Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 13, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    JlTTMOnTfl WEidYrASj, Til tt ItS DAY f ' S F. I TKM 1? K 1 1 13, lSS
i" 1
Canada Fines the Cladlator.
Ottawa, Out., Sept. 8. The customs
department lias ile tilled to enforce a tine
of if-lOO Kj,'iiint the American Hchuoner
(Jlailitttor, hit.ctl ly tie Ciuiiuliiiii cus
toms oHiriuls: while towing in ('niiiuVmn
Placed Under Martial Law.
.Ta khunvii.i.I'.. r'la., Sept. H. The I
onyKh(jrcsm'ir strike in FeitienVino re- 1
milted in violent lcmoimtratiunH yester
day. The L?ovennii nt ordered the state
troops from ( Jiiinisvilk; nnd Oeali und
called out the Nassau l ilies i lYrnuniUno.
The town lia le n placed under intiitial
law and fifty rioters arrested this morn
ing. Attempted to Wreck the Train-
Ui.vssks, Nek, S;-pt. 7. An actcmpt
was made to wreck tlio north hound pas
senger this evening a mile, and half
notrh of J;iirison a small station on the
Atchison nnd Nebraska, ly placing a tie
on the track in such a manner as would
have ditched the train. This was frus
trated ly the freight south riming ahead
of time and discovering the obstruction.
Tl'C object is unknown.
The Disease Makes Its Appearance
In Baker County, Florida-
Wasainoton, Sept. H. The following
telegram was received this afternoon:
ArMTciiii.:itY. Ala.. Sept. K' To Sur-
Ucon Ceneral Ilanrlton. Washington:
Our special agent reports ten ease of
yellow fever at MeClenny, in Hiker
county, and one. death from Mack vomit.
Pcnsneol.i and Marriaua have epiarantined
against the whole of linker county. We
will proceed to follow their example,
and this only exemplifies the fact that
the measures you haye already taken are
Whites and Blacks at War.
Sr. Lot-is, S.-pt. 8 Advices from
Richmond, Tex., are to the effect that
the negroes ordered to leave 1'oit Bend
county on account of the attempted as
sassination of W. II. Frost, wiil resist.
A committee of six citizens wont out to
Jack and Tom Taylor's, fifteen miles
from Richmond, in a stronghold of oOf)
negroes, to notify them that they had
ten hours in which to leaye the country.
They' declined to leave and defied the
whites. Forty men. armed with Win
chesters, hive gone out to enforce the
order and matters have assumed such a
serious phase that two local military
companies have been called into service,
and Governor ltoss has ordered the
rangers to Fort Bend county.
Treaty Rejeqtion Con
Xew Yokk, Sqt. 8. The HeraU, iu
an extra prints the folloxv'mg;
Chang Yen Hoon, the Chinese minlstisi
who was calleil to peril on otlicial Imsi
noss several months ago, will leave Lima
on the 17ih inst, for the United gtatcs,
It was the minister's original intention to
return to this ccuntry by way of San
Francisco, where he proposed remaining
a brief period in order more thoroughly
to acquaint himself with the Chinese
question on the Pacific slope. His change
of plan at the last mom.'iit was in obedi
ence to a notification from the Chinese
omtnlmr to trrocced at once and !;v the
quickest route to Washington in order
dm i.i - nioiniir'a ivixhps rerardin? the
t r
llliit 111."' x J-x- t s. j - - J-) O
Chinese treaty should be communicated
through him to Secretary fjayard. It
may be authoritatively stated that a con
firmation of the rejection of the treaty
was officially received at the w'uite house
from IVkiu during the meeting of the
cabinet Thurs lay afternoon.
1. As a whole thevare
SOU'S'lEi" pJat.S&ZS. 'jS"B?Sji3La 31" Sg QT I
2. The- are shude'd with beautiful toret trees.
3. They are located between Chicago and Lincoln Avenues,
the two finest drives about the city.
4. They are only a ten minutes' walk from the business
portion of the town.
5. Ten minutes' walk from the new Driving Park and Fair
i; l)y reason ot their location between the two main thor
ough tare's into the city, they are more accessible than lots in
other additions.
7. The only addition in the city reached by two established
8. The only new addition to the city reached by water
mains and with a prospect ot being supplied in the near future
with complete water privileges.
!. New sidewalks recently constructed to within a few feet
of the addition and will shortly be extended.
A Distinguished Visitor.
Coining to Plattsinouth, whoso fame
throughout the I'niltd Stutis and the
htnto of lowu, lias made him the impor
tant person, to whom our citizens should
direct their immediate attention duiinu
his short stay. Mtiny of Us have heard
a great deal about the ability of I'rof.
Stiassinan, the eminent optici in from
lieilin, (itrmaiiy. who is not only inves
tigating the rapid decline of the i-ye-sighl
in thin lountry, but tomes piepmvd with
a new and perfect system ot theinicalh
pure and brilliant combination glasses,
lo eipinli.c all ini (pialities of the siln
im.l .-liable the sulb ier to Drocuie n con
centration and uuifomity of vision; giving
renewed action nnd strength to the de
formed, neglected anil dormant sight.
His unlimited endorsements speaks in
the highest terms of his phenomenal suc
cess and only praise is heard of his works
w hi-revcr he has been. I'rof. St riisKliian
dso caMi irs w ith him a lariri; viuil v of the
latest designs and invention of Com
pound Cylinderical Spectacles and Eye
glasses, which are also manufactured to
order. The oppoi Utilities and advan
tages will be such that no one can fail
toobtain rcleif from their troublesome
eyesight whether young or old.
