Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 06, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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I'LAI'iVMOUTii VEEivLY ItEUALD, TiiUllsDA bilCEMDEK 0, ltbb.
Mutcriul and It Arlitio IU'ccU
Convenience ami Interior Arrangement.
ISedrooni mi I Piirlom I-ccturo Kim. in.
I'll! Id rcn'H I'luy ground.
Anions tiio luildiii.s orcr-leil fur tliO
ynirpoiie1 f nti i lyirif? "mii't:i!I-, tleoent
uinl economical lVfllin.' at :i very mod
erate cost . that put 11 j in (jroeiipoint y
Charles l'rutt i worth noting. It i.i to
acconimoilato 1M families, ar..I i a mx
Kfory structure of tsuili uiassivo proror
tions as to attract attention from tin;
river, which it faces. It extends L'UO
feet on I'ranldin street, VZ't feet on India,
ntreet and 7" feet on Java street. Tho
chief material used is hrowii btono, hi ick
nnd terracotta. Tliero are hay windows,
artistic cornices ami pjahlcs its
effect is not monotonous. There are
really six separate huildings, which
would have in them when miito full
nliout 100 persons each.
On tho Franklin street side there aro
twenty-one families, who use ono en
trance, nineteen families nso a second
entrance, and seventeen families a third
entrance. On tho India street side
twenty-six families use ono entrance
and twenty-ono families another. On
tho Java street side eleven families u:;o
ono entrance. Mich house is separate
from all the others. All the halls aro
Iireproof. Tho sUp3 are heavy Iduo
stono slah.s, inserted iu brick walls. The
staircases aro nicely proiortio;ied low
risers, with Lroad steps. Tho turns are
made on square platforms, with ample
liht at each platform. These staircases
aro kept heated, lighted with ;as, and
cleaned without cxpenso to the tenant.
The reTits rane from S'S.a'J to 600 per
jnoiilli. I'or t"J0 there are suites of seven
rooms, every room with a window in it
opening on a wide a;.r space, giving two
parlors, a sitting room, two bedrooms, a
dining room, a kitchen and a scullery.
The scullery rocs with each set of apart
ments, and its completeness is a j;reat
feature of this building. It contains an
earthenware washtub, with hot nnd cold
water, a large sink and an ash chute, in
which all refuse may be emptied, lead
ing to tiio cellar. Each family has a
separate water closet, with a window in
it opening i;;to the scullery. Each scul
lery is ventilate! by an opening into a
Hue built for tho purpoo, leading to the
roof. Each kitchen lias a ran go and hot
water boiler. Each tenant has a separate
coal and wood bin in the cellar, a sep
arate portion of tho yard to be used for
drying clot lies, and has access to an ele
vator which can lift 200 pounds at a
There is a folding table in each living
room, and a closet to nearly every room.
"Wainscoting prevents damage to walls.
There are galvanised iron boxes on tho
window sills for llowcrs. Picture mold
ings are secured to all tho walls, and tho
tenants are supplied with hooks, so that
there is no temptation to mar tho walls
with nails. The rooms average 140
square feet. Each closet has shelves and
hooks enough to meet the wants of the
most closet worshiping matron.
The plumbing work of the building is
a vast network of pipes. The heaviest
material in lead and iron pipe was used.
Eleven tanks, holding 23,000 gallons of
water on the roof, supply the three upper
floors, and can bo used also for tho three
lower lloors in case tho pressure is not
sufficient from tho city pip?.
The ledrootns and parlors are trimmed
with white wood, tilled, varnished and
rubbed. Great pains have been taken to
secure a perfectly dry cellar and base
ment. The" foundation walls rest on a dry
gravel bottom. They aro covered with
asphalt and have a bitumen damp course,
In the basement there are commodious
bath rooms lor tho use of the tenants.
They aro heated with steam, and have
marble floors and wainscoting. The
wood work is polished ash.
There is a reading room, or lecture
room, on Java street for the free uso of
tho tenants. It is lighted, heated and
supplied with tho leading newspapers
and periodicals.
