7.. ' IT WAS THE GRANDEST. The h.yJAkhU tally SaimUjf UuLt Wae a UrauJ acoOa, TMt YOUHC LADIfcS ALL HiChT. A r'roocsoicn Vvriicn Extended 1 i.f;isp strufafci hoi it r-t -'unurs. Hit. City HrOtu . liiutViUUtts J J r.u. M. i. T'uity ". .tuid ty v,:i;i'l tint f r.ijlj lj- ih.T.ft 1 jn th- v.-y of a f . ibk- .1 iy .. v. l.ii 1. 1 . ii'-il a iiil iln: i.viii."iic'rii he ' -ii.i',' ' titL ii -hi -.tie iJuiinf tljc da? when pi.-p.;uui.,ii .:.! I w.jr m4.j.; ,r the ..m iti.il nil turned in u..l a---Jt.d u 'J. .' Villi; tc It' find if.i the Wahoo baud and Wahoo republican club. Their band d selves :-iccial men tion; it comprised hfteeu pieces. The club v. oie a very Htrruttive uniform and each man caiiied an tajle torch Wahoo can be proud of Lcr turnout, d vas the republican club ol tl.i? city; the Cedar Creek club, which deserves great credit tr it3 good turnout and line appearance; the YoUIli,' Mt;D:3 Republican club cd Platceiuouih, headed by the Q A. ft drum corps, and captained by their presi dent, Til.: John A Davie-. Thej made a good ihowlng. 'Ihe transparencies weie numerous, the '.votfc of the; legends thereon cannot be excelled. Among ths many " ere: A lof-r cabin with '' the same eld coon. Grover Cleveland'; campaign check cf I0,f.0-A "i'r-ii Tifidc'' John Full milking a co in jan;;land. while its foie feet wtre iu Amoricn rind Untie Sam was feeding it "Levi P. Ivlort.u-Iihh famine i5 000, yellow fever suffvrcra, 111,000 ; Mills Fill Duty cn nails. 4 cent3 per pound, on cotton, Ga '"'Cleveland's coat of many colon. " ' F.ce traders ate students of Maxims i.'H.i. i.j i v. 'iyj , f'iv-o tt if nd lf'- l! T li.- r. ff.jl tc. A i iLjiuil .V".ihiliJ Iti H rich reward, vhic h th-iy have strong rea son tu bclL-ve v. i!l ccine n :xt 17. jv.-inb, r, -..ry r put-licnr. h-n sj fir den? Vis or her Jii'y. Fu.-irr. men abo thincd in enrly m the ir.fi-r.jr.-T and dvce-iHtod tli.'.ir ;to.(. j1 ..At II . - -"" "iije'.i i!; city wm -i.tlj'rl.v r. publia.n. i. v:vtm hoisted r;..v n.'.-in; every busiuc-i l-ou-c und ami m.t ,f markets." Bc-n. Ilariijon. ji.aLv private n iidenct-s, and the -tr,,utr " I believe in tree trade as I believe in i-l-poiitjon cf wJikl. tvc h.ir so much of the Prttestat reliiion." Gro ved Cleve- .o'.v seemed a thing ci the past, and l;,nd "-"""K Victory F. rPUXlV klCamei "li.-n JTcrr-. ar.r. r.rrn 5r.h-v;!t vu the faces of all repullicuus Au im- The democrats v,ho stood in prcmin i.iciice banner, bearing the portraits of ence on the corner a chuckled -rrhen they Ji urisoii ami xMoiten, misedina lowered took in the procession. " It was no pro iu u.e i-icere v.iin an uir or 3upremacy, cession at all' t.nd various such whop fo::i the dome of thj opera hcuie. pers v;ere thrcTrn out vrhen it Tras firs J a.-:-v cr.i'-vd? had anived red the formed. We believe it did no extend a? c-r.rruud;.i:j couutr;durh.g the cUy all far as the deinucratic procession oi tlieii p. opr ied to pankip. ive in the ;3-rund rally rally some vrccks f.go; but they shed rt i cnt-iOuto to it? ;ucw-s in v.hat- tears of anguiih upon the urrival of the ..v-r yny they n;i:iit be til.-d open, aaJ Gleriv,ood special. The Young Men"s -.'.!;: ';.d tenn,; bc-if: decci-.ii;u.s. and Republican club ct Gienood ana the v. e i-.ive the' iunci? credit icr bd -g ns two ladies1 ciubi of Cries ttcocI and . rocd of theii cli. i ir FlatLsviile c. uuted up over zeyzn nun- 11; :- urchin? vdio prattl.t .'