..j Voik of Recovering Bodies of Victims L' till i'rotL-cV.etl. FIFTY CODIES HOT YCT FOU.'iD Wlyos end Mothers Become crazocl Over the Loss of Their Loyocl Ones. Inyostigatlnn the Cause. St. Lor is Nov. 12. D s i.Uc'iii s fr in l'ifihlfiir, K is., "ive k niii'4 accounts of tin! I lie id (lit -i nt t he mint- lim i or at lh.it jil.i' r Friday nilit. For hours ;tft r the 'Xiloi!uii (lie scene i.t 1 1 1 ; pit was ii-i-tr'-.-in;;. I'ooi ly I.mI wiiiit' n with babies clasped to tin ir bidets ranio through tin; il.tl K i:-s ly the J i Li I . t cast 1 y liolit'm -i like li-'olird, luicaiiiiy Li-ins fnon anoth'-r World. Some hhriekci I above the storm and lilUttctctfllH tin y Cell heldeS on the shouhh is of .strong' r in -ihhors. Still others were inad in their despair and tori: th ir h lir and u in -uts, mi l would li.ivo dndiiii. headlong into the tomb but for thu strcir'th exhibited by minors from other shifts. At one time tlx; cruHh of wotneu and children was bo threat that it was feared violence would be necessary ( iu order to clear a way for the rescuers. The poor creatures fought each other in their despair, snd in some instances in flicted severe punishment. As the night wore on the work of recovering bodies continued until the floor of the engine house wns strewn with mangled men. Their bodies were placed in rows upon the ground where the snow and rain be it upon them. Most of the victims Wei1.- f h M'kiiigly mutilated. There w as nolliing ltd't of the Inst m in brought Up from th dreadful hole hut a bleeding trunk, the extremities being blown off. Many of the searchers fainted. As fast as the bodies were brought to the surface there was a iu--h ma.! o to identify them, ad i.i :i '.viini''., in many cases bt ing er- rg -d at one time scanning tie; bb-ed-in'dfief of seine mi fort una'e. There are still ril. .nit fifty hudi' s in the lower levels. Sniii - of tit victims wre found h.nc.-itli an immense weight of -slate, v.hi!" others were found in groups in all kinds of po -it ions. Coroner Fis'u r has be-ori an iiiipie t. "With the cxc.'p'i-'li of tv.oor th'oi-, the victims wiil be l.iid to rest with one service. The company will have charge of ! : in r al fiim ral. whieti in curs to day. W. W. Alhi s'iperii'.t nd. i;l of ..11 the S.i li I -i l'e r t is here inv st i " it i n the c ithi' of ! h explosion. Silpt Ildit. (.'raid's opinion is that the x olosion was from coal diis' t ollov.d ii'r :i n overcharge. An ovei els u pull's back me 1 !n t pi'odm s ; line whi h rather- up the (lur ami i-nit' s it. The I., tier the v i t i i.at i( -n t'le nior : t' i i i;:e t h t x, d o-ioii in cu-. - o f d i: t. Inr.ttiv of the pb nt:fltl slipp'y of oxy-r-!i. Ii ithil 'i s tin: x;dodon w i ill !i iv ; ii'i' i rd sn.i t for 1!1 lMkrl i i n i- ill I !i.i:if I .'iy I'l the liii.. . and it did in t occur till ." : 1 0 when I-":;- ; ill'-; hid J'i gnil. do- I, li -I" fund amounts to si. 000 and i orowiti'.:. bi li shav'-bian mini-tcr-ina to tin- wants of the wouiidtd a:.tl care of tin- widows and orphans. Fann ers wives hive com-; in for" miles with food, clothing. b:!:id iges. te., and all cit;. 'tis h iv.- i n untiring m their cfT' i ts to a'L-vi-ite sui'V' ri.:r- Frotn s:o;n;,' v"s !;,::. Mrs. Tuckbcrry, of Omaha, arri ved in the city this morning. Mr. Elmer Eikenbary arrived in the city this morning from Lincoln. Mr. E. II. "Wooley, of Weeping Water, nnived in the city this morning. Mrs Hinkley, of Ashland, is visiting with the family of Wni. Ilerold. Jennie Ritchie, five year old daugh ter of Mr. James Ritchie, died last night Mr. O. M. Straight accompanied John Gyger, the insane man, to tho asy lvim at Lincoln on Friday. Mr. C. F. Palmer, teacher in the Belk viie eviiiege, is the giu-st of his unci Mr. S. Wau-rb. of this .;hy. Mr. .1. 11. Strode, of Lincoln, is in t c titv ;.:i;y. 11.! is apjiaranlly v-.-ry j u 1 ; -li;t over th el eetioii o f I Iar;i.-o:i Mr. b'yrg-' p-iltn.'-r. who is alt-'Miiing til- i. F:d asit y at Lincoln, ivturin- i : .i " t n.Vi y to i .-m iiii over Sr,:iii;.y. .) . Ilus-ei! :::,d wi Te 1 ft t". r V.'- ; '. 'V;tt.r tiii- morii.ig to vi-i; i - ;,,...::V !hdr uM intnds. V. li. Pickir.s is iiuiiding i: fim hi-:-- k l.o'i;-: a S.