Ski-t. ,
Editor IIkuai.u. You speak in your
yesterday's issue of Mr. MeShane's with
drawal from the congressional contest it:
this fust distiict us being "bad" for the
'boodlers." Are you sure of that? It is
street gossip tint the boodler is already at
woik in this county, both in congress
ional and float representative niatteis and
that his impudence and effrontery in the
deal are only equalled by his indiscre
tion. Tins gossip is founded on tin
word of an old citizen of Cass and n
regular delegate to the congressional
convention who was requested to take
stock in the sale of the ('ass county dele
gation. Is it not about time that the re
publican conventions of Cass county
would set down on these political pros
titutes. Of course no fine workr in con
grbional affairs in this district is ex
pected to put this shoe on unless it fits
him in some way.
Professor Strassman's Sucess-
Prof. A. Strassman has made many
filentU since he came to the city, both
socially and professionally. The oppor
tunity that he has afforded to those whose
eyes, for any cause or in any way, needed
attention, has been a rare one, and has
been taken advantage of by the very
best people of the city and section. He
has proved to these his remarkable knowl
edge as an optician, in the broadest
sense, and given relief where others have
failed. He frankly tells those whom lie
cannot help and whatever lie says may
bo depended upon. Those to whom
this item is of interest will do well to
call on him at once; this, week if possiable.
-Nebraska City Press. Aug. It. 1SSS.
Another Bomb Found in a Chicago
Merchantile Establishment.
Chicago, Sept. 7. A bomb was found
tlis afternoon by me? working at George
F. Kimball's glass establishment tt the
corner of Wabash avenue and Congress
xitreef. The men were engaged in mov
ing some empty packing eases winch for
a week have been lying against the build
ing on the Congress street side. As they
cleared ayay the boxes next to the wall,
what appeared to ba a piepe qf r.m jipe
! rolled out and was picked up by one of
the men. It was found to be a gas
pipe bomb about seven in' li. s long and
an inch in diameter. One end was plug
fed with brass, la which ifiia tfed a
percussion cap, the object of which was
to explode the contents of the bomb
whoi falhrjo; nainst the ground or wall
of a house. The end of the misMie war.
i closed with metal
The bomb was taken
to police headquarters and turned over
10 Intpsptor Bontield. The greatest se
crecy was maintained id regard tp H.
The find may prove an important one, as
oulv a veet ago a revolver was found
among the boxes in the same place.
the finest Ivinc lots in the city.
Ah, there arc days when all my dreams of youtb
Keeru wan m death, like flowers of early spring
Nipped by au icy frost In MonRoming;
When jp-aeo and beauty (win deformed, uncouth.
And love unlovely aa a night of ruth;
When tho faint Boug that 1 have lived to aiug
Bound hollow as tho cold and cheorluhs l intf
Of mockery ou the golden shrine of truth.
Yet sneli days pass, theso leaden hearted days.
And others follow that are like swert strains
Heard iu tho joyous, fragrant Hummer uir.
Then life is precious, and its devious
flow like K'eeu meadows after lender rains.
And the aoul leaps to find the world to fair.
Ueorge Edgar Montgomery.
Tho Terlod r I!l in i-h.
The present is most ex-rtninly tho ago o'
pictures, a period when tho tioneil vies ia
Mtney with tho l'ii, und w lien illustrative
tirt caters every realm of thought, until it oc
cupies a field so w ide that no ono can know
its limits. Tho rt'iicil iu its raeo with tlio
iron shows its work in unwonted places. It
conveys ideas to minds that would lo slow iu
awakening to mero words. It has recently
Irt-coiuu a part of tho daily newspair read
er's enjoyment to find a clever littlo cut mak
ing more enjoyuble the 1-on mot, nnd adding
a zest to tho funny paragruj h. In tho story,
tho song, the advertisement and tho poem,
tho illustration now plays an important part
in tho daily pajier's contents. It is a poor
newspaper, indeed, that cannot, iu every
issue, show its readers some illustrations, so
placed as to enhanco tho interest and tho
readaulenoss of its contents. In tho realm of
advertising, the illustration has evidently
"eomo to stay." It attracts and retains tho
eye, and so serves a double A high
degree of artistic ability finds employment
in producing tho advertisements seen iu tho
better magazines of today. These pictures,
in fact, compare favorably with any in tho
body of tho magazine itself. It evidently
pays to spend tinio and money in tho employ
ment of thin illustrativo art.
Outsido of the current literature of the day,
tiie advent of the pictorial age is equally evi
dent in the liberal use made of pictures a
stimulant for business of u!l kinds. Thero
aro more pictures and better pictures used iu
advertising schemes tlian has ever been the
case before. If the public ti;to for pictorial
art was not a growing ono, this could hardly
bo tho case. Tho cleverly illustrated daily
twper is tho u.k-thai. v. ill bo ta-e l and en
joyed by jus readers when the oM fogy Jour
nal, that holds aloof from picturm, wiil be
neglected. Tho pooj.le t i::e k miiy to tho
'cuts," ba I :c, lli'i -rit V of t'.ie.-e I.ut
..heir cruditv : i iu;.rt .t ie oiuibties are fast
giving way to u-i
l. to quick pro.
: kIhv finds tl:c
: be daily pavvra
burg liu-'Liti.
t::o pencil, by
s-t press, ui.ti!
y picturo in
,.i v.. v. IJi'Ls
.UXrilg lJ-
Consumption Cvr ble.
