Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 25, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Pay not the struggle uaught avai'oth.
The labor anil the wound art) vain.
The enemy fnlntilli not or faiinh.
And a.i tilings liiivrjlwn tly remain.
If horxn wern diiji!, fears nmy Ikj liars;
It may In, iii yon mnokc concealed.
Your comradcH ilias e'en now the flip rs,
And, but for you, ponxeMH thw field.
Arthur Hugh ClouU.
"Alkali Jim," whom I have learned to
number ainontf my stanchest and most
hifrhly valued friends among' these, hfjdy
and nicturesquo mountaineers, in peifwn
U fully (six feet tall and very slim. Tho
hair on hU head is thick, but unnaturally
and apparently prematurely white.
Deeply net pray eyes twlnkl cLoeriJy
hJxvo cheek bones, over which la tightly
t retched a skin the color of sole leather,
beneath which tho play of every muscle
is plainly tteen. fcjpry as a cat and ion ah
as a pine knot exactly expresses tht
physical characteristics of this quiet, belf
contained mountaineer.
7'be other evening we were Heated Ou
elde the cabin door, after the day's work
was dona and supper had been eaten. I
had Just expressed niy wonder as to the
way in which "Fidgety JJilJ," who is one
j the quietest of men, fame by Jiis; name,
svhcD Jim, after slowly blowing & ploud
of smolio, asked me: "Did ye ever hear
how I kem by l)y name?"
I had not ana 63' fX tor Information.
Jim settled himself down, cocifprtably on
his rough stool and began:
"It uz this ycr way. Because, long
bout fourteen year ago I hed ft bit uv ex
rerienco thet kem blauio near puttin' an
end t'mo an' left me in jess about th'
wits fix I ever been, 'sides turnln' my
hair plum white ez it is now in a week's
time. I wuz a young feller in th' States,
it!i more grit than sensa, an' I'd listed in
tW army. B'longed t' B itop in th
Fourth cavalry. Wo uz stationed dowfl
to Fort Bowie, Arizona, an' my time uz
most out when this thing happened, '11
a whole company o' soldiers gut lost, 'n
several uv 'em died 'n most all pejj.slied,
'it they was th' wust bulletin ' fer a while
y' e.vcr hear tell on.
"We u2 iep near th' reservation where
th Apaches fetayed, jess t' be handy in
case o' trouble. One day some o' th' red
devils got out 'n tuk th' war ppth, 'n be
gun killin' all th' settlers they c'd find
Uur company wuz ordered after 'em
when they'd got a dern good start, uv
course. We'd fit Injujus aforo, 'u ruthcr
tuk kindly to it, fer it promised sumthin'
t' break up th' monotony o' camp life.
Our captain was oil on sick leave, 'n thet
left us under command o' XA;tifc. Hanson
Percy, his name wuz a young fillet 't
never 'd been west till he'd been sent out
from West Point th' same summer. He
wuz a regular dude; wore white
shirt all the time; altera hed his boots
blacked; ketched bugs 'n pinned 'em on a
board 'n studied V-m; seemed t' enjoy it;
camo from Boston. Thet mostly settled
ft 'ith th' boys. They didn't fany fijMin'
Injuns with him. But orders is orders,
'a grumblin' don't go, so we started, all
the same.
"Th" Apaches wuz last reported 'bout ft
hundred 'n fifty miles north. T (fit on
ther trail we hed t' cross one o' them dem
plains full o' alkali 'n sage bresU 'a 110th
in' else but rocks 'n sand, 'n mebbo a few
cactus 'n mesqiiit thrown in fer good
measure. Water wuz not t' be thought on
there, only in spots, where they uz a ool
hero 'n a spring there, jess so it wouldn't
all bo like hell, I reckon. Jsouo on us
knowed th'lay o' th' land, so we tuk a
guide Mexican Joe, they called him a
big headed, bow legged feller, 'ith a bull
liddle voice 'n a mean look. He said he
knowed every inch o' th' ground 'n speci
ally all th' waterin' places. It wer 'n
August, 'n ef you've ever bin in Arizona
'bout dog days y' know what that means.
Th' sun jiss nachully blazed dovn 'n that
alkali plain wer red hot 'n gitten hotter
every blessed minit. 'N ez they wuzn't a
. mite o' shade 'n no umberils we jess hed
t' take it. We hod all our canteens filled
when wo started 'n expected t' git f th'
first waterin' place bef ore night. Long
'bout noon keia up a sand storm. Worst
things y' ever seen, thrni sand storms i.;.