.roisnd the died. i he Glen r. cod ir.dies' club alone -uu t.-. t!.-: v Jr.ij'- day tukd tlic "i'?U t iiiiih. iu of tl.i; rcpui'ii'jan i ab.'ve their I ii!-.' i.;l alt v. civ .ij.ji.ii-. uilv -i-j eu- 1 li!i -i t-i h ir .:r n i c i m . At. ..nt o cioi L it J "ilf-.O .n-v,..t -r-.ii -,ti-d ;.t lb..- .! ....(. to v.-ck'oiite the clubo -. hit it ivci'c to aiiivt a few mii'iit. s later. i ). train did not ajip-iar until about 2:40, D F. Cole, A. G ILdt, Thoma: Mitchell, Ji Windhain.H. Ii. Hudaall, I. R.Thomp ion, Sam Hempl.ill, J W. Neul, Amo3 Left, John PhiJpot. J Ii B?al, damutl Caulk ley. J. J Hay.dit J 2 P.ouee and J. ft. Haye.- The meeting was presided ovei by Mr John. A Ddvio Mr hiil-y Gilliland, of Glcnwood, la. v. iii;t ipt-akei in tioductd lie made a short, -piey speech. A It hough he only Cei upie;t a fevr ini&utc-j, it wac- laden with inuuy rich points, nd munr f vi.raLle coiiim-itts have .-iofe teen heaid from jnniy of hi.- I.cr.rei -. The Hon. Vv. J CVi.uelb A Omaha., cur caudiJ.it for conre;i, up..n bcin introducfrd, p .id tribute t.; the name-' f Harrison ;.tii M.iicu nd ahj to the lb'-o voters who occupied pron.intnt pcjit;..-c3 on thd stag.-. Mr. Coauai -.dated p -y.-tivtiy that the rcpubli..n ti. Lrt v,c..ld be elected in 1'ToVi cibr, j.-:,viUjj; among other reasons foi hii Hatcmc-uli the fact that many were fait becoming republicans because the democracy ha: e been recreant to their promises of four -.g.., 1, America every man is a king. every v.cman Blow, Blow your, horns' They ail blew thfii hot 33, but not one republi.un imbibed a democratic horn. Out committee on tran?pa.enci3 hfud ed by P B mith deserves ecpecial men tion. They left nothing undone and Pan ezcclltd himieit. Some of the speeches were ion .r.d tireiome and iome were shmt and point ed, but combined thy i.hLp the fwunda tiu lor a republican victory t-'uiiy ror tne vvancj t.unM. u.ev aie g;;od boy; und alw-iys ready to L i.y ntst cluss muiic, and a4e a credit to the city fiom whence they cau'e. What ths dirlcitn-r- - bt .ten a republican and a democratic proo.iviun '. ih republicans do not 'tumble over as many beer Lgs in thp;r line of ir.a.vh Aohian 1 done; ber?eh" proud Her handsome Udj dub was the f n.y of ail the la:lies cn account .-f the pre at praise bestowed on tkim by m-tuy .-.f out boys. 'Den-iociats,' thanr.s fr y ur deccra-ti-ms in. I illamii.iti they w?;? appre ciated by ail repuuicac ar. i ;.:.zzr.3 gcne-aliy. . It ii rudired that the p.e:id:nt oi the young men's republican club was co im- nun:bercd about one hundred and fir ty u ciuecn. james . uiiine nas Lctn s-ti.t press-a ty the smilr-, ..ttU- A;ida:.d to be one of those uncrowned king.? as belles that he- i? ccir&tmg a raiiy f.T that every other American citizen should be 'o- n. Vv'hile we cannot hope to see him pmsi- Gienw .od outdr.e Piattsiuouti: and dent, we do hops to see him secrtUrv of rePdd lke Ln-V:- ' --' : -:b .. State. Which m,ur, ,,mtPrt-:f, i PKC8 ' "0 hUCd.ed ladlfS :' ,.. T r V l'ns fl Hairijon and Mczton. Think of '"' 'uuouiM anj auuilhu vge i-oor- -t. ys dcmccialc i ers cn land and on sea. The renublic-an .tit. u. i j-tL.;t v.