It cannot be too often impreseed oji
eyery one that the much dreaded con
sumption (which is only lung scrofulah.)
is curable, if attended to at once, nnd
that the primary svmnpnr.s, ;o often Oii
taken as sigHS of diseased lungs, sire only
symptoms of an unhealthy liver. To this
urun the lungs are indebted for pure
blood, and to pun: blood the
indebted no less than to pure air for
healthy action. If the former is pollut
ed, we have the hacking cough, the hec
tic liush, bigbt-sweius and a wiiole. train
of lymptoms resembling consumption.
House the liver to healthy action by the
nan ixf Ir. Pierces Golden aledical Dis-
coyery, take !; tiltl, y eeivij, live in the
open' air, iind all symptoms of consump
tion will disappear. For weak lungs,
snittinr of blood, shortness of breath,
chionic. nasal catarrh, bronchitis, asthny.,
severe t;oiigiis, aid klii'lred alfectins, it
is a most wonderful remedy.
An invitation has been received from
Malvern, by the young nun's republican
club, to attend the rnlly wjxich wil'i be.
hed tiiere on the i4ih. Tho club of that
place his agreed to furnish a special train
for the return trip after the rally and se
cure the sale of tickets here for single
f-. rs for the round trip provider! Tin'te
ii.o ono iiundittd or more sold. It Is ex
pected that a large crowd will go from
lie re.
The P,;,,i!iS-iJof tj.a Vifl'' Sai...i.ciu
Ided by tliefi- dcllgiitos hi national conxent on,
iiiinse on the threshold of llteir tuocecilings to
honor the memory f their first great leader
and immortal champion of libeily and the
rights of the people. Abraham Lincoln, mk1 to
cover also with wreaths of iniperisliable re; and gratitude the iicroig naipe-s of
(be mi iie of one of our livim? hero s
our nil t-i it i'"i I ? p " t . h ,
I called axiiiv iroin our cumc. Is. .r:int. iai iiebi,
Arthur, l.o'gan and Copklii.g. May their ntem
1 ories be faithfully cli-iished. We il'o jeu'
I vviili on.; gi'cetii.s apa p.ay;r lor his recovery
I R .f nur tivin r hero S whose
l .(.ii'ii I , i. m i i.i'ir.. i h -I- il , x
10. New brick school house now being constructed.
11. Will certainly have street car privileges at no distant date
12. If you wish a fine view of the river, locate on a lot in
South Park.
13. If you wish a sightly and picturesque view of 1 latts
mouth, it can be had from a South l'ark lot.
U. To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion
of South Park is the most desireable residence locality in the city,
15. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago Avenue, the
western portion ot South Park is available for that purpose.
lt. The P.. v: M. railroad track runs near the cast line .f the
addition, furnishing good facilities for manufacturing industries.
IT. If you locate in South Park, you will have good neigh-
Mavor Simpson. John Ii. Cox, John A. Davie?, John
Atlnnr .1 V "Wpr-khnch.
-A J Ali. V'JV ' ----- -F " i ,
Henry Waterman, V C. Jngraham, Jerry l arthmg, I hoe. t.
Reynolds, S. A. Davis, L. A. Miner, C. M. Weed, Frank Irish.
J. X. Glenn, C. I.. Colemone, S. A. Speakinan, A. Ueeson, Chas.
memory will be treasured III the history both
of icpublicioiB and id the republic. Tho name
Is that of Iho ruble cobjier and favorite child
of victory. I hii.ii II. hlici Ulan.
Iu the i-pii'.t of those jMcal le;1!ci' and of our
devotion t i liuniaii libel t . a'ld u il h that hos
tility to ad form of di spoiip-m oppicsMon
which 1h the fundiili.ental bit aid the i.ptibli
can paitv. we fend fride-iial enlnsi lit ulal ions
to our li How Amel Ic.l.c ot l.lilll 111 " !! tlair
L'leatai-lcd eiiianein.-iliiui whirli eoiiipieleil I
the iilio.llhm o( KlavelV thloiilii.i't, Ihe two
Amei lean coiil im-lilM. We eai n si ly hope we
mav -ooli conial ulate our fellow eiiiem of
Irbh birth Umiu tlif peaceful n-eoM-iy of home
rule for Iic1mi.iI.
ii-i.. Ahl-IOM filTIr I p.U'l.HV1v(: hkV'd
to I tie ioual euliMit uiioli :n.d lo l In nidi--!
soluble union nf slater, to the autooi iiiy re- ;
si I v d to I lie stall s uiiili r I he com-1 1 1 in loll . to :
the p isonal liullls .11. il 1 1 1 i II es o! eitlei .n ill 1
all s;ale and lei riloilcs m the union ;iml es- t
ln-eiallv to Ihe sup'elue and sov el Cliu-i ih I of ,
evei y eil ien. i ieli or poor, native or loiei::ii
l orn, wlilie or lilaek. to ca-t one flee b;:!oi in
the public electloi.s ami to have thi.t ballot
J nl v counted. We hold a flee and honest pop
ular ballot and ju-t and equal iciiro-ciilalioii
of : 1 1 1 p ople to lie the ion of our re
publican cox eminent ami ueinalid illeelixe
legislation to hcciu9lie iiite-.'iily ana pinny
of electionn huh are the ns of all pub
lic authority. We c!nu;'e that I he pi. sent ad
in i li ist ration a::d the ie Inaj-I il y III
coliyiess owe 1 heir existence to I he slil'le-sicii
of the ballot by the ciimnial on of ihe
coiislitutioii and laws of the l ulled Males.
