er w.; ; 1.0.1:1:1.; d is. -til 11.
0:,i.l' Ten !!s:.'.i
St. Lci- .-. M ..
n i- i l r.
, 1 ,
in ;
; ! ai'.il N'.oio :
M .. Ap!i o. As the sotdh-
' o.:'ll C luia'i ;': -t l.rii! 0.1 ti" W:!..;::
1 o ii '.1 ; l ou -d : : :i -i 1 1 i . ei 1 :' ve a ::'i -. '
di.-i.::ieo !.,:.! i i. 1 1. .i-ii-s. . nt, .-c
i,'..-!:.t k ;. in., lh ' t!-;u wa i ( ;:!!
;::,! r il il d w, a .- ; iii , a 1 . ;
. hi'-.- -oi... ;.t tin' 1.. e i ; i.:.i.
an ; o-ir. 10 ai! loi 1 as 10 r, w .-i
1:1 Hi e.l, 1-1', '..,: : M'l 1 . y.
: I'o: , ! s.ei pel o - v 1 : e, 1 ; .. 1 r.oi:,:- ai . V !
.-.-.'.i b .1 ld- 1 M:e. . !, : put o-e I
Ihejire :.!',.- i-: I. O oi ; 1 i i mii'-'ij
be a. 1 vv y. ' be ,'e 1 : ':! i - : I '. ro ii ' e 1 1 1 ,
ti.'' ii id 1. 1 , , , i 1 i-:! o! i!t:' ti'ie;.
( ',. :::''--. 1... . '":-..' lilt!-.; ciij'
i f i V. 1 : t . !;o. !-;:,l s;. ad but l nui.u:
-.: I. Ke i'i .'l.'l t i , ' .-: -o 1 '.: : C j! ill 'i :. il i' '.
lay. Its j-n! ii . ' ; i ' i! or 1 wo in
WI til, i,!ii :e i i-.V- ve ie , -
ru 1 .-in :. o.hi r.-. u inio.e.s a. id f-i-i v.-;-di.
tnin i liii:rt!, A eiu iiaia it;.lno w
the n ,i:i-j i in: ii g 1 f ii ln a-. y o .-! r :
the 1011 :o the ' .r oi a icsid-' '-e,
;.!:'. Ling if ii chin 11 y in fr.ii .sit. A
con pie oi r ds on o ..hei'.-i t o tiie .-to; ;u
eeii-e.- s ar-eiy a lire 1 ii of ai:- wasdi.;-
-ei- a i-i
, o on v-s injured, but lie tliu-jge w ,s 1 ou.-ideiable.
A l i-i-tti fti! ( i-i'i.'ioit.
Savta BAittiAA, C'al , April . A 1
cxplesion occurre 1 I-'riday in
the iinrdiVou & Stcwvrt Cii comp.tiiy's
luiii 1 a :ii iir Panla, win.-i3iiil is l):v
in; i ored for. T ni"U vv t'j badly
be.'.-oi d, one f whom baa siuae di - l.
W'iiilo workmen we-e le.-uoviag 1 hr
vrec lag" : ie,:i er epl -si' 1 buri 'ti
i llro.ii ! I .: c i :;'. I tun: e!. Ilv.
kllovv.l to be !; i. , (: :i ones of 1
nre ixiiov. ;i. biiltoa ii-ir liio b; :
of the
1 -. -
d 1 I ti.e 1 ..nip.iny. K:i 1
::,U i o.i g.
S .,lii i
Halifax. X.
l I I.' Ile.f.
April o. -Tiie G; -
man steamer. Utopii. from Meliter-r-ay.-sn
po: t-i v a ( ii "i-attar, bound to New
Vori:. iivri ed snort of eoal. after
s crmy i ;i-.s.-, ;-; of iiin ecvn days. llavy
westo. ly gaies a.n l liili s.-as pr .'-.-.iiiei
a'l tie- way. Comm a s -utiinrly course,
phe i.,ot !' ice. Sin; has . . '4 stee u-c
l-as-ivie'ei-s. v.n.J t!'.o ,,.-1 bubo, k o boiir.l
I! d and ne..r v a. I!, and!
iney v.irj on th'- hat barrel ot :Ij.j
when she ifi'a. hiao.
"Win si i!ri.'.;, i-i ilia Xi i s - i.-; p jii Lrvo:'.
Ak.'CaxsasCitv, Avk , April ". Tin
worst civviis-r yet car ia1.- on tip?
is ijO't a:..- ii, ti," rive;- wjl.s ma-Je eiviy
l ilday ii ori i, ;: i.v ;ho I re..l;ina; of tb.