Th' wind jess lifts th' hull surface o' th
yearth u makes it turn summersets 'ith
itself, so when th' fun's over y' don't
know th' place yer seen a hour afore.
This ez tli worst one I ever eed. Th'
wind blowed Hail Columbia. V cudn't
see a inch afore yer face. Tho ai? uz
full o' saud 'n alkali 'n bits o' dry saga
tresh 'n dry ruesquit branches 'n gravel,
it kem 'it bout a minit's warnin', 'u
we hed t' turn our backs to it 'n
hold our breath 'n let it blow. Jt lasted
'bout half an hour, I reckin, though jt
seemed half a day t' us. An' stopped cz
quick ez it started. But, Lord, we didn't
know where we wuz when it quit. Th
lay o' th laud wuz changed all 'round.
XU' hills n hollers had swapped places.
-We'd huddled nr th' best wa could while
th storm lasted, 'n they wuzn't one uv us
could tell which way we come or which
way we'd bin goin'. Y' never see a worse
beat man n Mexican Joe. Looked like he
uz astonished out o' a year's growth. He
turned every way 'n each way be uz sure
was wrong. T' make matters worse, th'
clouds wuz too thick t' see th' sun 'n we
hadn't a compass In th' whole command.
That uz a mistake our captain'd never
made. Finally Lieut, nanson took Joe
off one 6ido 'n plavered 'ith him, 'n Joe'd
nod his head 'n 'Si, senoredl' all th' time,
but I felt sure he didn't know nothin.
But th' lieutenant seed sumthin' had t'
bo done 'n put himself t' th' heado' th
column 'u wo started off th' way Joe
'lowed uz right.
"Well, we hep' a-goin' till "long- awhile
foro dark, 'n Mexican Joe he kep' gittin'
iiervouser aa' nervouser. Th' lieutenant
hep' his eye on 'ini, 'n at last ho rode up
clost n sez: 'Joe, I be.lievo you're lost!'
Thet dern fool Mexican jess flopped off his
horse 'u onto his knees 'u begun t' beg fer
mercy, a holdiu' up his hands like he wuz
prayin'. Th' lieutenant laughed at 'm
ho didn't know ez well ez lie did after
wards thet gittin' lost on a alkili plain
rdn't no laughin' matter 'n told him t'
git on his hoss 'n come on. He did so,
but I seed ho uz 'bout rum crazy most o'
them Mexicans hafn't t' fur t' go t' crazy
land anyhow. We kep' a-goin' till dark,
'n hed t' stop 'n camp. Th' bosses wuz
euffciin', but wo couldn't help 'em. By
th' time wo hed breakfast next mornin'
they wuzn't a pint o' water left In tho
camp. We wuz sure we'd bo all right In
th' mornin', fer we'd see th sun. liut we
didn't 6ee a glimpse o' him. Th' clouds
T.'uz worso 'n th' day afore. D'rectly wo
ted another storm, liko th' first, only not
quite so bad. but we suflered lots more
from it. An hour afterward th' lieuten
ant pullod up his horse short Uko 'uluked
'round, fairly dazed.
''We waz right down t' our camp o' th'
"hi ftf ore. Wo uz poln' ia a circle. We
nz'lost lost right in a big alkali plain
'ith th' wind hot ez a furnace blast ablow
fa' alkali duct Into our lungs, no son 1
tmiilft m. no water 'n no tho w t' find ennv.
'ii everv bodv most dead. Everv body
looked mighty sober. Mexican Joe Jes
give one screech when he seed th marks
o camp, n begun t cuss himself n mum
bio his prayers. Then all t' once ho give
a howl 'n set liis spurs into his horse's
sides u set oil at a gallop, 1 h dern fool
had gone crazy, sure enough I Th' lieu
tenant sent a squad aftor him 'n they
catched him n brought him back, a chat
t'i iu idgit. He wuz out o' th' irame. Th'
lieutenant hed got mighty quiet 'n spoke
low n gentle like. Iio called up two or
three o' th' sergeants 'n talked to 'em.
Kverv man lied a different opinion. Fi
nally we started on agin. We coiddn't
git lost worse 'n we wuz already, 'n ef we
ken agoni sometliln might come uv it.