The suites of four rooms rent for 519
per month. They compriso parlor, bed
room, dining room, kitchen and scullery.
Some of these four room flats are rented
as low as 13.50 per month. Tho three
room suites rent for from 9 to 13.50
per month.
Children are not permitted to play on
the staircases or in tho hallways, but
they liave a grand romping place in the
big yard, which covers about 8,000 square
feet of open space. Although tho build
ings are substantially Iireproof, theroare
tiro escapes connecting each lloor with
the ground. Tho buildings were erected
for him, and are now managed by a
building company. Before the plans were
completed there was a thorough study of
the model apartment houses of London,
built by George Pcabody, tho Baroness
Burdett-Coutts, Sir Kidney Waterlow
and others, as well as later structures in
Is'ew York and Brooklyn. The aim wa3
to secure the maximum of comfort tmd
safety at the minimum of cost. It has
attracted a class of permanent carefid
tenants. Tho building has never been
full, but it is tilling up rapidly. It is pro
posed to give a few courses of lectures in
tho reading room this whiter. When the
apartments are all tilled the investment,
which is about lo0,000, will pay, after
meeting the expenses, about 5 per cent.
The income of this building is an endow-ment-by
Mr. Pratt of the Pratt Institute.
The original plan comprised the estab
lishment of co-operative stores similar to
the plan of tho liochdalo stores in Eng
land, but this has not yet been developed.
Kew York Sun.
rtcsaiit'B rtulen for 'Writers.
Mr. Besant formulates eleven rules
which must bo constantly kept in mind
by those who would worthily follow the
art of fiction. These eleven rules the
endecalogue, as one might call them, of
the art of Action are as follows:
1. JVactico writing coruething original
every day.
p. Cultivate the habit of observation.
3. Work regularly at certain hours.
4. Head no rubbish.
6. Aim nt the formation of style,
c! Endeavor to bo dramatic,
j- preat element of dramatic skill is
8. Avoid tho sin cf writing about a
character. .
0 Kevcr attempt to descnoe any kind
of lit? except that with wluch you are
,a5lira as much as you can about
fiX wko of forming a good
riaturi style and
language vrnte poetry. 1 all wan ua
Clvlim Away Iioe Itoxcs W!iy ttio Canl
Were "SucrilirtMl."
A dapper looking young man drop ped
in at a Dearborn street resort c ue day
not ago and inquired for tho r ro
pric'.or. When informed by the white
aproned young man who caters to the
thir: t of the customers in the absence of
tho proprietor that the latter was not in,
tho dapper young man unwrapped
a package which lie carried and pro
duced a new dice box containing the
regulation five dice, lie staled that he
represented a ceitain patent medicine,
tho proprietors of which thought cf giv
ing out these dice boxes as an udvcrli.-.e-nnnt,
arid, if ho succeeded in placing
enough of them to make it an object, ho
vouid come around later and stencil an
advertisement on the boxes. lie begged
permission to leave that one for the iro
pi Ltor, with his compliments, and, as
the dice lxes in use were somewhat
shabby, the white aproned man gladly
accepted the new ono and thanked the
dapper 3011th. When tho proprietor
turned up a little later ho was. leased
with tho gift and threw away the old
On tho following afternoon a party of
well dressed ni.iii entered tho place,
called for tho dice box, and proceeded to
shaker for the drinks. After two or three
rounds the men began to shake for "a
quarter a corner" and then SI. Tho pro
prietor, who was behind the bar, noticed
that the big man who proposed the shak
ing for money was the heaviest winner,
ami, in the course of tho afternoon, one
of tli:' proprietor's friends, who had gone
into the game, lost S'JO, the bulk cf which
went to the big man. There was some
thing peculiar in tho way in which he
hand'ed the box, and, alter he left, tho
prop: i. tor examined it carefully.
