Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 27, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    I'LATTSMOCTIl WIvEki zifufiSDAI, SErTu)R '47 , 1SS3.
SImiglitcriiijg; B?rlce. Ear ofBffats, s&ps9 Underwear J3ot& and hoe& 2k flnmnlee
. .. in every detiaSI9 sand we wtiS. eosavlsfiee you ttlaat yiar dollar will buy yon
iSforsinfl If6dr Klsi ilssisa vu $an biiv elsewSaere-
ghe QhUsmottth Qkehhj $trald
Publishers & Proprietors.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Glasses for Irregular eyesight at the
Riddle house.
The young ladies of the Catholic
church will give an oyster supper in the
Fitzgerald hall on the evening of Octo
ber 12th.
Short-sightedness glasses at the Rid
dle house.
The ladies of the St. Luke's Guild
sewing society are requested to meet at
the residence of Mis. Eaton, corner of 9th
and Locust streets, Friday afternoon in
stead of Thursday as was previously an
nounced. Glasses for Ovcrsightedncss at the
Riddle house.
The funeral of the late Willie Gorder
took place yesterday afternoon from his
father's residence, Third street. The
German Presbyterian church, where the
the services were held by Rev. Mr. Witte,
was crowded. The remains were interred
in the Oak Hill cemetery, west of the
Glasses for nearsightedness at the
Riddle house.
"Jim Chambers,", the favorite of the
canine fraternity here, took his departure
for DeWitt. last night, by express. The
express agent is said to have shed tears
over the poor "perp" at hearing his ex
pressions of deep bereavement, while
chained in the office, ever the departure
of his master, who left for Wyoming
Territory, Tuesday morning.
Glasses lor old and decaying sight
at the Riddle Louse.
We are in receipt of a notice of the
death of John Sims, a former resident of
this city . His death occurred at Nor
folk, Neb., on the 24th inst. He was
buried yesterday morning at 10 o'clock.
Deceased was aged eighty-one years,
three months and seventeen days. He
was well known here, and the notice of
his demise will be a sore bereayement to
Robbie Carr, step-son of Mr. C. S.
Twiss, who has been confined to his home
for the past two weeks with a disease of
the heart, died last night He was ten
vears and eleven months of are. The
funeral will leave the residence of Mr. C
S. Twiss, Rock and Eleventh streets, to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. He had
just nicely recovered from a lingering
illness when the last attack came on.
The Herald extends sympathies to the
Among the prominent speakers who
will be invited to attend the grand rally
here on the 13th of October, we notice
the names of Judge O. P. Mason, of Lin
coln, Gen. John C. Cowan, of Omaha;
W. J. Connell, of Omaha and Judge M.
L . Hay ward, of Nebraska City. The
mere mention of the names of these pop
ular gentlemen, who will without a
doubt, be present, should insure te peo
ple of the success anticipated. There
will no doubt be a larger crowd than the
citizens here ever intertaiued before.
Any one whose eyesight is afflicted
in any way should call on Prof. Strass
man, at the Riddle house. He is a regu
lar eye doctor and a graduate. He manu
factures and imports, and now has his
stock at the Riddle house. Of this stock
we can say, and say truthfully, that he
Las the largest and fluest stock of spec
tacles and eye glasses west of Chicago.
He has Alaska and Austrialian crystais,
and not only retailes goods in this city,
bnt is filling wholesale orders from other
towns. It will pay you to call aud see
The rumor which has been in circu
lation during the last few days has been
justified regarding a change in business
houses which is to take place. Arrange
ments were completed this morning be- j
tween Messrs. Carruth and Mayer, and
the latter will move his 6tock into
the brick building on the corner of 3Iain j
and 5th as soon as it is fitted up to
receive it. An addition of thirty feet
will be built, the partitions torn out and
A sky-light put in the addition. It will
be the largest and pleasantest storeroom
in the city.
Glasses for night blindness at the Fur -some years comparatively "little
Riddle house. J real estate has been said for taxes in this
Mr. O. Guthman, of Louisville, was in county. Tins spring, however, a company
the city yesterday. from Iowa s nt an si gent into this state
Mr. O. O. W.lls nf n,,, ,l,n ; ti. : !rdi isod all lands in this county,
city today on business.
Mr. A. Eigenbroadt has returned from
a few wettks visit to his parents in New
York State.