Wo kep agoin' all day, resting frequent;
but wo didu t get no whar. Iso sun yet.
Every body was a Bufferin' terrible. Th'
bosses wuz as bad. They couldn't go out
o a wauv- wur eyes wu$ blood shot
Our lips wuz cracked 'n bleedin. Tb'
wind blowed th' alkali dust into th' sores,
Thet uz 'bout like rod pepper rubbed
into a wound. We coulan t fcleen. Ef
a man did drop pif dj-eain 0 lakes 'n
rivers 'u springs 'p moss covered buckets
in tu well n water all round, but he
couldn't f!fet a drop uv it, fore it'd all rnn
away frofu blnj when bo tfle4 t' drnK.
till he'd scream in bis agony 'n wake up
and find himself drier 'n thirstier 'n
weaker 'n ever, till he'd shudder 'u turn
over 'n shet his eyes 'n try t' fergit it all,
ui.'y t' go over th whole misery agin
when he d drop Into i dozfj.
"Next mornin' three men never an
swered t!: bugle call. They died in th'
night, and noboJy knowed it I Lots more
p' th' boys uz mightly ulgh th' samo fix.
We started ag'lu. an uuaer a cloudy sky
still, so it ua all guesswork about vhcre
we uz goln'. Wo went migiity slqw; jess
crept along. By poon every tongue uz
hangin' out 'n a) swelle4 i4p; every eve
uz bloodshot, 'u every man ua pearly
crazy. Th' hosses Jest staggered along,
'n th' boys'd hardly kep their Baddies.
But th' middle o' th' afternoon th' lieu
tenant seemed t' make up his mind some
thin'd fcci be done. He called a lot to
gether n hold a council. Then be tuk
eight men 'u we all give up our canteens
f them eight. Wo went into camp 'n the
eight lit ut. two together, on each o' th'
four sides. We watched 'W out o sight,
'n never expected t see any more o'
them. When it got dark we made a
bright fire 'n kept it a-goin'. 'Bout
ten or 'leven o'clock I heard a gun
'n got up t' listen. D'rectly I heard It
agin. pSo'd everybody else. We fired oil
a carbine 'n kep- a shcotm' 'bout every
half minute, tell, after awhile, the two
what 'd rode off th' way we thought uz
east come ridin' into camp, every canteen
full o' water 'n them 'u their bosses fresh
'n smart ez y' pleaso. They'd found
wnter, 'u 'twasn't more'n six miles away
either. Vl.ii; they come ridin' up 'n
singiu' out 'Waterl" you'd thought we
uz all lunatics. Two more jneii bed died
since we cnniped, 'n a dozen more never
'xpected to git home; but overy one o'
them got up 'n got a swig uv a canteen 'u
giv up all notion o' dyiu. They never
wuz a bigger change in men. Uv course
XXic.y wuzn't only jess one-fourth a canteen
to each man, pup p uz life in it. yer bet.
Men cried 'n praved,' rough tpUers like
them wuz, too, when they know'd they
coui d" git a drink. Half uv us couldn't
hey held out another day under thet hot
sun 'u in thet alkali dust. Nor th' bosses,
neither. 1 didn't 'Apecfc t. ' pyer see th' sun
rise next morning.
"Well, we jess broke camp, thet is, all
but a squad t stay 'n wait for tother six
fellers, 'n started fer th' waterin' place
our fellers had found. Wo got there long
'fore mornin', and in two hours uz all
right agin, though it uz a powerful poor
waterin' place, only a deep hole 'n a
kinder pond in a sorter ravine. But it
wuz water, 'u I never knowed' afore how
much that meant t' starvin' humanity.
Next mornin' all th' rest kem to us ex
cept th' two what went tother way from
where we found th' water they never uz
heard uv enny more. We staid there half
a day, then th' sun come out all right, we
took pur boarin's 'n tit put, "n 'fore dark
got outside the alkali 'n uz all right.
Next day we struck th' Apaches 'n wiped
cm out n got back ho fort 'ithout git
tin' lost agin. But my bai pz white by
th' time we got back, 'n so uz th' hair o'
thet lieutenant 'n one or two others. 1
got my discharge soon arter thet, 'n I'w
been in th' mountains ever since no more
alkali fer me. I told mv story once soon
arter I kem here n I've beeif .'AJkali
Jim ever since. Malchijah in Clucm-
natj inquirer.