-ft? v,jea at me last ttPt.:.rrr.tir rr . . - (r,, r. t -- 1 1 ...... ,1 Fai41WiSui aiiuieioiui; wmcn nas naa ica should caw cri u burl s neel: and curry it t- reauers sucn m6n as Lincoln, tatneia at the iicau of their nzt prcccssiwR and Sheridan, which has done far mo: 3 1;-eJ "0 h;v6 ociiia;c ti raiiy. rci interests of the country and ;is The Gmah?. iff,.-. correspcmifnt ;n people than any other party yesterday's pappr sail there were ITS Afrer speaking ot Governor Thayer ilu; i3:i inin '"'-I boys aml hi.. r.-..it:r...r .f MK.-1ft:Bn ti c I . u cins anu visitors - . fa from twenty towns tc say how l-. paign as opposed to the nefarious prac- he ;? tices ci the boodle candidate cu the , nnno-.-if, Rid 1: .--r. t-..- - - -c--'J -n.mense almost too got av.ay with it all the saa.e, and every cr.e trura b. diotance recmed pleased. If his speech bv ftK? 'Vere cverioot-ad 1 Uae chge it to I I . i. T WHOLESALE AWB H.E5-Air- OSTYIUilEATiU3ARlrtlT. I'GP.i: I-.iCiTLT.n am. i;v.t3 i.t iiUf TEl't A2TP IGG2. BKEF, I'OHIi, MUTTON ANN '-VEAL.. THE EF3T TIIU MARIILT ATTOT.D1 Ai .WAY: OIT HAliP, Sugar Cured Meats, Hanis, Bacon, Lard, ct; &c i on: own rr.j The let brands of OTSTEfli. in can3 aid Jruil. ti "vTiOI E::aLE AND P.ETaII . o.-jr"7;ift: '.tES'tvi: 4.. F Frioke Oo,, if ay. and Governor lhayer took the fiocr amid cheers and cries of " He:s all nVht. ' The governor besan while there were r.bout fifty ladies in the alluding in a very touching manner to I ihe gieat CfUsfc 1 , : n -. . 1 t-i. . :.. r i I L l...,.i . I !. .1 J I - r-1 iA , , t i . , j-iun -ynic; cine.' i ucif air7ai poured I "' lcai" -e.iiiiHeic iima companion, i i lattsmoutn raciy club enter- cut 20 much enthusiasm-; ns it proved to n. KoU. E. Livingston, through four ;ae; fleir laay friends srith a fine be such rc ngieeable su. prise that the ars of ar. Tuning to the events of f'V VrilJ-w T"l5tset'iti wt room lurcre crowds winch met them on the evening, he said nothing which he have been appealed as" there was not street, guve vent to their feelings by Lacl beeu ptrmilted to witness this year enough left to feed a canary bird, after iou?in? cheers, and the cries ' Glenwocd s I -ouia in any maimer compare to this I t" liicceis.vn .n.-t it biout-lit crowds ot tiom loo to all right,', ' fiurrah for olenwooc!," and :-t'i licu.i each of the i....ni ah.i.g the " What's the matter wick the Glenwcod line Wahoti. Ajhlaiid, I ouisvilhs Ct- girb-' They're all right rent the air a; da i- Ciet-k aad votli ik nd A young I they marched up strict. ihe Glen.vood ladies viol-, ci.iuposi.J i f ii....it fifty of ladies ch.b, preceded by the Glenwood I . 1 t 1 1 -l-ill 1 Tl.i - ... in . i.cu. o ui Ashiuuii, accompanied tue I naua, ueudeei me procession wnicn was i. tu - club: il,c tksc-i vedly formed of the clubs v.hich aniyed by j sf-efce cf tie grand record cf the party L-i: i s f idl ii..; y. uiig lepubli- the special with them, marched up Main lcr t,4e P-it twenty-rive years, jtating demonstration in nnmbeis and enthus iasm It is only a continuation of the work already baguu which will place General Hat risen & man in the chair now occupied by two hundred and twenty-five pounds cf raw material. He j y o ; 1 1 1 ' lii'. ;k!.. -- -;- :t ;. Not a Pimple on liim Now uj v.i;h tcjE.-t.a, riair in ices- caip cs.Eieci v.Jth sruptisns. ih-cigi-.t his ha-r v.ouid nevar Criv.a Cura-J cy Cciiicura fiem- fiJ'ES. nasr ssier.did and not a pi.rt-iie cn hUri; I iiu'olii tud iut rmc itiate Ii I not ;wii,-..