fLATTSAiOQTll WElCLi i,.L, A SURPRISED FENCER. s txLUKSDAY, AQTPBFR IS, 18,88. Hie Umon Taught a Xonus"AjMrltK (jwordimaaOlurraed. A young bank clerk In Albany Is wiser than lio was a year ago. In th bank whero be was a clerk a new man waa (riven a somewhat Inferior position. Tba newcomer waa a email, blight framed I'renchinan, whose English was decidedly lamo, but who no seldom spoko that It made llttlo difference. The senior clerk bad a decided penchant for .fencing, and compared with most fellows of his ago and position was unquestionably a good swordsman. In addition to this he was a most insufferable braggart, aud bis mili tary accomplishment was bis one topic of thought aud conversation. IIo had about biru a very patronizing air, which he pro ceeded to Inflict upon the inoffensivo Frenchman, and his familiar slaps on the back evidently displeased the stranger. Finally a particularly emphatic thump be tween tho little Frenchman's shoulders produced as response a stinging slap in tho fare, which left the red mark of a small hand sharply prominent against the otherwise deathly pale face of tho young American. Speechless with rage, tho young man found his desk, and shortly afterward, through a friend, challenged tho French man to mortal combat. The latter apolo gized, in fact did all in his power to uudo I he mischief of his hasty blow, in vain. "Nothing but blood can wine out that in sult," tho young man said haughtily. The details were arranged, tho Frenchman, as tho challenged party, choosing rapiers. Greatly to the surprise of the Lot blooded young challenger, the cashier of the bank, who knew t ho Frenchman well, acted as tho latter's second. Tho day camo and the hour. The principals stenned to nosi- f ion, saluted, and the blue blades crossed The Political Outlook as Seen by Our Special Correspondent. Fhakklindalr, Pa. Oct. 5, 188S. After your correspondent left Ilomes- ville, ho took a bad cold and was threat ened with the lung fever, but by timely aid and a good physician it wus broken up. We pnsHed through the state of New York into Northern Pennsylvania and ; frr.m nil um s,.i.lsi 1, ....... (1... ,.... . r xt ' Y. will give Harrison and Morton a large majority. The democrats say it will be a clone run. but your correspondent thinks it will go euro for Harrison. Pennsylvania will role up a large ma jority for Harrison. It is all quiet here, there being less said about politics than I ever knew in this slate. When I come home I will let you know more about the rocks unci hills in Pennsylvania and New York. It. Me-tcer. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit P tively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can lo given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and 6p edy cure, whether ihc patient is a moderate drink- i t i t ... . cr or an niconone wrecK. 1 nousanis o drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge.and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Speci lie it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 llace St., Cincinnati, O. 3;-lv The Finest Business Block In Town Entirely Destroyed. Valentine, Neb.. Oct. 12. A ;reat tire has been raging here, but is now un- $300 Keward. der control. The finest business block in TTf - .11 i - - I . e wui pay me above reward for any the town has been burned out. The case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick fire started at 10:20 in the rear of E. Me headache, indigCftion, constipation or Donald's hardware store and spread rap- costiveness we cannot cure with idly, burning E. McDonald's hardware West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the store' his large dry goods house; Shaw's directions are strictly complied with, handsome block, in which were Shaw's They are purely vegetable, and never general store and resilience; the United fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes States signal office, which is a complete containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. loss; Godkin & Wagner's phuto'Tauh with that smooth, eliding sound which is I For sale bv all drufrita. Tiwiirf rf I srallerv. MeKVan's eh milsin in tlia ar f 1, . ..." . . 