I'anlhers for ftfe Jinheor.
Ilerr Hagenbeck, of Hamburg, is the
Jamrach ox Uermany, and ho lately re
ceived a letter from Rosa Bonbeur inquir
ing' jf she could como to his menasrerie
and select a tpuple of panthers which Ghe
was anxious to paint rroni fife. In reply
the wild beast dealer was gallant enough
to say there was no need of Mme. Bon
heur exppsing herself to a fatiguing jour
ney, but that he would instead send her.
in charge of a keeper, well packed and
secured, three fine panthers, which she
couiu Keep as long as sne pieasea ana re
turn by the keeper when, she had quite
uone witn them. Kosa uonheur, 1 under
stand, is painting those panthers now.
London Figaro.
Promptly Answered.
Husband (absent mindedly) Because
he makes up forms.
Wife What is that, John?
Husband (rousing himself) Oh, I've
got a conundrum, for you, my dear; I orig
inated it myself, and you couldn't guess
it in a month. Why is an undertaker liko
a printer?
Wife (promptly) Because ho makes up
Husband (crushed) Well, IU be durned
if I thought you could ever guess it.
The Epoch.
Kest For the Head.
A tiny air cushion ouly three inches
square when collapsed, but big enough
when inflated to make a good head rest, or
a good support for tho back, is now sold
ia tho London shops. An embroidered
cover, with drawing strings, is suggested
as a suitable accompaniment for these
when they aro given to aa invalid. Tho
cover will serve as a bag to hold the hand
kerchief and a little bottle of cologne
when the cushion is not ia actual use.
Boston Transcript.
Spoiling Book.
A certain wealthy Chicago man has
upori his tablo a fine largo paper uncut
copy of Barclay's "Schippe of Fooles."
Quito recently a friend, admiring the
books, picked up a paper cutter and began
separating the pages ia order that he
ruight enjoy, the quaint illustrations.
Which seeing "Hold on," cried Porcus.
"don't cut anymore of them leaves; there
have been too many at 'em cut alreadyl"
Chicago News.
Don't Exprelment-
You cannot afford to waste time in ex
perimenting when yiur lungs are in
danger. Consumption always seems, at
first only a cold. Do not permit any
dealer to impose upon you with some
(heap mutation of lr. kings New Pn-
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, but be sun; you get the genuine.
Because he can make more profit he may
tell VOIl Iia Iiiiq tuimolViinir inaf no tmnA
or just the same. Don"t b deceived!
but insist upon getting Dr. King's New
relief iu nil Throat, Lung and Chest af- U8 Speedily H3 possible before en
actions. Trial bottle free at F. O. gaging in other pursuit. I alo
tltsfl. o
Yellow Fever at
Washington, Oct. 19. The marine
hospital is informed that at Gainesville,
Fla., two more new cases of yellow fever
have deyeloped and that the fever has
been declared an cpcdemiCi
950O Howard.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver eouiplaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directing are sirlctly compiled with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
containing HO sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggist. Beware of
counterfeit. ,pd imitation.. The gen-
uine manufactured only by John O. We
& Co., 862 W, Madison 8t. Chicago.and
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
Western Postal Changes.
Washington, Oct. 19. Julia V. Sav
age was to-day appointed postmistress at
Galva, Iba county, la.,
A postoflice has been established at Edd
Hayes county, Neb., with Harvey Ilarniau
as post master,
allow their children to cough and strain
ana cough ana calmly say: "Uh! it it
onlv a little cold." and keen civin '.hem
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lung fever or con
sumption, when tljey can be so easily re
lieved by iikOGS' CHEHKY COUGH
SYUUPy It has no superior, and few
equals. For s.ile by O. P. Smith & Co ,
Mr. Blaine.
CincAGQ, Oct, 19. Hon. James G.
Blaine remained iu his rooms at the
Grand Pacific hotel yesterday and receiv
ed no callers. He will remain here till
Saturday evening, when he will address
i meeting at Buttery T) armory. Local
republicans are leaking j.reprjrations for
i great demonstration on that, occasion.
What in the world is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing and still
keep trying inferior medjejnes when
positively relieve your cough at once?
This is no advertising scheme, but an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists.
Governor Yr$afcr at Qakp. iity.
