Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 15, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    - -
flrover and Allea. In el;$lity-eij;lit.
A rrl v ! just in time to be too late ;
'Hie ship tli silence parsed them by
And left them on the land to (lie.
The captain of Iheshlp of Maine,
'J tin people call lilm J . ii. Itlaine,
liy b.U coiniiiand unfurled the sail.
And now behold their piteous wall.
With tli em I lie many peiiHinn vetoes
Will he beneath t li drifting snow ;
There forever In fib-nee will they renaln.'
JCetle'.-tlnj with horror the strength
of lllalue.
Kleep Grovor sleep and Allen too.
Old Satan may remember you ;
And when you hear the trumpet blow.
To a warmer climate you may go.
I'eace to thy earthly pains and tolls.
Kent to thy bilf neek and thy bolls.
No more you'll skulk yourself away,
I' pon a decoration day.
To fth for cat's and mud tad poles,
iKnorliiir loyal veteran snuln.
'I hose chill vvIihIh w ill make you shiver,
While you and Al'en, fro up bait river.
Heed ut t the winds halt not by the way ;
I'erchanee you'll reaeli a warmer day.
You may reach a c.liuie free of earth's woe :
A barren upace no grans will grow.
Your earthly tricks will be forgot
J!ooause your palace will be so hot .
Old Hi n Han icon and LeviMoiton.
In thog' lden chariot -go-by snortil'f.
A ml nestle In eait hs olive glades.
To busk fcreiicly In their shades.
bile you and Allen, oan silently Pgcre,
J low yirii did vote against the nigger.
No MoreCrow.
From Friday's Daily.
"Democrats should bear in miud that
our republican friends need nil the fun
and frolic they can raise between now
and election day, and we should do
nothing but sympathize with them in
their efforts this evening.""
The above lines are a production
which appeared in our local contempor
ary, the Journal, the night of the grand
renublican rallv. October I3tli. Tho
abovo squib was carefully treasured
for future reference. The worthy editor
may cast his desolate glnnce over his own
production once again, and recall many
happy days of the past which are gone
from him forever. The following is the
second production:
Oh, how sick. Wonder who crave
for sympathy ? Why, one republican
offered to bet one of the prominent dem
ocrats of this city $20. yesterday while
he was at Lincoln that "Cleveland is the
president.'' The poor hopeless man put
up his money, it is said, but when he
found out that Cleveland is the president
the republican returned him his money.
The man kicked himself real bard.
Poor C. Whopper, who predicted such
overwhelming returns in fayor of tin
democrats, has remained silently in his
hole under the Sherwood block since
electon day, If any one visits him then
and asks, "How's election, C. W.," his
looks immediately put an end to an
further conversation. All possible aid
was secured for the sick one, but h
turned up his toes.
WX. '."-,X':- ';
Haavy Snow Storm Repotted from
Northern Kansas.
AtcixISok, Kan., N -v. 9. The most
phenomenal snow storm that ever occured
in northern Ka09us began this morniug,
and has continued furiously all day.
Trains are ah delayed and telegraph wires
are prostrated in all directions with the
exception of one line to Kansas City,
In Atchison over 200 telephone linea are
broken and so tangled up with electric
light wires that the electric light works
have been suspended to prevent accident.
The snow storm is the heaviest that has
occurred at any season of the year 'since
1878. The extent of the damage cannot
l3 ascertained, owing to the suspension
of telegraphic connection
- Kasab City, Nov. 9. A rain storm.
beginning early this morning, developed
into a snow storm at 3 o'clock this after
noon and lias been falling ever since,
The snow, however has melted as fast as
it has fallen. It has been accompanied
by brisk winds and has done considerable
damage. Nearly all railroads centering
here are more or less delayed, the Santa
Fe- bein- the worst sufferer. Telegraph
wires are also somewhat crippled.