00 ... t,cx, r. D The French counterfeits and imitations. The gen- bank of Cherry County. The loss is es- hi3 weapon was evident at tho start, con- I ine manufactured only by John O. We timated at $20,000, with but little in- oi vo., o')i w. iuacuson Mt. Clncnra aud Sold by W. J. Warrick. A CARD. Having this day sold my stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc., to Messrs. LVekeijfeld & AVeid inan, I would reMxctfiillv :nd car T.i stly nk tliitta.ll those in my debt come lurv.nrd promptly and settle their ;:.-.!. t:T;tt ; at ii will ie neces sary ior me to cioee up my business f edily hs possible before en-ir-Iii in other pursuits. I also t;i! e this occasion to thank the 1 "th in the city and count', ly !il end Tintrmiage giv- 1 ' i i the ire have been ' ei.-:.-. u ;. bubintBS here, and hope th Muj c will be extended to my siK-coi. JNO. li. COX. SOME DOCTORS ) ill c r r lie honestly admit that they can't enre Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Others eay they ean but don't, Ath-Jo-phu-ros says nothing but cures. That's the secret of its success, i ears of trial have proved it to ho a quick, s.iff, sure cure. Conccrtl, K. H S. pt. S. 1K"7 In my own family Ariilonliiinm wa UHi a Ja.,t r. sort. tli user bavin NiirTVrM from rlj.-iiM.aU.Miii for ji-an. timl liaviii l'liMl.ii)H in tluH Klato u,i SMHa bii i;it witli.Mit even i.'niK.rry nlief MH.II my !'.,. Hi 111. II.lutl.IJI H.-OIVHOf JM-oL I'M hiuv iiklnI tUI rt-motly with tlie wiua icoulu claiuuol for it. v. kl. Wiuiow. i.ii i I)ln"'. Iowa. Jan. 3. 1. Atlilopljnr.iHliiiucomi.l.-tflyrnreJ me of n. rvoiiM h. n.laj mi, aiui I fwl thankful for all the good it ha done uir. mv AI in. Iaiuike Cheukt. Scnd C cents for tho tx atitlAil colorel pic ture, Moorkh Maiden." THEATHL 0PH OR OS CO. 112 Wall St. H. Y. THE CITIZENS B JZk. JST 30L I I'l. VT ISM'H TM. - NKi:ICMv.A. CAPITAL STOCK PAID Ui, - Authorized Capital, $(COfOOO. OKril i:l!8 .NK CAHKUTU. JOS. A. CON.VOI?, ''Md.tent. Vle- J'n si.lciit W. if. CUSIIINO. Ca-Iiicr. m i: Km on s : 'i.i.. .1. A. Coiiiku-, 1'. JI. Ciilliineim ' --I'll, Ilei.iy H'Vt V , John O'KrHe, v . J. MtI Ii.'.i'i, Win. Well i i-idiiji, W. II. Cusluni;. dr.etl-w.'.n IU1 lined himself at iirist entirely to defmisn. turning his opponent's point with a grace of movement and absence of fear or nerv ousness whieh wero poetry in action. The younj; man prew bolder, his thrusts be Kan to liave an air of ferocity which tseemed to anger the Frenchman a trillo, and turning asido his opponent's thrust be mado a quick lunge, uud the young American barely parried. Another quick thrust and a turn of the wri3t were too much for him; there was a fcharp snap and tho top button of his coat flew ucross the room. Angry at this evi dent trilling, tho button's owner made a spiteful lunge, which was quickly parried and the next button was snapped away. One after another the shining buttons on his natty blue braided jacket were cut oft by the Frenchman's ready point. De cidedly "rattled" at his opponent's skill and the Irrepressible smiles of the seconds and surgeon, the young clerk now, with greater rapidity and less caution, made herce lunges, any 'one of which would have driven the sharp rapier through the body of the cool Frenchman, while the little man, quietly parrying, with the Kharp point of his weapon stripped the front of the young man's Jacket to rib bons. Tho contest had lasted some twenty minutes when suddenly the Frenchman caught the swiftly advancing point of his opponent, turned it aside, slipped his own sword quickly down along the other's blade, turning it with a quick wrist mo tion ao that it parti v wound around it. and with a 6harp wrenching motion tore surancc. Valentine has just voted a sys- Ashlanci Republicans intarpr so Ashland, Neb., Oct. 12. The grand est demonstration of the campaign in Ashland occurred last night under tho unNpires of the republican league. At 7:o0 the flambeau club, under the charge of Captain K. L. McKinny, formed in the line on Silver street and gave the mo-t magnificent display of fireworks ever witnessed in Ashland for a long time, af ter which the multitude filed into Sim i niton's opera house until it was packed full, and many wero compelled to leav-.