Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 26, 1888, Image 1

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    ?. - M'.. f ...-ry Y.
$2.00 IMC 11 ANNUM.
if 1
1 ;
jff- ,
ll t I'
if R OYAL MH'JJ J il
I -mm :i
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pur
ity, l reii)i li and w holesomeness. More i'ri
iioinlcal tl -in tlw ordinary kinds, and cannot be
Mold In competition vuh 1 1 1 - multitude of low
tcf.j. si. oil weight alum or phosphate, ponders.
olij only i:i C ili.i. IKiyAI. HAKIM;
t'!(JViill St. New York.
1'OW 1K1C
Police .1 ad,
1 M. Ki IIKY
W K fox
- Jamks r.TTi:nsoN, .ih.
- A MA 1'I. K
S ci.irroKii
W II Ma 1. tut;
t'oi;i!eihiH-n, l-:t y.'ard, 3 s A i.iliu u 1
i 1 M" .Joxks '
1 lK. A SlIll'MVN
f j M R Mruriiv
'l'"' I 1 hltiOAI.LKN. i'liJ-ii
( J YV Johnson, l
r.o:ud j'ui. Work! k'KKn ;
( 1) 11 HAWKSWc
I W IOHNSi)N,L,llAlll.MA.V
OK 1 11
l"crty Treasurer, -
i ,'c;mty Oik,
liecm-iier of Deeds
Duviutv U -col der
Clerk of Oi.-tnct Co.irr,
SUeriiS ,
Surveyor. -Attorney.
Maid., o; i'ul. Schools,
County J a. Ie.
HOAilU ok avv
A. H. Tiinn Cli'lil.,
i ji. is ()i.Vi, ' -Dx
1). A. CAMTli K.I.I.
CUlTCli i 1 Kl .1
- l'y.K Citrr itrr k It
W. II I'ool.
.))n s M. l.i'.niA
V. C. Siicv.' ai i:n
l. ( K.IH I Ktl.AllY
i'iat l.siii;uth
A:'eej?l;i;' Wh'oi
;USS l.filiGK No. 1j;;, 1 U. . V. -' Nh'iits
1 'i.veiy Tin-fday o einii; of each wee!-:. All
traiifiifiit lii-others are re!ecmilly inviU'd to
ai li'' : 'I.
1I.AT I MOU rif KNCAMlWilCN'T No. ::. 1. O.
A o. K., iiieeii every alternate l-'riday in
e:ich liiooth in I ho Masonic Hall. Visiting
l'.rolhers are iavitod to attend.
fllKIO LODtii'
NH). SI. A. O. V. V. .Meets
cry alternat- Friday evening at K. of 1.
Transient lrothr are ivspcvtfislly in-
fz&. lliirctow, l'oreni'au ;' Frank lirown. Over
seer; 1. lioven, lluido'; (isoiije llousworlli,
l-'BUiinler ; M. .1. .1 dinsoli. Kinaneier ; Vall.
Suiiili. Keeoiver ; M. Mayhrinht. l'ast M, W. 1
JiwK Haiilierty, ItiiiUle Guard.
' of Ainerie.i Meets second ami foartii Mon
day evening at K. of 1'. hall. All transient
lirot!ir are requesled to iiv:e with Ur". 1.. A.
Noweo tier. Yeneialde Consul; !. Niles,
Woiiliy Ailviser ; S. C. N ilde, Hanker ; YV. A.
Jiix'i-k, Clerk.
1l, YTrSMGUl'H LODCK NO. A. O. I". W.
I.:(;1 every alter. iate 1'riday evei.intr at
Hoekwood hall at so'eloctc. All transient broth
ers are respectfully invited to attend. 1.. S.
J. arson, M. V. ; K. l'.ovd. Foreman : S. C
Wilde, Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
?! A'i rsMor'iii 1,0m. k no c, a. 1; & a.m.
X Meets oii tlie lirt and tliir.t Mondays of
each month at their hall. All transient broth
CIS ate cordially incited to meet with nj.
.). C. KiciiKY, W. M.
Ym. Hays. Secretary. ,
TT:ni:sivA chattku. no. it. a. m.
j- Ai. lets seeonct and fourth Tuesday of each
sm.ulh at Macon. V Hall. Transmit lit brothels
are invited to meet with us.
b . E. Wiiitk, H. I.