Yv'biie he was thus engaged an old
friend of his, who had for years traveled
with a circus, came in. lie knows all of
the t: ks with dice, and, when asked if
there anything wrong with this par
. i-.-ui: r outfit, he picked it up, looked at
it. an 1 then said: "Yes, it's what is
called a California smooth box, and in
practiced hands it is a sure thing. You
notice that the inside of the lox is as
.-.moo:! as glass and that the dice are per
fect cubes." with square corners. The
!.:::!! who understands it can shake two
pair ! the square,' and when he picks
up lb; odd die he can siide it into the box
with the desired spots on the upper face,
shake it. up and down carefully, and the
same :. pots will slide out and fill the hand
like ;!;is." and the circus man demon
strated the idea. The proprietor readily
iw that the box bad been "planted"
the big fellow's confederate, the
allcce 1 patent medicine man. and he now
retail's it as a curiosity, but allows no
one to shake with it.
Sor.'.e months ago this proprietor was
deceived in another way. It was just
after Mayor Ruche's edict against gam
bling had gone forth and the sports had
begu. : to realize that wide open gambling
was done for for the time being, and
.vere i eginning to seek fresh fields and
pasta: cs "new if they could muster the
price f a railroad ticket. One day n
cerla: 1 well known sport dropped in at
this s . c.e place and quietly informed the
prop: i. tor that he was hungry, had no
usoue ' to buy a meal, and his 6ole assets
eonsi . '. cdof three packs of cards, which
he he 1 saved from the clutches of the
police at the last "pull." He offered to them fof twenty-five cents per
pack, end, as the proprietor's customers
often indulged in a litllo game in the
back room, and lie was out of cards just
then, he bought them, and the sport
with'.' yew with seventy-five cents.
A!;: :t two or three "days later in came
1 par; ; of young fellows, who had a few
drink i and then asked tho privilege of
indul ing in a small game. They were
furni 'tied with one of tho three packs of
cards and went into tho room. Yv'hen
the p: ' prietor went into the room a few
Lniir.1. . j later to take tho party's order ho
iioiiet i that the greater part of tho chin3
and c. i lls had accumulated in front of a
sport whom he knew to bo a friend of
low who sold liim the cards, and
e went cut he examined the backs
other two packs, and found them
.1 ingeniously. He invented an
to break up the game, and then
ned the cards. Just now ho is
of t
ring if his evo teeth are through
yet. Chicago Herald.
ction rtetanis Sity Yours Ago,
sixty years ago Jackson's first
elect: -:i took place, and I find by refer
ence i t Niles' Register that tho details
were uncertain bo late as the 24th of the
f.-i'i.-iv Deceniher. This fact is civen
.1 the I'ollowing paragraph
"A letter from a member of the com
mittee of Pittsburg, dated Dec. 24, to a
friend says that a reply has just lecn re
ceived from Gen. Jackson. He states
that K would give him great pleasure to
accent our invitation, but he thought
any r. : : acgement relative to it should be
deicr: ; d until the result of the election
was perfectly ascertained. Then if tho
ciivu .stances permitted ho would bo
happ - to become tho guest of our city."
The above paragraph appeared in
Niks' Register of Jan. 10, 1821), more
thr.:i t'oo months after tho election. Tho
remit, however, had been conjectured as
early : i the 22d of November, and The
Re-b'.er of that date says: Xot heard
from Rhode Island, South Carolina;
Tei.:. . ' ceo, Alabama, Louisiana, Missis
sippi. Illinois and Missouri, all of which
but Kh jele Island and Louisiana aro con
ceded 'o Jackson, so that he will bo
elected by a very large majority. YVe
sh"!K.t some future period present a full
in I::
statement showing all the votes
several states." New Y'ork Cor.
Effect of Staijo Cosmetics.