Dakota CiTV, Neb.., Oct, IP The re-
publican rally here Wednesday, at which I
L. W. Osborn, of Bluir, Moke, and the
court house was crowded, and the live
liest ii)tereqj wag ijjQWJ n he gpyerner
Thursday addressed by Governor 7.. .jii wlde reputuation and ojie ii givln
were both niodel camiiHlgu rallies so far uni.eraJ fajisracnon at equal price? N
.Jj I.!1 . medicine in the world is sivin auoh n
:i mu-uusuue auu euiuusiasm soes. l lli I
address, farmers aaaiQ for miles around I dOM not do iiM work will cost you noth
to hear the good old republican doctrine. Mi! Sfr aale h - P- 9ra5th & Co.,
Bucklln's Arnicas alvo, f
The Ike iflye n ,e yofjd for Cuts. I
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all skin eruptions, and poi-
lively cures piles or no pay required. I
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents pei
box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 51
Army Orders.
tendent of the recruiting service will Electric Bitters with most happy results,
cause twenty colored cavalry recruits to broteer was also very low with Malar
bo assignod to the Xint'i cavalry and jl Fever aad Jaundice, but was cured
for.raed u-cUr proper d..OKe to .cb 2St.i "''
point or points in the Department of the Mr. D. I. Wilcoxsin, of Horse Cave,
Platte as the commanding general of the Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He
department shall desiuate. positively believes he would have died.
T.,.-,. f K t .,fi. ,:.i
my. l J .X, A KL 1VU1 UlUULIIPj lilt
l)crinission to apply for ap extension
of two months, to take effect at such
time, about November 15 as his servic
can be spared by his post commander, is
granted Second Lieutenant Wilson Stam
per, Twenty-first infi.ntry.
Itch, Prairie Slauge, i.nd Scratches of
every kiuu cured in ou minutes uy wool
i oa . . , . , I
ford s Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and
perfectly harmless. Warranted by F G
Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsuiouth
A serious accident will rprt;nlv
Kf., :
- - I
. I
on Fifth street, opposite the American
Tea store, is left 0eu. Today a couple
of ladies narrowly escaped bein; backed
into the hole by a team of restless
horses. Besides being dangerous, it throws
out a most offensive stench. The author
ities should attend to this matter before
some accident occurs.
The Y. M. C. A. reading rooms are
now open for the accommodation of
the public. They hare been elegantly
furnished and every other inducement is
offered to young men to spend their ev
enings there. A formal opening will oc-
csr next Thursday evening.
Having this day sold my stock
of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, He
. . , , . r ' .
to Messrs. lrekeiileld it ei(
man, I would rcfij.ectfull v .-md ' a
. , , ...
n0fitly aK that all those in my del
come lorward promptly ' and Petti?
their accounts; as it will be lifcces-
sary lor me to close up iny busines.-
take tins occasion to thank the
Poblic both in the city and comity.
for the very liberal patronage giv.
en me during the tiire I have beci:
engaged in business here, and hop
the same will be extended to my
successors. JNO. II. COX.
Send your job work to the Hkkald
I offt
let that cold of jours run on. You think
it is a light thing. Hut it may run into
catarrh. Or Into pneumonia. Or con
Catarrh ia diegustinfir. Pututuoaia is
I daueroua. n.nuni.t;..n ; A..h uaf
The breathinir .uuaratui must be keut
healthy and clear of all ol8tructionn and
offensive matter. Otherwise there is
trouble ahead.
All the diseases of these parts, head,
nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs,
can be delightfully and entirely eurerl by
the use of Boschee's German Syrup. If
yeu don't know this already, thousands
and thousands of people can tell you
They have been cured by It and know
how it is, themselves. Bottle only 75
I cents,
Ask any druggist.
I t-
I Thk Daily Herald
delivered for
I 15cts. per week.
Drunkenness or tha I-ttlUQ'' Hulni
tively Cured by Administering
Dr. Haines' Golden
It can bo given-in a cup of coffee o
tea without the knowledge of the penoj
taking it; is absolutely harmless and wii:
effect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands:
drunkards have been made temperatf
men who have taken Golden Sp'-ctfi ,l.
their coffee without tln-jr kuowh'dgc.tii.n
to-day believe they quit drinking of thtii
own free will, if NEVER FAILS. Tlu
ystem once impregnated with the 8;-f i
I fie it becomes an utb r impossibility fjj
I the liquor appetite to exist. For fu!l
particulars, addreas ftni.nP.N SPPflVTi
co i5 Race at Oinciiina.i t) 1v
' " " L"l5Uinati, u,
I -A certain urominent vonns? man in
this city is afflicted with the "paul-sy."