W e are uncruiiipririnis nidy in favor ol the
American sxstem t proleclion. We pioltst
ajiainst the destruction ploposeu b the pivi
dent iind his paity. IheyMixe I lie iutcre.-ts
of Kuioi.e
xv k wii.i. svrroitT intkiii s'ls p a.mkimi.x.
We accept the issue, ami couliilenlly a )'eal lo
the people for their judgment. '1 he pi otect ive
system must be maintained. IP, abandonment
has alwavri been followed by ei-leil ilis. sler
to all iiiteicsts except those of the un-un i
and sht-i ill.
We denoiiiice the Mills' bill as destructive to
gent ral business, labor, ami tie I it: icing inter -ests
of the eeutitiy. and v.e heailiy i iiomisc
the consisient ami pati iolie action ot Hie re
publican representatives Iu congress in oppos
ing its passage. We condemn tin- proposil ion
ol l h demoel alic iiril I v to i n , i i i
free list and insls- lt,;.i .n - . i.m s ili' ie,.u j
sha 1 be jidjusted ami tnalidiiined so :ts to fur-
nish fud and adcipiiiie protection to that in- ,
on-try. , . , '
The republican party would chert all needed
leduclioii (if tlm l iitio'nal revi-iitie by repealing
tile taxes on tobacco, xvhicli are iin aiiogaiiee i
and Linden to agriculture, nnd the tax upon
spin's used in the arts iind loi n-cchai ii al pur
poses, and by such levisioli of the t;ii:ll b.wsas
wiil tend to check imports o: such ;r:i le :.s
a e produced by our people, the p'oihicl ion d
which given employment to our labor, and
lease li'oni import duties these :ul:eles of for
eign product ion. except bixin ten. the like of
x hieli cannot b produced at Indue, Ihcre hidl
si ill remain a larger i cvei.lie I htm is r oiii-lle
for I ne w aiit-s of govern picnt . ot internal taxes
lather than surrender any part of our i n.tee
tivc system at the ion. t bch-st of the whisky
ring iind agents of foreign manufacturers.
We declare hostility to the u liodnctioii into
ti ls country of forcicn coliliiict labor and of
i 1,1,,.,.. i,, i.,.r ul tun to on i- ei x iliya I ion and mir !
cor.stiluttoii, and xve xlcmaml I lie l igi I enioice
lueiit of existing Pms agiiinst it iind favor such
immediate legislation as will exclude such la
bor fiom our shores.
We declare opr opp.ovjtlun to ,iM combit.a-tion-of
capital oieiiied in trusts or olher
xxiscto control arbitrailly the comiitiou of
trade among our citl.cns iind xve reeoirmeud
to congress and tie .stiile IcgtsUilurt s in their
respective jurisdiction such legislation as xxid
tnevent the execution of all scheme to oppress
the pec pie liy undae charges on their supplies
or by u-.ijti t r;ites for the transportation of
their products to niatket.
we aiiprove legislation by corgiess to pie
vent iilike unjust burdens and unfair d sc.iihi-
l inalioii between states.
piJ'(il.ii'. .A i.Ktilsl.ATIo.V.
We rearm-in t lie policy r,f atitiiopi ml ing the
public liitids of the I.' Idled Stiitcs to be home-
stead!" lor American cilier.s iind sdlh-rs not i
aliens, xx hicn the republican party established I
ill '2 iigil list the oppoiil ioi.i e
the deiiioerais m congress. x hi, -It hli nioughl
our great yestri x ;l.iiiiiiin into iniignilieeiit de-
velxipellltini. i lie II - I 'I ill It'll Ol UlO-rtl ill" VI inn
grants to U.e puniic iioin un ioi wie ii-e i n a. -
tual sett lets, xx it ,c n x. as ueg.i. . . . . a -
ministration of I'res'dent Arthur should be
coiittimed. We deny Hint t he deic,.v:iti r, .x
lias ever restored o'e to U.e. people, bin
.Uc1...,.! liim ny the joint action of repuhlieahs
and democrats about fifty million acres f un-
earnei liinds. origimiiiy g'anieu io, im- eon-
stincl ion ol 'railroads, have been restored to
the public domain in pursuance of conditio!-.';,
inserted bv the i enulniciii' party in tit.- .Mtgin
al grants. Ws vV,:'i.-' - xi-'moeiailc iidtiilnis
..i.i Vriln iiiilnre to execute hixvs seem ii.g to
selileis title to llieii homes t e:;ds and xx il Ii us
ing appropriations made for t li nr. pinpi se to
hairass ii-nocent settlers xvith spits ami prose
cut ions under the false pn tense of '-a1..-ti.
frauds and vindicating the l'.i,;
jl)Alsptrr.".' OK TKKlUTOlil ES,
The government by congress .f the lerritor-ie.-v
is liascd upon necessity only ;o tl.e end that
they may become states in the union : !(", o
fore. whenever the conditions f i o;. j,l;-tioii.