-uti! P.;rk f.r Mr. 11. V. Y, i,-.di::i!i.. Tiier.' are six good si::. I roi in-. Mr. Wui. Xwil'.e retnriud to I5al !e Cr-ck. Mu-h.. by th- :lvi r yctord iy t rtio-m, to rvsumo liii work th-.re n 'he railroad contract. M"-. V,-. II. Fickiu? has tin coi-tm-t to build a -no story f r Mr. -". F. Thomas, or: V rl -:'---.-t Th- b-rbd.-g wil- -."on 'in f:w log- x; ii. I - ei-, ;i-. :t ro. n;s. Th- tr-dn s rv"n e b t ween Lin- oln pud n " a in Wat r on th M. P. Ry. on el cti-n day wis unt 'xcll .-nt nr. 1 tlie asvn t-itii.- s'.upcndj'.-.s. Mickel waits cni g-ivt u-i 1 a pleasant excursion to the voting stations. Fru-a ."bam j - I) lily. An 1 it c m." to pu s ot t he t-ixth day of the b.ttv louith wia-k ia the eleventh month ! ! ii-year t hat t In- gentile-! of tin larg . htc.ty ot a large .-tute i)ond lor y, and 111 ir ii d in' iinnl tln ir city blow ing ti mi.j.. Ai; ! it. c i;.:i; to i s on t'e evening id ;.- -s i...- ( 1 i y tiii. there Cam- lo Hi - i'.i)-i ia i I n-, e iiiin.ber 1 roll) aoi oa I, anion 1 ii oi v. ere ! i ! w - CI'S 1 1. 1. a t a- i il y ol hin-, Mil l h ; e W. t uo amour I ii.-i.i n.rnd .M . . ii 1 . in i, t o . in n in I !i . t 1 . i, ! . ii'ii i: d n :i ! i M ii i- i. !! n go fin lit -j .0 t!i ci! y w !n-r ; o:ir br.u i 1 is ' i!i i. L u, 11 joiee uitii them. And - i it 1. 1 1 n a -1 ed s.iy in.:, v. r wiil go ll.i 1 1 ; ': in 1' l'- win kiiO'.Vctlt Intt hill lil in iy '-i unto our In 1 th.'e'n of the 'city )i ll.i;-. And .1 1. ion ;in 1 Amuii went unto the lar- ' c:: v d tin- I irg- state and r joirvd w.ti; li' a-. A ".d win 11 the hosti had sii ul. d for.) ' until t heir t hroats became parch. a, and they h id mart h- d to the ends of thu city blowing their horns and making a great noi.,e, it was about the eleventh hour. And Aimni said unto Marion, let us go to our brothers and tell them to go once more unto our city. And tliey went unto them and bade them go, for the hour was late and th; morn ing of the seventh day would soon dawn. And Marion said to Amnii, let us re main in this big city of our brothers on the seventh day find show our brothers how we can rejoice on the seventh day, And as they waited their hearts beat for joy within. On the lnormng of the seventh day the two men arose and wenl forth onto the streets, and :is th. y walked along together tin y lin t u man name, i Smit h v. ho lia 1 once lived ill the city of hills. lb- was a law maker among tie- g -ntilts, and ail feared hiiu with a great fear. And In- said un'.o Marion and A;unii, iet i.s go unto the city of man v '! m'fs on thi- the S.di batli day. A ml I be three men V.-. lit on th. ir war :.eror-, (in; mighty bri.lg . ami Ammi -aid ':.'i tin- otln r two: My b t are ,.ore an t -.1V Ir art f.d'e !il i 1 for the di.-tam-c i -r. at. An 1 Mai i.. 1 ::n I th titiu r g' 1 e ih: S lM l.ld 1 A ; l:.li. wllo-e feet Were .i!-. e.-ne. 1 1 1 : 1 '.viiii its .ui I we wiil l"-.r time straight forv.- 1: i to th city of bind'-. Th y walked a! -jig tog' tin r cons ilin g Aland. .'. i.e. ' e !. t::..: a ay diivmg, an :.s;. i in I . and t.ik -s , o- Li; . i v.v.iry i .1 t 0 n. -n spek- to the man leg bill! ti II I ie'-i s of , j , y,.r to r 1 . 1 l . . 1 i y. I'. 1 S 1 t. ;,... oil his !, ad .1 cove!' ia . ia a i . i a iui.-h 1. The K : hi. 'i . on the wag -.11 wa- hill. ami I 11 . 'e at II; re :c 1 ... g . : . : . i 's . 1 e i t . 1 1 t : 1 t . 1 ir .en: n win. 1 jia-s-'d laughed n a. ul di - 11 tie- tin 1 e iie-n t t v of 1 ii u d' Atntiii slid un to M ..: ;:) we wiil w -si; otir feet ami rub t!i in v.idi oii.tmi ;.t I r iin y are so;-;-. We . i!! ti V; r co.." tiiis w -y ag.'in. y::gli 3 -j !-!. . w i : 1. i - e, :, in ,,t a l:y iy rat:-. S ii... ... :!.-. '.. L. 'i'imii'in ami '' !.. W 1 I : t . ..i : 1 e b- ae.-i-i 1 :! i - n F. i :la t V- Liu. .-.ml rt j"rt ili.tV-ense e'.ithu ia-m : . . 1 ii c. 1) - ( .;- pdt thi. k in this u i k "i : h v. ,. -d s n 1 ; o l-i-t Viitu's-'. -'V. im e th'j'.it retiuiivs a search warrant I 1 i to luiii one. Thai pecaliar conditiuii nf the atmos phere v. nich -rc-'o.'r"! wediling is quite uoticable within the last week. Air. and Mrs. A. L. Thnbliu visited at Louiiville Saturday and Sunday. Grandpa Streight is fixed for cold weather with a bran new fur cap as a result of his confidence in Harrison, the other fellow wears his old hat. Our s;ood looking village marshal, J. V. Meredith has presented J. T. Evans with a pair of shoes, not out of kind ness of heart, but out of mistaken zeal for Cleveland. Lou. Sawyer is quite sick w ith a fever. We have deliberated some time on the cour-n to pursue in the county seat election. G. YV. Mayli-ld in Louisville Oi's-i vtr. True, (b'orge deliberated until tin Vt eping Wat r brethren pr-. s-ntiVt the ubi ftmi omnibus, and tin u delibera tion ir.