Bennett Bailey and wife, from Pckin,
111., are visiting friends at Eight Mile
Grove prcciHtt.
Judge Russell issued a marriage
license yesterday to Mr. Wm. Sharp and
Miss Pollie II. Ruhr.
Mr. Rosewater, of the firm of Rose
water & Christie, Omaha, was in the t ity
yesterday on business.
Messrs. V. O. English Mid E. Bigmll.
of Lincoln, two officials of the B. eo M..
were in the city yesterday on business.
as wcl! as iu Douglas, Otoe and some
other counties, on which there Tvere de
linquent tax-s. They also purchased
town property. And already the lst
are being looked up for this fall so thai
any tiling that is offered will bo purchas
ed. The delinquent tax lit will be ad
vertised e.l.out October 1. The tax sales
commence the lirt Monday in November.
It is rumored that the building on
the corner of ",th anil Main, owned by
-Mr. Frank I'arruth, nnd occupied by
himself and Mr. J. If. Donnelly, will
soon be vacated and fitted up for Messrs.
S. tfc ('. Mayer, for a clothing store. An
cxten-ion of thirty feet will be built on
the rear and all partitions torn out. A
Mrs. J. II. Becker and T. E. Fuller left I for rooni 'lt inake the most complete
it night for Peoria county, 111.; as tiny
received a message that their mother was
- i. . i.... . .1
lot mi,t fnr 7.,.P;, nnt,- Til . fi.,. "i convenient siore room in me c;rv.
- - !! . . l- 1 1 1
iii'j siore room lormeriy occupied uy
dangerously ill.
Mr. James Pine, yard master for the
B. fc M. here, is confined to his room by
sickness Mr. B. Loverin is taking
charge of the yards during his absence.
Messrs. J. W. and T. K. Clark were
passengers to Omaha this morning. Mr.
J. W. Clark, who has been seriously af
flicted with Bright's disease for some
time, reports himself improving rapidly.
-Mr. Joe Klein, wife and child arrived
in the city this morning from Corning,
la. Mr. Klein has jut returned from
the cast where he purchased a stock for
the store which he is about to open up
here in the room formerly occupied by
Solomon & Nathan.
j O. P. Smith & Co. and H. M. Gauld, in
I the Dovey block, is being fitted up to
1 receive- til" jewelry stock and gents i'ur-
i nUhmg.s from Mr. Carruth's building
j If the rumors are true, the changes will
I improve the appearance or things won-
From Moi::l;iyN D.-iily.
."s a -i-.;
pod ;:: i
j P.i'-i 1 late! v
( h ill, s C
m the eit
From Tuesday's Daily.
J. B. Strode, of Lincoln, is in the city.
Mr. Wm. Neville is in Lincoln todav
UIl DUMlICt-5.
Mr. W. II. Wright, of Glenwood, is in
the city today.
Mr. Lee Sharp, of Omaha, was in the
city over Sunday.
Glasses for weak or overstrained
sight at the Riddle house.
Mr. C. X. Hans, Agent for Max Meyer,
Omaha, was in the city Sunday.
Miss Carrie Conkling, of Omaha, spent
Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Hunt.
Glasses for paralyzed sight at the
Riddle house.
Dr. Emmons and familv, of Cameron,
Mo., are visiting at the homo of Mr. B.
The twelve year old daughter cf
Mr. Henry Johnson is sufT.-ring from a
severe attack of diphtheria.
Mr. F. W. Spencer, of St. .Toe, formerly
an employe of the Journal, here, is in the
city on a visit to his parents.
A young lady and gentleman at the
home of Mr. J. E. McLaughlin are ser
iously afflicted with typhoid fever.
Glasses for oscillation of the eyeball
at the Riddle house.
Frank Cobble, Plattsmouth's accomo
dating expressman, returned 1 i-t evening
from several days' viit at Sidney.
Messrs. J. W. and T. K. Clark, of Weep
ing Water, brothers of Mr. Byron Claik
here, arrived in the city this morinr.g.
Mr. Frank Zeibaeh, formerly express
agent here, but now of Omaha, spent
Sunday in the citv visiting his many
Astigmatism glasses at the Riddle
The f uncial of Willie Gorder oc
curred this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
services were held at the German Pres
byterian church, Main street, between
Cth and 7th.
There will be a free lunch tea and
coffee store opeued up in the Sherwood
block on fifth street within a few days.