Is the reason people wdl not. can not. or
do not ace jmy tHrtereRfe ia " cheap nos-
trums put up by Cheap John houses or
irresponsible parties at enormous profits,
rather than take a medicine of world.
paralleled satisfaction for
BLOQP WA?Eli. Uul ever bottle that
ii r iiuir ikru
Cast Iron Vengeance.
"Do you remember how, ten years ago,
you swore you would kill Over
"He still lives."
"I know he lives, and I am avenged,
He is married to my divorced wife."
Lincoln Journal.
A Sail nrl 1 tktrm I nnlnlnn
' T J. . .
oi ir i.ifctnc letters.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well aa cure all Maltrial Disea-es. and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequald. Price 50c. anr
1. at F. G. Frickie & Co.'s drug store. 0
A Miserable Campaign.
"This is the dullest, dreariest, most
wrfcched political campaign I ever
Ic nun: "
"Why, I think it Is a model csimpaun."
"Model the deuce! I hav n't 1 ecn ofTei
ed a quarter for my vote yet. Theie's
too much apathy."
t a r ir i i
nxiu oijaviu uuinium r- moves ai
hrn, Soft or Calloused lvimus and B!i tn-
ubea from horses. Blood uavln. Cu l.s.
Splints, Sweeny, Stilh a. 8prain. Pink
Eye, Coughs and etc. S ive$50 by u
Pf one bottle- Etb bottle wan anted
"J r. Jt. X. KICK h. u.,
Druggists, lMattsiimuth, Neb.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
TOien Bby waa alck, we pave her Castoria.
Wben abe waa a Child, the cried for Castoria,
'When ahe became Miss, the clung to Castoria,
When ahe had Children, ahe gave them Castoria.
a lUfti fr prontiimr when he ha.4
Kh uniHUcia or NeuraJia. Tbejmiu
iri sinqiiy nvCul. Jso torture in tin
hik ii iit ti.-.H.s tch more puinlul tlia;i
these twin ili-ca cj. l!ut oiiiilitu't
a man tjhe lihiii!! if, having llheu
in:itim ir Neuralgia, he wont u.e
Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured
thousand. who have sullVrcil in the
aiac way ? It Ins cured hundrciU
fci'tcr i-liyciciiia have prououneed
tlif-m ineuralilo.
"Tli Ui!l ff five jjJijrVNr.n erilil o
ciir ii. t( Huinatii-!u nliicti till Mittled
In t!ihii. n k ami :l'lll! J'T. SulnUur
wjslhe IMiin IUM klacp .ia iilroutt imp.
Bihlij. 'Hiw lirvt di o Alhloliburnti vt
mu rwliet. aiitl the iiiird vnnliltNl bio Ut plep
for four anil a hnlf lioum wilxinut wakinif.
1 contiinu-ii it ::m n.r wftM.1
Kkv. ti. 11. 1 HOYtli y-w Albany, fml.
Send fl (viiN for the U autifiil colored -'o-ture,
" Moorioh Maiden. "
Yor "run-down," dtilitatel and overworked
wouien, J)r. Pleree'a Favor It freacrlption ia
the bfst of all restorative tonics. Jt Is a potent
Ppecidc for all those Chronic WeafcwMea and
UiHuasi'9 peculiar to Wouien: a powerful, a-en-ral
an well aa uterine,, tonie and xscrwne. it
Imparts viyor and Btrenirth to the wtaolP ayFtem.
It promptlr cure weaknoMof ioniaot, nausea,
indignation, bloating-, weak hack, nervous pros
trHtlon, debility and sleepieanness, in either sex.
It is carefully compounded by an experienced
physician, and adapted to woman's delicate
organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly
harmless in any condition of tho nvite m.
i Favorite Ir
for women, sold hv d
111 i i i i n under a poMttv
"laioriio i'racnp
vo guar
niitco or satisfaction in evi-ry case, or price
($1.00) refunded. Tliis truarantee lins been
printed on th bottle-wrapper, and faithfully
carried out for niiinv vears.
l or larjr' illustrated Treatise on Diseases of
Women (li) pasres. with full direetions for
liome-treatmenti. send ten cents in Stamps.