As : ) the cllect of "make up" that is,
of p. '.::is upon the health a word may
be c." i-oth interest and use. Tho opinion
that they arc very deleterious is just
abet:: as unintelligent and false as the
opp s. c.e, which proclaims them innocu
ous. Any cosmetic is injurious to the
com; lexion. The mere mechanical ac
tion ';.:ughens the skin and enlarges the
pore . 1 quesfion if there bo a profes
sion: ! of five years' experience whose
cpid .eeds bad not assnined a tint and
ban. .- ss inconsistent with the highest
bear. ". But this is the limit of tho in
jury ; far as tho vast majority of stage
j s. : :. ts is concerned. On the ether
hrfn '.. the perspiration induced by ex
cite: :e::t, hard work, and, it may be,
hea' . 1 dressing rooms, and the repeated
v.athi' gs and scruhbings to which the
face i.i forever subjected, keep tho skin
in c: eellent condition and prevent the
en:; .-lions and blemishes so common to
theV e.iside world. In many crises when
actors are naturally careless of their ap
pearance an J neglectful, "make up" is a
( !:-sn ; and bestows upon them a
h?cl.l.:er and handsomer complexion
lliu : they would otherwise have. -Di.I.--'j
allow their childrcn'to cough and strain
iin.l cough and cilinly say: "Oh! it is
only :i little cold." an I kr- p giving them
clieup nml daiigeri:
they are down vi: Si
sumption, wlu n th-;
lie ved by HUGOS'
SYRUP; P Il:.s im.
equals. Pur s.d- l-v
:: -d iillles, until
..i. r o vt-r or ciili-e.i-i
! easily re
.-up-i 1 j : mid few
( i. J S-.uii ii A: Co.,
J-Yn. I your j' i!i
lo the llKK.W.I)
'.-! Vil!
ai"iit ivinovca 1-
d. Soft or CidloliM-d ill:i;:s :Hid Ulcill-
ishes from horse, 15'nod Spuviu, ('nibs,
Splints, Sweeny, Slif'hs. Sprains, l'iuk
Hye, Coughs unit etc. S;tvc .""! by Use
of one bottle. Mvera bottle usiiiall-ed
by V. G. MmcKi: A: Co..
Druggists, PI ittsmoutli. Nb.
The hu gest assemblage yet seen in
the opera house this season witnessed
"The M iscott," presented by the Andrews
opera company Thursday. The opera
was a liglit comedy, but very fascinating,
and judging by the strong ipplausc the
perfornmiiCi! was much appro dated. The
1. jading voices were all very fair, espec
ially the baritone, Mr. I'eiey, who played
the p u t of rippo. tic shepherd boy. The
citizens showed due .ippree atiou to Man
ager Yonag in turning oat in such a
good nu'iiber. The receipts amounted
to over $2 ""!.
What in the woild is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing and still
keep trying inferior medicines when
positively relieve your cough at once?
This is no advertising scheme, but an
i.ctiml fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
by (). I. Smith Sc Co., druggists.
Wi! noticed a fine antelope hanging
in front of Uiggins Bros, meat 111:11 ket
la-t wick.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve,
1he liest Salve in the world for Cuts.
Ihuisfs, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Hheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all skin eruptions, nnd posi
tively cures Piles or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or meny refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 51
lho Palace Car Cliy.
The population of Pullman. Ills., the
great palace car city, as shown by the
census of July 1, 18o, was 10,."i00 per
sons, against 10,0sl (he previous year.
On Sept. 13 twenty-six additional fam
ilies h;..d been added, increasing it to
10,710. The community continues to be
disti::;vuished for its intelligence and
orderly character. It is self re liant and
self sustaining in every way. Theroare
no idlers. Yisitors readiiy notice the
absence of people from thesircets during
workir.g hours. The Pullman bank
statement shows savings deposits at the
end of the fiscal year of $;"-, !."?. an in
crease of oS.203 from the carne. date of
previous year.
number c! ck-nos
ilo.-s n:i.s increasci during tne year irom
'J70 to 1,150. New York livening Sun.
Orfiaul lse t-.f Ciiiics.
i.ndv has been lookirvr t:r the 1
! io:
1 ;' canes i:i tin.; country, and fi
i'icv were ors.-mr.i! , a part of
i he e;
a-y oi
Life p:
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Itch, Prairie Mauge, i.nd Seratches of
every kind cured in o0 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and
perfectly harm less. Yarr.mted by FG
Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth
An Aristocrat Among Vultures.