-. m .1 and a ch f.r and urn loaded vi.-h n ol' t!.:ty ap :-.r-d. v,-h"l.. George's i pockets wr n. bursting with circulating medir.tn. How strange ami yet ;.i true ! i : Tltcy "ulcan Cusirscss " i If iiiiv --r..- lias cyer -iv- t) Dr. S ;cr-V Catarrh 'lj:t. dy a lair tri il at-.l iris ii-'t belli (leiO i: .. ;.by. fli.' ll.i.r.Ul'.iCt lU'el's 1 1 th-.' i : :-. t -;':: : reia , Wtedd like tnl: al from id.g iadividnd. for v. h.-n th y ' ' !"'-" crowd v . idd have p.r ri"f. r. a.s ti.cv !. hi good faith. -'"). ti -i eg 1 had ;'? i.t nofice ie -n for -i of mi-d catarrh w nn !i th-y ,-T.-'i"t th y m-an ju-r " x mt ly whit tin v say. i'liey ;,;: ii im i dly r. -pons',', le ami iiic.i:: 1. ntjy able to m ak- go .d t'c-ir '"" : s a-;v o:i can learn bv ... I. by ad d:-: . - i's -g r ( mpnrv. Ib.nv'.'ly sold : i-s. -.t ."ill i ' Ids. ' :r lni C. V-d S!i. rm-:n hi as- If for th- ddih-i'.ty ig h'.n 'u the f i -a. It is s;,id id." nr. : --i ..-.m -n t some time - li no-..- -r-.- t'i .t e avid." ar c-'i'.-m -nt some time ago to w! .."! u -;l'-s-t c d,)!-d 1 idy in tit' s . ;. a wh l.'oek an ?. T ii -i str t i ; i 'lev la-id was defeated. lie's defeated all right. .No l.Mi.l.M 7iil, 1 ).--. Loar.l tin t puiriiint to .idjoiiniiin iit. Pr.-s.ui!: -V. U. Todd, A. Ik iJHksoiiitnd Ltuii- i'ol'z, coiumi-'.ioiitrs; 15. C'ritth t;. Id, i t.iiiity I. i k. . Mini.!- - of (letib.-r K: 1 . ti reail and . pj.loVe.!, att-.r V.hivh th- Kdiowillg WHS ihiir' tn-uit: In t ':-. 1 -rt I of t he s d'- (.f lot 5 ill VkcL t'i ill the city of 1 'I it '..iiioiuh it -.a.- oide.cd that it l- -old to Mrs John ,., -,.r -.'", no. 'I : ! i ; i r - li n bids wvie j a-id.t - . o.u i..s llni.e.it.-d oil gi 1- , : ' ; .... " :i ! d. : . r '.:ngpii "::r:-;ill0 7.-, . ' e - 1 - 1 1 i . I 'tl! : i-.ht. ! in! ii:g. . . (J v." A .. ...d- t., j.il i; r, j ;,. Y 1 In : e '..: 1 ! 1 '5 00 1 . ..u.'.e r v'c ;'.: he . ' i.s ! 0,1 house 100 00 t ie a ' ' t '.f V. ll.'i :-d-e to j .il 1., .0 l ' 1 !'0- . . . . 10 00 i i;ng taxi.s c ;;o f,; j; ", -. . pi l!:t il.g . 27:1 ; ; i . ie '. . pni.tnig :?. ('0 !i I ' ion' r, iiiiN- d) poor v II liakcr. stiitiomry , 10 oo T." ' !a':il -.ioiii n..l Co. pi iiitn.-. . . :i 00 M S:nK. extra si itiom ry :.T i Mrs Li pi-, room for hitioii . . . I ( j M Si)i;,!:, salary and ' x per -a . . . 1 t : .-,( j .1 C' iio ba:y, g'nliio; prioncis 7s io Ira ( ' S -a,-1 . d-ma g,-s . . 1 ' ?(( W J V lute, court room rent .... 100 00 FredTalterson.ind.se to poor. . . s 00 l)Voodard, exp co coni"rs . 'JO fill Sampsou, boarding poor.... 101 ;J1 I R Cox. hardware 1 .10 FS White, goods to paupers... Il' r0 Weideman tt Rreckenfehl stoves 1! 40 Christ Kochuke, fixing jail T Clark, coal b r 7 2 Neb Telephone Co, rent 11 "JO Henry Hoick, bedding for jail.. 11 ? Chits Murphy, mdse to paupers.. 7 40 Johnson" JJros, mdse to county.. 10 00 A V. Dickaon, salary and exp IS 00 .V Ii Todd, same Louis Foltz, same 20 ::o io Oo Omaha Republican, printing etc. 225' 50 I! 'i it-!. field, salary and exp... SC. 00 ( Y i -i'i the following insane cases v.. tv :d'-o-v d: .1 ohn ( .' n '.o r ? 2S I ;i a il ! eir.M 11 Alex N t-m bvdia C m-.m b- li ( it ol ;,:.at- v li -Mar n . . . . " ' " Win Liinlscv. -S i(l 11 CH :;:; '.-u !i :.o 7 10 ' ' Patrick Mi ore.. 17 70 " " " .h.iues ligan ... 7 SO ' Jack Hog;,:, -It! HO ' Li'.i- V -Make 2 s5 '!' f..'d. wing p ,ri .pria! ii lis were n : ; . i e i , om ii: b: i it e I uml : !; li 1 -v, ii v'ng i lid -' ? -20 co l''i CO 0 to :!l 21 j ".::; .V 'd : Mb. r : 1 : ; : 1. 1. i r .. . 1.. j I r I a n I ge . .'a ' ! : ...o U ! ' . lan.b. r ( ' !-i .uifman. ! ' 1 1 o I e I" .1 1 ,!. .,:: - son. Inn. b. r .!, i' l a' r ., .". - .! ( ;. ..1 eie, l am'', r and work . . . ik .n'-: iii n I-::!, reiedi ing le-idg :; ro iS (ir, id 00 :'.! ! 1 ho 10 00 S -dh ' l.dt-' Luit-ii.