AYm. H a vs. Secretary. ,
1 r. ZION COMMA y DA It Y. NO. ft. K. T.
'l. Meets first and third Wednesday night of
each month at M iso hall. Yisiting brothers
are cordially invited to meet with us.
ffw. II ays. i:ec. F. K. Wn U K. K. C.
USSCOl'NCtl-NC 1(121. KOYAl. Ull'AM'M
V meet the second and f Mirth Mondays of
tiieh month at Aieauiun Hall.
K. N. Ui.k.vs, Itet;ent.
J". C. Minok. Secretary.
J. V. .r.i?N-?oS Coinmnnder,
O S 1 -! Senior ioe
F. A. Hats Junior " "
(Jx-O. XII.KS, j
11-zvnv STRKHiirr -. 'Xl- 1
M I)i vox Omo. r;f tne Day
(!iiki.ksKohi ' " 'i.u:lrd
AXUKitseV FKV Serjrt Major.
.1 wiiiiioHH'.KMAK.. ..Quarter Mas'pr Seir.
L. CtHTis Tort Chai
AJeetiiii? Saturday evening
t....,v: r, 1 Unlit. 15 Windham
ice ITesiden't A. Ji. To ld
"nd Vice" rresident Win Neville
Secretary ; F ll.nmann
Treasurer l:- 'Uihman
- .1 C. Uiehev. V. V.. White. J V Iiitersor!,
. A 'onnei , li. Kl-011, C. W. Sheriuan, F. tior-d-
r. J. V. Weckbach.
J AS S. MT11E'S, Attorney at Law. Ofiice
over l'eter Merle's store, north side of
M kin betwe-jo 6th and 6th street.
M A. HYK1TUAN. Lawyer. FiterahFs
i:locV l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. 1'romtit
and careful attention to 11 jreera! la'.v yra efne
K. B. Windham, John a. pavifs.
Notary Public. Notary Ft.lilie.
uTjuttcmoys - at - Xt&w.
Ofiice over J'.atik f Cs County.
Plattsmoutii, - - Nediiaska.
Proceedings ot the Doard of County
Pi. viTsMocni, July 10th, 1KXS.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment,
present A. J J. Todd, A. H. Dickson and j
Louis Foil, commissioners; Hird Critch
lield, county clerk.
Minutes of June meeting read and ap
proved, when the following claims were
examined and allowed on general fund:
Girardet, lioone k Lmmons,
merchandise to paupers 5; 21 00
Plattsmouth Gas Co., gas con
sumed 7 70
J. C. L'ikeubury, sheriff's fees.. 79 70
Hcaresley, Clark & Co , coal to
pauper 7 ;jo
Slu-iiiian & Cutright. printing. . 10
F. S. White indbe. to paupers.. 10 0!)
N. H. Hester keeping pauper. . . 13 00
Henry Hoeck chairs for court
house i 00
J. C. ('(ill'inaii (rare of crazy man 2 00
ll. McNecly keeping pauper. .. . 2 00
Eli Samsoii boatdmg poor 9!) 13
Omaha Republican sti pies ink 7 50
A. J. Graves indso. to paupers. . 18 00
J. Lynn mdse. to pauper, 10 00
F. A. Hates coiliu to soldier. , , , :',r, 00
Amif k VV Archer mdse. to pauper 10 02
L. Hates taking paupers to poor
house 2 00
W. ll. Malick boarding piis'ns. 44 50
YV. F. Waite boarding pauper.. 20 00
E. O'Ncil labor on jad 3 00
Gasoline Co. gas to jail 8 20
Allen H eeson salery and rent of
oflico 200 50
Hird Critchlield work on road
books cal. and exp 315 03
N. P. llobbssei vice as Co. M. I). 12 50
31 Spink salary and expense aect 115 75
J V Week bach, mdse to jail. ... 0 9")
Fred Patterson mdse to jumper. , H 00
A Madole, surveying 30 55
Omaha Republican, supjilies. .. . 10 00
S S Twiss strips to poor house. . . 2 00
M H Murphy mdse to pauper. ... 8 00
Goodman Drug Co, ink tor sur
veyor 80
John Mo-ris Co., supplies 41 25
A. J. 'itay-s ii.dse rt.; pa;.per. . . & 0
Jones Fitzgerald t;ara. '. 10 00
J. It. Cox, t;uUe. . : , 17 55
Fred Patterson nuko . , . . j 50
A H Todd tj-iliU'v uuJcxn"""-
J ue-
wutit, Co. Com
4-2 70
oT 07
Louse Foltz same
A IJ Dickson