A vanity is shown by the Pondicherry
vulture in its intercourse with the Ken
gal vulture, Tho two birds resemble
each other in their habits and in size.
But whenever the Pondicherry scaven
ger descends upon a carcass on whic4i
a crowd of Cengal vultures are feeding,
they retire until lie is satisfied. He, for
some reason, has the precedence.
Youth's Companion.
A Cliarm Against Kheuraallsin.
Ever since the year 1 people havo car
ried buckeyes in their pockets as a charm
against rheumatism, and now comes a
Georgia man to swear that the acorn,
likewise carried, is even a sovereign
balm and cordial to all the ills, aches,
pains and swellings of a limping world.
Cldeago Herald.
Case of Potato Poiioniaj.
A large number of soldiers were re
cently poisoned while on duty at one of
the Trench fortifications. It is believed
that tiie solan ine in unripe iota toes was
the cause of the sickness. Science,
The Commercial Iustiact.
A little Hebrew miss in New York has
the commercial instinct so strong that
she rents furnished rooms in her doll's
house to her sisters for a fixed number of
caramels per week.
Over 500.000 3 cent postage stamps aro
sold daily in the New York postbrlico,
while the amount of all stamps sold each
day is over $20,000.
YVo never thoroughly know a man
until we l.uf l.iai lausjh. fckmhu Ilobbs.
Don't Cxpreiment-
You cannot nffnrd to waste time in ex
perimenting when your lungs are in
danger. Consumption fdwyya semis, ut
first only a cold. Do not permit suy
dealer to impose upon you with some
cheap imitation wf I)r. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Coldf, "but be sure you get the genuine.
lJecause he can make more profit lie may
tell 3'otl he has something just lis good,
or just the same. Don't be deceived,
but insist upon getting Dr. King'H New
Dise.ivrry, which is guaranteed to give
relief in all Throat, hung und Chst af
fections. Trial bottle free nt F. O.
Fricke iV Co's Drug Stirc. Large Iiot
tlcs$l. 0
Men are but the whiskers on the
(-lit sunt known us life. Lincoln Journal.
A f ound (eal Opinion.
K. lirainbi ide Muiiday, Esq., County
Atty., Cluv Co., Tux , says: "Have used
Mice-trie liitters with inwst happy results.
My bruteer was also very low with Malar
ial Fever und Jaiindi'-c, but was cured
by timely use of thin medicine. Am sat-i.-ti-
il Electric liitters saved hislife."
Mr. D. I. AVilcoxsin, of Horse Cave,
Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He
positively believes ho would have died,
had it not been for Electric IJittcs.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well as cure all Malxrial Diseases, and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaled. Price 50c. and
1. at F. G. Frickie & Co.'s drug store. G
A newly est ablished paper in New
Jersey is called the Tutiyue. It is prob
ably edited by a woman. Lincoln
$500 :?eward.
We will pay dmy
case of liver coMp-.i:-.-.
headache, ind !,.;--t ii m..
costiveness we .0.1: .!
West's Veg'. table is v 1 !'
directions are i i 1 1 v
They are purely v-i ! -1 '
fail to give sal i- !aci ion.
reward for any
; vp.-psej, sick
. ! - p-iiion or
c.iiv with
!!!-. w le-n the
complied with.
I:-, -'iid never
boves :0 sugar eosited
I'orsale by all den joists. 15 -ware of
counterfeits and imitations. The gen
uiiie niaiiiifr'etiii-ed only by John (). We
it Co.. Sii2 W. Madison St. Chicugo,nud
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
T'l j sewers are being wn.-died out
and preparations made
tion of the work.
for the inspec-
To thk L'ditok. Please inform your
readers that I have a positive reined 3' for
the above nmii". I disease. By its I iniely
us:; thousands of hopeless oases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy khkh to
any of 3Tour readers w ho have consump
tion ii they will send me their ex pres.
and post ollice address. Uespectfullv.