- until about i't the- ever-hi if. Wnen their lied in a rusiug cheer vm raised v.v.it;i weleome .-;:tc-cled to the vu-i..:, i. i,ne i iumbe;iu clais. of i.ii. :cir. did credit to that ci:y and the j. : rally here. K-:ided by a drum ?. -.frtcisiinvf r.f m,jj;ihr3 of their o -.-: cl...b. her forra.d in iinc and -!.-.Tr.-...- !-! i:c u.vi-.? ira iue.r -unitoiins rr i .-.I whi-c ao i bli;". t';py i..fP5?titecl a ..ver ;"e )i.'."..t;ed stronr;. While --11 clpbd wl.ich had anived '.ri'-s (?w:utintr ue arrival ot trains from On; alis G!?nwor-J, the roung ludits clot' ;-f . chin ; t entertained the immense - n i t : i i i- i - crc''..-ci y a una r.-icn ladv cuiio.t a c-tin, .m.l no ktea could e i cached . 1 t - - . : tiic f.o ;...r .Tion or ine t Ltatois more tii.nii.i. p -rfoi (. Tlicy looked 'u'.' fa-. : i .-:-. r T iJ in their uniforms of rtwy bh;. i'. ill. gold star?. We c.'Ogt Kt-? them ou their fiae appearance and perfvei chi Inform ttion wr.3 received during the Jay th-tt the republican club here could J v"hi. h attended their rally far surpassed crpeet h club of one hnu died or more anything cf the past and that they from Giuaha, but word wus received could not even duplicate it tticet to jciu the processiou which had tli;U 5i'-ce the republican party had jie-ue before. They made the finest -ip- S5S'med control of the affairs of the juarance a? they marched l he two r,at' uf counti s progiess has ever tiens hund.cd 1 idles, attired in bine dresses onward and upward the repub- maruca rr4u white iters looted charm- VLJ UH3 n;aae tn;3 nation i fbze iug in the full sense ci tee ;e;r- The cation, exclaiming in -paraphrasfe of the Flattsviile ladies wore white sashe? te kseuiiful atfce?. " yat up yocr around their shoulders on which iras tei(1- Je ererlhi;?: gates and let the printed ' Harrison and Morton Ciub.?: J Goddess oi : American Liberty ccme in.'; When ibis procession reached 5iith street M e 'iTC come from bein$r a divided they turned south to Pe-irl, then cn Fearl nation to a unitvrt nation, stretching from to iishth. -outh on Eighth to Granite 5ea t0 -e5 ?ucl- 51 nation that two of the where they turned east and joined ' gfi?-i the first procession at the corner of Gran- E;tcon and its and Washington avenue. The cheer- dorsed cur system c.f government as being iog of the meeting precessions cculd be tt-e t"3-1 in the world t - - t - t neard i eveiv put ci the citv, and the ie go , rnor sp..o;o ci civil service I : . .t t . . scene created more enincisijis-r, than reiwrm, rai.iiig ine democratic admims- could have been teaiired iu any ether trr oi e rr.d eift Also ci the tariff way. When the twe large precisions joined, tue line reacuea over a mile, and the march was then continued to Granik th.-u.e to Sizth and Alain to th house. It is estimated that rhcie v.ere from l.oCO to ?J0o0 torches carried in the pro cession and many marched without them The democrats boasted that ihe crowd I cannot s y er.or.gr. m p-.ttse ct if.t rcxi ccs rlEitrcira. My coy. v. Lea one year ci a T.-as so bx i ,- iiu ecrsiua ii..,r he ten aii oft. si.au. Bis :-ralD "iis co-.r.-. .i -.-riir. e.-.-.r. ana mar liiS nan sciiu i.e-.ei gruv.- i.pln. lCOUAII.U t-1 u t.ll.C ironi ni.Viliiaa. I t.?-.