Claims allowed on road district fund:
IJeiitdsly, Clark Co. ltim'oor on
District Xo. 47 2 2-""
" 4(1 r :r,
41 " 4i 10
' '' " : ol H 20
" " :5- 13 75
M u a ti 40 1S jc
1. .4 .4 44 4;J ., 8j
" 44 41 :JS
Harnuin&Lj'nn luin'r ondis No 00 10 24
" " " :5'J 20 00
" - " ' " ) "0 00
"Western "Wheel Scnijir-r Co scraper
district "0. 0 ....... 1750
"Western Vv'lieel Scraper Co scraper
district No. 10 17 "0
Muity Ar Shank dist No 21 22 40
;' " :J0 !) to
C N Toison ' " " 3S rr
Claims on county road fund:
AVm Ed";ar viewing road 2 70
"W P Critchlield same 2 70
Isaac llollenhrck same 2 SO
Gould and Austin scrapers. ..... 78 40
II D Harr swearing viewers 2 80
L "W CJihlxusoa bal. nllowed 111
road damage by n. correction
of commissioners' proceedings
of June session 9 00
A () 3Jaycs viewing road 2 25
M A Hamptou s-uu 2 25
II D Harr swearing viewers 1 35
Claims nllowed on bridge fund:
1$ & 31 Pv li ColumJier and piling 21 00
Johnson I'ros. piling for bridge 8 85
S C Patterson hauling piling. ... 4 50
W JI House grading approaeh-
ment to bridge -19 75
Milwaukee llridge & Iron "Works
biidges 1740 80
Same 348 40
Ashland Lumber Co., lumber . 19 72
Snell & Gould, nails for bridge 80
In the matter of petition for relocation
of county road on sec. 20-12-14. the same
was granted as petitioned for, and rec
ommended by appruisors, and amount of
damage allowed Geo. Goose ."jlO.90.
Costs bills allowed:
State vs. Mrs. Watson 4 85
Kennedy 30 15
" Louis Pierce 17 45
" "Wagner Harvey 15 draft
witnesses 117 40
Ordered that the time be extended on
the leeso to school land on ne qr of the
sw qr of sec 30-11-12. for the term of
five yens.
Hoard appoointcd Dr. J. A. Ilassengcr
county physician for Louisville and vi
cinity for one year from July 1, 1888, at
a salary of 50 a year, and the appoint
ment of A. V. Robinson is hereby revoked
C.tlirial bond of S. P. Ilollowfty as con
stable for Plattsmouth approved.
Iload petition for road between section
5 and 0 and 7 and 8 in Avoca precinct,
laid over until board examine the pro
posed route for road.
Ordered that the supplies to the follow
ing paupers by the county be suspended:
T. Pates' P- F. Lambert. "Win. Hill Eaten,
Ira and Dora Flashman for keeping pau
pers, and Mrs. Fcgarty for keeping Lilen
Hoard adjourned to meet tomorrow,
.Inly. 11, 188. Full board present when
the following work was done.
The matter of pet tion for druggists'
permit to sell spiritious, malt, find various
liquors, in the village of Manly came in
for hearing after due consideration of
petition and remonstrance, the board de
tided that the permit be nt granted.
Petition of Rose Ann Decker to have;
road receipt fashed, given in 171 and
is 75 refused.
County clerk ordered to notify each
druggist having a permit to sell liquor
issued by county commissioners, to tile a
good and stillicient bond with county
clerk nccording to law 011 or before Ail".
I, lsS. and to comply with the law in
io",ard to liling report of liipmrs sold, or
their permit will In; revoked.
Hoard adjourned to meet tomorrow
July 12, lMss.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment,
full hoard present.
The board after examining si road lo
cated on h'llf section running north and
south between ne (p- and nw qr of Sec.