1;, t- .:i '. a', i i. 1) Point., t.-n a, be-, i.eio.v-
Li.. i.v, a 1 Ij-.i ia!ig. n t c-n !. oa ammg J
"ri'.: Vv 1 y valuabl bifta-ians, ir
r em it i; iy .-ubmercd. A nnniuer of
1 ti ie v 1 re ilioivns.l, but ail t 1" re i-rici-ii.s
es .-.pod. Hemes ire beiag was'ie !
',iw,',y. ' bit-i.k wail do immeu.-i
da ma re.
?";.-,-.! V l"atl o.l ;l .".1 le Alt.
fcil.TU -: I" RIllW P.
o'c-l i--: ia t'.ie n:o-:.i
I a. ion i-iiTii'ftiiv's vv.
A .-. V 1 1 '
a i oiler at tl.i
0:1 the S i-war
-'" " l - '"- ' : '
iv-'l- I ir p:-. ill. ii eiiiitr. ana 10 t:
j , 1 u v :'.. .,','-.' v. . . 1 ;:i .v : ..
, . . ' .1 1
I r I . -:o i v .,- 1 : t : te n.-iir. 1 1 it t - 4. t . . i
: inuir-. U.i .v.-oo w s sr-ir. i- 1 n" r 1 u
- ... ,. 1 1
L-ol or a d in.- van s t.-MiM no no a
ndie -vay in a - or 1 h 1 i. with Lt: toj
ot 1 1 in 'a.i o-va o .
Itelo. rt lo-.i-i eU ." ;
La a;ra:. Apia a -i
wii: 1 a ve id . ' i :n 'iv !' a- '
1,;, . . r ... ri-.a i o '. - : :
hi -. t-i " i - s, i- -c,
un V. lie I ok wed a
-,e iii . a ' s 1 te 1 1 a ; 1 1 1
. - . I .
N. -. a N - . .
li l!K-. a ; :;-t . 1 oa.
h.,...;:.ts li.iap or : ev,
miite ! Mii.-.d t.V h ng: a;
r . .1 ,-.-..
er; o- irreii
, ' e ir y 1:1
o.n:-: :r
- )
d i
?i.l.i of in- h -us ia 1.0 1 it."
T t year- tad. ; n ; lb' . t ;- I...
ieiing- fit.1.1 ia aa. 1..
Ji-i.-ia-i :i -rf iv. I, t i.' l ti.
San a:, Cd... Ap ii a. -
A'.ear: I r. s n of Gon. 15. S. Alexander,
L S. A.. co:nmiiL-.i saioida by ta ing
I strveli i ie. lie had b en ilr liking
I heaviiv. f.i-i' 1 ii a note ; tat i:v his hi'
i tel. troll t- lake hi-, iif."
it i n1 1 ii
i- UaM. -a;::-". Pa, April 5. Hi" Cain-
1111 " n oae.i. 1 t i'i.' ii:iimK
irot tievoad outioh i'.ime-ej t-j tae
tin. runt of il'-O.O 0 and the loa of a
veer;: tiir.e is the r suit.
ivol.t.-r, r.Ii;l.ti;.
II vuR SDrti i. I'a., April 3. A distin
guished 1 tiling foreigner, who rcgij-
tered t the p.. 1 a : 11 -a oa Weone.da
from upopley. .
ahlJiViuiJ 1 tn;itU)
A Ccvcre Criticism Of til 0 I.Ic-
Kinlcy Sciiedale.
cli:::son u:; VAumuvnns.
H.- S.i.v. H H,ih I-..-.' ct 4i I'ai !:.'' :: I. . -..
niel Me. 11 M i:- 1 ' 1 .i"b':i. l liy CI;.- f o I -
. ii ;i M I. i - j.
ii- Mi!:
i' '- I
.: ;ii;:o;.. ,
-v. a. ..f M -.-
' : ' I i .4 I i .!' 1- A' I M ' i'
1-1 e. t.l !.ie .. V. 10 1 '.iv- !; .- :e'
: r s.. :.l I .: i 1
'i ;; , t : .(
I : r toir -.. .