material resource-, v 'nnu iiiteVdj-i.efc ami
morality a;'? s,;x;n . ' tiisr,i'e Mable. M-Y. n'-v-pUMi.'ht
tnjsretii I'.te ncople uf stp-U ici ritoi ies
siio.iKi 6'; i crmitled. a right Inherent !n them,
to fiili.l lor themselves cons-Mint inns and state
governments and be ad ittcil, inio the union,
reiulihg; prcparatl n for statehood olliecr
there' f should le sek-.'-ted in m b; Tdv
resiib uts iind citizens of the t ;uuiy 'i i;et cm
they are to sf-";.. iot i, ' Diikolti should if
ahi niiiiie'lliitely ndir.lUed as a state in
the union under the constitution fr-ured and
adopted by hPr people and we lnarti'.y en
dorse tiie action of the lepttblici'.n senate i,
twice I'assini; bills for her admis-mii 'I ic;
fnsiil of the dcinocratic V:Ou'-v id l V'l'1--' a'-at:i-
tives. -or it:'.;ti::;u mill bsiV, to ri "'''' Mm
fr-S ts xx" j'tiiul viohdlon- of the i action of the democratic house of representa
nn prim ipie of loeiil self -gov. -in- i lives i:i iffiising cvin c-.iusixteiiition of geneial
s;at-,i tiii-.t' iiiu
sli red'AiuOriunu
ir.eiit. and ineilts tl'.e eondemnatlou oi till j ist
men. 'I he pending lid!.-in t he Semite for acts
. .. .-,,..1,1. , .a ,1.1 lit X.X. I S 1 1 1 Ti if i 1 ! 1
. ': . ... , '.......! '7,. .
Me the ueople of Mslin.gto:i, rx;i;ni
I i:iKo; a ami ixiouiuuoi inn". iu vi iipj'u.
...,.i 0M..1. 'ti. .ijfa ' iniv.ii-biiwi i
i!loUl ne nasscii tviVUvUtt untieccs-:ti y (U'ay.
Tin- reniiuiicau' raitv Pledges nisei! lo ilv W 5
CS power to iaciiiiaie ine avuniasnin tu i;,o n i
p-- .',...i. it.i... ....
l'itorie? Of exv Mexico. W y.iilnii. luitiio iind
Arizona to flip ei.',o,M'eiit of self-government.
t.aittir. Such of i hem as are now qualil'ted
as soon as po.-sible.and others as suoa as ihey
may become so.
Chas. Harris, John II. our.g.
tiik moiimo." ocrsTiox.
The i(littcal power of lite Mm nion cbineli iu
the tei'it'iilen i exenised In the past i a
ineli.iiice to llee Insl 1 1 lit ions loo ilaligeioiei to
lie long suilcit d. 1 1 M lole v e p. dge I he ic
pi.l.h. an pally to applopllate legic I. it ion,
ii-eH iiig t be mix ci c int y ot the pat Ion in all
t he t el I lloi les x hei e the sh me t uner-tloiicd,
md in luilliemiiee of that Hid to place
upon Ihe statute I k leg t'lat ion fttlngent
ell; ligli lo divoli e J oiilil ill lll'lll el cle-lio-t H ill
poutl. I. ml I In." -tan.p out the attci.iiaiil
m ieke.iiii ss ol poly gi'iny.
I he icpi.blieiiti party is lo faxor of the use
of Pot !i gold iind si Ix i f as money, and con -ilemiislhe
policy ol I lie demoel al ic iiiliniuls
tratioa III It- ( llortn to demoiielie silver.
X e ilciPiiiid Ihe leiluellon of leller postiire
to I c hi n I ' mice.
In a icpublic I ke out s, x here lh- citiei.sls
the suvel, lll iind the oltlel d Ihe r-eixiint
XX here llo powrr is exei el sed except by the V. 1.1
.if t he people. II I- Impel I all t I n at ine soei -"Ig
u eople should iiosscr-s hit el !lgei,ei . Ihe
free school is the plollioter l.l thill lli.el.b'i lice
xx h ich is to ;. i si-i x e ls ;i ti ee nal ion. 'I hel--loic.
Ihe Mate or nation, or both coiibtned.
slu aid Miipoil lice n si a ul ion- ol h-niaing
siillieielit lo slloid lo cci y child gioxxiug up
m the bind ihe oppoi I unity id a good eoiiimon-M-I.ool
eil ueal ion.
ul ti .vi m-iiA.s; i m i:i.n I-.
We earnestly i eei inuieml that prompt action
be t ilk en 1 1 c. I g ss in the ei iiel im nl of such
legi-iiitlou as will In si kcciii e the rehabilita
tion n! our Aleerlexii men hali' luitlilie, and
xxe proti'St iigainr-t the piissage bY congress i f
a lice i-hip bill as calculated to woik injustice
to lalnr by h hhciii g t he w ages of these en
g.igeil in plepal ing liiiitel ials its u ell as the-c
liilt-etly eniployeo III our ship.Xiilds. va e de
liiatu apptopi Tat iotih lor ihe curly rebuilding
of our naxy. lor the com t run ion of coast
loitttii ations and modern ordinance and other
approved modem Un a' s ot dlenn' for the
protei lion ol our d el nsi-liTTT haibors and
eit tes. for the pay moid o! jmt pel sions lo our
soldlet s, for I ecer-sal XV. I kh ol palio 'I lm
poitai e- in the improvement cf the i. bois
iilld Ii.iiit els of internal, coastwiser ' iind
ile gn commeice. Im the eneooragciiienl l
1 lie si, inning interests i f III" All idle, liulf
land I'; ctlie stales i.s v el! as tor ihe paynin:
ot Ihe niiiluiin:r public ib-bt. This polny xxtli
x .o nais n. i, i,s. i ,i s i:. in., .. ........ ii urn
coutilry, promote tnule, open new and dr.o.-t
markets for our pioditcts nnd cheap p the cost
of tiiinspoiiaron We atiirin IIi'm tope l;ir
better tor i ur country than Ine democratic
po'k'y of loaning the gox eriiinei.l '.- money
xvllhotil interest to "pel banks."
r ole ! to ni l. XT ions.