The lunches will be donat-el to tiie pub
lic for the purpose of advertising.
The chatauqua club wr.s reorganized
at the office of Mr. Bvn.n Clark, last
night. Prof Geo. Chatham was elected
president, Miss Ollie Jones, vice presi
dent, and Mrs. J. P. Young, secretary.
It is reported that the corn crop is
so far advanced now that the expected
frosts cannot injure it in any way. and
so far M4 we have learned this season h is
surpassed previous ones in e very particu
lar as to the advantage of the crop.
Evtry field has yielded a tine procfuc'tirtn.
erv st
'., who was arrested in Omaha
.ions character, and who skip-
rfeiling about 475 bonds im
after the disappearance of
illius, is supposed to have been
t!iis morning. The supposed
hired a rig from one of the liv
es here and drove
to Union.
Nothing di -i'.inite is known about the
man, but it is rumored thai Sheriff Eiken
iiary was m thing preparations this morn
ing to follow him.
Willie Gorder, sou of Mr. Fred Gor
der, u ho took siek lat Tuesday night,
died i-ght at 5.) o'clock. He hail
Iieen adiieied about two weeks previous
with pneumonia, but left his home too
soon ami caught cold, causing a relapse.
He was fourteen years of age, and was
in every sc-is.p. a well developed young
man. lie was a favo;ite in the city with
all who kcew him ;nd his loss will be
widely mourned. The family is
sorely alllieted, and the ITehaxd extend
to them the sympathies of the entire com
munity in their sad bereavement. The
funeral service will be held tomorrow
afternoon at two 'dock, at the German
Prcsbvterian church.
-O.i last Saturday Dr. A. T. Withers
move.'', out of his ofriee and on Monday
leic for his new place in Plattsmouth.
Neb. Six years ago, when Oakland
was ju.-t beginning to be a town and
j was ri.pietly assuming large proportions.
tiie Dr. cast his
these .-ix vi ars
lot annmg us. During
h.1 Ins established de
putation of a good business man, an
ci:i.; n and a skillful dentist.
His pr .etiee in the county lias been ex
tensive and hi: work has invariably
eiven satisfaction. He has thoroughly
learn? 1 his profession, ami in his new
lield, v. here he v-iii have a bitter chaiuv
to v. .ik h;:i;:-lf u; he will doubtless
st:i:d !,! the fi.-'d ranks of dentistry.
We h ily e l.iia hutli as a den-
a 1 a fit:,:, n t ) the citizens of Pi id ts
mouth. II is worthy of their eonri Oil k laud Independent.
irin I" !' ay's i eo'y
lt is iepc-i ie.1 that the pretzel stock
is limited today.
About five thousand people were on
the fairgrounds yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Joseph Gil more nnd family, of
Wee-plug "Water, are in the city to-day.
Mrs. L. 11. Skinner has been confined
to ht-r room for several days by sickness.
Free v,h;.-ky was well iidyeitiscd last
night iy the transparencies and their
carrie: s.
All business houses closed yesterday
afternoon j:nd the proprietors and clerks
attended tl.e fair.
.Mr. v.". P. Ciitchfield and family, of
Weeping Water, are visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr. Bird Ciitchfield, of
this city.
This being the last day of the fair,
it is expected that it will be well attend
ed. Full account of todays races to
morrow. Th- Frances Cleveland club of this
eiry ar.d the yn iiig ladies' club of Glen
woml v,-. ':' lieii-i attractions in the
proec sM.m I -:st night.
fudge: R ii .-sell issued marriage li
censes to-d'.v to Mr. T. J. Edwards to
Miss Su"au M. B. islc-y and Mr. W. D.
Williams to Miss M .y GilU'tt.
The democratic hats which were
worn last night are made so that they
can bo adjusteel to the different sizes a
democratic' head is subject to.
Charles Ellis aud James Stewart
were arraigned before Judge Russell this
morning for being drunk and disorderly !
on the streets last night. They were
fined 10 and costs, each.
We were unable to ascertain the
number of democratic visitors in the city
last night, but comparing them with the
number of kegs disposed of, the majority
would certainly be small.
Willie. Gorder, son of Mr. Fred Gor
der. who is seiiously afflicted with pneu
monia nnd complications, is expected to
die at any hour, as he is saiel to be be
yond all hope and fast sinking.