A Few California Figures
c.wPkaxcism. Nov. 9. The couut
of 110 precincts in the city of 17G giv
Harrison 24, 930, Cleveland 27,G93. Tho
republican state committee claims the
state by from ten to twelve thousand,
The democratic state commiuee ruui-cuw j
theetateto the t epub! ic.HU-, bin by a;
....M muiorityThe lutest figures indi-
1 ..ntr 1 iii: iuLL'tiL ii"uira in""-
s'na- J. .' V.- ,1. ;,. r.rn.
All h 'p--r- Ji'iV-..' since been c-jm-n-.Iim',.
and tli:-; ft?Uow-in-.r illu -tratiau givvs t.',
next orJi-r . ;! c:t
Indianapolis, Nov. 10. Republicans
are jubilant, but the demonstrations
of the past two days have ceased, The
people haye returned to their business
and the city has assumed its normal
The county canvassing board is still in
session. The oflicial figures on the result
in this city cannot be obtained, but the
democratic electoral ticket wus carried in
the county by a plurality of 37S. A few
oflicial returns are coming in from coun
ties over the state, and it is thought the
republican plurality will be in the neigh
borhood of 2,500.
Arrangements arc completed fur a
grand ratification meeting hero tonight,
and it is probible that General Harrison
will be induced to participate in the
demonstration in somu way. The general
has expressed a.deeided opposition to the
coming of delegates for the purpose of
congratulating him. Congratulations by
letter, he says, will receive prompt atten
tion. In response to a call for a speech
yesterday he said:
The time for speech-making is over.
The debate is closed, and I believe that
the polls are closed. I thank y..u for
your call tonight.
The republican headquarters closed
last night. Chairman Huston and Secre
tary Dill were each presented with gold
headed canes by the clerical corps of the
The democrats now concede Indiana to
Harrison by 2,500. Reports to the Asso
ciated press confirm this, though the vote
may be a fw hundred more. The entire
republican state ticket is elected, there
being scarcely 300 votes difference thus
far between General Harrison and Gover
nor-elect Ilovev. In the Eighth district
Brookshire (dem,) defeats Johnson (rep.)
for nnrress bv C3 majority. This is a
democratic gain.
Burrled Alive.
Kansas Crrr, Nov. 9. A special from
T;ftBv.iirTb. Kan., savs: 1 he most ureaa-
H. IHU" M-'J 7 -
ful disHster in the history of Kansas oc
curred at 5 o'clock this evening.
... k 4.
that time a terrible explosion was heard
at shaft No. 2, in Fontenac, a suburb of
Pittsburgh. The shaft was completely
shattered and there were 160 men below.
only two of whon are known to have
escaped. Being 112 feet deep it is almost
certain at this writing that all who were
in the nunc are dead or burried alive,
Attempts will be made to reach the men
below before morning. The shock nes-
troved whole drifts, and it is pi-obable
that the men in the lower levels are bur
ied beneath tons of slate. Clack damp
is supposed to have caused the explosion
Most of the miners at these shafts were
originally from the mines of Pennsyl
Cincinnati, Nov. 10. Yesterday the
ballots cast in Kenton county for con
jressman from the Sixth (Carlisle's) Ken
tucky district, were counted at Indepen
dencc, Ky,, and about two-thirds of them
was fo .cd to be rough edged and per
!l-r Til:
. I .-
.f th"n.
:l C'.U-i!
county an. I tl.o.T-.
el njjniusr t'i"tr
ii ilk'i-: it's1
iiutnljcrs throu!
ii II
Of tllf
VeFt V rir i:
Whekuso, W. Vs., Nor. 9 Ffrty
countries, p.-Uing 1 i .'j.-loS votes for pres
ident in 1331, sluw a net t cpuMicun g iin
of 4,050. Te remaining thirteen count
ies, polling 16,639 votes, will at the same
ratio of gains, give the lcpublicaus a
gain of 794, making a total net gain in
the state of 4,815, which would give the
state to the republicans by C24 majority.
Tn; indications are Atkinson, Flick
and Smith (reps.) are elected, respective
ly, in the First, Second and Fourth con
gressional districts.