T. A. SI.OCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl st'.;
New York. tf
Preparations are being made to la
a foundation for an extension to tie
building owned by Mr. Lafe O'Neal, and
occupied by Mr. Gering as a drug store.
Thirty feet will be built to the rear.
Is the reason people wdl not, can not, or
do not see any difference in cheap nos
trums put up by Cheap John houses or
resoonsible nartics at enormous nrofits.
chcr than take a medicine of world
n de reputuation and one that is giving
ii.iversal satisfaction at equal price? No
I'.cdicine in the world is giving such un
ealieled satisfaction for purifying the
BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that
ib'es not do its work will cost you noth
ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co.,
I-xtenuativs Circumstance.
Magistrate (to woman) You admit
that you hit your husliand with a stove
lid, and yet you claim there are extenu
ating circumstances governing the case.
Woman Yes, sab, dey was a extenu
atiu' sarcnmstance. De stove lid warn't
hot. New York Sun.
The sand blast is now utilized for clean
ing dingy stone walls of buildings.
What Am I To Do?
The symptoms of biliousness are un
happily but too well known. They differ
iu different individuals to some extent.
A odious man is seldom a breakfast eater.
Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent
appetite for liquids but none for solids
of a morning. His tongue will hardly
bear inspection at any time; if it is not
white and furred, it is rough, at all
The digestive system is wholly out of
order And diarrhea or constipation may
be a symptom or the two may alternate.
There are often hemorrhoids or even loss
of blood. There may be giddiness and
often headache and acidity or flatulence
and tenderness in the pit of the stomach.
To correct nil this if not effect a cure try
Green's August Flower, it costs but a
trifle and thousands attest its efficacy.
College of I'iiotgTHph.
A college for teaching every branch of
photography has Leen established ia Her
lin ai:d another in Vienna, 'fbese institu
tious tire finely equipped dnd are supported
by the govc-iTiui' Ut. Arkansaw Travelei .
The crossc st at home are the pleasantest
abroad; so Le ti little careful bow you
trust too much lo a too sniilirig face.
SmitLers s ays that tLe public
nuch fun of his novel that he classifies it
as a juyed tKik. Harper's Ikw
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, re gave her Caatoria.
wTien ehe iras a Child, she criad for Castoria,
When she became Miss, the clung to Castoria,
When she haU Children, she are them Castoria
Kor "run-down." deMlltateil ami overworked
women, J)r. Pierce'g l-'avorito t'reeriptlon In
the bent of all restorativo toinen. Jt ib a potent
Feeinflo for all those Clironlo WVnkneiwei and
lltsoasea peculiar to Women; a powerful, ifen
ral as well as uterine, tonlo ami nervine, it
Impart! vliror and st renuth to the whole gyHtem.
It promptly oil re weakneKa of uwrt,
Intliffc Mtion, lilnatlnir. wpiik Imrk, iiervoim pros
tration, (tehility nnd Blfeplefwiiemi, iu eit her sex.
It is carefully compounded Iy an experienced
fhyHlitan. nnd mlapted to woman's delieatn
oriranizat ion. 1'urelv vejretntilo and perfectly
harmli-MS iti any condition of the nvstein.
, " Knvorlto I'rcacrlp-
WlDDIWTTn I "" " is the only inert k-i no
nAnnAnlLU.l fur women, sold liv drUKlfists,
I under a polllve ituar-
antee of Hatisrac-tinti in every ease, or price
refunded. Thin has been
printed on (In- lottle-wriiper, and faithfully
curried out fur ninny years.
For larjre. illustrated Treatise on DiKcnBes of
Women (liiO paes, with full directions for
home-treutment), send ten cents in stumps.
Addnss, Woui.n'8 I)isiknsarv Medical.
JlSsociaiion. W1 Main Struct, iiulfulo, N. Y.
Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hs
terics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness,
Hypochondria, Melancholia, In
ebriety, Sleeplessness, Diz
ziness, Brain and Spin
al Weakness.