-for want of room. i i ue meeting was called to order I. Jfot Very Wiefceu. Little Dick Papa, won't you take m to the circus? Papa Jly son, don't you know circuses are wicKear teni of Wfit(r wnrlo lml if Jo I - . " " " a J" lieutenant, flnunmnr (J1,,U t"v"' rlllPo.1 fn llm o.l;. tt . , . v. v.. ouuicutc hju non. jt. ill lianibertson of Lincoln, who made an WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or I excellent ppeech on the tariff, comparing uuuuistobuv uuierence in cueap nos- me senate tanir In II wifh tlm f;M k:ii I - I ...... ..iv ..iiji.-i iiiii les. nana, but thia Isn't, u numla. I trunia nut ni l.tr ni.o. Tl.r. I .... l 4. , . show: it's onlv in , r , - r- -r -j -....,-.vu u i uupiu,m8 iiim me uemodratic argu- . - J - , u I irrpsimnK! . 0 n.,rlnc n f .... c.. I i r -v r . t 1 .una iciuiiu im-ans in tne end lamer man tRke a medicine of world free trade. It waa a grand speech filled un Vr aT VJT T Tr? from nniag to end with solid argu medicine in the world is giving audi un- mcnt 6Uch ou,r as " capable of being fjuiitiictu sniisiaction tor nurifvino-thp I i""11"1 1" "j iesi-posiea men on narry, snail i wear a veil out ridino- oioott as utuuua liLOOD PITRIFTF.Ti Sr. the tariff duest on. with you this evening'r" BLOOD MAKER, and ever bottle that . ?No,dearest;takemyadviceanddon,t.'J dres not do its work will cost tou noth- Don't ing. i?tor sale by O. P. Smith & Co., ltr tnat c"lci of yours run on. You think cents. "Lm well era 10 cent circus can't bo bo very wicked. Let's go." Phila delphia ttecord. Vor Her Precious Welfare. Why not?" "Maude, you hare been eating onions. " dru "It is ouly for your precious welfare that I speak. Suppose your breath should get tangled up in your veiL You might die of suffocation." Merchant Traveler. Shot Dead. Plcmb Creek, Neb., Oct 13. Yester day morning, at about 11 o'clock, a farmer named Walter West was shot and instantly killed at the farm house of R. S. Adams, eight miles cast of this citv. Something Catching The amateur photographer and the burglar havo very takiusr wavs. and thar is undoubtedly something catching about T,ie murder grew oat of trouble over the Wr'aBazar. nermau.-lUr- division of wheat grown on land owned iy AUani3 and rented by West. The Electric Bitters. latter had iust brought n i,l tn ,i.,v,nr to Adams wlipn tlm and so popular as te need no specia two nirn r.ls, ,-i,,vi, ..u..., : ...i Ill rl.. 1 T-l - the floor. Thpn Balntorl 1, Uia liittpra ino-tho cn.i,0 (irawtr.g a revolver weapon down and left the room. It sub- purer medicine docs not exist nnrl it i West through the heart, French family, a captain In the French 171: V; 01 set r into anenrt Taylor's hands. army, and Ids teachers have .been some of pnwW" S 1 ' 'S' 7iT.! coronor, h not yet returned i iih iipwl swnnismpn in KTana ' i i- a i 1 1 -m. mv u 111 auu. unirr i the weapon awav and sent it flvinr nemvo mention 13 ml i i - . . . . I Tr.i . lir IW r ff a rnvn .ml ,.1 Adams came to im- The its voumr American Las not chllnrr'd , affections caused by impure blood. Will veraict- West was a single man about miscellaneous foreigners since, and is less drive Malaria iron the system and pre- J thirty-eight years old. Adams Is about inclined to talk of his experience or skill. I vent as well as cure all Malarial fW.r. I sixtv. Albany Journal j For cure of Headache. Constitution and Indigestion trv Electric "Rittpra TTnt; I COUCH! and COUCH! an nniirnt A Crater in Frill Blast. satisfaction guaranteed, or monev refund- What in the world ia the mo o.cinixr or parliment for Card well, last Walking down Tremont street not ed. Price 50 cts. and f 1.00 per bottle at will cough and keep couehin"- and still I "vt-"niff Hon. J. jVL. Chaplr-nu, secretary lnnr acrn with o fripTirl vn fru-noH intn . P fl Vnir.L-!r .r A - I 1 ... 6 T . " I ..c ..a.. .