Nashville, III., Nov, 9, Foreman
(dem) for congres3 in the Eighteenth Il
linois district has a majority of 17 over
Jehu Baker (rep.). The following is the
official returns: Foreman's majorities:
St. Clair county, 229; Monroe, 560; Total
7S9, Baker's majorities : Madison, 324;
Bond, 385: Washington, G3; Total 772.
Foreman was erenaded at his residence
this evening.
New York.
Rhisecliffs, Nov. 9. Vice President
elect Morton spent the day in reading
and arranging hundreds of telegrams re
ceived by hhn upon tha successful re
sult of the campaign. Tney are from
leading republicans throughout the land.
'Treedore" a prominent democrat
among the younger politicians of this
city has manifested considerable uneasi
ness since the defeat of Cleveland. His
only desire now is that his home could
j be removed to the country lor seerai
. yorst p;ut pf t
j WjWS oycr
he storm
winter ?"
here do the flies stay in me
t -
Tito query b propounded by
. -j j '
nn prpdsnw. The flies wili stay in the
an exchange.
road new for Dress.
I noticed four exceedingly handsome,
but rather too nt riking tailor suits for
I VOUllg lauies an 111 Lincoln green
lackeis nave ioiiq poo;es naps witu eur
. .i r .
lnous blacU IhUm.ii.-4 una me ironis are
braided elabora u 1 v with thick, round
cord. Oreen Ml but a with high rolling
rims and black cock'a feathers go with
them, and gauntlet gloves of yellow
BUede. I asked the tailor what these wero,
and ho said ho had not the slightest idea
himself They had been ordered by lour
young ladles of the highest families, but
lie thought they wore just, ror a sensauon.
as these young ladies rather enjoy neing
itared at. 1 shall watch ror me advent
f those voueir ladies from my front win
tlow, for they will surely pass, and I am
anxious to know whether they will carry
cross bows like the robber forester, or
only Buffalo Bill guns with game bags to
carry the dead things they kill with them
Some of those very persons, who, irom
their social position, ought to set a better
example toward their less fortunate His
ters, fceem to study up means or creating
sensations. It does not matter to them
what other people out of their own set
think of them if they can only do some
thing to astonish the natives. It is not a
fair thins to do, either, for It brings
odium upon all the young girls of this
country in the eyes of strangers, and it
is not doing right toward themselves nor
their parents, but It appears that the
young folks of the present generation
have got the best of their parents and do
just what their foolish heads fancy. Ira
agine, now, these four girls in
green, hunting dresses all alike, walking
abreast with all the swagger they can as
sumo along our thoroughfares, crowded
with people or all countries ana au parts
of this country. They aro all well known
and their names will pas3 Irom one to an
other, and they will have gained the
worthy reputation Of appearing upon tho
streets in those dresses. If I had my
way I would put an extinguisher ujmju
those girls, for they need it.. Fashion
In a Cigarette Factory.
The work of the packers is very enter
taining to the looker on. There are also
about 400 girls in this division. They aro
seated and supplied with materials in the
same manner as the rollers. In place of
tobacco, paste and paper, they havo cigar
ettes, pictures ana boxes or wrappers.
Those who pack them in boxes receive 5
cents and those who put them In the tin
foil wrappers 8 cents per thousand. These
girls are remarkable In the rapidity of
their movements; they are also quite won
Jerful mathematicians, since they carry
their arithmetic In their finger ends. With
unerring accuracy they pick up ten or
twenty cigarettes, as the case may be,
and with almost electric Bpeed they put
the-m in tho boxes, with a ticket and card
picture accompanying each box.
Standing near a pretty girl, I attracted
her attention by my queries, and was
amused to see her cather up twelve cigar
ettes. As soon as she closed her fingers
upon them, without the aid of her eyes,
sho discovered her mistake, and immedi
ately discarded the two not needed. Jok
uur my fair companion about her mistake,
she banteringly offered to wager me her
day's pay if I found one box in all the
hundreds she had packed that contained
less or more than ten cigarettes. 1 ques
tioned sevoral of theso girls, and found
most of them pleased with their work and
employers. As visitors are seiaom per
mitted to go through the building my ap
nearance -created quite a sensation. Dur-
insr nv stay they became noisy and
inattentive. I anticipated hearing some
of tbem too severely reprimanded, and
was on tho alert for any harsh treatment
of these poor girls. Much to my relief I
heard nothinfir of the kind; tho only re
monstrance given, which seemed t bo all
needed, was the tap or a belt, i :;: ; neii
was suspended from the ceuim. , -w' v.'as
culled bv tho manager of the d-. ; at.