The conduct of foreign nlbnrs by Ihe pic-i-nt
iiilniiiiistralion h:i- been li-l in:-uisln .1 bv iiicl
licietcy aid couiirdice I lax iier w it lot I ax n
( roin I he senate all pending Ilea ics elbclcd
j bv republican ail mill ist tilt ioi s lor Ihe icmoval
I of foreign buidens and i est ml loos iiio:iour
I cotiiiiii'ice and for its extension into a bet lei
I market d hits neither aliened nor propos. d
I ii!ix others in their r-tead. Piofc-sitig adhcr
I etii-e to t he Mom ne duel i ii c. it has heeli xx III
idle eoini laceney t he ex tension ol foreign iu
I llueiiec ill lenl ral Ana l ieii anil i f lot cigti I fade
t everywhere amoij; our neighl ots. 11 basic
fused to charter sanction or encouiagc any
American orgaiii.y I ion for com-i run tug tin
: N'ieai:i"iia canal, a xvoik ol vtiil ilitlioi innce to
t he maintenance ot the .xpiiii'n.i tiociiinc an i
of our n at ion al int.Ulcnco in lentl ill and South
Anieiic.-i ami V lo Ihe ilex elo ilii.-li.
I oft rude xxiih our racili'c teliitory, xxilh iSott'h
j America, and xvith t lie lurther coasts of the
I I'acilie Ucea n.
I Kisn Ki: I rs (ir Ks i ion .
' We arraign the present democratic adminis
' t rat ion foritsxxciik and unpatriotic; ircatnient
i of the fisheries ntestion, iind its piisilliinitnous
! s.iireiiderof iill privileges to which our fishery
i s.scl-t are enti led in Canadian poit under
I ihe treatv if 1-ls. the reciprocate iiiriiiti-
tine leeisliition of !s:;u and comity of nal i n. s,
I and which Canadian fishing vessels icceixe in
I the ports of tiie I tiiied .Slat-s. V e lemn
itheitlliyol l he presi-iit nuininisliation and
I lie detniici iit ic m;i jot ity in congress towaids
I our tislieries its unft ietutlv and conspieiou-l y
iiniiati inl ie iind iis tending to destroy a vuidnbie
; tiiitiotiiil indurtiy and ;in indispevsiblc resource
I of defense against I l''ig, enetiiy.
Ihe name o A ote, lean implies iinue in mi
eili -'-ns nl I'll-.- n i ibli and imte.ises upon men
1 alike I ne Siiine o ligal io i of obedien-e to the
1 iixx s. A t I "ne same i line ei iz -nship is and must
I be the pauoplv and -afeguard t him h;i x'.eti!s
! ii, should shieYi and ptoteit ..:: x. In '.her htgh
i in-ii, xv. rich or nocr. hi all :ns rivil rlghti. Il
, - ul hUi) .,, ,,.
. f ,. ..,., ,.;, :i,ioa.l in whatever
'l i - i l.ixvful ei i and.
j civil skhvick liM-olot.
j TI.1P men who iibindoned ! hi ,-etniid!eal: par-
j y Ui iSS4 ;,,,, cold itm'.i t,. ii.tiu-ie to the demo-
. ... at .,, i v n.-.c. . , ;i it cd not only ine cause
o! 'n.efjf ii'.'x C-1 uii-iit , nut oi smiuu nuance, oi
ir.edom and ))itit!y ol U'.e nntiot. ntti e-teyr.-hiilv
have deserted the cause of reform the
civil service. We xxitl not keep nil'.'
pledges beca't-e ttey buvC iT)ixi-n theirs, or
l;e iiuse their ei'.l'i'xivt.V'. lias broken his. We
; hereto!--,, r i'i-rtr "our declaration of ism. loxx it :
1 (1,. let'.i.m Oi civil seiviee iiUspie.onsly begiiii
; otu'er lei'Ulilicali adliimistlittion sp.oulU ne
i c. i: tile ted by it I ui t her extension of tji" n-hu in
: s.x slen; iilre.ady est al dished by i,nv to all grades
' of the service to xx bu U U ; iiidilied. The spir
. it an'! piirmi'o' ol i viol in jdioulu t'e observed in
( c,;l'iv'e at'!o;ntuteitt, and all laxvs at
.,1 it-nee xv it h I ite object of existing l (form H g
i ji.ii io',i slsold.l be re esled. and that the rl.iii-
l'-l' o nee tustliutions xvnicli litiK in the mxx -cr
of otVctid piilronagc uixy be wisely nd cf
iei lively avoided.
The gratitude of the T;di"i to the defenders
of the union cuvuiul tJe asstoed except b' laws.
The leei -'at son or congress should conform to
tii-3 Pl.'OfiCS made by a loyal people, iind be so i
viilai gcd iind cMemled as to prov ;ih; agaiii.-l
1 he possibility tlmt any inaii xvb' lionorrxbly
xx ere the federal uniform shad become au In
mateof an almshouse or dependent on l rivate. j
: clKllitv. in tint nreiice of tin overlloxxtng
' ticii-.ury H wi.-iiUi l- a public .-ruudal to do less i
! for i iio.-Hi whose valorous sei x ice presetted i ite
goxci iiiiieut. We denounce Ihe hostile spirit
1 snoxxn by President Cleveland in his numerous
i vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
l.ensli n le"!.!nliOu.
i., it ..l the in ineiiib-j Peiexxlth I'lilin-
Ci.ucil xve invite the co-operation d patiuui
: , ..ii ..x.rti.. Lnni.tlu- i,t m!1 working
1 i"r" ,- i , ; , . , : i t
men vx ho.e orosneri t v i.s serious! v threatened
byt iie teo trade policy of the lu esent admin
a ! it'uiioii.