- . . j . T , , u . vv.,uiuS o 11, iijuig inienor miclicines when '" faie, in response to the toast. ''Th it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia it dangerous. Cons .mption is death its. If. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there trouble ahead. .llil -. - - -in ine diseases ot these parts, hem'., nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured in the use of Dusclae's Geiiiwin Hyrup. D vkii l. L. ... 41.:. .1. .1 .1 j x..... v ivu n mis mrvaav. dousi,i,. and thousands of people can tell you They have been cured by it and know how it is, themselves. Cottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. The Dominion Secretary of State on th Subject of Annexation. Montreal. Oct. 12. At a dinner giv en to Robt. 8. White, the newly elected 5500 v3 for an Incurable case of Catarrh lu the Head by the proprietors ot DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction ff nose, discharges falling- into throat, sometimes profuse, wutery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, I bloody and put rid ; ey weak, rinjrinK In eara, ! deafness, ditticulty of clearing- throat, expeeto- i xution of offensive matter: breath offensive: : smell and tasto impaired, and peneral debility. ! Ouly a lew of these symptoms likely to be pres- : nt at once. Thousands of cases result in eon- i sumption, and end in the jrrave. uy its mild, soothing-, and healing-properties. Dr. Saye's Remedy cures tho worst eawes. 50c. The Original rv ct runty vtotiam J V3 bit & Harmlcu. Unequaled as a Liver PIH. Smallet,chear est, easiest to take. One Pellet a Ioe. Cure Kick Headache, IliliuuM lleadaclie. v.i .1 - . . . . ' J..CA1I1C9R. VUllHipUIIUIl) I IIUIKrHllOD) xiiiiuu. Aiiw iti, uiiu an ueranveinenis oi tae stomach and bowels. X cts. by drug jjmta ns;icfi. a (icncral HvhUiuw l:in!riesx. 1 ' .v any i:atiki:iir buliirss In Iraniact ' invited to cull. .No i.i.uicr h i-t..'.e r i.i;ll the 1 rai.vael inn, it V tu receive our cu e; uj n teni ion, ani we jiui:us; aliij!. i our lectin Ucainx i t. ii-s of Deposits beorliiK iulen-st s.-'l.- Koroi;n K): li'.i.;e, County and Cltv seccri: i.-i-. 0VER-W0RK. 1 h L 7 Catholic Order f:u it axnmuun street. i'ktlCAfUl 111. luo Itr.v. E.KOENIP,: lMar Srr:-Tdoem "i k duty i. i i '., wu,: "uu ou D17 health. I was work vWt',vSPW,J?,,e?8 l-0"8hon by over- .PUf erY,e Tonic aluifst imtnediutelv atoppcHl that peculiar tremor that I presume is eyideneo of nervousuess. I am now w"n My head troubled me, could not sloepT head hot, dreams of nfv-i.into -... Jr.'."... of your medicine" removed the causerny ore iiri t t.ueui hince; took seven in Ifi,, 1 lc8 ? our medici n. Keep some in ii y house; always tuke some occasional! v- tlll.l Ilf.r It. 117)1 hnu. i . 1..... t m im- fi. ., V Y t"" ,,ut; recommenaed .t to my friends. It I am not mistaken you medicine w 11 prove u gwnt blesHlatf to this over-worked nation. Yours tiuiy. JNO. V. SCAKLAN, A :i . . V. K. Can also obtain thin n.,n.....S. r-'L PaHem e of chuige fron shop, attracted by tie latest fad in gold Lair pins temptingly displayed. As wo stood in blissful contemplation of t-?u.$ golden fruit, forbidden us bylhe shallow ness of our pockets, the spell was broken by some subtle attraction about a woman who was on the point of leaving. Half unconsciously I looked up, but what I be held restored me fully to realization of tho ridiculous. In a stage whisper I men tioned to my friend that she would miss the sight of the season If she did not look around. Whereupon she turned, and turned again, for one glance at the creature or lasnion wbo, as I supposed, Lad adjusted a miniature Jloimt Vesuvius to the rear of her head, out of which streamed great curls of lava destroyed 11 1 :l;i ( .... . J iui i ue cquixiooum or nsiDies in my "Seriously," I said, "what has she on?" "Any one would know you had been out of town," was tho reply; "did you come in on a hay wagon that you do not know hair done a la Medici?" "I knew before your burst of information that I had met a jay," was my stern answer, "and I trust the last of that species." But these girls! I presume you are doing it, or will, so why waste words? We moved back to the counter behind which stood