As soon as the stroke was be -; j u'i be
came orderly and quiet !ilcbxio:id (Va.)
Cor. Chicago limes.
A Change of Text Kwii.
fWiftt fUld
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a IV
.tllUlf.UCe Of C-f.:h S:-IlOijj5tlO y-TT
t : :u B-.u.iy cnnviiieeu inat cai-ii gvrg-vj&j
. a;i "iinprtivonioiit" upon it i uihctii ti'.d
I'l'-'utrcrsor. Tho docu'ntie pile of tera
t0;.li3 eeeais to aeciiiuuittte, aud yet llit-y
are apparently useless. I am presented '
at tho bogiiming' of esch school year w ith
the same formidable list of books thr.t
ara imperatively needed in this con
Ktantly advancing science of geography.
1 am naturally a pieek and uncoinplain
Ing man, and I have no doubt that I
should excite in my own offspring a feel
ing of pitying contempt if I attempted to
"bound" the state after tho exploded
methods of the "old school," hut I somo
times wonder in '"my artless Japanese
fashion" why it is that whenever the
tickle Mississippi river changes its mind,
or Mr. Stanley discovers a new rivulet in
Central Africa, it is necessary to issue a
new seventy -five cent atlas to accommo
date tho fact. John Snyder in Globe
Democrat. Ainu Ideas Concerning Spirits.
Although the Ainu Ideas of a future ex
istence are very bazy, yet they consider
that the spirits of men are well disposed
toward the living, and may be relied upon
to bring good fortune to tho village and
the inhabitants thereof; henco they have
no fear of the spirits of men; but it is
very different with those of old women.
They are considered to bo very malignant
witches, In fact who are seeking some
means of working mischief. Formerly
this prejudice was more deeply rooted
than at present, and in order to prevent
the spirits of old women bewitching the
place and the people, their houses were
burned down as soon as ever the corpse
was taken away for buriaL This was
done In order that the 6pirit might have
no abiding place, and, while engaged in
hunting for its home, would be diverted
from its malicious plans. This notion
corresponds with the superstitions of
barbarous nations in other parts of the
world. J. K. Goodrich in Popular Science
Monthly. .
Employment for the Blind.
Some physicians have warmly indorsed
the suggestion that "massage," as an em
ployment, Is particularly suited to the
capabilities of the blind, in whom tho
tactile sense is 60 strongly developed. In
deed, In Japan massage has, for a long
period of time.been practiced by blind men,
who go about the 6treets with a flageolet,
drawing attention to themselves and their
i tinn it. 13 tnai tuueiui-
. ' uy,nA osrlnma will find this a
S. F. THOMAS, ami Notary l'ublie.
Oillee ii)
l lii;era!U I'.locK. 1'lat'Kiiioutii, reo.
Attorney-at-l.av. Wit: kivh prompt Attention
to all Mi'lne mtiuvtKl ' Mm. iJiiiri 111
l.'iiion llloek, Fatt tlite. IMattsnuiutl.. Nel.
K!. MUllLFY.
Hot :iml Col l I5a. lis nt all hours. Lades' and
I'liildrcn's Hair ( iillnn: a Hpeelalty . Cor. 5lh
and Muin. under Carrut Ii'h.
.. V. YOl'N'Cr.
Xookseller, -t-itMiier. and vews Healer ; Fancy
Con ris, 'ln. ('nnfectimiei'jr. Hue laiH. Soda
v utT am! Mi'k li;ik. 1'laitox and iiku ana
Musi -al I iiKt i tiiiit-iii i4.