-:r. the we cf Cc-icvf-A iUjusati ana, I am iaii'j u , ..mi ii.e .liosi perrrcr success nls hair is new 3j.1ci.aia. ar.a ti.ei c ;-- r--,r a pimpie os rum. i .fan Sjal ;w f Cj:r;F.A "WOf to picthc-is as in ; most c-pesiv. ecot.ou.tcat and j.uc ...is n. icln .i;..-ae3 or. .i.fants ar.d ci.iiaif r. . r.r.j ri;ct -vny motiier -he has an sr.lciei ci.;j 1 .-.-ii rr.-.ci: ir.e for ss cljlii.", :.fr.i. :t i. vco;i cyt Norway. Lie. A Fsvsraars e..rit Yeis Cc;.'d- I rnu-t ey.t3i.-i ro you th5 t'cat.V.-- of :.r.?. c.f 3ia oi f-'e-lcrd t&cui, i W t.'. Gladstone have en- i0'5lC-r'6sr-PijC,ir-' yssi-? : ...n.! Ua'diE lea.iui ft? rr culd a little we can opera was the on any The crowd Saturday night largest ever seen in this city occasion. The crowd of spectators was simply immense, and the lowest estimate is iZ - 000. The 1 1 imbeau club cf Lincoln made saying that it is better to pay more for goods if by fo doio? seil oar labor for much more, In speaking of his own re-erection the governo; said he had been iooki&p. tor iir- IvIcShane. but as vet he hd hen unable to f.r.d him, but hoped to do so ;n order to say to him that the zer "n?t zsho tc-tzd o; u (iiy-ccratic senator, in i'r.t lesiutiitu? s Li:i zoi?.t:r. zisiai:-. lali-r. t urthcr.nore, only three-eights of one per cent cf convict labor comes in contact with the labor of the state. Say ing further that he would withdraw from the canvass if any one could point to a eingle clause in tpe constitution or the statutes cf the state giving him any authority whereby he could have had the least excuse for evicti.ig the Pinkcrton men from the state He cannot violate nave to bare ms ire-an-p;.tr.Ted, tur is i;a;;py to eay L u r.c- eutkv.i,- ,.eii, si.i.;.i , -x Jji ior. He i-e4ust n.e t use i.is name v.i.ki. i a. tx C-.se:-, r;if iciiai.t cf ti.ii pia.s ' JOHN V. ;iiNOK. druEjrist. t.-a;afOiiior lenn 6sre Scalp. QiOe&Sd Cw.-cci. . A te.v v.Cci.s o i.'.y V.iie '.ulteif a -,e;y lauri. tit.ii a cuni.e.Mi tii.-. ,.c sr ii.e taip ti..i ie ceiiva to ieiici iks,r. ti. vavi.us. ip-neiif? she ueii until sire t i i . . i fciitcnv 'r.e .ii-fj.-e roir.tt y ykkki to tl.i:- trt.pr.t an. i in a seen r..r.e she v.h- v-n.iriy v.eii Tne-.f teen nr. iitu.r. of rh tieais, -,r.d cavirvr: rarn j ia. i .s c.r titimatiou U-i i.s-a -3 cf ii.e the : i - i. n.vz n- y BAi'i.t -in -. ria.i.i ir4 1 r.a f. i c. o ta cc refit i -a oiircu Ci .ICi K. i iie-r. . 5C.-I, i.. an t care ana c cr.i.rcTi I.'..'4 :it j. .,.! i. C ; xiry?. i ". . una " -An'.i. fr.-.ir. p uir.--;;. i iv fo .1. :.i -.;.-. the finest disiMay of me works seen in the city since many a day. All alona tt;e iir lc'r anJr "cmagogue therr line rky rockets shoe out and beau- ' Wasn t it a snorter. All ye dubs should come again They ali shouted Wahooi Wahooi! Didn't we all rally ;round the nags ". Cccseil fhould speil his name Cow-neli, later tr-at no one would come, much to the discidisfaction of all. Aru t th.? clubs had remained at the depot tor an hour or more, they learned tti r the Gk-riWc-od train would not start ...t f . : ion-.j time. I7ot thinking it ad-r'si.-k' to hold the- ladks clubs ira the c-'ld longer, the marshals Messrs. J. C. r-.h.nbary, J. W. Jchr.son and A. t j on.'