Address, Wohld's Dispensary MkkicaIj
AfisociAiiOS, Goa ilain Street, ilulfalo, N. Y.
tJ.(.-S vYhtiiE ALL Lii, ihiij.
in tiiap. Moldb.v druL-i.tri. iJ
Lolievo PI-'.
C'ojl.iurii i
IV i I.T-,
K. !!!-
in v
v HiVj. . . fi. i;
Ei iii or En ; uirt.r
ton, X. C, April
Tho r.
(""V..'t Modi-
;j i'l'icl- f.h; !vt
inn i-j
t:-.I::-. it v. i'ho.u '.;
l'-y ail di i.'.-ir ;.
iio: I.
'i''SC.t'ipii ? r. :-V -ZUU -
'Ci i ! : 1 . .-. -,..!.! 1 I ... .
JiJC.i i-'i,.a t .i hail-.
I '1 -' - VS.p i'o:iioU- a I'.ix'i.iunironiti.
W?ve? Fj;is to Hstoro Gray
Inval iiblc for Coughs, C0U3, Inward Pains ?ugt!on,
bold for iiOOan-
mthe woiirL Per
fect ttm-1
Soll4 Gold Hunting Cmm,
ElcDi And Xkueulfteeot.
Both ladiM'aad geuU'vtxM
with worka and cue of
qa&l Tlta.on-K PEKMOI
Inetcb locality en Mcore oni
VREC. Bow U tbiapoMiUUT
We ana wer w want on per
son In eacb locelltr. to keep in
feetr homes, end tmw to tnose who call, complete line ofOQir
Talsablssnd very nserul HUUNEHOLD HAqPLCs,
Tbese aamplea.aa well as th wteb,we send frwe.and after you
toTS kept them Iq your home for m roentUs and ahown inem
o tboee who may have called .they beoom your own property;
3t Is posalbl to make thla rreat offrt eeudlns; the
watch and COfJTY ssmples fres. ss tbs ahowlnc of
abstamplea lo any locellty, always results in a large trade far
ns; sfter our sam pies liars been iaa locality for smooth or two
ws nanally get from ftOOO to $SOOO In trad from tb
surround in f country. This, tb moat wonderful offer svev
known, la made in order that our samples may be placed at ooc
where tuey can be seeo, all over America. Write f ones, enJ
Ciakeanre of the chance. Reader It wiM bebardlyany iruublo
for yon to snow the eamples to those who may cell at your home
an4 roar reward will bo moat satisfactory. A poatal rerd on
Which to writs as coats but 1 cent sad after you know ail, if yon
sV not emr to go further, why no bsxm Is don. Bat if you do
send your sddrwse at once, yoa can secure FUCE one of tho
est solid void Tratches In the world and onr large line of
COSTLY HA.MPI.eM. We pay all ezpres. fraUot, etc,
A4dTsa Q&Q. STlXaQX A CU.Bos 12, rUXUaJria MjUWa
Office of the. Tligh Court of Illinois Catholic Order
x-uTtifttB, im una ijv ii asnmgum Street.
Chicago, Oct. llth, 1887.
RET. E. KfirXTO! rtrnr Sir- I rloom i. u ..r.
I Owe vou to certify to thfi mml r-ffm-t th tir-
insr of your medicine had on my health. I waa wjiu iifryousnesa t-rougnton tiyovcr
work. Vour Nerve Tonic almost nnmiintfiv
stopped that peculiar tremor tliut I presume.
ia n -1 . 1 . ... ,.P . . '
.a HIV V L UVIVUUaUf!li. X Itlll IlOW Wt'H.
My bead troubled mo. cnuid not cloon. hr-ail
hot, dreams Of accidents, rtc. Om snnrmtiil
of your medicine removed t'ne cause of my
dretuns; have not bad them since; took seven
or eight bottles of your me!ieine. Keep some
I" "y nousej always take some occasionally;
would not be witbout It; have recorameuded
It to my friends. If I am not mistaken your
medicine will proves a great blessing- to this
over-worked nution. Yours truly,
H. C. B.
A similar experience was made bv Mr. John
Beutty, Corner Carroll Avenue aiid Lincoln
Ktreet, Chicuuo.
Will tie font tree to any ao.lrenp.and poor patientl
can also ootain tbia meUicine free of ctiarKe f rota
This remedy has been prepared bv the Reverend
Pastor Koenifr. of Fort Vayne, Ind.. for the past
ten years, and is now prepared under hia direction
by tue
5ft W. Hadisoa for. Clinton Si CHICAGO, ILL.