Tie fiivt co-cei n of Mil good government is
the virtue and sobriety of the people Mid the
purity of their homes. 'I he republican party
coni'mlly sympathizes xxllti nil xxise and xvtil
directed etfovts tor the iifoinotlon of temperance.
A. liankin, Sarah E. Alexander, John Moore, M. A. Shipmaii,
Lillie Kalisky, T. W. Faught, Clayton liarber, W. J. Ilesser,
Harrv Kneller. J. E. liarwick, J. (x. Iioyal, W. X. McLennan,
P. C." Minor, F. McCourt, J. C. Fought, W. J. W arrick. Judge
A. X. Sullivan, and other prominent citizens are owners of
South Patproperty.
is. Over 14,000 worth of this desirable property has been
disposed of within a short period and no part has been sold to
outside speculators, which is i-olid proof of the substantial
growth of this part of the city.
l'.i. More substantial houses have been built in South Park
during the year pa-t than in any one locality, ami i-tiil the.
building boom continues.
20. Terms, one third cash, balance in one and two years, or
lots may be purchased on monthly payments.
21. Purchase a lot and we will loan you iiiney with which
tu build.
Chattel Mortgngo Sale.
To All Il'oni Man i'mutrii:
Notice Is hereby -riven lhat vxe will n tho
Kill diiv i f September. ls-n, ill Ihe town of
(1- ctiwooil, t'ass county., bctw'eti
the belli . of in in. and I i . In , nil I ul pblln
a urt li. n the follow n g desi i died sli ek nnd llnit -teln.
XI: One Imx tt . it i e, i Ine y CHI mil . xx eight
1,1 Vi pouiulH ; one bay noire 4 olil ; l.e
bay mare .' years old : one r nnd xxhlle cow ;
one black coxx ; ore blaeW a:i,l xxhile cow ; one
st, cr i alf ; lie heller calf ;, and one pl.ttfoiiu
hptlng wagon ; all being the propcity of lie M.
I.. APdel-on. Sll'l (lescillieii nsHiiov' ill ins
eel till II el lilt te I mm I gage da led A ugust
inn! iccoided iu the ( letks lib c ol '
daled A ugust II.
hss conn -
ty , NelU iiska, f eenrti'g n piomlsary note oi Siim
S, I.. A ndei run ot i 10.'...' il, lo I he I '.auk of fuss
I 'on lit V. dated A ugiiM 11, Hsu, ill nw log lot) lent
id the'late of Hi per cent linin M.ilch I. l"h", on
xx Inch date said note became due. 'I lie coiull
tion.sof raid mortgage wire.that incised
l.iull should be niiide in payment if said note
oiioiy pint theieof. or if the moi tgngceri hhoiild
at anx I line ib-cin thein-elxes iiisccine, then It
should be laxxti.l P i nioilgiigees to enler upon
I he preiui-e- ol Siitd moi I eager iind take im
mediate po-os-ion t bet col, and disimse of Ihe
same at public sale, ami out of Ihe money i'lls
ing theieliom to p.ix s id sum ol . hi l. ;n, inter
css, cost-, chiiiges iind expclisen incident,
theieto. lheic still rotuaiiiilig due on h.'ild
Hole the hiiui ol s-lss ,ti ai Interest, and de
fault h.iviug been innde under the ploxisions
of said mot tage, the nioilgiigees will proceed
lo make the sale ns aloiesaid, Ihe proce ds In
he applied as conditioned m "abl mertgage.
Il X N Ix nf I ' A sS I'llt'M'V.
Vi:iiii am .x. H x i ks Attorneys. '.'.i-r
Sherifrs Sale
Pv irtue of I hree i -cut 'ons Issued by V .
C. l'hoxxiiller, clcik of Ihe dl-lricl court VX ithill
ill ii I f or Cil-s eon tit y. N ebl ask il, it In I to me il I
tecled. I xx ill oil Hit 1st day ol I'clober, A.
i) , iss.s, at 1 1 o'clock a m . of said day nl Iho
south door of tin court In. use in I'l 1 1 sii'ciit ! ,
Il said co lily, -eil at public auction, the lot -loxx
ing leal i slate o-x It :
Ihe xxe-t InilM 1 , 1 ot I he soul h-easl ill:ilter
I t'.e in Hie. s iptHller nl seclioti
riuht isi. t'.xx ii-b i n Ixxelxe tl.'i, liingr Ihir
t i-en ( l:'.. cast of I he i til sixth I lneliiil me rid -iitn
in Cass county. N lira-l.a.
'I ho same being lex led I' poll a nt I I kcu as t he
properly of '1 homas .1, '1 horn:.-, di lend. nit ; In
;i isfv ii Judgment ol said court recovered by
I he I il i.elis Palik (.1 I ' I ill I ,inoii: Ii. philutlll,
against i-aiil ib-lcniliiid .
J'litttsiuoiiih, Neb, Aug. '. ! h A l Issi.
.PC V. IKIX It X It V.
Ixx.'r Shellll Cass Couiily, . Neb
nx ill Mit I ki:. He put. v.