.. : i cieded to form the- clubs iu lm . )r:i iing u Li&la and Fourth streets, tifully illuminated the streei3 thrcush H-e B. a jri. b ind, of seventeen pieces, I which they passed. r.itii ..ir. j. ii. i.mng as drum major, I The citirens who decraated their pri- i-?d the proct'j-sicn. followed by the Lin-1 rate residences along the line of march coin Jt i:u.;bcau club, which specially at- are worthy of & thousand congratulations tr-'ict' d the ftt. iition of spectators and Windows were trimmed in a thousand iec-jiv! i k.u.1 appliu-re on account cf different styles, with ted, white and blue trflf-.d .r. r. l-.'-Tl . T- r Tll ' n -.-.!. i -. t-tt... nuttop:;! l-.!;.,.,,!,,,.' i-vi,i rr. - x , I Vt.j, iepuouca-4 can new say, lOA i " - "- . i- 1. 1. iHiii. j ci ut 10 an n i.o i cteoC 10 1 M A. were captained by Mr. J. u. Moon, ihe participated in this memorable event young men's club cf Ashland wcie pre- There will neyer again be a more enthu ceeded by the Ashland band. Each siaslic assemblage in Piattsmouth, and meiubei- ot the club carrie'd a red white the many visitors who came to cur city, mid blue umbrella. The joung ladies ( each and all, expressed themselves in a t.lub of this city was prominent among j most satisfactory manner. iit i. an- sotv.est ieamies or iiir r.r.-.rpii-I ins Eoeakins- was -., ,1 .--. o ion. Thev looked charming- iu tUir opera house and Horl--,,ni ti,. ..M1 republicans yerterday returned .. ..... " V , inantstnattLe rain held erf until flej . w.u..... 1 oiue. wi-.ii uiuc cape or iiie i "f"" u"" wius crownea, ine doorways I the tally it iii4 rt 'tlillt- cU Ulie I 4-civocu nuu llUUUtetlS WPrp ini np.l orror I n-i. J -r.. , , -. , . .x . me arum corps were too numerous - i:"-ir treses were aiso mamed sta-e 01 me opera nouse was artisti- to mention, and created enthusiasm with wn-,- st us. - Each young lady car- cally dr-.ped with bunting, li.gs and along the lice' T 1. I 4. 1 . A I i.e i -.n-.ns jantern. and a transp.ar- streamer.-, witu a large Lnion nag at the We wilt all attend the republican rally crscy 'rsjs rarned about the center of the back which extended from one side of at Ashland. The president of tne young line fennng too legend: -'We cannot the stage to the other. j men s club can g... T Vi, r-.-.lb.wA :f::.'.:TC';t- r.: , . y l drenceiast Saturday night . uJU.iiwuo( . Vi nu.i.iou u a-.i, fctuontf tcFm r.e;n d;w and ;t was "ci-e." :r. fciirr.:iv. :. . -.. rne nr- uiyj 1. iO .1. r.i i..r. i,r.j 1 L: !i i:::.- j i; -.-.ir. - r.lS "i- --.'iidui-i Sc-ia f-v. iii.i. r;;;-!p,. i', j RFi.ni.vzz:T. si Frpp-u-oi bvf.s rct.f-r ti.isj: a-d rjic ti'icai Co r--,-i. ;. aius Si5e nd ir ii 10 cur? i...-. i;, C. liases, 5.-. ;iiu tiaiior ;, nd J UAti;:;r.i .c c c c t. o ;-o r. to j :,i . ;..r i i : 5 , Vi lli i ep ccastattly tv,r.i a icii rai c;.T.;".e.s ick d" j c Drugs and Medicines, Paints, PURE L IQUGRS. Oils fHE (ONNER gTADLES, W, . JTONFiS, Jrrji let;;; , HAS THE F1NIST RlOS Carriages for Pleasure and Short" Drives -Always Jspi 5ia.dy3 a3. 4tk &Ui in e, - Piattaiautii d THE Oldest Agricultural Dealer In Gass County. iir KT.LTZ :.. xiA: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Willi a FIITF LI'TF OF Shettler, rvlohne. Ketchurn War OIIS F...F. 2ALi. AT a F.aFGaFT. I'Ticiivh arid bhciniU Ihiesiiinp- 7IacLir.p Pt. .1 , 1 .1. .1 . eaaifip: ac-ons and -L-.:iei jcfer.r. t-r.r.st .r.rl-.- - i - . 1.-. Weeping T atei Be r-ui ,ii.J ii :,n Ii..d t.r-io;fc v..;. Lnv ,iTb- at fiattstnoutli oi Wcrpiiifr Tvr.tei- iEGAL, 5r.&rifr:3 By '-ktue ci a a crdsi ci 51.- 1 i i.- . bo-.viil(.i'. cUikat tba dS-t:-:.