21-12-10 in Soitih IJend irocinct, agreed
with one, N. J. Fountain, owner ofsouth
half of nw qr. of said S c, that upc n the
signing of a contract for the location of
a county road running around a creek on
-aid Mue instead of crossing said creek
twice, the comissioners would pay out of
Co. Hndge Fund to said Fountain t h?
sum of 300 for damage in locating said
road. The same to be suryed and platted
and used as a county road on and after
date according to the nbovi: agreement.
The above order is made to save bridg
ing said creek twice.
The board then proceeded to settle
with treasurer and continued from dav
to day July 13, 14, 17, 18, 19 and ad
jourred to meet Aug. 7, 1S8S.
RlKD CltlTCIIKIKM). Co. Clerk.
Komo of tht CoiiiflvHnce to bo Seen nt
' 'lUo l'ateiit Office.
Tlio electrical inventions of the patent of
fices have within the last ten years grown
into mammoth proportions. Tlio great
American brain seems to bo devoting itself
o electricity just now, ami there is u class
hero dovote:l to this subject. In it aro tho
divisions of electric signaling, telegraphy,
telephony, electric lighting, medical electric
ity, electric motive jower, electricity genera
tion, electricity conductors and others. Each
of these classes have sub-classes, and new
classifications have to bo made every j-ear or
two. Ik'foro 1S7C there wej'fl teS ttaSh two
tiiuusatul puteuiJ' giantr1 for electricity.
fciiKQ that timo over eight thousand have
hoeu grntcil, and we now glvq out
thousand patecU or
1 - . - a
rical inventions
And still electricity is in its infancy. It
has mado many of tho big fortunes of today,
and the Hell telephono and the "Western
Union telegraph are founded upon it. There
aro now electric, street cars in many of tho
cities of tho country, and a company has been
formed in Ilaltinioro to run a lightning ex
press over an elevated railroad across tho
country for the carrying of mail and import
ant express matter. The car used will be, I
understand, about tho size of the average dry
goods box, atid the soecd will be GOO miles an
hour. This will beat tho telegraph and pneu
matic tube, and it will revomiioniza much of
the business of tho country. By it a letter in
your own handwriting can go from New
York to Washington in twenty minutes, and
Chicago will get the New York papers for
breakfast. V will be able to send a pack
ago from New York to Ban Francisco in live
hours, and tho outcome of the whole will bo
that passenger travel will be carried on in the
same way.
The romance of electric inventions has not
its counterpart in fiction. A little more than
a tleeado ago, Telephono Cell, who is now
worth 0,000,000, was walking about Wash
ington "on his uppers" and trying to sell his
telephone stock for ten cents on the dollar.
Shortly before this he was teaching a deaf
and dumb school in Coston, and his pocket
book was in a continual state of leanness.
Now bo has an income of hundreds of dollars
a day. lie is surrounded by lino pictures,
owns a magnificent residence, and his soul
rejoioes in all the fatness which money can
Tho telephono gave a great impetus to elec
trical inventions. The electric light soon
followed it, and there is a millionaire in
Cleveland, named Brush, who was working
at $lo a week before he struck the liht which
turned his poverty into fabulous wealth. I
met an assistant of Edison in New York last
week, and ho tells mo that the phonograph,
which is to be run by a small electric motor,
is about jierfected, and that it will bo in gen
eral use before many months. It will cost
less than $100, and one can talk his ideas into
it and have them reproduced in the caiio
language and tones in which he uttered
Bringing Out a New Novel.
Suppose I, as an American author, write a
novel, and arrango with a publisher to bring
it out at the prico of cno dollar a volume, or
fi'ty cents paper. If he has confidence in
the book, the first edition will be 1,000 copies;
my share of the proceeds, on tho ordinary
ten cent basis, is 100, paj-ableat the end of
the year. If I live by my ren, I must sub
sist during that year on nothing at all; and
when 1 get my 100 I must pay out of it my
debts for that jast year, and, probably, my
present funeral exj)enses; for who can live
011 thirty-five cents a day, even if he were
not obliged to starve to death before he could
enter upon the enjoyment of that princely
income? But let us be extravagant and
Utopian let us say that my edition is 5,000
copies, instead of 1,000. In that case which
perhaps occurs as often as once in a thousand
times my reward amounts to tho sum C'f no
less than $500; assuming, of course, what is
jiover the faot", that all the copies sold are in
the dollar cloth form, and none in the fifty
cents paper.