-r Co. lumber 115 75 : .!;. i;g wis allovvi d on road lead: )-. , ( r s. !;:;:, "dng road g!';id-r.p '' 00 Wd.i I':: M'l .j -is 15 00 I .! 1 "lil'leli, v.orl: on roai-s.. -l 00 Th h-i.-..' t.-.i e of ti w j s,-- -Jii l.-ll i-. (;..::.,': .1 Tor ! he pi ; lod of i'.-U eai S. The e l for load :. ai' Ivlgl-- WHS liC- .- , 1 , d : : d di 1 d iec rd d. The road w - lari d op-n by com'rs and ordei-d put on l i lit book. I'lii' i'en a.-king for the appointment of V.'. A. ( !e .u. th justice ot peace 101 cir.ct w;is granted and b- :.d, -: : '!:-av:'il. p. td .1 asking for a change of loca ti 1.1 o! a com tv Voad running west from t'.e- village t- l.i-m.-viile along the Ii. k "d. ii i.. o.' way v- .s granted as petitioned -. i-m a-'. :ng for an appropriation f - g- lag a county road running south i) I L';.i,.ii was refused. I;. i of viewers on private road ked for bv Fred Demke. was accepted and t'm vond ord' ntl opened upon the - . .r .ct .1 ......... ; " ' " ,'fn,cc 'i,rh. t:'? Katun, and if 10 costs to (. ass county. 1) aid adjourned t v.v. ct Dec. 4, lsss. Ull-.ll C !! ITCH KIKI.D, Cur-ntv CTtrk. A feeling, rf dullness and languor, Which is nut akin to pain. And resembles .suffering; only As the mist resembles rain, is often the first indication of incipient disease. In such cases the famous "ounce of prevention" is the highest wisdom, and may be found in its most potent form in Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which by its wonderful blood purifying and invigorating tonic prop erties, will quickly restore the ebbing vitality, repair and strengthen the system and thus ward off threatening sickness. Its saving influence reaches every organ of tho bodv. I'r.i": Tee-,la -s D::ily. A host of republican citiins and; b.ys (tirm d out last night, arimd with j tin Imrns. cow bells, and a hundred var- : ions w.-ipoiis of ib-fense to do hon-'if to the v- n.ing prcs'.lrnt. Ilarriscn. The city w is U t in an u'.ri.ar until a I d: hour. A ft-r a 1 :rge crowd i:ad f.ifnu.d an 1 :a .relied around the streets for some time, the boys v,--r- allowed the privi- 1 ;g- ,,;' s- gi;.g t psl 's of boxes -m i ba:r. Is v. Inch tlicv had pib d in th st , t- ;': the oci-:.-it.:i. Th'? jollif; a t ifii v.- ;s . ' d a ! let- verv sin ii t notice end gi veil. the ilhiii.inatioiis w e , ra.ri ... r.-s'.o necs of the r oho wing; g id! et.n n as the mo-t attractive: ro-ssis , Gcoiaae T. isall. O. M. Stni-l.t. II. J. i strti-jht. .hi l-e Chapman, Y. II. V..-:- 1. ins. J. ep rdchev. f ithew's bardwar stor and-bs. Simdley's redd -; a'. Mrs. ' .lohn-m. Fifth -1 ,- t. w.w the nndn -ill amir, a! ion. : --Th H.tZtttt -Joiirwil. ( Ila.-lings. ; i ciughr a cohl tlm di"r day fro:.; a k . ite ivy draft, and t'i 1 from the esTects i y.s'erd iy. It will fail to appir before i j its miny readers again. i ' - .... . . . Vlri:vr; NJr.t ( infti.s. im-Nhlng lh rfevlu Outer V, r;i;w i'tiot ii-i-liie;s. I It cannot be 1 nerailv known that wo practically treat hu t hrogh the siiin in other woials, that the f !;m lias a function, tometkiug like that of tho hmgs U can- lint, of co.i:- .0, -dean. Lilt in 1. of eleanhili ; s c oaireil 'I'i r',f i-rvivii 11:1 1. t her IV . s t ::an bv lie- leet I its UM-rull:e.s I u 1 1 : t "thi'ig eri'M'les it ami keeriM the po!.-ons whit-h si iniiivl he t h.rown out nt the surfaen locked up iu the sys tem, ami rl 'i shuts out pure air whi h s-!iot;hi n-ii' .'i the skin. In putt basing nn llercloiliiilg. therdole, it should le so largo that, eve. 1 idler lreqaent washing uml fJirii. king, il w ill till be l..o.so and permit of u ..l'i"i;i' of ah- between it ami tl.otody. It liiil U!-ail,' follow s that tbt; ou'er garments should i.I.so be compar.v ively iaige. and at leatt enough so to jiermit every movement to Le made w it h :s much easo w hen t hey aro 0.1 uj wla. n they aio o.T. 'ihero is a habit which all, without. c--rcjition, should practice, and yet it i., safe to say that not 0:10 man in ten of our people dj follow it. Lef. rciiec is made to t lie removal of the umlervest on retiring, ami 1 !; f-uh.-l it 1;; k.n of one k-rt b.r ninht -..ear al. .:.. the da-., b.- 1 in- m-lerelot ;.,!; .1:1 ang i"i .s .:es 1.1:1 1 il wit h t un from the ho-y, legi.kiiy t-very con -s i 1 1 a 1 on-i :;:d ritl-l bj vrcil an-ed 1 ugh:, otherwise ii be ei..idr' exielil poisonous, a .d tho noxious matteis arn again ab sorbed by tiie hi. in. 