-.r t ' - and for. Cai cpantv. i.eorasi r, and to rr.c A, u. ii.- at i c cicck r.. ir... of nr.: 1 a.-- r cntn dooi of th court tor.e. in sci.i ir:-M -i: t-.-.-.: . . 1 - r - t - " . v . eita real ei.-.ts to-.v.t 1 rrlsi C r .ii- . Ati'4 i,;-'"k'i Cy-'t oi cas; Co..i.ty. Iib- ;.. 1 -.1 ii.-isi.j..i.f Jan f-..v a:;.. tac-s?r-. ;:iie;, Cs-Cera-,--re--.aefT I?rer.daars is id ccri-.r. Tm 1 i, v.-.,; 1 ..;i.rtr.r '...si 10 . r.T.if, tic ver. BABY'S mM:m i;i5fi iicci;.; ;J ;.r.d :ci- pecpie. and Republicans are icily there are lots ot them. An Omaha paper hsralds the lie cf a i-eer faiilnr. riactsmouth nincompoop. ihe Flambeau club made f.re nv. and there was not a 15 j on that club. Oatarrlicvi angers. Ig 'ad treed i.w.i. li.c a.r.;e s suiiocilou 'hi'te lyirg d.wn .- m v eathe i.eciy. sleep cottr.di and as.-.iktaiLci ; to Sise if.esi.ed, iiad cii.i . Lu;a a.tive ai.d free fie;.-, pain or ; t: r xtixt no j.okaac3. vaii .rt le. dm. :- li.c lcain i.r.ii rots a-.-.-ay ths dcii zc.t niaciuaei-y or n.e sir.&ii rasts and Lea;i.-.ft, ii fei ii.ir ii.? aystJ'i.i dots liot, ti.rocgt its veii.e aod a.lvilci, iuk ao ii;c loiirn tr.r is i-re 10 andcimiae .ni desucy, is ai ed a Ciicsir.gb.-yoadi.iieti.ci haa.an Erujoyua's 10 (.aichass iianii;..ity fr.-.c. such a fate ahcaid b li.e oojeci ci aii aniictsj at those who have i,ied n.an mr j;.s eai pn75!:liai dgj paii c' reiief or cure oAr.i"Of;p s haI-icai e'li.t incis every phase cf Catarrh, from a iiir.i,ie head c jia to the most Iraihson.e and 'dc?nujtlve siac-:. It 11 iocal ar,d constitutional- icstaad in rtiiev Ing, pciraaner.t .;. cacmj; safe sccm.-.-.ieai aad Tue nonh naif :- of the nc.i 1 ctceciioa ...Eireer. ii ; an?'e r -v.7i eii f,i; nd :.p no;-i r.-.:-.t Xf (Vi t.x the aortheast -Huartcr (j-.) oi isctka r.-.-EtifE.-. (is, t:- ii-."i.io eleven r.x) tzr.v ior.r tcsr: i; a: 30 iourtasa and three-foatth CUi.. acies o.t 04 ir.e r.srih side ci ti.e -.i.hr.-t quarter ..;;' oi the northeast quaiter (c, oi 'i'ieei. i.i3i aiso rcUifeer. ar.r ti.rs- i fVj ;;y,":;- tjrstoqt t t:itoi w..- .... 1. ,;.,irrE3t :r. s?.:i prcr-!:v AV-3 r ansv.e.- ti. Z,. A V':.: o.. o. i,ti: .i ii,5 Ei;c ' ;uae;.-.?r.t "iii le r-czc asrei ar'T:s.-l ycu la ?s fourth (i,v; acres cit of "thj nroth -iie ci 'the ! action 'ir. acci-idEC9"wi;ir'ti'l;VV"f: ioa;.r.3(i- acres nil cf the n.aih ciae .4 tr j sputcyrrst quarter tJii of ii.e cricv.-st quaiti. , ti. By Wra "OF.a s r.AUiCAT cviti csusists at one ooitie ct ttu j.-iIICaL ccke, one i o;-: Caiab- B.HAC cor tz-t ar.ii or.s ir.-.rsoed i.nsi iirec-ri.ir.3. Had aii -npr-ea It-, one pactt-Ke, wirh tisai-s r.td auec-ri.ins Hiia soia ov.aii arr.g:.tj lor s' e i. ruiur. cr.c j a-.i ctiiiJticAi. to , i aii in section nmctsea .'iii . i:ii.-:k v, .ti.tijc r,u.iicii,ituu.a ca.-? ecutt- Zte trsra, together -rdth the pkTitp,-fcs and ;;- terrpnano? ? ;h-:?:-r.?.ifrb', t-- p."v .v,--s and Q. pertenace3 :hc;uato beiming cr in aay 1 jarae ceias i?vid upon ar.i T?.i-.- ths c.L, ui .J..1.11 nLiir. f . a joaga:F.-.t cf said court n. rtii'.-.rJ. ptamtiii Pi-.tt;raoaih. t'zh i-ACi tai'..a.. Ir. ;Ls j.i?r;;t Ccarr c2 Cai; c H. Ziiioa. xi'.a 4t- :r.ty. 15r.ii C r ;;er:-sr. z.z.ii'..:trr x iP.lut; 4-.ieu-J3s:- a&ra ao;r.e- tas.i.is? ur.i.;.- la . x iif.ita aa c.