Thlf moflieine hns a direct nrtlon upon the nerv
tonterH. allayinK nil irritHtiilitieii ami iricreHHina- vhi
Bow ami power nf nerve fluid. It iH periei'l :y l;arai-
irrnniiiiiM iur auiMienui nervoiiB aiie
Will De sent free to any address. and poor patientl
can also obtain this medicine tree o cLarye front
This remedy has been prepared hv the Ileverend
PasUir Koenie. of Fort Wayne, Ind.. for the past
ten years, and is now prepared under his direction
by the
M W. Madison for, Clinton SU CHICAGO, ILL.
Price SI per Uottle. e Itottle Tor VS.
F. (J. FKICKK &, CO., Druyists,
Plattsnioutli, Neb.
rhs 5 tli t. Merchant Tailci
Keeis u. V u!l Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goods.
"iisult Your Interest by CJIvuk 'i '
"'IntlEsruoutli, - TST-t
Waffou, Buggy, Jfacliine and I'ltu th
pairittg, and gzuural Jobling
Pi now prep.-i:ea to 0 all kinds of repalrir-t
of farm aMJ o:.her tiacljinKry, as tiiei e
ia a good latlie in my s!:op.
The old Reliable Waon Make
Las taken charge of tlie wagon snop
He is well known as a
Mew V.iicons nnJ Ilnifx mrnti-
h 4 ti" err it iv ir;AKKT
Wholesale aud Uefali i)t-nler tu
Sliinglts, Latli, Rasli,
oors, Blinds.
Can supply every demand of the trade
Call and get terms. Fourth street
In Hear of Opera House.
IB Jl. tq- zsi :
Authorized Capital, $IC0,0CO.
Preideat. Vie-Pre.sideni
W. 11. CUSniSG. Cashier.
Kraiik Carruth J. A. Contor, . it. Gullin s n
J. V. Johison. neury Bu-ck, Jcdin O'Keefe,
V.'. I). Mcrriain, Wni. Vetcrcaii;p, .
Jl. Cusbiiig.
Traiisi'cti' a General Ilniiklup Eutiness. Al
wlio liave any Hankicg business to transact
are iuvited to call. No matter h
lare or email tbe trauxaetioo, it
will receive our careful attention,
and we promise aiw:iy? cour
teous treatiuent.
lilies Cert!ncat?s of Det osils bearing iuteres
ELys and nc Foreign Exchange, County
Citv securities.
Jons' p'lT.irp.Ai.i),
8. V AV'Jt
J 1 1 L U U ?- L 5 ? 1
Y if
. f !T7
hA tUiiis viiu:i. .ii. lilt I ah...
M in Or-.". I 'M I.-, '!'-" - 1 1 1. I;.
fc j- ff, 41 r .l.fci .1 1 1 '' V .Tr '
I Ik-Mcvo l'i.-.'.'M ,J
for 'oiiHiun pi i' .11 ti.ivcil I
1 : r. . A II I 1 .11' 1. . 1 r i'A
Cj Kdilor !-:ii(uii-.-r. IM.-n- fj
M ton, c:., April j, u
Tho i:i:st ('Mt'.rli Moill
cino is 1'isu'h t riii-: i-oh
Cunmim PTioN. Children
tako it without olijoction.
1 iy al l d r 11 y 1 s t s. 'Sjc.
LUKLii Voliilt All. Hit I All s.
BeBtOoiiirh Syrup, 'iu: Ifn t'uiiil. VtiO
In litnu. Si t 1 In- driict-ir ti.
y-j'-y in .-a r '' Wv'v..sM , . y.
i23 Ind t
fcj t-a v
V.'hfii I ClT.M5 I i" not Mean merely lo
rf;i tin in fur a linn', ainl tlii-n li.ivi; tlieiu re
turn aj'iiiu. I :Kas A i:. UltAli Co'U;.
1 liave niailu tiio disease of
A lifc-lonpr fttudy. t wahhant my remedy to
Cl'RK tin; wcr.-.t cares. Hi riuife oilii-ix li.-ivo
failed is 110 reason for not now receiving a cui-e.