Five hundred dollars a year for a success
ful novel! How maay of our authors make
twice that? How many ten timers as much J
How many twenty times as much? I will
engage to entertain at dinner, at a round
table five feet in diameter, all the American
novelists who;o more than a thousand
dollars a year out of the royalty on any one
of their novels un 1 to give them all then
want to out and drink, ad three of tlr- best
e-igai-s apiee-o afterwurd, and a hack to take
them h ui 1:1; nu 1 I will agree t forfeit.
'!,OtJ0 to the Homo for l;n Veiies if ?25 does
not liquidate t'ae bill and leavo enough over
tobi'.y ue-luth covy of c:u"i cf tho v.r:r:;s in
rj'iostion, with the aa;hor"s aatogr.ipli 0:1 the
fly leiif. One hack wvail bs salHtit, raid
would all jw- of their pu.ung u;ti ?;i- Lvt on
the seat ia front of thnui. JoILui KuwiaLxiiQ
Various Initio d ial l'uruil Vn,i, h Injure
Hie Health of Working Women.
In considering l ho cOVets of industrial lifo
upon the h. abb of wom-n, it would seem, at
first glanc... .-, , t li. .ti-li they wouM bo more
advantage. i'.- than those which result from
a life of pic m e, or of professional labor,
but I fear that facts Mill hardly bear out
such a 00 elision. In tho first place we c-an-not
ex.-li .t3 from the grand aggregation of
such ii suits those employments u hich are
of tic mselve-s dangerous of character and
necessarily more or k-.-s destru'-t ivc such as
bleachers and straw hat manufacturers,
where powerful acids are used and fumes in
haled. "Women are quite extensively em
ployed in these industries, and bull'er keenly
from irritation of the bronchial mucous
membrane; later from lung diseases, which
are destined to become fatal. Large num
bers of women (and children 11s well) are em
ployisl in tobacco manufactories and sulVer
much from the absorption of nicotine, a dan
gerous poison when continuously inhaled.
Women suffer keenly from tho efi"ects of
inercuryjeadand i-hosphoroiis materials us d
in the manufacture of manv articles with
which they to . I , ;.. ..
tories, where women and children are largely
employed, t lio danger is said to be somewhat
lessened recently through the substitution of
red for white phosphorus. Women who
work where lead is employed sutter more pro
Iortionately than men, in that their absoiqi
tivo powers are greater, and their powers of
resistance less, than those of men. Artificial
flower workers are much nirectod by arseni
cal and other jioisonous coloring materials,
and come to l-o alleeted by a species of p,,:
ralysis. If work is continued aft'-r the early
symptoms become pronounced, there is little
hope of recovery. Makers f feather decora
tions become very seriously nfu-ctod, tiie eyes
w eaken, more or less general weakness pro
vails, and the lungs are soon seriously ml ected.
About three years js the full extent that this
class of workoi J tun follow their calling, be
cause of the inhalation of a jieeuliar dust
which handling sets free, and from absorp
tion of the jioisonous materials used in curl
ing the feathers.
Women engaged in porcelain and jiottery
manufactories are uillicted with asthma and
a constantly recurring cough or innu.-nzu. :
They become j.ale, weal:, ilub'Oy, u'ud,' when :
mothers, their. n",j)d!ig are sickly 'and seiof- j
uus, ah J early fall via iui to s.orbuJ- ".
fections; at tinier, dying olf in ' : "i"
in the cotu-io ur - " ""'"hers
months. What of the
...omau and the shop girl? We nil re
alize, to the full, tlio effect upon health
through standing behind the counter. It is
needless to dilate upon it. And tho shoj)
girU AVo scarcely need inquire. Long hours
of imhealthful employment in unhealthful
localities, uncomfortable and uncongenial
hours, all tell tqon her physically and men
tally. Exposures, unsuitable food, insuf
ficient and unhealthful dressing and .H;en
cral disregard for anything connected with
tho jireservation of health are, wo must re
member, the usual conditions entering into
the life of this class of workers. Anna D.