the clerk convulsed with inward laughter, that would come out when he caught sight of our grinning countenances. The result was that we trioed our merriment, as the whole affair had been irresistible. The hair was a streaky 3-ellow, hoisted into a projectile below the crown of the head. At the extreme outer end of this protu berance were fastened what the roman ticist would term "a cluster of ringlets," but in my dull, material way I should pronounce false curls of precisely a lava tint. Consequently my first thought was of a crater in full blast. Boston Cor. Chicago limes. A Negress Executed for Murder. Union Springs. Ala.. Oct. ia.Pnni This is no advertising scheme. ine McCoy, a negro girl aged 19, was JcL Sf rf "T iio i,m J b? - p- &lUlth & Co., druggists. """a" mci u jtoLciunj iui me uiurtier OI Annie Jordon, a 1 year old white child, last February. The execntion was pri vate, only the necessary persons being admitted. The crime for which the woman was hanged was a peculiar one. The victim, Annie Jordan, strayed away response to th inmf Divinoi niTiiTiin. -.T-r , 1 . . . yyo 1HMiu wuytl biliUl' will f ederal Parliament" said- H-o.Wi,J.,,B ,Ur cuugu at once i "Canada is now but an Sold PaVSSSSZ fX?. C5!5? bT the IWerend ten years, and is now ,,;i:Ue-'n. . - I?!- ,e P." by tne -r- uum-r m3 Ujrec KOENiG EDICSNE CO.. h'. ISadison for. Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL. SOLD BV DRUCCISTS. Price 81 per Mottle, Dottle for HS. .. r ( i wKe iS tJo. mouth, Xcbiii.sk a. i- Kll.UKItALI, S. WAIOU rrosider t. ( j fl.ie FiST f J A T 1 0 1 1 A L . : JJM Jfi J TTSVOL'TIi, NKH'IMKK A, try tac!!::it3 forfJi'- prompt 'r.1TiPi-.0Ll..u of l-j:;tlii::itr. uAxJKINQ BUSINESS. ' . ''"' 'o!.t. ;,)verr.i. i;f mi f oii lr!Vc f f ,-..M aiulSoJfl,lep(,.siiMec. -i - l fer. sl all. v.eil mi liti.e ( ellll.- fr:ift.-5r:nvi...-ivail:.b:e in sirj r ii. tl,c 1 uiltil Sij-Ii-k Mid ail 'lie pi ilu-iw,) tew iif t. r.ui ui c. ntUms tnala t- promptly reruitted i mnrl-et price.- p.-.:(l f.-,r County War State ai.fl Coiii-ty r.oi-d. DIRECTORS 4 Jor.ii t'ltKr;vii Jtnl;'Tk' I. llM.-.wnrth. Bank Cass County Cotner Main and Slxtti Htreern. ' LATTSMOTTTH iTID3 mwm a Gtrai BaaMai Easiness Hi r-.H EST CASH PKICEj eal.-y ;:r Canity and City Warrants Vi)li!,KC'ntXiK SIAMIC .-1 f.r:).!,tiy reiuiiied .r. iBIHKC'OTORs ; '-.if -i, ir.lliS:r,. r-. J. M. 1'attcrson, A. K. .Sn.jt h. .M. .Mollify, -ltei-(iu. Jr. j tat o2W ICKNELL I 0 UltlggK-ts, l'utt Rioting Str kers in a Missouri Coal Mine Kill the Owner. passing through crisis, cieriy, coolly and wisely. In the United States there is great excitement over their election and politics. But, as an inglisli paper says, Canada has given St, Loiia Mo., Oct. 12.-A speci.. lUZtiXtXt m Macou, Mo., s,js, Thomas Ward- , ,,,- ,, . ...... -, . 8 ".,ed o liuuuuvrcmi union well, a wealthy coal mine operator, was killed at Bevier this afternoon by strik- i i I inor minpra dnrtnrv .in kt l i i- iiiHii iipr nomA in , nnrirmnrn i o u, nut, itjunv Ull f)T I i .1 ... iVU.nv.nv,i j auuuuui- i , UW U(l aOCS not Wish tO rhunrrn TKa -fc "V, Hllrt t?;-i.: " . ... u uuiesuictea reciprocity. . .. l luolI ieruBonuT "- but she was well before anrl . IL . inrr irao llfl f . ill 1 i. i . I tlie UllOC OWUei'S II a VP. PncrjJcrnrl nTiT 1 , I " . Ui "CI uulLl utr uoay was thoBa k; . r ' 'liomncy of the premier will be vindi louna in a plum thicket at three Noch. ' WbUU m lrom cated on November 7. whichev,r aoroati ior several Uays past. Th s action -.m . , r.j .F . ut-ou goes in. While he did not dm tn A,.. 1 1 1 i up nnprnrnrc ivhaA. n j . i I - -" lue circumstances pointed to Pauline and she was arrested with the dead girl's clothing on her. She was found guilt last spring and sentenced to death. Ef forts were made to get the g vernor to interfere, but to no avail. Ducklin's ArnicaS alve. Bru Sores, Tetter, Chapped-Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale bv P. O. Prick Sr. Co Til Tlnrnrro rlio TTn!fo, Ci.i i . . -, strikers, who were bitter in their expres- w .1. Sions against their former employers, es- Canadaj it would doThem S "kr peecially Ward ell. Threats have been liament will do its duty, for all these made by the strikers against the new men, ""dements toward the United States but there was no violent demonstrations n i ?D?y t 0n.e. thin?