-ctr.sr. i i. ur.e. attendant : to -at;sir ' t--" - c: cart iecovered ty ChRrles im -.as uii.it a:d defead.r ' - 'Ji 'L r5d " -i rtrpr;?s. ps.:f. yon. 1 ali was Called No Rheumatiz About Me IN ONE 3IINUTE iinfaUc! .a I.er- Weak-r-ain- oiiinai, in- A. laatvcioui Au- Ki.d vv't :,i;t.e.s ti.-i TO i tlli.Hr ii irers. Ai ii difiyg-is's 21 cents ; fivefcrSi or. po.-tiee iiee of F01iEar.ii.a-5 asz- Cse:-:-i:-,;.Co.,:u-t, s? Plaster reieavrs i.e; i Siaiic. Sudden, ;haip ai 43 , ..ittic Fau.s, Strains ar.d i Jh0r.f:iiii. The fiist a..d i.i.l Kiiuca pustci. iNew stautaueou.H. mfiitbie. ni loir to rtiii. ir.riamuiar'on kiid w t nenv uniiKe nr.a vsny supe K$tlcsto rscSitcrs. STATE OF XJEBEaIIa. i fa?? Ccaai y , ' ; c- Ir. th? ia.tt-1. ci the sszais ci jcLn i. 5i. z- ecl. uece--ed : . liotice 1:- hereby ivs that the ciirr.i --.ad acir.ai.u? of an wr-s-5 as-fast John t -han-n ;r.. c;;;?;i.i;,ii .1 s;d CDur.tr ar;d -r-.t? ..in I. rf c .ved,.:-:an.jrted a' d ,dlnnsdl. th' ccuaty court, a: tr.i car.rt houit .a Mati-raoaih on tee lb :Uy a. A pi ii, a i.. ijn. ten n-ciocr. ir. the fcrpj.o-.:.. ..4 that si raoathi fr.-.nr and sfrer tfce lud dv f Octtpr Z i:::. i? the tin iia.;;;.iinr ricditorsof said a caae i c present tt.r ciiiias icr examination ar. i r.ii-.. wince Gitcc iiaJsriay hi.d tii'.j '.t. 1.- of Oct--ter. - D . is.-t C, Ka-siFLi. "- county .juas- Thomas -V. cafiar.. ,Lr. a. I;-ojfr.i x'.ici-i.rd sa.-r.e m.-.;;rj-... tror.r:? ,IiU3 ... 4acrr.r.jf ".rur-.- -.1 -.f "i a. 4Jt..ei.r.t nc.-rt?;ar.t def5r.ar.1-:; .11 yicK I5t? T.r,i:r.t r..t Tha -."rh . xi '-"'"I'. ;"-.ic;:i r. A3.-.,i k i- iina. :i.i I a..3ch Fureii. ad emcer. tr.s aia Piaistitfcts-.- i-gal tict.ca. t-rate cf Ifsfc.-ai:a Cass Coaat- lac ty emit, in ii pp-.-5jr.3 .iireiciied is estate cf VViiiin, F J r.-.-ard: dooeai: d .- T'Ctice i hc-.eoy cr. en that on ihe z'i'r. da-r of October. A 11 its, at the hour f io cl .zt' a . . at toi O'.a.ty Sudae'a ofdee. iu riitt? moaiii, in 3id cr .irtr ir.e odtiri. r., iikit.j: jr ;appc;-iiit:r.er.t of i"i.-., tratii". 01 said est..t?. Ui Is heaid and coa r;dc.,d : ar r.-hici. tiuic aui i-iacs aii percai L.teicfted ir.av sppii and ho.v came i"aay they ha.v. -i.y ai.e shouid aoi bo appointed a? sucn aanunitra;ri5. Ifm tx,L sit day ci Cctotsr i D. CiErssEia. 3saaty J,i;s. dav of S raentea an scticn ia taid Linnzt acurt In r.r d ioi Tiis c.jnnry, i.r rs-i-a apriia't too to v;u'.-t ;i..? n.ie ;S said i ia:r.tii;?tc the f'no- i-z aa" u.cea rea e-rate, r5-7.it ; Lot i. s. 2 gri 5 ciocr. c;;mt s Add tion iz ihe Ciiy cf nstti rr.r.uto, ntia--ra. Ton are i-eqaired in ?.r.3-er jk p-tuicn in 5.V-1 acuoB r..-. or bforp rr. id. davVf;.'-.-.-. c?i, ii-.?. ... ii.e i.n rr-iru- ; r, ti-U8.aad.iudg.r.t.t -vdi t? j-r.a-.-ej a-alr.-; j-o ir. -m acii. e is. a55-;daac-? v.;tn;h ri-a-, -c. .:; -aia p-ntir.. " . t'.ir - X fcVrfr:.5- Ercv ;-"- i iaiica. ii.eir Jt- snsrirrs Sai. F- vn-tu2cJ an eT?cutic:-. isra-a by w. c. ir.9-.vs iter. Cirri: 01 tr.s fj.-ri.ct Court - iirri ana for Oi" ecu ty. lit fcraka. f.r.j to rr.a q'": 'j3.-.5i int. day cf :V.o-cer, a. Jw-ll. .1 ,Ue xi.Jc 1;. -.a' -r ---' tat-"To--ii;iA:;tti3r' lK i'S zj: lot ia,-cfi r.Te .-;aa hi nusic-r i. in -v.il .un.'t City. Cas c;.anty. iVcra-'k. int a-. Oc.r.f ieria uccr. and taken a tr property cf.Cha.ies MaCztsr. Lelendaat . t anjrmt of said Court recnytred' c riatt-mcuth, :,e"o., Octjbjr izh. A. D. :v.i -. n -T. --- .5f-3rI2 Ca3 Causty.