. loth : g. uriiii-liintf Cm (.-. io t 'In- old le-lial)l-
house lor Hats, t'ai-s. L'nitir.-ll. is. Trunks,
I'.o' th. .Shoes. Mai" street, next Cum" o, 15.i:iK.
Lf o F. SMIVH & CO.
Hea'ero in Wnll Paper. IV.lrit-. Oil. Art Mater-
ialH, Clears .to. UovkwooJ llloek.
l nif A.T VITIIKItS.
The Fan. less Dentifts." Teeth extracted
without .th" least pain or harm. Artificial teeth
lust-rteil immediately after extracting natural
oiie when detred. old and all cither Mllingn
mlctly first class. Ofllce In L'liiou l'.lock.
staple and Fauev (iroceries. Glassware and
Crockery, Flour aud Feed.
Gents Fine Furnisher and Hatter. The most
complete and finest stock in the city. Carruth
Block, cor. stn ana Main.
Groceries, 1'rovit'Ions, Glassware and Crockery.
Successor to O. M. Stro iiriit. Harnei-s. Saddlerv
Goods, Wets, Robes, 1 Misters, aud all horse fur-
nisiiuig uooas.
,iOH ' ov i!i:'S.,
Hardware. Stoves. Tinware. Table and Pocket
Cutlery. Rasors. etc. II li,.il Sewing. Ma
chines and Jewel Gasoline I:vh. Tinwork
of all kinds ao-ic ;it ii-fujotublo prices. Alain
street, Rockwood Block.
Merchant Tai'or. Main street, "over Merges'
shoo store. Complete stock of samples. Fit
cuarauteed. Prices defy competition.
A Complete Line ol the Latest Styles of Mil
linery aud Trimming : also Children's and In
fants' lionue s. to be closed out at cost.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue .f two executions issued by W. C.
Siiowiiiier. clerk of the District vv,rt, within
aud I( r i'a-:i county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 8th day of December, A.
D., lb3, at 2 o'clock p in., of said day at the
south door of the court bouse In Plttsmouth,
in said county, sell at Miblic auction, the fol
lowing real exiate, to-wlt :
The east half of the ljortliwest quarter
(M) of section nine (9) In township twelve (12)
north of range thirteen (13) east, aud the east
eighteen and one-half USVi) acres of the same
section, township and range.
The same lei:; levied upon and taken as the
property of Thomas J . '1 hopias, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered
by Haus P. Sundell and Han P. Sundell,
assiguet: of the Farmers and Merchants Insur
ance Company, plaintiff, against said defend
ant. ITattsinouth, Neb., October 3ist A. D. lssa.
- 33-5 Sheriff Cass County, Nt),
Sheriffs Sala.
l'y virtue of an order of sale issued by W.
C. Showalter.tlerk f rhe district court, within
:ti:d for Cass county Nebraska, and to me
directed, 1 will on the 90th day of November
A. I. lads, at a o'clock n. in., of saM day at the
south door of the c .urt houso in said county,
sell at public auctio'', rhe following real estate
to-wit : The west half (lJ) of the s utheast
quarter ' U i i section twenty-ono (21) township
twelve U'J; laiijre oiiie ($ ensr. ol the 6lh I. Al.,
hi'a.stf-i!.l Nebrak:i, with the prlvilefieH
and a lieiteiiaii. e thereunto belocgingoi in
;tnvwis- f.;.e' l ;i i!n:;.
r.r.-.i tot a-
:- Z" A ! So
. v . ..'
it. v-
I . ..
'. .:-.';in 1. lit dir.-.K n n r. si l-Mit. lie;
Y;u t.i; ii'iviy ntitin .-d tbat J)hu r. Sc:;v.
ii.-.s ill- finite;! suit ataiust you in the diatiie;
etiiiit ct f-ss comity, Ne!)!ai-ka. t.y !i:iu iiis
iri ;i il.en in ; t ii tjct ana prayer f -ait
iv! !lH;i;. l.t.n t liav- a certain c!ittu of rei-oni
:rn;i one Kiisiia Mitchell to John 1 Ki;ek
u itcii All?. 3i0 lS-W, to the N K M of the X E U
of S-c. 11 tovu It U HE Cth 1. M.. declart-.d
noli and void and the cloud thereby creutetl on
the title to said land removed. Yu are here
by iiotitied to answer said petition on or before
the K'th day of Deet inber 18 or default will
be taken against vou and the prayer of sold
petition be traiiteu. John C. Sohwob.