French, M. D., in "Woman.
A I loaliiig Saw 31 ill.
One of the greatest novelties of a jiractical
character which ingenuity has devised is
thus doscnlied by a Florida exchange:
J. L. Maull & K011 have their mammoth
floating saw mill anchored off the banks of
Burton & Harrison's hammock. This struct
ure is a marvelous jn'eco of mechanical in
genuity, and was built by J. W. Maull and,
Edward N. Maull. It is 80 by 40 feet, and
stands about five feet out of the water, draw
ing only about seventeen inches. It is solidly
built, and according to the judgment of Mr.
Carl, an old time ship builder, is capable of
enduring tho severe strains of even tho
waves of the ocean. Tho operation of all the
machinery does not seem to move the vessel
any more than if it was on the land. It has
so far proved more of a success than its j)ro
jector anticipated. It is equipjjed with a
forty horso power boiler and engine, with the
latest improvements in saws and carriages. A
jilaner, head box and shingle saws are all on
deck ami connected by shafting concealed
under deck, so that the main deck Is free
from machines and available for the piling
up of immense quantities of lumber. Iu one
corner of the vessel is the cook house, where
the hands board, while on the hurricane deck
are the cabin of the proprietors and work
men. They are now so situated as to have
command of an unlimited supply of tho
largest and finest timber, and from points
heretofore practically inaccessible. A saw
mill capable of moving up and down stream
seeking a supply of logs, and thus bringing
the mill to the product instead of vi-je versa,
may offer very valuable advantages, espe
cially in the south.
Blade Keautiful by Sqfl'wing.
Tho beauty of lifo is in growing. Tho hap
piness of life is in striving. How many
women in the world are there who have only
been made beautiful by suffering! How
many hearts have only growu tender from
having ached very hard. Ic is what we see
of life and what we know and what we feel
and what we enduro and suffer that ruake3
us beautiful. It is wanting things and hav
ing to do without them that makes us gentle
over the needs of others. The beautiful
women in this world are the all but divLao
Marys and Marthas who have known what
it was to sit all night alone with grief;
who have broken then hearts over little woes
that others could not knew ncr understand;
who have gone alone and ia H13 dark, each
into her own Gethsemane, and there spent
long hours in voiceless travail. Catharine
Cole in New Orleans Picayune.
Styles ia Ladies' Collars.
Collars are worn high-and low, tho stand
ing collar with round corners, the straight
collar turned back at the front of the jacket
corsage and continuing thence in io shape
of revers, and the square sailor collar which
leaves the neck exposed. Newer than any of
these is a turned back collar of lace or
pleated gauze from two end a half to three
Inches deep; tho laco is sewed to the ianer
edge of tho dress and turned back loosely,
not tacked, about the uccic, which is cut
down a trikj e.t the middle of the front and
""Elizabeth Mallet established in London ia
1702 the first daily newspaper printed in the
In 1773 Elizabeth Timothy printed and
edited a newspaper in Charleston, S. C
Will make tlnj reason
Hondayc and Tuesdays at Homo,
one mile: ea.t of KiVlit .Mile (irovr.
W odnccday to Saturday in Platte mouth.
At I..uis Khrocir.s stalilf at tlu; f..ot of Main Stn-H.
s i i vc rx n o y
is a hark-I'.av Pacer, 1M bands liigli, ueigliit: l,'j(;() Ills
close, compact, mini ami noted rcjuitat ion Cm- endniai ce and specdv
...o u.m.- .lu.-nj i.iiiieu on- 11 mi me regulation, ami encomium Hon
the Editor of the "Xy.zvV i.fthv Tnrt" that he is one of the liWt Sire
ot the a-o. J lis record is
ins coirs, Little l.abv, L'.A, and .1. Jln. v, ::. I J . with more to
lollow in the charmed circle this Mimmer, is ei rtainly a ereat showing,
:!!'"1 ' !V " '' ,:" :" "H:.i!y a oraml ei; 'j,,,,?,,,, if v U,
valuable in,,,. .. ;.; v prices. His sci me o S 1 o. wit h $!.'()() added
if not paid till after ioalino, .r SL'O to imine mil to slaml, is only the
price of a oood ordinary h.,ie. w hile hoi.-o; ,.f Siiaki ic Hoy's hlood
lines recoive liom slOii.oo ,., $:jijo.0u in other localities. Horses of
this kind, if not wanted for sporting purposes, can do more oeneral
work o:i a farm, op uir.iimt of their extra nerve power, than unvvealdy
dratt hor.-e.-., mid can oM town or to meetino in one hall the time,
and time is money. Owners iino mares have a rare chance now for
one ol the eheape.-t ho.s.-s in the United Males. Hmhiace the 01. nor
unity. 1J
. G, FfiiCKE &C
(si'OOF.ssoK To
Will keep constantly on hand
iuus aim ivi
WM '.. Iv B II O W N iv,
Prtrsoiia! attention to all business l.nlrust
to my care.