Price S 1 per Bottle. 6 Hottlea Tor S.
n . . - - -
t. Li. r jii- aij v.c
Pi;:tt . i i ut:.. X ,.
U. H.
viM;i.iM. Jid'.s a. r.AviM
Notary FuMic. Ntnary ublic.
rMA3s UAVI1,
ttoriays - at - Law.
oni. e ctr Hank ! Cars. Counfy
ei.A.-.sM)iTH, - - Nebraska
I r; -n: t:i'i in:-.;.
wf w sr
Authorizot! Cr plrzl, i ICO, COO.
KK CAltuC'I 11. J'
v. n. ci'smi:::
it - l'i i vi.i.
Cii.-l ii r
Frank Carruth J. A. Comjoi . I- 1 i.iiii m.
J. W.JotinMoii, Henry Ijoek , Jolin it liene,
W. 1). Mtrriaiii, Wm. elt i(Hi.. Vv.
11. Ciiiliing.
Transacts a General liankli' r.iiriirHM. a
who liavrt auy Kankln busiiifus lo Iruiacf
arn Invited to call. No matter h "'
large or mmhII tlio ft
will receive our caretul :ittei:tlcii,
and we promise alwas rour
teou.s trtatiin i.t.
Ineues Certificates of Oerosits bearing listen 3
Buys and ae!lS Foreign Kxcliantre, County
and Cltv Sl,clHl;!e.
I'resldeut. -
s. .
A. Is!" jS. i
OfTrsthe very best f aotli t !. for prfii
: " transaction of lei;'ii iii'utit
Mtocks, Roods, :o1d. (n -ri i. i i ; )? T crt
SecuritiPf Jlourtht ai.ii oNi, iu-r i- ' rv
ed ai;d interest ;i)!.wcd i r ;' f ( -cntcf,
I'raff dip wr. ,:. i:,-iii ii
part of 1 1-e I'eitt i . ::.t, ,., :i '
tit j r .! u l ; i, v. ' e:
!i tflifM ii,,:
' 'tic' at:
'' r,ri:
Si iT,, ;
7 fi.v
. C.iif
'?' M f'i';'i'!
i.iliii 'i. t :.,'
ri. Vn !..
1 ! ' :.
I .
- Mr.-
t-f n .
f. . iiov jire i , r i n ' .
Of fivl ... (,; ,
TlieeidKrilinl ;,
has taken (:' r.. :
Hfi IS Well kuOVVU ii
Nt'. I WO
Cctnor JIain hnd Sixth Stretis.
,0. H. FARMKLE. Fresld-i t. i
1J M. PATTEltSON. Cashiei.f
Transacts a General Banlriii Mm
Paid for County and City Warrant
nd nrotnptly remitted for.
!omFCCTOJta ;
n.Par,r-I., JM rafferson.
rd Girder. A w Srrltr.
t. B. Windham, J.I. Monisey.
Barnes Patterson. Jr.
The 6th. St. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Lin of
'Foreign & Domestic deeds.
Jons'iH Your Intereft by f.ivirf.' I: (. . ( Jk
'a'tsuioi.ith. - rvj-v
i fi -J ' U Up ft A!
'V T)i:'- ff-'.e
it L
i fas
"?.V " '"-v f tle trade
ili m l -, t t,rir,.. 1'ourth ttieet
la H of ().,. r.i Iff. use.
-'-i L'-iis-cvimiiu
" -.i 'jM &l1 Sent.,
't :ii-. It is en cucy.
-ia oi" usuJui inter.
l n fc," ail who nnr
c ks or the
ne-.iei.-'itie.'i r.t lit ixr
c''e -vcu d furnish you with
Rl. ths n.icips.1-y and unnecessary
appliance., to lide.Malk. dnce -icen
cat, t!:,h, hcrt, v.o.-k. to church
"J1? ". ;-nd ir. various tiZZ
hit. in require-t to do a'1 tlr.o thii-T
W.?F07ii3lY n,l you c,n Mr.ll n,
ci iO cent t-
iyiuim I uuiVIfcKY W,Rn CO
111-114 Michieu Avenue, Chicago, lii
J! P S t t r
X k fc 9 9 0 R " -
r 1