'I'll i.s self iiisoiimg i-isuro to go on unless the rule given i.s c.bservod. Safely from "colds" tlepemls i:i no slight (1, greo upon bow the neck ia dressed. .tiling fehould 1t; worn about it, which iaterfercj with ita freetioiu of movement, nor should it bo encumbered with handkerchiefs, which so maw v-v- '- r.s much for a; L.i i...iCo ab K.r comfort. Iet each tiin.) now cliooso a certain kind of collar, and wear no other stylo until spring comes. Kven a very slight, variation in this important article of dress will tavor a sore throat. The habit of wearing the fashionable bandages bilk neckerchiefs is an exceedingly bad one to get into, ami, as a rule, those who havo it are frequent sufferers from throat troubles. Practically the-collar ami l.eck tio will be sufficient protection for tho throat. When the cold is intense, turn ing up tin-coat collar will Le a suliieieut a idi; ional pr.it eet ion, unless one is riding f..r in ii st rong w ind. W in-! lea-, ing the cold air ami entering v. arm looms, ia move the outer wraps at once. La. lit h fail to observe this rul. 'ii; :ii-r tuaa do i::eu. Whvii peopl- base been i.-ng em.ugii iu v.r.rm loonis to le-'-o-ge l.eaU' l, t la-v sia'.iihi led leave them .t o:;e Uii. iter their carriage cu- a street, those cnudit il'Us thev are c.-r. till a i i el' evci by a .gdiug to lije 10: t liele. Lef.ire they sl;ol;ia walk a body i.- accustomed JVw b i::.iil t! -t:u;ig. ang c:;-i 1 1. : 1 is active, e.l to ii;1e:;se ..ided. a c::g of Aft-r :..; La. o,.!d n::;l i.-, ev. ho, it .i or 1 ii. up." Abohoi, pose, i ; l.iorc than the rda.p: tioned. Fa.o cold, as cu a i- e:i ex . : is ;.d isabln to "wan.l to oge;i taken for the pu:--active, hi-;- tehloin la-itcr barm !e:.s beverages liicii :;' priloiiged ! ::i.(is:'.ni to :g drive, hot drink: !0- dd not. bv indulged i'l. for th-.-y render thu body yet 1:10. v sensitive to coitl. A. woid about lent coverings. Woolen f-' '.:-.;: ;.-;,, of co;:t:e, should l;o vrorti by ail. A . ear row heavy ' hoes and delav to ;d on tivi-i-; ho; j as lon g as po.-;:,ible; whc:i ciicn tl:-y !!; 0:1. kca p tin m iu s-r'.-ic- until li'gt s pring. Car diiveis, cov.d-.i. tovs 1 otln v mi :i o.:., all dr.v in tlio cel.! vhl hv by far i:.ore conii'orialde if liny di.-te.rd leather b.-.oti and shoes ali'-l we;;;- clot h siioca i.' ige their overshoe:-., 'i h' :i their feet will bo Letter vc-n'ikited, ucrsriire h 1 lK'llCO liLVT) hei much v.'ai'i:;t-r.- -Llo.ston IlcralJ. Tcad; lit r at Her Wong A queer t'r.isad- in Conmiughl life was the ca:;o of 1 ho king ut thy relation of Dcimi.v I.'odkm ver.siis Patrick ri-cuch. The- plaint ill and defendant wen- i.ei,gh born. The latter was of the "ould sditoek," full of eii-s, and possessed of an IntoleraMo temper. Il-a and wifa had conceived a deep di: like lor Mr. bodkin, who oiiterb.ined an equal aveisioii to iho I-:renc:i; s. Uo.lkia had hapjiened to of fend thy squire and lady. That, evening they ci.tertr.med a larg; company at di:i ner, when Mrs. I rench lau.'iehe-t out in abuse of In. r enemy, i-oneludh'.g Imr wish "thai !-o:neiti:d would cut o.i tho 1 "How's ears, ami that might; quiet him." The suLject v.as changed alter a while, and all went on v.cai t ill supper, at v hi'-h time, when everybody waa happy, the old butler, one Ned Ilejran, who, according'- to custom, had drunk tiiough, came iu. Joy wr.a in his eye, and, whispering' some thing to his mistress which she did not comprehend, he put a large snuff box i;ito her hand. Fancying it was some whim of her old servant, she opened the box and shook o;t its contents, when lo! a pair of bloody oars dropped out on the table. The ho:g-r r of tho company v.as awakened, upon which old Ih'.l exclaimed: "Sure, my lady, you w i died t hat Dcnrd.'s Iwd k::i"a curs v.a.re cut ofr. so I teld id Ce-o-ghegan, Ih'j gamokeeper. ami he took a few handy boys with him. a::d Iro'.'.gL'c back his ears, and there they rre, i.nd 1 hope you are p-lcatcd, my lady." Th? gamekeeper p-'-d the boys" left the county. French and his wife were held i i heavy bail at the Galway assizes, !.