..piii o n-i.'v ..
lb nry A. i
, !:-. t 1. -ii- l 1
.oi-ir.--::. .1 it r -n,;
I iiie i 'A i m I: ! : ! t. x: I
10 oi' , e . :. i: : 1 1. ! - I
i 1 1 ! 1 I - 1 4 : . . v : 1 1 1 - ,
-..(' t 1 ' :'. ;
; '
1 I
j '
! i
, !
ie.:-: m ; ; .,,
) r.l m ...ns -...i,m Mr. !,r
...... .;.a, N ,.;
1 : 1
:, b !
li:.- b
I I ;,:.' n t.
! : i '.
, ',r-..-. -. o :
t ' 1 .- i 1 .
1 i. : '
: e v. i
1' c ii -
i 1
v. i t
v. . . i
t :
1 1 :
ll.'O )
1. , . r i
; :i .-) won
-. : ; ;i .i'ii
, .j":v l,f.
? a : .1
1 .-. .1
,, j , ,i i; ; , .. ;, !
. X : 1 : 1 ' -1
o- , . ,. . i ..'
at I.l.y ti oe ,
! .: C; .. t of s'.
, : .!,- ,::: y. f
;! ! w 1 ' ; 1
! -e . . '. iv
: t.; . 1 . ; el
. '-:( :
.. a . lea. I . . a .
ie. :.. li.e.r o
, .... Iii e.-. !;.;
. 1 e t e
u '
,i- a 1 I il' i:'.,;e or
:;::. r. I.e : .s. i
ti ',1 i -. ;.. r a - .! ,
b-a t . i: i ; l.a'
: : . : e.i.i is ..
1 . .-. :! " ii, I
I t.
! tl.
! I:
1; a
,: f, 1')
. ; 1 ' ; .lars
1 .
i 1 : . r. t i. ; j : 1
i . ih we . ! ifli a . e eg. d
1 re i.u I --- 7 to the t i:..;.:r
. , e. J 'en a er.i:;e.i ti, . '
:iH' -. v. ran! -iio ws bv
! e.-i 1 -,
per 'e
'11,- : ' .' ; 1 - i : 1 1
lVI Oi
-1 :
. - .
. 1 .
: i'i I iiis
.ie 1 Jil ! '
, ,1
e .!;: . 01 u-iar 1
'- a i : .''a i i , 1 . a- ,.' ii: el l-'ai.i
! ;' e:. : ' i ,1 a '. it; e-e o siig ir ;
ida 00 eh a a ;i ;l ,-;p in.
101 :,r-. , it : t iv,:i : i .a ' s. ei. 0,0 a ; a ,ar W. A K11 kpat-b-k, Abniz BiCon, John
m in:;. .'it; at . aai a -road, do- . B -v.l, J-i 1 imia-i I). , John MeNamar
z::in: T..v!;:;;y,;u'i;:lUr,,;"i ". p.-.-.-
r-'vi-na.- ia.u.ian. j ton M. Mil s, E I win J. D iyi-, John : !':-.:o!,!i i ei. Tihe, and to:.; B D nnv, ii-arlv all of
.V:;:-,:"i ' , Aiuil . l iisf. A.-.;i-l- ; w horn tediJl-d at the nth -1 two pteiiuiir,
i'it. iV-.t;iiii.-.b-r i Ui I'd CI t-Usoa of mi.-s.
i . a .1 iii a i! iiiitrv i w that tlie pro
i ; :,: ... ., 1... ,. ... : (.,;,... . a. t.
! , I 1 , 1 I . . O . I ' . ' ' . 4 4. I . I . O I , , I I l O '
1 .. ,, ... . ...1 1. . ; .. 1
i i c e . : 1 '.s 11 1 . ! s soti,'. 11 1 1 ei 1 , a -1
-eve 1 e if ' !) i i. ' I : a:i !, "and while
it ,ias ; r.e.e an a , :0:1a'. i la.v for toe 1
e. i ie o-ia; ; an I t o - si.aiiier I
to-", a:-, it lia f ii i a) li".. t t.n." Jill ;ie
!: in ,1 i.) ei.ior.. e i 1 - ai 1 i . t lie baa- I"
ei .a! ia t a. ,- ,a.i--'. oa. tde Mi-..-:;-
.... iii xv i,a!, )..!; Iv n.-ttl il by
I o . e Oi laiio-e in o.r.a
II lain 10 11 i
". 4 I . V .