SheritVs Salo.
P.v virtue of an eciilion issued Irv W. C.
Slnixx alle r. Clerk ol th" lij-tnet limit xxillilu
am! for ' ' count y, " I bra-l.ii. iind In Inn ill
reeled. I xxill on the Isl day of October, A.
I . lsss. nt g i. clock p. in. ot s .ul day. Hi Ihe
sout h door ol i he Com t House iu the" city of
Plat t sun . ut h. in said conn t y . sell at public aue
tiou, I he lolloxx ing real ctate o-x it :
I he e.ii-t hiill t ( , I of t lie s.-u: lieasl qua!' er C i
of the lenl in a si quarter ( ' ) of sect ion eiglr is i,
tnwi.ship txxelx'rt (12), lunge I h 1 1 1 ecu i 1 :', iir I
of Ihe rill P. M., Cass county, Nebraska.
' he Same being levied upon anil taken as the
pi opcrt y of 'I homas .1 . 'I In, lictemlant : to
s.lisly a iudgnient ot said ( uuil recovered by
William I.. II i i ts, I Mai n i ill , i-gaim-t I ii-fcn.
diiut .
J'lattsiisoit h, Nriri askii. Aug '.'tUli.A. l.. Iss.s.
.) ". Id K K.N f.Att V.
'' l ! Shet ill Cass County, Neb.
I'.y Pax in .MM. 1. 1 it. Deputy.
Shoriff a Salo
IV virtue of an order of -ale K-ued tiy W. C.
Showalt'.r, Clei k of Ihe District Court xxithin
iinil J.r Cas county, Ni iil'a-I.;;, iimt to me di
lei tfcd, I xxill on I lie J.'rt h day ot cpteinber, A .
D. l.-ss. al o'clock p. in. nt said day. at the
soul II door of t he eoiuv bouse III Silnl County.
Sell at nt I il e auc', ,on. t lie lolloxx ing leal estaie
to-xtii: 'I he tioi 1 1 half ( 1 , ) of Ihe sonttiuest,
ip.lart or ', , ) o sect ioi; rum In r I xx enty I xx o (.'2 1.
in pi" ushlji niiiiilii'i' ten 1 1". 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 of range,
t u in I ut On (no, ea-I of the nt h I'l inci pal er
idiati in Cass county. N'-b:a-kn. 'the same he
itig li-viei up-. u taken as t he proper! y of
S;i eiu-t Scliiollman and Agnes .Sehlolt
m"i), el til, Defendaits, to n;itis
ly l iildgmci.t of said Court recovered by the
l.'iii.iieetii ii ut l:tver Savings fliiiik, I'laiutilt,
ligailist said I )elel...liilt -'.
i'lail -mouth, Neo.. Augu-t A. D. lss.
.1 . ('. Ii! Ix KM'. A U .
Shelili Ciiss County, Neli
Sheriff's Salo.
of an enler of sab- i-sued by W. C.
tletkofthe District Couit within
Ily x irt tu
S'io alt er,
and for Cii-s county. Nebias a, iind lo me Ul
rected. 1 xxill on the i!'.ith day of Se jit. In her. A.
V). is-s, at 11 o'eH-k a. in. of siiid day. at. the
south door of t lie con-1 hon-e in said county,
scil ii' publie auclion. the follow ir a real estate
toxvit : ThetiOith half of the soul h wei-t ipiar
tc.'of section number t xx cut y-t xvo, in Towns' ip
number ten. north it range number ten, cast,
of ihe sixth I'lincipal Meiidinn ill Cass county.
Nebiaskii, togi-l her xvit h all the privileges and
rt(iporlaiices thereii ti belonging or in iinyxx i' e
iipiertaining. '1 he si-me being levied upon and
taken as the propel t v i t Snmual M-hlottmeii
slid Agnes Schlutt man et. al. Defendau's ;
lo satifv :i jtiilgment of said court reeoveied bv
the Ct i.iietictit i.'iver Savings Ihink. riandilt.
aail:st siiid leteiidallt-.
I'lall-moutii, Neb., Augu-t 17. . D. l-'J-s.
.1. C. id K K.N II.XIIV,
Sln i ill Cass County , Jxeh.
''ii W illiain I iadsax : Voti xxill take notice
tha. on the lb ihiv of Augu-t. 1 m I.etta
l.ltidsav. William i.iiidsav. Nellie i.indsiiy and
Pear! I. ind-:iv. Illinois. ,y tneir m-xt lriend.
l'eter D. i'.an'-. liled their petition in the Dis
trict Court of Ca-s county. Nel-tiiskii, itgainst
vott. t he object and pra ver of which are to ob
tain a jtulgioent :i-niiist you for Ihe -tun of one
thousand dollars for suiipott of plaintiffs. A
writ, of attachment has oeeti issueu in siim
cause, ami un;
f iliow ing propei i y lex ten on ny
virtue t hereot toxx it : I ois three ami lour, in
block thirty-eight, ia Young & Hays' addition -lo
t he city of l'latlsn un III, C. -s Co.. Neb. ; also
the fo'.lo'viiig person. A property : onecow. on
calf, and a Pit of household an. I kitchen furni
ture", to satisfv said claim. Von are hereby re
quire'1 to aus '.ver said petition ou or before the
l.ith day of October. !s.s
l.'ovKt.i.rot.'x .t I'.I-KSIN,
;.-,-:, Att'ys for I' alntltfs.
p wss sac Sfe d 2e imi m- -