-at the guests proved no such order was given, that, it was a mistake o:i the part . f tho servant. They were acquitted. Tho "boys" ami their leader never reap peared iu tha county until after tho death ; f Lodk'Tt. win. lost his ears many years Left-re his dca: h. Argonaut. ""no ?.Ir. ,.;:.;jconrt" of C'ivillzatitm. Talking about tho early days in Cali fornia, there wai an old f chow down in the country who was the first senator" to ! g: to tho l.-'gislature from his district. Lis district was a tv.n.I out, arid tLere I were i.o houses only cabins there rough j wooden cabins, with nails f. v hat. racks ami a ri pe mr a wa--di'v,!,e and a cracked ! m d igg gee.; ier a dre.-siu.g table, lie j '.vent to iaerr.mctito, and whin lie got ! bar!: t;.y entire district '.:n:e in to call upon Id:::, and he gr.vo thtm a womicrful account cf tho magim'tcnee ct" ci viilzalio:i in the capi:..l cf t ia- slat y. "Yai. l.oy-;: 1 had a china basin an' a cake o' co-r.p ret at ed l y goih; smelt like the llowers. an' there' wor a little place in r'.m v-.dl with a row of big hooks in it, an' I fiai 1 to the waiter, 'W hat's that for':' Tr L.imr vcur clvtLc-s in. savs he. an' well. I iid:i't h ve any ch'thes lo hauu- Hi it; but i: wer -splendid; but, boys, that v.-or m " Ida'. Vv iiat do you think I had? A i eal bureau, a real, carved bareaTi with a haiiiag pla"s Ligger'n tins vir:dyr in it . It v.r gorgeous, gorge ras." "Uader tjues" iu t..u I'rAUci .co Chroaiclc LV ritii forsseen ue came. Atauai - u "l i U u i 1 Cu t 1 1 it 1 1 sj 1 A Scaly, Itching , Skin Diseaso with L'ndlcss Suffering Cured by Cuticura Remedies. 1 I r I I a. I kiam 11 1 f t ! , l i 1 ii i y. ;t- M 1 in 1 s t vv ). ; s 14 1-1 , !,. 1: 1. u l, 11;, v e s i i-il in.. ".a" 1- !.i l-a nli.'.l ii ami an nmin-ii-e iOi.i i.i.l 01 st.;,,.; ,lk.. ;.lv 1 1 -,. ),. ,i-1 i'iioii-'.ii-il hi in In ail In a sj,.. I inil l.ie,( la. in a fill. It sj, ,,. ,i i.,i,i,iu- ,n,.r my '" ami 1 1 a y 1. .1.1,. Ii- si-.ie-, a .i,,ia ..; ii II .-I ..... ;il I : 1 : 1 1 1 . ;u,.1 n: y M,f. li-iia,: 'A-i- . :i-ii.-. .ii,.: n r, ;.. er r. li, 1. ' in,, 1 l!"'.-.ii.'l .a : - urn.; I ie i! 1 . i.uil in.- I . . , I l.l-mi -i-.isi- err in, 1 a-:i a aini-in. 11. lmt I I el I 11 h lule ice. , 11I ..I uiiai ,.ina- ,, U,,. !'"'lt-!s ,.inl .us I -1 . t ii-a. . . e e .n-.t 111 1 mi-rl.l-l-, t-Ie. I lu a. ... a a . . I-.,.;i ;ii ,s i. er til e ear ;.,-1 .1 1, ..1, . :: .. .-..i,. u.-i! .i l 1 "' : a. -I I - 1 a;.-. I . t I'i :-'"' 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 i 1; A I: y . 1 n: 1 -. ten ima-li. 'Iieyliate 1:1. an- n. -Uic i- , ,:i ,na! io-i-Irn la s.-at. s a- .1 1-:., V. ,;..., ,. tl.t-ia .e I! I.i.m-mI I I II. I 1: ,;ii.l lli.c I ..! - I 1 1 Ol 1 1 O I i: I; J -. I I ., S, I ;, ,,,1 1 ,. ,, (;, j, , S i) I I l.l 1: A .-s.iM-. II ..ii li.tt Iii-i-Ii !ifi,. aial s;.nl 1.11 'Aiihl I i,;...,- 1 an- 1 lie- !.. - in !:. .,u t;o::li have l:.ni lh.- nmni--,. I !..k,i i Mii. I ie. 111 .- i i- ..;r 1 11 1. 1 K i I 1's, .1 1 - . ,.:i 1 1,1 , I.niu iier IV..I. "I i.u In t iiii- .-kli In-..,,. -."!, t i,t n.e I ion a-. 1 I, an s ; i, ,, imih . , uas. 'I I. I VM" . I.u I-.- I- it.. I 1 i:;.. II y l.ai.is l'-r les :t i:a i..ii. i. a-s i-. cr,ii.n ii. .'. in ;: u In)-. I.lit 1.. iin 1 III .. ,i- 1 .. ia .. 1 1 1 . . I m I..I.-I.. i I .'. .-i.t -t 1. -u . ..is. .1 .1 1 i , . 1 ' lii I . a a i. 1 : 1 1 . I si laia -, liii.lll" la Ii.-. I '.ll.l-.i. ; .. '1 a t! ill.-ai ll I I l'e A 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 iiiiue -il ; ; t o. I ia. .. 1 It I i.t-. . 1 1 a 1. y 1 .1 - . ',: 1 e.i 1. , 1 1. 1 - i-ir s v. l.i.- 11 n- ami I . Ll'-oisv. ia n . I ) 1 ' s. M s 1 ( 1 , 1 v ( ; . V.' 1 ki; IM 1: , i .. .Ian -.n: 11. I - - ,. l'sar'asis. l'e,. net. '1 1 I(.--, 1: , npi 1 1 1 , In--., rnniiin. .s.i-:.ll i:.-;nl. .M , i k ( insj. i laa.o nil . I'.a 1 i.i-r-'. 1'... kcr .', ( : laiei-i ,' ami V ; -.1 a 1 u umcii s In-'.. ;,!.! . .--i . s; i-rii-s i.l llei.nv:. 1 a111.11.:. .scaly. I:ii--. iintiiois ..f 1 !i- .-1.1.1 aci . i-a liiol l.laat. w it 11 ia.-, el lia:., im- 1 1 -ill. 1 iv fin cil I in 1 1: . I he ;o . at s k n ( lac. ri.il ( t 1 h i i S - a i. ;.n i-.i 1 1 r; 1 s 1. u a .-in 1 !: e i', x-'-iii oi v. -o a 1 1 r . i 1: 1 s, , ; i . 1 1 ill.U ilil 1'ti.l'l 01... .1 I Snlil every vv In re. l'riee, C' i n 1 l:, : Si i a I-, e., I-. ;' 111 11.1 t:l.