Send al once for a I reiilisc; 11 11 I a i- I: l.K I tor 1 1.13
of my I ma 1.:. I in. 1: I:i:mi:iy. 'ii.c Kxpiess
nnd i'nl Ollinr. It c.i'-Irt ynu imttilu for II
tii il, iin l it i ill cin e you. Aildi-i-:.a root, r."..c, is3rEir.LCT..;-:r;.ru?'.
s .yr-. r7'"KrT-T;p5 t.
AlmoGtas Palatablo as Milk.
Eo disguised tliat. it can lie taben.
iigcHtrd, and assimilated by iie moMt
loniiitive ato.macii, wlieri tlte laln oil
cannot tie tolerutcrt emi by tiio com
blnation of tlie oil -vvKli th IiyiopIcs
pbltes is mat more 4-lliczcioua.
Semar&cblc a3 a f proJccer.
Fu-soks gala rapidly hi!e (ckJag It,
SCOTT'S EMULSION is achnowlcdpcdby
Physicians to be tLe Finest and Best prepa
ration in tbe world for the relit f and cure- of
The great remedy far Gmsuwrit'iin, ''id
Wostiny in Children, Sold by all Druggists.
X. 3 V i ioi
v u. -
Cleanses the Passages. Al
teys Inflammation. Hoiilstfio Soros.
Restores tho fc.exisos cf Tasto, Smell
and. Hearing.
A particle ii applied into erc!i nostril nnj
W aK ccnltic. Pri-e.0 nt Iri:a-ril or by
nail. iiLY UV.OTiliXiSfii V.'an-tm Su.Na- Yr.rU.
J 3 Am-. I- . . ' ' I.' I'L" ftTTlT. j.
. citen j eitr. 1 is nn envy,
"i elopetiia ol u:-:eo.; infer.
V"V A- JiTia.iOn -jc v.-no pur.
v-rj? ciiu-ie Vr.s iu .in j-;-:-:, or ihg
neoesyif io.i of Wo
can clothe you &L.d larrmh. you w 1 :
all !ho riecissiiry arid i:nroco'::jury
appliances to ride, 'vuik, c!n."ce. s!c . : :,
eat, fish, hunt, work, Ko t., ch. :.'.,
or stay at harno, r.r.-i in v.-.:io:i:s si::e".,
styles and rjuantities. .7-..-1 ili-u.-e cut
what required tc do t tbi.-.f,
CO TtlFC R Ti LiLY and you -.-m. whm .
estimate of th value of t.'jo Ii V y i;H
GUIDE, which w.ii ce hs-ii u.ion
receipt of io cents to p .7 i .e.,
111-114 J "-.'?. i':,-.:-.'. 1".
tsPARKER'S C:?JCEHf TOtJlO wit; .out , -:,r
A rare ;jiiiijui. Xiiut v hwi k i mt
Jnaiiftion. Irar.i l ams. P 1.., . .
ordcrj ut this fcLomacii tuil I;iv. -f. ts. '.,,.. .
ine W'T'.-sc. swvia arm irsc"-iir- '
lui ru ill. i-nlr.
Uj cure lit tt-t Lit .
titTfZTi Dr. ..!. ,l,f.r i.
as Lcinj; a first-clasi remedy
for Coughs :md Colds, liav-iiipiM-d
it in niyimn family
with very ereat nati-fai-t im.
J:Frr U II. Bus!,, ixs Moint-B,
m 1,1 r Iowa.
Druggists, 5c., 00c., and $1.00. -
R. B. Wis mi am.
Joiix A. lAViy.
-o: ary I iibl:e.
Notary Puldic
vi jiai a,
Attorneys - at - 2cjvt.
OJT'.oe ever l'.Lk cij ut C'ei-rty.
PLATTj-MOCTIl, - - .NfcliKAeKA
.' -,',j
fcJ x-jZ lLrwl
1 0
f H H :' i
Si K) UU
-i i
1 1
y J
v I J
. .1
1 1
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