u,t b tnioi"' 1 in s c
:.:,;. as w.t lout a s-tate coasta o liarv,
wbie.i lie, temper of i:. ; x .w a i.e ,,1 ;
wo' a I iievi r j ei m it. tne egi.siatiou
to i.foree ii has loin as severe
and a:. to laii'.'o.s vv.-ufi ever be p"imi!tiil
ley ii J r e 1, 'ooio. ll.e Kena-ali ;in o ail v
!,;i 11. verb. en unit'-.i ia snaportof ll.e
oa-aa o iv As many iis 5 1.0 n) or Gu.UO.J
iv iieLiiiS h '. Ye IC'll O..)0-'jl toil,
I'licuve .0:' a: r.s mi me any,
vi!:i::g li s- e ii-;."m.' . iaieat ti i. a No v
.. . .-. , 1 . 1
iii . I. ia;-, oe-.-il tii. , -fie.-i iit'.u .
lei led : i pa't, th.-y 1 i.sis: that the
i.l-i l.e i.mtiid d mi as to i'ive
p:a ;. .-. i a to Lit-
(.1 nova
:,:, 1 n -
.v i: re 1 aoli opiu oa f . va
it. bo?, t i .1 so'iie old -r .-a tbods
: g a o f ; -r
given t ' tin
vi:ci-..' i-x " L
ae c-nfor e i.
-O i.V t:i" ir lliO
ai je-r CO t. o'
see sao .'. s ta it it
-i tin- ::'. ei ,f
r ca
i". L. I, ii - 'U 1
1 he ; o wa con.'.:. en
itepa a :s in evv
iiiand. for a - i a '
liev.M the pr - s 1
modify tit roii t,. i
i a'r .liio t on
; out its de-
-., in. lie o '
a Hire shorn 1
a '.vs.
a:iiisi.'.!.''!-S ,...' .il.
I , as":; ;,.: . A;. ti iii.' tr?"! i-iry
dapariaoar :a-a 1 -re i a d-Miei o.' a:i
appeal 0 j.r. aoini a ta
1 i.iiiiu - j.;,i 1. , v 1 1.
l.-iO a--
on.. .- 4. . ,n 1 ..... .
! ,.er reat.
a v,:.o:o, on teiioo tie
Oi'aaill- il 1 ,
, 0 1 -isi i
. t - : . . I . ,. !;,
, 1
1 a. -i , 1 1 : 1 : t'.s ii.M - . . . u. i o .0 1 :i . 1 . e..i-
i.;.- bao b -oai" .a ," 11.. ;.n 1 it.--r.-
; , . , .. ,
! vvi a n, L o li.r-ai. x a : , ; ai oa t ;
j ;ir t; ,- a iu -r i w . 1 .a -ad :a:e 1 i
wa-. a .; -.!, a a i !. . 1 " a -,' 1 a v .1
i b
1 in -r
it a
il 1 l o
. ;., a
::j.l .n..' at t.l r;
1 .1 .
: a
'! 'WAS7-t:''TOV.
; I'ar.k of C inn-
t V .:
n ami a a a ; , .. . . u a a. , .0 a
i'.al 01' -'3. o i. ir i- '- a.::y N.
taaia! 1 '.. ;. 'f.i . : ' . 1' :: , -., O -v
liii -onia i t V-. or a. iaaa- a.p'i-
eatio 1 for a'j .h dy 'a o. 0 . 1. -0 a .11
i.i ,:iii i 1 a ';.
An A ' foil :I . f.i a ie;:- f'e .0 i:i :.nt ai.
Wash: .-, r .. Ai. 1! --Jr. J. D i -y-
ior. ii'ap.i tae com an ' oa t.i a! ,.
; liquor U a.a , reoi d ., Ill a: .... a
, agreed 1 on i'V the Colo !iaU i- ia v 1.;
lor Ilia il:) i.nal:ii -ii: o:
bou r 4i a.ii.: coiiim is ia
- 1 - .
a:l ii to.i II a
-XC1.5 : V
- Ojll aV tl.
ri. a. Tiie pveoident
gnr.l the urg ney deti io'.ey aw
ipap. ia.ioi
a i it.-t to ex ten. t t-
ri tf i ii ii-i.ale
: 1 aa.: i. 1 i
traa.-p rt:
t.o.i i iw:
,1 it l'.-i i Ji 1 I
i i.i i.,,; .iiu..
f,., ii4e n-iivf oi .-ii
11. 'il I I'aia ii l a-n.
Virf-TV-TV iv ' .-- fl'-' 'rit-Mirf
v, Af in-;. T.', p. o. ii.o ,re..i:ury
, . . , , .
d.parm.t pur 1 . a 4. p,r
Zii. a ,ajJM-
fi!fv. liiil Mr.n n lliil.