Windham & Davtkv
23-4 Atty's for l'laintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Btato of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. In the.
matter of tne estate of Wiliian P. howard.-,
deceased .... ,
Kotice is hereby Riven that the claims and
demands of all persons against William r.
Sowards, deceased, late f said couutv and
state, w ill be. received, examined and adjusted
bv t lie County l ou't. at the Court ttoue in
I'lattsinoiith. on the second day f May. A. D.
18s: at 11 oVlwCk in the forn on And thyt
six isi.intlis frr.m nnd after the 2;th day ol
I'etober A. 1 1R, Is the time limite 1 f ir
iters of said decea-ed to pieseut their cialn.g
for examination and allowance.
tiiveii under my hand this 2ih day of Octo
ber, A. i. t8. c. i:usRi.i..
33-3 County Judge,
. Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Cass County. Ne-
Ebzabeth Hall. Plaintiff, vs. Win. H. Hall.
Eefeudant. .
lo iUiain If. Hall : Yon are hereby notified
that Elizabeth H -.H. nlalnttff. haf filed her pe
tition agaiit you In the District C an f Cas
county. Nebraska, praying that she may b di
vorced from you. on th grounds ol deer'ien
ind non-maictainance. You are notified lo
s newer sai 1 petition on or before the lOih dny
of December. 1W or defaul" will be taken
ajrainr v.u and the rrayer of said petition
granted" Etzr.r.TH If all,.
By Windham & D-viks
33-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Stte of Nebraska. Cass county. s. Tn the
matter of the listate of Augui-t Goody, de
ceased. . . .
ol ice is herebv given that the claims and
demands "f a:i persons aeaiust August rioody.
tii-eaea. laie Ol i-oumy wir, w
reccivert, examined and aljnst d I y the eoun
ty court, a' tiie conn lius- in riim.-iii -in n. u
thestli ds-y ol May A. it. i'J ar. 10 o ciock hi
the forenoon. And that six nu lit!:s from s lid
;f cr the 5th da v of November A 1. IS 's is the
t'lne limited for creditors of said ilf-ceited to
prrent their claims for txamu.atifr. a'.d al
lowance ;iveu uo er in , hand, ihis :th day -f " ovem A. I. 168. c Kl'mskll,. Cou' ty Jui..
Dr. Withers i an experienced dentist
! and will save vour teith if they can he
if not. hi vvil! f-xtract tucra with
111 f"
B v u
. a m bT 9
1 1
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In tli- C
Wc h.i
Ft a
f ' ' 'i
x keep const::
it! y on
t ? r ' t'i life . 8
S -
;-.' . J rj x n-ne-i i'j
the holder to th Fc'cction of AST Patteitw illu?trated in any number of the Ma.'azi:-. Ui j iv as r
or the size luunuiiictarcd, eatava:uelat from iW cents to 3U cents, or over :j.0"jvonLoi puMut
per year, free
Yearly fr.-c-iu-ion, f2.e. A trial will convince yon that you can pot ten times t!iC vsluo
Of the tuoiivy i u:a'. tins-..j t..p;e.s (each containing Pattern Order), SMJ cents.
Publiic 1 by W. JEXNIXGS DEFOREST, New Yonr.
The above rom'.ina io;; U a pvl.-ndid chance to get oar paper Au4 Dkmobuz's Mo.Miar at
rtdaced rate. fc.;!dyu'jx ia'j:cfiliuU3 to liiis oftico.
Til mmm
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Quality ot fo-'-ry ji.""-''
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eplenciid re,-''-n r.r .: t eo i-a.
r.uiil aloiit c'.yiiM" ti.i pr: - ! W!