-'struction to until todav. when Rnm nt v.u. uiuuiine. ana wuateyer she has J7 . uc uicu striven ior clunnjr the last ten venrs - 1 -, CUHE.S VJHf iifi 1 1 ( ke (am? Best CouKh syrup Tastes grood. Use whine. Sold bvfinioiriQt-a I believe Plso's Cure for Consumption saved VJ.i!e'-A- Dowkll U1r inquirer, Edon ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. IX HO te th I? 0 mm V. BLA0ESMITJI SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Marine and Plofr ,. pairing, and general jobbing Is a goou lathe in my hop. PETER XAUEN, Phe old Reliable Waon Mfiker Ha Is well known as a NO. WOKJCMAN. "n2ltm init The best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cure for Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all drifggists. 25c CUR IS WHFSt m rice clV. o Best Conph Syrup, TaesVood. Ubo H1UW. JlOld riTfln.l.,,. o til The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, J were set uPon bv tIie strikers and a gen uises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever I er1 j&tlle followed. During the riot ardeil was shot and killed LoaUns Ten Tears Older. "There, you look ten years older now," E&ia a aown town Daroer as he released a man from the meshes of a towel and yelled. "Brush!" To the customer who loiiowea lie said: "I hat was a young1 fel low who has Just started in business here as a doctor. He looked too young, and to cet patients he had to grow old In the barber's chair. Can we age a man? Well, I should say so. It's a part of our trade. Let mo take you in hand and dress your hair and beard my way for a month and youll look a middle aged man. It's all In the appearance. People won't trust a young doctor if he looks too young, and I ai adding years to the appearance of half a dozau young physicians now. Have a ebarapoof Chicago Herald. yV Duel with Tricycles. Two young tieanans in Berlin fought a duel with tricycles. Starting at 300 yards apart, they charged full tilt against each other, wita slight injury to themselves and 6eriou3 liurt3 to their machines. Their honor was satisfied .Jfew York Sun. -rr-iot more thnn a lhtic.l .:i , - ...ir ii.juu vi iiiiitn from this city of hills dwells a judge who has worked nrracles during the period of his judicial life. A case was brought up before his honor by a com pany against a mnn who bad signed a couple of notes for indebtedness. The man was under the impression that he had no case, but was persuaded by an at torney here to contend it. The appeal was brought up before hii honor but through dislike which the official had cultivated for the company the law was not considered in the case and he decided it in fayor of plaintiff. For fear the case would be brought into a court of law and justice the plaintiff voluntarily handed the money over to the company.s attorney the other day. Itch, Prairie Manse, end Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool lord s Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by F O Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth The Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such There !s intense excitement at BeviVr ge,ueral revival of business at F. G. and fears are entertained of further XSr:; bloodshed, Tne sheriff and a posse have trial bottles f Dr. Kind's New Discover goue to Bevicr. for Consumption. Their trad ia .;.nli enormous In this very valuable article HOW CAN Parents "om the fact that it alwav cm-,. allow their children to cough and strain never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth- Jin rl rr.nnli ons7 a-.1 i . aian (.niiui v ihv: i i r t it iq only a little cold," and keep giving them cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lunc fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS" CHERRV fiOTTfiTT biuLP?Ithas no sunerior. ami Tfv? tuuais. for sale bv O. P. Smith r druggists. ' non. T. B. Reed, the Maine repre sentative and leader in the house, will speak