.vv. N. Y., April 5 G;veinor
! Hi 1, I teFi-idiy afieraoon, eigaoJ the
' 'Vprrupt ir ct. i
Sherman floiiml Over,
(i.i:.Ii.: i'e.
'I'i pr. li:H;i. oy i-x in.ia iti m of Wil
li -i m S ei in tin- t ilii d I U.j fl HI I'e-1 III
in t 'i. I en I ii. 1 1 !. r, t 11k e -t : r
( i ay 'i i 1 1 I i-i'- il In lull' j 1 - '. ire , J 1 1 I i I!,
i Tin- le 1 ill Ml- ! i h I e ! r 11 i.c id in J In;
inori-i: b ;t i.ns post p. in-.! nr.lil two
,,,: 1: r..a,.; .,t u- i .'.ii.iiity of
i i "iiati a tuiii' y M iiiony to be present
i until tiiat tiul".
i in .,n';i i f . 1111.I biiby w. re n H.-ct
in , fi 1 11 1 t loem, (lie I id) - mi jnir ul
! iii-i kn 1 i.r .ii ie .iit , .uif.i:aiion
j 'l ie- ii d w veiy -:: in to the he ir
, v, 1 sh. ! 1, In, Tl.
r- - - - a..j
r-i .: 1 1 1 x o, 1 ie . ; a j:rn! numb r of wit-in-":-,
in M- r. r. ititi'.iiin'i d l y the
d. lei. Til.- .i'er o il t of tliet' rti-
1.1 .e, w'r- 1 ro. r.iboi a ion of wh.t has
!' : pub!i.-iie. . j.c.t .'ly in the papeis
:.!(. I !in 11 v. d v 1 pni nts vice biought
iii,. 'I'll' i: "o:ie- :.:.iiiit liu -i a look of
l oiiip... i;je , ! : : 11 o i.j . j , (.,!y oiiro
;: ; -,, in sb'Joly ;.:,!i ,nnj 11: I Veils A hen
! he was i'b lit li, .! i,y biiii..-! lbutir, who
saw on tin; 10, il n. ,,r the Pinin v
i a 1 in on lie- -1 , 1 day of l' Inn : 1 v.
j t in tir.-t v.i.u .11 i dlel ,-,s Coroner
i ibiiiioii!, u ii 1 v. .i.s -. wii ii only to 1 st. ib-
! li-ii il;- tri-.'ie .!. ,tli of Mr i. I Mrs.
.1 ,:;-s tli 1: t - on w hieh it whs clis-
i CMVl ll !, the i' que-t. it' l l, etc.
A. D ij il 1 1
t :: m 11 d i e 1:1 ! -, r
s 11 in !a W of
a'- 'l th.;
:e, ill ti,e pit iiliiili. iv o I lh'
it In r tw o
v-i-.j, ! is. lie- story oi til
iii.-e very of
' '' '' i i' s . 1. I oi !, r i 1,4. i.b cts iii con -
11: tiou with the t :ul".
Mi-. C l -.vai.tdt r and Ie r son Prank
.'. . re in ,., call- n a
iiel coi n,!i ,1 iiti d the
1 1 -:-1 i 1 1 1 , 1 v oi Mr. ( '.e I w a lader.
Ca'vin P W --ig joaer and Oscar Pick
11 .1 w ie th" 1; xt u il 111 :-s' s, but mi her
t :-: i ii -. i to -o;y : i;i 1; o r.
M 'i :i,i I! '.if.-r w n n t c died. Hi
lii.ui i.'i.i! iy idintili -d Sin rmaii and
.-: , or,- pi, i v. I t :i:,t In- li ,d s-i n him on
Tin s b'.V, lb. 1. about loity yard noith
of tli - Iiim yard oil the Pinney farm.
Tuat In-, (li -u'ti i, was diivoig by in a
v.'iL'i ii .-ml th't Sin 1111 tn was standing
i:i the road looked ul him as hn
I ts-.--, I. li, ;,isi, t,.t:d that Siieimaii
1 1 , 1 11 had 1 1. , II. ! ..e!ie.
Tn" odi'i- wit'i -si -s e. i.n'a 'd w ru
Tlie f
r,y was cninididi tl at about
, , , . ,,, . .. .
:,', and Sherman was held without,
; '
bail to await the iiC jni of the district
"D r Se. hot.:" is a g-rman jjajK-r pith-
I li-ln-d in M i 1 iva a !; 1 e that tonus here
mark :d l'latt-m nith. N- iira-k 1 tenitorv.