Title" ICvaiuincd. Alist:octs C(.iiiii!i (l, In
surance Written, Leal Id-date Sold.
Better Facilities for making Kami Loans than
Any Other Agency,
Basket Meeting-
There will be a basket meeting at the
31. E. church at Eiht Mile drove, Sun
day, July 2!ltli? lsys. There will be two
services, one at 1 1 a. m., '"conducted by
Kcv. V,'. li. Alexander, of Plattsmouth.
Service at 2:00 conducted by Kcv. (I. II.
Crippens. Bring your dinners and re
main all day. Every one is cordially in
vited to be present.
Tun democratic organs are very much
disturbed oyer Mr. Harrison's receptions
at Indianapolis and the number of elo
quent speeches he is daily delivering to
the jieople. Never mind gentlemen ; you
don't hear of the people rushing to con
gratulate (irover Cleveland. About the
only fellows who call on your candidate
are the cringing oliice holders who sneak
in singly at the back door and about the
only speech G rover makes is to urge tlu in
to control the ballot boxes of the country
and to dace the democratic campaign
fund where it will do the most good.
"We prefer the candidate who has cause
to speak to the people and who does it
eloquently and in open above-board man
ner. Nothing the matter with Mr. Har
rison ! He's all night !
H3,!gnant Sore
Throat is very jireva
Ient among the : ople
of India.
Head Insp ctor Post Of
fices, Calcutta, India,
wiiUs over his aiitograjih
liere sh :
' Iiitaiitaii'ii4 relief troubles in the
Campbell Hospital wa
obtained ly .St. Jacob
Oil. V.'a myself cured
by it."
Sold by
su:.g:sts akd dealers
Th3 Chas. A. Vogehr Co.,
ami has paced trial miles in t:lG
j. M. icoi;i:i:"i S r
a full and (.iuii ic-te mock of jm.-e
cies, Paints, Oils
) -8 CI I I 1 (.Ul
In DiHliic t Court of Cum County, Nelira-ka
Oeoijits SV. t;riiues, plainlill. ..ary II Tan
ner and the unknown heirs of Joseph Mollatt
'1 lie above named aYfenila-its will take notice
th it on the lsih day .Julv. Isss, Oeoige VV
m imes plaint ill tiled hN i'etiti.,n in the ln
toet e -nit of Cass cnuiity, Nebraska, aaaint
said defendant, the object and piayer of
which are to mtisfy and cancel a certain inort
in favor of I In- said defendant, Maiy if.
launer. on the noitliwest ijnarier of heelion
liuml cr i-cveiitech (IT), iu towiisliiji iniiiibei
U 11 ( !t in 1 1 li if lai ) i.uiiih r lo'iiliea (ji
cant ot the s xth 1. M. , in ( -ass county, .Nebras
ka, and to fully ijii.t the title of said land iu
lib.intil) as against nil of s liil ib fi ndanls.
You are reijuesif d t' answer said el iton
on or bcloretlie KMli dav ,f .-m-),! i-n, tier, IfS.
Oi:oi:i;i; V. ( ; ic 1 ,1 is, 1'laintiir.
1 1 by A. X. Sri, 1. 1 van. Attorney.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the matter of tin- lust will and te-taiuerit
of hii.i Jane Matlies ileeeaed ; in county
coart.Cass County, Nebra-Ua.