-l. i 1 iiai (! to I . l'or . -) IUii- .nut t'a--i:oc;.l ' , ra.,l..n, .Mass. J '.Si-iel I', u- -lint l i t ma-Sum 1ik.-;h ii 1 1 'iies. r.e 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 a I '- s, a In'. Ina te; 1 lain .,N. HIV rUCS. 1 1 1 a civ 1 1 1 -;ni -1 . ii-il. n n-'!i .!-. .-n-il LiL ami nv sM'i pit s 1 1 ; 1 1 in i 1 n 1 ha So;, n. 'II.'' i! ii-t l'cs in '. -Hit,', i-:.i cr -. si.ece. 1 In- acri.i. watery il.-fli o --s lo-u ill - t-j -s antt leisf, tlie paiat'u! ial! i-iin::'. am i-i ..-m: ii;g In t ln oat. tlie hi -1; ia- ! : !;e :' m as In. in -, can - -iua ch -kite.; si -a-, i -: n ai -, c, . :-,'a . i i a . n r es la ! 1.- ll- at an 1 s-ni t :: e j ., :!,..... i.,.,. -,,, llia.r ttiesf s;. in ;i- .a.s are to 1 1: a-,-. a : s v. !.) si a, i-ii,.i-i...u--i 1-. r-.ini i... i i ,..,i-i.iir ii 1 1 1 .... v . ! ami v, .: i !i in i ; a., ic ' ii I he lad lint a s ! ; g ! i a,.i.iiuai eia .1 i mcii'tt i:hicm. fi n i: i on i 'a i i: an v. ill ail r.l '..'.-.'.... r. IW. Inn tnis ti.-..iin 'i.t iat a -"I -;': a!" t'i.t.n 1 1: r- o - - Lai j, I a. at I -! ; I if is : -;.i i v. ill l -' 1 a 1 1 -c i I: ; i :, ic 1 1 : i i . ,-. !: i ; i- : ' I i .-a t !: icl e i.i :i..-j. .! I y i . .. i i , i . t - l : i : . i : , a-i is ac- i na; n 1 i : .....,.....,,. . -, . , : ,,-s i '"ii ill i : :: ;.... i . . ; :.'. .' f I i 1 1 1 'e.f I. .-:.- ir-" " "- ;i.si i a a- . i- . ll is ra (Hi! . r e; - . I. ; i .:, .- 1. 1 . ,- ... - .-AM o'..l. s :;.).!.-.: I l , .- llw! til' I I I: I- g I I 1 1 All 1 J " 1 . . I t AT V " nl!Ai. i:-. r . ii , ..a i, ,...,, , .t 2 m am u. 1 . . ' . . . . i't i i id: i ii: t .; a m i 'ii : :.i.f a !. i - .. ia:.- inil . i i.n-i i etui ;j l-!'. ill's LO -iC -j - '. lie I:'.:.' iv i'f'i.'t-.; I.v lii" Cu'io'i. -i lin; . tin drifts.. s . a ie-. ' - --a ni-.-i ago :....', i!i-i.,i,iai..-.:i:. ami ! ' , la i i : n -i e ji-t l ll - K 1 1 i 111- ) i ;i - 1 1- . s ;.e(-l - j -.'. ..' .- a i a '! ;a ,-,i t a i vie - c I- c in ; ! a i ns I an. I i ea ; lies a - W:.r. inil- I Iv ' sn in.-, i. r to ni !i. r i.hi-n rs.ninl tin' na si .''i - I ra a i . . i . 1 1 1 (ii i am. i i ' i i . i i 1 1 1 ; a i i c 1 1 ; i : : . i m ; t ; - . Hesse '.ct con pe...-: 'e.l. At an il i ist , ', (''i.i s : j; i- im j .i.i i ; in- 'c-sta-c I'rcc, i i I 1 1 1 I 'Kit DKi.'i; AM f il KM l'g I. gl., Iicst'Hi Ma-s. utr.r..-.g r who.-ct p ::h i t lif- ia -. t i e.e;.t . - l ot tha ( ; idter : 'l i d t i:e t :a ut re i i "ike odd things i'.a: n-o;,iewi!l d.o t o : g'-.t. Wiitit ihrv l ave not p.d.t b.r mr.!-.es ; u.;, laicit'Mi.i-a-aiia. J'- I I.ig;.l a WC1) I tifcs-.ed, :.p-o..re.:! iv p:-, ,.,:.;.; t IrifTi ! who had p.i:v!:: :-:'. :. ...i .it u.l-.i-tvo'i ! u -del ;,:V: a.and ,io,-;i ,d ti,, j :.iei-."i. .-. le-. .' m:n;.:., Iidrr !:!: i::i'i;i!:i i hi.d goao i:p I.e p. i -. i-r : i.de i it.; .. n v..c-iit i seat. Anne of liie m hers oheerv. d !d:u i I t:id, bu i 1 vrardieu to ;;;i,v this ease. ' hen ; .,y a-t ' !-. .1 ho vaiic-l mi in lh lo:;:;V. 1 Uiis.il-d hi.-, S- ef -;,l ( nl r.i'iee, Lul ait-.-i-some scr::: m--.-i., si-iv,-;-( .1 i.r;i m ai-'e .-'::t well down to ; he i ag !i.j his. lie ha 1 evi'.lemliy spotted t but i u:i'.-c(-i!pi..-d. . and came d ovn l he ai d,.- wil n v.: her p-jonl--.-!.o had left their places r;t tho close of tho lii-.-,t act. Ids cleverness had been re warded by tho cnj. ,yme);l of the p-rioim en-- fro:.i a Ql.'M err h-sgra chair for ju.-,; the ""') cent.-: admissi"!i f. "Id i you di ;turh him; ' "lh, "i:o: that would havo hurt his Gncr .ensibiliti;.:i, a;m p-rhas made an etn-nv of Id': -,. " , 1 J ---.'c- -' t-'ff ulmr wao was or: ta.A ui.de. -..to ,rli Uerall. J : j Gobi and -diver s-iedacl.s al II J" Gau'.l's ' I I if 1 ra d e pT, -ri'. id.;'' r.t.".r.;cij t, &i'--- :'lCsi'...'lL;.: tv '.-Jr? tT"'i- siEAT !ij o "tr Irs. hi cj Lumbago, Backache., Head ache, Toothache, Sere Throat, S el lings, Fror. bites, Sprai;t SciatIoa9 Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Prouiitly ami I'ei manentty .t!io ltctuiit of 1'aiu. For Stabiemcii Stocknisn, ZllZ uKEAn-r KKJIF.VY KS'OV.N l.r. lions ii ANO C ATT I.U r.IsKA-CS. Sr'd by Drvcgiili and Decei t ZVfrju.W. Tba Chui.es A. Vugeler Co., Ualto , 3Id. Tiii- ciTi;:r:r;s ' ?rr v T-r i,i.A,riM'i rn. - m:ii:a--(c a. 0 AriTA L STUCK I' A 1 1 ) J U, - Cf'O.CCO Authorlitd Capital, $ I CO, COO. .11 i i ri.s .'i:,MC v. kuV r.M. .):-. a, i ). Mil.', I'l.