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TOl'rWb'-!n!'r':i'.4-i n, '-HOK''.' Our shoe. 1th tb'elr very hiw retail i'ri -.: u-.;.tH t. tii
" , . i,., v'o5 n tje hiifh orlcea which have hiiherto r'ile.1 In ih? re'.i!l m.ritt-ii bn
EAfenVa re'feti'r I V;t f-dfine of eoo-ls lix ins stock, they at one betpn Ut go oil like hot f.i-.-s, to sr
; x or ven '1'iiiara
utbc deir.nn i ! r t iCin
n an 1 cr.rsHT what
Now, iiir.-i r"T!-r,jj'
S 1
resJf" 'V-yny- wl'at vouarreertiDgai..l your retailer Is pp.oaUy n.aKl,,tf .,u pay oouoK
WvfflXsrSi CO.j 41 Liucolu St., Boston, 2lass.
I J Ei
! Bed Comforts
(Jot our pi ')( ' !!-
U o t ike the it
Drese G'ccds
A Superb Li:,c ;'
Henrietta Cloth,
Dress Gccds,
Anrl Ootxl-'. of I?
rooms in the J';it i' .'
xt t
& Hi 'itl O' l n - j.i V4
Ill JJ-'ttlV
v-fiiojnramei's.'?('iii.W'' . -
J. M. V.-
. .i full i.t i'hii,, lete ,.f j.
ivioaicmes, m uiis
UK V i-l E
LY 11 Kit LI
Dcraorest'a Montlily llsdzins. -
Many enppose IKMOIti:sT'S MOSTIII.V
to be a fashion magazine, 'i'liis in a (Trent mit-tuke.
It undoubtedly contains the finest Fapiiion lie
PARTment of any n.aL'azine pahlishcd, but 1 1 , ; k in
tho caise from the fact that creat enterprise and ex
perience are shown, fo thr. carh clepurtm- lit Is
equal to a magazine in itself. In Dkuoioft's yo'i
fret a dozen murazines In ono, ai:d w rur.; !ui.'.-e-
"- fi meat sod instruction for the whohs family. It cn-.-f
A tains fitories. Poems, and other Uter-a y i:mctUm,
incmaine Artistic, bcienunc. ana iiouinoii if,j,ti..r,
and is illustrated with oripinal M ! J .-r:r. iiat
Photogravures, Water-Colors, and fue n'f -me,
making it the Modkl, Maoazinb or A.triji,
Each copy contains a Pattern' (aM,i: entitlincr
of pboopsEsss
If ye hanot sen our letest ImprovoI wHj Te
S bllOJC, or the JAMtS .HCAr' !i tsiiOi
rune and price wampcl piaTn'y cn tc so.'. Yon
you Insist ofioo hisdottico; If yi ao not i;-.iit, soiui
wuia urj itjlc imijcr
$4 SHG
f 7
CANNOT FAIL -v .... ,--u 'A
TO $ fefvf ? A
FASTI D lOVL -r. , r r-FT!
, .. .s, )n our branch of lndiftrr that we are nr.w ail to r-tr-rn thut tho
v'rf ' ''. -: i.i I to the nboes which only a fewr y'.irs a-'o v.'rv r- t 'lvi Mt-lht
he convincwl IRai wt o toot iai.v'Ti . :ir': i b
I'i '.ur li:ii- v.e rir the la'rfrest manufaf:tnrers in tfi Vr:l?-il
t!...-!; v. i,o l :.ow visiuiig ine hoe retsUers of ti;e Pacific Cj--t aa4 Uocky
;, i-.;'ti of Tny trip. I have thti f-.rFUv-e.P'.l In r.l5if)n? ourfuU
-i hi e-very point I nuve virttei." Jle t'i " ', "Ti.m In a
. , jr., I,i-i a'ise niot of the retailer are ebar;rtr tlieir r uiw.ri.4 rs b
.. n riie fctiof-i huve cot at wholetnl". The con-jn-r.c it fiat. th
n pair it m'.-ii ti. ; i;ii .1 1 n t'k.. .1 ns our
the above tlzrte ro far -w ytn ar; eoneemd. II
t-f -