) -v n t-:,ot'..' c'ii:t;.r nuuiit to coiin; wc-t
arid see biiat the indi.01 CiUit-s in nnl
ltr.,nt,tl t ;,- wi!.. a!t(1 ,vo W western
; town, his id -is of tie- tetritory tnij;ht I.o
fh our. ,1 ev 11 if h r .fi" 110 fart her than
.11111," Omaha
Mike Sahn, lib .( h 1 E-q . of this city
, 1 - ia ia c- ii.t ol a t 1: cnl ir 1. 1 ter auno-an-
; , .
1 lu-i tne ,1-t nai.'ivi
of American
O 1 l i aliowsnj, to !, celebrated ill a
b.eo'uoie; maim rat C ume.l Bluffs on
i , ., , , . ...
i lh - '-'4f!i d .yol Apia.
Tin- Pi ttt-m.iuth
O 1.1 Felh.-.vs me ;dl in vite.!. The Grand
s:re an 1 G ii"iii 1 1 --i a. o id' the order with
ith, 1 li jttbh' parson iges will Ic; present.
S'i ii. L' v ;ur 'u it"t s f ir ".V So i d S ;s-
! si in ov ta,- Pi-s'.-ig" Stamp C-, next
j xu..s,pl7 i,;Ldit. Tli - ina-ie lv the orcln s-
ti n alom' i.s woi tli tiie pi ice of adini.-r on.
Tne Bi.t'-k II j--ar h t.'i l will give a free
i Cme -' t oil id .!a s'l eet t' oni 12 to 12:30
, 0:1 Ttie-;l iy n-iou. Tni-, no one sho dd
mi.s .,s ,(; ,u( j9 8.H t l,e mueh finer
tii ,11 when h re b.t year. R. in.-mbi:r
this baud wall not in ike a stie- t parad8
us cla y iday s -Lotions that c.nmut be
u'. i V- d ia 1 par ide
T l 1 . .1 ..'...- 1 .... i .... .. ,:.f
' ' ".'' '-. " " -'isoi i t
P- r:y (i :-s !,at ii - is 1 fruit m-iri
m-V a t
-s. il ua! alias nearly half a
l' iloii uir is -'v i'i iiaaita-i.-s v s
o his r. w iiaa i. airiuaitl room
1 .
; tarda
oil main -tie t v. h r.: ie- ' irii s h fuil
tot:J of 1 in u - fro. n tr d Aue r-ie-t.
i-roij s Ir m Saiiv. . ; aaa iia's fioin
T x
v.- ri ' f- a a (Ml. I' iraia. p :i-
, a ':;!:-: 1. w d atils fro.u Eag-
li.i mi
Tii- v.-, .;
J ii.l'- st a
i y a 1' s : . o ;i At t -- mi
ii i : . di no u to !h out
;.)!- :!,i
Acivco oi d Pr. rniriunr L md Srok r
liut'liU .lis; yjr'.tjj Co.. Jw.'iiS-JlX, ii'h:
G:,Xia: i; r'a,.ii..v. Is-s.l. 1 can
I m ...1.0 ii.-is.,i lid.'ti .r-.i's !.o-unt..tic Si u,
j and Mr- nti.--iii!;g Pi t-t-.i-is i..r iiifitm
1 m aioiy 1 hidi,ie:ti-m, l.c.vii.i.' ii-a 11 troubi' d
tn.-e yi ar. v.. i:Ci li,:.-, it iiilin- ypy
ji lat- v.t r 8-i oh 11 so lliitt I catld hardly
w ' ' -. and I "t'l i.d.-.i to my ba-ni ss w irii
n .a, v- t .....a c. . 1 .... , 1 .1 ..
' " ' - .-'....... ti- nun U,i-
pi: d lh pi ,,eia. .0 uiv limb- :md b'!(a.
, and I can say that I am now cured. I
; li tre uoi !).- 11 froubhd willi rhi unuitiptu
Ma iJ 1 1 a.l ' la I ',111 1, JJ "H ll- e. .V1V lattur-ln
. T . , .
Ih, Jir.J D. Skinner, of ilntison. hn-i al
a., )!.. n benefitted bv this medicine. W,
,crr..:tlJ commend it to our M,,d,
sir' dire, r.tii.,,;,, jfH nc,.. fathtr-in- my advice, civ it trial.
C. R. Xrcrr .-a, ..n.
Manson, Iowa.
Ask vur druggist for it.
All grccerte fnh and ntw at Knxjt'.
1.. .-
r Llconso
v nrrn
l in-iH-
y n M
'ei k of
'IS,1 is----...