A fire started in the show window of
Mr, B. Bison's clothing store. The deco
rations of the window ignited from a
candle w hich dropped from its place and
damage to the amount of about $25 was
done before the fire could be extin
guished. The saloon-keepers of the city all
-mile hnd look happy to-day. The only
reason we can ascribe for this is that
their expectations were gratified finan
eially last night. Over 123 kegs of beer
were disposed of, besides what waB taken
on the side.
One of the transparencies carried in
the procession last night, illustrated Ben.
Harrison trying to put his grandfather's
:ants on and immediately above the pic
ture was printed " Bennie can't wear his
grandfather's pants." That has nothing
to do with him wearing his own, and
Grovcr can't go to the White House
again because he wore his out.
The tail end of the procession last
night was composed of "kids," employed
by the democrats to carry torches and ,
make things look more extensive. In
g'ving them their instructions they over
looked what proved as an embarassment.
When the vast throng moved along the
street, the whole crowd of boys cave
vent to their feelings and'outwuh "Hur
rah for Harrison and Morton," until no
other sounds could be heard. The jumbo
commanders exhibited much embarrass
ment to think they could not control the
Pries Moi hiss
Extends a Kind Invitation to Everybody to His
iff TVT
I iL g&iLiL
At Solomon Sz NathanV Old Stand.
My ck ill Sse the ILsssrg-est,
From Thursday's Daily.
Post M ister Patterson, of South Bend,
was nt the fair todav.
Geo. E. Sayles, of Cedar Creek, is tak
ing in the couuty fair today.
Fred Murphy came down from Cedar
Creek to attend the big fair today.
Drs. J. F. BrenoVl, of Avoca, and B.
Brendel, of Murray, were at the fair
Mrs. Thos. Shryock, of Louisyille, is in
the citv visiting with Mrs. W. F. Way-
Miss Mary Davies, of Glenwood, is in
the c ity today visiting with her brother,
Tohn A. Davies.
A. W. Hal! an I W. B. Shryock are
among the many visitors in the city today
from Louisville.
Willie Gorder, son of Frf-d Gorder,
a lad about 14 years of age, is yery sick
with pneumonia.
Many of the business buildings are
decorated iu a profuse way today in
honor of the democratic rally.
The crowd at the fair today was ex
ceeding large. With another favorable
day the success will be complete.
Frank nnd Florence Richardson, of
Eight Mile Grove, left last week for
Lincoln to attend the university.
While the compositors of The Her
ald were busily and quietly eugaged.this
morning, iu the daily routine of work
necessary to all daily printing offices, the
door opened and in stepped Mr. Chas.
Sherman, of the Journal, haying a jolly
countenance, and with two good sized
and suspicious looking packages under
his arm. Lie cast one of them upon the
"stone" with the remark. "Here's some
cake for the boys,"' and was gone, before
we could say " thank-you," to make some
other "prints" or "parties" a call. We
knew what it meant The Herald
"priuts" hael been kindly remembered
from the Sherman Beiville wedding,
of vesterdav and the fine assortment of
nest Goods
a! Low Prices
30 1) Y
30 UAt
U i
30 DAY
O Days
We will have a Special Sale of all Artieles in Stock, so as to make room
for our Fall Purchas.
In every Department, and all goods kept in a First-Cbiss Tin Shop and
Hardware Store will be found in our Stock. Call and 6ee us
before buying elsewhere.
Weidmann & Brekenfeld.
- (Successors to J. K. COX.)
G 'asses for snow
Riddle house.
blindness at the j To eradicate tin poisons wnicli pro
j duce fev r and asrue, take Ayer's Aiuo
Pupo T t Mir.,o iM(h..t
baldness cured, i . . 'g auj m
and erav hair made to return to its j J, J" "! e sys em, and s
rich wedding cakes wi.s soon released " youthful color bv th use of D dl's V r ! , " . 1 '" ,n "'"'nee which
from IU -n,minm nnd .nnrnnrUT -.ul.l. RWllt.n II-i, ; my bo Considered .ID absolute antl.b'te
...... "T; IS r "J- i " s for mlrn.
oispen.-L'u wiiii, iHt iilkalu iuriu nre
united in their appreciation and good Glasses for staggering blindness at
wishes for the newly married couple. lb RTddle h'oise. !
Durable vision glasws at the Riddle