Notice is hereby iriven that on he lltli day
of Anniisl, A . 1. lsss. at the canaty Ju i.j'a
otlicb in I'iall -moiitli, CaM ciiiaty, NMu-H"ia,
at, 1 o'cli ek in the afternoon, tlie following
matter will be heard and considered :
The iii!lic;ition of Henry Mat lies to ad idt to
lrobal e 1 be la-i will and teMament of Kiia,
.lane Mat lies, late of Liberty breeinct. in said
county, deceased, and for letters teslaiueiitory
to ! lr 111 y Mat lies.
Oatcd J uly liMh, Ii-'-sj.
Jiy oriler of the court
C. JtosHI.L,
l'J,-3 ('ounty .lude.
Sheriff Sate
F.y v'n t ne of :mi order of ale issued by V. C.
Sliowalter, cl-i k of I be l.striet c u-t. Witluu
:.i d for Ca- county, ,Nebra-ka. tnd to ine di
rected, I will on the Lwah day of AujriHt. A. I.
at 2 p. in. of slid day, at the smiih d ior of
the Court House in I'l it's-uoutii city, in said
county, sell at public uuc:iou, tli foiiowin
rcH I estatw to-w it :
i he east, half (e;,) of the norlliweft, quarter
fnwU) and tin; north half O11,) of the f.outh
w est iiiarter isw'4) of section thirty-live (33),
township ten (10;, rane twelve (U), eunt f tho
Cth 1. M.. in I'asn com. !y. NeUrasKa. together
witli the pi ivilcjjes and apourlan.-ii-s thereunto
beloiiein or iu any wine a ;i-ei t aiiiin .
The -aiiie bi-imj levied upon and taken as tho
property of Saiuiit-l II . Watson. John W. Chirk,
and 1 houias if. Howard, iiefeudaiit" ; to fatin
f y a iud;merit of sni J Court rei overcd by Oeer,
U'elis fs Co.,1 lainl itts.aLra'n-t sain leiendants,
J'lalt'iuoulii, Neb , July 2b,t. A I). Iss,
13 J J.C. LlKKXHAin,
Sheiilf Cass county, Nf.
Legal Notice.
In district court of Cas County, Nebraska,
H. L Oovey & .Sou, jdainlift, vs. John H.
beaver, ilef ndant.
.lonn 11. ueaver. ue.eiicant, will take notico
at bii tli- 2:ith day of May IsSs, K. ;. lovev
. 'ii,, uii.iiii.. 1 nil aeuilll 111 UIO
district court of Cass count v, Nebraska lilm ob
ject of which is to recover irom said defendant
the sum of 115.'j witli interest at tei: per cent
from April Yt, 18-.I and that tlie interest of said
non-resident, detendatt Jo and to the north
west piai ter of section one in tovMi-h p tlve
aonh of rause twelve, ea.-t of the Cth 1. M., In
Cass comity. Nebraska, has been attrohed un
der process issued in said cause.
You are reip.ired to answer in said ciuse on
or before the lTth day of .Scptendier, 1-jss.
iJated this ujrj day of ulv I
. r K. n.hovKY&So.v,
Ly A. N. Sci.1.1 va.v. Attorn -y, yjwi
Legal Notice.
In District eouit of C- County. N"ebra"ka
Frank Carruth, plaintilf. vs. Jane 1'ai
iner. ilefemlant.
Malt-ibu Jane Fidmer. defendant inth" above
entitled cause, will uke notice that on the
day of July l",i. Frank Carruth piah.tia". here
iu, filed his petition in the district court ot
Cass com, ty, Nebraska against siiid defendant,
the ot-jeet and tu aver of which are to timet the
title iu plaint iff an a-ainst said defendant and
all otlieis cialmiiiK under or throi.iuli lierin and
to tiie follo-vint; e-Xiilc rituated ii Cass
county. Nebra'-ka. to-wit : The southeast niar
tenftlie nortliw-st quarter of section No.
eleven (10 i" township No. twelve (Ui north ol
ranfie Ne. thirteen ( :) east of the ;tli I, it.
Y ou are required to answer f aid pet'tion oa
or before ihe lTtll day of September, 18-8.
Dated tiiis Uud day of Ju:y.
By A. N". Sullivan, Attoruey. Ijwi