in Council Bluffs on the 23th. He will be en route to California, and remain over in Council Bluffs for the day. Great preparations are beiug made for his com ing and a grand rally the same dav. The Plattsmouth club is invited to par- icipate. English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, Soft or Calloused lumps and Blem ishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs Splints, Sweeny, Stifles. Sprains, Pink Eye, Coughs and etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Evera bottle warranted ly F. G. Ericke & Co., Druggists, Plattsmouth. Neb. ma. Bronchitis. Crouu. and 11 H, .f 0i 1. V I .... . ... u 1.11. I nnnr ( unai.; n ....... 1 . 1 - f, ...otow .(uiiiuji tureu. lou can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. 3 The Colored Gentleman's Reason "Say, Uncle Sambo, is it so that you have decided to vote for the democratic candidate V "Yes, sali; I has." "For what reason? Have you changed your opinion on the tariff question?" "No, boss, de tariff question don't fig gcr in dis yere campaign. De fact is, er, de democratic candydate has de bilges' chicken roost in de "country. rnrr IILL i is 0 C "DIM COT,t WATCH WUUsoid (or tttoo un til latelr. But IngI w.vca is ids world. Per-1 fvet time-1 semper. w.rrAQted. Ur... olld Oold Hunting Cuu, Klec.nt nd marnineent. Bota ladle'and cenu'aLse. with works ini cii. nr ial vlueuO.-E PEIHOV In each locality ean aeenre ons flEE. How la hi poaalblct We answer we wani one par- T """"t""1' " ."wwm can, a complete lln or oar alaableand Tery nsaful HOI SKIKII.u sANPUK. .Mmp,,,,, well aa the watcb.weaend free.and arw-rron Java kept them In your home for montna and ahown tliem t? f?T5! n"y h-v" calll.they become yonr own prenyl JBO LD wau-h and COST w aamt,lM free, aa th. ehowln of aoaaamplaa In any locality, alwava ruanit in . i. . , ta; after our aamplaa hare been In a locality for a month or two we nanaily get from tflouo to IUUOO in trade from tba orroundlng- country. Tbla, the moat wonderrul offer ar.r known.la made In order that our aamplea may be placed at once) wher. they can l eeen, all oer America. Wrlle at once, and nakejiuraofthecbance. Seeder It will be hardly any trouble fcr yoo to ahow the eamplan to thoee who may call at your bom nd your reward will t moat eatlifaclory. A poatal card on which to writ tu coata but 1 cent and after yon know all If yoa o not ear to o further, why no barm la done. But If yoa do f. T.r. .F" ' oice. yon can aecur FUEE on of the eat anlldgold watcbea In th world and oar larre llnrf COSTLY HAllPLES. We pay alltrprew, rraTJbi I DRESSLER, The 5th St. Herchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of Foreign S Domestic Goods. Jonsuu Your latere by oiyikr Hin, a ri SHERWOOD BLOCK gttJiii8iiiAiiiwa Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. wlien Baby was tick, we , her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for CMtoritv, VTien she became Miss, she clung- te Castoria, Vhen she had Children, she gare them Cutori. let ri. bvrn.o . a n b. n I , u" . wi.ri.c.rr iuniv wiinoot delay. A rain medicinal compouaa tiiat cuin w hen all els faiii. KacrtliewomjcofCouifli.U-e,ikLuii.,AtlmTa. Jridikrestlon. Inward Fains. Exhauetion. InvaJuab: for lOumatuuri, F-mal Weaknewi, and all iinf and dis rder. of tie Stomach and BowtU. fiocTat BrukTgiati HSNDERCORr.S, B.'Tjf T:1- sun and best cur. forCorne, Buniona. s. Gtops all paiB. Ljiaires comfort to the ft-t. ertali tucure. 1 j cenu at trrnsifltta. iUacox Sc Oo., K Y A choice lot of Polen Cliina pigsC mos. old, for sale only till Xov. 1 at my farm six mile? wist of Plattsmouth. 29-2 WhMeiiten. The Daily Herald delivered for locts. jer week. 3 ! issvr. ia u.iiyer THE OLD RELIAELE. b. 1 fITIMM k SOJf lW,a?.le leral f,ealer ,B LUMBER al - r vrnv Fas-h, L Shinies, Ltb uoors3eimds. In Hear of O-jeia House. i'i -S eacn year, it is an ency. clopedia of useful infor. matioa for all who pur. chase tlee luxuries or the necesaitioa i:- eat, fish, hunt, work, go to chuw?' or stay at home, nd in ' We. and quantities Ju rfll?ura ol receipt of lo cent uPn MONTGOMERY ward Ten' E 1 M 1 : - I