-ll I 11 1 . l.i'- I'i I'll. lent V.. II. ( t .Slll.'.'i;. l',i-.,,.r. l I 1. I I I OliH I'l .ti:!; (i.lltil Ii .1. A. ( eiii.m , I'". 1,'. I i n! I.let I 11 .1. V. .In In.i-i hi, 1 1 i'i i I'.n i 1. i. ( I i.ci i-t W . I. .Mtlicni, S ii . ". t-lt ) t . i.,i, . I'. fie I, a. '. Ir tns.i-i. a liem-l il I -m.I,Im:.' I ' ii 1 r. -s h. a V. 1 1. 1 loo,- ; . 1 1 y :.;j... 1 1 1, 1 1 iin-y. In ;ti s;ift are u.viicii lo oil. .no n.;itir li ' litli'i- in- "iii nl lie 1 i ii-art inn, II lii I a a- ii.i c il i-l ii I ai tel. I i.m, aa ii it . - in i.e . i.m- ai n .- fi -1 1 r 1 1 . i s 1 1 1 ;. I n i 1. 1. tt"iie '.!: ificar.-. et Iti n- Its l.,-nrin; it tela Ht I.uy.-. :n .1 s- 'I- I i a I . In-: ;-c, ( uii a t y iiiiii I'ri -fin.::.'-. ton n l i i v..n i- v i.i , Pic-l O -t. S WAl'.ill Bink Cass County la.fa.ci Mam i.nii r.ui; . -. . .a TL. X"'i iTviO U ' Z' I. , J 4 . 1.1 .U j r. tl i-a l ii- I I n v, , (, I .1 i-.l. l.l 1 I.'-. . ;. !'. I. ( i"i' ' C '.' '". "I . ' ! H- 1 : f T '.;',( f. ". I u-iumn n Uv.:,t id L-. -. 1 1. b a.di.uiii' Hiiiii : .v' cash '(;!(!:, t' aid fur Ooi.i. I; i;n,l Cili Wuism.ts Vi'i.'.i-.i' ris".H u i.4 ml i.t,:r:j t:y re a .: t -il f :. inilii -t I ::n ; C. M. Par-: fie, .1 M. Cuttei-i.n, t'i e! ; mal.-i, , . 0. r ii n Ii . II.lt. Wlintli:.!;). M. Mniiisf), .l.tiia -i I': t ci -iin. .1 r. - 1 Ol-' I'l A ! IS Vi , 1 j I i . N Hi It AM'. A, il'.-r.s t I.e v : j I ta.-'ul.-t f-itl.e .i.,mit Iran- :-' '..a i ; ii.mte I. AN KING IHJSilUSy.. sf.i-l s. ; ti.-.. Ct 'it, , i . u-i i i I,-.-, j ! ocb s'ecet :-t i !-!.( a: ! ne'e, i n i.s. ts ,,,- iv i 1 1 l a! , - i 1 ;-. 1 ii.. e ii i a I n e ( V M I. -il cs. I ' ,. ; t s t' ; j, v. j,. v ; i :.-. I.; e ' ii ;. r y la.i I f 1 I ' I ' CI -i S : , H, , , ,j :. j j I i ii i t ;o lmt iih ul I i i.,i,i'. 'oiVt ti'in.-t n.titU tl ii) 177; ft If. ittfl llli;l:i si laal I .1 nrit '-H -.aid f.,- fininty U'nr St a' - ai.it (a)i n; v I'-ontls. : l".! TCTO o S 1 ' .1 g.l. Fit - 1 I .,,:..; i:. '!;-., j T;, . wolf Ii, : S. a -o. ,. a (Ol,. j H I ,t, . I t Ce .-.err-. -A w u ... crciicnt bailer !C- : a I' nil l-ine of Fp r r. ' crelen L Ccrrcslic GccJs. i Cnnsiilt Vin.i !i ti-ii-'t I y i.iu e; l'ni afal skcUvvood block state i.i Nt-'. i, .-. , i :;-,: , t a et iinty -at.-, of i i I 'i'i a .-.-r-feis i an : . -, - .,i ; ,, t : ! ' i .','.'!-.. i i i i. . i . . - i ! : '! if- I- I:- ei. v i :-. t a 1 !,:.! mi i In- ' ; f 1 .i.u- 'f N'' ' cn.iar. A . ! a- tla I "f IV H il c , i et-. .I,. I'."".-., iu I'l.allse, :),,. j a n,- i-.., U .. ; ,-. I. if t. i ,. A. , ulieilr a s : -' u. i - -: i a - .r .a : tl . -;:.i.-. .-.li i . si',,'r ,! : :" "'' -1'1' id ft- H !m' ay'p ','y''!)'', v ,!? g'.: i' 'lii'i'.l 'i"' Ii"ii-:.:.i,a !-. 1 - I Lis . id d...t N- a l-iy .v. I). IsSk. t; -' "i.. ( aan.i y .1 ,;,gf . MBr. A. Marshall W':yv.:- ---a. . a. s i S-.-tVi'tioi) if tg; :.":.'! Ii.l Tdtlj 0. Sin ci::h v. A r.i -gj,v ; ji s :,i ti i- I'.ik-. i.is 1 :i.i.!No t . ,i !."'; r -i n N , K TtFTif At tiii i i;.l i(t)i m.-.de n (.;,, Silver Uubber ..r ( tiblt id I'i; !.f, nil ijiKcrtid -'is soon as tt i th :: (.Mnifgi; when de s-ired. j All work warranb tl. lTir lfsc nalde. i Fnztii.ati.i''s lii."' is I'l.AT'i enni ii, Kkh i i'i ih'. 1. Im ii. ? V jLj-J- OPI ICE. r r-,-,i.-( .-it'crtioii :.:.g i:;.si!,i-- Kntmst- t lily tart;. ').v.:;v r; oi i rn;. . T:t!t- Kweiti".;. o.e;i,,.. 'oinpi!eJ, In mi.v. cc V.'iitti -a. ml ISi-. ti- St.'.'. ett -v i-;ici:i;;. s f,i r.a'dri" ; T.,.;lIlri t,an Xny Other Acncjv H. 15. WlMit',,.:, .1I!N A . II A V I Vs. :-.if;.ry I ljIx. 7-otaiy Public. lv :i a n &. isa vn:s, - w e.. y w t, k. rte VV fnics fvi-r Uni.k .f; ;i-s C-eti'y. PT.VTTSVat TH. - - Xkmiaeka B. Time Table. j 'iOIMl WrST. lif.TVO Kst ?n- - a in. No. .-4 f,. ii,. ' I .1.- '! :.a ;i. ie. V,,. 4.i(i :A,n . ;,, I Nrt, -i; :4T t. v.j ; 7 ,,. , No. - ---. ,. No. 1.1. :45 a. in. I Nn.'i -a; a; i, r. No. ! 1 t; ;.. J,,. Atl trai-is- ,-:.i l.-.ily l y wavof On.nh .txc?rt -S...S , 'i.Kv,i,.i, run to and from fc'eliuyler tlady fcf pt .-U'.ii.y. 1 rcr No tt a t.t.to Pa-lfc Junction at ..?0a m o.9 Is a. tub lio.D r&cifie Junction at